HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-25, Page 5SUSIFESS CARDS, MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or .Organ ETHEL, ONT. K. O. T. M. - )3 08o1e Taut Of Sha Muogabooe, No, 24 hold their regular moetitlge in the Lodge Room, Metier Blooa, on the 1st anti B„1 Ttlostlay evouluge of each month. Vlalturs always woloo,ue. A, SO1I61$B, new, A. Moli'171:R19, It, H. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurtyuce Oornpauy Cines mud Rosidenac- WAL.TQN- TONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND - INBOAANp$, FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. Lit S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • NEB, will hell. lar better prices, to • better Wren, in lees timeand lase charges than any other Atuition eerIn East Huron or. he won't charge anythiug.Datea and ordarp can always be arranged at tide office or by 0 ere ,dal application. ROBT. H. OARNIS$ BLUNVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terns reueonablo.. Hales arranged for at the oniee of Tim PORT, Brueeols. 22tf VETERINARY. CZ, A. CUNNINGHAM- V1 • Hofiox tiraduu.e of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated aul male In a compe4 ant manner. Pu•tinular attention . odd to Veterinary Ueutieery mud Mda e'ov,r Calla protbptly attended to. Olaoe and luarmary --Four doors North of bridge, tearuberryet. Bramble. 'Phone. 47 1t. LEGAL ANO CONVEYANCING. M. SIINOLAllt- . WBarrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, deo. URioe-8 tewart's Mom 1 door North of ()mitre' Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan: Bunk, It0UAF001; f1AY8 & BLAIR- P BARRISTERS, . SOLICITnits, .NOTARIES PCBIIU, N'10. W. Pnovnuoom, K. C. \ R, O. Belie G. F. Swan. Offices-Thoseformerly °coupled by Messrs oam0rou do Holt, Gontonton, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. IeEwrIsm Graduate of the Royal:College of Dautel gurgeoue of Ontario and Firet.olaes Honor Graduate of Torou4o University. Cigar next to Brewer's Photograpl Gallery, BRUSSELS. Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS' ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in 51 sultoba, Saeketchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 24, tot reserved, he solo bead of n yy any peranu who it family, or any male over 18 tion of lee times the extortes one-quarter section o mete Lochs mo rn or lase Entry of be made personally I at the local land office fur the dtetrlat las which th he h m situate, The homesteader is required to perform. the .00aditlou000nimated therewith under ouo of the follewiug pleas : .(1) At least six months' rex, denim upon and oultivatiot of the laud m each year for three years, (2) If the father `or mother, if the father is dem:mewl) of the homesteader resides upou a farm In the vtolulty of rho land entered for tbo requirements as to rest deucemay he sari -died by such prima re- siding with the father or mother. (8) If the settlor hue hie perulaneut reel - donee upon larmlug land owned by him (u the vicinity of his homeetoad, the re- quirements as to rebidouao may be amide - lied by reeidenoo upon the said land. Sixmouths'nntioe in writing should be given to the Commisaiouer of Dominica Landsat Ottawa of luteutteu to apply fur patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of i b a Minister of Interior, •N. B. Utauthorized peblioat,ou of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get" any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. Ileart Strength Heartetrongth,orM art Weidman.mennsNerye Strength, er Novo Weakness -nothing mere. Poe filially, not one `reek heart in a hundred is, in it so11, a:tually. diseased. It Is almost always n hidden tiny little nerve that road, la all at fault. This obscure nerve -the Centime, or Heart Nerve ---sittly needs, and must have, more power, mora stability, morn. controlling more governing strength. • without that the heart roust continue to fail, and the stonaoh and kidneys also have these amnia controlling nervoe. This eloarly''sxplains, why as a medicine, Dr ehoep'o Restnrativo 1rn In the past done so mac for Weak mid oiling Hearts. Dr, Shoop first sought the cense Mall this painful, palpitating, suIlpcOt Ing heart distress.. br, Shoop's Restorative -this popular prescription -is aloho directed to these weak and westing nerve Centers. It builds; It'ltrm,gthens'.it agars real, genuine heart help. If you would ,have strong Hearts, strong dl. gest(on, strengthen these .nerves- ro•estalBsh them as needed, with Dr. Basins$S Cards • A. H, MONTEITH Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, aro„ appvisser to 4, B. Mgodoneld. COM) over Btandard Bunk,, Braasch, DR. HAMILTON De)i10) Surgeon, Moe opppeite t1,etnostoNloo, As will visit Gorrie the nest Ina third Mende), of moll month. 00ant DR. 7'. T. M'RAE Baoholor of Medietno, Unlvoral4y of Toronto ; Licentiate and Grudua4e of the (lollop of Ph - eieiane and Burgeons, Otit, Post.graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Nese and Throat MOWN],Chlengo, Ill. Ex -[louse Burgeon to Bt, web. Kers novpital Toronto. Oillee over W. R. Smith's Drug Bios Tele• phone oo neetion wnh Crmnbrgolr 011311 hours, DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veteribary College. Day and night milli. Mee opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. ' GRamp p rrPmoar liarA ie+ir BRUSSE L S GOING 800T11 GCMG Nmr;rl] Mall 1 m :96 a m - Express ... 10;H p to Expects!! 11 :26aMall 1;94pm 1xpreas - .,,., 8A2 p rn Express 8;59p in Camear .w .;l'tl.°z6VIC WA -TON To Toronto To Goderi°h Ramose..,.. 8:41 a m Express... . 11:80 o in Express 0:11 p ml .Express 7:47 p m • lis;trut . .elvs Wingham Mrs. Robert Maxwell, jr., left on Tuesday for a visit to friends in Port Huron, Owosso and other points in Michigan. A. pretty wedding was a pleasing event on Wednesday, 10th inst., at the residence of M. Lamont, London East, when Rey. I7. R. Fitch, pastor of Kennith Avenue Baptist Church, Toronto, and Miss Pearl Lamont were united in matrimonial bonds. Both patties were formerly residents of Wingham. Rev. T. T.. Shield, of Adelaide St. Church, tied the nuptial knot. The happy couple were at- tended by Miss May and George Lamont, brother and sister of the bride. The newly married couple left by the afternoon train for their home in Toronto, Their Wiltghttw friends wish them much happiness. Threatening feverishness with child- ren is quickly and safely calmed by Prevent)es. These little Candy Cold Cure 'Tablets should always be at hand -for promptness is all-important. Preventics contain 110 quinine, noth- ing harsh or sickening. They are in- deed "the stich-fn-time." Carried in pocket or purse. Preventics area genuine safeguard against colds. 25c. Sold by all druggists. Listowel The annual Seed Fair of the Lis- towel Agr'icultur'al Society was held in the Town Hall Friday of last week. Miss Ella Gziflith. daughter of Hen- ry Griffith, of town, had the misfor- tune to fall on the icy sidewalk in front of Friday, A Yule s r e alienee 11 t ] 12th cost and. hectored ' zed her ref at the wrist.t am Arrangements have been made number of young gentlemen in town whereby a musical organization from Owen Sound, of which Newton Large is the head, will give a grand concert in McDonald's music hall on Friday evening, March 5th. The bricklayers have finished their work on the Piano Factory and the roof is sheeted and ready for the roof- ers. The windows have been put in and with the building enclosed the work of finishing the interior and in- stalling the machinery will be pushed ahead without, delay. It is understood that the Imperial Bank has purchased the Thompson property on the corner of Main and Wallace streets, now occupied by Walter Bros., and will erect a new bank thereon. The price is said to be $0,500. It is a very desirable site, and the bank will no doubt erect a build- ing on it that will be a credit to the institution as wallas an ornamentto the town. 57.82 the Critical Age. Height of vigor is past -nature's power slowing down -vitality ebbing away, endurance decreasing. Stop the progress of decay, tone up the weakened nerve centres, impart vigor to the tiring body -prepare for the crisis.` Best means for rebuilding is found in Ferrozone ; it brightens up -the whole being, imparts power, strength, vigor. Old age. is •pushed back twenty years, the reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim and new life established. You'll try Forrozone, 60e. at all dealers. Goderich Goderich loses the District Hockey Championship to Stratford. Malcolm McLeod had the misfor- tune to fall on the slippery sidewalk and break an arm. Mrs. Win. Proudfoot was' in Toron- to last week, attending e opening of the Legislative Assembly. ,lur.nes Killoran, barrister, has been appointed representative of the Separate School 'hoard on the Public Libras board, The Library to grant exemption from taxation and other Concessions to a company formed to erect a cold storage plant in town will not HOW be submitted. Dr. Gallow has purchased the house on North street, belonging to the es- tate of the late G. N. Davis and in- tends making use of it for both of2ice and residence. Rev. Joseph Elliott has returned from his Ottawa visit. During Ms three weeks' visit to tixe Capital he made .many visits to the Parliament and Senatechatnbors. The annual meeting of the board of trustees of Alexandra hospital 'was held at the court house 00 Monday evening of last week, His Honor Judge Holt', chairman of the board, presiding. The principal business of the meeting was the rtldeptiott and discussion of the annual report and Restorative financial statement, which showed o n the hospital to be doing rood work arid to be holden its vn "ALL DEALERS" g 4 an cially, with tie assistance of pilblic grants and private sub eli trona, On Saturday afternoon, 18th lust, Mrs, C. J.Harper was entertaining scone friends, When a large 1an)p Was Upset, Mos, Harper succeeded in throwing the lamp out, of the window and her t'risuda got the blaze pat Out before it bud done much dan)age. The carpet was somewhat damaged, tile' fringe of a window blind was horned and Mrs, Harper had her dress scorched, and in its decent from the window the lamp narrowly missed falling on a passorby. It has become a habit with some Persons frequenting the reading rooms to abuse the privilege they enjoy by appropriating to thein' own use maga• 3lnes placed on the tables for the use of the general public, and also by cut- ting out pictures or reading matter, Several magazines have disappeared. of late, and have not been returned, and the Board have decided to offer a reward of 92 to any one giving infor- mation leading to the conviction of such offenders.' Who woiildn't. give 26* 4(1 stop a pain 20 Hines? Just one little "Pink Pain Tablet" -Dr, Shoop's will etop pain in 20 minutes, sure. Read the formula on the box. Doctors say it can't be bettered. Checks womanly pains, any pain. 20 tablets 25c. Sold. by all dealers. Atwood Win. Hume, who soklhis farm some weeks ago, has purchased the fine form of Geo. Coghlin's, Gravel road. Mrs. Jane Forrest, of town, had the painful misfortune to fall down cellar on Saturday evening and; break an 40710, Mrs. John Cuthbertson left on Mon- day for Saskatoon to visit her dangh- ter Mrs. A. Dickson, who has been very ill. The Trust and Loan Company, of Toronto, who has beeil in charge of the grist mill for the cast year, closed it down until it is sold. E. H, Swing, proprietor of the Atwood Bee, was given the general printing for the township of. Elnoa at the sum of 975.00 for 1009 and that 250 copies of financial statement and 200 copies of abstract statement and 300 copies of the voters' list be included hi said contract, Have you Bronchial Catarrh 7 ' It is easily recoguized by the dry cough and hoarseness. Not difficult to cure with Catarrhozoue as Mr, Xavier Babin, of River Capelin, Que., proved. "No one could suffer from Bronchitis more than I did,.- I had a hard hacking cough that. caused me great pain. My throat was hoarse, and 1 had great distress in my chest. Catarrhozone reached thesore spots and gave immediate relief. Since using it I have not had a single attack." Every physician who is ask- ed about Catarrhozone says it a sure e1.11.0,-00 will you if you try it. Sold everywhere, 25e. and $1.00 Fordwich Rev. W. Johnston, of Shallow Lake, was visiting with his parents, S. and Mrs. Johnston. ' P. Adams was one of225 the up-to- date hardware urea who assembled s ed tri in Hamilton at theHardware Conven- tion. Mrs. Hamilton sr., of Cake Hill, slipped and fell on Thursday, Feb. 11th, and broke one of her wrist bones. She does not suffer much pain with it. The •members of the Epworth League are giving a novel entertain- ment in the form of "Sock Social" in their league room on Friday evening, Feb. 20th. While skating on Saturday evening, the 18th inst., on a pond on H: Schaefer''s farm, Earl, second son of A. C. Johnston, 6th line, tripped and fell on his shoulder breaking his cellar bone. George Beswitherick, of Toronto, is spending a few clays with his brothers and friends in Fordwioh, Gorrie, Her- rime riston and Howiek. George is pro- prietor of a ladies' tailcring establish- ment in the Queei City and is doing a good business. als Croup positively stopped in 20 min- utes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will solely prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup -50c. Sold by all dealers. Beigrave NEWSY NOTES.-Sainual McCurdy has sold bis fine team to Geo. Hanna, who will take them with hint to the West. . The price paid was 9845. - David Geddes, sen., of this village, who has been an invalid for a long time, is not recovering but gradually growing weaker and more helpless. - Dan. Halliday, of Man., is at the home of his parents in I3elgrave,--las. W. Bone, of East Wawanosh. near Bel - grave, is one of Huron County 'audi- tors. -At the February meeting of the Auburn circuit, Rev. A. E. Jones, formerly of'Belgrave, was invited to return, to the circuit, for the fourth year. The invitation was accepted subject to the approval of the Station- ing •eolulnittt:e.-Mr.' Woodman, of this village, had a slight paralytic stroke but is recovering. -Mrs. Mal- colm Isbister, of Saskatoon, Sask., was a Visitor at J. A. and Ml's. Bran- don's. -Airs. GeO. BL'andol] of -Sas- katchewan, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Owens. ADD1I:s4 AND PRESENTATION, -A very enjoyable evening was spent cox Friday, Feb. 126h, at the home of Adam Bryciges, 3rd lite, where a large company assembled from L. 0. L, 873, to do honor to Geo. and Mrs. Hanna, who are soon to leave for the Northwest. At eight o'clock, the members of 878 and their partners sat down to a choice repast, consisting of oysters, satinets and other good th[ngs which were heartily enjoyed. After supper. the guests made their way to the parlor, and Mr. and Mrs. ]Hanna. were called to the front, and an ad - dross expressive of kindly sentiments was read by J. Shoebottorn, and J. C. Casexnore, on behalf of L. 0. L. No, 873, presented Bro, llauua with a fm cap, and Mrs. Banns a sable rut]. The address Was signed by J. 0, Ootsemoi'o W. M., and A. Brydges, 1),. M. All joined inwishit]g11ir. and Mr's. Hanna much prosperity in their Desperate Coughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs, Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu- lar medicine, a doctor's medi- cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. We pubnaa our formulas i namboue mediolneo Weouur o e y to omeult your doctor tiers Any good doctor will tellouthat amedi- cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work if the bowels are con- stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows anything better than Ayer's Pills forcer resting this sluggishness of the liver. ---2Lsds by M. J. 0. dyer Co.. Lowell. 78e81. new home in the' West. .Air. and Mrs. Hanna acknowledged the gifts in brief replies, thanking the members for their kind remembra tee. The rest of the evening was spent in -games, and other amuses -routs, until past midnight, all satisfied that they had spent a very pleasant evening. Too much praise cannot be given the Messrs. Boydges for the cordial and social manner in which: they enter- tained the company. A',Puma:tan OASI➢.-A shocking thing happened to Mrs. A. Proctor, sr., of this village, Friday evening, 12th inst. While emptying the•ashes from the stove into an ash box some forty feet from the house, she upper-. Andy took a stroke, fell on the Boni, and lay there all night and until Bear nine o'clock the next morning, when her granddaughter, Edna Scanclrett, came along to call on her, as was her usual custom, and found her lying in the snow. She was living and could speak, and strange to say, not at all frozen, the snow being thawed to the Di'nuncl from the heat of her body. uring the evening, there had been severalpass along the sidewalk only a few feet from where she lay, but heard no sound from her. Mrs. Proctor is living aloue, and as she is over eighty years of age, her recovery is very doubtful. Clinton Rev. G. F. Salton, of Stratford, is expected to condnetservicesiu Wesley church on Sttnday, April 18. The day will likely be given over to the young people. Mr. Baker, Dominion Fruit Inspect- or, laid informationagaiustB. Church- ill, before P. 141. Andrews, for im- proper branding of apples. Mi'. Churchill pleaded guilty, and a fine of 910 and costs was unposed. os s t wl s d No cue P supposes it was more than a technical PP a violation of the act, and therefore tally a rnininxum fine was unposed. The officers for the coming term of the Young Men's Class in the Ontario St. Ohurch were elected on Sunday, February 14th. The following are the officers :-President, H. Pickett ; 1st vice, H. Watts; 2ncl vice, J. Oantelon ; 3rd vice, D. Courtice; Secy, 11. Fisher; Treas., F. Tyndall ; Librarian, J. Mair ; Reporter, E. J. Welsh. R. It. Coats, of the Department of Labor, Ottawa, was presented with a gold watch and chain by, his fellow - civil servants at the capital. This was in recognition of Mr. Coats' prepara- tion of the case of the. members of the public service in their application for increased remuneration. Mr. Coats is a well known native of Clinton being a brother of Registrar Coats, now of Goderich. The Oddfellows of town were at 'home to their friends on Friday even - nig, Feb. 12th, and about two hundred persons of both sexes gathered in the hall, to enjoy themselves for the even- ing. T. Jackson, jr., acted as master of ceremonies, while other members of the Order contributed in various ways to the pleasure of the occasion. Outside of card playing -euchre and flinch -the program was eutil ely im- prnmptu, and cousisted of volunteer selections of music, recitations, etc. Luncheon was served, and the gather- ing broke up at a reasonable hour, Hostels of REFuon.-The House of Refuge committee of th a County Coun- cil met at the institution on Friday incl inspected the various depart- ments and found the ninety four in- mates carefully provided for and due economy, used in conducting the in- stitution. Steps were taken for the winding up of the estate of Wm. Cautelon, who was Stn inmate of the hoose for over a year and wit(, cried Jan. 80611. No action was oaken iu the matter of a claim of J. Foster a- gainst Geo. Hodgins, now an inmate of the house. The transfer of proper - by belonging to Peter Sinclair, an- other inmate who is almost helpless, will be further considered at the March meeting of the committee. In connection with a petition before the Government asking that certain lands be granted to volO iteel's who took part in repelling the Fenian raid of 1866, the committee reported that John Mitchell and Bond Lawrrtsoo, two inmates of the braise, should par- ticipate if such grants are made. Jun. Bauue]'man, from Bttyfleld, died this week, aged.73 yearn; the remains were interred here. Two new inmates axriVezl this week, Thomas Banali- ty, cf Blyth, aged 74 years, and Wall, of Ashfi01c1, aged (15 years. This makes the number of inmates 05, two I less than the higilest number reached. ' M01iO3pal operation of Ottawa's light plant has prove 1 most'succes,ful, John Cooper, Wabash engineer, was ]tI9hontns,illed by a fall from his cab at St Several Aneaster people 1lrivs been bitten bV tt dog which, it is fest'ed, is of tested with rabies. Ii is reported lhcu. Dean Mallen v will be the next Roman i.athohc Bishop, of London, Ont, Sig cases of smallpox 11(011 been fonal0 in Lobo, .1 sin iota; 0 li I< h ut tui v smallpox f ut ei,l,vulg is reported :daultthns is propsrtlg to float it new leal1 131 the British markets, Victpr J, 13eaupre, the first Serg!esnt- at•Arms in the Legislature of Manitoba, died et Glen:hen, Albert I. Winnipeg Anarchists ,are beooning aelive. They have secured Mrs, Par - suns, of Chicago, for' a series of lectures. NIAGARA FALLS. 8y I. s1M134,10 Ho I Ye who dwell by tiny streams 00 fish in creeks of old, Uo(ne here and see this mighty force, Resistless, fierce and bold. Majestic, wonderful and grand, Ye gods, ch gods unknown, What master piece can equal this. Elsa painter ever shown? What more stupendous can be found, No natter where you roan], 'Slid rainbow splendour, dashing down To meet colossal foam? Oh iupiter all worlds must fail, 011 majesty of seas, What equals this by nature fluug To any floating breeze? Great tuinMing, jumbling, foaming sight, 'If only there let down. I guess Vesuvius itself, This mighty flood would drown. Vast, awe inspiring and sublime, With ceaseless surging roar, It mucks gigantic works of pian, And shall forever more, ASTHMA CURED. Mrs. Formic!, of Clementsport, N. 8., suffered all her life from asthma, but was permanently cured by Catarrhozone after all other moans had failed. Mrs. Farndel's recovery affords over- whelming proof of what Catarrhozone will do. Nothing except Catarrh - ozone was of the slightest benefit, but when given a fair trial it cured. Now perhaps you need something for your cold, or bronchitis or Asth- ma? Why not try Catarrhozone? Thousands have been cured by inhal- ing it a few minutes now and again, and certainly it wouldn't do, you any Mom to profit by their experience. Mrs. bar.ntlel gives the following statement ofher case for the benefit of others who are suffering from asthma, and hopes that many will follow -her example and use Catarrh- ozoue. I am now in my eightieth year, and cannot recall the time when I was free from the Asthma. I had always a choking cough, feverishness, spasms, clifM(tlty in breathing, headache and nausea. Aly druggrstadvised Catarrh - ozone one day, and I bought a large outfit. It gave relief in five minutes and belped me very much in one day. "I inhaled Catarrhozone ten min- utes every hour, and by the time two bottles were used I wasn letel c rap y cured.1 I am as free now from of Asth- ma as if I never had it. My perfect recovery is due entirely to Catarrh - ozone. I prize my Catarrhozoue In- haler• next to life itself, (Signed) MRS. T. FARNDEL." This is a proof positive that Cat- arrhozone is a sure and speedy cure for the worst kind of Asthma. It is guaranteed to give satisfactory. re- sults, and your money will be refund- ed to you if it fails. All you need is a trial of ibis grand preparation to be quite satisfied and convinced that it is the best. Your druggist recornmends and sells it. Price 91,00, small size 5 cents. By mail from N. C. Polson Co., Kingston, Ont. • All kinds of Veteran - Land - Grants Bought and sold. J. E. CUNNINGHAM, 33.4 131 Victoria st. Toronto "Black Knight" Stove Polish does away with all the dirty work of keeping stoves clean. No mixing -no hard rubbing. "Black Knight " is always ready to use -shines quick as a witik-and puts on a bright, black polish that delights every woman's heart. .Equally good for Stoves, Pipes, Grates and Ironwork. If you can't get "Blaek1Cuight" in your neighborhood, send name of dealer and lac forlttli sirodcao. The 4. T, DALI,L'V CO, LIMITED, IIA$ILTON, eat YOA Thousands of American women in our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which dally make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA E.PIPIIIENAPIPS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. mom as a boon and a blessing, .w it slid to Mrs. W. Barrett, of 003 Moreau St., Montreal, who writes to MI's. Piukham : " For years I was a great sufferer from female weakness, and despite every remedy given me by doctor's for this trouble, z grew worse. "One day a friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. I did so, and am thanlrful to say that it made me strong =dwell." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcers,. tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- Ing-downfeeling, flatuleney,indiges- tinn,dizziness,ornervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Dirs. Piltkhani invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has . guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. 1s Photograph� One Dozen lielelainedaddeledellentaieldlinall For the next few weeks I Intend tet.` give 16 Photos, for each dozen orderedt This will include Cabinets and all siiett smaller, Post Cards, 3 for girt. Yon at'e always welcome at our Studio to look over our work. Enlarging clone on short notice, A full line of Picture Frames and Mouldings. H. R. Brewer Ate' the -1104r Star Grocery ETHEL Is where you get all up-to-date Grocer- ies, always fresh and at right prices, We have purchased a special line of Canned Salmon, Haddieantl Sardines. Salmon Maple Leaf brand, 201. Lowe Inlet brand, 18c. Unicorn brand, 15c, Northern Coast brand, 10e. Sardines Brunswick brand, the great 5c can, Josephine Sardines, 100. King Oscar, 2 boxes for 2513, Fish Whole Finan Reddy, 10c per Ib. Fresh Salmon Trout, Oo per Ib. Frozen Lake Superior herrings, 20c per doz., and Lake Superior Her- rings, ie pickle, 25c per doz. Labrador Herrings in pickle, 20e dos. Standard Oysters, 50c. per quart. Special Offer Good fresh Prunes, 6 lbs. for 25e. First-class selected Raisins, 3 lbs. 25e. Dried Peaches, good quality, 2Ibs.25c. Fruit and Confectionery California Navel Oranges, 00e to 20c. First quality Lemons, 20e per doz. High-class Chocolates and Mixtures,, Sweet Biscuits Try AfcLauclxlan's Cream Socias and he convinced they are the best. Stationery at onery Writing Pads, Fancy Note Paper, En- velopes, Scribblers, Pens, Pencils. Highest cash and trade prices paid for Butter and Eggs. W. T. Spence Grocer and Confectioner. Cash Sale of Surplus Stock BINDEBINDER '['WINE, Woven Wire Fence, Farm Gates, Barb Wire, Manure R Hay Forks, Rope, Saws, Guns, Rifles, Axe Handles, Baskets, Stock Food, etc. In order to facilitate stock -taking, reduce stock to save removal to new premises and to make way for Spring goods we quote extremely low prices on the following goods: - Binder Twine Pure Manilla, 650 feet, 03+0 Manilla, 60o feet, me Woven Wire Fence 8o rods of 9 strand Fence at 390 a rod, No. 9 latteral and upright. Farm Gates Two only -a I2 ft. and a 13 ft., at $3.75 and $4.75 respectively, Barb Wire 400 rods, 8o rods in a bundle, • at 92.25 a bundle. Manure Forks Four tang at soc ; 5 and 6 tang propor- tionately low, Hay Forks three tang, from 3511 to 400. Hay Fork Ropes Odds and ends, job lot at cut prices. Hand Saws A limited number from 6oc to $1,5o each Guns Three double barrelled guns, breach loading, left barrel choke, at $7.0o. Rifles One Stevens 32-4o with peep sights at $rt.00. A number of 22 Rifles from 92.00 to $6,00, Axe Handles A lot of good Axe handles from roc to 20e, factory made, Baskets A number of good Willow Baskets, bus. and bus. and a half, 35e and soc. Stock Food and Pratt's Animal Regulator• at extremely low prices, !'hese prices will only hold good on the surplus stock above mentioned. To appreciate these prices you must see the goods. 'ER"We pay eesh for Hides, Tallow, Raw Furs, etc. li o KA Y & SHAW NATi NAL ROLLER MILLS BRUSSELS WE HAVE Corneola (Breakfast Food) Rolled Wheat Cracked Wheat Oatmeal Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat Flours Feed Flours Bran, Shorts, Flaked Oats for horses and all kinds of feed. Wm. & R. A. Pryne