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The Brussels Post, 1909-2-25, Page 4
it (g lje 'R pats tts ` xLi Tl3U2.SDAX1L B1i.L AR r se. 1904 Provincial Legislature Opens. 1'he `Twelfth OMnrfo Legislature was oMolalle °peued Tuesday afternoon, The eerentony this year was more of a social event than similar oconsions far, a0111e' LIMP back. There was a large numher of ladies Present despite the disegreteble weather, their costumes giving a brilliant touch of color to other else sombre surroundings. There were the ushal salutes fired in Opeen:'a Park and military escort for Lieutenant -Governor. Following is the text of the speech from the tbroup SPRkcit moat aunt THRONE. Mr. Speaker and ' Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly :- I am pleased, indeed, to meet the representatives of the people of On- tario in the legislative assembly o1 this Province. My recollection of the many years when I sat in the Legislature, during the sixteen of which I was a member of the Government, is of a distinctly pleasant character, especially when I recall the goodwill Hurl friendly relations which always existed between my fellow members and myself. Our thanks are due to Almighty God for the good havest of the past year, and for the general prosperity of the people. TJ:R THE • E Z C MARY. The celebration of the tercentenary of,thedfounding of Quebec by Cham• plain in connection with the steps taken for the nationalization of the celebrated battlefields of Quebec, which took place in the month of July last, was a success in every respect. The presence of His • Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, by the desire of his majesty the I{ing, and the admirable addresses delivered by the former, contributed largely to the enthusiasm and satisfaction which were the .prevailing features of the great occasion. The vice-president of the United States received a hearty welcome, while the very energetic of forts and arduous labors of His Excel lencv the Governor-General were acknowledged and appreciated on all si des. In connection with this subject I desire to acknowledge the warm hospitality shown to the first minister of this province by the government of the province of Quebec. THE 500 GUARANTEE The Canadian Improvement Company having made sale ofitsinterests in the Lake Superior Corporation to Eoglieb capitalists, has been enabled to pay off the remaining one million dollars of its certificates guaranteed by the Govern ment of Ontario, and these have been cancelled, and the province has now been relieved of all further liability an der the act respecting aid to the Algoma Central and Hudson's Bay railway, and associated industries, at Sault St. Marie A probable result of this sale will be the introduction of a large amount of ed ditional capital into the province to ex- tend these industries and to complete the building of the Algoma Central and • Manitoulin and North Shore railways, It will afford you gratification to know that the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway has been completed to the town of Cochrane the point of junc- tion with the Grand Trunk Pscific Rail. way, a distance of 252 miles from North Bay ; and also that the earnings of the railway have continued to be satisfactory and largely in excess of the outlay in- curred for operating expenses. COBALT DEVELOPMENT Considerable progress has been made in the development of the mining in- dustry at and near Cobalt. and new die coveries of a valuable nature have been made in other localities in a more N orth- erly and Northwesterly direction. AGRICULTURE My first minister and the then miu- to f, s r of agriculture visited Great Br It• ain during u g the past Skimmer, and in- vestigated carefully the situation and conditions of emigration from the British Isles to Ontario. Guided by information gained in this way, my min- isters have been enabled to deal effec tively with this very important question. Among the other interesting features of the past year's record are the taking over of the Ontario Veterinary College by the department of agriculture, the development of the work of dairy in. struetion, and of the farmers' ineti- tutes, the increasing of the usefulness of the agricultural college, and the ap poiutment of local representatives in various counties throughout the Prov ince for special work in' the promotion of agricultural interests. This last- mentioned departure has met with great success, and it is hoped may be extended in the future, ELECTRIC POWER A contract has been entered into providing for the construction of an electric power trausmission line 250 miles in length, all or the greater part of which will, it is expected, be com- pleted by the end of the year. Within the last twu months upwards of 35 municipalities have voted in favor of procuring from the hydro -electric coin remission evidenceof the interest taken in the subject by the people, REVISION OF s'rA•ru'rES The important work of the revision of the statutes has made good prog- ress during the year, and a large num- ber of the revised acts will he laid be- fore you for your approval, Bills will also be submitted to you comprising amendments to several important stat. Meg, and you will be asked to coo• sider a measure for the better admin- istration of justice, lessening the num. her of appeals, reducing the cost of lit- igation and for other. purposes. A CIHANG& IN DATES My ministers have arrived at the Conclusion that it is advisable to change the date of the close of the financial year to the 31st day of Octo- ber, thus enabling the Legislature to meet early in January in each year, and proceed with the dispatch of bttslness. You will be glad to knowthatthe revenues of the Province are consid- erably in excess of the estimates, and more than sufficient to, meet the pub- lic expenditure during the year, '1.'he. bile accuunts will be laid before you for consideration at the earliest 0 pu pure it in one Darty Oaughe and Colds ,ilgfppORr Eilto Magic When HYomol le VJeed If the thousands of people who ser- far front banking coughs Gild awn*. ing colds would ,arouse themselves sutliciontly to follow this advice, they would cease ho complain within 24 pollee Here is the advice if you take it awl you are afterWa ads sorry that yOu dial it won't oast you a penny. Go to Jas, h'ox, the druggist, and purchase from Hint a Hyyoauei (pro- nounced High -o -me) outfit. It will only cost you $1,00. Take it home ; use it according to directions and if it does not cure your cough or Gold, take it back and Jas. Fox will refund the purchase price. Mrs, I. Cool), of John.street, Action, .Ont., says : "1 had a swelling coarse near my eyes which was caused by the catarrhal condition, I had to cough up the bed impurities that dropped into my throat, and it felt as if a hard cold hacl attacked me, right in my head, nose and . glands near, A week's treatment of Hyolnei overcame my trouble. I am glad to endorse Ii yomei." When you use Hyotnei you don't swallow nauseating drugs, You sitnply breathe in the soothing, pleas- ant and antiseptic Hyctnei air through the little pocket inhaler that conies with each outfit. As this medicated air passes over the inflamed parts, relief comes almost at once and cure follows. uwx IIY omex,is g l'anteod bl, Jiffs. Fox to cure catarrh, grip croup, rip and asthma, moment, and the estimates for the coming year will also be submitted to you for your approval at an eariy date. I feel assured they will receive your• careful consideration, and I trust that your deliberations may be for the best interests and welfare of the great Prov- ince. Have you Stomach Trouble? When you wake up with headache and bad taste in the mouth, some- thing h to settle the stomach is needed. That dull, heavy feeling must be lift- ed, and appetite mast be created. Get a tumbler of water, some sugar, and then pour in a stiff dose of Nervi - line, You'll feel tip top in a few min- utes. Nerviline invigorates, braces, tones, puts vim and snap into •your movements. You'll be fitted for a hard day's work by taking Nerviline _-.nothing better. Large bottle, lac. everywhere. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER. All of the three great railway compan- ies will be busy in Western Canada on new lines during the present year, which will mean that the West will have 12,000 miles of railway by the end of meg, and an extra 450 miles of double tracking, which will practically serve the same purposes as that much more mileage on another road In round figures the three big roads will end the year with the following mileage in the West: - The Canadian Pacific railway, 6,000 miles ; the Can- adian Northern railway, 4,000 miles : and the Grand Trunk Pacific 2,Ooo, and in the carrying out of this proposed mileage it will slake the year one of the busiest 1n this line that the West has ever experienced. In construction work three points seem to occupy strategic positions and all three roads are turning their efforts toward linking these points together, these being Winnipeg' as the pivot, with Fort William in the East and Edmonton in the West, and by the time the 1909 grain crop is ready to move it will see all three places boon 1 togetber by a triple band of railway tracks Alberta will be the scene of consider able activity, as the Government cf Met Province, realizing the need of mere railroads. are assisting materially in the building of new Hues by the granting of subsidies or the guaranteeing of bonds No less a vigorous policy will be pur sued in Saskatchewan that in Alberta and the two governments are working together for greater railway develop meet. The present net work of lines in Manitoba will be further increased and all three lines will help in the added milage in the -Province duriug the year, Winnipeg will naturally be the scene of a tremendous development as the re suit of such work going on in the West At present the Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific are rushing to com- pletion their magnificent union passen- ger station. The Great Northern is now ready to go ahead with the necessary im- provements upon their $2,000,000 ter- M mina! site and the Canadian Pacific is pushing the plans fot a big union stock to Yards and ahbatoirs. Taking all parts m of the West into consideration the year an 19"9 will be a remarkable one in railway C building circles and many thousands of 1e men will find employment for the entire tr near. Exebunge title week is a most impgrtaut event and marks a new epoolt In the Progress . of Winnipeg as a finaepial Centre, lloW Vent Is 1119 interest 10 the Rew excltatlge Is shown by the fact that for the eight rsmainllig seals still un. awl gned there have been 1541 alllP)iea- demi, many of 111901 coming front Out- side points A BUatNK1iS 11AR0tlWrtil. Business "len consider the 55,nea) re - fort in revenue of cyto a • an t ailing lest of a community sv"s Sommer - pial prosperity and of the general bust. tress transacted; and in this connection Western Canadian cities are rapidly climbing up on those of the more older and settled districts of the East, and many Western towns of the same size of Eastern towns show double the postal receipts tor the year ending 1908, A Case of'Poisoning. Not unfx'equently caused by olleap Wild Corn salvo.' Be safe and use Put- nam's' Corn Extractor, Purely vege- table, harmless and always cures, lu- suet on "Pntnam's." HURON REPRESENTATIVES IN PARLIAMENT In seconding a motion in the Corn - mous for the establishing of a Bureau of Health, Dr, T, Chisholm, M. P., for East Huron, called the attention of the Government to the need of a public health bureau to educate the people of Canada in the prevention of disease, He said :-"The time has arrived when the Government should act, and act quickly. The people of Canada should P P be made to understand that in respect; to the dissemination of medical know ledge their away behind other countries. While five or six million dollars is be- ing spent annually in preparing for an enemy who may never come, we are neglecting to light an enemy which does not spare our women and children., The result is that the lawspf nature are so' neglected that the consequences are ap palling." Dr. Chisholm also expressed the °pinkie that if the money spent on unnecessary display at the funerals, or half the money spent on htioging for ei ners into the country were spent i u establishing a health bureau an pre- venting unnecessary disea••ee, many Canadians would be saved to the country. He hoped the young men, the clergy and the press would take up the matter, and that a federal health bureau would be established without delay. Mr. Lewis M. P. for West Huron. in speaking of shorter sessions of Parlia- ment said in the House the other day : Another matter of considerable imnor• Lance is the question of the heslth of the members of the House I do not now refer to gentltmeu who have been a number of years here, and who have grown up on the foul atmosphere, but the figures which 1 have compiled show that the average. number of deaths in the Canadian House of Commons is greater than in that pestilential climate where they are building the Panama canal, During the last ten years 39 members of this House of Commune have died in harness, which shows a higher average than the preceeding ten year period when the sessions were shot ter- I leave it to hon. gentlemen who were here Iasi parliament to agree with 111e that with the exception of some old veteran war horses. there is not a man who has sat for four years here who is not ten years older than he was four years ago. Do you get Bilious f This trouble arises from torpidity of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They stir up the liver, rid the system of bile, tone the stomach, give appetite and sound digestion, you feel drowsy and bad tempered, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help you at once, -taken at night you're well by morning. Don't be a- fraid of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, they are mild -don't gripe or nauseate. They just "cure" -that's all. DOINGS 1N THE WEST. Following the annual appropriations for railway extensions in Alberta by the Grand Trunk Pacific, Canadian North ern and Canadian Pacific railways for 1909. comes an official announcement theta charter has been granted for a new road called the Canadian Western Railway which will open up a stretch of fertile country from Calgary South to the international boundary, to connect with a system crossing three American transcontinental roads. The new tine will have a Southern terminus at Bute. nntane The Canadian Pacific will install a lepbone system this Spring, over 283 Iles of their lines between Winnipeg d Brandon and Swift Current and algary, the intention being 'to use lepbone facilities in the dispatching of ains. The Dominion Government Engiueer s officially stated that with the dam w completed nt St Andrew's locks e channel of the Red river will be ened for vessels as soon as the ice sake up this Spring, enabling cricks all kind•t to run through to Lake Innipeg. This important annouue, cut means much to Elie city of Wine. g inasmuch as large quantities of Ino r, wood and other material can be tab. wn at a greatly reduced rate. A toes, mpany' are now preparing to burii 'ge darks at Winnipeg. MIXED. FARMING IN MANITOBA Phe annual report of the Minister of griculture presented' last week in the gislature, shows that mixed farming becoming more general in Manitoba, e growth in dairying is shown by the t that there are now 18 creamerie' 111 eration that produced last year 5,786, pounds of better valued at $0,216, and 1,488,675 pounds of cheese that ught a return of $183,294, The live ek of the Province consists of 169,905 Sas, 409,785 cattle, 16,925 sheep and 0,364 swine. The game warden's mai report shows that 3,821 booting asses were granted and that 14°25 ose, 465 elk. x oarihoo and 184 deer re killed in the open season last Fall N NIPEG WANTS CHARTER AMENDMENTS l'he civic legislative Committee will ply at this session for power to re• ust ward boundaries ; 10 ticenee out• - e nurserymen ; to appoint a commie• u to establish and maintain a system public playgrounds in the city ; power raise $3o,o0o for erection of a hour° BIG PROPERTY SALES lla The past week in real estate enjoys a °O disticetion in that, though this Is the tit slackest month of the year in this buss- ,°p ness, and two deals of great magnitude, 'r involving centrally located property. w have been put through One of these W was the purchnee by J. D. McArthur of m that most desirable site lying between Pe the Osler, Hammond and Nanton block d„ on the northern corner of Porage on avenue and Main street, and the Queen's Ian hotel, the price being $3,oe° a foot for 61 feet, or *l83,000, A magnificent of Hee block. eclipsing the best Winnipeg now leas -and Winnipeg has some good A. ones -is promised for this site. The Le other big deal was the purchase by T. is 1) Farmer, of Hamilton, of the site of 'Ph the O'Connor hotel, on Main street, and fac like the other site, within a few yards of op the city's pivotal point, the corner of 962 Main and Portage. This property was 795 acquired tor $2,000 a foot, or $i96,noo, bro and doubtless is destined, when the sto present lease expires or i5 acquired, to hor bear some splendid building. These tz large transfers in central Winnipeg pro- ant pertv indicate that in the judgment of lin those who snake a study of conditions mo that effect the growth and commercial we development of cities Winnipeg pro• wt petty has bad no slump in values, but on , the other hand shows that a steady rise in values Inas taken place in the what ap was considered "off years" of t9o7-o8, ti -g4 NEW STOCK EXCHANGE antl sic 1'n the Iinencial world of the West the of pening of the new Winnipeg Steck to 91 detention for police .court seflleptles,, and nprny,proue recommendations in re• gird the Present taxation Jews of the Sill' SATISFACTORY ADVS.RTIStNG RESULT& The dlreetors of the H inni.peg Indus- trial $t reaa held their annual meeting last week and the Comtu,ssinner's port allows That the bureau's field 01 operation ittos grown to eolsiderable magnitude sieve the establishing 014the office. 'et'ago.s%n . .& two{IA A. vol; la U. 1 the more impertapt of the wells pau'ried on in that time as given by the report, shows that 32,772 lines of paid advertis- ing were placed, from which a total of 3,874 actual requests for information from manufacturers, capitalists and others were I eceivecl, '(`hese had been .� Cures colds raid breaks up the fever in 24 hours. If you "feel yourselftaking cold", get a box at your dealer's --25c, or send direct ifY our dealer does not keep them. COLEMAN MEDICINE 00., TORONTO. personally replied to by letter and in eluding others received from variou sources 237,721 pieces of statistical an illustrated pri' ted molter were sent out The Bureau Offices hod bandied 10,77 iucomiug communications and had sen oat 35.722 letters 12 1907 -8. Over Soo, 000 lines of press metier had been for niched, with which goo -photographs wer supplied,as illustrations, A teoapitula Don of results shows during the 2 year of operation 33 minulacturing estab lishmeuts had started operations. 6 industrial.. and corn met mai company incorporations were recorded in 4907 and 82 in 'gob with a total authorized capital of 128,616,6cm ; bank clearings had increased at a greater rate than any city in Canada, and population, building anti real estate had made gains along sound, sane and substantial lines, The scope of the work had woven into the commercial development of all lines of trade in such h maacier that the directors felt that for the mutual gdviteeelnent of established interests, the work should be continued upon still broader lines and a recommendation t0 that effect' was un- animously passed, 'Thus encouraged, the incoming Board wilt enter upon their new business veer on March 1st with renewed confidence and abiding 151111 in the use of printers' ink as a,pro- fitahle investment in civic development. Skull Johnson, a student of Icelandic birth, and one of the most brilliant scholars' who ever attended lWesley Col. lege, was last week awarded the Rhodes scholarship, one of the coveted honors in the academic world. 8 WORTH WEIGHT H IT S WE QHT IN GOLD. 1 .Mi-o-na Has Reached a Gold Standard, t Saye Harry Ellie, of Fergus, For Stomach Trouble.. earr Dille, H Y D l s, of Fergus, Ont. says -"I believe that Mi-o-na fol' the cure 5 of stomach trouble, " is worth its weight in gold, It cured me from, a 9 stomach difficult •y that seemed to puzzle all otherprescriptions and remedies. I was unable to eat, the food world ferment and form gas and make a serious pressure on my heart. There were terrible pains in the pit of nay" stomach. I became drowsy, disconra ed and later I got nervous and could not sleep' or rest. The disease makes one feel like not•want- inf3 t0 see enema" being and produces melancholy and forbodings. I was told to try Mi-o-na, and when I com- menced on the first box I had hardly any faith in it, but the first two days' treatment made the paiti`in my stom- ach cease, and to make a long story short, the upshot of my using Mi-o-na was that 1t cured Hie wholly, and I now can eat what. I like and when I atm hungry. I am an ardent advocate of the use of Mi-o-na." Jas. Fox sells Mi-o-na Tablets, the dyspepsia remedy that is making such snrprisiug cures throughout Canada for 60 cents a box, guarantees them to cureor money back. In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong,' then that organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail. It may be a stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and support to the Heart or kidneys, It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. I)r. Shoop's' Restorative wits not. made to dose the stomach nor to. temporarily stimulate the . heart or kidneys. That old fashioned method' is all wrong, Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes to these failing inside nerves. The remarkable success of this re- scription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these fail- ing organs. And itis indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten days test will surely tell. Try it once and see. Sold by all druggists. Auction Sales AIIOTION SALE or FARM Smoak. JerLx- Mt,RTa, &o.—F. S. Scutt, auctioneer, has been instructed by the aederelgned to sell by publia auction at Lot 18, Gun- 10. Grey,. on Wed- nesday Matruh 8rd, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property, v1a.: 1 heavy draft horse lO yearn old, 1 general purpose horse 12 yea's old, 1 mare rising 8 years in, foal to ''Scotland's Hope," 1 delving mare, 1 gelding riming 8 tears shred by "Sid Stanton; I heavy draft colt ris- ing 1 year gut by 'baron Fite," 1 cow-upposa d in calf, 11at dry cow, 1 steer rising years, 1 heifer rising ti y ears, 7 -tees2 years old, 1 steer riming a years. 1 heifer rising 2 years, I bull rising 2 year.., 1 heifer riming• 1 year., 51.1558 monthflhl, 8i hens, 1 Met:we:deli binder near.. 1l, 1155, I vlu,:w11110k mower nearly new, T hie- Ourmlclt horse rake nearh new, 1Noxon need drill I Hiss harrow, 1 Fleury plow, 1 Get ef scales :.000Ilia, 1 lumber wagon, 1 eat bon sleighs, flop buggy nearly new, 1 cutter, 1 etinning null 1 root pulp, -r, 1 grind -tone, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, I hay fork, carriage and pulleys, 1 art of sling-, 1 hey forst rope 150 Pert lone pure Manila, 1,.et of double harne-a, 1 -et of single hareems, 1 set of plow harness, 1 pair of (corse collars, 1 set of doubletl'ees,5 or IOtona of dais • hay, 1 churn No, y 1 21' washing machine', 2 heating ,trine .o stovepipes, apple ,rne sprayer, 1 wringer, 2 bedsteads, 2 chairs 1 ts.kieaf table, 1 washtub,deo 9 kitchen ensure 1 racking chair, 8 screen doors. 1 pair horse clippers, f robe, 1 cutter rug, 1 buggy rug, 2 vulvas. rugs, 1 boiler, 1 collie dos, 1 26 foot ladder, 1 string of bells, 80 grain bags, 1 gang -plow, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 scoop -shovel, 4 40 gal. barrels, 1 water -trough, l neekyelte, forks, scythes, chains and otherarticles too numer- outtolmention. Sale unreserved ns prourtet- or has sold hie farm Terme-All su1118 of 55 and under rash • over that amount 10 months' era.dit will be given an furnishing Approved Joint Notes, 5% per cent, off for cash on cred- itamounts. Bay to be each. WM. WOODS,. Prop. F. S. Soorm, Ane. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND,—Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be pro.. ducted at time of male, there will be offered for male by public auction on Monday, the fifteenth day of March, 1009, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Amer+• can hotel, in the Village of Brussels, by F S. Scott,Auctioneer, the following property, viz: The North half of farm Lot No, 8. ii1_the 7th Con., of the Township of Grey, County of Huron, containing 58 acres. On the property is a good frame house iron clad, hank barn 85x45 feet and gond orchard. Is close to school and three miles from brussels. Terms of Sale: Ten Per Oent on day of sale tend balance with- in -thirty days. For further particulars and eonditiens of Sale apply to the undersigned. DAVID INGLIS and F. S. SCOTT, admi metra• tors to the estate of Robertlnati%.Mortgagee. Dated at Briweel. this, 8rd day of Feb, 1009, SETTLERS' TRAINS NS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadian Pacific direct line For Settlers travelling with livestock and effects Special Trains will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY in MARCH mid APRIL N 10.13 Settlers and families Without livestock should use. Itedular Trains leaving Toronto 4D.Ia p.m. deny TourIst Steeping Oars Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS Ne Charlie tee Bertha Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest aging for full Information and fres copy of "Settlers' Outdo" or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., O.P,R„ Toronto If you would have a safe yet certain Cough Remedy in the home, try Ur. hlyunlike. any other' Cough Pre P• Shoop's-at least once. Ib is thor- tu'atinn, Its taste will be entirely new to you -unless it is already your favorite Congh Remedy. No 0pnzln, chloroform, or antl, other stnpifyieg ingredients are used, The tender leaves of a liat'mlese, lung -healing mountainous' shrub, give to Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonderful curative properties,' It is truly a most certain and trustworthy pre- scription. Sold by all detlers. • 044-4 AT Duneao's Barber Shap WILL BE -FOUND Hot and Cold Baths where up to -date service is obtained. Call and See for Yourself. vT� BY-LAW NO. 1, 1909 • of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron l'o authorize tile Corporation of the Village of Brussels, ip the County of Huron, to burrow the sum of. Twenty five Hundred Dollars by the issue of debentures to that anuunl, and to luau the same to Wolter I• Garside and Millen] lanes, of the City of London, Manufacturers, for the purpose of purchasing a site or building, onto purchase a site and erect a bustdiog and equip the same with suitable machinery for the mauulecture of Chemical Fire Extinguishers and for a GeneralMachineRepair Shop, and fo_r working capital to run the same, fur the term of ten years from the date this By-law takes effect in the said Vil- loge of Brussels, iu the County of Huron. Whereas the said Walter J. Garaide au William James have applied to the Mun cipal Oouusil of the Village of Bruesele fo loam of the sum of Twenty live hundre ateliers for' the term of leu years, said toe to boar iutereat at the rate of five per -5a per auuuln, Cud repayable as ,10110110 $350.00, part of the said principal sum, the eud of the third mud each sneceedm year fur six. years mud the balance at th end of the teeth year, together wit inlereat yearly at the rate aforesaid an should auy interest remain to arrears th 0cme to bear interest at the rate eforesai and be eumpoundedeach year. Said loa to be adveueed to them as soon, as the shall owe and equip a fuutury with saheb' machinery for the meuufaoture u Chemical Fire Extiugpisher'e and a goner al rnaolliue repair shop iu the said Vi11ag ut Brussels and have exeoutod o firs mortgage on the said factory, matihiuer and plant cud also uu the resideuoe of th eaid Walter J. (tarside fu the oily of Lou dun, iu the county of filiddlesex, Ontario whi011 sad reeideuue fs to be worth et aha time at least the arm al $1,500.00 iu ao oordauce with the terms het ' ern net out, At el whereas in order t o e thereto elate it will b Ilece,eary to 1ee0e debentures of the said Municipality for the sum of $2,600.00 a 1lerei€carter provided, wbiuh is the amuun of the debt iuteuded to be created by thi bylaw, the proceeds there,.( to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other object. And whereas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time cud to make the priusipt+l of the said debt repayable in equal omitted iustalmeute of priuuipal .and iutereat during the period of ten years next after the issue of the eaid debentoree. Ansi whereas ,he total amount required by the Muuioipal Act to be raised auuually by special rate for the payment of the said debt Rud iutereat as baretuafter provided e $8'23.76, And whereas the amount of the existing ebeuture debt of the said Village of Brussels, is $46,665.03 and no principal or uterest iu arrear,. And whereas the amount of the whole rateabe property of the Village of Brusaeio, according to the last Aesesement loll of the same, is $580,166.00. Therefore the Muuietpal Winced of the orporetioo of the Village of Brussels enacts as follows :- 1. That the Municipal Council of the 3orpo•atiou of the Village of Brussels hall loan to Walter J. Garaide and WIi- iem Jaynes and such other pereou5 as may e aesouiated with there and for the pur- nse of raiding eaid sum debelturea of the Village of Brussels to the amount of 2,600.00 are to he issued iu Hume of not nes thou $100.00 each and shall be issued 11 the uiueteeuthday of March 1909 and soh of the -said -debentures shall be dated' he nineteenth day of Moron 1909 being he day of the issue thereof mud ohall be ayabie lu tau equal annual inetalmeute of rinaipal and interest on the uiuoteeulh ay of each suoceodiug Muruh for leu years t the officio of the Standard Bank of Mottle here. 2. Each of the said debentures shall be igned bythe Reeve and Treasurer of the Cid Village of Brussels end shall 111155 flixed thereto by the Clerk of the said unioipality the seal of the said Village of ruasele. 8. The said, debentures shall bear futereat at the rate of five per out per an inn payable yearly at the said Bank on the nineteenth day of March in each and every year during the currency thereof, 4. During the currency of the said tie- benttrros there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Village of Brpmeelc the item of $828,78 for the purpose. o1 paying the amount due for 'winched and interest in reaper t of the said dt bt. 6. The paid sum of $2,500.00, being d the proceeds of the said debeuturee, is to i- be handed over to the said Walter J. (Sar - or side and William James ae soon ea they d. shall own a suitable factory in the said ti "Village of Brussels and have the same n1 properly equipped with suitable mtwhin- ery for the rnuuufaolure of Chemical Firs a Extinguishers and for a general muchitie 9 repair shop and will have exeuuled a first e mortgage on the eaid factory, site, plant and h machinery and also on the residence of d the said Walter J. Garside, in the City of e London, said mortgage to be for tea d years from the Nineteenth day of March u 1909 and obeli bear interest.at the rate of y five per cent. per annum yearly, payable e un sauh and every 19th day of March on f all principal from time to time remaiuing e unpaid until the principal sum is paid in full well I fibrae before maturity and the t said principal sura to be payable its follows y $610.00 On each 19th day of Marsh iu each e of the i ears 1912, 1918, 1914, 1915, 1916 and 1917 and the belwuoe o0 the 19th day , of March 1918. Said mortgage shall pro- , vide that the eaid parties will insure the said properties to their full insurable value in a Company or Companies approved by e the Council, with loss a able to the eaid Village of f3rueselaao their interest may e appear ander mortgage, said policies to be t handed over to the said Oiluuoil and said e mortgage is also to contain all the usual etabutury eoveuante, 0. Tbie Bylaw shall take effect on the 19th day of March, 1909, should it receive the assent of the eleotora, 7. The votes of the said electors en- titled to vote on said By-law shall be 'alien thereon at the'followiug times and places that ie to say : Ou Monday the 8th day of March, 1909,-oommeuoing at the hour of nine iu the forenoon mud ooutinniug mi- ta the hour of five in the afternoon of the same day. Iupolling division No. Oue at the office of Robt, Thomson, Jas. T, Roes, Deputy Returning Of$eer ; in polling division No. Two at the Domicil Room and that N. F. Gerry be Deputy Returning Officer ; and f,lr polling division No. Three at the residence of Geo, Birt and that Peter Scott be Deputy Re- turning Officer. 8. On Muoday the 22nd day of February 1009, the Reeve of the said Vil- lage of Brussels shall attend at the Connell room, at ten o'clock iu the fore- noon, to, appoint persons to attend at the various polling plains aforesaid mud at the suming up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the peptone interested in pro- moting or oppooing the passing of the said bylaw respectively, 9. The Clerk of the Village of •Brueaele shall intend at the Commit room in the Town Ball, at tett o'oloakiu theforenoon, on Tueotlity the ninth day of March 1009 to cum up the number of votes for and against the said bylitw. Read the first time in open Connell and passed the 25th clay of January 800D. Read the second time in open Oounoil and passed the 25th ally of January 1909. Read in open Comical after having re- ceived the "beaut of the electors and finally passed the day of 1909, Reeve, Clerk. TARE NOTICE Tho above ie a true oopy of a proposed' bylaw which has been taken into cunsidera. tion and will be finally passed by tine Council of the Village of Bruesele in the event of the assent of the elootore being obtained thereto atter' one month from the first peblloation 10 Tint Bantams Posh, the ante of the first publication was the 11111 day of February 1909 and that the votes of the electors of the said Munioipatity will be taken thereon on the day and at the i hours and 'plume therein fixed. 10.' S. SCOTT, Clerk. The People's Column Con $.1Fa,-- (Unica Duff Orpington Goole. male, At 51.04 eanit, Dlttult (zealot 152,00, P. BARON, Benf1'yn, COM11011`l'Aiii46 $OUb16 AND' LOT 9'olt 1ncp.., it of li P ail NIt noall,toi�t,8,f0, Dux 7103, 13t'ne.e1a, 824( ©i0OPaltIY POR SAL30.-A eonifurteble !- dwelling old stable in. the village of mem- brook. There 11)23¢ acres of lend with 4t, Pos. aee51011 can he K1yen at,o1150, Per further par' haulers nilly to Mita. 1EADDA74'Z or ,f0B11 1)260855511, Oraubroak P. 0, 10-51 0 OMirORJ.?ABLI3 COT2'AG5 E1 stable and acre of land for nolo, '4'urnberry street, North, Dreesele. 4ieed well, fruit trees, &e, Poseeesien could be,tivWl Atoned, For further purtieulare no to ]r1oe, tering, .to,, apply int the premises. Ablt , MOI.AUG8I,111• 5.11 �))MFQ1tTADt,E 155ldetoe and 35 nary of hand, bating Lot 404 Atbert 51,585, Brae• sola fal'sale. house le Welcoullt, with all oou- vonloneoe and h possession could be 1515511 et onto, Por further partlepply. en the pruullsba fors. Jas, Ferguson,rguson, or D, Fa'- gunOn, Taeseswutsr, tf. FOM SALII ORTO1110NTr-Thoundersigned r" ogees his we11 roasted proPvt'ty int 13russele for sale or to rent. There are 535 acres of land' with eontfortable house, with cellar, stable, orchard, well, &e. Possession on Aug, 15th, For rice terms, and other information apply to A . bTNPO D, Llinton ar dPOST Brussels. THOS, DUNFOkD, Lpngou, North Dakota. 25 ((( TEACHERS of ripe eoholarebip, wide teaching and business ex- P( perionee in lending Uanadlah American centres, employed by our chain of High -Glade Colleges, have built up a superior, unappronehed cut'- riEoulum.ach stud n instructed e t is 's uella d privately 4 at his own dock. we oast»t our grade, ales to the bolt positions. Three ooursee—Oomeraial. Steno. 0 grimily and Telegraphy. :✓ yd arses. Pinter any day. ,_ Write for particulars, Mail Oo Wingham • Business College B • GEO. SPOTTON, PFine)pal fd/. 4Vg tai', WA;vbvM. .1 A.,A; MW..p 4' SUMMER SCHOOL June, July and August leads into Fall aIi 'P erm without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. CFNTRAL 8V:!NiSS CCLLEG£ Tho Largest, most Reliable of its kind. W. I1. SHAW Principal Tongs & Gerrard 845„ Toronto Allan :ice i Line TO LIVERPOOL Froin St• John Halifax Tunisian sails Fek. 10 Pete, 20 0nrr+ican nails Mar. 5 Mar. 0 Resperian sails Mar. 18 TO GLASGOW Ionian from Boston Feb, 18 Oorinthan from Portland. Feb, 25 TO LONDON Pomeranian from St. John - Mar. 4 Sardinian from St. John Apr. 1 Whiter rates -570 n0 upwards ; Second ales 1540,00 ; Third class 1529,50 and 530.00. For millings, lists nod full information apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels, GEUTHAR STRATFORD. ONT. v' Tilts 8011091 stands in the forefront as ft a the largest: and best practical training school In Western Ontario. Wo have J three departments: 13 Commercial 1r Shorthand a Telegraphy 1 All departments. are In charge of ex- 11 .l pe•ienoed Instructora and the courses Ar 0, are thorough and practical. Our grad- el =tea 5et,nr5 good positions. Students f are altering every week. Write for , our free catalogue nt once, Elliott Bc McLachlan, Principals. rr ai 11:1,_-aa--a�• 'i,..dc-.3G.."d--:w,.•l`C..:;f�f' .9 I • A GREAT SCHOOL ! If fA Great in Reputation, Results, In - 14 fluence and Thoroughness! Now tl is the time to MI the popular ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. n and prepare for profitable employ. elt ld Ment, Our graduates readily ob• Itwino good positions. Our Eland- rl, a winoUutelugueiwfru°. Write. for one �` 1to -day. Students admitted 'tat any 17 .1 tine. Oollege open the entire year. W. J. ELLIOTT, Pringipnl. a (for. Yonge & Alexander sta., Toronto. V 1.,..al'--ae- e-`, `'e 1 ft="=1..'1 MONTHLY Horse Fairs ! BRUSSELS The regale' Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season as follows : 'I'HUIRSDAY, MAR, 4th, rens. APR. 1st,,` 19o9 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present, r ! 411.