HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-18, Page 8IS going its rounds, We all hope Gr„., we won't get it but if you should be so unfortunate we would like to sup ply you with the remedies, Ste„ to make you' well as soon as possible, Laxative Bromo•Quinine. Blood Boot Cough Cure mlllsion of Cod Liver Oil Listerine and Antiseptine (to be used in Atomizer, or as a gargle for sore throat) Aromatic Cascara Chlorate of Potash Tablets Camphorated Oil All reliable kinds of Cough Drops Our Horehound Candy always pleases. Rubber Goads When required the best are none too good, We have them in— Rot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes Combination Fountain Syringe and Bottle Atomizers See what we have in this line before buying elsewhere, 'Fi'Perhaps you have your own particular recipe or prescription. If so bring it along and we will give it our careful attention. Prices Right F. SMITH, , malatmaiaramosasmr DRUGGIST AND OPT'IOIAN, Bite t News Items HAYS von decided to put a municipal telephone in your place of business and your borne? The cost will be compara- tively small and the convenieuce more GOOD sleighing, g, than you have any idea of. From 200 Din you receive a Valentine? to 300 is the number aimed at by the SCHOOL Board met Friday evening. promoters and the wider the eircelt,the THE ice harvest is slow this Winter, better. Hand in your name, A DANCING party was held in the Town night. EN•riANcE EXAMS JUNE 23,—The de. Hall last Frida Y g pertinent of Education has announced LARGE quantities of green stovewood that the High School Entrance examina- have been hauled to town this Winter.. tious in the province will begin on Wed - A. O. U. W. meeting Friday evening uesday, lune 23rd It is further an - of next week. Installation of officers nouneed that all candidates who pur• will take place. IF you have not read the Garside -- James By -Law you may find it ou page 4 of this issue. A car of Manitoba wheat was re- ceived last week by Wm, & R, A. Pryne for their well known flour mill. Gxoaca MULDooN leaves next week with a car of horses for the West. objective Milestone; Sask„ is tbe o 1 point. Pro. HEWITT, wlio has quite a family of canaries, had an addition to the number nearly 2 weeks ago by the hatching of a baby canary. SA'ruRDAY evening of this week, at 8 o'clock a meeting of the Scarlet Chapter for. Grey District will be held in the Orange Hall, Brussels. EAST HURON Agricultural Society Directors are called to meet Saturday afternoon of this week, at 3 o'clock. in theCouueil Chamber. WINDHAM Advance has celebrated an- other birthday and shows increasing vigor as the years go by. THE POST congratulates Bro. Hall on his efforts, MONTHLY Horse Fair will he held in Brussels on Thursday. March 4th. This sbo•ild be a regular sweeper of a Fair and should attract hundreds of both buyers and sellers. THE snow plow came up the W. (3. & B. Suudav night to cleat off the track for Monday's traffic after the suow fall and blow of Snoday. Very little delay has been caused this Winter from snow THE Ripley Express has invested in a cylinder press and the form of the paper has been changed from a 4 to an 8 page, Editor Mooney is doing well and prom- ises to do better which is a long step to. ward attaining bis ideal. ODD FELLOWS At Horne Friday even- ing of this week in the Town Hall Brus- sels. Instrumental tnusic will be sup- plied by the well known B,ackstoue Orchestra, of Goderioh, and vocal num- bers by local talent. Mx. EDITOR.—In your issue of last weak is a piece comparing France, Eng- land and Germany financially Would you kindly explain how it is that France is so much more prosperous than England and Germany when France is a reputed atheistic country. while England and Germany are Chrirtiaus, Yours inquiringly. J. WRIGHT. SCHOOL 'trustee nomination will be held on Monday, March 1st, from 12 to I o'clock in the Towu Hall. Brussels. Among other names mentioned for the position are Dr. Toole, S. C. Wilson, Robt. Henderson and G. A. Deadman, Possibly others will loom up before Nomination Day. Itis thought g by a good many that the election should be by acclamation. FROM the Daily News, published at Nelson, B. C., 00 February 1tth, we notice that our lormer popular towns- man, Barrister A. B. McDonald, of Cracbrook, 13. C., has been making a name for himself in acting for the de. fendant Allen in a big suit over the snaking of 10,353 railway ties. We are pleased to see that Mac is holding his own with the legal lights of the West and comes out winner, LEADS THE PRov1Ncs. — Inspector Cowley reports to brussels Sebool Board that out of et Continuation Schools'in the Province Brussels beads the list. To do Ibis once would be a high honor but this makes the third year in succession in which our school has won the same position and amply 1 watchfulness and cautiou in all localities proves, that it is no catch verdict, It is liable to sudden thaws and drifting ice certainly a high compliment. to the teachers and the pupils as well. MRs. HoGG'BUara.o.—Last Friday morning the funeral service of the late Mrs, Hogg took place Rev. A. C. Wish- art, B. A. conducting it. Interment was made in Wingham cemetery, Rev, D. Perrie took the service at the grave. The pall bearers were Wm., Roderick and David McLean (grandsons) Geo. Birt' Geo Lowry and Allan Speir. pose writing .at the examination must uotifv the public school inspector before the first of May and that the inspector. shall notify the education department not later than the 3rd day of May in each year ot tbe number of persons desiring to he examined at any high school or other authorized place within his juris• out the diction. The Department gives u I c o p following memorization. Ontario Fourth Readers—VII Boadocea ; XIV, Lament of the Irish Emigrant • XXIX, For a' That and a"That; XLVI, Lead Kindle Light ; LIV Luchinvar ; LXXXIII, The Ihflueuce of Beauty ; Sonnet -Night, (page 3o2) • CV, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. --0— Nsw Milch cow for sale. 'Apply to Rev. E. G. Powell, Brussels, WILL grind skates to your fancy. Yours, T. MCGRREG0lt for fast and easy skating, Brits - pelt., Ont. GeNT's led glove lost on the gravel road. North of Brussels Finder will much oblige by leaving it at Tan Poem Goss, Rona found. Owner may have Name by proving property and paying for this notice. Jae. IaeiAND, SM• Lot 27, Con. 8, Morrie. PAra of Indies' shoes and a ladies' collar left at Jas. Fox's drug store some time ago. The owner may have same by paying for this ad- vertisement. Ran silk sash, lost last Sunday 'night be- tween the residences of Mr..7. Leckie and Mr. W. M. Sinclair. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tam Poss. Eva, EAR, NOTE AND THROAT,—Dr. Ovens, (M. D., Surgeon, Occuliet, of London, will be nt the American Hotel, Wednesdny, Feb 24th. Glasses properly fitted, cataract, failingeye- sight, deafness and catarrh treated. ours all day. POOR se Boox LOST,—Wednesday Harry Mc- Mann lost his pocket book either In Bros- s' 1 or between there and EtheL It contained $510 or more and a note for $350. A suitable re- ward will be paid for its prompt return to Tam POST, Brussels. --0 A ROUGH FEBRUARY.—If the Rev. Irl Hicks predicts for February in the way of weather comes true, we will not have to complain of lick of variety. About the loth we were promised rain and electrical storms. followed by colder weather. From then on there is to be a variety of weather. turning t 1 warmer by the tgth., with wind and thunder on the 23rd. This to turn to heavy and destructive sleet storms oyer central to Northern sections. Blizzards are en- tirely possible at the culmivation of this period. There is a su ong probability of West India hurricanes at and about this period In all probability seismic shakes will be reported fro,n many parts of the globe within three days of sunset on the loth, most likely on the Both, ztst and 22nd. Touching 26th, 27th, and 28th, Mr. Hicks says : "This is a time when the sleet god will have a picnic with the wires. Watch and see. We must not forget that the vernal equinox is in strong force by this time, and this fact will guarantee heavy and general storms, winding up with probable bliz- zards; as the month goes out. Whatever forms storms may take on, it may be put down ase reasonable certainty that dis- agreeable and dangerous conditions will prevail es we pass from February to March. Almost certainly, during tbe last half of the month, at one of the storm persons, marked equatorial dis- turbances will reach the South coast re- gions in the Corm of West India hurrl• canes, The barometer will heraldetbeir coming. February ice gorges and con e nen' floods should be matters of floes." RECTOR LANG -FORD RESIGNS —A largely attended vestry tneeting was held in St. John's church Friday even• ing After the introductory exercises Dr. Feild took the chair and Barrister Monteith acted as Vestry Clerk. The resignation of Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, who has been rector for the past 4 years to accept the B.ahop's appointment, in charge of Christ Church Listowel, was Frank Hogg, the youngest son of the read and on motion of A. H. Monteith deceased who died from the effects of an and Jno. Cardiff was regretfully b accident in Youngs tin shop. 6 years ed. Th. se gentlemen were followedv ago was buried in Wingham, hence the Dr. Field, Jno. Scarlett, of St. George's interment there Friday. The children church Walton, H. James and 13. Train£ of the late Mrs.' Hogg are Miss Margaret : or all speaking commendatory words o deceased, et CI press Rev. Mr. Lang Ford's pulpit ability, bis in B. C., Wm., p t River. Man., in July'189; David, of i industry and zeal as pastor and the Brussels ; Mrs McLean, Morris ; Wal- marked interest he had always taken in ter,iD Colorado, Frank, referred to all that pertained to the best interests of i' he septi• ':e14 congregation and voicing t Crus. the coo g o , s Fannie,t g g I.3 Above. and Mf b e ov . I Mr, Ho r departed. this life at Port meats of both ct>ngregatioas le the re gk David and Miss ret felt at the incumbent's decision to Hope in June 188?, gret p Hogg wish to express 'trieir very remove, Rev, Al r, Lang -Ford stated friends for un. � he had sot sought the change and when sincere thanks to many r ,ointment left it to remitting Ruts of kindness during, the pressed the apt, attd subsequent decease of the Bishop, Acommitlee was Appointed long illnessmGeorge's qq and witty act in conjunction with St.,t live tun to i their mother. It will y g grateful memory y p be and expression of church, Walton, wittifull power to select , words, a new rector, the tout gentleman being opotI N FARMERS” Drafts and SALE NOTES BANK Money Orders PROMPTLY Bought and COLLECTED - Sold Make the results of your labors NOW become the mainstay of your lite LATER. open a Savings Account in a sound char- tered bank, BRUSSELS BRANCH F. B. Gilroy, Manager '337 Jno, Cardiff and A. H. Monteith. of' Brussels, and Jno, Scarlett, and Jno. Bolger, of Walton, The arranging of supplies until a permanent appointment is made is left in the hands"of the War- den's Committee. On motion of R. 13. Alcock and Dr. Feild certain alterations and improvements to the church were ordered, A resolution expressive. of the high esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Lang•Ford are held, for their. untiring devotion in the work of the congregation and expressing the hope that in the future a full meed of prosperity would be their portion was unanimously ad- opted. The rector replied feelingly con- cluding with the statement tbat he would always be glad to render service to the parish or the.new pastor and wished the congregations abundant suc- cess. Rev. MI'. Lang• Ford, will be here for the next two Sabbaths. The parting is sweetened by the fact that Rev. and Mrs Lang Ford will be located conven • lent to Brussels so that opportunities will be afforded of often meeting Listowel is to be congratulated. Church Chimes "Progress in old paths" was the theme Rev E 0, Powell discoursed upon last in the g Sundaymorningandevening "'Pheknown and yet unknown future." Sabbath evening last Rev. Mr. Wish• art preached in Melville church from the 'rH>rPosT was favored with a call on tex"Than hest done these things and I Viednesday from W. M. Gray, of'I'oron to. formerly a well .known Seatorthtte, who is now an Inspector tor an Insur- ance Co. Misses Mabel and Linda Colvin went to Toronto on Monday to tho Spring Millinery Openings. The former goes. to Lake field, near Peterboro', where she takes a position loins Barbeau, of Stirtnn, is renewing old friendships here and hoping to recruit from an attack of rheumatism, He was a fortner resi lent of Brussels, S. H. and Mrs. Anderson, of Winnipeg, are visiting at the home of George Brown, Queen street. This week they have gone to Blyth to spend a week with J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, _. Mrs. George Brown, .was at -Wing- ham for several days owing to the seri ons illness ot her little niece. May Read. ing. who is laid up with pneumonia and other complications. We hope the bright 'lassie will soon be restored to good health. Jocatnan Kitchen, of -:Brantford, who was -a t'esident of Brussels for several years. was here during the past week calling on old friends. ft is over 251 years since he removed from town He makes his home with one of his daugh- terscince Mrs Kitchen died Arthur Smith has gone to Welland where he bas taken a position in the drugstore et Mr. Collins thereby gain- ing practical pointers in a large tnwo' preparatory to his taking a pharmacy course at the c"11eee in Toronto next Fall Art ie a clever young man and should take good standing both in school and in business, THE Pos'r wishes him well. is Photographs One Dozen enaleRRMINRIMIIIIRRMIIIMMIIIIIMINI For the next few weeks I intend to give 16 Photos. for each dozen ordered. This will include Cabinets and all sizes smaller. Post Cards, 3 for 2;c You are always- welcome at our. Studio to look over our work. Enlarging done ac short notice. A full line of Picture Frames and Mouldings. R. Brewer H. Miss Ida Bailey has taken a position in in the grocery ot lames Ballantyne. Mitts Myrtle Denman, of Edmonton. and Miss Lizzie Pocock, of Bluevate, wete visitors with Miss Kate Harbottle, Brussels. Ino. 13. McLauchlin will probably visitingat le West this week leave for tl 'Toronto and other points enroute. His headquarters is Salt Coats, Sask. kept silent." Psalm 25 and gist verse; At the Woman's Missionary meeting of the Methodist church, Thursday of last week Mrs, (Rev:) McCamus, of St. Marys, gave an interesting and helpful address. Next Monday evening the Epworth League will entertain the Ethel League in the school room of the Methodist church. The visitors will supply a pro gram and'a joint debate will take place on the subject "Resolved that Art is mt're beneficial to humanity than Nature." Brussels League will he rep- resented by J.A. Hunter, R. A. Pryne and Miss McCamus. Ethel champions will be Jno. Pearson Robert McKay and Miss Lizzie Chambers. A congregatioual meeting was held in the Methodist church Tuesday evening to provide for necessary re -arrangement of pews owing to removals, new - families coming in and the growth of tnemhcrs of .families. After discussing various situations a committee consist- ing of 13 Gerry, J. T. Wood and W. H. Kerr was appointed to arrange and carry out the plan. Alfred Lowry, J. T. Wood, R. J. Hoover and Samuel Carter were appointed ushers and Eli Smith and F. H Gilroy auditors. At the monthly Missionary service in the Methodist Sabbath School last Sun day afternoon a recitation was given be Hazel Lowry ; readings by Miss Josie Buchanan and Fannie Stubbs, a duet by Misses Beatrice Armstrong and Grace Hoover and short addresses by F. Poole and Rev E. G. Powell. 30 certificate: were. given out for reeularity of attend ante last year. The contribution was $8 qo which brings the total for o months to $75 00, The school has set $tori co as the sum for the year. 217 was the attendance reported last Sabbath after- noon. The Clinton New Era says :—Rev. W. E. Kerr, hes received a unanimous in vitation from the Board of 'Pilsonburg Methodist church, to become its pastor for next year and has accepted the same subject to the action of the Transfer and Stationing Committee.' Should the transfer be made, the people of Tilsonburg will secure a good preach- er and a most excellent and effective pastor. Mr. Kerr is particularly strong ie his pastoral work, and the member ship of a church certainly has no room for complaint on this score. People We Talk About Jno. Ament. of Millbank, was in 'town on Monday. Miss Lily Sharpe is nursing a patient in Grev township Miss Margaret McLauchlan visited in Wingham last week. Mrs. Roberton has been visiting friends at Teeswater. Ernest Miller has been laid off work owing to a strained wrist but is improv- ing. Mrs, Errand Lee, of Hamilton, was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Neil Me. Lauchlin. Peter Ferguson and his cottsin, Bert Ferguson, were here from Teeswater for a short visit. Miss Fannie Blackstone, of.Goderich, was visiting Miss Habkirk. 'turnberry street. Brussels, Mrs. John Downing has been on the sick net but we hope she will soon be as wen as usual Jno Harbottle, was here on a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Howe ard and other relatives, Mrs. Llugh Spenceand and Miss Effie Grainger, of Molesworth, are visitors with Misses 'Gtsinger, of town. Hugh' McIntosh, of High River, Man• itoba, was here on a short visit while at- tending to some business matters, George Young, of Barrie, was visit- ing Iohn and the Misses -Grainger for a few weeks. The visitor is a nephew. Miss Violet McKenzie is attending the Millinery Openings at Toronto as are Misses Olive Mooney acid Edith Bailey, Mrs, James Rowland, of Newcastle, is a welcome visitor at the home of her son T, F. Rowland, manager of the Standard Bank. Brussels School Board Brussels School Board met on Fri- day of last week all the members pres- ent except M H Moore Minutes of last meeting read- and passed. Moved by D. C. Ross. seconded be J. Elliott, that the Principal procure the necessary supplies to bring the equipment of the school un to the standard required by the Department, Carried The report of the Inspector of Con- tinuation Schools was received and 'be Brussels 'chant is again first nn the list out of a total of of Continuation schools in the Province. This makes three years in snocession that the school has occupied first position. Board then adjourned. The ship brake invented by Louis La conte, of Montreal, is to have a trial on the U. S S..Indians. It is reported at Montreal that the C. P, R. will build the Peterhoro'•Cnld water branch during the coming Sum mer. The Attorney General of Quebec has ordered a proseention of picture shnw proprietors woo have been giving Sun• day exhibitions in Mr ntreal. The village of Laprairie. near Mont- real, is afflicted with a strange epidemic something like typhoid fever which has so far puzzled the doctors Neil Macaelev has just been acquitted of theft at Regina When he was cam• Milted for trial he volunieered 4o con- vey himself to court, and, after some difficulty, hunted 11p a mounted police- man, to whom he surrendered, Geo E Stewart, of Shriglev, Melanc then 'township, murdered Train Span• house and his son James, seriously wounded Mrs S )anhnuse and George Beaumont. and slightly wounded three other persona, He is said to he insane. If you would have a safe yet certain Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr, Shoop's—at least once. It is thor- oughly unlike any other Cough prep. aratlon. Its taste will be entirely new to yon—unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or any other stttpifyin ingredients are used. The tender leaves of a harmless, lun healin mountainous shrub give g to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonderful curative properties. It is truly a most certain anal trustworthy pre- scription. Sold by all dealers, TIE STANDA] BANK Fitabl144 1873 OF CANADA. 51 Brandies , Ranking Made easy There is no formality about opening a Savings Account with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first Steps easy for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open an account, and entitle you to a pass -book in which your deposits are entered, money at any timer No delay in Withdrawing your with interest to date. BauSSELa5I+' BRANCH J. F. Ko vv'I,aaaci. P'D.arsager 69 Main street Brussels " B e l m o nte'l E. INMAN MILLINERY PARLORS HAVING purchased the stock and business till recently carried on by Mise Strach- an so successfully in Brussels, I will be pleased to have all her old customers and friends and solicit a generous amount Of. their patronage for the future. Mourning Goods' a Specialty. Edith Inman ONE PRICE CASH ONLY A great reduction in tile estimated cost Of building transmission lines and ' upplying electric power to. Hamilton•bv the Hydro -electric system has been made. Morris Council The Council met pursuant to ad- journment in the Council room, Morris, on Feb. 8111. Members all present, Reeve in chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Tenders for the ordinary. Township printing were read from the Times, Advance, Standard and Post, as fol- lows Times, $50 ; Advance, $47.50 ; Blyth Standard, $45 ; Poem, $45. -On motion of Wilkinson and Johnston, the tender of THE POST was 'accepted. On motion of McCracken and Wilkin- son the Reeve and Clerk were instruct- ed to have agreement drawn up for signature of Geo. Taylor, for comple- tion of the'Cole drain. On motion of Shortreed and McCracken, the Clerk was instructed to procure six copies of the Municipal World for use of Coun- cil. Auditors' Report was received, on motion of Shortreed and McCrack- en was accepted as satisfactory and the Clerk instructsd to have the Ab- stract publlahed • in_ THE BRUSSELS Poem. A deputation from WLngham appeared requesting the privilege of erecting rural telephone poles within this municipality to he subject to the satne restrictions as the BellTelephone hone Co. On motion of Johnston aucl Wilkinson said request was granted. Onmotiota of Shortreed and Johnston a Committee, composed of the Reeve and Councillors McCracken, Johnston and Wilkinson. was appointed to ex- amine 1st and 2nd line bridges and decide which to rebuild Ibis season, ttenders for the the Clark to call for erection of the one decided on. Ac- counts were ordered to be paid as fol- lows t—Wra1. Nicholson, snow boards on prairie bridge, $5.22 ; Fraser, Logan, tile, $21.60 ; John Phelan, con- tractors' order Ellison drain, $5.00 ; Wm. Miller, work on island, 50c ; Corporation of McKillop B. line ac- count,$28.30 ; Gerry & Walker, spikes, $2.37 ; P. Ament. lumber, $29.58 ; Jas. Peacock, gravel, $0.05 ; Municipal World subscription, $5.00 ; P. Mc- Nabb, Auditor's salary, $8.00 ; R. Johnston, Auditor's salary, $8.00 ; T. S. Brandon, balance salary, postage and debenture. expenses, 562.00. The Council then adjourned to meet again on the 22nd day of March next. W. CLARK, Clerk MARRIED - JonNeoN—FoteMAS.—At "Southview Parin," E'me, the home of the bride's mother, on Febrw,rv, 10th, by Rev. R. D. Hamilton, of ListnWefMr. George J. Johnsen of North Montle g'ten,to Mies Mery A,. daughter of Mrs. ,ia»ea Forman, of Blmn. WORKMAN—OONNON,•'At- St. John's church, Brussel , on F b. 8rd, by Rev. H. M. Lang - Fowl, Mr. Ohae. H. Workmen to Miss Mar. garet A . eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Comm, both of Morris township. DIED OmmIVAn.—ln Winnipeg hospital, on Pah.. nth, W 8. °river, of Russell Man„ formerly of Grey, aged 58 yearn. Rivotos .—In Howiok, on Feb. 10111, Joseph Kitchen, need 78 yearn, MONRII,.-In Grey, on Fpbruery 10th, Peter McNrtl, Aged 88 years end it months, MONAre.—In Grey,ON February lath, Neil McNair, aged years, 5 months and 18 dept, TU5Nnunr,—At Stratheonn. Alberts on Feb. mare, 7th, Marion Kirkwood, relict atilt) late 'Welter Turnbull, formerly of tidal - lop, aged 71 yearn std 0 months,. AUCTION SALES WmnNsanAY, PRD 24th.-8'arm, form Stook, implements, &e.,I. 111, 000 18, Gray. Malo. Unreserved at 1 o'clock. RioaAIM A, °Alt, ni re, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano. TiinicanAY, Pen: 28t11.•-Fnret at6olt and im- plements of Lot80, Ceti 11, Gray, Sale unre- served at o'eleek H D. Ward, proprietor :, F 5, Santt, nuathonaor. WEDNESDAY, 'MARCH stn.—]Tarin stock, hn• plomenta, &o., -Lot 18. Uon. 10. Grey. Sale un. reserved at 1 p. rn. WM. W00ns, Prop P. S. Soott, Ana, TnumBDAY, MAncn, 18mU.—Farm stook, int - Momenta. &o. North %, Lot, 211, Orin. 0, Morris. pile without reserve at -1 O'oloak, John Mooney, prop., 12. 8. Scott, eoe.: BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 1100 Pane Barley , Potatoes Bunter Eggs Hay Hogs Apples $1 40 82 84 500 80 18 20 28 7 60 7 50 10000 1 6 The People's Column 2 YEAR OLD HEAVE DRAFT COLT Inc sale. Lot 0, Con. 10, Grey. L. HOLL1N- GER, Brussels P. O. 81.-tf COMFORTABLE 1101751E AND LOT 51011 SAnts.—Good cellar, water a'Id fruit trees Ennui, a of R.N. KINGSTON, or P. 0. bee 920. Brussels. 82-11 FCott Sam—Comfortable house on William street Brueoete• Y4 acre lot, good well garden and fruit trees. For teems apply to P. 2ttecut a or. Ie. 8: Stott, Brussels, RICK STORE with reoldence upstairs, for axle, located on Turnberrv. street, Brus- Bele, the property of the lata Peter Ferguson. Also a met of carpenter tools and Lithe, both applyand iron, Oke. For. further particulars apply to ALEX. STEWART, Queen. at, East,. Caution ! . Notice is hereby given that I will not be re- sponaible for purchases made wfthout my written order and the public is asked to govern themselves item dingly. NEL80N HAYDEN. Grey, Feb. 18th,1989.... 88.1 QBAZINGLAND TO RENT.—The under- signed offers the farms known as the Joseph Clegg property, oontsrnmg 126 acres in Morrie township, to Atilt for the corrin sen - 5(01. Apply by letter to R. J. Clegg, Nelson, B. 0., or to Mra, Joseph Clegg, on the premis- es. SALIS OF MAOHINERY. — The following machinery -1s. offered for Bale by theun- dereigned, all nearly new and in first-class. shape: -1 Sarnia separator with self -feeder and wind stacker, made by the John Goodtaoi Company traction engine in good repair, made by. the Robert Bell Company ; 1 14 -horse power portable engine nearly ne, made by the Wntertoo Manufactory : 1 12•ho'se-power Cornell sngtne hl good repair • 2 Maple Leaf grinders, one 10 -inch plate and the other 114n. plate t and a sawing machine. For farther partioulare apply to WILLIAM H. COLE. Lot. 0, Con. 7, Grey, or Bruseela P.O. 84.8 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOOK, IMPLEMENTS Pts cNITURt, 850.--F. S. Bc011, Auctioneer, bas reectved instructions. from the undersigned to Belt by nubile auction at Lot 11, Con. 18, Grey,on Wednesday, Feb 24111,. at1 o'clock, the follwing valuable property, viz; -1 generalpurpose mare 11 years old, 1 general purpose horse 0 years old, 1 gelding sired by Bewarden rising 8 years, 1 driving mere 10 years old,I cow dueto calve 2 'tow's dna to calve early in March 2 grade cows sup- posed in onlf, 1 Jersoy.eow supposed in calf,. 2 farrow. cows, 1 steer riet,g 8y ears, l dry cow rising 4 years. 2 steam rising 2 yearn, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 8 steers rising 1 year, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 1 sow supposed in pig, about 00 hens, 1 top boggy nearly new, 1 cutter, 1lum- ber wagon, 1 pair of bob -sleighs, 1 2 -furrow riding plow,. 1 fanning mill, 1 milk box lined with gotvenrzed iron, 1 set double harness, t set single harness, -about 10 tone of hay, 2 cook etove+, t Klondike heater, 8dining-room chair+, 1 cupbont•d, 2 bedsteads 2 creamery cane, 1 Daley churn No. 8, about 10 ;curds dry stove. wood, anumberof cedar posts, crocks, pane pulls and Ohm articles too numerous to men- tion Sale unreserved as proprietor is going West. The Will ix a first -clan one containing 100 aeres,, with good frame house and new bank barn. Terms—All soma of. $5 andunder cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will be givenon furnishing Approved Joint Notes. 5 Per Oent. oto co for na h on credit amounts. Terme for farm made Known on day of Sala or on application to_RIOHARD A.CARDIFF Proprietor, or F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer Pure, fret and' Eff oc sun • Bald ng Powder • AUCTION 8ALE or FARM STOOK. ItiPnx- MENTa, &o,—F, 8 Scott, .auctioneer, has been f0-n'uoted by the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 10, Con. 10, Grey, on Wed. nestle March. Brd, nt 1 o'clock, the following viluubbie prope•ty, viz,.: -1 heavy drnft hose 10 years old, l general pur'pose horse 12 yenta old, 1 mare rising 8 years In foal to "Scotland's Hope," 1 driving mare=, 1 gelding rising 8 pears aired by ',Sid Station, 1 heavy draft colt rite ing 1 year got by "Baron Fire,'1 cow -supposed 1n calf, 1 fat dry cow, 1 steer nein 8 years, 1 heifer rising 5 years, 7 steers 2 y sire old,1 steer rising 2 years. 1 heifer rieiug 2 years, 1 bull rising 2 years, 1 heifer rising 1 year, 8 pigs 8 . months old, 84 hens, 1 McCormick binder near- ly new, 1 Me(lo,'mick mower nearly new, 1 Mo- Oormiok horse raise nearly new, 1 Noxon seed drill, 1 disc harrow, 1 Fleury plow 1 set of *melee 2,000 1 Limber wagon, I set bob. sleighs, 1. top boggy nearly new, 1 cutter, 1 fanning 1,1111 1 toot pulper, 1 grindstone, 1 hey rack, 1 gravel box, t Lay fork, carriage and pulley', 1 art of sling-, 1 hey fork rope 160 feet lonuure Manila,1 net of double Harness, 1 Het of single hareems, 1 set of plow harness, 1 pair of horse collars, t net of doubl,treee, s et iO tolls of hay, 1 Miley churn No, 2,:1 washing maohins, 2 heating sieves, 20 stovepipes, apple tree sprayer, 1 wringer, 2bedatelde, -2 tables, 1 fnleleaf table, 1 washtub, 0 kitchen chitin, 1 reeking chid', $ screen doors, 1 lair horse cls ers, t robe, 1 Butter rug, 1 buggy rug, 2 rubber rugs, 1 boiler, I collie doe, 1 26 foot ladder, 1 string of balls, 80 grain bilge, 1 gene -plow, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 acoep•ahovel, 4 40. gal, Miceli+,1 water -trough, 1 iteckyoke, Polka, scythes, amine and other a'toles tee numer- out to mention. Sale unreserved ns, propriet• orhas sold his farm, Terms—All SUMS of $b end under cash' over that neonnit 10 menthe' credit will be given on furnishing Approved Joint Notes. - bee per cont. off for cash on cred- 11amount% Bey to be cash, WM. WOODS, Prop, F. S. 80022, Auo, MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND.—Under and by Virtue or the powers contained In a certain mortgage, whichwill bo pro• tinned at tbna of sale, there will be offered for sale bv public nucti011 on Monday, the fifteenth tiny of Morel', 1009, at the hour of two o'clock ie the arte'noon, at the Ameri- can hotel, in the Village of Brussels, by P S. Stott, Auctioneer, the following property, viz: The North half of farm Lot ,No, 0. in the 711, Con,, of the Township Of Grey Comity of twee. °obtaining 60 tee. On the property IR s good frame hoose iron chid, bank barn 86540 feet end gond orchard, Is alusa toerhool atntlthroe mike from 1H'ueseis. 'Team of Salm Ten Per (lent. on day of Wanted baqInner with. Intltry daye. Fur farther parttoolarn and 6ondihlona aside imply to the nnderaigted, DAVID 'GRAN and 10. A S('O'PT, l d,ntuletra- tors to the estele Of Robert Inglis Mortgagee. Potful at Brussels this 8e5 day of Fab. 1909, There can be no better Baking Pow- der than ours. In making asking Powder there are certain definite dmaterialsercanba 10made be usedbV us, Aiing cheapauwPoliolew• - some ingredients ; a good Powder by using pure and healthful mater- iale. The leavening properties of 211 Ilium Powder may be equal to a -Cream 'tartar one, but we prefer the latter and so should you, OUR BARING POWDER is a Punt Cream Tartar product'and costs no more than the cheaper varieties. - , ' gnc per pound at FOX'S DRUG STORE ABSTRACT of the Receipts and Expends -I ture of the TOWNSHIP Of MORRIS For the year 1908 RECEIPTS Bainnee on hand .. ............................ 80 $ 8241 1 Debentures.. 8028 80 Railway Taxation ,.......,. , ........... 208 48 • 511008 48 Land Imp. Fund Loans ..•.. License a Fundt'nt X00 000 Interest ... - 110 10 School grant 071 90 Taxes ., ,. - .20812 01 Incidentals ]EXPEND ITURE Roads and bridges $ 6940 OD Miscellaneous 20174 OMoore' salaries 750 00 00 Printing ... 4488 00 TRRe9 Schools 7176 87 - - 5440 21 Drainage 2749 60 Debentures- 162 00 (ionone Borrowed money 6000 000 Interest -NO 50 40 184180 94. ;88108 81 ASSETS Balance on hand $ 1088 08 Uncollected taxes 1880 44 Cement tilt on hand 217 28. Road grader. 160 00 Township Hall - 1200 00 • $ 71400 85 LIABILITIES Debenture. on Lamont drdin$ 840 80 Railway debenture - 267 68 8 80.4 We, the-under.igned auditors, declare the.. above to be a true andcorrecteta.tement of receipts and expenditure and of the assets and liabilities of the Tolvnehip'of Norris for the y ear 1008. PETER R. ,70HNSTOMONAd3N, }Auditors. All kinds of - Land Grants - Veteran Bought and sold. J. E. CUNNINGHAM, 33-4 131 Victoria St. Toronto Stock for Service B d OAR FOR SERVICE. — The undersigne will keep for service at Lot 14, Con. 2, Grey athoro'-bred Berkshire. Boar. Terme, 8100, to be paid at time of service with privi- lege of reEnN iELSON HAYDEN, Proprietor. At the—"Nr- Star Grocery ETHEL Is where you get all up-to-date Grocer- ies, always fresh and at right prices. We have purchased a spectal lino of Canned Salmon, Haddie and Sardines. Salmon Maple Leaf brand, 20c. Lowe inlet brand, 18c. Unicorn brand, 16c. Northern Coast brand, 10c. Sardines Brunswick brand, the great 5c Can. Josephine Sardines, 10c. King Oscar, 2 boxes for 25c. Fish Whole Finan liladdy, 10o per lb. Fresh Salmon Trout, 90 per Ib. Frozen Lake Superior Herrings, 20o per doz., and Lake Superior l3er- iinge, in pickle, 25c per doz. Labrador Herrings in pickle, 20o doz. Standard Oyster's, 50c per quart. Special Offer Good fresh Prunes, 0 lbs. for 25o. First-class selebted Raisins, 8 lbs. 250. Dried Peaches, good quality, 21be.25c, Fruit and Confectionery California Navel Oranges, 00c to 20e, Meat quality Lemons, 20c per doz. Hih-class Chocolates and Mixtures. g Sweet Biscuits ' Try McLauchlan's Cream Sodas and be convinced they are the best. Stationery Writing ads, 1." . r Fanny Note PiPin" - 'tp velopes, Seribblel's; Pens, Per, Lnencils. Highest cash and trade prices paid for Butter and Eggs. st W. ■ 1 Teat i s Spence ` Grocer and Confaotioner.