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The Brussels Post, 1909-2-18, Page 6
• HEALTH SUGGESTION IN THE NURSORt People ta-Slay seem to he divided into three camps an the question of low mu h help medical science ions get from mental or spirituitl suggestion. Thos) ars onthueiaste for and conservatives against, and then iu large class of mild conser- vatives, who are willing to see mental suggestion • gain and keep ef place as the handmaid of medi- eine, but refuse to have her mas- querading as queen. There is us- egredly elle domain where mental Science has always held sway, and wbere its kelp has been constantly invoked, both consciously and un- consciously, and that is the nur- sery. The wiser the guardians of the nursery, the MVO conucious- ly anal soientifioally is this latent and myslterious force called upon for aid. It is needless to point out that it can be used for harm bore as readily as elsewhere, and many broken-down adults might trace the first steps in their undoing to the foolish suggestions planted by ig- norance in their nursery days. Steno persons make the mistake of treating every 1=ttle childish ail- ment with a sort of portentous solemnity. They talk in such a way as to arouse all the dramatic anstinet of a email patient, and help it to fill the role of invalid with gusto, "What are clelcut7" ane small girl was heard to ask her nurse, whereupon the condi- tion of the clelicatc was so enthu- ttasticaJly unfolded to her that "playing s els" became the only ,game that cover palled. and when the day for nursery play had pass- ed and she was a woman grown, it, was found that she had never enquired the knack of "playing well." To "kiss the place and make it well" is a happy form of mental therappeutics to wnich we have all probably yielded in our infancy; ,and who has not laughed at the prompt hushing of angry bawls while some terrible sufferer paused to see how the poor table wa;i lttanding it To win over the drarnatio in- stinct of childhood to the service of health is surely a work worth 1 doing, and quite as easy of accom- plishment as the opposite, and it cannot be begun too early. It is pleasant to recall one nur- sery full of healthy, happy chil- dren, where all passing minor ail- ments are met with a sort of tol- erant surprise by beth mother and nurse, and bumps and scratches and histrionic 'pain -aches" are distinctly unpopular. Behind this e attitude the most watchful care, of h course, prevails, but it is, so far as a the children are concerned, a si- lent care, and the language of dis- ease is unknown. The system t works perfectly and is recommend- ed for trial—Youth's Companion. n THE HOME DOCTOR, h Constant coughing is precisely UAD GIVEN UP IIOPE But Dl. Williams' Ripa Paps R9- sturei Vigorous Health, Medicines of -the old fashioned kind will sometimes relieve the sylnpteuse of disease, though they never touch the dLseaeo itself -- they never cure. Ordinary inedi- eines leave behind them indigos- tion, constipation and headaches., Purgatives leave these teking them feverish and weakened. On the ether hand , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do dieect good' to the body, the blood'anal the :nerves, They fill the veins with new, rich blood; they tone and strengthen the nerves; they cure diseases by root- ing it out of the blood. They al- ways do good—they cannot possibly do harm. Mei George Ii. Wilson, Ilfene- ton, N 13., says :—"A few years • ago after confinement I contracted a severe cold and although I took the astonished juuiut: "Mr. Irlaa considerable medicine, I got no better. In fact my condition was Donald is the next iitoess, and 110 . gradually getting worse. I was all is ow of the most important. Or � run down, . bad no appetite and course You will cross-examine !grew so weak that 1 could not do hint" my housework. Ab last the elec. No, replied Sir Charles, ftor who was attending me teal n1y i am tired. lee will do it well en husband that 1 was going into a ough.' , decline; •end I feared so myself, for l:t twat no use to protest. As a sister had died of consumption. 1 quits was dismayed. Ile was total Whoa almost in despair a friendly unprepared. MacDonald was suggested Date Dr. � .et c ' feted . 11. r gg d my taking st.p1' .eel to b a sn ,rote hge < Pink Pills, and 1 got half a dozen I Seetcl,in n, who would prove more boxes. Before 1 had taken them i than a match for the ablest crus: - all I began to get better, Then I l exalninr:r. gat another half dozen loxes, and When Mr. Asquith rose in the before 1 bad used them all 1 was court be vvas at his wit's end. By able to do my housework again and; good fortune, he put a question was in better health than 1 had which was s.nswer•':d by the witness enjoyed for years. 1 believe Dr. in a supremelysilly fashion. Mr. Williams' fink Pills eate.l 1_1'frtm going into consumption and 1 `uhis fah withat n odliresults could play g weak perdue"and the process was one Sold by all medicine dealers or of the meet brilliant display of muff at 50 cents a box or six skill ever witnessod at the bar. boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Mr. MacDonald was turned liatns' Medicine Co., Brockville, ' inside out, and held Op to a scoff - Out. aYM 1lIS t:MANCI:, ow the Prime Misdates. of Great, Britain Made Geed, Opportunity may colas through Iu Junky accident, but genius shows in seeing and using it. `Tito let. .lion. ht. If. Asquith, now prime Minister of Great Britain, was bound to distinguish himself sooner or •later, even though he first be- came noted through what seemail mere chance,' Mr, Stead, in the Review of Reviews, tells of this piece of "leek" wkueh paved the way to fortune. Mr. Asquith was the junior coun- sel to Sir Charles 3Russell, after- ward Lord Chief Justice, as Lord Russell of Killowen, in the famous Parnell commission, Fur nine months he was immersed in the in- tricacies of . that eelelit'eted case. One day, while snatching a hasty lunch, Sir Charlet; told Anquith that he would have to cross-. examine the next witness. "This is most absury 1" exclaimed DO JUST WHAT IS CLAIMED FORTHEM THAT'S W.RAY ;015 1/111 ALACI( LIN SAYS Ol< I)OO)W)"S 1(1A'NIJY P1J1LS, AN .A f LSir TORl'E00,0 Penult 4pla1lefl ]Per by tl Gaston', Jiiyentev, A patent has been applied for at the (Ierman Patent Office , for an "aerial torpedo," which is being -. built at Krupp, works. The torpedo consists of a hollow Petty, contain- ing a thin cylindrical reservoir one end of which is nttaelted to the point of the projectile, and the other' end to a.thin plate screwed into the hollow body. This reservoir is filled with liquid oxygen, and also contains ren explo- sive charge fitted into a cylindrical tube. In the point of the tolpodo a hole is bored, widening towards its front and, and a pill of platinum sponge is inserted in the hole. The platinum is ignited by the escape of hydrogen, when the point of the torpedo has pi;"creed the covering or envelope of a baleen or airship and in its turn sets fire to the ex- plosive charge. All; projectiles for use against bal- loons manufactured up to the pre- sent have simply pierced the balloon covering without cxplodiug its gas contents, Experiments with the new torpedo aro being regularly, conducted. TIIts'y Cured Hie Nellral,rl' i, Cramped Mnsoles and Heart 1)in„ eaao Froin li'idolt Ile bad Stiftel'- ed fol,' Two Years. St, Pani do Melds, Alta, Feb. (Special)--"Dedel's Kidney Pills have done for mo all that is elaim- ed for them," So says Joseph Macklin, A. well known farmer of this district: "I was ill for over Fix years with Neuralgia, Cramps in my muscles, Backache and Heart Disease, 1 culled en different doc- tors but get no help. I heard that l:lcdd's Kidney Pilie were scant fur just such cases as mine anal bought eight boxes, of them. Now I feel just like a new man. I re- commend them to all as a.surecure for Rheumatism and all troubles iu•isieg from diseased Kidneys." Thousands of foreman all-over the - west relate . similar experiences to that given - by Mr. Macklin. They - find that Dodd'e Kidney fills do - just what is claimed for theme--- mire all diseased Kidneys and all t diseases arising from diseased Kid- neys. warmly recommend them to every dfd so, ing world, frcan which he gained the title of "Simple Simon." Mr. Asquith that day established PIG FEASTS. a reputation throughout tho - nee tion. He had seized hid chance and They Have Replaced Cannibalistic made use of it. . Parties in Papua. Though eannibalism used to be If you are a sufferer from colds Anti -Con - practised to a great exteut in Papua get a battle of Blekle'e Anti -Con- t has now given place to pig feasts, thespti etSy up anditet its thatglali- no which are extremely popular. "Tho preparation for these praise bestrrwed on it is ton high, feasts," says the Wide World Ma- it dues all that is claimed for it, gazine, "often takes place days be- and does it thoroughly, Do nob forehand, for they are nothing if not take any substitute for Bickles movable. The feast is announced for Syrup, because it is the best, ov- a certain day, but at the appointed dent dealers sell it.t of years. All the time all the necessary pigs may not have been brought in, or some ex- petted visitors may not have arriv_ "Yogi are an iceberg I" oxo}aim- d, or a pig already present may ed her elderly but well-preserved ave struggled free from its bonds adorer, pale with anger and mor- nd have to be hunted for a day or tifieatiori. "A dozen Otepids, with two. But no one ever scams to mind .a hundred arrows each, could nev- the delay. With well bred calmness or find a culiterablc place in your ntz then wait the feast everything is ready znnoldlbean tto eboot with they a ten est begins, replied the beautiful girl. ' On one such occasion there were early a thousand people present, nd fifty pigs, 2,000 cocoanuts and ago pilus of taro were distributed. The feast givers got nothing; that like scratching a wound; so long i as it is continued the wound will e udt heal Let e. liorson, when at- tempting to cough, take a long breath until it warms and soothes every air cell. The benefit will aeon be felt and the control of the .cough be much easier the second time. People who suffer from sleepless - nese should try the plan of breath- ing slowly, deeply and with pre- cise: uniformity, This will gradu- ally divert from the brain the ex- cess of activity that hinders sleep, Many mechanical processea of znincl for reducing the sleepless throb- ihing of the brain have been sug- gested from time to time, but this Repeat ft:-"s:ailoteseurewin always eure.ms coueit.o and colds." Professor Blinkers—"I hope you s a universal custom. The recipe did riot find my Iecture too teelh,.i- nts likewise neither cooked nor 0a1, ern; Baynoss 7" Isis.s Bayness ate a morsel until they got home, (with pride)—"011, na ; Professor, for it is 'considered good form in I was able to follow it ail," Pros Papua to eat nothing, but to carry feasor 13.—"i am glad of. that, as away everything, thus practically I tried to make it intelligible to reversing our notions of hospitality.; the meanest comprehension." "There was a great heap of dis- membered pigs lying en the ground That Tormenting Acid that made yon wrot}ehad and the presiding genius of the last winter• xdll nut ease back ti you take lllon'a Lun' mfi 0r m when four free front "pisero. feast, with his assistants, threw . !Chis-nrlmirahle t>9medy is tree tram opium. 9'ate these violently toward the guests. ttin tuna. Each important man had retainers, who ran forward and bore the point "Life is full of ups and downs," off, while the less fortunate ones said the man who is airy and af- kept up a running fire of comment— fable tinder all circumstances. identifying a pig's head as having "So I have heard." "Well, I ain boon the contribution of some par- at present in the fail enjoyment of one of the ups." "I congratulate you." "Don't. It's a cane. of 'hard -up.'•" Berme. cee"Sbilloh'sCurewiltalwayes cure my coughs Lied Lolds." •i' ,method of =breathing will he found f the most effective. By taking a tJI long, deep breath, seeing how long c you can: hold it, and gradually let- ting it go, tho mind is fully divert- ed, and has not a chance to wen - der; the process is so monotonous that one quickly falls to sleep. A simple way el stopping nese ,bleeding is -to wind a piece of tis- sue paper about two inches long in- to a tight roll hall the size of the 'little finger. This is then placed in the mouth under the upper lip as fax as it can go. Of course this brings it just beneath the nose, and with the tongue the roll is kept in position. The advantage of this is that the paper presses against the arteries leading to the nasal passage, and . stops the blood be- fore it can reach them. This has the merit of being simple and in- offensive and acts quickly. In very severe eases tying a handker- chief areur;l the, aims Pesci legs: waiting the bandages tight i'iinbgn. to sto12 circulation, effectually stops rho nese from bleeding, In removing the bandages all must not be talce?h off at once, .but each one slowly that the blood may nob ilewaquickly, breaking out again at the weak place. When the bleed - lug is so severe as to require this •treatmenb it would be well to call iz IslrysieiaB, ft doesn't take a Magician to turn night into day. Never form your -opinion of an !Rig until the lid is off, teular man, or reproving the hill elk for their awkward gait, telling em not to fear precipices on the oast, and so on." Many it man has a face as red as a beet who isn't. I A LAUOIiINO BABY 15 A WELL BABY When baby laughs, and gurgles and crows mother knows he is well and happy. When he is cross, fretful and sleepless give him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets and see how epoedily they will change him to a happy, smil- ing d g Chi]', These Tablets e euro all the minor ailments of childhood and bring ileal- t,hy, natural sleep because they rename the cause of sleeplessness. If the little teeth are coming through they help them along pain- lessly. Mrs. Octave Paulin, e Caraquet, N. B., says : "I have found Baby's Own Tan - lets a splendid medicine for stomach and bowel troubles, and to promote sleep. I strongly advise mothers to use them when their little ones are ailing." Solei by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr,Wiilia s Medicine Co,, Brockville, ILONOIt TRUST UL'ON IIIIM. Man Elected to ''Prenyls Senate Without His Knowledge P. olitioal honor has been thrust upon M. Etienne Flandin, who re- presents the Department o1 the Yonne in the French (Member of Deputies. Quite ignorant of the fact that Iris name hacl been put forward as a candidate, M: Flandin finds flim- self elected to the French Senate as the representative for Pondichorrtyt one of the Trench possessions 181 India. M. Flandin has never been to In- dia in bis life, and knows nobody there, but a few weeks ago M. Le - maim, Deputy for Pondicherry r with whom lie is acquainted, put forward his name as candidate for a Senatorship without M. Elan - din's knowledge or consent. M. I<lanclin was amazedto receive a cablegram from Pondicherry an- nouncing his election, and saying that "indescribable enthusiasm" prevailed, 3d. Flandin has decided to accept the mandate thus thrust upon him. Meanwhile the Governor of Pondi- cherry has been suddenly recalled and it is understood that the Gov- ernment will shortly propose.. that Pondicherry be permanently dia. franchised. dam...._ THE TUBA, Blinks—!'lie's. a pretty good boat builder, but he's very slow." Jinks -"Slow, all 7" Blinks—"Well, 1 should' say. if ho hied had the job of building the Ark we wouldn't have had the flood yet." A Woman's Sympathy Inc You dlseaurageti? Is your dostor'sl bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain P a heavy physical burden? I knowwhat these mean to delicate women -I have been etc rouragiai,. too; but maxima hew to cure myself. MD? I rant to relieve . your bur- dens wee not end the, pain and stop theI doctor's ll? I can do this for you and will if you will ru fist me.All you need Co is 50 write for free box of the remedy which has been placed in my hands to be given away: Perhaps this one box will cure you -it has. done so for of lora. ii so.. I aball lt0 happy and you will bo cured for 2e. (tits east of a postage Mann)). Tour letters held confl-. Caudally. Write t day for m4 frau tre'tt- meat sdaS. Ir. is miasma, Whldsor, Out.. A-"Spouter is a pretty able de- bater, isn't lbs 7" B—"I should say sal Why, he can call an opponent a liter and a scoundrel in fifteen different ways without `iolatingthe rules of order." A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Beard;—Tho high pressure of a nervous life which business men of the .present day are constrained to live make draughts upon their vi- tality highly detrimental to their health. It is only by the most careful treatment that they. are able to keep themselves alert and active in their various callings, many of there know the value of armelee's Vegetable Pills in ream - Intim; • the stomach and cense- (meetly keeping the Bead clear. A man may think that he is kil- ling time, but sooner or later time puts him out id the running. Repeat it:-"0btloh's Cure veal always cure my coughs aac? colds." Lulu -"Yes, 1 was introdn'ced to him yesterday, and he told me 1 was the prettiest woman he had ever met." Celia—"Ah, you ace, I was only introduced to him this morning." aNglig?geggIR isncrt alw5ys st hand, - Onanl endend isi1' CufZi,v :end 001,1, liykOGyyTnGG'sb,ldllor In the 00ua,. ki hl �t:UsW. ie but ono ' P iuknler"-YCrrynd Ile. Jaspar—"I often wonder why Jenkins is not more popular, for he is the most polite man I know." Clasper—"That is just the troublo Ho is so wretchedly polite that he gives everyone the impression that he wants to borrow money" A Soothing 011.—To tlu'ow oil upon the troubled waters means to subdue to calmness the most boisterous sea,. To apply Dr. Tho- mas' Bcleatric Oil to the troubled body whenit is racked with pain means speedy subjugation of the most refractory elements. It cures pain, heals bruises, takes the ilre from barbs, and as a. general housebold medicine is useful in many ailments. It is worth much. AN INSOMNIA CTJJIE. An amusing story is told of rho late Bishop of London, Dr. Creigh ton, and Lord Rosc'bery, says the London Globe. Lord Rosetbery complained to the Bishop of want of sleep, to which the Bishop replied that he never suffered from insom- nia. Tho Earl observed that he wished he knew the remedy. no Bishop's formula was very simple. If he felt drowsy he started to write a Berrien and in a few moments he was wide awake. On the other hand 1f he wanted sleep all lie had to do was to start to read' a sermon. Then sleep came in is few socendn. Lord Ilosebery, we are told, replied that' it was his practice to choose the lesser evil, and he preferred want of sleep to reading sermons. Repeat it;-"Shiloh's Duro will always ours'uzey coughs and colds," Dead men hell no tales, anti dead dogs wag none. All filings ammo to those who wait, if they wait an themselves. I{nowvn to Th 011 anis,--Parma- lot's Vegetable Pills regulate the action if the secretions, "purify tho blood and keep the stc+rnacll and bowels free from deleterious mat- ter, Takeo according to direction they will, overcome dyapepsia, era- dicate biliousness; and leave the digestive organs healthy anti strong to perform their functions. Their merits are well-known to "thousands u'he know lhy eaporienec how benelieiai they atra 'in giving tone to the system. Ifs --"What would you say, dar- ling, if I told you. that you can never bo mina7" She -"T should -ay, pet, that I've got a nice bun- dle of letters that would' help to make it expensive to you." I:sp•at.tei- " Slitloh's curs tivlll ar-wayo cure my coughs and colds," "I think the country 12 just sweet," said the town young lady, ''1 Love to see the peasant return- ing to his humble cot, his sturdy figure outlined against the setting sun, his faithful collie at his side, and his plough` upon his shoulder!" imitations Abound, but insist upon gotttod the genuine, Tho n & L" ltouthat itlayter. It bus geed the test of gars It euros acbea and pain quicker titan any 'Outer.. "Binks is weak financially, isn't he 7" "He hasn't much money, but he, gives employment to a great many nie0," "Who are they 7" "Other people's bill colleetor-s.". Thos. Sabin of Egliugton, says; "I have removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. SHE DID. Mr. Wise—"I'd invest that little surplus money you have on hand so that you'll have something for a rainy clay, if I were you." Mrs. Wise—"l, diel no to -day, I bonght a new raincoat, a. rainy- day skirt and a gold -handled um- brellas" Some schoolboys aro pretty slow but manage to catch the whooping cough. AFTER 20 YEARS0FSUFFERHIG. rano-Stair's Healing P5wrer Prreved by achocf9 porremiasiener bared aaptizt Deetcewi, inANB of .the most recent converts to the gam -link method of treating' and curing disease is Mr. C. 10. Sanford, of Weston', King's Co., N,S. Mr. Sanford is a ,justice of the Peace for the County, and a member of the Board of Scliool Commissioners. Ile is also )jeacon of the Baptist Church in Berwick, Indeed, throughout the County it would be difficult to and a man more widely known and more highly respected. Some time back he had occasion to test Zam-fink; and here is his opinion of this great balm. He says: -,- "I never used anything that gave me such satisfaction es Zamsauir. I had a patch of eczema on my ankle, which bad been there for over twenty years. Sometimes, also, the disease would break out on spy' shoulders. I had taken solution of arsenic, had applied various oint- ments, and tried all sorts of things to obtain a cure, but all In vain. I was advised to give Zam-Buk n trial, and as I am a firm believer in Nature's remedies, I did so. From first applying it I' saw .it was altogether different to the ordinary ointments and embrocations, and it soon began to show signs of clearing away the eczema on my ankle. TMs was so gratifying, that I persevered for some time with It, and I am glad to say it had the desired result. I am now cured of the disease which defied, every other treatment for twenty years. _ "This is not the only direction in which I have proved the merits of Zam-Bulc I suffered for a Tong time from piles, and I found a perfect cure for this painful ailment in Zam-Buk. Zam-Bulr soothes, the pain, th relieves the congested veins, and so restores the elasticity to e- tissues that the piles gradually but surely disappear." Zam-unit is n ppnsltivo and certain cure for cuts, burns, bruises,sprains, piles, festering sores, uivics, scolds, blood-nolsonl5g, etzema,.scabs, chapped hands, cold cracks, al,llblelns, 7W -cm, scalp sores, bar! leg, diseased ankles, anti all other skin diseases and Injuries. Rub"-ui wolf intathe parts affected, it cures neuralgia, rheumatism, anal sciatica. All druggists and stores .sell at 500. box, three for 51.25. and post free from Za ,,.nult Co., Toronto, for price. Roles. the harmfhi imitations sgmeti,oea represented to be "just as goal." 20 c�1 '49 aam HNf;..V• "ci".a : ;k` &, sF�.: ts,ll,�.. ' " 'Fw;StaN .sss•^en s - gl4,17gg,5g1-'e swwm t 100.000 MUSKRAT 60,000 COON 6,000 RED' FOXES 20,0.00 SKUNK WANTED IMMEDIATELY. W6 ALSO BUY OTHER FURS. Ship to CO at once and satisfy yourself that WE aro the . VERY BEST buyers of Raw Furs in -Canada. TIT.MONTE+ITH, STROTHEIt FUR co.. 11 & 3 CIIUgOh S r It may be that some men are born great, but a woman seldom acquires greaeness, via the matri- monial route. 1.000 of Flesh, cough and pain in the chest ms not mean consumption but aro ball signs, Anent Lung Balaton tenons the sough and heals indent, od air passages. Not a. grain of opium init. "1 hadn't been tallying with him. three minutes before the called me an^ass. What earl, of a person is r he 1"Well, I never knew him to toll alio." One way to unsettle a question ns to argue about it. Repeat iti-"ShUoh's Caro wall always cure my coughs and colder." The widow in the flower of her youtb is not discouraged by weeds. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. Fee that you get the genuine when purchasing. RAW and W rife for Weekly Price Lists, 2 JOh fQ KaLLAfvI TORONTO, ONT. Shipments Solicited; VMS ovantaitautzvaztalszamm USED: IN Leading Conservatories, . Colleges, Schools, Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a -piano of dieinctive merit is appreciated. 'The Bell is the Only piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action. CALVES Raise Th:to withOuiMitk. fateeie nrlggo boo, Co, LW., 'Toronto APT DYEING and Ulna:neg. TAIa U a epeoleltr with the ItIRIT1SH AMERIOAN 1 VElN0 00. soca particatare brseat dad tre nreeura to %Ndary a edsooa COR, 1118. lusntrusi, SURE HEAVE CURE Our, guaranteed Iloavo Cure will save youa•.horse. Has completely. cured many eases pronounced in- curable. Serol for copies .al testi- monials and further information. Fetal. ErrotaOro, .0 ftflt3tussl©, (attt, A. J. PATI SOW 32-a$ SCOTT BISSET, TOBOIITO, ,Stook srouera gentcc sad et7tasftookobonuht.a dsold on Wm mambo, iflo(rlbpo�nae Invited. Ordure may be *India. 14"i ~ ISSUE 11'O. 7--09. T Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. fie LLt-i.-Pl'effe0.0or, sti Co.. Um led GUd.LPH.0WARM ._. HOTEL TRAY ORE ON THE OCEAN MONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. r..+. d n,egntCrobt tea -gaol tree/root imam's,. le Jett hems cnntploted, nisknrr this taornn t ,ho telly l0, 0eroovt and utost tlp•to,date ei AtItetto City note's. A oaw'+teatsto 1 -the tinetu,ii size of the bad rbolna, lavutgieg 19 foot square . brror3i"rtem 003/..411,11al,601Hn able bilk, attacked with sex trait froak Aatar,.'Metal. fl eft even. ellatnbor, t einpor0tnie regulateir by rhormenehiet;: the, lsIo ( iiovulap,g,.tt'in ton lteaiing.>'1,iopboaein60831050. Reltpriyileget. •Oapsolty505, W.-lfvfatihuetraled eltist. .*PIARLe5 ()h MAktZtii'ri3, rt;.&1'>H R0 tiotrilx,1rlr+�r,tivir, Munger, . '.b, 8. t' Ill'I'li,'1:eelldt:'ll.