HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-18, Page 5SUSiNESS CAROL MiSS LAURA SPENCE Teaohor of Plano or Organ ETHE4, ONT, K. O, T. M. — Brussel Auld their regular of the le the JLudilo Agues. ovegi tsd gtkoi ol-month- ,1212(1 81d A..SOMERS. Ooln,tray- Welcome. orXaE R.B. , JAMES HARM, Ageull Howiok Mutual Fire Insurauee. Company otuoe end Residence— WALT.ON, QNT, JOHN SUTHERLAND 1880140x(08, FIRE AND MARINE. (GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. SCOTT A13 AN AUCTION a nen, will sell for better prime, to better mei, lu lege time amu lees charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Lutes and order., can always be arranged at thle ofaee or by Personal applioatlon. ROBT. H. GARNI$S BLUE VALE — ' ONT. A(letioneer ' for Huron County. Toren reasonable, Wee arranged for at the :ol0oe of Tun Poem, Brussels. - 82tt VETERINARY. ,a( A. CUNNINGHAM--lA • Honor draduew of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared tar treat all dia. eases of domoscloated animals In a wawa ant wanner. Perth:Oar attention paid to Veterinary. Dentistry aud Ittaik rev,r Halls promptly attended to, (Mace aud Infrmary Four doors North of bridge, Ternborry of eruseele, 'Phone 47 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SiNOLAIH--- VY• Dl • Barrister, aoltoitor, (!oliva aneok Notary Public, &a. UOioe—Stewart ey Stook ' 1 door North el Oeutral Hotel. Soliolter for the Metropolitan Bank. 1714OUDFOOP, HAYS & BLAIR IIARRIHTE14H SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PORbin, EPO. W. PnouDroom, LC. It. 0, Revs G, F. Bner.% Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, 000n1cH, OrrrABxc. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 8urgeoueerVutarlo and First-class Honor Graduate of Torouto. University, Oelec next to .Brewer's Pbotograpu Gallery. n1tU8SELS. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS; ANY even numberedemotion of homiulon -Lau2',40 Mauitoba,Hasketobewao aud Alberta, excepting 8 and 20. not reserved, maybe homesteaded by any perann who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years 0t ago, to the eato0t of one -an rrter section of 180acres more or lees Entry may be made personally at the 1001(1 laud' 08),18 for the dletrlot lu which Ella laud is situate, Thd homesteader le required to perform the ooudittons 600000ted therewith under ono at the fnllrwIOg plans: 0) et least six months' residence upon and ouhivattou of the laud ,n each year for three years, (2) If rho tether (or mother, it the father to deceased) of the 12onweteader resides upou a farm in she-vial.dty of the laud outeredlor the requirements asto reel. deems may be saasded by Huth person re- siding with the father or mother. 12) If the 24ttler has lila permanent roes. demo npou farming land owned by hiai. to the ',malty of his homestead, the re- quiromouts 0s to reoideaoe may' be salla- flfed by tesideueevpou the WWI land. Six mouths' notion hn writingehoutd be given to the Ootinilealouer of Domiulou Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W . W. GORY. Deputy of 111eM1uteter of tutorior. N. B. Vul athutlaed pub(lu.aou of this -ad- vertisement will nut be paid for. SAL Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to .the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, • - Brussels. Rheumatism I have found atrlod and tested time for Rhea. realism I Nota remedy that will straighten the distorted lin[bs of chronic cripples nor tura bony growths babltto flesh again. rhai islmpostible. But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs of this doplonible disease. In Germany -^with a Chemist in the .City of Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with { which Dr. Shoon's Rheumatic Bonledy was made e perfected, dependable proscription. Without a o 1PiReStf C#ar'dwt A. H; MONTE8ir(q Bn;mister, Solicitor, Rotary, v0,, time/eager to A, B, Maodopald. 044'00 over 104an01404 Boni[, erneeele, DR. HAMILTON Denton Bur aon, Onloe 9Ppos14e the postoaloe, [-s• WIIIvis412 Qurrlq 40 11400 an 44110(1 Monday of each mouth. 41.14401 DR. T. T,. M'RAE Bachelor et Med101ne, Univerelty- of Toronto Lj,lcontlato and Graduate of the collegeof kh 01nh12)8 aud Surgeons, Oat, J Pontgradojite Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and 'Argil!? tionpltul, 4 biu0go,11I EsHHouso eurlieon to 6t, Nioh• eel'NBOspitel Toronto. Oiflue Over Ir, R. tlmit4 0 Drag Store, Tete. phone tweneotion with erne tweak et all hours, PR. WARPLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Dayand night pulls, office opposite Pleur Mill, Ethel. QLE,114RQ.ba DI A?�l' Redd t' '8I F BRUSSgi..S • Go0NO SOUTH GoING. Nol1'ril Mail .... 7:14 a m I £Cxprose ,., 11;44 0 m Express 11:20n m Mail .. 1;44 a( ..... 8:02 p m Faeroes • 8:41 p' m Express at�v'ra0R. f it ?.IWIFIQ WALTON To Toronto To Goderfoh Sxproo 8:41 a- m Express ., . 11:80 a in Express ,,.....-: 11:11 p [0. I Express,......,. 7:47 p !!stria t .e%s Leadbury ,Intended for Inst week) Peter Gardiner has his hay press going very steady these days. Mr. and Mrs. White gave a party to a few of their friends lastIeriday even- ing, John Leeming and Sam. Davidson, were home last Sunday from the Sea - forth Business College. Chas. Clever has purchased the old Stimore farm from his neighbor, Henry •Bennewies, at a good figure and Mt. Beonowies, has in turn bought the 200 acre farm from Fixedly McIntosh for $11,000. 'M1'. Bennewies is oue of the largest land owners in Huron Co. aud is to be congratulated on this last pnruhused. Mr. McIntosh will have a sale in the near future and proposes moving to Blyth to reside. She is white as a Ghost Is it matter of pride to be pale as a lily,—certainly, not. What every wonan wants is strength, color, vigor. Buoyancy and health are the "right of every woman aud. these she need not lack if she only uses Ferrozone. Ja gives appetite, creates strength, en- riches blood, gives vigor to the nerves, color to the cheeks and brightness to the eyes. rerrozone is at once con- vertible. into health, beauty and strength. There is power in Ferro- zone,=try it and know what you have missed, 50c at all dealers. Walton Balms' ANNIVERSARY.—In report- ing the holding of a Burns supper at Edmonton, the Bulletin of that city, dated Jan. 29th. speaks of the Presi- dent of the Caledonian Society, Wm, Rea, B. A., formerly of Walton local- ity as follows :—It was shortly after eleven o'clock when the diners were called to order by President Wm. Rea. The presiding Officer ryas in excellent form and his speech was one of the features of the evening. "Having finished the material part of the bauquet," he said, "we shall now begin the second part of our program. In the beginning, I wish, on behalf of the Caledonian Society of Edmonton, to extend the right hand of welcome . to all our guests, and to all the strangers who are with ns. I am pleased, indeed, to see stroll a splendid gathering at onr board meeting tonight, assembled, as We are, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Scotland's greatest bard, and one of the greatest men of the British race, the immortal Robt. Burns." With the size of our city at the present tine,: there are certain 'd]8lcult{0s in the way of holding two Scotch suppers in the year—one on St. Andrew's night and one on Janu- ary `25th ; but the society felt, even should the banquet not be a financial success—which,' however, is 110W as- sured --,that this is the most dignified and fitting wayfn which we could honor the birth and metnory of our great countryman. Regarding the Caledonian Society of `lldlnonton, T may say that. it has been in existence a little over"two years, and that it has now on its roll about three hun- dred and fifty melilbers. The imme- diate objects of the society are social and patriotic—to celebrate the Scot- tish gttmes, to cultivate a taste for Scottish literature and Scottish his- tory, to be mutually helpful to one another, to give a kindly welcome to all Scotia's sons who come here: from their "auld mither over the sea," and to maintain in this Western land the best traditions of the race .and land. from which we are sprung. In. ad- dition to these immediate objects, which we are endeavoring to cavry out at the present time, the society has two further objects in view.' One is to secure a permanent home for the dub' and erect a Caledonian Hall, and thus have a permanent elixbrooln for all Scotsmen who are lreee and who may come here i11 the years that -arra before us. The full attainment of tilis object cannot be realized for scute years, considering the peeseu2 size of our city and the high prices of real es- tate that prevail, but. within the com- myear a beginning will be made aud feed started for that purpose,, and I rest that the Oaledonian Society' and that'last ingredient, I successfully treated many, t the Scotehmen of. Edmonton and much dreaded disease. Those Band-like granular v wastes, found hf Rhemnaticlliood. sena to dissolve u and 4840 OWay'nlder the action of this remedy ab a Andltlnen, Mien r( dissolved, nate pod iponouuo Wastes freely Ansa from t116 system, and the cause of a Rhowmatism is gone forever.. Thom is now no teal need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with. C • many cases of Rheumatism; but now, at last, ituol. lormly cures all curable cases of this heretofore miu]ty will pursue that abject with niiagging zeal and the persistency 0.d pertinacity that are characteristic of their rads and 110Yer test until it is ceomplished. 'there is another ob- 'ct that some of the members of the aledonian Society have in mind, and 110 that is very clear to my Own 0art, which, though not of sued pees- ug necessity as the one I have just 0ntioneci, '('et is; not less 11np(1A/tilt the end, that is to have within our wrrday and gelieration, erected in 148 splendid city that is.: rapidly rite g on the bemire of the Saekatcliewaot I 0111 holt.. We sell, and is confidence recommend 0 O h Dr. Shoop's P Rhea ';otic Rem .m edv "ALL"DEALERS" in 41uo11tteren1 in the f011n of fa life.siee helve 111 elltlurini; broeze of our great v0untrylnan, poet,and )attri0t, Reber!. T3tn'us. I know of no kinol' enabe111sJt. lett r 11 t for ori• otGY than Co have such 112 8tetn0 in a public place, where the wayfarer, be he 124 non or Melt, 0r 111(171 of Any rase or dolor, meld look op to that kindly, friendly facto and fel that thol'0 was A 01120(1 whew great 12414 ge 12110(ts heart plat aU 11ufn1tnity, yes alt Creation, the (!rink) work' 440 well best le the World, and be felt the Plait)) was tree, but What goad wee it as the 11121nan, undo41' 11)9 p2'0teeti0n who has a word of 'cheer 01 emacia- tion for every phase of human sur. row ; who has sung in lnal'ehles5 verse the song ,of freedom ; who has pro- claimed the p1'ieeiples of democritoy and brotherhood ill Biter words than those found in the orators of Use French Revolution 0r in the Atneric• an Declaration of Independence i who has in his "A. Mao's a elan" crystalin - ed in Imperishable lines the doctrine of self respect, and the true dignity of manhood. I say the�Scotchtnan could look upon that figure and his native lend would rise 1114 bofoie him ; the• nommen man could 1no112 upon that figure, and fee{ that, if Helms the "pith 0' sense and the pride o'worth" he is equal t o nature's best ; while the down- cast, the disconr'aged, the dejected, the broken-hearted, themagdalen, the outcast could look up to that friendly, sympathetic face, forget some of itis misery, respecthinlselfonce more, and cheered, refreshed and comforted continue in life's `battle, Further II know of no more fitting place for such a monument than in this Northern city,situated as it is in the veru heart of this vast Western country, filstex- plored by men of Scottish birth,and several of thorn Burns contemporaries. But I shall say no more of this, as the "Immortal Memory" will be ably dealt with this eveuing by my friend Bev. Dr. McQueen. • In sickness, ifacel'tainhidden nerve. goes wrong, then that organ that this nerve controls will also , surely fail. It may be a stotnaeh nerve, or it may have. given strength and support to the Heart or kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made to dose the stomach nor to temporarily stitmlate the heart or kidneys. That old fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes to those failing inside nerves. The remarkable 8ilecess of this pre- scription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these fail- ing organs. And -it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten clays test will surely tell. Try it once and see. Sold by all druggists. Belgrave Rev. and Mrs. Rivers received a great surprise on Friday eveninglast when about 30 members of their Brick church congregation invaded the ppax'- sonage with well filled baskets. Rav- ing received a welcome they immedi- ately made themselves at home and spent an enjoyable evening in social intercourse, games and a splendid im- promptu program in which nearly all took part. After ample justice had been done to the excellent, �•eftesh- li mus, several hymn were sung and the friends took their departure leav- ing behind a large load of oats which they • had provided for the pastor's driver. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers ap- preciate very touch the kindness of the people on the Belgrave Circuit as shown in so many ways. To atop a crying baby It may be cramps, perhaps colic, pain or gas on the stomach,—bot in any case a few drops of Nerviline soothes the pain and allows the child to sleep peacefully. Nerviline cores minor ills such as colds, headache, in- ternal and. external, pains as well as any dootcr,-•safe to use because a small dose is required. Mothers you will find Nerviline an invaluable aid in preventing and curing sickness. Keep a bottle right at hand, some day you will need it badly. Sold every- where at 25e. Bluevale Tuxt inuary Oouwc ,. Minutes Of Council meeting held in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, Feb. 8t11. Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting tvel'e read and adopted OD motion of Messrs. Rutherford and McMichael. Moved by Mn Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Rutherford that as it is ditTicult, to correspond with the school sections in this municipality oil accougqt of their failure to comply with the Statute law which requires all school boards to send to the Clerk of the Mupieipality in the month of January in each year the flames and addresses of their Trustees, their Sec.- Treas. and their 'Teacher and as only one school (No. 5) in this Municipality has complied with this of the school law, that, the Cleric be instruct- ed to complain to the Inspector of all sections that do not seucl'in to the Clerk their report during the current month. Gaveled. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, 80condsd by Ma'. Felly that the Assessor' be iusfructed to assess and place on roll all property exempt from taxation such as church buildings and lands, school buildings land lairds, all vacant land such as the rnarket square in. W. T. plot, all town- ship roads where ]find has been bought for deviation roads a list of which will be furnished to him by the Clerk for the year 1008 and future years. Carried. Moved by 141r. Wheeler, see. by Mo. McMichael that any rate- payers wanting change of puthmas- tors, pound' teepees o1' fence viewers must notify some ma1)11101 of the Council 0r the Olerk before next meet- ing of Council, Carried. Moved by Mr. Kellyy'', sec. by !kir. Rtttherfosel that the Reeve and Oonncillot' Ruther- ford be a committee to tl5eet the 9 .Reeve and another member of Culross C0nn011 and also Geo. Bryce and Mr'. Loutit to try to make arrangements:. ; to, settle the dispute re culvert on boundarY far all time. Oat'viecl. The E Auditors laid their report in printed : d form before the (;ottutil for final audit. Moved by Sktr. Ti etty, 8(10. L1y M Mr, Wheeler' that the Auditors' re- C Mport as printed be adopted. Car1'iod.' oved by t1'Ir. Rutherford, sec. by' Mt', Kelly that the Clerk be iustraeted to aslt the Wiugham Times and Advance 1 si set If Wee question of FOOD VALUE, get Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas. They contain he c. n# 1 the bone and muscle building properties — of Canada's choicest wheat. flour. They are substantials, like roast beef and bread, Yet alley are'so delicate. that children and invalids may make them the best part of every meal, Mooney's Biscuits are packed as they come piping hot from the ovens, in airy tight, moisture -proof boxes, Thus, all the crispness and goodnessof the freshly baked biscuits are caught and held until they reach you. There. is good food and good eating in Mooney's Biscuits. THE MOONEY BISCUIT & CANDY CO. LIMITED. 191 Tf 1c Food Solved Stratford Hamilton Ottawa Sydney W1nn4Pog Calgary Vanequvo, to send in to this Council before noon of the 5th day of April next tenders for the Township printing for the cur- rent year when the (natter will be taken into consideration by the Coun- cil. Carried. A deputation consist - in of George Spotton and H. B. Elliott of Wiugham waited on the Couricil stating that a company was being formed to coustruct Rural tele- phones in this and other municipali- ties with Winghain as the centre and asked to be allowed to construct their lines on the road allowances in the municipality free of chaige. Moved by Mr. McMicheal, sec. by Mr. Wheel- er that we grant to the Wingbam Rural Teleplione Association the right to plant their pules and string their wires on the concessions and side lines free of cost provided the said associa- tion is organized and charter granted during the- current year. Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :-1I. B. Elliott, advertising, 51,00 ; Express Co., cart- age & freight, 46c ; Mnnicipal World. ro1ls, 53.00 ; Robt. Black, audit, 510.00; J. W. Ansley, audit, $10.00 ; D. H. Moffatt, audit, 53.00 H. Hen- nings, working fond nlachlue, 52.00. Moved by M1'. Kelly, sec. by Mr. Rutherford that this meeting do now - adjourn to meet on Monday, April 5th at 10 o'clock a, m, Jolss Bwtemss, Clerk. La Grippe coming Again Europe is now in its grasp and iu a short time America will be over run with this awful epidemic. Get ready, use preventive treasures. Build up a surplus of vigor by Ferrozone, and in. - hale Oatarrhozone three times each day. Nothing destroys the grippe germ like Catarvhozone. It cures the cold, breaks up the fever, relieves the headache and destroys; every vestige of catarrh and sore throat. For Brrn1- (.h]tis, Gtippe, and Winter ills. Oatarrhnzone is best. . Sold by all dealers 25c and 51.00. Evangelization of the World In a Gen- eration by Laymen. His Excellency Earl Grey, the Gov - enter General, has accepted the invita- tion of the Laymen's Missionary Move. cent, and wiil be the honorary Presi to the Students," '"l'he Students' 0a11 to the Men of ti's Church." 3 p m.—Theme: 'The Unity and Universality of the Kintdom." Ad- daesses—"•Missions and Church Unity," "Co-operation, the Law of Christ's Kingtlom." 7 45 p m. -'Theme : "To Obey is Better tban Secriece " Closingaddress- es The spenkcrs already secured are :— Robt. E Speer, New York ; Bishop I hoburn, India ; Dr Zwemer, Arabia ; ' S. 13 Capen, Boston (Chairman Lay. men's Missionary Movement) J, Camp- bell White, New York, (General Secre- 1 tory Laymen's Missionary Movement); Hnn. D F. Wilber. Halifax (American. Consul -General) ; Silas McBee, New York (editor The Churchman); Chas. A. Rowland, Athens, Ga. (Chairman So. Pres, Laymen's Movement) ; N. W. Hoyles, L. L. D., Osgoode Hall, Toro'. to ; L, H. Severance, Cleveland, Ohio , J. A. Macdonald; Toronto ; l Lovell Murray, New York ; Principal Dandier. Toronto ; N. W. Rowell, K. C., Toron- to ; S. J. Moore. Toronto ; Canon Tuck. er, Toronto ; Hos. S. Blake, Toron- to ; Canon Cody Toronto, and commis- sioners (0 the Orient aad representative men from Great Britian. Harry Reid Knows .Mrs, Swlnard, of MoAtthur's mins, eon nutted stueide After a paper bag con Wining poisoned candies was found ata neighbor's gate. Suspicion was di.. rented to the deceased, OreUp positively stopped hi 202nIn- 1tt05 with Dr, Shoop's Croup. Remedy. Coe test A t alone will s w i rile! rove fila .r Y t t. t u 11 0 N vomiting, vmGa 1 n o d • n �s e safe and pleasing• eyrilp-•-6012, solei by an dealers. Cattle belonging' to Ira Gilbert, of Fingal, have been eubjeeted to most cruel treatment by 410nie unknown per. - son. A sharpinsirument was eboved down the beasts' throats, penetrating the 8111101 .arid preventing them from swallowing. Have you Warts? You can cure' t(lom painlessly by Putnam's 0ot•t1 and Wart 77xtrector. Never known to fail. Be sure you get "Putnani's," in 25e bottles. A sensational attempt at robbery in a street oar took place lit Monire7L The thief was knocked down by the cou- duetor and secured, after he had relicts, ed a passenger s5enger0f 5q[ and his watch, Who wouldn't give 2511 to stop a pain 20 times? Just one little "Pink Pain Tablet"—Dr'. Shoop's will stop pain in 20 minutes, sure: !read the formula on the box. Doctors say it can't be bettered. Checks womanly pains, any pain. 20 tablets 25c. Sold by ell dealers, 1(200 2818880 1 Na , .- 1• Coior Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now B , made from our new improved' formula, does not stain or color the hair even to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, blonde hair Is not made a shade darker. But it certainly does atop falling hair. No question about that. Does not change the color of the holt. Formula With •soh bottf• 84o ,th osyour, ��' is 20010 11410. About It, then dq as be says Indeed, we believe it will stop every case of falling hair unless there as some very unusual complication, something greatly affecting the general health. Then you should consult your physician. Also aslt him about the new Ayer's I -lair Vigor. --mute by woo: , ATerCo„ Xrowon, CashSalaaf_Surplus .nock 'BINDER TWINE, Woven Wire Fence, Farm Gates, Barb'Wire, Manure Forks, Hay Forks, Rope, Servs, Guns, Rifles, Axe Handles, Baskets, Steck Food, etc. In order to facilitate stock -taking, reduce stock to save removal to new premises and to make way for Spring goods we quote extremely low rices on the followingp goods:— Binder Twine Pure Manilla, 65o feet, 13jc Manilla,'Soo feet, (20 Woven Wire Fence So rods of 9 strand Fence at 3912 el rod. No. 9 latteral and upright. Farm Gates Two only—a rz ft. and a 13 ft., at 53.75 and 54.75 respectively. Barb Wire 400 rods, 8o rods in a bundle, at 52.25 a bundle. Manure Forks Four tang at 5oc ; 5 and 6 tang propor- tionately low. Hay Forks Three tang, from 350 to 400. Hay Fork Ropes Odds and ends, job lot et cut prices. Hand Saws A limited number from 6oc to 55 1.5o each Guns Three double barrelled guns, breach loading, ]eft barrel choke, at 57.0o. Rifles One Stevens 31-40 with peep sights at $11,00, A number of 22 Rifles from 52,00 to $6•oo. Axe Handles A lot of good Axe handles From toe to 20e, factory made, Baskets A number of good Willow Baskets, bus, and bus. and a half, 350 and 5oc. Stock Food and Pratt's Animal Regulator at extremely low prices. These prices w111 only hold good on the surplus stock Jas. Fox, the druggist, does not appreciate these prices you must see the goods. guarantee Parisian Sage to grow hair -We Pay easri for Hides, t see t, Raw Furs, etc. on every bald head, but if there is any life left in the roots of your hair, Parisian Sage will stimulate the hair bulbs and cause your hair to grow again. Hero is one case, "I am now using the second bottle of yolr Paris- ian Sage, and can notice a new crop of hair appearing. I ant glad to say it is a darker color than my hair was before I became bald." Harry Reid, 10 Manbe.ttau, St. Rochester, N. Y. Don't wait till you're bald before us- ing Parisian Sage, use it now. Bill SLAV TER SALE the dandruff germ and prevent bald- ness, Jas. Fox, the druggist, sells Parisian Sage at 50c a large bottle, .and he guarantees it to cure dandruff, stop falling hair', and cure all diseases of the scalp, or money back. Parisian Sage is a delightfully iuvigOrating hair dressing : it wakes the hair soft, andbeautiful. above mentioned. To McKAY &SHAW Great fluffy 1 Con The Bi f l discover that a West Toronto dent of the National Missionary Cn ° barber had smallpox ca2sed excitement 1 e 'Thomas Southworth, head of the Bur- glean to be held in 'Cornnto March 31 t April 4. Several thousand men are ex pected, and the following remarkahl program will be presented :— WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 2.30 p. m. --For Clergymen and Theo- logical Students. Theme : "The Rela- tion of the Ministry to a Missionary Church." Addresses — 'The . Great Commission,""•The Minister—tine leader of His People," 'Reflex Influence of Missions," 8 0o p, m, --First regular session of Congress. 'Phenme; "Canada's Oppor. tuwty at Home and Abroad:. • 1`he World's Debt to the Missionary." TUURSDAY, FRIDAY (A. et.) AND 5AT- URDAY(p. Denomination Conferences arranged by the Board Secretaries and Laymen's Committees, with special programs. THURSDAY, APRIL 1. s' 3o p, m.—Theme : "The Victorious Progress of Missions " Addresses— ' 1 he Awakening Orient," '•'l'he Impact of Christianity On Non -Christian Re- iigions,' "The Sure Victory." 8 p. m,—Theme : '•'Che Piece of the Chinch in the Making of (be Nation " Addresses—"Canada's Debt to the Mis sionaly," '•Our Duty to the English- speaking and European Settlers, "Our Duty to the Indian," "Our Duly to tile Aelatie," "Che Christiauizatioh of our Civilization," 15R1AY, Ar811. 2, a 3o' p.:n.—'L`henie •'Che Steward- ship of LiTe," Aderessea—'"l'he Signi- ficance of the Laymen's Aiisst0niu�y Movement," "('ho Stewardship of Busi- ness Tel i:ls and P ,sessions " "The Call to Christie:1 Service," "fissions as an Investment," 814. m—Theme "Knowledge of Mis- sions, an Inspiration to Obedience," "Reports from Commissioners to the Orient" Mass meeting for women at 3o a, in, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 9 30 a in,—'theme : ' How to Lead he Chinch to its Highest Missionary fflciency." 00(1110 redses and discussion 8 p 21] —Theme : "Centel/es Nal-iooa1 issionaly' Policy:i' Reports Wien city 0 -operating coinmittees, "'Che World's Missionary COD fe1•enee at Edinburgh." SUNDAY, APRIL 4,. to 30 a. iii --students and Commis suers' Meeting, "The Church's Call eau of Colonization, has sent in his res- iguatiou. Henry 1410-s. of Toronto, succumbed to injuries received by falling too feet down an elevator shaft. If everything else in the house did its share of the worn: as well as Black Ellighr Stove Polish very few women would complain of the housework. "Black Knight' / does away with the everlasting rubbing and polishing. It shines quickly and produces a result that satisfies the most particular. Always ready for use for Stoves, Grates and other Ironwork. It's 'the best polish and the biggest can for the money. Send dealer's uamt end 10o for full size can if you can't get "Black %night" in year town. The Y. P. PAtLEY CO.. LIWTn) OtAtLTos, Out, ria for 30 days r-- ankets d lobes Black Cow Robes, regular price S16,00, reduced to Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, 9.00, 8.5o, $12.00 7.00 6.50 15per cent, off all Blankets Bells at Cost and less to Clear These Prices are for Cash I. C. RICADS NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS BRUSSELS WE HAVE Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat Flours Feed Flours Corneola Breakfast food) 1 Rolled Wheat Cracked Wheat Oatmeal Bran, Shorts, Flaked Oats for horses and all kinds of feed. Wm. & R. A. Pryne