HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-11, Page 8Vaienti nes Feb. 14th Valentine's Day Feb. 14th THE, sending of Valentiues and Valentina Post Cards has been greatIv revived this last feW years, and promises to be greater that) ever this Year, We have. searched the Market to find the newest and most taking in this line, and as a result we are better prepared than usual with a large and beautiful stock of suit- able remembrances for that day. Thee include the beautiful Valentine at $1 no, all the way down to the very pretty Lace Valentine at 50. Ala() the Comte Valentines and Valentine Nay- elties, Valentine Picture Post Cards in great variety. Cards with heart -shaped sachet of rich red Satin 25c each, Satin Carda at son each, Cards with metal hearts, Cupids, Rec., at 50 each. Lmbosed Cards at 5c each, A very pretty assortment of bright new Cards at 2 tor 5c. Drop in and look over them while the choice is good. DRUGGIST AND OP•i'IOIAN. Korai Itelvs terns SUNDAY will be St.. Valentine's Day, ScHooL Board will meet Friday even- ing of this week. AN At Home is on the program of Court Princess Alexandria, C 0 Fe, of which further particulars will be given. MRS. J, G. SSENE Is offering the stock of general merchandise, also the stare and residence attached, for sale owing to tbe'decease or Mr. Skene. Tim -Springlike weather of Iasi week gave place Tuesday and Wednesday to something of the regular %inter type, bordering ou the elizzardy order. THURSDAY of last week Wm. Beillie, of Elm, was in town with a fine speci- men of an owl be had winged the day previous with a rifle. He intends to bave it mountel that be might add it to his trophies as a good shot. MISS BELLE STRACHAN. Who has dia. posed of her millinery business to Miss Edith Inman. will give up possession meat Monday. The rooms in the Holmes.block, are being improved by new paper and paint for her successor. THERE was a close call tor fire in the back room over Downing Bros, store recently, the cause being a defective chimney. Little damage was done. ex- cepting from smoke, Necessary repairs were made to avert any re -occurrence of the fire. MESSRS. MCKAY & SHAW have leased the premises in the Smale block where the Metropolitan Bank has been for sev. eral months, and will remove their ha' d- ware stock there in the course uf a montb. The bank returning to tbeir renovated premises in the Stretton block. The firm is running a reducing sale in the meantime, THE Oddfellows' Lodge will hold their annual At Home in the ['own Hall, Brussels, on Friday evening of next week, real inst., for which invi- tations have been issued In addition to a choice program of vocal selections, readings, &e., the well known Black stone Orche tree of Goderich, will be in attendance. OLD Sot worked against the ground hog on Tuesday of last week and came out smiling about noon. which :vas n tip for the animal to bunt his bele for six weeks. The legend says that if the "ground hog" sees his shadow on the znd of February cold weather will con- tinue for another six weeks, if not the cold spell will break and an early Spring follow. 'rxuRssAY of last week saw a great crowd in town at the monthly Horse Fair. There was a large number of buyers anti many choice equines but it is said the owners were holding the price too high to meet with the approval of those wanting horses. A uumber of sales were made at good figures how- ever, The next Fair will be held on Thursday, March 4111. THERE will be Offered by mortgage sale on Monday. March 15th, at 2 p, m., at the American Hotel, Brussels, by F. S. Scott, auctioneer. 50 acres of land, being North a of Lot 6, Coo. 7, township of Grey. There is a good frame House and iron cited bank barn on the o'etnises which is only 3 miles from 13ruisels. Further particulars may be learned hum the advertisement on page 8 of this issue. AntotlN'r Noe. CotRECT.-Several sub- scribers are remitting THE POST $t.35 for Toronto weekly Globe and Pae BRUSSELS POST for teoq. This is not correct as tbs sum should be C. 6o as we were unable to make clubbing a- rrangements with the Globe on the terms of 5908. Our revised clubbing offer was published for several weeks iu THE Pont but was evidently overlooked by some of our subscribers. MASONtc AT HoMe,-The At Home, under the auspices of bt. John's Masonic Lodge, was held in the lbwn Hall on Friday, Jan. zoth, and exceded any of its kind for attendance, elaborate decoration and excellency of the supper. 1. 1-1, Cameron, after a short timely ad'• dress, introduced the following choice musical program, two selections being contributed in each case •-Instrumen tale by London Italian orchestra ; solos, F. H. Gilroy ; duets, Miss Alta and R. A. Pryne; solos, J. G. Jones; quar- tettes by Ladies' Quartette ; solo, Miss Pauline McEwen, of'Thessalon, A vote Of thanks was moved by Dr, Feild, seconded by ex -warden Bowman, ex- pressive of appreciation of the fine time afforded. 1. C, Richards, Master of the Lodge, acknowledged the compliment and thanked the talent for the program so well rendered. H. James was the caterer and left nothing undone for choice quality, quantity and service in the spread provided, The tables were set iti the Council chamber. None outside of those who had practical experience, have much idea of what it is to provide and serve aoompauy of over zoo, After supper a millibar of the guests repaired to their homes while others found their way back to the audience room where dancing was Rept tip for several hours, The committee in charge of the At Home bad a busy and onerous contract but Whiled out their plans in a very emiplete Menner. READ the Garside -lames By -Law in this issue of Toe Pos'r. LICENSE INSPECTOR ASQUITH, of Ceutre Huron, was here last week and laid information, before Reeve Leckie, against the proprietor of American Hotel for'violatiou of the Sunday Law. A fine of $5o and costs was paid. HUGH RAMSAY, formerly of Biussels. has purchased the bus and baggage bust nese of A. Hewitt, of Kincardine. It is run separate from the livery bus•ness in that town. The Kincardine people will find Mr. Ramsay a good citizen. We wish him success' A LETTER from Frank, son of Wm. Miller, of Brussels, who is working in the bush at Charlton Ont., among other things says: - He and his companion, in labor Jack Garrote, of Burk's Falls, felled a spruce the other day that made 5 logs, each 16 feet long and 2 feet on the stump and have some taller than that to cut yet. The above will give some idea as to the height the trees grow in the Northland. 0 -- Wont grind skates to your fancy. Yours, T. MOGagoott for feat and easy skating, Bras. seta, Ont. LADIES' Purse containing a sum of money lost between Brussels and 15. miles South. Finder will much oblige by leaving it at Tan Poss. ELNDLY SETTLII.-As a change has taken place in the filen of Seeker Bros.. butchers, all persons indsbted to them ere asked to a4aaye nff their eeconnts ao ns to flll.w rhe boolm to be closed. BARRER Baos., Brussels. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THnowr,-Dr. Ovens, M. D., Surgeon. OeculiSt, of London, will be at the American Hotel, Wednesday, Feb 24511. Glasse', property fitted, cataract, failing eye- sight, deafness and catarrh treated. Hours all day. --°— TELEPHONE -A movement is on 100t in Brussels and locality to organize an independent Telephone Co. along the line of municipal debenture aid to serve the town an 1 country contiguous to it with tt first class service at a compara- tively low cost. Without much effort a petition is already in hand with well on to too names asgiogthat action be taken Modern conveniences have the platform and the rural telephone is one of the foremost to -day and the people are greatly interested in a very practical manner over it. If you get s chance give the movement a helping band. DIED AFTERSHORTILLNESS -Afteran illness of only four days, Roy English, aged 20, a denial student, died from ap, pendicitis at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, at noon Monday. Tne young i man boarded at 14 St. Patrick street, but his borne was in Harding, Mao , where his father, W. H. English. has a large cattle ranch. An aunt, Mrs Yates, lives on Bluor street West. Tor onto, and a cousin, Miss Stevenson, in Landsdowne avenue of the same city. The yt ung man was a noted athlete and very popular among ids fellow students. The remains were taken to Harding for interment. Special local interest is giv- en to the std event from the fact that a brother of the deceased is married to a daughter of George and Mrs Colvin, of Brussels, and has visited here. THEY. M. C. A. Co. Convention was held in Wingham on Monday and Trees. day. Among those who attended Prom Brussels were Rev. E G. Powell, J. H. Cameron. Jas. Fox R A. Pryne, F. H. Gilroy, W J. Met'rttcken and Chester Armstrong. The program was an ex- celleut one and the addresses well cal culated to encourage those iolerested in this important department of practical work for the boys and young men. A banq•tet was held in the Presbyterian church at the close of the afternoon session followed by short spicy speeches with J. H, Cameron, of Brussels, in the chair. Among the speakers was F. H. Gilroy. of town. The evening session was open to the public and was full of gond things. A male quartette supplied the music AT HOME. -The Mens' Bible class, which assembles in the W. C. T. U. room Sabbath afternoons, gave a very successful At Home lest Friday that, notwithstanding the wet night, tilled the large room comfortably. Alter the opening exercises, consisting of hymn and prayer the following interesting anti well rendered program was given :- Orchestra from the Methodist R. S. ; mouth organ selection. Ben. Walker ; instrumental, violin and trombone. Jas. Bowman and Will. Griffith • duet,Ada d and Stella Moore ; instrumental, violin, Elston Cardiff and John Davis ; solo. C, A. Jones ; reading. Mrs, Silas Jackson ; orchestra ; roll call and Secretary's re- port ; solo, Jas. Jones ; instrumental, Jas. Bowman and Will Griffith ; read ,ng, Miss J. Buchanan ; instrumental, violins, Elston Cardiff and Jno. Davis ; solo, Miss McKinley ; reading, lsliss Winnie McGuire ; address, Rev E G Powell instrumental, Jas. Bowman and W. Griffith'; orchestra ; instrumen- tal, violins, Elston Cardiff and ins. Davis; remarks, W. H. Kerr ; in. elrtimentel, violin, H. L. Jackson 1 "God save the King" Rev, A. C. l Wishart, B. A., occupied the chair and proffered opportune remarks. A very tasty lunch was provided. Meeting con. chided after vote of thanks was proposed to all who took part in the evening's en- tertaiument. ME7R OPOLIT..W BL1INJ( A Savings Account may be opened with $1.0° BRUSSELS BRANCH SAFE against loss or careless spend.- ing is pend'.ing.is the money de, posited in a strong chartered bank. F. 11r Gilroy, Manager Ins No2INA'rIoN meeting to fill vacancy on 'l'ruslee Board caused by the death of Jam G. Skene, will be held on Mon- day March 1st at is o'clock and if an election is demanded it will be held a weeklater. viz March 8th. Anti BRoxsN.-Abo ut et o'clock p. m, Mrs M. Buchanan was returuing to her home. accompanied by her datighter, the former slipped on the sidewalk op posite Peter Stewart's and fell breaking her left arm, Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. BY notice elsewhere in this issue it will be seen that Oliver H. Stewart, formerly of Brussels, and son of John Smith, of this place, was married on Dec. 3oth to Miss S. Bet thena Chamney, of Watrous. Mr, Smith lives at Earl Grey, Sask. His many old friends here wish him and itis bride many happy, prosperous years. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.- SOCIETY,- A. meeting. of Inc Directors of East Huron Agricul. acral Society will be held itt the Council Chamber. Brussels, on Saturday. zoth inst., at 3 o'clock, to discuss the question of again conducting a standing Field Crop Competition and several other matters not denit with et the annual meeting. All are asked to attend. DIED IN 9oTH YEAR. -Atter being an invalid for over 13 years being confined to bed for a good share of two years, Fannie Crothers, relict of the late Wm, Hogg, peacefully and in full hope of the Home Eternal, passed away from earth ly scenes on Wednesday morning at q o'clock. Mrs Hoggwas born at Lang holm, Dnmfrieehire, Scotland, and was married in the Old Land 65 years ago to Wm. Hogg, who died at Port Hope a a good many years ago. They came to t'anada in 1852 living at Burlington and Port Hope b, -fore moving to Morris township in 1856 when they located on S. Lot j8, Coo. 5. Following a resi deuce at Port Hope tor a time where Mr. Hogg paid Nature's debt. Mrs Hogg located in Wingham where her Eons were employed and came to Brus cels nearly 17 years ago. Deceased re tailed her faculties to a marked degree and was a great favorite with both oirl and young. She was a faithful wife. a loving mother and a kind neighbor. In church relationships she was a Presby. terian. During her long illness she was carefully and lovingly nursed by her daughter, Mies Fannie, while her son David lent a helping hand. Mts. D McLean, 7511 line. Morris, is daughter of deceased. The funeral will leave her late home, Turnberry street, on Pride)? morning at 11 3o o'clock for Winghsm where interment will be made. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." People We Talk About Miss Vera Wilbee has gone to Strat- ford for a visit. W. W. Harris is back from Fergus hospital feeling very well. J A. Hunter made a business trip to Blyth and Clinton this week, A. Poole, of Woodstock, was holiday ing with old friends in town. Station Agent Kyle was visiting at Chester, for a few days last week. W. Pratter. of London, was renewing old friendships in Brnesels over Sunday. E Duncan, of St. Thomas, was a visitor with Brussels friends for a few days. Miss Julia Sharpe, of Ingersoll, was home for a short visit, returning this week. Miss Florence Thomson has gone • for a month's holiday to Galt, Paris and Hamilton. Miss Isabel Strachan is 'enioying a holiday with Miss Lizzte Innis, of M oorefield. G. A. Deadman is at Chatham this week on a business trip. He also visit- ed his father at Deleware. James McGregor is here from Wiar- ton on a visit with his brother, 'rhotnes McGregor, master of saws. J. T. Wood was at Toronto for a few days this week in connection with the Knitting factory business. Mrs. F. el. Gilroy left on Tuesday for a visit at Montreal with her mother and other telatives and friends. Wni, Miller has been on the sick list for several weeks but we hope he will soon be fully restored to his usual vigor. Ed. Nicholson was home for a few days from Fergus but returned on Tues- day of last week accompanied by Mrs, Nicholson. Mrs. Joe McDonald and children, of M otesworth, were visitors with the Misses McDonald, Turnberry street. Brussels, last week. Duncan McCallum, who was so ser iously insured a few wee8s ago, is get• ting along very well and will soon be as well as ever we hope. Owing to illness Miss Gerrie Ross was unable to take charge of her department of the public school for several days and the pupils Ikeda holiday. Mrs. (Rev ) MoCamus, of St. Marys, Was visiting her daughter, Miss Bessie McCamus, who is a member of the teaching staff of, Brussels school• Miss Margaret Fulton, of Detroit, is here on a visit to her parents, James aid Mrs. Fulton, The latter is consider - Bails at Cost and Less to Clear ablyimproved in health we are released to ene,p Simon Grant has bean laid up with These Prices are for Cash 1 g Photographs One Dozen For thenext few weeks I intend to give 16 Photos, for each dozen ordered. lois will include Cabinets and all sizes smaller. Post Carda, 3 for 2,e You are always welcome at our Studio to look uver our work. Enlarging done on short notive. A full line of Picture Frames and Mouldings, .H. R. Brewer Architect •Geo. Harris, of Toronto, was here on a visit of inspection Pant week in connection with tee alterations and improvements of the Metropolitan Bank here. Mr. Harris is a sou of Rev. James Harris, now of Guelph, a Meth- odist minister who was stationed here 3o years ago. N. F. Gerry and Geo. Harris were great friends in those boy- hood days and old ties are still strong. Donald Stewart Scutt, a well known and popular young man of Brussels left Tuesday of this week fur Seaforth where he has taken a position in the store of Stewart Bros,wNo have recently added a large new stck of dry goods to their well known Gents' Furnishing business. The Seaforth people will find Mr. Scott, (whose mother, by the way, is a tormer Sealorthite, being Mins Maggie Brine before her marriage) a young gentleman well worthy of :heir highest confidence. D. C. Russ and P. Arent were at London this week attending a meeting of the stockholders of the Cement Works at Wiarton. It is proposed to ask the shareholders for a s'>% assess ment on their stock with a vie.( of plac ing ready money in the hands of a new management with the purpose of en- larging and continuing the business, Cement manufactories have been hav- ing heavy travelling during the past Year but signs of improvement are ap parent. Quite a number in Brussels and locality have stock in the Wiarton Co. BORN SANDRItsoN.-Tn Wreaker, on .Tan. 80111, to Mr, and !Vire. D. D. Sanderson, a son. MARRIED SMITH-CNANNSY.-At Watrous, on Wednes• day, Dec 80th, 1908, by Rev. Wm. Eltom. of Nokomis, Mr. Oliver If Smith, of Earl Grey, to Miss S. Berthena, daughter of Mr and Mra. 8. E. Ohamney. DIED AMEs.-In Grey', on February 8111, Harvey Galdwin, only sen of Joseph and Ella Ames, aged 8 months and 20 days. BAT MAN. -In Grey, on February 10th, George Albert, Infant son of Jesse and Mrs. Bate- man, aged 6 months. Beasgsw,-In Grey, on February 611, Willie T. L., son of T It, and Mrs. Bennett, aged 11 months and. 11 days. ELLte: In Morris. on February 10th, Thames Ellis, in his 78rd rear. ENOLien -In Toronto, et At. Michael's Hoa. rital, Boy. son of W. H English, of Hard. ng, Manitoba, aged 20 years, H000 -In Brussels, on February 10th. Fannie Orothers, ryliot of the late William Hogg, nged.89 years, 9 months and 12 days. AUCTION BALES TUESDAY, Pen. lath. -Perm stock, ample- menta, ao East M Lot 82. Co" 8, Grey Sale atI o'clock. J. P, Beirne;,Prop. F. 8 Scott, Aue. WensesnwY Pen 17TH -Faris stoat,, im- plements, &n tot 8. Oren 15, Grey. Sale unre- served at 1 p m.Hugh Stewart, Prop., P. 8. Scott, An. Wzosseone8e PER 24th -Farm, farm atoak, implements. &c., Lotlin "nn. 18, (}rev. Sale unreeervrdat1 o'clock. RIOHARn A. pew Dire, Prnp. F. 8. Scott. Auc. WEDNESDAY. MAHOR 3RD. -Farm stock, 1m• ptementa, &c., Lot 10. Con 18, Grey. Oslo un- reserved at 1 p. m. Wtt WOODS, Prop. F. 8. Scott, Atm Grocer and Confectioner. THE STANDARD BANK Established 1873 OF CANADA 51 Breeches is a Bank of age and strength, It has a record behind it of 35 years of sound and successful business, and is strong in resources and banking,experience. We invite you to join, the large number of prudent, successful people who have found banking relations with it both agreeable and profital)1e. If you have not yet begun to save your spare dollars makea start to -day by depositing One Dollar or more in our Savings Department. • BI$,VSSE , t' BRANCH 7.I.. Eiovirlainisi. ltta:;nager es BRUSSELS MARKET, Wheat $0 95 Oats Pens Barley Potatoes Buttter Eggs .. Hay Hogs Apples 82 50 18 0 s0 fi 65 1 00 00 97 88 84 50 20 23 76 The People's Column �oa SALE. - Oholee Buff Orpington Ooek. erele. ret gl 00 each: • Bleak 011&9 at 22.00, P. BAITER, Hrnfi•yn. 4,2 YEAR OLD HEAVE DRAFT DOLT for Pale. Lot 9, Oon, 10, Grew, L BOLLEN• GER, Brussels P. O. 81•tf NUMDER of pure-bred white Leghorn roost- LLoot 23 Con 0, orrie. GEO. each, 8r. N COMFORTABLE 1008E wren Los von SALE. Good sellar water and fruit trees. Erussnquire of R. T. H1NGSTON, or P. O, 82.box5 070, Bels. - 1 GRAZING LAND TO RENT. -The under- signed offers the farms known as the Joseph Olegg property, containing 126 sores In Morris township,. to rent for eke coming sea• eon, Appty bytetter to R. J. Olegg. Nelson, E. 0., or to Me. Joseph Olegg, on the uremia. es. At the—' Star Grocery • ETHEL Is where you get 811w -to -date Grocer- ies. always fresh and at right prices. We have purchased a special line of Canned Salmon, Haddie and Sardines. Salmon Maple Leaf brand, 20c. Lowe inlet brand, 18c. Unicorn brand, 15c Northern Coast brand, 10c. Sardines Brunswick brand, the great 5c can. Josephine Sardines, 100. King Oscar, 2 boxes for 25c. Fish' Whole Finau Reddy, 10e per lb. Fresh Salmon Trout, 9c per lb. Frozen Lake Superior Herrings, 200 per doz., and Lake Superior•Her- rings, in pickle, 26c per doz. Labrador Herrings in pickle, 20c doz. Standard Oysters, 50c per quart. Special Offer Good fresh Prunes, 6 lbs. for 25e. First-class selected Raisins, 31bs. 25c. Dried Peaches, good quality, 2 lbs. 25e. Fruit and Confectionery California Navel Oranges, 60c to 20c. First quality Lemons, 200 per doz. High-class Chocolates and Nlixtures. Sweet Biscuits Try McLauchlan's Cream Sodas and be convinced they are the best, • Stationery 'Writing Pads, Fancy Note Paper, En. velopes, Scribblers, Pens, Pencils. Feh. 1 4th is St. Valentine's Day Remember your friends with a nice postcard or pretty Valentine We have a good assortment, also some that will make you laugh. Pa -Please call and see our display. Highest Dash and trade prices paid for Butter and Eggs. W. T. Spence Great SLAUGHTER SALE for 30 days Blankets; Robes Black Cow Robes, regular price $16,00, reduced to $12.00. Buffalo Robes, o.00, 7.00 Goat Robes,11 8,5o, 15 per cent..Bien s a off kEt 6.50 bronchitis and pleurisy but is regaining his usual gond health, although neural ON gift is bothering him now. We hope he tl I w i soon be o. k. I • Vii/ • I , A j a s. Auction Sales IILDt'a-F8AMPLadeN'NFUsURE,Scott, Auctioneer, has received instruction from the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 11, Oon, 18, Grey, on Wednesday, Feb. 24th, at 1 o'clook, the following valuable property vizi-1 general purpose mare 11 years old, 1 general purpose horse 0 years old,1 gelding sired by Bawarden rising 8 years, 1 driving mare 10 years old, t. cow One to calve,. 2 °owe due to calve early in March 2 grade sows sup- posed 11x eulf, 1 deraey 0uw supposed in calf, 2 farrow euwe,. 1 steer rising 8 tears, 1 dry cow tieing 4 yeara, 2 steers rising.2 years, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 8 steers rising 1 year, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 1 sow supposed in pig, about 00 hems, 1 top buggy nearly new, bender, 1 lulu. her wagon, 1 pair of bob•eleig'hs, 1 2 -furrow riding plow, 1 fanning mill, 1 milk boa lined with galvanized iron, 1 set double harness, 1 set single harness; about 10 tone of hay, 2 cook stoves, 1 Klondike heater, 6dining•room °hairs, 1 cupboard, •2 bedsteads 2oreanter eons, 1 Doisy churn No, 8, about 10 cords dry Move wood, a number of cedar posts, crocks, pans, pnile and ether articles too numerous to men. Bon Sale nnreservrd as proprietor is going West. The farts is a first -clava oneeontnming 100 Hares, with good frame horse and new bank barn, Terms -All sums of $6 and under cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will. be given en furnishing Approved Joint Notes. 6 Per Cent.. off for cash en credit amounts. Terms for farm made known mt day of salvor on application to RIOHARD A. CARDIFF, Proprietor, or F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer. February '14th ValMVIMINO ¥alentjoe Day We are again ehowing.11 very attrttotiye line of Valentines From some-ver3 band some ones at 65o, 40c, 25c and 15e to the dainty lace ones at 5o, 30 & 2c. Also a particularly fine assortment of Valentine Post Cards et the popu- lar price, 2 for 5o, with a better line at So each, at FOX'S DRUG STORE MORTGviAGAhLe pOolwt' eLgANout; -aUtetdderiand certain mortgage, which will he pro, dneed ret time of sale,. there .will be offered for sale by public auction on Monday, the fifteenth day 01 March, 1009, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Amer'. can hotel, in the Village of Bruaeele, by P B. Scott, Auctioneer, the following t property, viz: The North half of farm Lot No. 0, in the 7611 Con„ of the Township of Grey County of Huron, containing Bemires. On the property is a good l'rame house iron Diad, an barn 85s40 feet and good ort'ha'd. Ia close to school and three miles from Brussels, Terme of Sale: Ten Per Cent on day of sale end balance with- in thirty days. For further particulars and condition., of sale apply - to the undersigned. DAVID INGLIS and F. S. SCOTT, adntiniatra• tors to the estate of Robert Inglis, .Mortgagee. Dated at Brussels thia 3rd day of Fob. 1009. Con BALE.-Ootrlfot•teble house on William street, Brussels. Xacre lot, good well, garden and fruit trees. - For terns apply to P. RITen15 or P, S. Scott, Brussels, tf. BY-LAW NO. 1, 1909 Village of Brussels in the Countyof Huron of the 9 of Brussels, the Countyof Huroll ie: • oration of the Village Bru e s in f authorize the C6i opg -e 'nue a of debentures e 1•i•�• by u toba•ruwthe sum of.'1'weutp•five Hundred Dul,ts by a to that amount, and 10 loan the same to Walter 1• Garside and William fames, of the City of London, Manufacturers, for the purpose of purchasing a site or building, or to purchase a site and erect a building and equip the same with suitable alachinery for the menu! acture of Chemical Fire Extinguishers and for a General Machine Repair Shop, and for working capital to run the sante, for the term of ten years from the date this By-law takes effect in the said Vil- lage of Brussels, in the County of Huron. Whereas the said Walter J. Garside and' William James have applied to the "Muni- cipal,Ouu ieil of the Village of Brussels for luau of the sum of.T'weuty five hundred d .flare for the term of ten years, said Mau to bear interest at the rate of five per Gen per annum, and repayable as fullows;- $ii60.00, part of the said principal sem, al .he end of the third and each suoueedmg year for six years and the baleen at the end of the tenth year, together with interest yearly at the rate aforesaid and should auy iutereet remain to arrears the name to bear interest at the rate aforesaid and be compounded each year. Said loau to be advanced to them as Boon as they shall own and equip a factory with suitable machinery- for the mattufaotare of Chemical Fire Extiugaiehere uud a gener- al machine repair shop iu the eaid Village of Brussels and have executed a Mat mortgage on the said factory, machinery an'd plant and also uu the residence of the said Walter J. Garside in the city of Lou- don, in the county of Middlesex, Ontario, which e,id residence is to be worth at that time at least the sum of $1,600.00 in ac- cordance with the terms het eta set out. And whereas in order thereto it will be necessary toissue debeuturea of the .said Muntoipaiity for the sum of $2,500.00 as hereim.fter provided, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this bylaw, the proceeds 6ltereef to be applied to she purpose aforesaid and to no other object. And whereto it is desirable to issue the said debeuturea at one. time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable in equal annual inetalmenta of principal and interest during the period of ten years next after the issue uf the said debentures. And whereas the total amount required by the Municipal Aorto be raised anuually by special tate fur the payment of the acid debt tied internee as hereinafter provided is $528.76. And whereas the'emouut of the existing debenture debt of the said Village of Brussels, ie 646,665.03 and no principal or. futereat. iii arrear. Aud whereas the amount of the whole ratesbs property of the Village of Brussels, aocordiug to the last Assessment Roll of the tome, is 6880,150.00. Therefore the Municipal Omuoil of the Corporation of the Village of Bruesele enacts as follows :- 1. That the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Brussels shall loan to Walter J. Garside and Wil- liam illiam Jame and each other persona as may be associated with them and for the pur- pose of raising euid aur debeuturea of the Village of Brussels to the amount of 62,500 00 are to be issued fu Hume of not less than $100,00 each and shall be issued on the niueteeuth day of March 1909 and each of the said debentures ehall be dated the nineteenth day of March 1909 being the day of the issue thereof and shall be payable in tett equal annual iuetalmeut of 9 rncipal and interaat net the nineteenth' day of enoh succeeding March for ten years at the office of the Standard Bank of Canada here, 2. Each of the etdd debentures shall be signed by the Reeve and Troaaurer of the said Village of Brussels and shall have affixed thereto by the Clerk of the said Mnnioipality the seal ofthe said Village Of Bruaeele, 8. The slid debentures ekalI bear interest at the rate of five per tient per aneum payable yearly at the said Batik on the nineteenth day of March in each and every year during the ourreney thereof. 4. Dnriug the currency of the said de- bentures there shall bo raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property in 6828.70 ike saidforthe Vilingaof Bp'�se ruaeeloef tele sem Elioiaf 1Smrpaying amount dire for pantslpal and iutereet fn reepe t of the ay. 5. The eaid aiduradbtof $2,500,00, being the proceeds of the said debentures, is to be handed over to the said Walter J. ear - side and -Witham James ae soon as they shall owu a suitable factory is the said Village of Brussels and have the same properly equipped with suitable maohin- ery,for the manufacture of Chemibal Fire ,Extiuguiabers and for a general maubine repair abop and will have executed a first mortgage on the ,eaid faotury, Bite, plant and machinery and also on the residence of the said Walter J. Garside, in the City of Loudon, avid mortguge to be for ten years from the Nineteenth day of 101arch 1909 and shall bear iutereet at the rule of five per oeut. per anonm yearly, payable un each and every 19th day of March on all principal from time to time remaining unpaid until the principal cum is paid in full as well laterite before maturity and the said priucipal sem to be payable as follows, 9350.00 on each 19th day of March in each of the tears 19t2, 1916, 1914, 1916, 1916 and 1917 and the balance on the 19th day of March 1918. Said mortguge shall pro- vide that the said parties will insure the said properties' to their full taaurablo'valne ill a Company or Companies approved by the Council, with loss payable to . the said Village of Bruaeele as their interest may appear under mortgage, said policies tobe handed over to the said Commit and said mortgage is also to contain all the .usual statutory covenants, 6, This 13y.law shall take effect on the 19th day of March, 1909, should it receive the assent of the electors, 7. The votes of the said eleotora en- titled to vote on said 13y -law shall be taken thereonat the following ttma and places that is to say : On Monday the 8111 day of March, 1909 commencing at the hone of nine in the forenoon and continuing un- til the hour of five in the afteruoou of the same day. In polling division No. One at the office of Robt. Thomson; Jas. T. Roes, Deputy Returning Odoer; iu polling division No. Two at the Connell Room and that N. F. Garry be Deputy Returning Officer ; and for polling division No. Three at the reeideuae of Geo. Birt and that Peter Scott be Deputy Re- turning Officer. 8. On Monday the 22nd day of February 1909, the Reeve of the said Vil- lage of Brussels shall attend at the Council room, at ten o'clock iu the fore- noon, to appoint persons to attend at the varioue pulling placee aforesaid and at the curing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the. persona interested in pro- moting or opposing the passing ofthe said bylaw respectively. 9, The Clerk of the Village of Bruaeele shall attend at the Council room in the Town Hall, at ten o'clock in tho foron000,. on Tuesday the ninth day of March 1909 to sum up the Wombat' of votes for and egeiuet the eaid'bylaw. Read the first time in open Council and pneaed the 25th day 0f January 1909. Reed the aeoond time in open Uounoil and paned the 25th duy of January 1909. Read in open Council after having re- ceived the assent of the electors and finally passed the day of ,.,1909, Reeve. Clerk. TARE NOTICE The above le a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been token into coneldera.. Mon and will be finally paseed by the Council of the Village of Bruaeele in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto niter one month from the first publication in Tug Bs aea,P Foes, the date of the first publication was the 11th day of February 1900 anti that the votes of the oleetora of the acid Municipality will be taken thoronn on the day and at the home and places therein fixed, 1' 1e, p. 800TT, Olerh,