HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-11, Page 5SO$INEt$. CA1414,
PtlslnOas .Bards
A, B, Macdonald, ptilgpv
A. H. Mons rEITH
8srrieter, Holiefter, l�otnry , ,apo„ anagaaaor to
of Piano or Organ A.0. 1118n dord
K, O. T M,
Hroegels Tent of the U4eimime9. No, 24
hold their regular meetings iu the 1.1001,1113
ROOM, eaoi(er Nioek, 411 the 1st and 30d
Tuesday evenings of each month
V)sitore airfare weiouwa,
A. BO VERS. Com. A,lde(IVUUi, R, K.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Inyurauce Compan
Oaiee and Itealdenoe-
• am, will sell for better prim, to
better mea In lest- time and Isco charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't abarge anything, Dotes aid order:.
can always be arranged at this office or by
p ersuna1 application,
imunitALE - ONT.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. gales arranged for
at the office o1 Tnat POW, Brnasel4. *g*T
• Honor ti taduate of'the (intone Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat ail dis-
ease(' of dumeetleated ani male in a commit
ontwauner. Partinuiar attention paid to
Veterinary ue,itiatry and M111r r ey,r Calls
prom ptiy att coded to.. CIBoo and infirmary
-Four doers Vorth of bridge, Tnruborry et.
Bruesela, Phone 47 is - .
• Rerrleter, Solloitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, d:o. Ulloe-Btewart'o Block
1 door North or neutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
W. Paounxoo2, K. C. R. 0. Ears
G. F. Ewan,
O1Baea-Thoaee 'formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron A holt,
GoDaaron, Ora'nate.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
(foreseen of Ontario and First-olaso Honor
Graduate of Toronto Duivereity. OtBo.
mart to Brewer's Photograph riattery,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered station of Dominion
Lands In Alaoitoba, Bask,tobewao and
Alberta,exoeptiog 8 and 28, not reserved.
may be homeotoadod uy any person who Is
the sole bead of a tenth y, or any mole over
18 years of ago, to the extent of opo -quarter
section of 180 mires more or less
Entry may be made personally at the
local land o1Boe for the diatrlot in which
the Laud is situate.
The homesteader Is required to perform
theooaditiona0onheated therewith under
ono of the following plans :
(1).At least six mouths' real deuce upon
and oultivatiou of the laud in each year tot
three years,
(2) If the father for mother, If the father
is decanted) of the bomeateador resides
upon a farm In the vicinity of the -land
entered far the requirements aa to rest.
deuce may be satisfied by such pinion re-
siding with the father or mother.
(3) If the Battler has bre permanent real.
deuce upon farming land owued by him
iu the vlolmty of hie homestead. the re-
quirements au M renldonee may be Ratio.
nod by rueideupe upou the Raw 'anti..
six mouths' notion iii -writing should b..
Lands at Ottawaoof intention tof apply pmtn for
Deputy of the Al !plater of Interior.
N. 8, Uuuuthorized pnblia'tttoO of thiead.
vertioemout-will put be paid for,
Farmers* or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they requl.re.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, Bruseele,
Weak Kid
Weak Kidneys surely point to weak kidney
Nerves. The Kidneys,' like the Heart, and. the
Stomach, find their weakness, not in the organ
itself, butte the nerves that control and guide
and strengthen them. - Dr. Shoop' Restorative is
8 medteino specifically prepared to roach these
controlling nerves, To doctor the Kidneys alone.
RIMEL:. It is a waste- at time, and of money as
If your back aches or is wank, ll the urine
scalds, or is dark and strong, if you have symptoms
of Brlghto or other distressing or dangorousld,i-
nee disease, try Dr. Shoop's Regtoratlyo a month -
Tablets or Lighld=and, Roo what 1t can and w111
dolor you. Druggist recommend and sell
R. a,
pontes Burgeon, Mee opposite the Ppetoffpe.
l•? WILLvisit Uurrio tbo flr4 4531* :bird
Monthly of eapls month. ¢W8;e
DR, T. r. M'RAE
Beohelor pf Medicine, University of Toronto
Li eattlate and Graduate of tate College of PhyY
Melena end Surgeons, Ont.Post•ar4duate
Chicago Eye, Ear, Nese mid Throat HoOpitel,
Chicago, 41*. Ex -Rouse Surgeon. to St Mieh-
nsrs Hospital Toronto, •
Office ottet'.Li.It. Sinith'.e Drtig Store Tele-
phone commotion wuh Urenbrdok at all hours,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day end night culls, Offioe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
GROOM M`f$P'tAWR Rag,& NW?
GOING 8011070 RomORomNoes'a
Mail r nl Express 1085am
Express. 11:26 a to Mail .. 1.94 p m
Express 8,02 0 m Express ..,,,,,. 8:58 p to
To Toronto To Goderich
Express „.., 8:41 e m 'Express 11:89 a in
Express 8:11. pmt Napreos ......, ?,47 p m
lM,iStr:Xd tittus
SCHOOL REPORT. -The followinggis
the report of S. S. No. 16, Howick &
Grey, for the month of January, IV.
Annie Robertson, Claytcn'Grainger,
Anis, Armstrong, Cameron Robertson,
Sr. III. -Ewart McKercher, Tindall
McKercher. Annie Hislop. Jr. III, -
Robbie McDonald, Wilbert Grainger,
J.' D. McTavish, Webster Jacklin,
Birks Robertson, Laurence Hislop.
Sr. IL -Carl Grainger, Willie Aron-
btron . Jr. II, -Verne McDonald,
Lloyd Armstrong, Maria Bennett.
Sr. Pt. II. -Addie Armstrong, Gertie
Hislop. Jr. Pb. II. -James McEer.
cher, Della Doig. Pt. I. -Myrtle
Bennett.. N. SPARLINei, Teacher.
Who wouldn't give 25e to stop a paln
20 times? Just one little "Pink Pain
Tablet" -Dr. Shoop's will stop pain in
20 miuutea, sure. Read the formula
on the box. Doctors say it can't be
bettered. Checks womanly pains,
any .pain. 20 tablets 25e. Sold by all
Solloor, REPORT. -The following is
the result of the test examination held
during the month of January in S. S.
No. 4, Morris IV. -Exam. in Arith.,
Lit., Gram., Geog. Total 400. Harry
McOutcheon, 307.; Willie. Thuell,'297.
Jr. II1.-Exam. in Arith., Lit., Gram.,
Geog. Total 400. Jennie Scott, 321 ;.
Fred Thuell, 819 ; Joseph Thuell, 297 ;
Bessie Jordan. 285 ; Harvey McCut-
cheon,'205. Sr. II. -Exam. 10 Arith.,
Lit., Oomp., Geog. Total 350. Flor-
ence Scott, 805. Jr. II. -Exam. in
Arith, Lit., Geog. Total 300. Ear.
nest Smith, 225. Pt. IL -Ida Ker-
naghan, 278 ; Alvin Badgley, 235 ;
Annie Thuell, 235. Sr. Pt. L -Ruby
Kernaghan, 120. Jr. Pt. I. -Good -
George Oakley, Wesley McCutcheon.
I. McNan, Teacher.
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
the report of S. S. No. 6, Morris, for
the month of January. Exam. in
Hist., Geo., Arith., Spell., Writ. 'and
Lit. Total 450. Entrance -Tena
Yuill, 389 ; Marjie Yuill, 374 ;; Ethel
Seller's. 370, Jr. IV. -Mabel Bone,
304 ; Russell Currie, 299.; Harvey
Henderson, 272. Sr. ILL -Russell
Bone, 325. Jr. III.-Gertie Shaw, 285 ;
Roy Sellers, 224 ; Lila Wilkinson,
187. Sr. II. -Harold Currie, 359. Jr.
1I. -John Yuilt, 357 ; Charlie Sellers,
305 ; Isabel Shaw, 277 ; Irene Wilkin-
son, 172 ; Ward Sellers, 146. Jr. Pt: I
,-Excellent-Mack Shaw.
C. MDORAcxEN, Teacher.
A Vegetable Constipation Oure.
Because they contain mercury and
mineral salts, many pills are harsh.
The easiest and safest laxative is Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and. But-
ternut, They clean tbe 'stomach,
intestines and bowels -drive out waste
matter, tone the kidneys and forever
bare constipation. As a general tonic
and system cleanser nothing is so inild
and efficient as Dr. Hamilton's Pills of
Mandrake and Betteruut. Sold every-
where in 25e. boxes.
SCHOOL REPORT. -School report of
S. 8. No. 10, Grey, for the month of
January Names in order of merit :--
Sr. IV.-Margner'ite Hutchinson,
Mary Machan, Iva Speiran. Jr. 1V. -
Myrtle Speiran, George Evans, Wil-
frid Whitfield, Della Whitfield, Wil-
lie Speiran. James Doull, John Hollen-
beck. Sr. III. -Hartwell SNeiran,
Gertie Speiran, Henrietta Denman,
Margaret Love, Stanley Machan, Gor-
don Whitfield, Millie Cox, Fred Cox,
Percy Ward. Jr. III. -Earl Rabb -
well, Fred Hollenbeck, Willie Ward.
Sr. IL Lorne ,Pratt, Eric Hutchinson,
May Inglis, Glydus Hollenbeck, Stitu-
ley Speiran, (`frozart Inglis, Bennie
Hollenbeck, John Sieling, Jennie
Ward, Carrie Ward, West Balian-
type. H. --Leslie Lake. Pt. IL -
Colwell Speiran, Laurence Whitfield,
George Sieling, Selvyn Baker, Jean
Love, Edward Ward, Pt. I. -Her-
man Whitfield. Number on roll 41.
Average attendance 38.
RoBL1ar J Formosa', Teacher,
SCHOOL RREPoltT.--School Report. for
S. S. No. 6 Grey is as follows :-
Classes were examined in Spelling,
Arithmetic, Composition, Literature
and Reading. Total 400. It'. Bert
Dunbar, 802. Alex.' Collins -262 ;
Ernest Clarke, 194. III.-Rossdoates,
285 ; Will Campbell,204: Isaac Clarke,
194 ; Elsie Rea, 186 ; Frank Lindsay,
180 ; "011ie Hudson 100': Ernest Re
155. IL -Maggie Coates, 275 ; John '
Savage, 206; Lyle Bradford, 262 ;
Jaynes Collins, 261 ; Lizzie Kleins-
CIU.Olh, 253: Annie Clarke, 224 ; Alex.
McDonald, 209. Sr. Pt. II. -Very
Good, -Eva Hudson, Harry Hudson,
Gordon McDonald. Jr, 15t. 1I.-Ex-
eellent, Ida Bremner. Very Good --
Harold Bradford. Good -Henry I
Eleinseroth, Si'. L---A:xe4llent. ,,r•"
Gordon Bea Mand Dixon. Ve1�y
Good -Johnston Armetron g. Goode, -
Mabel Clarke, Jr, Le -Fair, George
Campbell. "Absent, from one exam.
LAURA ferna01IAN, Teacher,
SetrooL 1tlerel T. -'•`file fel)owing ie the report of S. S..No, 0, trey, for bite
month of January, Exam, in Arith,
Gr'ain., Geog, Spelling. Jr. IV, -R,
14&), II. Greyson, L, ,7aeltlin, 8, Flute
Chinsoe, J..lacklin, 1?;, Mitobell, Sr..
Flood. Jr'. III, -A, Ward,
W. Yeo, W, Mitchell. Jr. `11113.-B,
S o IL -G, 1Hall,t, H, Rose, (4. Rose,.-
B. Flood, L. Ward, N. Rose.:reek,
lin, R. Yeo, Pt, IL -M. Lamont, 8,
Hall, It. Jackliii, pt, 1 S1',^-(7. Men-
a1'y. Pt, Sr, -111. Flood, I. Ftoso,
0. Flood, M. Ward, ]31188113 Mos'ns,
Threatening feve;'isbness with child-
ren is quickly and. safely calmed by
Preverlties. '!hese little Oandy Cold
Oure Tablets should always be at hand
-fol' promptness is all-important.
Preventics contain no quinine, noth-
ing harsh or sickening. They are in
deed "the stich-in-time," Carried 'in
pocket or purse. Preventics are a
genuine safeguard against colds, 25e,
Sold by all druggists.
Carman Hall, teller of the Royal
Bank, has been branferred to Niagara
Miss Bella O'Neil had the misfor-
tune to fall and severely sprain her
wrist at the rink.
S. Castles ]las bought out the butch-
er'business of Murphy Bios. and will
amalgamate his own.
Ella May Burgess, aged 82, died at
the House of Refuge on Monday of
last week. She was from Bayfield.
The Board of License Oomtuission-
ere for Centre Huron, held its first
meeting here when Mr. Hoover was
chosen Chairman.
.las. Scott, postmaster, went to
Toronto last week to attend the an-
nual meeting of the Provincial Poet -
`master's Association, of which he is
Vice -President.
Jacob Taylor, district agent for the
Confederation Life Insurance Co., had
the pleasure of handing to Mr, Mc-
Kinnon, Postmaster of Blyth, a
cheque for $2,200, being a matured
policy in this company.
The MA that° Pale.
She is in danger, her system is ion
down, weak -she needs nourishment,
needs richer blood. More than all else
she needs'Ferrozone, needs it because
it brings back the nerve energy which
rapidrowth and study have exhaust-
ed. The old-time vigor, happy spirits
and new strength return with Fer-
rozone. The delicate maid is energiz-
ed, strengthened and rebuilt. Isn't it
worth while using Feerozone when it
surely does so' much. At all dealers
in 50c. boxes.
Anniversary of North Street Metho-
dist church will be held on March 21st.
At a special Meeting of the town
council tenders for the purchase of the
$10,000 debentures were opened and-
ndthe tender of the Dominion Securities
Co. of Toronto, was accepted. its ten-
der being $10,052 and accrued interest.
R. R. Swallows left on .Monday for a
two week's trip • through Western
Ontario, especially among the lumber
camps, to take a collection of views
for a syndicateof American magazines
and illustrated papers and also for the
Photographic Union of Great Britain.
L. E. Knox was appointed town
clerk at a special meeting of the coun-
cil and ata meeting of the water and
light commission was appointed sec-
retary of the commission. The other
applicants were W. Nate), H.I. Mor-
rish, J. B. McKay, F. M. Smith,
Gordon Anderson, Heny Snider, Wm.
J. Johnston and W. J. Towersey.
The following officers were elected
for West Huron Agl. Sooietyt=Presl-
dent, 0, A. Reid ; 1st vice-pres., John
Clark ; 2n1 vice-pres., Isaac Salkeld ;
Honol:Gary directors, Jaznes Connolly,
Alex. lenn, Robert McLean, J. W.
Salkeld, J. T. Goldthorpe, Wm. War-
nock ; directors, T. W. Bell, George
Andrews, David Prouse, Alex. Young,
A. J, Goldthorpe, Robert Quaid, Mal-
colm McKay, J. L. Aitken, Dr. W. F.
Clark, V. S. and ata subsequent meet-
ing of the board of directors F. E.
Bingham was re-elected treasurer and
M. O. Johnston was re-elected secre-
If you would have a safe yet certain
Gough Remedy, try Dr. Shoop's
-at least once. It is thoroughly un-
like _any other Cough preparation.
Its taste will be entirely new to you -
unless itis already your favorite
Gough Remedy. No opium, chloro-
form or any other stupefying ingredi-
ents are used. The tender leaves of a
harmless lung -healing mountainous
shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough
Remedy itswonderful curative pro-
perties, It is truly a most certain and
truetwrthy prescription. Sold by all
The third annual Seed Fair of the
Listowel Agricultural Society will be
held in the Town Hall here on Friday,
Feb. 190.
Ata meeting of the Public School
Board, Miss Annie Matheson, of Ar -
mow, was appointed teacher in room
3, at a salary of $350,
A young man of 21 years,- by the
name of Jaynes Smith, floated into
town and after unsuccessfully trying
to get t solve clothes at differ:Alb stores,
finally succeeded in obtaining some on
credit at Walter Bros,,, on the pretext
that he was working in the :hair fac-
tory. He then skipped, but was ar-
rested and brought back from Strat-
ford by Chief Hardwicik, pleaded
guilty to a charge, of obtaining goods
under, false pretence, and was sen-
tenced to two months in jail at hard
A ladies' hockey mated was played:
in the rink on WednesdaySevents of
last week, before a fitie attendau o.
The game was thoroughly enjoyed by
all present, some very fenny plays be-
ing. made by the lady stalwarts. The
full time score was 1-1, TCI] m%lllltra
overtime was allowed; the girls in red
and white winnin by one goal. The
following young ladies composed the
teasers i Red and White -Misses N.
Yandriek, 1r, Mops, M. Howe, 14, Jar- new eystem of heating they will call
Potty M. Maines, 1,. Jarrett and L. whittler lneetieg of the eougregalron.
Seatt, Ririe and White--1liss::i Al, Al, a meeting of the Alansger's, 11 an.
2illiale, P. Smith, 11, Taylor, L. per- Nieholeon was elected as Chairman
thew, 17. Wilson, N, Howe and E, and Jr enRitchieeeSeo,.•'L't'eas, Aral1,
McGillivray WAS engaged as earetalcer,
St. ,Andrew's Oheroh has prospered
for many_years under the pastorate of
!Rev. D. Perele and the -members are
looking for this year to he one of the
• meet al aces ful since Mr, Perrri° be.
came pastor,
I1 Never Pare a corn,
Ws a sure way to get blood poison-
inF. Use MADAM'S Corn Extractor,
Its safe, painless and sure to 001'0 in a
N8war NoTE8.-R4ndolph Sealing.
is slowly improving from his severe
illness. - A1iss. Nellie Gaynor, of
Oh10ago, is spending a few holidays
under the pal'01tta1 roof.-Jno. F. and
Mrs, McKay, of Seaftroth, are spend-
ing a few days at H. and Mrs, Fogel's:
-1i, Cunningham has purchased the
dealingoutfit from Wm. Brant» Mr.
Brant intends going Welt in the
Spring and start farming, -Miss Lizzie'
Bawtenhimer left for Guelph where
she will be trained for a nurse in .the
Ohildrens' Hospital. We wish her
success. -Robe, and Mrs, Ritchie en-
tertained a number of the young peo-
ple of this neighborhood to a party on
a recent evening and all report a very
enjoyable time.
In sickness, if a, certain liidden„nerve
goes wrong. then that organ that this
nerve controls will also surely fail.
It may be a stomach nerve, or it maty
have given strength and support to
the Heart or' .kidneys. It was Dr.
Shoop that Brat pointed to this vital
truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was
not made to dose the stomach nor to
temporarily stimulate the heart or
kidneys. That old fashioned method
is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative
goes to these failing inside nerves.
The remarkable success of this pre-
scription demonstrates the wisdom of
treating the actual pause of these fail-
ing organs. And itis indeed easy to
prove. A simple five or ten days test
will surely tell. Try 3t once and see.
Sold by all druggists.
Thomas Brown, of Crimes, Minn.,
made a visit to the home of E. T.
R. M. Ballantyne purchased part. of
C.- H. Holme's stock and the Lang-
ford & Oo's. stook was moved into
Holmes' block.
The number of births, marriages,
and deaths, registered in Elma during
the past year are as follows births,
85 ; rrtaeriages, 22 ; deaths, 45.
A very pleasant time was spent at
the residence of Thos. E. Hammond,
Green Dale Farm, on the evening of
the3lst of January when an address
was read and an arm chair; presented.
The return match of checkers be-
tween the 10th line and Atwood was
played at the home of Arch. Simpson
and resulted in a score of 9 games to 8
in 'favor of the 10th line. Mr. and
Mrs. Simpson's kindness as host and
hostess comforted the wounded visit-
ing players.
It Prevents Aro Throat,
Nosimplerway to 1ci11 a cold and
stamp out sore throat than by apply-
ing Nerviline-rub it in freely, and
then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster
on the chest. These remedies hunt
out pain, destroy every trace of con-
gestion, cure the cold and tendency to
bronchitis. Thousands find Nerviline
inestimably the best rernedy'for pains,
aches, bruises, neuralgia, sciatica,
colds and Winter ills. Not only is it
penetrating and powerful, but itis
safe and economical. All dealers sell
Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles for
25e., the plasters same price, Beware
of substitutes.
T. J. Elliott wits taken to the hospi-
tal but on making the incision the
surgeons found that the growth was
really cancer of the stomach, and
an operation would 'not be advisable.
Robt. A. Currie sold his blacksmith
business to Wm. Robertson, of Blyth,
and Mr. Currie, in company with his
brother, John A. Currie, of Palmer-
ston, have purchased Hugh Rauesay's.
livery business.
Edward G. Haines, eldest son of
Arthur and Mrs. Haines, returned to
Woodbay, Man. He was called here
about two months ago, by the illness
of'hisfather, who is now convalesc-
ing, but has not, yet regained his form-
er strength.
Miss Brock recently resigned her
class in the Methodist Sabbath
School and the members of her class
met at the home of Miss Dui -
mage and presented her with a
beautiful brooch in the form of it sun-
burstofppearls. An address was read
to Miss Brock, and a pleasant social i
time enjoyed. '
The Uo. Orange Lodge of N. Huron
met in Wingham on Tuesday of last
week. The following are the officers
elected :-Oonnty Master, M. Dane ;
Dep. -Master Thos. Stewart ; Chap.,
Jno, Wilford ; Sec., Geo. 0. Thornton ;
Fin Sec., S A. Maguire ; Treas., J. '
Golley ; Di1. of Cor., A. Leishman ;
Lecturers, Wm. Hays and Win. Ale -
Arthur. These were installed by P.
0. AP Greer.
A despatch from Orangeville to the
Toronto dailies of the 2nd inst. states
that no trace has been discovered of
the whereabouts of G. H. Coopman,
agent of a sewing machine company,
who left that town two weeks ago,
taking with him about $70 belonging
to a Sunday School of which he was
treasurer. Ooopman resided in
Wingham for some year's, removing
to Orangeville about a year ago.
Mi's. 0oopman was highly respected.
The annual cougregatiouatl Meeting
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
was fairly well attended. After the
opening services, Robt. Lockhart was
voted to the chair and the different re-
ports were considered, all showing the
different departments to be in good.
condition. Board of managers for
this year will be John Ritchie, Win.
Nicholson D. Currie» R. S. McGee,
John F. liinkl ter' D. T.Hepburn,
aHep x r n,
Geo. Spotton,J.A. Taylor and S.
GI'acey, The matter of working out a
scheme to encourage more liberal giv-
'n towards the different 1 v
1 g futile was
left with the Board of Managers. The
question of a more satisfactory way-
ay0f heating the church was discussed
!Ind as soon as the Managers have se-
cured the necessary information for o,
Whorl the stomach Rebels, Headache,
India•option and Nerve Palo Pot.
lows-Mi.o.na !Brings Relief
Just a8 exon as. you are done eating
the healthy atom4011 commences to
churn the food around and ]nixes it
thoroughly with the juices of the
if tllo food ,is not churned it lays
heavily on your stomach, turns sour
and causes all kinds of distressing
symptoms, such as headache, indiges-
tion, stomach pain and dyspepsia.
Mi.o-na helps the stomach to properly
mix the food.
Jolm S, May, of -Isabelle Street,
Belleville, Ont., says : ',For over
seven months I was in constant agony
with a :ase of nervous dyspepsia and
indigestion that medical skill could
not relieve. I was weak and had lost
010th weight through loss of appetite
and suffering. My meals would fills
me with gas and a feeling of oppress-
ion across the stomach and all up the
left side, left me in a miserable con-
dition. I was restless at night and, as
tired and unrefreshed in the morning
as on going to bed. A. choking sen-
sation in my throat was always con-
stant when lying down, and nay heart
seemed to flutter and pound as though
it were coming out through my side.
I was benefitted from the first two
clays' use of Mi-o-na, I began to feel
like myself again, my appetite return-
ed and the depressive feeling left me.
I can enjoy my meals without the
least worry of after suffering. I have
gained in weight and can sleep the
night through in comfort.
Go to the druggist and get a 50 cent
box of Mi-o-na Tablets. Money back
if Mi-o=Da does not cure.
The many friends of Peter Douglas,
a for mer Blyth boy, will be pleased to
learn that he has been promoted to
the position of Manager of the North-
ern Bank at McLeod, Alberta, and has
taken charge.
The Base Ball members met when
the statement of receipts and expen-
ditures was presented by Treasurer
Stewart, and a balance of $8.40 is re-
ported on hand. Besides this the club
have 5 halls valued at $7.50 and their
Best thing you ever tried for Colds, Z,ii Grippe,
Coughs, Neuralgia and, Tleadaolie,
Cures colds in 24 hours, No after -effects -25c.
iamerwasmAt aevade,eters or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO„ TORONTO,
deposit in league of $5:00 making a
total of $20.90 to start next year with.
Saturday evening, January 30th or
rather Sunday morning, the cellar
under Jas. Cat's grocery was broken
open and thieves entered and secured
a number of articles, As the doors
were locked they did ant try to enter'
the store. Qolin McArthur, who
sleeps above, heard the noise, but sup-
posed that Mr. Cute was closing up for
the night.
Dr. 11. C. Wilford, who has been
taking up a special coarse in the Edin-
burgh Scotland, Medical school, has
passed his exams, and will be able to
write L. R, 0. P., L. R. C. S., and S.
F. P. S. G., after his name. Out of
10(3 who wrote, only 20 were lucky to
pass, which speaks for D. Wilford',
abllity as a student. He expects to
arrive back sometime in March and is
at present going to tour the British
Isles. The Dr. will likely go to China
next Fall as a Medical Missionary.
Y. M, C. A. -A good meeting was
held Wednesday night, January 28th,
there being a large attendance. After
opening exercises there was a short
Bible ,Study on the life of Joseph, led
by P. Gardener. Then followed the
nomination speaking of the mediates
for the mock municipal council. On
the preceding Wednesday evening
the following had been nominated ;
Reeve-Adam'McKenziO and P. Gardi-
ner. For Councillors --F. J. McPher-
0011, A. W. Robinson, E. Bender, B.
McArter, S. A. Popiestone, Stanley
Buchanan and Chas. Willows. Five
minutes were allowed for each candi-
date and the welfare of our beautiful
town was the chief pointof discussion.
After the speaking the poll was de-
clared open and the election followed
with Geo. H. Wambold returning
officer and R. Wightman poll clerk.
The election resulted as follows:
Reeve, A. McKenzie ; Councillors,
Chas. Willows, Baxter McAr•ter, A.
W. Robinson and S. Buchanan. The
council meets once a month for the
transaction of business and discussion
of affairs of the town.
You get not only MORE Stove
Polish but also the best stove
polish that money 0511 buy when
you use "Black.Knight."
It is . not affected by the heat,
and with very little labor the
stove stays bright and shiny
when polished with " Black
Shines quickly too -and always
ready for use. Keeps Stoves
Grates, Ironwork, etc. fresh and
eleau with practically no trouble.
If you are unable to obtain 'Black
xuight"in your toa•a,s'nd name el
nearest fleeter and 100 far full sized
The F. F. BLEY
6lmhAIed. leaCO
flamiiten, • • est.
1EVERY Fur Coat, both Men's and Women's, Fur Set, Muff, Cap and Cloth Coat
throughout the entire stock must submit to Ruthless Price Treatment
Stock -taking is but a few days hence and apart from that the Fur season is far past
the half -way mark, so to insure immediate selling we realize that values must be so
'xtraordinary as to warrant your buying for next season. Some of the smaller pieces
are so y rad: all
c reduced that even though you buy them for the balance of this season,
your investment will be wise and profitable for bleak February and blustering March
tre still ahead.
Now for a Tremendous, Irresistible Clearance
Women's and Men's Fur Coats, Cloth Coats,
Fur Scarfs, Ruffs, Muffs, Stoles and Caps
A0 Coats at 3.49
10 only Ladies' Tweed Coats, loose
back, regular values 5.00 ��
to 7.00. Clearing at.....,.
7 Coats at 4.49
7 only Ladies' Tweed Coats, 45 to
50 inches long regular 4 A 9
values 7.50 to 10.'00. Clear-
ing price
5 Coats at 5.00
5 Ladies' Coats at 5.00 each, black
only, loose back, good quality, plain
beaver, nicely trimmed with velvet
and braid, good value at �+ ®O
9.00. Clearing price, (�
5 Coats at 5.99
5 only Ladies' Black Coats, full 50
inches long, collar and cuffs, neatly
trimmed with soutache braid and
velvet, regular. valtre10.00�+ J 99
Clearing price
Fur -lined Coats
1 only Gent's Fur -lined
i Coat matte from good quality -
beaver cloth, lined with marmot .
linins ,
lar, regular value 40.00.
Russian otter col-
Clearing at
1 only Gent's Fur -lined
Coat made from extra line wool
beaver cloth, lined throughout
with finest quality marmot lin-
ing and Russian otter
collar, our regular price
45.00. Clearing price...
20 Ladies' Coats
20 only Ladies' Coats. These are
exceptionally handsome garments iu
black, brown and navy ; loose, semi
and tight fitting. It is impossible for
us to quote prices for these garments
but would be pleased to have the
ladies call and get our Special Cut
Children's Mantles
15 only Children's Mantles clear.
ing at 3.75 for 2.50 ; 5.00 4 50
for 8.65 ; 6.50 for
Men's Fur Coats
2 only Men's Wallaby Coats, regu-
lar value 35,00. Clearing at 27.80
1 only Man's Black Calf Coat, reg-
ular value 80.00. Clearing at . 23.00
1 only Man's Black Dog Coat, reg-
ular value 22.00, Olearing et -.17.00
1 only Man's Wombat Ooat, regu-
lar value 40.00. Clearing at 30.00
1 only Gent's Fur -lined
Coat 50 inches loug, fine quality.
Oanadiau atter'o lar
t. i , No. 1
muskrat lining, antside shell of
imported kersey cloth, nitlde
purposely for fur -lined uAqr
coats, regular 65.00, lUt �0
Cleating at
Bey Fors in Jaunary and get the use of them for the three coldest months of the Winter. Special ledtie•
tions all along the line. Some very choice pieces left ; Alaska Sable, Lynx, Marmot and Columbia, Sable
Muffs and Farley Neck Pieces. Qualities run no tisk in buying., 'Ev r n r.
Every one a bar cin. No room
, youI this
y g
week to give you a list of prices bub if you have the least thought of buying we will save ,you some ,money.