HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-11, Page 3FIND PLEASURE D Take Life !Easy is Urged a for Our Troubles, • Bchelds the fowls of the air; for they.BOW not, neither do they reap, .nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly' Father feecleat them, Are yo not ';much better than they? -Matthew vi., 2. That the great teacher knew men well, their rveaknosses and their needs, is remarkably shown by this ssounsol. He had noted the anxiety written in their faces. Their duties, thein business, their responsibili- ties weighed down the uplift of their hearts, And how much more He would have observed the same .aspect to -day, Life then was simple and free compared with the present. Social conditions have grown , so eomplex that it is hard to keep from being, tinder stress, .If one looks at the multitudes of persons he meets on our streets, every one seems in a hurry, as if bearing a strain. Life is not -being Iived easily and naturally, hub under a pressure -almost painfully, Even the faces of the young reveal this severe con- ception of life. Now, Christ considered this a dis- torted, needless and unhappy thing, And so He calls mon to look at the freedon and '3. BLITHESOME JOY of the caroling birds -so much wispy in'their simplicity than they in all their anxious forethought and strain. How, then, can we avoid this error and take life easily and naturally4. Love your work. Do not, think that every one else has an easier calling than you have. Most of us have found the labor fitted to our hand, and, remembering that work is • life's chief business, we should take delight in it. Throw away all ambition beyond that of doing your day's work well, Exercise neigh- borliness, _feel kindly to your broth- er man, show an interest in his suc- cess, live and let live. Find pleas- ure in' Isfo and interest in s others. It is our selfishness that accounts LIFE . Cues for much of our stress. Were we s.etisfiod with our portion instead of cherishing a grasping spirit we would find life a far less thorny road, lie who takes time to do a kindly action lightens his own task and illumes his owmm. Again, have some innocent'' re- creation, It is the greatest error to confound religion with abstinence and austerity. The church has never made the mistake of oppos- ing harmless pleasures: Those Christian people who have douo so have sadly misrepresented it, Never work averevils to come, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof:" Far more troubles are suffered in imaginations than in reality. Let us hope for the best instead for dreading the worst. Never bear more than ono trouble at a time. Some people bear three kinds -ell they have had, all they have now and all they expect to have. Let us not, then, suffer from IMAGINARY SORROWS. And when troubles do come bear them patiently, Patienceis as a case of armor around the heart which deadens the blows inflicted on it. Impatience not only strips off the covering, but lays baro the ver,f quick in all its sensitiveness of nerve. To bear evilswith patience extracts from them their sharpest thorns and gathers from them the sweetest graces of temper. But the chief means of taking life easily is that to which the Mas- ter here points us. It is the lessee taught by the birds. They aro by no means idle. They work from morning until night. But their ac- tivity is without care. Their life is free, joyous, unburdened by anxiety -a gladsome flight, ceaseless song and yet your heavenly father feed-. nth them. Are ye not much better than they? Let us then havo .faith in God. Let us do our work and trust the rest to Him. JUNIUS B. REME1 SNYDEU. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEB. 14. Lesson VII. The Apostles Impris- oned. Golden 'Text, Matt. 5: 10. Verse 17. The high priest-Caia- phas, who was the officially recog- nized incumbent of the office, and who held office till the year A, D. 37. • All they that were with him - tti. In sympathy and in partisan }j_afftliation, The reference is to the whole Saddusaic party, which lent its support to the high priestly family. The sect of the Sadducees-The Saddncees were the artistooratic party, fewer in number, richer, '` loss rigidly legalistic, and less strict in their habits of life than the Pharisees. From the latter they differed also in the fact that they slid not believe in afuture life, nor in the existence of angels, etc. They did not accept the tra- ditional interpretation of the law as insisted upon byscribes and rabbis. They, were in league with the Herodian - and other ruling families and thereforer influ- ential a rnftu- entia] in religious and civil affairs In the councils of the Sanhedrin as long as the Jewish state exist- s\ But with the downfall of that to state at the time of, the destiruc- . tion of Jerusalem their power and A :influence came to an end and they <f.soon disappeared from hi $ story. 18. Laid hands on -Arrested In public ward -Under guard in lsq the public place in which offenders .and criminals were usually kept; -in jail, • 19. An angel of the Lord by night opened the frrison doors .- 'This supernatural intervention on ". behalf of the apostles came as if '-a 'by way of protest against the hos- °. tility of the Saclducees who boliev °', ;ed neither in, angels nor apirite nor a future life. Our author in „this same chapter freely acknow -ledges the intervention of Gama- 4 liel and its effect, but he is here :speaking of a supereaturai ocour- r•ance hie it.' vv h i s un c sib e P s 1 to ex - `'T. lain away,• +, 20. 11.11 the words of this .life.--- , The, whole .gospel message relating both to the Christian life and its tt future glorious consummation, •21. The council --'The Sanhedrin. 'Thoseae 1 n - t lie older men. .• 24, These words -The report of t the officers concerning the mysteri- ous escape of the prisoners. Perplexed . , whereunto this week] grow -We dote that when . the apostles are at last bronght again before ' the Sanhedrin the members of the council carefully avoid asking thorn any questions concerning the manner- in' which they had escapedfrom custody, • 25, 'The men whom ye put in the a prison -The arrest end imprison - f went of the apostles were publicly known. Their prompt reappearing in the temple with undaunted courage' in the. proclamation of their message could not but reflect unfavorably upon the Jewish au- thorities who had publicly under taken to interfere with and put an end to their teaching. 26. Without violence --Because of the great popularity of.the apos- tles. The latter, we note, did not resist arrest. 27. Set them before the council - Examined them and gave them a hearing before the Sanhedrin. 28. We strictly charged you -Or- dinarily any law-abiding Jewish citizen would give careful heed to instructions emanating from the Sanhedrin, which was the highest source of authority among the Jews in all matters not specifical- ly reserved unto themselves by the Romans. Yo have filled Jerusalem with yotar teaching -An unwilling tes- timony to the success of the apos- tles' efforts'to acquaint their fel- low -countrymen with the facts con- 001131ng the life and work of Jesus. 29. Peter and the apostles -Peter was spokesman, but others second- ed and affirmed what he said. 30. Raised up Jesus -In the sense of appointing him to the special work and ministry which he ful- filled. The •expres'sion does not in this case relate to the resurrection. Whom ye slew-Thefinal respon- sibilityf• the death of Jesus xst- ed with the Jewish authorities, who were instrumental in bring- ing it about, even !though the death sentence had been pronounc- ed by a -Roman governor and exe- cuted by Roman soldiers. Hanging flim on a tree -Putting him to death by the most ignom inous of all forms of 'execution. 81. With -Or, "at." 32. -Following some early au- thorities, this verso may also be rendered, "And we are witnesses ,of these things in.him., and the ,Holy Spirit," etc., or, "And we are witnesses in him of these things and God hath given the Holy Sprit to thorn that obey him. ' The whole verso eniphasizes . the apostolic witnessing and the Holy ,Spirit as the secret of the life and ower in believers. This also is the keynote of the entire-narra- •iie o£ Acts, t 83. Cut tothe hear t-Gonscience- smitten, and, since, unrepentant, angered by the fearless accusation ,of Peter 'and his companions. 34. A Pharisee, named Gamaliol, a doctor of the law -The descend- ant -of a distinguished family of. Jewish scholars; The son of Rabbi Simeon, and the grandson of MI, lois the founder of the liberal school of Jewish thought among the Pharisees. The Galnaliel here' mentioned is known as Gamaliel 1 to distinguish him from his own grandson hearing the same name, So great teas his scholarship that he was the first of seven eininent Jewish theologiatt,s to receive a title of Rabban, which means Our Rabbi, or Master, and in- dicated that the person roeeiving t the title belonged to the entire nn• tion rather than 'bo any perticuh r school. 34. Theudas-.•-Another Theudas is mentioned by Josophus, the eels- bl'ated Jewish historian (A, D. $8-100), as one who led on ensues ceasful revolt against the Roman authorities about A. D. 44.45 which was some fifteen years after the events here recorded, • 37, Judas of Galilee-A.nothor nn- suecessful revolutionist, of whom there were many during the period of Roman supremacy and just prior to the final destruction of Jerusa- lem in A, I). 70. In the days of the enrollment, - An eerollmont or "census taking" which occurred A. D. 6-8, also nien'tioned by Josephus, The con. pus here referred 'to should be clearly distinguished insert the ear- lier enrollment mentioned in Luke n,, .aa occurring at the time of the birth of Jesus•. 40, To him they agreed -The fact that Gamaliel's sober counsel out- ,woighted- the impulsive anger of his fellow -members of the Sanhe- drin in a testimony to the regard' in which he was held by this su- preme ecclesiastical body of the Jewish people. Boat them -By way of a more em- pbatio warning that they desist from their public teaching and cease •to speak in the name of Jesus any further. 42. Preach -Greek, "bring good tidings.'' FARM LANDS AND STOCK STATEMENT O1' VALUES IN DIFFERENT PROVINCES. Latest Report of the Bureau of Sta- tisties and Census of the . Dominion. The Bureau of Census and Sta- tistics issued recently a report for the year just ended on farm land values in the Dominion, the value of farm animals, and the average of farm and domestic wages. The. average value of farm land for all the Provinces is $;s5.70 per acre. In five of the Provinces it is under 830, being $27.30 in Manitoba, $25 in Nova- Scotia, $21.40 in New Brunswick, $20.40 in Saskatchewan, and :$18.20 in Alberta. In Prince Edward Island the average is $33.- 70 per acre, in Quebec $41.90, in Ontario $47.30, and in British Co- lumbia $76.10. Values are higher. in the last named Province, owing to the comparatively large extent of farm land there in orchard and small fruits: VALUE OF HORSES. The average value of horses at the end of the year is $46 for those under one year, $100 for one to under three years, and $143 for three years and over. Horses of the last class are below an aver- age of $120 in Prince Edward Is- land, Nova Scotia and Alberta in New Brunswick, Quebec and On- tario they are about $140, and in Manitoba and Saskatchewan they are $170 to $176. Milch cows have an average value in the Dominion of 834, ranging from $29 in Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick to $36 in On- tario and 837 in Saskatchewan, but in British Columbia the average is $48. Other horned cattle have an average value over the Dominion of $9 for those under one year, $21 for one to under three years, and $32 for three years and over. These averages are generally close for all the Provinces, but the high- est values aro given for Ontario and the western Provinces. SWINE AND SHEEP. The averse value of swine g is given at $5,86 per 100 pounds live weight, being lowest in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and highest in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Sheep aro given an average value of $5.23 per head for the Dominion, and are below the average in the Maritime Provinces, Quebec and Saskatchewan. The total value of farm animals, eomputed on the foregoing aver- ages and the number of animals on the farms in June, was• $530;000,000. The June price of wool for the Do- minion was 18 cents per pound, The average wages of farm and domestic help for the Dominion per month was 894,60 for males and 813.50 fey females, and per year $208 for males and $130 for females. The highest averages are reported for the western Provinces, where they reach about 8300 $300 per year for males and 8160 for females In On- tario and Quebec the average for males is about $240 and for females $120 per year. Most wolnen keep a lot of reedy - made sympathy en hand. Where powder only covers up freckles, dynamite would probably remove them. The fickleness of fortune is only equaled by ileo faithfulness of mis- fortune, A woman's ]sappiness reecho the limit when she possesses a thing that no other woman can obtain, "1 hoard ,your danghtor Annie's. wedding was quite a lively one, Mr. Jones." "Well, it was some- hints of an Annie -mated seened'.. EARTHQUAKE SUFFERERS REMARKABLE STORIES GQDIE TQ LIGRT. Daily Tragedies of the Modern 14 tern° -- Ghouls Wage Open, Warfare, It is doubtful if the full horribly story: of the earthquake will ever be told, r[150 survivors have only a coufneed idea of what took place, They were awakened by the falling of their houses and how they es• caped they cannot guess, The aw- ful minutes, in most eases when they were struggling for life, aro a nightmare or a blank which per- haps even time will not clear, writes e Napes correspondent: However, some few have boon able to put their sensations and experiences into words. 1 have Beard ofa man who inl abited the fourth floor of an aparthtent-house and who was awakened by what he took to be en explosion. When he gained his senses he found him- self in an alarming position. The floor, probably through some de- fect in building, had given way cleanly as though cut by a knife, right under his large doublebed, which thus had two legs hanging in the void, the other two being on the portion of the floor left. The bed was dangerously inclined„ and from it had rolled his wife into the gulf, ho saving himself from a like fate by throwing himself violently OD to the floor on the other side. Ile was rescued by the firemenafter stopping in his dangerous position for 48 hours, without food and list- ening to the moans and cries of his little daughter who had SHARED HER MOTHER'S FATE, She was afterward taken out of the debris, with scarcely a whole bone in her body, dead. A poor woman who was found in the streets of Messina attracted attention through her strange be- havior. At first, it was thought that her terrible experiences had turned her brain, but it was after- ward discovered that she was per - feebly sane, It seems that she had los six ichildren, hrldren five whom ale t in a room together,f o wile she and a baby occupied a small room near- by. They were all buried among the debris of the house, the bigger children probably killed in the fall, as she heard no sound. The baby fell with her under a beam, but on her chest and would have been alive now bad nob one of the ghouls who added fresh terrors to the city, angry at not finding any- thing to steal and irritated by the crying of the child which attracted attention to the spot, brutally kicked it, killing ib immediately. The mother was afterward released. and finding a friend on the street, poured out her terrible trouble. The friend had evidently been the goody of her district and told the poor credulous creature, that if she said two beads of her rosary at every street corner, never re- peating a street and crossed her- self five times, her children, if not yet dead, would revive. So the poor thing had pursued her pitiable perambulations for 24 hours, with- out food, never: stopping for fear of thus indirectly killing slier poor children, long since dead. She absolutely refused even to sit dorvn until assured by the archbishop of Messina, before whom she was taken, that HER SACRIFICE WAS IN VAIN. Conditions in Reggio are worse than at Messina. It would take the vivid pen of a Dante to give an adequate idea of the conditions in the sister cities. At Reggio two thirdsh t of the population lie under P P the debris of fallen buildings, the other third are in the streets, without roof, without food, without Water, without clothes. Those fa- tal 30 seconds cast down all the conventional barriers set up by so- ciety and reduced rich and poor alike to primitive ma,n who must have shelter from eold, and cloth- ing and fond for his body,'and when he is deprived of them a suf- ficient time he will fight for them. To this must bo added total dark- ness at night, only broken by the fiendish thieves who, having loot- ed a shop, hail become lrosscsscdof o, bit of candle and with it made the round of the lugubrious rub- bish, to see what they could steal from the bodies of the dead. Those jackals, composed of the scum of the town, are so bold that their researches aro in many cases conducted in broad daylight and h resist with e a a they o � tt filo rms and knives es anyone who trees to interfere with them,In one'case a man, after putting his wife in safety, return- ed to try to secure same of his valuables. Arrived at what was once his house he was forcibly pre- vented from entering by a couple of men who, when he insisted, shot hint dead. Tho few police and soldiers that there are,. are totally inadequate to keep this dangerous and unsorsupelous element within bounds, so they have orders to SlIOOT ON SIGHT, the relult being regular pitched battles in full sight in the princi- pal streets, in which law and or - 'der do not always get the beat of it. 'Thus 'several soldiers have lost their' lives and several more will undoubtedly do so' before long, • • Ona particularly touching easoof this kind has just occurred at MOS., sine. A soldier who had, through his exceptional strength, succeed- ed in lifting a beam which had pinned ham down, from over his legs, worked for almost two days rn resetting .atheis with scarcely any rest. Late at night he was re- turning to a shed to sleep ; when he heard the sobbing cry of a little girl. He stopped and a group of three men, with whom a girl af eight was struggling violently, carne . in view, He stopped them, whereupon the child fled with what was afterward proved to be a con- siderable sum of }honey which she hand ,gathered together in her fa- ther's 'tease, Tho thieves, furious at the escape of their victim, set upon the soldier, and killed him by ]ricking him to death. These are but a few of the daily tragedies of 'this modern inferno, the victim of 'water, foe and earth- quake, and rendered a hell by man ; ane moment the most beau- tiful spot on earth, the next a sink. of terror and iniquity. POPULATION OF AU'STRALIA. Only 75,000 Aborigines Now Lefton Continent. • It is estimated that there are now left in the continent of Au- stralia 76,000 of the original abori- ginal boriginal population; in the colony of Queensland there are about 20,- 000. Queensland has an elaborate system for looking after the wel- fare of the blacks by means of "protectors" stationed all over the colony, to see that the natives are fed and clothed, and shielded from the interference of white people: Missionary reports received indi- cate that the young natives have made very good progress in both reading anti writing, but teaching them arithmetic is hopeless. Many of the natives are well over six In concluding his statement t feet, and one, lately deceased, a solicitor -general intimated that t native of the Nassau district, stood defence would be that some stryc seven feet two inches, and was nine placed an the floor of the to built in proportion. Like most immediately above the kitchen 1 savages, they are polygamists, but the purpose of de,troyiug rats h they are not cannibals. The•na- fallen through the rafters on to t tines under civilization have de- egg as it was being removed fro veloped habits of economy and the fire to the table. The cro saving. The186a aboriginal fuelgirls in g contended that this accid � cou dome i st a service i c inQueensland not 1 have occurred have over 855,000 to their credit in prisoner's hand hac�l placed tthe poi - the Government Savings Bank, and sen in the egg, Evidence was then considerable deposits are made by taken. the men engaged in work through- Counsel for the defence said his out the colony. One of the best case was that the poison had fallen things the Government of the col -]from the loft above the kitchen RAT POISON.FFLL ON EGG THROUGH THE RAPTORS ABOVE THE KITCHEN. Story Told at Irish Murder Trial-- Avensed Woman Was Acquitted. An ostraordinary murder. trial, in which the defence to a charge of husband poisoning was that the poison fell from the rafters of the roof, has taken place at the Ulster assizes, By acquitting the accus- ed, the jury accepted the plea put forward on her behalf. The pris- oner was lilizabeth iiirktvoud Doch- erty, who was iaidicted fur the mur- der of 'her husband near Daily- rnoney, county Antrim, last Juuo, NO HUMAN HAND. The solicitor -general, proses ing, said the dotegsed, who we farmer, died of stf- 0hnine pole administered to him at his supg which was prepared by the prix ern He would, counsel declar satisfy the jury that no hum hand was laid upon an egg wh contained the poison from the went it was broken in the pan un it Was eaten exempt that of the cused. Death occurred the folio ills morning. A week later one of the pris ei•'s daughters, aged three yea also died from .strychnine pois which had been taken in milk. T husband's remains were exhum after this second death and an alyst would give evidence that t stomachs of both deceased co tainod from half to a grain of st chnine. Accused had been in asylum. but it was not contend she was insane at the time of deaths. FELL THROUGH FLOOR. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE. LAN I)'S SHORES,. Rapp Hinge in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish.. ince. A serious outbreak of fire oc. tutted recently at Drogheda Workhouse, Louth. . Mrs. Mary O'Donucll, of Dru- more, Co, Donegal, aged 104, . re- cently applied for an' old age pen - Bien. John W. McGoldrick,. prominent among the athletes of Dundalk, has emigrated to Buenos Ayres. The Scully ranoh, in Co. Kilken- ny, is at last being divided up amongst the rightful owners -the tenants. Through the generosity of Mrs. s a M'uray, Enniskea, a workingman's on, clubhouse has recently been erec- per, ted at Newcastle. ed- Athlone is one of thefew plac- es in Ireland where we are told a an castle (caislen or caistcl -was erect- ich ed in pre -Norman times. m The Governmentpatr 1 boat ga, recently captured four steam ae- trawlers off Tory Island, Co. Derry, w- which were fishing inside the legal limit, on- After twenty-one yeas of faith- rs, ful service, Mrs, Della M. Kelly, on, Fever hospital nurse, i the Mul- he linger Union, has resigned on pen- "' siou. an- Police were busily engaged one he day recently in removing anti-en- n- listing posters and leaflets which rY" had ben posted in the town of En - an niscorthy. ed The death of Thomas Murphy, th•o Kilmore, one of the best known and most popular men in County Ros• - common, occurred rete tly at the s 0 ct r n n rt n afl 0 a 0 n he advanced age of 90 years, . ho The Barrystone Mines, Co. Wels- h- ford, have recently been opened. ft A large lump of silver, weighing or over six pounds, was found by one ad of the workmen recently. he For some months past the work m of erecting a new railway station men on the G. 8, and W. Railway line ld at Kildangan, between vsen At s Yand he Kildare, has been in progress. Owing to the fact that 190 or 130 tramps visit Strabane workhouse weekly the guardians have decided to prosecute all other than genu- ine casuals who come in. Because of the donkey, behind ony has done for them is to pro- through the rafters and accidenta Mbit the sale of opium and opium ly dropped on an egg, portions ashes, and all intoxicating liquors, which prisoner had also .eaten. H to them, under severe penalties. husband, before he died, had pressed this view, and as he b acquitted her he (counsel) was sue the jury would do likewise. The jury found the accused no guilty and she was discharged. WOMAN AS JtDGE. 1- which she was driving,. becoming of restive, Mrs. Mary Shaw, 80 years He TRICKED BY A WOMAN. Most Wil - sllost Learned Egyptologist Deceit. ed in Alleged Relics.. A quiet -looking, unobtrusive lit- tle French woman has slicogeclel,'WillTry Disputes Gel ween Parisia in deceiving one 0f the tlsoeb Wins .' Employers and Workers. ed Egyptologists -in Eurepe,' Cern-,n:r1. missioner Caparcl, ;of Flt-wl?o aJ s:.svrear.'to perform my duti Museums, Belgium,; ,by ueij ntel hrilt vr'. ;,zeal find integrity, and two scarabs with -alleged elgyptia, r- ain�;seerecy as to our judui inscriptions, foe -some• 89,005 r I'ht s, with uplifted hands, s o Inscriptions on the stones seemed p to settle the much -debated quos- `' neat, demure woman of 30 in t tion whether the ancient Egyptians First Chamber of the Paris Civ g>p' Court recently, She was dress had eircumavigated Africa. They in black, with a black fur toque 0 delated the voyages as a fact, and her. head. Her name is Mlle, Juss described an audience given by lin. King Necho to the chief of the She is believed to be the firs Phoenician sailors on their return woman to be invested with judieia from the journey. authofity, for she was recently Thorn was great competition for elected at the triennial election of the stones, which, according to his tvidow, were found among the be- longings of the late M. Bouriant, director of the French Senneol of History at Cairo, though the Inter- national Congress at Berlin last August declared that they wore frauds. The true historyhas tit 1 di - • old, was thrown under a cart and ex- drowned in a flax hole, near Bally - ad bay. e A proposal was recently made at a meetiesg of the Galway Guardi- t ans to withdraw the doctor, nurse and relieving officer from the Is- lands of Aran, because the inhabi- tants are paying no rates. Dr. Walsh the Archbishop of Dublin, has been appointed Chan- cellor of the new university, and there is still a chance that Irish n as will be made a compulsory subject alat the entrance examinations. Damages amounting to $10,000 ke were awarded to the family of Alex. he Torney, late shorthand teacher in ril the Belfast Model schools. Mr. Torney was knocked down and fa- n tally injured by a horse in the e street. 7')ovcnpatrick Guardians are ex- t periencmg some difficulty in filling the position of registrar of births, deaths and marriages in the Strangford division of the union, owing to the dearth of young men with the necessary qualifications, "His Majesty's tallest subject" is now an inmate of Carlow Work- house Infirmary. The roan's name is P oley, and be is a native of Tu- low He is over 70 years ofage, I e will tl had for many years been ex- , Filleted in various parts of Europe I tinder tits above title. On returning home from a day's shooting a farmer named Kelleher, residing at Gleain, near Sehull, laid his loaded fowling piece on the table. His son, a boy of five, happened to touch the trigger, and the gun was discharged, the father being shot through the heart. Death was instantaneous. Pure' homilies to be one of the trade judges who sit to hear and decide upon disputes between employers and their work -people.. She is the first woman to be elec- ted to this capacity under the new law authorizing women to elect- ed be ect- e r ,g " ed as Purd hommes, and wit closed by a Pais engraver., M. . take her seat an the judge's bench Baubieu, who stated that he had i at the first sitting of the court. Her judici engraved the stones from designs! al lk asrgnia will consist supplied by the late director's son. shouldersof a large sandsm etingd over am the When they were submitted to him l breast, in front of whish hangs a he recognized hes work, though the; large silver medal representing the stones had been artrfieially aged. figure of the French Republic. She Mme. Bouriant and her son have is by (rade a dressmaker. confessed the fraud, and are being prosecuted in Belgium. DEATH TO VIVISECTORS. Welt Woman Sends Circulars to IItilIENSE CONCRETE PIE11S Leading Doctors. • Those of Clover Bat Bridge May b0 The leading surgeons and physio - Those of Great Britain are receiv- B 1 n a 1 0 c Le i tr t bank, After plaoin and parkin the concrete in its gmolds itg was also necessary that it should be kept heated at least a day, and then allowed to be set gradually. Largest in t11c World. ing a printed circular containing The concrete piers of the Clover an extraordinary threat to kill by ar Bridge on the Grand Trunk prayer those who practise vivi.sec- Pacific Railway are said to be the tion, argest all concrete piers • in Ca- The sender, who is said to be an ada, and perhaps in the world, Trish anti -vivisectionist named a ~sthol; Edmonton o ton Bull Cowan,s the ... Bulletin. to e , er J Theis son ad dt e s..ed p re four o the f theta, two of which a' how,knovvin • the efficacy to € 3 of pray - 40 feet high and the others seven er, she has resolved to use it to re - est less in height. The bridge move vivisectors. She intended ram abutment to abutment is 1,- first to kill Dr. Starling, professor G60 feet below the surface of the 01 physiology at the t. nivs.rstty Col- lege wwater, lege hospital of Lond'nl, but, she The cenerete work was under- say>;: 1 aken in midwinter. This was one "It seemed unf.tir to give such f the difficulties :with which, the a stab in t:he dark without letting onstrltetieg company had to con- him lcuow," sod, To work with concrete. Cher Therefore, she decided to beseech ng cold weatlser it is necessary to the Alnright.y to remove, if in me- so float, eoi Ian,;,,, with H,� ;rill, trey, teas 1100,,305 were constructed around most iii.ely to cause fuiure s .after he piers and, these -were heated, ing to innocents by exp.lim nts, ith steam, which was cantered by About a fortnight later one of the ipes front a plant' on the river crest known vivisectors dead. This is taken to show the :11- lnighty's approval, and t -he circu- lar ad`teres its recipients to he warned , and assures them that1 t torr fate is in their own hands, GOLDFISH FEEDS KITTEN.. "Dick" Swims to Surfaee •01. aria. 110111511 With Cat's Breakfast. Hiram Blackmer, -a tinsmith of Winsted, Conn., has a, large aqua- rium in which, until recently, were as score ofohlfi h s About g bo it twr weeks ago, all of except one sickened and died. The ante survivor of the piscatorial pets is a very large Japanese ,goldfish, which Mr. Blackmer has owned•ftsr six years, and wheel lifts become so tante that it ris:s to the surfaeo 1� the water erten ani of the fam- ily calls its nasus `•iii.k." lbeet s week ago Mr jil",'kear noticed his pint kitten lira; g eti the edge of the •armory r :zing steadily into Oe water, In .t few mninee he rl a - ,. l:,nish,?d to tee hien," the g,. ithith. swim to the surieset with a bit , f milkweed la its to :tole 'free kitten roamed -dome anti with lu r tiny paw took the ls,ltw,est mei etc 11, - 'Phis perfor•n5au; c was rclr'slted a' rnfiebrr of thee% asnl nee the kit- ten' .5 c;+ to til" iset ariuns 0100y moieties fon i;,, brAakfast.