HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-4, Page 10• Valentines Febs 14th Valentine's Day Feb. 14th H1 sending of Valentines and Valentine Post Cards has been greatly revived this last few years, and promises to be greater thee ever this year. We have T searched the market to find the newest and most taking in this line, and as a result we are better prepared than usual with a large and beautiful stock of suit- able remembrances for that day. Thee include the benutifel Valentine at $t 00, all the way down to tbe very pretty Lace Valeutine et 50. Also the comic Valentines and Valentine Nov- elties. Valentine Picture Post Cards in great variety, Cards with heart -shaped sachet of rich red satin 25c each. Satin Cards at 70o each. Cards with metal hearts, Cupids, &o., at 5o each, Embosed Cards at 50 each, A very pretty assortment of bright new .Cards at 2 for 50. Drop In and look over them while the choice Is good. F. R. SMITH, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, yaw xJ !Ings tern FEBRUARY, A. O. U. W. week, A WEDDING or two is said to be on the program in the near future. ST. VALENTINE Day falls on Sunday this year. This will not prohibit the sending of the effusive notelet ot the "horrid" caricature. PETER RrrceaR is offering his house and lot on William Street for sale and talks of removing to the West where several of his sons are located and where he also bas land. We would be sorry to see the.Ritchie family leave town. ENTERTAINMENT.—The annual Sunday School Entertainment of St, John's church will be held Friday evening of this week. The members are asked to meet at the Sunday School at 6 p m. ' for a sleigb ride. Tea served at 7. Everybody will be welcome for the program which commences at eight o'clock. CHANGE IN BUSINESS.—In connection with,Baeket Bros, butcher business a change bas taken place by which Cleve Baeker becomes the partner of his bro- ther William, taking the place of Alfred Baeker. This will make no difference in tbe management as Cleve bas always been associated witb the business and is acquainted w'th all the details. We wish the firm success. FROM THE LONG Ago.—Looking over some old papers in his possession Rich and Roe, of Brussels South . came across the following which testifies that he started out right in the Emerald Isle and his history here proves that be bas con- tinued in the same line up to the pres- ent :—"Port House, Atby, Co, Kildare, Ireland, I hereby certify that the bearer, Richard Roe, lived in the employment of the Rigbt Hon, Lord Downs, at Berth, for nearly seven years, during which time his coneuet was honest, steady, obliging and perfectly satisfac- tory. GEo I. PHnPP, AND Lorin DOWNS. May 5th 1851." Mr. Roe celebrated his 77th birthday on January rgth and is remarkably hale and hearty for a man of his years Tsoa PosT hopes he rlt=V be spared to his many friends for a good while yet. THE Guelph Herald of Jan. 3oth con- taine the following note of interest to a good many people :—For the twentieth year in succession the old Gore District Mutual Fire Insurance Company has paid its members a refund of their pre- miums of from 20 to 25 per cent. At the annual meeting held at Galt on the 25th inst. the Directors decided on a refund of 25 per cent for the year Igo8. Cheques for the members of the Com• pany in this city, and the towns and villages between here and Lake Huron will be issued to their representative here, John Sutherland, of the. Trader's Bank Block, for distribution in due course. Notwithstanding these substan- tial refunds the accumulation of profits and reserve now amount to $556.732.80, all of which speaks well for the careful management of the Company and the good judgment of the Directorate, Jas, Goldie, Senior, of this city is one ot its oldest Directors, having occupied a seat on the Board for over tbirtv years. A PRETTY WEDDING —The Yerington, Nevada, paper says:—"To the strain of Gounods wedding march and the solemn words of the full Episcopal ser- vice,James met hts bride, Mt ss Susau Livingston, stop daughter of Mrs. n Duncan Livingston, g of Brussels at the altar of the Methodist church on Jan nary 0211], at Yerington, Nevada, U. 5 , "and the twain were made one." Rev. Dr. Beatty performed the ceremonv which is coraidetert One of the events of the season. Fred. Vicks acted as best man and Miss Mabel McVicar, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaid, The bride and bridesmaid were attired in dark blue travelling suits and tbe groom wore a black cutaway. The church was decorated with green stream- ers with white ribbons carried from above the altar to the pews at either aisle, About two years ago, Miss Susan Livings'ou came here from Detroit, Mich., to visit her aunt, Mt's. Schooley, of Smith Valley. Since then she has become Due of Yeriugtou's business women, making friends on all sides by her large•hearted vivacity and charm, James Hardy, who came here from Salam, Cali two years ago, has been identified with the firm of E. R. Lam in a responsible way and he is known and respected as a clean-cut business man and a fine fellow. The popular pair have the good wishes of the whole com- munity. On their return from their honeymoon in California, they will re- side in Yerington, Those present were: Mrs. Schooley, Mies Livingston, Mr. Livingston, Mayor Smith and Mrs. Beatty, Mr, Burrows saw to it that a single shoe "dangled in dignified state from the ,back of the car- riage, while the minister soundly snow- balled thein," TIss.'Posr, in bebalf of .mainy relatives and old friends of the bride here, extends hearty 'cong,vttula- tions itad hopes that maty happy pros- perous years niay conte to Mr. nail Mrs. Hardy. Friday evening of this HoasE Fair Thursday of this week. Next Fair will be held on Thursday, March 4th, CARD or THANKS.—We desire, through. the columns of your paper, to express our thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindnessandsympathy shown us during the sickness and decease of our late husband and father. Yours sincerely, MRS. 1. COBER AND FAMILY, LICRNsit COMMISSIONERS.— 'Phe license commissioners for Huron have been ate, pointed in eonlormity with the new div ision of the Co into ridings, For Ceu tre Huron the Commigsioners are Adam Hays, Seaforte ; John B. Hot'ver, Clinton, and Wm. Patterson H ullett t for South Huron, Peter Douglas, jos Canning and Wm. Delbridge and tor North Huron, Robert Musgrove, Thos E. Durnin and Matthew Lockhart, A Asquith, of Auburn, is inspector for Centre Huron; John Torrance, ot Clinton. for South Huron, and W. Clegg, of Wingham for North Huron. —o UPeTAtR rooms to rent. Apply at Smith's Drug Store. PotrNn.—Lsdy's kid glove and gent's mocha glove. Ask at Tag POST. Is your sewing machine working well 7 If not call on T. Al 001M, William at., Brussels. Wm?, grind skates to your fancy. Yours, T. MOGaseoit for fast and easy skating, Brus- sels, Ont. LADIES' Purse containing a sum of money lost between Brussels and i 4 miles South. Finder will muchoblige by leaving it at TEE Poem. A BLACK and tan collie strayed on the prem- ises of E. Beam, Lot 25, 711] line, Morris. Own- er may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. KINDLY SETTLE.—As a change has taken place in the flrm of Backer Bros., butchers, all persona indebted to them are asked to square off their accounts so as to allow the books to be closed. GAMER Bees., Brussels. -- 0 --- WESTERN STAR.— The officers of Western Star. No. 14g. 1 0. 0 F., were duly installed by Deputy District Grand Master Haines, of Winghatn, on a recent nate and a start out made cn a new term. Following is the list of office hearers :--P. N. G., W. Griffith ; N. G.. R. Crone . V. G., C. Dodds ; W., las. 'I'huell ; Rea -Sec , W. H. McCracken ; Fin. -See., A. McGuire ; Treas., F. 5. Scott ; Con., las. Jones ; Chap., R. Leatherdsle ; R. S. N. G., A. Smith ; L. S. N. G., W. Clark ; R. S. V. G., Jno. Evans t L. S. V. G., W. McLean ; R. S. S., G. R. Stubbs ; L. S. S., W. Broadfoot , I. G., W Leatherdale 0. G.. Wm. Martin. The lodge is in a thriving condition and meets evert' Thursday evening in their spacious 1 edge room. l'HE W FATHER, —A regular storm period covers the first five days in Feb ruary which is central on the 3rd. tat the first and and the barometer will be falling and the temperature will be rising in Western sectionsof the country. By the 3rd cloudiness aod storm areas wili he organized and during the 3rd to 6th, rain, wind and snow will prevail generally, passing progressively from Western to Eastern extremes of the country. The storms of this period will reacts their culminating severity and ex. tent in connection ..with full moon on and touchingthe 5th. By the 5th storms will have turned to driving snow is the North and West, followed closely by rising barometer. high Northwest winds and change to much colder. Cold fair weather will advance Eastward and Southward in the immediate rear of these P rogrestive storms reachinging in various degrees of frigidity most parts 01 the country by the 7th to 8111. EDMUNu MCCRACKEN DECEASED.— Monday of last week Edmund McCrack- en, of Cleveland, Olio, responded to the imperative call of our mortality after being in failing bealth for some time, He was 54 Years of age Deceased was a brother of W, H. McCracken. of Brus- sels. and was a former resident of town being associated in the carriage business with the late W. T. Hunter. In the big fire of 1876 their shops were destroyed and Mr, McCracken removed from this locality. He lived for various periods at Ark wright, Tara and Durham before locating at Cleveland 25 years ago. Mrs. McCrackeu's maiden name was Carrie Spading and was well known to the people of this locality. In addition to the widow 2 sons and 2 daughters sur- vive who will share largely to the sym- pathy of relatives and old friends here, Mr, McCracken's funeral took place Thursday t,f last week interment being made in the Lake View cemetery near the monument of the late President Garfield. The floral wreaths were beautiful. Kind hearted, generous and industrious was the deceased and he was beloved by a wide circle of true friends. COUNTY ORANGE Lonos,—The North Huron Co Orange Lodge met at Wing - barn on Tuesday of this week with a good attendance. Reports showed pro - grew] during past year. It wag decided to hold the Co. Celebration at Brussels on the corning 12th of July, B. Gerry and others, whose names appear else- where in this issue, attended the Co. meeting. Rev. H. X. Lang -Ford and M, H, Moore visited the North Perth Co, Lodge at Listowel on Tuesday and secured a promise of large contingents M LT'¼ OPOUTAN--i B A DRAFTS AND MONEY BOUGHT AND SO DDS FARMERS' ALE NOTES PROMPTLY COLLECTED A personal cash reserve NOW is the fouada ion of a life independ- ence LAT1:.i2. BRUSSELS BRANCH si Starts a Savings ' Account '331 F. II. Gilroy, Manager from that County, North Bruce Co,' Lodge meeting at Kincardine was telt to the care of J. A, Hunter, of town, in so,ieiting the pleasure of the company of the brethren of that Co, for the same date, which was favorably received, Brusselites have heartily taken hold of the initial steps looking toward the celebration and one of the best ever held here will be aimed at and in the hands of an energetic committee should be attained. FIRE. -We were sorry to hear Inst Saturday of a serious fire at Emerson, Man., in which W. B. Ballantyne, form- erly of Brussels, lost his printing office and Good Bro. , also former Brusselites, suffered the loss of their grocery, The Winnipeg Free Press of Saturday gives the following particulars ut the fire :— "The worst fire that has ever occurred in Emerson started this evening at 6.3o o'- clock, and destroyed $foo,000 worth of property. The fire started in the ex. Creme North end of the Alexandria block in a store formerly occupied by Bell & Co., and at present rented to Pereles Hrus., who have been conducting a bankrupt stock sale. Amongst the Heaviest losers are; Pereles Bros , stock om hand, covered bV $8,000, insurance ; Good Bros., restaurant, loss $2,000, in surance $1,2oo ; post office and C. P. Commercial office, loss$r,000, insurance $500 ; Emerson Journal office, loss $i,800, insurance $500; Casselmao's drug store, loss $8,000, insurance $4,000 ; Manituba Gov't. telephone ul£ve, loss $t.000, insurance unknown ; W. 1. Scarff, loss *emcee small insur- ance. Tete two top stories of the block wet eused as residential flats and uffiues and atnoug the losers are :—W. J. Mc- Clelland, *Soo, insurance $400 ; W. B. Fairbairn, partial lose $5oo, no insur- auce : F. Stock, loss $600, no insurance; F. Sinclair, toss *Soo, no insurance ; Mrs. Good, loss $boo. small insurance ; W. J. Cherrey. loss Irmo, no insurance ; Miss Billington, loss $400, no insurance; D. Forrester, loss $5oo, small insurance; Principal Crearer, loss $too, no insur- ance ; W. J. Nichol, loss $200. no insur ance ; T. C. Muirhead, loss *zoo, no in- surance. Besides the numerous small losses a local syndicate, owners of the block, lose two-thirds of an $80 000 building covered by $2o,000 insurance. There are suspicions of incendiarism and it is likely an investigation will be held. The occupants if the store at the time of the fire state that the stove was knocked over, causing the blaze. In twenty minutes after the fire com- menced the entire end of the large block was in flames, and with the as sistance of a strong Northwest wind it looked as it the whole business portion ot the town was doomed. The fire bri- gade worked hard to control tbe fire, but the ales to cover was too large for the town's equipment and the efforts of the brigade were directed to saving the buildings across the street.. The good work of the firemen doubtless saved the Aoglo.American hotel. Christie's livery barn, Watson's livery harp, Turner's blacksmith shop, A. Rivartl's house,. Van Whorl's livery barn and other ad- joining small buildings, besides the Southerly division of the Alexandria. block. For three hours the fire lasted and the residents of tbe country for ten miles around were attracted to tbe scene. A special train conveying 200 citizens of Pembina, N. D , came over to lend any passible assistance. 'The Alexandria block was built during the b .om days and had the largest front- age of any building in Manitoba. It occupied an entire block, with three hundred feet facing on Main street W. Fairbanks, now of Winnipeg, was the original owner. There were thir- teen stores on the ground floor. The Part saved was built in 0882 and that destroyed was a two hundred toot addition built the following year. The building has been the pride of Emerson since its Construction and occupied an imposing position en Main street. For ii number of years it has been the com- mercial and business centre of the town. The strong wind drove the fire over the first fire wall and for a time it looked as if the entire Klock must go, hut the wind subsided and the combined efforts o1 citizens and fire brigade saved the Southerly section. All telephone communication with the town has been destroyed.' The many old friends here of Messrs. Ballantyne and Good will hope for good insurance settlements and better luck next time. Church (Mimes Monthly Missionary service in the Methodist Sabbath School next Sunday atternoon. lutereating program. Next Sabbath morning the quarterly Communion will be held at the Methodist church. Testimony meeting will follow the evening sermon. Invitations have been issued for an At Home Friday evening of this week, in the W. C. T, U. room by the Mens' Bible class meeting there Sabbath after - 110011e, Rev, E. G. Powell preached last Sab• bath morning from A Tragedy, relat- ing to the beheading of John the Baptist." The evening topic was "If and why." Sabbath afternoon a resolution of sympathy from the Methodist Sabbath School and Epworth League to the Coher fancily, in connection with the recent decease of Mr. Caber, was moved by S. Bailey, of whose class deceased was a member, seconded by J. A, Hunt - Sale of Millinery Business Having disposed of my NI'il- linerybuainess to MISS EDITH INMAN, who will take posses- sion on February 15th, I beg leave to thank my numerous customers for past patronage and commend to you my succes- sor who is already well and fav- orably known. Persons indebted to me are asked to kindly call and settle account before Feb. 16th. Miss Belle Strachan er, President of the Epworth League both referring to the faithfulness of Mr. Cober in all he undertook. A copy of the resolution was ordered to be sent to Mrs. Cober. "'Phe danger of a lukewarm church and the remedy" was the topic upon which Rev. A. te. Wishart, B A., dwelt last Sabbath morning in Meville church. Evening text was "Come and see." Miss Jean Scot, of't`oronto, will ad -- dress a meeting of ladies on Tuesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock in the scrum' room of the Methodist church on Deaconess cork, She is a very inter- esting speaker, THE POST is pleased to state that Rev. G. J. Abey, formerly rector of St. John's church, Brussels. but who has been in Illinois, U. S., for several years. has been appointed by the Bishop to Delaware, Ont. His many old friends will welcome he and Mrs. Abey back to Canada. People We Talk About S. B. Smale has returned to Toronto. W. J. Fawcett was home from Taran- to for a few days. Mrs. 1. 'P. Wood and son, Mei nee are visiting at London. J. Ferguson made a business trip to Stratford on Monday. Miss Stella Andrews, of Bluevale, is the guest of the Misses Colvin. Miss Levise Sinclair is home from an extended visit with relatives in Strat- ford, Robt Ross is away this week to Lon- don and on-don,and Strathroy combining horsiness and pleasure. The Value of Economy any people fail to save, because they do not realize the importance of small economies.. The practice, once begun, of laying aside a portion of your income, no matter how small, every week or month, will soon become a fixed habit, The result in a few years will probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start a Savings Account to -day with THE STANDARD BA1 Established 1873 OF CANADA 51 Breaehe. BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. Rowland. Manager Eranca also at Walton. 60 Mrs, James Fulton has not been very well but we hope she will soon regain her usual health. Mrs. E. U Lowry is home from an enjoyable visit with relatives at London and Port Huron. Mrs, Geo, A Lowry has been on the sick list with the prevailing bad cold but is getting better now. We welcome Duncan Taylor and family to town, They moved in from Grey township this week. J. M. L. and Mrs. Young, of Mooso- m,n, are holidaying with relatives and friends at London and St. Marys, Miss Elsie Flatt has not been enjoy ing her usual good health of late but we hope she will soon be as well as ever. D; and Mrs. Ashton and son, of How- lett, have been renewing old friendships in this locality. Mr, Ashton was an old Morris boy. A complimentary banquet will be tendered to. Dr P. MacDonald, recent- lv'appointed Postmaster at London. by a'neither of his •Winghatn friends, at the National Hotel in that town, on. Friday evening of next week. May, the petite daughter of James Stewart, corner of Church and John streets, has been a prisoner t, the house' for a while owing to an attack of pleurisy but we trust she will speedily regain her acccustomed sprightliness. Fred. Lowry, of Port Huron, Mich was here for a visit of a few days with relatives and old friends. -It is about 2o' years since he left Brussels and from a stripling of a trifle over too pounds he has developed into nearly a solid zoo. Mr. Lowry is engaged in the street cal business, which, evidently agrees well with him. Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Harmonious Annual Mooting. Wednesday afternoon of last week the 36th annual meeting of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the Town Hall, Gorrie, and was largely attended. The veteran Presi• dent, Jno. R Miller, presided and made appropriate introductory remarks. Min• rtes of last meeting were read and pass- ed followed by the presentation of the Auditors' Report which was adopted without much comment.. Henry Snaith, of Saskatoon, who was a former director. and who was renew- ing old friendships, was called to tbe chair and the election of two directors was proceeded with. The retiring dir- ectors, John R. Miller and Edward Brysos, were re-elected without 'oppo- siti•m as were Auditors Graham and Shearer, By the Auditors' report it was shown that the amount at risk is $8,369,330 ; Premium note capitol $418 466; and Assets, 388.114; paid for losses last year, by lightning on buildings $2,694 ; live stock killed by lightning, $2,594 ; fires from unknown causes, $5,473 ; sparks from chimneys, *1,715 , Other Causes, $325, No, of pblidles leaned, 1468, and No, in force 4908, an increase of 304. Amount ABSTRACT OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS For the year 1908 Receipts Cash on hand County levied Consolidated levied chool levied .�.. School Morris and Grey School, Government grant School loan levied .. School loan, Morris and Grey Loral improvement fund Sinking fund Resident taxes Non-resident tax 76 118 Expenditure s 9606 60 County Treasurer ... ............:.:. 10.8 40 $ y $ 671 87 Consolidated debt - 2012 85 22111 85 School 201170 2011 68 Behoof loan,. �.. 98170 85 00 Ideal improvement rand 1508 00 204 00 : Sinning fond 600000 428 70 - Salaries 602 71 8 00 Printing. postage,. &e 80:25 1508 50 { Intermit 122 00 8060 90I) Roads and bridges - 406 88 2012.61 Fire protection 10 00 Street lighting440 85 Town Hall and weigh Fowles 80 22 Miscellaneous dlebureements .,. 220 17 Public Library 268 00 Lnsltridge By-law Na 4, 1002 •. •. 010 46 Cash in Metrop'n and Standard bunks 2080 78 02 002 Licenses .,. Fines Rents ge M14cellaneoBnsyreoelntelawNo.4,1908 ......... L Oakrid J, T. Wood 806 25 0 50 1110 550 900 00 $18002 12 $18002 12 BALANCE SHEET To Consolidated School .. School loan $115800 887 60 Local moonlit 1 87 Sinking fund. 780 40 $ 2855 10 By County short $ 19 80 Local Improvement fund short .. 7 01 Cash In 5 etropolitan and Standard banks 2808 78 $ 2850 10 Assets Cash on hand Uncollected taxes wnnall72T H Fire Department Public School... Band instruments and scales Town bell Municipal debentures 4488 42 Mortgages on real balite 10279 70 Wood's woolen mill 2744 87 REPLI ew No, 4,1002 (Lockridge) .,..,1892 17 24 To balance 0450 24 Liabilities 2880 78 Consolidated debt., $27200 00 284 72 School debt 7600 00 18 00 Local improvement debt 0220 e0 42� 0000 Lookridge By -Law No, 4, 1002 2744 87 0000 00 64'0 00 040006 08 946005 00 We, the undoralgned Auditors of ther,Orpotation of the Village of Brnsaale for the year 1008, having examined the esoointsof the Treasurer and Collector and all vouchers and 0a• cennta of the corporation have to report the Sane eorreet as per foregoing report and find the bolane° cash in Standard and Metropolitan Banka to be $1888 78 W. H M0ORAO1tBN, Auditors. J, Y. S. KIRK, of insurance written $2,428,o7o. ; am- ount cancelled and expired $0.823,900,; leaving net amount in force, $8,369,170, being an increase in amount at risk of $6u4,170. . • The Howick Mutual is one of the best Mutual Fire lm uraoce Cos. doing busi- ness and its careful and businesslike managemodt is creditable alike to the officiary and the Company. There are 16 or more agents at work in the Com- pany's interests, At a meeting of the Directors, J, R. Miller was reelected President and Ed ward Bryais Vice -President. The bther members 01 the Board are lames Edgar, Wm. McKercher, J. T. Wylie and John Jackson. W, S. Mclfercher continues to discharge his onerous duties as Secretary Treasurer and . Barrister Sinclair is the Company's Solicitor. BORN Do rt080N.-In Grey, on February 2nd, to Mr. end Mrs. Robert Davidson, a daughter. Sex —In Wroxeter, on Jan. 29th, to Mr. and tars. Wm..lex, a eon. QCEinN —In Corrie, on January 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Querin, formerly of Brus- sels, a daughter. MARRIED HARDY—Liv,saeTON, —In the Methodist church, Yerington. Nevada, C. S., on Jan. 12th. by Rev. Dr. Beatty, Mr. James Hardy to Mise Susan Livingston, formerly of Brus- sels, both of Yerlugton. - DIED Bonoia.—In Morrie, on February 1st, atthe home of his brother, Nion Bolger, of Xingu, Man.. aged 78 years. MOORAOKEN,—In Cleveland, Ohio, on .Tanuary 26th, Edmund McCracken, formerly of Brussels, and brother to W. H. McCracken, aged 64 years. 5ANniaeoN.—In Wroxeter, on Jan. 81st, John Sanderson, in his 78th year. AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, FDD. lath.—Farm stook, Imple- ments, &c Beat 3S. Lot 82, Com 0, Grey. Sala at 1 o'clock. JJ__ F. Beirnea, Prop. F. S. SCWOLEbD, ANgueeD. AY FDD. I7TH, rm a k im- ra, 6. Con. 16, Gray. Sale wre. served at1 pm. Hugh Stewart, Prop„ F. S. Scott, Auo. Februiary 14th wilmmomaaiammismew Valentine Day We lure again showing it very attractive line of Valentines From some very hand some ones at 66o, 40c,. 250 and 150 to the dainty lace ones at 6e, 3c 2c. Also a particularly fine assortment of Valentine Post Cards at the popu- lar prioe, 2 for 5c, with a better line at 50 each, at FO DRUG STORE BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat $0 00 $0 06 Oats as 88 Peas. - 90 82 8 50 Barley 50 50 Potatoes • -10 28 Bunter 18 25 Hays 9 10 8 00 000 Hoge , 00 F0lt sane,— Choice, Buff Orpington Cook. erels, at 91.00 each, Black ones at $2;00. P. BAKER, Henfrya. 2 YEAR OLD HBAVS DRAFT COLT for sale. Lot 5, Con, 30, Grey. 0 BOLLIN- GER, Brussels P. 0. 8141 ' 1. Con SADE,—Onnifortablehouse on William street, Brussels. fr.f.'acre. lot, good welt, Arden. and fruit trees, For terms apply to P. tlT05115 o1'F• S. Scott, Brussels, tf, AII07`ION SALID 0D` FARM STOCK,. Ilii, Pr,aMDNTe &o. -Mr. F. S. Scott, A1.100031. ear, has received instructions from the under- signed pproprietor to sell by tmblio auction at Lot 0 Don, 15, Grey, on Wednesday Feh.;17th, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property, viz: -1 heavy draft imported mare rising 6 years old in foal to Bleck Band, 1 heavy draft Pereheron mare rising 0 year's old in foal to Burlier, 1 driving mare 7 years old, 9. cows to calvein March 1 newly calved tow, 1 farrow- cow, 4 stesra rlaing 2 Tears, P heifer r years, 01803veru's binder, 1,.1 brood sow '13'111'142, 11 store hog., 1 1 Dfodurnilok mower, 1 Noxon 1210o seed drill,. 1 Mann cultivator,' 1 horse rake, 1 Maxwell hay leader„ 1 manure spreader 60 bush. .eopacity,1 wagon with 0deck box for stock, 1 mutter, 1 riding plow, 2 walk- ing plows. 1 set bob•aleiglis, 1 set 8 horse bar• rows, 1land roller,1 pea harvester, 1 hay reek, 1 gravel box, 1 fence weaver, l set heavy lar. nese, 1 sat single harness, a few Dollars and other articles too numerous to mention. Tbo implements are all nearly new. Sale without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming on account of poor health. Term8—AA Mune of $5 and under cash; over Mint amount 10. menthe' credit will be given on furnishing Ap- proved Joint Notes. 6 Per Cent. . off for cash on creditlamounte. HUGH STEWART,Pro• prletor. F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. Great SLAUBDTEB SALE4r' for 3Odays a n d Blankets Robes Black Cow Robes, regular price Buffalo Robes, Goat Robes, re �.4 �...r,dl�tia 1t J^ it. ,S16,00, reduced to $12.00 9.00, " 7.00 8.5o, 6.50 15 pp er cent. off all Blankets Bells at Cost and Less to Clear These Prices are for Cash Cash aie of Surplus Stock BINDER TWINE, Woven Wire Fence, Farm Gates, Barb Wire, Manure Forks, Hay Forks,' Rope, Saws, Guns, Rifles, Axe Handles, Baskets, Stock Food, etc. In order to facilitate stock -taking, reduce stook to save removal to new premises and to slake way for Spring goods we quote extremely low prices• on the following goods :— Binder Twine Pure Manilla, 65o feet, 1340 Manilla, 600 feet, tee Woven Wire Fence 8o rods of g strand Fence at 39c a rod. No. g latteral and upright, Farm Gates Two only—a 12 ft. and a 13 ft., at $3 75 • and $4.75 respectively, Barb Wire 400 rods, 8o rods in a bundle, at $2.25 a bundle. Manure Forks Four tang at 5oc ; 5 and 6 tang propor- tionately low. Hay Forks Three tang. from 350 to 400. Hay Fork Ropes Odds and ends, job lot et, cut prices. Hand Saws A limited number from 6oc to $1,5o each Guns Three double barrelled guns, breach loading, left barrel choke, at $7,00. Rifles One Stevens 32-4o with peep sights at $1,,00. A number of 22 Rifles from $2,00 to $6.00, Axe Handles' A lot of good Axe dandles from roc to 201, factory made, Baskets A number of good Willow Baskets, hue. andbus. and a half, 35e and 500, • Stock Food and Pratt's Animal' Regulator at extremely low pria05. These pric,ee will only hold good on the surplus Stock above mentioned, To appret•iale these prices You must gee the goals. 1125 We pay cash for Hides, 'renew, Raw Fars,. etc. MoKAY & SHAW