HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-2-4, Page 8LA GRIPPE'S VICTIMS Loft Weak, Pdiserabio an(i a Fray to Disoase iu Iauy Forms La Grippe starts with a sneeze and ends with a . eonrplicatiun of troubles. ,it lays the strong man on his back; it tortures him with favors and shills, headaches and backaches. It leaves him a prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, consume dun and other deadly disearies. You can avoid La Grippe entirely by keeping year blood rich and red by the occasional use of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills. If yon have not done this, andthe disease lays you lar+; you can banishall its evil After effects with this same great blood - building, building, nerve restoring medicine. Here is proof of the wonderful puwee of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ever disease: Mr. P. E. Paulin, Collector of Customs at Caraquet, N. B., says: "In the winter of 1907 I had a very severe attack of la grippe, which broke me down entirely. I had take to bed for several weeks, Dur- ing that time I employed a doctor, but without benefit, in fact I seemed to be getting worse and worse. I did not sleep; suffered from night sweats, and had no appetite. I was really a physical wreck. On a former occasion I had used Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for general ebility, with great benefit so I de- cided to again try them. I sent for half dozen boxes and began to use them at once. When taking the second box I began to feel quite a change in my condition. I was able to walk about the house and my appetite was improving. From that un I gained strength every day, and before the six boxes were dune I was able to return to the office and attend to my work. Now I enjoy the best of health, and al- though 63 years old, am feeling quite young. I think Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills a splendid medi- cine for troubles of this kind," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a blood -making, nerve -restoring ton- ic. In this way they cure anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism, neural- gia,a- St. Vitus' dance, and pa paralysis. They are the best me- dicine in the world for the ailments of girlhood and womanhood. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. i>Et.aihntliaesesexaosoolasakeer TICK -TOCK, "You must not climb into the hot- tom of that (lock, Bertie." Beotio crept: out of the low, old- fashioned cluck doer. with a wheed- ling smile, • Bnt1 manna, 1 squeedgein just lovely!" "And jar the clock, dear, so that it loses time, The other day it lost half an hour, and Uncle John missed his train." "How can a little boy like ale make a big clock like you lose half an hour ?" he. asked. Several days later mamma came down -stairs and called Bertie, who sat waiting to accumpany her to sea a great ship sail away with Uncle John. Tick-tock—tickety—tock 1" tick- ed the big clock, solemnly, "Yost are right this morning, I hope," said Bertie, softly. "I crept in so softly last night. One leg at a time." But a troubled look shone in his bright eyes. "Tickety-tock—tickety :" answer- ed the cluck. And then Robin drove them clown to the station, where mamma look- ed at the station clock, and instant- ly her face grew very sad. "Our cluck has lost twenty min- utes again," she said. "Uncle John must sail away alone. Bertie, listen to me. Go home, my boy, get into that clock and stay there until mamma comes." Bertie trotted gloomily home. "Tickety-tock !" wheezed the clock as he climbed into it. And it kept on saying that, until Bertie felt sure it was the slowest work in the world fur those weary ticks to grow into hours. Every heart -broken thought he had about missing Uncle John and the beau- tiful ship the clock beat sharply in- to his memory with its constant "Tickety-tock, tickety-tock! You never saw a ship or a dock." At last mamma carne and lifted him out, stiff and miserable. Ho clung to her neck, and never said a wt'rd. The next day the moon looked down with a sidewise smile at him. Bertie shook his head sorrowfully. "I sha'n't ever come to see you any mare," And the queer old clock said, ap- provingly, ''Tick -trek — tickety- tack : Bertie is going to wind — toek 1" When Uncle John came back Ber- tie went to meet him, fur the cluck was just right. TIIIE REASON WILY. Ilcw -a Bumptious Young Lawyer Turned the Laugh on himself. The counsel prosecuting in a breach of pru,oi i case was youth- ful and fresh, and delighted is it is stayed escapes were due to shoeing himself off, but he didn't lack of discipline and disregard of know what a guy he was until it prison regulations. The report notes that the pro• portion of youthful prisoners :e greater in the east than in the west Convicts under twenty years of age form 19 per cent. of the population of the Dorchester Prison, 17 per cent. at St. Vincent de Paul aed in Manitoba only three per cent Sixty per cent. of all convicts at Canadian born, 16 per cent. Brit- ish and 10 per cent, from the Unit - I+ PENITl3NTIAn REPORT. The Dominion Department of Justice report for the last fiscal year has appeared. It shows a slight falling off in the penitentiary Population of Canada. The num- ber serving sentence last year was 1,41E a decrease of 15. There were 215 prisoners released on parole during the year covered by the re- port, 20 prisoners were pardoned, and 6 in British Columbia escaped. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTJ:,s Or INTEIREST FROM 3.1E11 BANES AND BI1A.ES. What is Going en In the IIlghlitnlls and Lowlands of Auld Scotia, In Leith last 'year the building trade was very dull. Portobello Free Library is said to have about 9,000 books which have never been react. In Edinburgh there were '3,223 claims lodged for old -ago pensions, and 2,790 .were allowed, Provost. Cuthbert bas promised to do something to relieve the distress of the unemployed in Perth, 'There were 3,020 marriages regia- tered in Edinburgh city last year, being over 90 less than in 1907. The deposits in the Savings Bank in Edinburgh now aggregate $5,- 000,000 more than they did ten years ago. Miss Bridget M. Davidson, War- dle, has left the Leith Hospital $2,- 500, and the Longmore Hospital for Incurables $2,500. There were 273 joint stock com- panies registered in Scotland last year, with an aggregate capital of nearly $30,000,000. The Eclipse Tool Manufacturing Company, Glasgow, have contracts for the erection of new works at Linwood, near Johnstone. At a recent graduation ceremony in Glasgow, a student was capped in full Higland costume, probably for the first time in the history of the University. A young man employed in a ware- house in Glasgow is charged with stealing $750 worth of fancy vests, furs, boots, dressing gowns, cor- sets, bronze ornaments, and watches. The state of trade in Aberdeen during last year showed that de- pression was the keynote, except in the white fishing industry. The quantity of fish landed constituted a record. In consequence of the opening of the tramways to Balloch, it has been found necessary to provide an additional constable for the dis- trict to assist in preserving order, especially on Sundays. • The little girl of a plowman at St. Cyrus, Kincardineshire, was fatally burned• through her night- gown taking fire. The nearest doc- tor was five miles away, and could not be reached owing to the snow storm. The late ex -Provost Yellowlees left $100 to each of the employes in the leather works at Queen street, Stirling and to a former clerk, now throbbing Bina, and night after night got no in Coatbridge, and $250 to each of sleep whatever, six Stirling institutions. "Not until my wife began applying fell on hien with a, dull and sicken- ing thud. The defendant had en- tered the witness -box. "Yon say," said the counsel, after several impertinent questions, "that you never asked the plaintiff to he your wife?" "Never," responded the wit.tess, with emphasis. "But you made five to her?" "Not to my knowledge." "Never called her pet names, ei- 1 ed States. The greatest increase ther, I suppuse 1" has been in the case of Italian eon "No, sir." victs. Six hundred and ninety one "Now, as a matter of fact, didn't of the convicts profess •adhere.ice eau call her Lizzie after you'd been, to the Roman Catholic Church, 319 to see her only three or four times, to the Church of England, 151 to the and always after that, when you Methodist, 141 to the Presbyterian, knew you should have called her 00 to the Baptist, 43 to the Luther' Miss Smith if you lead not been an, 17 to the Buddhist, 8 Jews, 2 seeking to win her young and trust- Mormons and 20 unclassified. ing heart?" Dominion Parole Officer Arabi - "No, sir." bald reports that since 1890 there The plaintiff pulled at the conn- have been 1,133 prisoners who com- sel's sleeve, but he paid no atten- plcted their sentences on parole, tion to her, and there are • 78.1 ticket -of -leave "Ah, indeed!" very sarcastically, men still reporting. There have "I presume yen never called her been 09 paroles cancelled and 35 Lizzie in your life, eh?" have been forfeited by subsequent "Never'." convictions. Again the plaintiff caught ab the ,_g, counsel, but he ignored her "Now, once more, sir, I ask you ;o.¢oa.o$0$04.0e•a9•oels'J o's: IfATFULG Q)I DIAMONDS.. Wonderful Stories from German South Africa.. A recent arrival at Cape Town from Luderitzbucltt (German South- west Africa) has supplied interest- ing information regarding the re- markable diamond finds in that territory. The .newly -found fields, writes a correspondent at Gape Town, are situated about seven miles from the coast, and claims have already been, pegged out over a considerable area, the pegs in onoclaim being at high-water mark actually, under water.' A writer in The Iirankfurter Zei- tung describes the impressions of a visitor to the diamond fields "It is marvellous. With my own eyes I have seen a whole hatful of little diamonda, beautifully bright and glittering, and at present price es worth 24s, a' carat, "Col, Harris, a director of the De Deere Company, tried to get 25,000 LI shares, but was refused them, as the syndicate does not want to have a single De Beers Company director in its undertak- ing, "A leading expert from Johan- nesburg has also bean on the spot, and after examining the place for a whole ten days returned quite amazed. It is extremely curious that German capital has moved so slowly and refused so absolutely togiveany help at the outset. "It will be no wonder if other people rush in and skim off the cream. We shall have the same old experience --the accursed Britisher snatching everything away before our eyes." The Frankfurter Zeitung publish- es these cheerful reflections, with the remark that the reports aro be- yond doubt exaggerated, and that the diamond fer-er seems to have got the better of cool calculation. ate— COAL BOORT FELL OH HIM. Couldn't Walk for Two Months. Worker Owes Ills Restoration to Zam• tlek. Mr. Daniel Goddard, of Bay Street, Sault Ste blarie, Ont., ea}s :—" While employed superintending the unloading of a coal vessel at Cohen's Coal Dock, a heavy coal bucket in descending into the vessel to be re -filled sud- denly overturned, grazing my left leg and scraping the flesh off to the bona I was compelled to d'scontinue work and go home for treatment, where I was confined for about two months, ' When able to get out again 1 got Lola in the wound, inflammation started, the wound opened again, and for another month 1 was unable to move about. I tried allmanner of things to get case and.get the wound to heal up, but nothing seemed able to do it. Not only did everythieg I tried seem useless so far as healing went, but I cord get no ease from the aching and the burning pains. At times I was just about crazy with the intense directly to state to the Court whe- MOTHER, AID ther you did or did not call this young lady by the endearing name IN THE NURSERY. of Lizzie, Remember, sir, you are Every mother should be on your oath." And the counsel able to treat the minor ail - puffed out his sliest, while the plain- ments of her little ones. tiff made another ineffectual ate prompt action may prevent tempt to clutch him. serious illness—perhaps save The defendant smiled slightly. a child's life. A simple re - "I never did," he said, firmly. medy always at hand is The counsel brought his fist therefore an absolute aeces- down and simply glared at the ,ole- city, and there is nothing fenilant•, else good as Baby's Own "I'd riles to know why you never 9 Tablets.en These Tablets did, sir," he asked, with the air s, promptly cure all stomach of a man who knew he had the , and bowel troubles, break up facts. A colds, cure simple fevers, ox - The witness was as cool as a poi worms and make teeth - palm -leaf fan could make him in ing easy. Good for the new Tune as be replied, with an exits born baby or the well grown pc'rating smile:— child, and guaranteed to con - "Because that wasn't her name." taro no opiate, Mrs. L. W. '.Chen it was tire. counsel heeded Smith, St. Giles, Que., says: -- the plaintiff's wild clutchings and "I have used Baby's Own wanted to hit himself in the neck Tablets for constipation and with a law book, but ib was too other ills of childhood,and late. ncl them the best medicine 1 have ever given my little "I diagnose all my casts from the ones." Sold by medicine dee. patient's eyes," said the doctor, lers or by mail at 25 cents a emphatically. "Now, your right box from The Dr. Williams eye tells me that yens' liver is af- Medicine Co., Brookville, fceted," "Excuse ma, dogter,"the atient Ont. right eye f apl'easszono!" "butnmy6'tta.'a§,.•s� a$r1 0 :�c1 o4.Q .13imarried another fellow."' The late Dr. Paterson, Arden, Zam-Buk did I find relief. When applied to the injured member this balm quickly soothed the pain, and as we continued usteg it each day brought an improvement. The throb- bing pains were soon banished, the inflamma- tion and soreness relieved, and the wound hQtorough ealthyly eleanaad of all poisonous and un - matter, " ]aealing then began, and in a wonder- fully short time—considering the seriousness of the wound—Zam-Buie effected a complete and Iasting cure. I have since hadnotrouble. with the limb at all, and it is as sound and strong as before the injury." Zam•Buk is a sure cure for cuts, lacerations burns, eczema, ring -worm, cold.sores, chapped poisoned wounds, festering sores, bad leg, and all skin injuries and diseases. It is also a cure for piles. Druggist., and stores. everywhere sell at Soc. a boa, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt 01 price. Yoe are warned against harmful imitations sometimes represented as "just 53 good and cheapen." has bequeathed $500 to the coal fund for the poor, and $500 for prizes in connection with the pub- lic school, in addition to other be- quests for religious and charitable purposes. Workmen have been employed upon Stirii•g Castle to make se- cure parts which were in a danger- ous condition. Improvements have been made in the buildings known as the Douglas Block, Argyll's Lodging, and Mar's Walk. cure nay coughs and cold ©will always PREPARATORY. In times of peace a lot of other- wise sensible people make prepara- tions to get married. Just the Thing That's Wanted.— A pill that acts upon the stomach and yet is so compounded that cer- tain ingredients of it preserve their power and act upon the intestinal canals, so as to clear then] of ex- creta. the retention of which can- non but be hurtful, was long looked for by the medical profession. It was found in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are the result of much expert study, and arc scientifically prepared as a laxative, and an al- ternative in one. ANNOUNCEMENT. The minister regarded his congre- gation with the light of a happy thought on his countenance. "Next Sunday," he said, "I will preach from the choir loft." There was a stir in the church, and the more understanding ladies slush ed. "Yes," the minister added, "and this will be continued until the style in hats once more enables my congregation to see me standing here." RE KNOWS FROM HIS EXPERIENCE TII14T DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS WILL OURT BBIGII'I"S DISEASI), Postmaster Cote Toils How the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy Cured Mini After Doctors Rad Given Him Up, Le Petit Bois Franc, Tomieeoitata Go., Que., Jan, 25 (Special).—Mr. Charles Cote, postmaster here, is firmly convinced that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills will cure Brightl's' Dia- ease or any other disease of the Kidneys. He knows it from his own experience. Hear what be says: "For over four years I was trou- bled with Backache, Rheumatism and lack of ambition, and my urine was of a dark unnatural color. I was attended by three doctors who did me no good., The last one told me it was only a waste of money to try anything else . as I could not live more than a year at the out- side. "At the verge of death 1 decided to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. I used eighteen boxes and to -day my Rheumatism, . Backache and Headache are gone. My urine is like that of a child. I feel -I owe my life to Dodd's Kidney Pills," Postmaster Coke had all the symptoms of Bright's Disease. The doctors evidently knew he had Bright's Disease—the most deadly form of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. They will cure any form of Kidney disease. HEROIC. "A. hero," says the Philosopher of Folly, "is a man who does some- thing on the spur of the moment, that he wouldn't do if he had time to sit down -sad think it over," A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I knit what these moan to delicate women—I have beendiscouraged, too; but learned how to euro myself. I want to relievesure the bur- dens. Whynot end the pain and doctor's b11? I can do this for You and will if you will assist me. All you need` do is to write for a free box of the remedy which has boon placed in my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you—it has done so for others. If so, I shall be happy and you will he cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). Tour letters held confi- dentially. Write to -day for my free treat- ment..htRS. F. Iii CURRAN, Winclsor,.Ont. NEXT MORNING. His Mother — "Johnny, it's S o'clock. When are you coming down to breakfast?" Johnny (in a feeble voice)—"To morrow morning, mamma." Repeat iemy coughs an pud come." always c In Vienna, it is necessary for a man to obtain his wife's consent before he may ascend in a balloon. ON THE SAME TERMS. Diner (who has run up a heavy bill)—"You are manager here, eh, Well, six months ago I dined here, and unfortunately, being unable to pay my bill--er—you kicked me downstairs!". The Manager—"Very sorry, in- deed, sir, but business you know --er•—I bad to—er-- Diner---"Oh, that's all right, old chap—but—might I trouble you again 1" Hunker—"Halloo, Ricketts, when is you. marriage to Miss Flirts coming off 1" Ricketts—"lb has been indefinitely postponed." "What's the trouble?" "Oh, she TOO MUCH FOR kIT 1. Smithson used to labor under the impression that he was a horst hu- morist, but ho has given up trying to be funny now, Ifo called one day on an old sohool friend, and was shown into a room where his chum's sister was busy arranging, a quantity of dried grass which she had collected, "What a; quantity of dried grass roti have collected, Mies Ritchie !" he said. Then his ]tumor burst forth, "Nice room for a donkey, to get into---" "Make yourself ab home, Mr. Smithson, said the girl, pleasant - When he arrived home all, the humor was crushed out of him for- ever. NERVOUS PROSTRATION.. • Of nervous prostration we hear Much now a -days, and it is comfort- ing to know that there aro places specially equipped and located for combating this phase of modern life, On the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway System, at St. Catharines, Ontario, are located the curative Saline Springs known as the "Si. Catharines Well," Con- nected with the Springs is "The Welland," where treatments •for nervous prostration, rheumatism, etc,, are given by skilled attend- ants in charge of a resident physi- cian. St, Catharines is the mildest point in Canada during the winter months. For further information and all particulars apply to J, 1), McDonald, ,D,P.A., Union Station, Toronto, 'NUFF SAID. Doctor—"Good-morning l How are you to -day?" Patient—"I got your bill this morning." A Cure for Fever and Ague.— Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are compounded for use in any climate, and they will he found to preserve their powers in any latitude. In fever and ague they act upon the secretions and neutralize the .poi- son its way which has u into the blood. They correct the im- purities whish find entrance into the system throtsgh drinking water or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided, We Must Co Irons Looted rooms to the cold utor ate, and the change sets us coughing. Cur, ng winter colds is not hard it you tape Allen'a ung Balsam. A neglected colis troublesome nd danauroua, Reefer—"Dumps looks awfully down in the mouth. What's the matter with him?" Banks—"Well, the other evening he was doing the amiable to his sweetheart, don't you know—petting her and all that, and he absent-mindedly called her Kitty." Reefer—"Wall, what of that?" Banks — "Her -name's Eva." New shoes sometimes pinch the pogket book, awn Iglatil,011.11.5•FrAAMI, LAZINESS. Some men are too lazy to go out and meet returning prosperity half way. 'Tis Well to Know.a Good Thing, said Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Know well, when they met in the street. "Why, where have you been for a week back]" "Oh, just down to; the store for a bottle of Dr. Tho- mas' Ecleelrie Oil," and Mrs. Sur- face, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she contracted a, weak back there was another customer for Eolectric Oil. About 4,300,000,000 passengers aro carried on the world's railways annually. ' Repeat it: "Shiloh's Cure will alwt cure my coughs and 001ds." Give a stubborn man his way and he will credit you with having good judgment, "To what do you attribute your success as a ruler 7" After a mo- ment's thought, the South Ameri- can President replied: "Largely to bad marksmanship." Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will always ours my coughs and colds." e In Brazil, every man of twenty one to forty-four years is subject to military -service. Those who ob- ject on religious grounds are ab- solved, but lose all political privi- leges, TF LRMOS BOTTLE Necessity for every How : Mother, Baby, Mfeel,an*, miner, Farmer hunter, Fisherman, overybody Keeps contents IGT~ G04DOT 24 i3 DAAYS01t Without biro or leo, RIGHT AOSPITS stake big money selling Thermos. Where the have no dealer, Write forrerticularo. 0 O OPO Codeine Tbermes Solita Co, vel MB Waited, Maximal,o 1 S ,',. . " X.'i: .12. Slttpmeats to us this yyear, to date al1mos@t double last year, 'i'prirt11;s A 1115At14ff,i Over two hundred trappers and shippers who' had previously shipped elsewhere hero been added to our list, W11Y''2SOT TOL/ ? We parr bust prices, Shipping expenses and romh cash same day. Price list gn appnoatlon, A. & E. PIERCE & 00., ser ST. PAU1 ST„ • MMONTRI.AL.. Raise ThneamkwiL yt CALVES Mole VESsols Srlsees send Co..td., Toronto eyeingI la h' Sor the very teatime your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DIHINiO GO." Lech ter Meet to your town, or seed Shoot. fifer62r©siliTerento, Ottawa, lQoet� A. J. PATTI BON & CO. 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stook Brokers & Financial Agents and other stocks bought and sold o n commission, Correspondence Invited, Orders mar be wired at sur expense. FACT! The washtub heroine may not loot: so romantic, but frequently she's the real goods. Only those who have had experi- ence can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them off—pain night and day, but relief is sure to triose who use Holloway's Corn Clue. Lots of people believe it is bet- ter to grab than wait till they are served. No amenable stab expects to euro a:neglected bold in day. nut time and Allen's Lung fill+ant will overcome the cold and stave off consumption. Cough will cease and lungs be sound as a now dollar. - elided to the Bons? A teaspoonful otPaln, And the man who thinks he hiller Ina cup of lint water Sweetened will warr,qq knows it all soon shows how little tau and avert a eowl. Avoid substitutes, there'll but ono "Painkiller "—Perry Davie -25o and 500. lie really does know. "The pleasure of having cured myself of insomnia;" remarked the heavy -eyed man, "Is so great that 1 lie awake all night thinking about it," Repeat it;—"B:aioh's Cure wilialwaye cure my coughs and colds." Although India annually produc- es roduces over 2,J00,000 tuns of sugar -cane,. it imported last year over 995,000,- 000 worth of sugar. iia Burrs you get the kind yen have nTways bad, "Tho D ds 3" Menthol Plaster For rheumatism neuralgia, etc., nothing Is bettor. Male only bJ Davis do Lawrence Company. Quack—"So you prefer me to Dr. Pail?" Mrs. Mulligan—"Ooh, in- dade, dochter, dear, ye're a dale. betther than the other ober hum- bug." There is no medicine on the mar= ket that can compare with Biekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup in expel- ling from the system the irritating germs that colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neg- lect your cold. 'Try the cheap ex- periment of ridding yourself of it by using Bicklo's Syrup, which is a simple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. A NEW DEFINITION. The class was studying grammar. "Now," said tho teacher, "can anyone give me a word ending with Vous,' meaning full,' as in 'danger- ous,' full of danger, and 'hazard- ous,' full of hazard 1" There was silence in the class for a moment, Then a boy sitting in the front row put out his hand. "Well, John," said the teacher, "what is your word?" "Please sir," came the reply 'pious,' full of pie." • ISSUE O. 5-09. Repeat it:-"Shtlob's Ours Will always cure my coughs and Colds" In a lifetime of 70 year: a man grows fingernails which, if left un- cut, would be 7 feet 0 inches long. One of the greatest blessings to parents is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It effectually ex- pels worms and gives'' health in a marvellous manner to that dials .one. REALLY, HOW COULD HE? Dentist to garrulous woman in the chair : "Now, madam, if you want me to fill this tooth you will have to keep your mouth shut I" Write for Weekly Price Lists. JOHN HALLAM - Shipments Solicited. TORONTO, ONT. .'.41' • ;47.11V141•St0-,,M,*�;F•l,`em"'. .erne scee'ICStmc?T. .•n. YSi"ts'v 'K�ra",10, USED IN; Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of dibbinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the. }it only piano with the illimitable Repeating Action. tARI Send for (free) Catalogue o. 75. ' r31"_TS:I'IANO Organ Co..J.3nrited. G•UE.Liz, ONVTARp, HOTEL IRA MORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. c,6✓'•� '"' '.Yj� .est tie A magnitlnont t6e'stsry Ord•tiroof addition 16 lust doing eoaepleled, mikfng WIN !smolt hostelry the newest and most up•te, ate of Attaablo Olty 1iotou. A new Imitate is the cantonal 2100 el Lisa bbd rooms, averanissg is 5000 sg'dre, iipptory rocpp 0opint,nand. an 006011blew„5.11, at0o od 0111 0a ami resit water. Oh/Isl. glass 1n evs4s7 ol,anibeit 'temperature reguiat*d lfy'rbermeMladt the 1Mto0t detainment lc ap *teem heatifig. Telephone lu 0517 room. 00011!5 privileges, Caofty 000, Wtlt6 terlliastrate booklet, CHARLES 0. MARQIUETTE, TRAYMORS HOTEL COI`WPANY, Manager. D. $. Wf1ITfi President.