HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-1-28, Page 5esi $URINES$ CARDS, V Y . sem MoO 11MJKE IiQ. g L eneel, Ot, doe 8ttir0R$Cy,TDCn),orrp ttrs$t, bruoo$Ili, MiSS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHE4. QNT. K. 0. r, M. Proaeels :Tent of the 210008b4e8, No. 28 hold their regular meetings In the Lodge ]Ecom, Seeker Block, on the tat and 8rd Tue.,day evenings of each month Vi ]tore always welco,ue. A., e014ERS, coin, A, MoCiULft , R. K, JAMES HARRIS, Agent LTowiek Mutual Fire Insurance 'Company O26oe and f;ealdence— WALTON, ONT. JOHN 'SUTHERLAND f180RAsax, FiRE AND MARINE, (IUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 1.8. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • nun, will sell for better priee6, to better mea In toes time. and lase charges than any other Anotloneor is Elect Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this once or by personal nppnaatioa, ROBT. H. GARNISS 13LDEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at the otSee of Tax POET, Bt•useels, -^gaff VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— NJ' e Honor tiradua,e of the Ontario vat• erinary o College. is prepared to [neaten et- entesof dnomeatietttedPartic lar acts In paid t- ent meaner: Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Mlik d'sv,r Gallb promptly attended to. 011ioe and Infirmary. —Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry at., Brussels. Phone 41 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. i3INCt. AIR— e Barrister, /lonelier, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. OIDoe-8 tewert'e Stook I door North of central Hotel. 8olioitor for the Metropolitan Bank. PROUDFOCT, BAYS & BLAIR— ,"Att1CteTNIte SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETO. W. PRODDD00T, K. C. R. O. nays G. F. BLAIR. 08toea—Those formerly oocapled by Mesare Camorou 6t Holt,, OODEUIOu, ONTARIO, DENTISTRY DI?. R. P. FEILD. IIEN7'I$T Graduate of Ibe Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Firat.oleen Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS', ANY ever, numbered section of Dominion Lauda in Masitobu, 8askntohewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may be hementon t dad , y y anY Parson Who is the sole hoed of u family, orany mole over 18 years of age, to the extentut es ono -quarter eaoBtion of 1888 acres more or lege Entry may be made -personally at the local laud aloe for the d)striot iu which the /and ie situate, The homesteader is required to perform the ooaditions connected therewith under one of the follewiva plans (1) At least 61x months' residence upon and oultivatioh of the laud lu eaoh year for three ears, (2) If the father (or mother, if the father Is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a tarns 1n the viciulty of the land entered for the requlremente an to reel. deuce may be eatisfed by each person se - sidling with the father or mother, (8) If the settler has his permanent rest. deuce upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re. qulromente as to. residence ,may be antis• ned by residence upon the said land, Sixmouths' nrinoeiNivettheCommissioef Domnion Lands at Ottawa of lutetltton to apply for. patent. Deputy, of the Ministe of Interior. . N. B. f?uauthorizedpublics tion of this ad- vertisemout will not be paid for. SINGER. SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEET' Maehinee may be seen at MoXAY 85 SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the Nordheim•. er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT SAL Farmers or Storekeepers. by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require, .. Gordon Mooney,. Foreman, 33ruWsala. Business Oars A. FI. MOMTEITII Barrister, A, B, Spinner, N a2.y, &atiau. aass r te fapdopald, Or(ce Aer 8ondard Con k, Brtwse)s, OR, HAMILTON Pental8urgeon, OfDoe oppoxtt. the pest filoo. t �r Winn; Gprrio tno first Carl 04[2.4 Mon4ay of each month. 0•0111 IDR, T. r, M' RAE Bachelor of Medielne, University of Torontb ; Licentiate and (krnduate of the collegear Phy- sicians and 8urgeons, Ont, Post-grpduote Olnoogo Eye, Ear, Nose and 'Throat Hospital, Ohieago,2))) Ex•HouseSurgeon to St, lob - eel',, Hospital, Toronto. OfIlue oyer In, R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele, Phone uonneotion with Oron1rooh at all heats. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate ce the Ontario Veterinary college. Daay and night oalls. Moe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. Q.ia'a9 win remit ReAra 18'.gr BRUSSELS ix"01N080006 00000 NORTH 7105a m Express 10:65 a m Express., ..,11:25n in Melt .., ..,1,44 p Express - 11:02p on Express 8:58 p 2.q Cairanzaar Paolo= WALTON' To Toronto To Goderieh Express 8:41 n mExpress 11:89a m Express. 8:11 p m (,Express i,.,,.,. 7:47 p Misfrizt ,CRUS Bluevale A supplementary meeting in con- nection with East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in the Foresters' Hall, here on Thursday, February 4th. There will be two sessions opening at 1.30 and 7.80 respectively, a musical program being added at the latter. The speakers will be Councillor S. Mc- Faclzean, of Walton• L. E. Annis of Searboro, and 'Miss Rife, of Hespeler. Some years the attendance at these gatherings is miserably small for such a community as this. There should be a good rally on Feb. 4th. eas Blyth R. B. Taylor, of Portage -la -Prairie, is visiting in town. Misses Irene and Verne Bennet left for Cleveland, Ohio, where they have secured positions in a millinery estab- lishment. J. H. Ward, of Orillia, has charge of the electric light plant here. Mr. Ward will move his family here by the end of the month. The glove factory and tannery of Bainton Bios., was destroyed by fire. The fire started dowahu the dry- ingroofn where Frank Bainton was drying out wool. It is thought the fire started in the flooring, caused by an over-heated,pipe, and before noticed the building was all in a blaze. Many made-up gloves, as well as unfinished ones, hides, etc. were destroyed, while those saved are badly damaged by, fire and water. The nem received a hard knock by the fire but the citizens hill all hope that they will see their way clear to commence again. The tender leaves of a harmless lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvel- ous curative properties. Tight, tick- ling, or- distressing coughs, quickly yield to the healing, soothing action of this splendid prescription—Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy and it is so safe and good for children as well. Containing no opium, chloroform, or other harmful drugs, mothers should in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's. If other remedies are offered tell them no. Be your own judge. Sold by all dealers. Exeter AN i VrtER YOUNG LADY HONOR. ED.—St. Luke's Hospital in New York was the scene of a brilliant function on Monday, 11th inst.; when the class of 1908 graduated with appropriate ceremonies after their arduous three years' course in the nurses' training school. Your readers will be more especially interested, however to' know that among those graduating was Miss Evelyn Carling, daughter of T. B. and Mrs. Carling, of Exeter. Miss Carling has made a record at New York of which all herfriends arejustly proud and the authorities of the hospi• tal have shown their apnreciation of her excellent work by appointing her at once to a position of responsibility in St. Luke's as instructor of nurses and assistant to supervisor. Miss Darling was the happy recipient of many beautiful flowers, which convey ed the good wishes and congratula. Mons of numerous Canadian auci New York friends, as well as of various members of the hospital staff with Whom she has been associated, and also received a number of telegrams of like ptuport in the course of the evening. Contain no Caustic Acids. It's healing and drawing—that's why Putnam's Corn Extractor is bet- ter than cheap acid substitutes. In- sist on Putnam's_only. Trowbridge Miss Wilson, of Listowel, is the guest of Miss Daily. Miss Emma Johnston is visiting friends at Newbridge and Palmerston. Mrs Fletcher Cosines spent a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. Nichol- son, of Bluevale, who is at present quite ill. Dr. B. E. and Mrs.'rughen left last week for Grassy Lake, Alberta. We understand the Dr. has rented a drug store and purposes carrying on a drug business in counection with his prac- tion. Their many friends wish them every success. Dr. Moore's private telephone line has been connected at the Bell Com- pany's office at Listowel and the fol. lowing places can be i'ettched on a,. charge of 10e. ; Robe. Moore, Chas.Oosens, Lewis Heath and Adam Duke, OBIT.—Many people of the surround- ing eountry will learn with 'regret of the death of Isaac Oosens, of Medi- cine Etat. Deceased was a nephew of Chingos Onset's, of this village, and spent his boyhood days here and learned his trade with Mr. Sidewand, a shoemaker of this place sense years fago, l bus nese hereeM carried o Ripleely, i where ho lived a few Fears and from [hone went t e V01 O Medicine d ue e ice Hat, t, wlleto he spent the rest of ills life, 'Phe fol. I'Mingle copied from the Medicine Ila[ ]Yews :—The death 0001rred 00 tlxo 22nd telt. of I. Cosens, aged 48, aftera i i illness encs which s e•x' e l• e1Cel xc over sevexotl years, bub did not, until re ceutly assume an acute form, Mr. Come; and his family came to Medi- cine Hat about fifteen years ago from Trowbridge, Perth county, Ontario, and engaged in the boot and shoe bust- ness. He wee a member of the Metho- dist church, and his lire here hoe been one to which his family can look back with pride. tie was sterling and upright in all his business trans. actions, and ]lie death will be a loss to the community in general, who will extend heartfelt condolences with the sorrowing Widow and bereaved children. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon. Which Liniment is Cost 7 For 'nascular pains and aches a think oily peeparation can't' penetrate that's why Nerviline beats thole all —it sinks right (n. "I wouldn't live without Nerviline in. my house," writes J. B..Oottafn, of Mastown, N. S. "If you have rheumatism or sore- ness in the muscles %nein fent any need of an honest liniment, Nerviline fills the bill. I can reconnnend it highly because I have provecl that in one ap- plication of Poison's Nerviline there is more virtue than in a whole bottle of ordinary liniment" Try one of the Large 25e. bottles._ Atwood Erases FIRE IAeuxto.NQB CO.—Tho annual meeting of the Elma,Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, was held in the Agricultural Hall, At- wood, on Tuesday, December 19th, 1308, a goodly member of policy bold - erre being present. J. G. Dickson was appointed chairman and J. R. Ham- mond acted as Secretary of the meet- ing. After making a few well timed remarks the chairman asked Secretary to read the minutes of the last annual meeting, which were discussed and on motion of S. S. Rothwell and W. G. Inglis were adopted. The Auditors' report was read and discussed at some length. It showed that the company had issued 422 poli):les in 1908, and that the total number in force on the 31st of December 1908 was 1,394. The amount of business written for the year was $1,100,360 ; the amount carr celled and expired was $926,855, leav- ing a net amount in force at the close of the year of $3,592,425, being au in- crease of $172,496 in the amount of risk. Amount of premium notes held by the Company is $179,021.25, and the unassessed residue, or amount available on those notes is $159,605.42. The company paid out for losses and expenses $13,913.16 and had a balance on hand of $4,952.84. On motion of R. Richmond and We G. Inglis the report was adopted. On motion of Jas. Donaldson, jr., and W. Jickling the Directors were authorized to re- fuse all applications for special insur- ance on stallions, thoro' bred stock and threshing machines and to cancel all such insurance now in force. A suggestion was made by W. G. Inglis that it would be advisable to adopt a scale of prices not to be exceeded in the settlement for live stock destroy- ed, but on motion of A. Edwards and W. Jickling it was resolved to con- tinue to make the value of the animals the basis of adjustment as hertofore. On motion of .T. W. Dick- son and Ivie Smith it was decided to cover entire colts till they reach the age of 8 years. A discussion arose re- garding the settlement for eon tents of dwellings and outbuildings destroyed, S. S. Rothwell moved, seconded by Geo. Cleland that full value be paid. Movedamendment by Sas. Donald- son sonj2.., that value be paid.Amenclment carried, F. J.Omtis and Alex. Simpson weze re -appointed Auditors for 1909 ; James Donaldson, sr., John 1ylcCloy and George Cleland were re-elected Directors for the en- suing term. The meeting then ad- journed. The board of Directors, con- sisting of S. S. Rothwell, Jas. Donald- son, sr., J. K. Baker, J. S. Cowan, John McCloy, George (Rolland, D. B. Grieve, Wm. Hewitt and J. R. Hammond now met for organization. S. S. Bothwell was re -appointed President ; Jas. Donaldson, Vice President, and J. R. Hammond, Secretary and' Treasurer for 1009. A claim was presented from Geo. Thompkins, jt•., of Wallace, for damage to house and contents by fire, which was adjusted at $17.00. The number of appplications received figured up to $07,025.00. The meeting min:naned till Tuesday, Feb. 10th, to meet in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, at 2 o'clock p. m, J. R. HAMMOND, Secretary. Are you Drowsy after Meats 7 Is there a fulness in your stomach— a drowsy, lazy desire to sleep—this isn't natural in healthy folks and only occurs when the liver is torpid. You need a stimulating tonic—need Dr. Hamilton's Pills to stir your liver and put life into sleepy organs. You'll eel brisk and lively—you'll eat, digest and sleep well after regulatingwith Dr. lztbmilton'e Pills. No medicine so universally used, so axile], so sure to benefit as Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers in 25c. boxes, Listowel The Standard says :—A meeting of gentlemen interested in the Stewart. stook, sheaf and 'hay loader, a machine which promises to be of vast benefit to Western famine, was held in town. Stewart Bros. of Molesworth, the Hpatentees, also W. R. Belden, Dr. 3olmes and P..A.ment, of Brussels ; George Howe, Mayor of Palmerston ; Dr. Ohisholm, M. P., Wingham ; J: A. Halstead and Messrs. Reid and Filce, Mn Forest, and F. W. Hay and other citizens, attended the meeting. We understand that the object of the meeting 'was to form a company to takeover the patents and manufac- ture the machine, Mr, Belden being organizer of the company, After die- oussing the proposition pretty fully the meeting adjourned, and Mr. Ben den is proceeding with the organiza- tion of the company. He inform us that arrangements are under way for having at least one hnn(t'ed machines .� eerlPss M,ennui.' ars s !! Are Cast-iron Ranges Built Like Steel Rnnyes "Peerless Peninsular" Ranee have the Drop Oven and i,ow Closet which bare heretofore been exclusive Features of t11e most expensive steel ranges. They are also the only rangesxnade with Fire -Box on right or left side, as may better fit the kitchen in which the range is to be placed. "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges are splendid f''` cookers, ore very economical in regard to face, are bra strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service. Let us show you their many features of superiority. 71 WILTON & GIL�SPI - - BRUSSIELIS manufactured at the Listowel foundry in time for shipping to the West be- fore next haying and harvest. Many enquiries and ox'ders are already being received, and it looks es if a ready market is open for all the machines the company can turn out. Miss Irene .Campbell left for St. Louis, Mo,, where she will spend the Winter the guest of Geo, and Mrs. Campbell, The local poultrymen showed about 10 pairs of birds at the recent Poultry Show in Owen Sound and carried off a good grist of prizes. T. Male, B. Goddard, W. T. 'Gibson and Master Douglas Hamilton were the exhibitors and each had good success. Mr. Male took 10 prizes with 12 birds. A company of 0. P. R. surveyors were in town for a few days taking measurements of the road, but for what purpose we have not learned: Our citizens would be pleased to learn that the Company had deckled to ex- tend the line further, but up to the present nothing definite has been announced. George Wright,. Listowel's veteran butcher, has sold out his business to R.,Lashbrook of Mitchell, who takes possession early next month. Mr. Wright has been in business here for about thirty years, and on Tuesday of last week celebrated his 88th birthday,. The remainder of the old black- smith shop building on the corner of Wallace and Inkerinan streets, latter- ly used by C. F. Vandrieh as an auction room, until partially destroy- ed by fire, bas been torn down an taken away. Vandrick Bros. inten erecting a new brick block on the si during the coming Summer. While driving home from town on 1•eeent evening Mrs. W. P. Anders of the 3rd line Wallace, and her dau- ghter, Miss Anderson, who is steno- grapher in the office of .1. Cecil Hamil- ton, barrister, met with an accident which came very nearly resulting in their death. They were approaching the level crossing near the 3rd shortly after six o'clock, and just as they reached it the G. T. R. pay` car over- took them, passing ata great speed. The horse hacl not yet got on the track and the ladies did their utmost to tuna hint, but failing they jumped au saved themselves. The horse in hi right ran right into the train and was Med instantly, the shafts of the utter and harness being smashed. lost fortunately the occupants escap- d without injury other than was ecaeloned by the terrible shock, Miss Anderson- also being struck on th act by the cutter in jumping, bt my slightly bruised. The horse was alued at about $125. The croesin t this point is a dangerous one, th rivewav for some distance bein arzallei with the railway track, an altho ugh no fatality has occurred here have been numerous narrow es apes. The annual meeting of the Listowe gricultural Society was held ii1 the own Hall on Friday afternoon, Jan. 5th. There was a good attendance of embers. Pres. J.F. Wilson tools he chair, and W. E. Binning, Sec., ead the auditors' report, wince. show- 1ctotal receipts for past year of 1,222.44, and expenditures $1,110.80, axing a balance on band of $111,04. he report was on motion adopted. number of communications were ad, among others notification from e Ontario Agricultural Department specting judges at Seed Fair, Spring Fair and Fall Fair, also suggestions ppeeting holding same. On motion Messrs. Richards and Landerkin it was decided to hold a Seed Fair, oved by H. Hemsworth, seconded y J. R. Richards, that the Society Ild a Spring Show of entire stock roviding sufficient finds are sub- ribed, Carried. The meeting de- ded to apply for expert judges for e fairs. The election of officers ve- tted in the following being chosen : res., E. G. Arnold ; lot Vice -Pres., Goddard ; 2nd Vice -Pres., Arthur ewitt • Directors — Wallace, W. uderkin, John Ooghlin, Wm. Goocl ; ma, W. B. Shearer, Adam Park ; ray, Jos. McDonald ; Listowel, J. F. ilson, S. B. Stevenson, J. R. Rich - ds. Auditors, T. Male and A. J. Ilins. Hon,-Directors—Hy. Zinn, Snyder, FI, Hemsworth, W. L. anteing, J. Seburger, W. C. Hewitt, Raines, J. A. Kelly, A St. G. Haw- ne ; Hon. Lady Directors—Mrs. A. Collins. Mrs. 0. Tabbei ner, Mrs. R. 0]imie, Miss Binning and Miss ilson. It was decided to held the IL Show on Tuesday and i\retlnes- ay, Sept. 21st and 22nd. At the Dir - ors' ineaing, subsequently held, E. Binning% bus res oinL•ed Sec.- ae, I pp e and the Pres, e. a11d See. were ppointed delegates to the meeting of . Fall Fairs Association in Toronto. Why Cough syrups Fail. They slip gixickly river the sore irri- ed membranes, drop into the stem- ] and do little else but harm diger- 1, It's different with Catarrhozone yon inhale it. Every breath sends ling balsams to the inflamed sues. Tightness, 50i`eness and in - mention are awed by healing pine enoes. The cough goes coney, oat is streixgthetfed, huskiness is 'ed. Nothing so temple, so eot1- ient, so certain to Dare as Catarrh. um Try in 23c, and $1,00 sizes, d everywhere. Jamestown IN$TITDTE.—Friday, Feb. 6th Is the date of Farmers' institute meeting to be held in Victoria Hall, Jarnestown, "Sheep raising" will be dealt with by Oliver Turnbull, of Walton, who has hada good experience • ''Draft horses and beef cattle" will be the topic L. E. Annis, of Scerboro', will discuss and Miss Rife, of Hespeler, will also give a couple of addresses. Meetings open at 1.80 and 7.80 p. m. Musical selec- tions will be added to the evening program. Perth County Wesley Ingram, son of Street Com- missioner Ingrain, while exercising in the High School gymnasium at Mitchell on Thursday morning fell and bloke his arm a few inches above the wrist. up AY ition asking for the winding oNey, Oamp & Co., Ltd., of Strat- ford, undertakers and furniture deal- ers, was filed at Osgoode Hall, Toron- to, The petition is on behalf of Colin McArthur & 00. of Montreal. Walton Tuesday, Feb. 9th is the day named for the annual supplementary Farm- ers' Institute meeting in the A. 0. U. W. Hall here. The speakers an- nounced are W. H. McCracken, of Brussels, on "Growing lolangolds" ; L. E. Annis, ofSoarbero, on "Soil cultism, non and rotation," and Miss Rife, of. d Hespeler, who will meet the Women's d Institute in the afternoon. Arrauge• to ments are being made for the addition of musical numbers at the evening a meeting. on — Croup positively stopped in 20 min- utes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will solely prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup -50c. Sold by all dealers. Ethel KEEP TEE DATE CLEAR.—ln con- nection with East Huron Farmers' Institute supplementary meetings the d date for the Ethel visit is Monday s Feb. 8th with sessions at 1.30 and 7,30 p. m. On the program will be Presi- dent McMillan, L. E. Annis, Scarboro' and Hiss Rife, of Hespeler. Thelatter will address the Women's Institute in the afternoon. A program of music will add to the interest in the evening. k 0 1~I e 0 b 0 v a d P c A 7. 1 m ec A re th re res of M b ht p sc ci th su P LaH H El W aI' Co L. M G. ki S. A.W Fa d act W Tr a tit tat acl tion hea tis flat ass the Otte vele azo Sol e • tt Morris A former resident of Morris town - g ship in the person of Wm. Wheeler, e who is a brother of Lawrence, Jno. g and Chas. Wheeler, has bought the d Walter Smith 100 acre farm, near , Alma, Wellington Co., paying $65 per - acre for the same. This gives Mr. Wheeler 200 acres. We wish hire 1 ; continued prosperity. A REPLY.—Replying to Messrs. Bone and Souch re hay being remov- ed from East a of South a of Lot 20, Con. 4, should it not have read (hay being stolen) as the aforesaid was very misleading Dot only to myself but to the public in general. Ire- FOOTWEAR moved hay from the granary passage on the same lot but did not steal. it as it belonged to the leassor whnseordorei i I was working under, In TAE Posm Ofle s ' ofthe ,L1 t last, you insinuated that I was trespassing but will prove 1 was not if yea 80 desire as 1 have the lease iu lily possession. Yours Res ectfuliy E. 1n11von.[NomrYEpi1OR..AS both partiesiopportunities of ex,, pressing themselves the matter will be closed as fax* as the eolumne of Tula Post` are concerned.] RHEUMATISM Sats Up Strength Racks the Joints Prevents Sleep. UNCHECKED.—It enmity $trikee the Heart and Kills 105 Victim. It originates in the blood and de- velops met quietly ,in the system of persons who are run down and lack - leg in vitality. The only specific of all forme of Rheumatism xs Ferrozone, whicix is perfect solvent for uric acid and a splendid stimulant for the kidneys and liver. No remedy is so successful as Fer- rezone. It has never failed to cure, because it attacks the cause of the dis. ease in the blood. It neutralizes the uric acid poisons, quickens the slug- gish circulation, and. relieves the sys- tem of all irritating matter. Every distressing symptom is cured, swollen muselos and aching, joints are relieved of their pain. The disease will not return if once cured by Fer. rozone, which does its work thorough- ly. Its cures are lasting. Unlike other treatments, Ferrozone does not depress the heart or deaden the nerves. It rebuilds the system, .p.omotes better health, establishes good appetite, sound sleep and free. cicm from weakening pains and aches. The perfection of all rheumatic re- medies is found in Ferrozone. It is in tablet form easy to take, convenient to carry, guaranteed to cure, and costs only 500 per box, or six boxes for $2.60 at ail druggists ; don't fail to teat Fer- rezone. George Cook was sentenced at Lon• don. Ont., to a year in the Central Prison for assaulting his sister - Two parties of Mounted Police sent out from Fort Churchill are missing and it is feared that they were drowned. It is announced that the Soo line's ne• gotiations for the purchase of the Wit. cousin Central are almost completed. Mrs. Phybers, wife of an English set. tier, %vas fatally .burned at Elkborn, Man., while lighting a fire with owe oil, Another action to set aside lease to the Hydroelectric Commission has been en. tered by Gideon Hodgkins, of ('tai nsboro' The test well sunk on Horton street, London, Ont., fora civic water supply is yielding two hundred thousand gal- lons daily. justice Teetzel has dismissed the slander action of Guest against Ptolemy et al., on the ground tbat tbere was no cause for action, Henry Dingle, a South African veteran, sold his land grant, and was robbed of the $.loo he received for it in an Ottawa hotel, wessaistemarageartaineetaktingarMieWatatiriellfir leen Yu Tafce Codd One way is to porno attention to it; at least not until It de- velops into pneumonia, er bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, " The best thing for colds," then take Do as he says, tlnyway. .......i7;,71,7=7;=iaa We Iozo) 5 aldehol from our nedlelaea We urge yea to gyp ean.nit c- og / a[�� Y a2. �- doctor a en When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances are absorbed into the blood instead of being daily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing. this danger, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. NsU e2. Wo J. 0. yqr (Jo., Lowell, Yana—. AId. Leaperance, of Montreal, is ac- cused of holding up a contract for the city stables until the contractor would pay him $1,000. Former C. P. R. Agent Tully, of Emerson, Mn,,ahas been sentenced to a month in jail for overchargingfor tickets pocketing the surplus. Cue of the big power cables hanging from the steel arch .bridge at Niagara Falls parted. There was a lit of fire• works, but no serious damage was done, Maurice Ryan was arrested at Radley. hury and brought to North Bay to answer a charge of decoying a young man out of town, throwing him from a buggy an. beating and robbing him. Justice Mabee severely criticised the express companies in connection with the new tariff at the Railway Com- mission sitting in Ottawa , giving them to understand that it must be modified at once,. Pwo engines and four cars, derailed by a snowslide, rolled down the bank of the Fraser River, near Yale, B. C. Engineers Carscadden and Fosterwere killed and several other persons received slight injuries. The Senate vacancy in the Province of Ontario was filled at a recent meet- ing of the Cabinet Council. Valentine Matz, of Parkhill, who represented Middlesex in the last parliament, was appointed to succeed the late Senator Kerner The new' Senator will rep- resent in the upper House the German element in the population of the Prov. ince. There are still two Senatorial. vacancies to be tilled, in , Nova Scotia and it is unlikely however, that these appoint- ments will be made for some days yet. The Nova Scotia vacancies await Hon. Mr. Fielding's return from Europe. Mr. Raiz was a former resident of Stephen township, Huron Co. and was Warden of the Co. Remember Us For anything in the Harness. Line We aim to give satisfaction In Comfortable If everything else in the house did its share of the work as well as 'Bfkck Kfghf Stove Polish very few women would complain of the housework. "Black Knight" does away with the everlasting rubbing and polishing. It shines quickly and produces a result that satisfies the most particular. Always ready for use for Stoves, Grates and other Ironwork.. It's the best polish and the biggest can for the money. Send dealer's name and 10e for full size can if yen can`t got "Black Auight" fe your town. me F. F. DAILEY CO. LIIternED, HAMILTON, ant, 8A of all kinds. t We take stock Jan. 15th and close our book for past year and request all parties indebted to us to call and set- tle before that date. I. C. RIC A DS NATIONAL Roller Flour Mils OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is now in full operation, It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses rry our New BREAKFAST FOOD - Corneola Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating, Don't forget that, our "White Loaf" Flour is still taking the lead for Bread Flours. [:Fell] kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. • P waw► A.. P - PRYNE EIRu SSELS