HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1909-1-28, Page 41
Clje Txus.eto ,ast
The Winnipeg Letter.
That the West has, in leesmale
geed, And that its goWing importance
in relation he the general prosperity of
the Dominion, is evident fron3 the at-
tention devoted to it by the leadiug
baulc presidents of Canada in their
Cultural reviews being published aud cir-
culated erelong their sharehulciers,
Everywhere in Western Caeada of the
things accomplished during 29o8—par-
t1012larly daring lbe last goerter of the
year --is of the most Cheerful sort, Dur-
ing these days of summing up and of
laying plans for the future, the bueiness
men of the Weet have the comforting
knowledge of good trade accomplish-
rnents and the equally comforting assur-
anee of a bright outlook for 1.909.
Analysis of the bank cleating agures
for the whole of the Dominion sho vs the
ebb and flow of trede with accuraey.
Winnipeg excelled every cute of the
thirteen principal trade centres of Can-
ada in having clearings for 1908 that
were materially greater than fur 1907,
the increase being $14,444,225.
The very sane and eensible spirit of
conservatism among the Western busi-
nees roan in general, Which perhaps.
might be credited to a great extent to
the friendly criticisms of the able bank
managers, has resulted in a larger
ernount of Britisb capital being invested
in Western securities in mort than any
previous year in its development.
There appears to be a division in
°pillion as to whether the city of Winni
peg should proceed with the building of
the Point du Bois works or purchase
the Winnipeg Electric Street Railway
system. Whatever the outcome of
negotiations now on between the city
and tbe directors of the railway com
pany the fact is clear that Winnipeg is
to have cheap power for manufacturers.
Why Winniaeg wants cheap power was
forcibly brought out by W. H Carter,
President of the Builders' exchange, on
Friday last, when be suienitted to a
public meeting some very interesting
statistics showing the opportunities for
development and manufacturing.
In I002 Mr. Carter said the popula-
tion of Winnipeg was 48,411. it is now
138,250. In 1902 the assessment was
$28,6x5,8ro. it is now S2o6,188,883, the
increase in bank clearings, building and
manufacturing had in the past five
years increased over 13o per cent.
Over 15100,000,000 worth of American
made goods were imported into Western
Canada during the last five years. Mr
Carter asked the question, are we to
build up American Industry and not turo
to account the valuable resources of our
owtecountry ? He asked why this city
should not rnake some of the earta000,000
of agricultural implements handled
annually,Seo 000,000 worth of clothing,
att2,000,000 hardware, $4,000,000 boots
and shoes, $4,00o,000 iron and steel, and
the millions of dollars in railway sup
plies, furniture, building material and
otber produce used annually.
He calculated that judging from pro-
gress in the past, Winnipeg's populatiou
in 2920 would be soo,000 ,• tbe bumber
of passengers carried ou the street rail
way in the course of that year would be
90,000,000, the annual factory output
would be worth Sioomoo,000. He
therefore claimed that Winnipeg's call
tor power had. businesti reasons as great
as Western Canada's call for settlers.
Many other speakers followed Mr.
Carter, and the greatest enthusiasm pre-
vailed, which resulted in the following
resolution beiug passed :
"That this meeting proteets against
the proposal now made that the city
council should delay the signing of con
tracts already let for the carrying on and
completion of the city's power project
at Point du Bois, but that the coutteil in
obedience to the repeatedly expressed
will of the people should have the con.
tracts signed witbout delay and the
municipal power project pushed for-
ward with all reasonable dispatch."
D. D. Mann, representing the Mac-
kenzie -Mann interests in the street rail-
way company, bas made a flying trip to 1
Winnipeg for tbe purpose of conferring
with the civic power comtnittee, A
long conference between those parties
resulted in nothing definite being done
Saturday, Mr. Mann asking for further
time to consider. Mayor Evans was
much disappointed with the reseit of the
meeting and said that the conmany had
not come forward with auy clear state-
ment as to wbat they would do and
what they would not do. '"I'he
situation,' said Mayor Evans, "is simply
this : What can you afford to do rather
than that tbe city should proceed with
• the construction of its own power plant?
If you can put clown in definite shape
• just what you can afford'to do I ain sure
She council clod the committee will be
glad to consider it."
• There is one thing certain, and that is
if a sale of the Winnipeg Electric Rail-
way is made the city will not pay more
for it than its actual value.
The coming building season in Win-
nipeg, according to every indication,
will be a very good anti sate one. The
most important real estate transaction of
the Winter in the city was concluded
last week in the purclutee by the (ereat
West Lite Assurance company of too
feet frontage on Lombard street, for
Broo,000,00, The property was pur.
Chased as s site for a large reinforced
concrete office building which the com-
pany proposes to erect in the early
The Canadian Pacific Railway have
purchased a large strip of property 8o
feet wide and nearly two miles in length
in the western portion Of the city. The
tompany will build a sub -station for the
eotolemence of menufatturers who have
located alongside of the property and it
is rumored that there are negotiations on
for other WO industrial coecerns locat-
ing on this spur track which will relieve
the tongestiou at other points within the
Vice•Preeitierit Wm, Wainwright, of
the Greed Trunk Railway Company,
who is in the West, made public impoe
hint etateMents 112 eonuection with the
eittension of feeding lines to their
system, this week. A. breech free] Mel-
ville Remise the 90'Appelle Valley to
Regina is contemplated. An Airline
from Brandon to Regipa will be ruehed
to eompletioe in the early Spring, A
1100 will be eonstrueted South fent
Witniipeg, as well as a branch line from
Waterous to Prinee Albert, A line to
eollneof Battleferd with the main line
"ill conneet at Biggar, Ie Alberta an
other importartt piece tit censtruction is
projected, starting from Walewright
and, running Southwest to Calgary.
The tepid railway development 10
Western Canada is attractingworld-wide
attention at present, United States
f-lonsulete.General Dr. jpo, E. Jones, at
Whielpee, 522 reporting the situation to
his government In the daily consul re•
port or jan. 5t1i, savs 'MO two rail -
wave, with fairly complete facilities,
and another partially copstructed, are
taxed to the limit tO market the product
from io,000,000 acres of land, now de-
voted to cereals in the Canadian middle
West. Atieording to reliable statistics
there are Mimi°. 000 acres suitable for
cultivation. As the commercial and
truteufacturIng metropolis of the West,
this estimate of possibilities means much
to Winnipeg, Whatever other cities or
districts may grow and develop in the
Canadian West, none of them can de-
tract from the strategic position of the
Gateway City, and all must pay tribute
to it& greatness. From all directions it
is the natural centre of supply, for gov-
ernment, for commerce and adminis
tretion end the one place from which all
industries can be columned and direct-
ed, The future of the West is therefore
a part ot the development of Winnipeg,
destined one day to become a great com-
mercial capital."
A Newsy Note
DEAR IVIR. KER.R.—Having taken your
paper for tbe pato six months, I herein
send another year's subscription. I
would not be withont it for double the
money. Although I do not get it until
Saturday evening, nevertheless it is a
welcome friend to me. I suppose some
of iny readers %vil1 recognize niv signa-
ture. I am not a Brnsselite altocether
but spent three years there attending
your famous High School under the able
management of J. H. Cameron. I at-
tended Clinton Model School a year ago
lam Fall and took my firet situation in
Elgin Co,. a few miles West of St,
Thomas, on the main line of the Michi.
gat] Central railroad. Remained there
a few months, then "emigrated" to Sim.
coe Co., over ao miles North to Barrie,
The country up here is not so old settled
as ia Huron but is well advanced.
Exeryone has fine bank barns and some
have handsome brick residences Land
Is of a lighter abaracter than that of
Huron. Immense forests of pine grew
all over as is seen by soMe of the Oa.
stumped fields. The land is of a Milne
character with a considerable number of
steep hills and is also very stony. I ain
la the neighborhood of a few prosperous
towns via, Orillia and Midland. Mid-
land is situated on the Bay and does a
wonderful trade in shipping. Here is
also situated a large elevator. Immense
shiploads of grain are brought here by
She large lake steamers. The Dominion
Smelter Co. have a plant here which
does a large business. It works day and
night. M idlend does a great trade in
lumber as do all the other towns along
the Bay. They bring their logs clown
I run North up the Wahnipatae river.
Midland bas one of the (West Collegia•e
Institutes in the coentry and turns out
large numbers of scholars every year.
Hoping these few items will be interest-
ing to yeur many readers, and wishing
yonr paper a most prosperous year, I
remain Yours Sincerely,
J. El. Youno,
Vasey, Ont.
Women's Period of Pain.
Regularity of the system can only
be secured by maintaining strong
healthy circulation. If feeble, run-
down, nervous, be sure that. circuhe
tion is poor. The natural result is
congestion that exacts so severe a
penalty. Besides being a food former
and nerve tonic, Ferrozoue adds ad-
ditional vigor to the heart and ensures
strong blood circulation. This is the
only means of preventing congestione
that cause pain, headache and nerve
weakness. The whole system is re-
newed and fortified, with strength.
vigor and endurance. For girls and
women nothing equals Ferrozone, 50c.
at all dealers.
Of W. and Mrs. Yoe, of Goderlch
Township, former residents of
Grey Township.
It is permitted to quite a number of
people to celebrate their golden wed-
ding anniversary, but not very many
persons have the privilege of celebrat-
ing their diamond wedding. Such
however, was the pleasure of Wm. and
Mrs. Yoe, of the Bayfield line, Gode-
rich Tp., on Friday evening, isth inst.
. Mr. and Mrs. Yoe, both of whom hap.
pen to have been born in Devonshire,
fell a victimao Cupid's charms, in Hib-
bet t, near Mitchell, on January isth,
1847. Mr. Yoe was then in his aand
year, while his bride was In her 19511.
The ceremony WaS performed by Rev,
Philip lames, who was the first Bible
Christian minister in the Huron Tract,
which then embraced the Counties of
Huron and Perth, and of whose congre-
gations both were at the time members.
The result of this holy union was a
family of four sons and three daughters
livingand two who died in infancy.
The sons are John, on the Cuti Line ;
Wesley, in Witnipeg ; Benjamin, in
Detroit ; and Nelson on the homestead ;
the daughters are MaryJane, who
makes her borne in Tacoma ; Regina%
now Mrs. 3 Yoe, of Swan Lake, Man. ;
and Miss Minnie, who has also been in
Tacoma, for a couple of years.
The anniversary on Friday eveeing
was a very pleasant gathering, because
In addition to the presence of a few
friends and Rev. Mr. Hiles and wife,
every member of Mr. Yoe'e family was
present, his two daughters havieg come
all the way from Tacoma, and hie on -
In -law and family having also come from
Manitoba, The latter, though posses.
sing the same family oatrie, is iu no
direct relation except throosrh his mar,
riage, and the co ineideece in his case
Is the fact 511135 15 was his 14511 wedding
Mr. and Mrs. fee', sr., were the mein
lents of a eonsiderrible sem of inerteY he'
aide& Other presents, Mr, Sallee%
Goderiela took e flash light plitite, of
thoee present. NotWillistiteding their
advaneed age, bulb ere in eompetteitistely
goo I health, and .apperently heve the
assurance of A *neither of Yeera before
them, Both have been life-long mem.
bets 0( 1530 church, Mr. Yoe lok1iL2g
oiliotal relations and perlortniug the
dittieS Of class leader, Sunday Seheol
Superintendeut, and SUMO time logal
preacher and both Mt. and Mrs, Yue
express their warn) appreciation of A
Mud providence who has given them
811011 a long lease of happy life. '
Mt, Yoe, in giving a brief reseme of
his life, trarreted a number of incident
thet are of interest, as illeetrating the
life of the pioneers 113 this couetry
Born in Devonshire, he came to this
country with his parents, when only
four years old, they remaining neer
Peterboro for a time. Here his mother
gave her wily remaining dress as se-
curity for a pan of flour to keep them
from starving. They afterwards moved
to CE1Van Tp„ when his father worked
for $9 a month and boarded himself,
When he was 17 they started for the
Huron traut, sailing from Port Hope
to Toronto and Hamilton, and drIVIng
to the latter place to what is now
called Mitchell, where he remained un-
til after he got married. He then 'floe.
ed to Grey township 52 years ago,
Mrs. Yoe driving the waggon with a
baby on tier lap. and her oldest boy by
her side, while Mr. Yoe followed with
some sheep, etc. When Mrs, Yoe had
.got a short distance North of Sea -
forth, the blazed trail was too narrow to
allow the wagon to proceed, sod she tan -
hitched the horses, ridlng one herself,
with ber baby and bundles, and placed
the 6 year old boy on the back of the
other, In this way she proceeded alone,
experiencing a good deal ot diffieulty,
but her only danger arose when she at-
tempted to ford the Maitland river, the
, oh with young sou on his back threat.
ening to throw them into the river any
moment • but she finally reached the
other side unharmed, and eventually
reached a small elearing, which MIS to
be tbeir /tome for some years. As there
was no religious services of any kind in
the neighborhood, a Sabbath School was
started in their own shanty.
When Mr. Yoe lett Grey, he bought
the Lavau farm, ou the 9111 Con.. God-
erich Tp„ where he lived for eve years
then he moved baelt to Grey for one
year, then he bought tbe McIntosh
farm, 7th C ,n., Goderich Tp., and lived
there for four veers, subsequently sell-
ing tit and moving to Chnton wbere Ile
lived for some time. He afterwards
bought the Hancock farm on the
Bayfield Line, 30 years ago and has
lived there ever since.
Mr. Yoe has not altogether lived a
charmed life, for he lots experienced a
number of accidents, having his ribs
broken several times, his arm dielocat-
ed, and narrowly escaping being killed
on one occasion, while threshing.
We are sure the many friends of Mn.
and Mrs. Yoe join ill wishing them
prolonged life, and happiness in their
remaining years.
If yourkidneys
heart or
are weak, try at least, a few doses only
of D. Shoop's Restorative. In five or
San days only, the result will surprise
you. A few cents will cover the cost.
And here is why helpcomes so quickly.
Dr. Shoop doesn't drug the stomach,
nor stimulate the heart or kidneys.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly
to the weak and failing nerves. Bach
organ has its own controlling nerve.
When these nerves fail, the depending
organs must of necessity falter. This
plain, yet vital truth, clearly tells why
Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so nniversal-
ly successful. Its success is leading
druggists everywhere to give it uni-
versal preference. .A. test will surely
tell. Sold by all druggists.
letter From North Dakota
To the Editor of Tau Posw :
DEAR SIR.— Have intended writing to
you for some time so welcome the up-
portunity of doing so. I receive my
old friend, Tire Pose, every Sunday
morning and enjoy reading it so much.
They do not cousider it any harm here
el get the mail on Sunday as the trains
go through on that day the same as 5119
other. Our town is oo the main line
between the large cities, so we see a
great many trains. The owner of the
Great Northern is a Canadian by tha
way anti a nrulti millionaire at that and
is kriown all over by the name of Jiin
Hill. We had a very cold wave here for
a couple of weeks, the thermometer
reaching as low as 370 below zero, I
hear it was 49 ° below in Winnipeg at
the same time so it is a satisfaction to
know there are colder places. How-
ever I like the country very well as
everything is so different that it Makes
a delightful cbange. I ant at present
elerking in a store and see so many peo-
ple from foreign lands, inane of them
look very strange and queer. Here one
tray tneet any day such people as
Greeks, Italians, Polauds, Danes, Rus
Mans, Swedes and Norwegians as well
as the more common races. They ap-
pear to obey the law as well as tbe aver.
age American. I ItearElots about Pro,
bibelots here as thie state is under that
law but a great trouble seems to be with
the drug stores as they secure permits
by petition among the men and women
of the town. They must have 6o per
cent of the women in the town over
twenty-one years of age and fifty per
cent of the men owning property. I
was amazed when they told me that the
women sign liquor permits which enable
these so-called druggists, who are noth•
ing less than saloon keepers to sell liquor
supposedly for medicine but who de a
Wholesale business in that line. The
W, C. T. U. is now labpring to educate
those poor deluded women to learn to
say No when the oily tongued druggist
comes to her door bowing and scraping
with the petition In his hand all ready
for her signature so that he makes his
thousands and sends boys and young
men to ruin. I think the Canadians
could do better than that if we had the
Prohibition law don't you. However its
a great impreverent over the hotel
systeni in Csnetia, The trip out here
was a very enjoyable one, as the occur.
sionists were a jolly crowd and the
scenery was delightful. My relatives
here are enjoying health and prospelity
find 'have etunfortable hotnee in Towner,
Well I will close wishing You a Heppe
blyW )(ger, Were eineeteir,
A, BaSviutit.
Results 89 aurprising That They Seam
Marvellous Aro CommIal to Mi -o -31u
the One Dependable
Stomach Remedy.
MIs. J. A.. Pillow, of Nort U 54.1.1e1,
Gananoque, Ont., says :--"Mi-o-na Is
, worth its weight iu gold for quickly
and permanently curing dyspepsia. .I.
became so bad that 1 was unable to
leave pay bed, There was a constaut
• burning in 711Y stomach, 1 Would belch
up gas evety fete minutes, aud could
eat very libble, as the food would
mficely ferment and make gas that
caused a serious depression of the
heart. Perepiration would break out
all over my body. I would become so
weak that I could not stir amd would
often fall on the floor in a helpless
State. The pains in ray stomach were
terrible, I could Rad no position in
which to sit or lie without suffering,
and I was so nervous that the least
noise affected rae. Headaches were
constant. I would beoome dizzy and
spots would appear before my eyes. I
had no ambition to get around and
everything seemed to tire xue. The
first box of Mi-o-na gave me more re-
lief than anything I had previously
tried. The second box of Mi-o-na
cured me. I atn well and strong aud
have teethed an hour's suffering since.
I will always feel grateful to Mi-o-na
for the cute given me and glad to
In the face of such evidence it is
easy to understand why Jas. Fox feels
essured in saying to you, money back
if Mi-o-na fails to eel) e ve either trivial
or serious stomach trouble.
H. L. Hutt, B. 5 A., professor of
Horticulture in the O.A. C. Guelph, has
been chosen to ocsoperate with school
boards and inspectors in carrying out
the policy ot the Education department
respecting the improvement to sehovi
grounds and the laying out of school
Principals of the graded public schools
of the province are being esked for their
advice as to the material for the part IV
readers soon to be published.. In a
circular sent out by the Ootario Depart-
ment of Education the principals are
asked to consult their teachers and offer
suggestions as to the best lessons for the
text book. In this way the department
expects to have the advantage of the
experience of teacaers in compiling tbe
1 he municipal population of °uteri°
in 2907 was 2,200,363, an increase of
nearly 59,000 over the previous tear,
The total municipal taxes imposed a
monnted to $19.529.228, being at the
rate of $8 88 per head or 17 mills on the
dollar. The extent of inunicipal owner-
ship of public utilities in Ontario is
showu from the fact that in 1906 gas or
electric lighting plants aggregating in
value $1 820.646, were owned and
operatel by 72 villages and town&
"The farmers of Ontario wotild become
wealthy and Ontario the most ,prosper -
ow Province in the Dominion it we
could only get them to drain and clear
up their farms, then use gaud seed so
that the quantity and linality of crops
would he better, then eeed out the old
pensioner COWS and give good cowe a
chance, thee handle tbe milk properly,
and equip our dairy factories 58 190 ought
to." C. C. James, Deputy Minister of
Agriculture, in these words, addressed
to the Wee 03 31 Ontai io Dairymen's
ASSOCial ion at Brant ford strongly urged
feriners tu make dairying the scientific
and profitable indestry it ought to ma
From 1900 to 1907 there waa 12
decrease of 1.137 tons in the quantity of
cheese pi oducen in Ontario, hut on ric
count of the higher prices $15,1116.000
was received for the 1907 output, an in-
crease of $1,663,000. In the sant e period
there was an increase of 65t tons in the
production of butter. bringing an in-
crease in value 01 81592,501. In 19(17 we
produced 16,827 tons of cheese and
2.932 tons of butter In 1908 the pro-
ductien of butter increased be 336 bow.
The fifty.first annual convocation of
the Grand Chapter 01 Royal Arch
Masons of Canada will be held in the
Temple Building. Toronto, on Wednes-
day, Jan, 27tb at to o'clock a. m. The
exectitive comtnittee will meet the even
ing previous at 7.30.
"rhe time is coming in this country
when trees will be as scarce as diamond..
unless immediate steps are taken to
preserve onr forests," This was the
dark picture palmed in an address by
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson at the
282111 annual meeting of the American
Forestry Association at Washington D.
C.. last week 'rhe eecretary declared
that our forest growth is getting scarcer
every day and that we are using three
times as much wood as we are growing.
The Provincial department of ecluea•
tion has decided 'upon an important
change in the pt eparation of the papers
for the departmental examiumions.
Heretofore the duty of "setting the.
papers" has been committed to "outside
exaininers," educationists removed from
the immediate work of preparation in
which the stndents were engaged. The
department adopted last Autrimn a
regulation under which the boards of ex.
aminers for admission to the profession-
al schools should hereafter be selected
for the modal schools trom the staffs of
the normal schools, and for the faculties
of, education from the staffs of the saicl
faculties and of the Normel schools,
with, in case of each board, one or more
inspectors of public and separate schools
contibuation classes and high schoqls,
'rho change worked so satisfactorily
that it has beeti decided to make it per-
manent, and to adopt a similar course
for all departmental ekaminatione.
Under the changed conditions the test of
the students will be made by teachers
of the institutions who should know lust
what qualifications they require.
There is 00 Quinine. nothing what-
ever harsh or sickening in Preven tics.
These little Gandy Cold Cure
Tablets ttet as by Magic. A few hour's
and yoor threatening Cold is broken.
Candylike in taste, E'reventics please
She ohildren—and they break the
feverishness IffWays. Abd least of all
is the ow/11)3'11y. A large box -48
Preventics-25 cents. Ask smut, drug -
He knaves, Sold by all dealers,
°Wes eolcin and :breaks up the fever in 24 hoUrii.
If you "feel yoursel F taking cold", get a box at your dealer's -25c,
or send direct if your dealer does not keep that'll,
1- ...ea -a. eleea
_ J. Lorne McDougall,
General died at Ottawa.
Nionrio Curtis vvas frozen a, death on
the road near Ki ngston.
J. Gould, a prominent resident of
Jorean Station, died suddenly,.
The Sale of the Winnipeg Tribune to
interests representing the C. P. R. is re-
ported at Winnipeg.
It is reported at Montreal that a
British syndicate has secured three
million dollars' worth of stock of the
Dominion Textile Compatie.
Womanly pains, head paths, in fact
any pain anywhere can be completely
stopped in 20 minutes with one of Dr.
' Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets, Ask yonr
Doctor or Druggist about the formnla.
It is'printed on the box—and 15000 be
bettered. Try one dose and be con-
vinced. Box 25c. Sold by all dealers.
An important statement regarding the
qnantities and values of field crops •and
the.condition of live stock in Canada was
given from the Census and Statistics
Office Ottawa, An area of 27,505,663
acres of field crops has yielded a harvest
which computed at average local market
• prices, has a value Of.$432,533,000, Fall
wheat with a yield of 2440 bushele per
acre, shows a value of ate aro, and Spring
wheat, with 16 bushels, shows $12 84
The total value of the wheat harveet in
the Northwest provinces .18 $72.424,000,
and in the rest of the Dominion 8118804,'
000 Phe value of all held crops in
Prince Edward Island is $9,408,000 ;
Nova Scotia, 8120,083000; New Bruns.
wick,4818,042,000 ;Quebec, $8o,8e6,000
Ontario, $185,3o8,000 ; Manitoba $66,
66o,000 aSaskatchewan, $37.614..000 and
Alberta $14.522,oap. Figures tor Bri
OM Columbia are not available, Aver-
age value of field crops for tne Dominion
in the year is $r 5.72 per acre.
ex -Auditor The People's Column
From Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats
and Hoarseness by tieing Hyomei.
When you catch cold you want to
get rid of it as quickly as you can.
You don't want to lie aronnd the house
for a week swallowing nauseating
not avoid all this? Why not
relieve your cold in five minutes?
Why not cure it over night? Yon
can do it by using Hyomei, the sure
and guaranteed cure for colds, coughs,
vore throat and asthma.
Guest, of .Ayr, Ont., says :—
"Booth's Hyomei, has proven to be a
most satisfactory treatment for nasal
catarrh and bronchial trouble. I
have doctored considerably for these
troubles, and conscientiously say that
nothing ever used has given me each
quick and lasting benefit as this reme-
dy. I have found it especially good
for cold in the head and cough. I am
very glad to endorse Hyomei as- an
article of uncommon merit."
Hyomei (pronounced High -o -me) is
medicated and antiseptic air. You
breathe it into the lungs through a
small pocket inhaler and its soothing
influence as it passes over the inflam-
ed membrane of the respiratory tract,
stops the mucous discharge, allays the
inflammation and the cold is cured. A.
complete agorae' 01101 costs $1.00
and Sas. Fox will refund your money
11 15 fails to 011re.
This woman says she was saved
from an operation by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable COMpound.
Mrs. Frank Emsley, Lindsay,
Ontario, writes to Mrs. l'')inkham :
"When I wrote to you some time
ago, I was a very sick woman suffering
from female troubles. I had infiamnaa-
tion of the feminbao organs and could
not stand or walk May distance. At
last I was confined to my bed and the
doctor said I would have to go through
an operation, but this I refused to do.
"A friend advised Lydia B. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. After using
three bottles of it, I feel like a new
"1 most heartily recommend Lydia E.
Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound to all
women Who suffer with female
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy kr female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
perhxlie pains, backache, that bear -
mg -down feeling, ilatulency,indiges-
tion, dizziness ornervous prostration.
Why don't you try it?
Pinkham invites all sick
Women to write her for advice.
She hat guided thousands to
health. Addresso4t_im,,A4m.
Asuttees of pure-bred white Legbern roost.
tors for tiale. 118eta, mob. Apply on 105
leott 22, Oon. 9, Morrill. GAO. 104Eirt, Sr'
WARN FOR SALE—Being Lot 111,, Oon, 10,
Grey, containing 100 woes, Apply to WM.
WOODS, Oranbrook 11, 0. 21-11
OHO= YOUNG 0A719091 for sale—eteare
and heifera. Call at 00111, Oen, 10, Grey,
25-51 WM. MCNAIR, Proprietor,
PDROPPlitTY FOR BALE. —A. comfortable
dwelling and stable in the village of Oren -
brook. There is 23i aurae of land with it, 708-
5555,1072 can be given 55 01300 For further mir-
th:Mars apply to MRS. RADDATZ or JOHN
17180111214,11ratibrook P. 0, 1241 ,
crt,021FONTABLIS COTTAGE, stable and
0030 01 land for sale, iParnberry street,
iforth, Brnssela. Good well, fruit trees, Ao.
Possession oould be given at onoe, For further
Particulars tie to price, terms. &a., apply on the
premises. ALEX. MoLATJOHLIN. 7-01
OOMFORTABI.E residence and .i.-,,
land, being Lot 212 Albert strest,"Berns01-
gels for sale. House is well b ilt, gethelooant-
oveniences tind possession conuld
pnxi,i.ymot-ofuter-iipartlaulars apply on the
MIS. J s, Ferguson, or D. Fer-
guson, Teeewater, tf.
4A ACRES OP 01105013 LAND for ectie on
"911* McKillop boundary, adjoining Walton
village. Marais ft Proms house, =hard, well,
windmill, &o,, on the prendkes. It is all seed-
ed down and is s desirable property. Poor
health the reason for selling, Iror further par-
ticulars 58 50 price, terms, &o., apply on the
premiees to DUNCAN MoCITAIG. 5241
FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—The undersigned
effort; his well located groperty in Brussels
for sale or to rent. There are 5% acres of land
with comfortable house, with cellar, stable,
orchard, well &o. Possession on Aug. 155h.
For priee terms, and other information appl
to JAS. btlN1900D, Clinton or THE POS
Brussels, THOS. DUNFORD, Langdon, North
causinass CHANCES. -9500 up to COW
ahare or cash will be paid according to
amount of capital Ronda/m(1 to drat one who
will find suitable partner and close a bargain
In 5.5100,000 enterprise. 191115 11 a aret-olass re.
pair and machine shop, alSo n large number of
new claoioe patents made and tested. Same
will sell at first alto in all lumberznen's out-
fits. Can be manufactured on royalty if de.
aired or will sell oub right if preferred.
Same money will be paid in oash for a buyer
when sale Is completed. Yours, lInos. Ala -
113501011, for nioney, honor and enterprise, in -
von tor and improver on saws, tools and niach-
Ines, corner Mill and Main street Brussels.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Peter Fer-
guson, late of the Village of Brus-
sels, in the County of Huron,
mechanic, deceased,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Statutea ot Ontario," 1897, chapter VA
and amendments thereto, that all creditors and
others having Manus against the estate 01 5110
said Peter .1Porguson, who died on or about the
001 day of Jan. A D., 1900, are required on or
before the Orh day of Feb. AD., 1919, to mend by
poet, prepaid. or to deliver to Alexander
Stewart. the Administrator of the deceased or
to Win. M. Sinclair. of the village of Brussels,
his solicitor, their Christian and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full particulars
of their °Minis, the statement of their accounts
and the nature of the securities .if any) held
by them.
And further take notice that after such last
mentioned date the said Administrator will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas-
ed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which he thall
then have notice and that the said Ad ntinistra t.
or will not be liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof, to any person or peramm of whose
claim notice than not have bean received by
them at the time 01 811011 diatribution.
Dated this 20th nay ot ;ternary, A. D., 1909.
29-8 Solicitor for Administrator.
n Loose leaf ledger, bill and charge,
9. - card aystem, and all modern devices 5.1
315 known to bualnenii Balance are at dis19
pont of our Ardente. Consequently
businesa houses of leading Canadian
and Amerman cities are calling fondly g
tor our graduates.
Individual Instruction. Enter any
day. Mail Coursea.
Send postal for particulars.
Business College
CEO, 13POTTON, Principal
1 Duncan's Barber Shop
Hot and
Cold Baths
where up to -date service
is obtained.
—*Coll and See for Yourself.
June, inly and August leads into,
our Fall Term without aby break,
Enter any time. New Catalogue,
free. Write for it te-eay.
Tho Largest, most Reliable
of its kind.
W 11. SHAW Principal
Yonge dt Gerrard As., Toronto
You will And at the °ober
Oarriage Factory a good as
sortment of First-class Bob-
sleighs, Cutters, -Wheelbar-
rows, Rand Sleighs and
Clothes Beals.
All kinds of Repairing and
Re. painting promptly a iten ti-
ed to.
John Cober
Ral Line
From 85. John Halifax
Resperian sails Feb. 5 Feb, 0
Tuniaian toile Feb. 19 Feb, 20
Grampian oils Feb, 2e
Laurentian from Boston Feb. 0
Ionian from Boston Feb.113
Sardinian from St. John Feb. 4
Pomeranian from St. John Mar, 4
Winter rates -870.00 upwards ; Second ohms
840,00 ; Third aloes 129,00 and 28040.
For millings, lists and full information apply
Agent Allan Line. Brussels.
This school stands in the forefront as f
the largest and best praotical training L
school in Western Ontario. We have
three departments:
All departments are in charge of ex- 1'5
perienced instruotors and the courses Li
are thorough andpractical. Our grad- in
mites secure good positions. Students Li
are entering every week. Write for it
our free oatalogue at once.
Elliott & McLachlan,
Principals. It
Great In Reputation, Results, in-
fluence and Thoroughness I Now
10 the time to enter the popular
rf and prepare for profitable employ- el
ment. Our graduates readily ols.
taln good positions. Our .Eland- a
BOOM Uatalogite Is free. Write for one
todny. Students admitted at any
time. College open the entire year. B
ELLIO'TT, Principal. .
Oor.Yongo & Alexander tits., Toronto.
Horse Fairs!
The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held for the season as follows :
PHURSDAY, FRB, eth, 7909
MAR. ettt, tiro
APR, xst, mot)
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present.
Stomach trot Ws is but a symptom of, and not
In itself a tree disease. Wo think of Drat:engin,
Heartburn, and Indigestion as real clitaiMes, 'yet
they are symptoms only of a certain Motile
IlerVersIckness—nothIng else.
It was ChM factIllet IhstcOrroolly ledDr, Shoop
In the creation of that flaa' very popular atenutch
Itemedy—De shames leetonttere. Going direct
to the atotratch nerveS, alone Mallet that sueuess
and favor 50 03', shoon end bis Restorative, With.
ont that ortelnel mat Illicitly vital principle. no
Bach lasting amminelhannents were ever to Wiled.
, For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad
btaath Rad SallOW complexion, try Dr. ehoons
liestomtive—Tableta or Saguia—Mid see tot P003'.
0515 whet 11 1551 anct tv111 do. Wu sell and cheer.
folly recommend