The Brussels Post, 1909-1-14, Page 8Kodax Demonstration
Monday, Jan. 18th
MR. OLDFIELD, an expert Pbotcgrapher, of 'Toronto, will be at our Drug
Store on Monday, ran, 18th, from 2 to 5, and 7 to g, and will demonstrate Velox
Paper and developing by Tank Machine. This is a rare opportunity for anyone
interested in Photography to receive some useful pointers,
Bring a negative and have a Velox print made free with the new Velox Liquid
Developer. Be on hand Monday afternoon,
gag gCtUs 4-tartsBLYTH hockeyites are expected to play. here Friday
DAYS are stretching out.
THE PosT gives the news.
THE lee harvest comes next
HURON Co. Council will meet on
Tuesday. 26th Inst„ in Goderich.
A 'CAR of potatoes was shipped to
A cLosa call for a fire was on the pro-
gram Wednesday afternoon at James
Johnston's, Mill street. The curtains
and a lounge were damaged.
STATUTORY meeting of the School
Boatd of Beuesels will be held Wednes
day evening of next week, loth iust.
Owing to the demise of J. G. Skene,
who was a member of the Board and
Toronto this week by W. H. McLrack- also Secretary Treasurer, another nom -
en. ination will have to be held to fill- the
NaxT monthly Horse Fair will be
held in Brussels on Thursday, Feb. 4th,
It should be a good one.
A. U. U.W, special meeting Friday
evening of this week. D. D. G M.
Morriswill visit the Lodge officially.
Ail the members are asked to attend at
W. H. MCCRACKEN was at Wroxeter
on Thursday addressing the Farmers'
Institute on "How to grow mangolds."
Mac. is an authority on this line of agri-
J. T. Woon bas had a building erect
ed for his acetylene lighting plant in
connection with the Excelsior Knit-
ting factory, thereby reducing his
insurance rate on the latter.
WEDNESDAY evening Co. Y. M. C. A.
Organizer Cullens met a number of
those interested in the work and discus-
sed various puaees of proposed work•
• more particularly that for the boys.
ANNUAL meeting of East Huron
Agricultural Society will be held in tbe
Council Chamber, Brussels, on Wednes-
day, loth inst., at I p. m. There should
be a good turn out. All members of the
Society and those desiring to be are in-
vited to attend.
Ar the Blyth bockey mateb Jno, El-
liott, of Brussels, received a nasty garb
on his nose from a sliver on the stick of
John Carter, of Blytb, as the latter was
scooping the puck. A doctor had to put
several stitches in the injured proboscis.
Tits annual meeting of the Howick
Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be
bald in the Townsbip Hall, Gorrie, on
Wednesday, 27th inst., at x p: m, On
page 4 of this issue a. synopsis of the
annual report to be presented is given.
There is always a large attendance when
roads and weather will permit.
who hes been visttiug numerous towns
says he biggest and best bargains he
has noticed any place in overcoats. snits
and fur goods are tbnse of E. C. Dun -
ford & Son. Brussels. A perusal of the
large advertisement on the first page of
'THE PosT will give an idea of the money
savers to be found there.
UrsTAra rooms to rent. Apply et Smith's
Deng Store.
GOOD second hand Portland Cutter for sale,
H. R. Baswari, Brussels.
Bra reduction in price of cutters for balance
of season at Ewau & Co's. Call quick and get
your choice.
GAUNTLET driving mit found. Owner may
have it by provingproperty and paying for
this notice at Tax 055.
Raw FURS—Pair warning, Present prices
guaranteed only to Jan. 20th. Hustle in your
catch. MOKAY & Sndw. Brussels.
WATOH out for the hand -sleighs at Cober'a.
Three different sizes to choose from. Well
ironed nnd neatly painted.
Be OAeEFUL.—It yon are asked to sign an
agreement in connection with travelling sales-
men think twice and buy from your local
dealers where these are not required, Get
prides of kitchen cabinets at R. LEATRERDALx
& SONS, Braaaels.
GOLD ring in box lost in Brussels. The find-
er will greatly oblige by leaving it at THE
PosT. The name of Prank Metcalf, Blyth, is
on the box.
KSTO1EN OAnrSETB.—Don't pay high prices
for kitchen, cabinetsto outside agents when
you can secure a better article for less money
by patronizing home deniers. See our win-
dow display. R. LEATHERDALE & Sox, Brus-
A JUNIOR hockey team drove to Blvtb
Friday of last week and played a game
with the local club and had a good game
altbough the home skaters won. A
septette of younger boys. constituting
WIND Ur CEMENT Co,—Justice Brit- the school team, were at Wroxeter the
ton signed the order for the winding same day with better results. Follow-
up of the Colonial Portland Cement ing was the line-up in Wroxeter :
Company, of Wiarton, on the applica. Brussels Wroxeter
tion of E. Jackson, a creditor ditor to the G. Armstrong.... Goat I. Sanderson
J W Floott Point M. Howe
C. Point... ........ ..L. Stinson
Rover W. Black
E. Wing .........FSanderson
L. Wing ,....•...- ...N. Harris
H. Lowry Centre Wm. McLeod
SOLD OUT.—The Deering machine
agency for Brussels and locality has
been transferred from James Johnston,
who has successfully managed it for the
past two years, to George Robb, a well
known resident. He is now in posses.
slot]. Mr. Johnston and family will
move back to their fine farm on the qth
can of Howick as his beallhl has tin
proved so as to enable him to attend to
it. All peisons indebted to Mr. John-
ston are asked to call and settle. He
says he is sorry to leave Brussels as be
has met many kindnesses but thinks it
tbe wisest course to pursue.
The regnlar meeting of East Huron
Farmers' Institute was held in the 'Town
Hall, Brussels, Wednesday afternoon
and evening of this week. In the ale
seine of President McMillan, through
illness in his home, James Speir, of
Morris, was voted to the chair. W. H.
Fraser, Vice President of the Institute,
gave the opening address ou "Cultiva-
tion and rotation, which was practical
and well discussed. Dr. Reed, of
Georgetown, was unable to he present,
but his place was well filled by Mr,
Grob, of Preston, wbo dealt with weeds,
clover, allalfa, hogs and cattle. His
talk showed that he possessed both the
theory and practice The attendance
was not half what it should have been.
extent of $400. The company assigned C.Eolineo
' last week to E R C Clarkson, of Tor- 0. Scott
onto, who was appointed liquidator. V=i;
The concern was incorporated in Igor
with a capitalization of $5on,000. A
number in this locality held shares in it.
last, at his home in Ortonville, Mich„
Dr. Wm. Aitcheson, brother to Mrs.
Wm. Martin, of Brussels, passed away
from an attack of pneumonia, ager, 72
years. He was only ill for a few days.
Deceased was born in Paris, Ontario,
and was a former resident of McKillop
township but has spent over 4o years in
Michigan where he built up a large
practice. Mrs. Aitcheson is a sister to
Michael Murdie, Township Clerk of Mc-
Killop. He and Mei. Martin responded
to the call from Ortonville but the vital
spark had fled before their arrival. Dr.
Aitehe' on was a tine man widely known
nnd most highly esteemed. a=le was
known to a good many in this locality.
The bereaved wilibe deeply sympathised
DISTRICT L. O. L,—Tuesday of this
week the annual meeting of Brussels
District Orange Lodge was held here
with a fairly good attendance. Reports
from, the various lodges showed pro-
gress, 'rhe following officers were in-
stalled by Bro. Gerry for the current
term :—Dlstrict Master, M. H. Moore,
V. 5, ; Deputy Master, R. Barr ; Chap-
lain, Rev, H, M, Lang -Ford; Rec.-
-Secretary, J. A. Hunter ; Fin. -Sec. and
Treas., Joseph irlemflton ; Dir, of Cer„
n e h Welsh ; Lecturer, Wm Holt, In the evening Mr, Fraser presided and
An suer clic effort being put forwardgave a most appropriate and encourag-
g or talk. Mr. Groh fol-
tosecm•e the celebration of July tach, Ingjntroduct y
x 0 dtete and steps„ will be taken i0 lowed on "The stairway of success,"
this dlrectiou at the Co. Lodge which Miss Campbell. of Brampton, cleelt with
onveoe at Win ham on February 'The Ideal Home" in a comprehensive
will c R
and Brussels business people have end practical manner. The Harmonica
responded generously yY inpromising Band played two numbers in good style.
fluids tc. fur 'celebration. The Scarlet G. A. Deadman pleased the audience
chapter opened on Thursday. of this with gramophone selections and Mr.
weeit and degrees ,will bo conferred on Zapfe sting "Sometimes" in good voice, T. McGregor, a taw weeks,
the gist inst, responding to an encore with "rhq stater, Mts.g
ROGE.ESSIVE yet conservative manageµ
mens has produced a safe, sure bank for
farmer, merchant and laborer in
The Metrop�ll.
Farmers' Sale
Notes Promptly
Drafts and Money
orders JJoud,.t
and Sold.
F. H. Gilroy, Manager
fairest flower of all." A vote of thanks
to all who took part was unanimously
carried, hs Co. of
Huron Postmasters' Association met in
the Town Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday.
Jan, nth at t o'clock p. in. Attend-
ance was very good, but might have.
been better. Several prominent Post•
masters were present, among whom
were Mr. Morrison P. M., Kiucardine;
Mr. Scott. Clinton ; Mr. Robinson,
Wroxeter; Mr. Irwin, Gorrie;- Mr,
McKinnon, Blyth ; Mr. -Farrow, Brus
cels. The meeting was favored by a
visit from H. E. Proctor. P. M., of
Aurora, who is the Sec.-Treas. of the
Ontario Pustmasters' Association, who
gave a talk•which was profitable to all
present. Mr: McKinnon, of Blyth, was
re-elected President, and Mr. Mitchell,
of Molesworth, Secretary. Dr. Chis-
holm, M. 1',; favored the meeting by his
presence. He gave a rousing talk
extolliug the work tbat the Postmasters
were doing, many of thein for small pay
considering their important labors and
length of time each day demauded of
them by the public. He was strongly
in favor of do increase of pay to them,
He gave instances of when he had been
the means of getting some of their
grievances redressed, and telling 'the.
Postmasters present that he was their
friend, and that they could command his
services at any time they needed him.
The chief matter of discussion was a
resolution passed to the effect that
the Postmasters' Central Associa
tion which meets yearly in Ottawa, gen•
erally in the month of March, during the
sitting of Parliament, should press the
original schedule of relief to postmasters
which was presented to the Postmaster
General 4 nears ago, asking him to ad
vance their salaries as follows i—ist—'1'o
allow them 6o% on the first Si,,000 of
the revenue of their office, and 4o% on
the balance. and—'To supply every ac
counting office with a safe and other
postot$ee requisites for the safe keeping
of everything belonging to the general
public. the swine as is now furnished to
all the Bank offices in the country, and
that a fair amount shnuld be allowed
them for rent, fuel and light, which is
not now the case, also, tbat the Govern-
ment own all the nostofftce fixtures.
','here were other matters taken up but
these were the prominent ones. The
next meeting to be held in Clinton some
time in Sept. next at the call of the
President. Let every postmaster in
Huron who has not joined the associe
tion make haste to do so. Get into the
fold without delay.
People We Talk About
Mrs. P. Ament was visiting relatives
at London.
Mrs. Neil McLauchliu is back from a
visit to Chesley.
J. Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, of Blyth,
were in town last Sunday.
Mrs, W, H Kerr has been laid up
with an attack of lum'tago.
Mrs John Long has been visiting
friends in Toronto this week.
James Sharpe, of Detroit, has been
elected President of the Electrical
Workers' Union. He'll fill the bill o. k.
no doubt.
Postmaster Farrow was at Wingham
on 'Tuesday attending the Postmasters'
Convention. He is the Honorary
Miss Jean McLauchlin will go to Pais-
ley Friday as accompanist to J. H.
Cameron and Miss Buschleu at a concert
ou that date.
Albert and Mrs Johnston, of Ford•
with, and R. A. Moore. of Clinton, were
holidaying with J. and Mrs. Johnston,
Misses McDonald, from Molesworth
locality. have become residents of Brus
sets. moving to town last week. We
welcome them.
Mrs. Wm. Martin. Flora street, was
called to. Ortonville, Mich , owing to
the illness and subsequent demise of
her brother, Dr. Aitcheeon,
Misses Maud and Mae Skilling, Birdie
Evans, and Jessie Ashton and Laughly,
Percy and Hilton Ashton, of Gerrie,
were visitoas with Jas. and Mrs. Johne
ston, Mill street.
Richard Williams is here from the
West for a holiday visit for a few weeks.
He teas a former resident of Brussels
for years. Mrs. W. A. Grewal', of town
is asister to the visitor.
Roger Deadman, who is on the staff
of the Dominion Bank at Orillla, is here
on a visit to his parents and other
friends, He looks first-class and has
attained to generous proportions.
Mrs, Harry Stewart, of Scott. Sask.,
is visiting relatives and friends in town.
She is a sister to Mrs. W. Harris, of
Brussels. Mr. Stewart is a son of Alex
Stewart, Queen street. West, Brussels.
Chas, Bryana who is on the Standard
Bank staff at Piston, is here on a short
vacation with his parents and numerous
old friends, He is well pleased with
the - Bast especially in the Summer
Ex -Warden Miller, of Toronto, was
calling on old friends in town last Fri-
day. He has a good position on the
C. P. R, purchasing and inspecting
ties. Mr, Miller has many friends in
Huron Co,
Mrs, J. C. Cooper and Mrs. F. Fish-
leigh, of Chicago, arrived in town on
Monday morning hearing their mother,
Mrs. W. Newsom, was in poor bcalth,
They will remain with their mother and
The' �a�ue of Economy
Many people fail to save, because they do not realize
the importance of small economies.
The practice, once begun, of laying aside a portion of
your income, no matter how small, every, week or month,
will soon become a fixed habit,
The result in a few years will probably surprise, and
certainly gratify you.
$tart a Savings Account Io -day with
Etwblhhed 1873 OF CANADA
3. F. Rowland. Manager
' ISranch also at Walton.
51 Braless
Mrs. A. Bruce, ot Swatin Lake, Man., Lovette Ballantyne; Hymn book come
is visiting old friends in Brussels and mit'ee, Irene Toole, Rhoda Hewitt,
locality after being in the West for a The Band meets the first Thursday of
number of years. Mr, Bruce, who died each month at a quarter after four
some years ago was a former shoemaker o'clock,
in town aid Mrs. Bruce still owns pro- Increasing interest bas been manifest-
perty bere, I ed in the union services and the attend -
Among relatives who attended the l apce considerably larger than last week.
funeral of the late Peter Ferguson were Rev. Iver. Wishart preached in the
Duncan Stewart. of Stratford; ino, Mc.
Bain, of'l'oronto ;. Will, 1. Stewart, of
Ailsa Craig, and Duncan Stewart, of
Detroit. the three latter being nephews
of Mr Ferguson.
J. M. and Mrs. Young, of Moosomin,
Sask,, artived here last week, for a holi-
day outing. Both were former residents
of. Brussels years ago. Mrs, Young was
Miss le, Oliver and is a sister to Mrs,
J. Leckie. Mr. Young has been en•
gaged in school teaching and judging
by his physical proportions we would be
led to believe that his occupation agreed
well with him.
Joe Ardell, of Carman, Man., has
been renewing old acquaintances bele
and at Gerrie where his father resides.
It is six years since Mr, Ardell went
West where he has married and is en-
gaged in business, He was in the em-
ploy of Z. C. Richards, Brussels, for
several years. The West agrees well,
with him. "Dod" Ardell is living at
A. K. Zapfe, who has most accept-
ably filled the position of teller and an-
eountentinthe Standard Bank here for
the past year, has been protnoted to
brantford and leaves this week for
his new position. He has many
friends in and around town and made
himself very agreeable. We wish him
success. Mr. Hewson, who comes .to
town from Markham, ,is Mr. Zapfe's
successor. THE POST bids him welcome
to Brussels.
Brussels Council
The statutory Municipal Council of
Brussels was held on Monday at et
o'clock with Reeve Leckie and eunn-
cfllors J. Doges, D A. -Lowry, A. C.
Dames and P. Ament in their
pieces and taking tbe usual declarations,
Minute: of last meeting were read and
Accounts were presented as follows :—
Dr. Toole, Boar of Health 520 00
F. S Scott, salary.,...,......
P. McNabb. fuel.
J. T. Ross, salary
2 25
to 45
Electric Light. light g6 95
Municipal World misas 00
B, Gerry, dump ground.,Io 00
Moved by J. G. Hones, seconded by D
A. Lowry that above accouuts be paid.
Moved by J. G. Jones, seconded by
D A. Lowry that W. H. McCracken
and J Y.. S. Kirk be appointed auditors
at ersalary of 56 each. Carried.
Moved by A. C. Danes, seconded by
P. Amens that W. H. Kerr be re-ap
pointed member of the Public Library
Board for 3 years and F. 5 Scott be ap
pointed to fill out W. J. Fawcett's term
for a year. Carried.
Board of Health was dealt with and
Thos. Curry appointed as member for 3
years, on motion of Councillors Lown'
and Jones. Other members are the
Reeve, Clerk B. Gerry and J. J Gilpin,
By laws Nos. 1, 2. 3 and 4 were piss-
Report tor the scales was $24 35 for
the past month.
Moved by P. Ament, seconded by A
C. Dares the. six copies of the Muni
cipal World. be ordered for igog. Car
Moved by D. A. Lowry, seconded by
P. Anent that the Reeve and Council-
lors Dames and Jones be` Street Com
mittee, and Finance and Property Com
mittee, the Reeve, and Councillors
Lowry and Anent. Carried.
A letter was read from Walter Garside
relative to the question of aid to an in-
dustry. A proposition to loan them
52500 tee 5% Payable in to years was
sent and if acceptable a By -Law will.
likely be submitted. Council then ad-
Church Chimes
A Conference of temperance workers
from Centre Huron will be held in the
Council Chambet of the 'lbwn Hall,
Clinton, on' Thursday, Jen. 2tst, co,n-
mencing at to o'ciook.
"The Lukewarm`Ciaristian" was the
subject of Rev. A. C. Wishart's dis-
course last Sabbath morning in Mel-
ville church. In the evening 'The ele-
ments of true p>tayer" were presented.
Last Sabbath Walter Hall, of Wing
ham, gave two addresses in the Metho-
dist church here on the leaytnatt's For.
ward Missionary Movement which is at.
tracting no email attention in the
churches 0! this day. Mr. Hall is Presi•
dent of the Wingham District Epworth
League and is a zealous worker to the
LITTLE STARS.—Tile regular meeting;
e the he Little Stars Mission Baud of Mel-
ville church was held Jan gib, At this
meeting the officers for the new year,
were elected as follows; --Pres., Miss
Lizzie Ress; tst Vice Pres., Miss Katie
Deadman ; end Vice Pres., Miss Kate
Smith ; Sec., Fairy Robb ; 'Trees ,
Edith Deadman ; Organist, Isabelle
Strachan ; Assistant Organist, Nellie
Fox ; Program committee, convenor,
Katie Deadman, lenoie Moore, Nellie
Fox and Ade Moore; Flower committee,
convenor, 1'rule Deasruan,, Bethel Kerr.
Olga McKay, Edith;Toole, Stella Moore,
Methodist church Mogday evening on
Mary meeting with the Saviour at the
sepulchre, a tender and touching sub.
ject. Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Powell
discoursed on "Gideon" dem instrating
with_good effect the necessity' of iudi
victual effort under the direction of Gud,
In the Methodist church Wednesday
evening Rey. Mr. Wishart was toe
s peaker.
Lead bu ry
Mrs.. A. M. Waters is at present
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. McGavin.
Willis and Bob Dundas took the job
of sweeping the for this
Additional Lead bury news may be
read on page 6 of this issue of THE
Miss Jennie McKay has returned
home after a very' pleasant visit in
George Hall, has sold his fine heavy
draught stallion to Tames Parr, of
Grey, North of Brussels. He is a line
horse and we wish ¥r, Parr success
with his new venture.
Quite a number from this locality.
attended the anniversary services on
Sunday and the Tea meeting Monday
evening at the Presbyterian church at
Winthrop and report a good time.
Miss Tillie Dundas and Miss Mabel
Barrows have started to take vocal
lessons from Mrs. W. Pickard, of Sea -
forth, Both young ladies are good
singers now but when they are
through with Mrs. Piekard they will
no doubt be better. -
Turn berry Council met in the Cleric's
office on Monday.
Mins Cora Messer and Ernest Wylie
returned to Toronto University last
.The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was observed in Knox church last
Sabbath. There was a large attend-
ance and ten new members were re-
L. O. L. OYSTER Svppxi.—Blnevale
L. O. L. gave their annual oyster sup-
per on Thursday evening of last week.
It was a grand success. Inspiring ad-
dresses were given by Dr. Chishohn,
M. P., A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., Mr.
Smith, of Wingham, Rev. Mr. An-
drews and Rev. W. J. West, M. A.,
of Bluovale. Several choice solos
were rendered by Mr. McGill, of
PRESENTATION.—One of those
events which make glad the hearts of
a pastor and hie wife occurred on
Monday afternoon when a procession
of teams drew up at the manse and
Rev. Mc. West was presented with
over 125 bushels 'of grain and Mrs.
Went with a well filled purse by Mes-
srs. James Elliott and 'Robert Max-
well in the name of the congregation
of Knox church. Such gifts are ap-
preciated, not so much for their in-
trinsic value, as for the motive that
prompts them. Mr. West was taken
completely by surprise and thanked
the donors and wished all a happy
New Year and a bountiful harvest to
Jamestown •
James Richardson is visiting at his
home on the 4th. He intends return-
ing to Eli Smith's in a month.
John Strachan and Peter Scott sold
two fine horses to J. Johnston, of
Bluevale. A carload of equines was
shipped to Toronto on Tuesday.
Next Sabbath evening 1'i. D. Ainlay,
of Oranbrook, will take charge ,of the
service in Victoria Hall. W. H. Kerr,
of Brussels, satpplied last Sunday.
A. Strachan, who has been organist in
Bethel church, Pine River, for the
past two years, was presented with a
gold watch and the following address
before leaving for a visit to her home
at Xmas
congregation have appreciated very.
much your interest in our chtnrch.
You came to us as a stranger and a
member of a sister church, but while
you have been in our midet you have
by your genial manner and deep
iutereat in the service of song endear
ed yourself to all our hearts.
Especially have we appreciated your
services as organist of our church.
This position you have held with
great credit to yourself and to the
church. We feel that we could nob
let another Ohrlatlnas go by and -not
in some tangible way express our
appreciation of your services so
admirably and so Unselfishly rendered.
Please accept this ,watch as. a small
token of one.gratitude to you for your
services ; not that it is an equivalent
fol your time and labor so freely given
to this department of our church
work, but itis just a tangible expres-.
Sion of our thanks for same. We
treat that you will return after the
holiday season Co rename your old
place at the organ. If however, you
should find that duty calls you else,
where, we pray that the Master's
blessing may follow you and that you
inay never grow weary in the good
work. Wishing yott a very merry
Christmas and the happiest of New
Years, Signed on behalf of the con-
IClearance of
Past Cards
The annual meeting of the Presby-
terian church was held here on Tues-
day afternoon. In .the absence of a
pastor Elder J. McCallum presided
most acceptably. Finances were re-
ported in good shape and church clear
of debt. The question of calling a
pastor was discussed and next Tues-
day action will be taken at a eougre-
gatipnal meeting. Calvin church is
associated with Belgeave. Rev. nn'.
Wishart, of Brussels is the Moderator.
5900 is the salalty proposed to be paid
to whoever the choice of minister may
CHiIRCH Al v]sRSARY.—Last Sab-
bath Rev. Mr. McIntosh, of Mitchell,
preached anniversary sermons in the
Presbyterian church here in the morn-
orning and evening to largecongt'egations
rendering splendid service. Rev. Mr.
.Rogers, Methodist Minister, occupied
the pulpit in the afternoon and gave a
very profitable sermon. Monday
evening a fowl supper was served in
the basement to a large company in
the very best McKillop style.. The
program followed in the auditorium,
the popular pastor, Rev. Mr. Carswell
filling the chairmost acceptably.
Short, spicy addresses were given by
Heyde. Messrs. Rogers, of Seaforth;
Tyler, of Walton ; and Kirfoot, of
Kippan. Miss Martin, of Exeter,
sang solos and recited doing both ex-
cellently: A quartette from Brussels,
consisting of Misses McKinlay
and McMillan and Messrs and
Jones, with Miss Jessie mcLauchlin, as
accompanist sang with great accept-
ability. Financial proceeds amount-
ed to 5114 which will no doubt be
very satisfactory to the Managing
Board. The church is a very comfort-
able one, and the pastor and congre-
gation are to be congratulated on
their success.
Welandle such ti great variety
os Post and Souvenir Cards that
some care is needed to keep rho
stock in order,
Wine varieties of which we have
only a limited number left, ean-
not be replaced and eve prefer
to close them out quicltly.
Hence for the next two weeks,
or while they last, We will give
you your choice
At 1 cent each in any quantity
Now is the time to secure an
assortment for future use at a
very low price at
Potatoes .. . '
Buttter ...... .............•.•.
$o 88
$0 0000
21 22
7 24
1 10
Hey 0
Hoge . 6 1010
Apples 1 00
Lotto —In Blyth,' on Tueadnyy, Jan. 5th to Dr,
and Mrs Long, a daughter.
EVAN.—In Elam, on Monday Janumy 4th, to
. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ryan, n daughter,
STEvsxsoN.—In Blinn. on January, Ord to Mr.
and Mrs, Andrew Stevenson, a daughter.
SALmntt —In Toronto, 00 •.nary 1st, to Mr.
and Mrs. Salter, formerly: of Brussels, a
A. J. M. Helm issues Marriage
Walter T. Hall, of Wingham, gave
a Missionary discourse here on Sun-
day afternoon. _
The Communion and Thanksgiving
services in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday were very largely attended.
A. J. M. Helm spent a few days in
Wingham with his mother who is ill.
He attended the Postmasters' Associa-
tion there Tuesday afternoon.
Court Woodbine C. O. P. will hold
their annual. Assembly in J. Long's
Hall'on Friday. evening Jan. 22nd.
The members will receive their tickets
from managing Committee.
We are sorry to hear that Richard
Smalldon, of Sandusky, Michigan,
formerly of Gley township, has been
in poor health all Winter but we trust
he will soon be restored. Mr. Small -
don is about 70 years of age.
—Early Thursday morning the spirit
of Peter aicDonald, a well known resi-
dent took its flight. He had not been
in rugged health for some time, suf-
fering from asthma, but was about, as
well asusual until Wednesday after-
noon when he received a stroke of
paralysis while seated in his chair and
never revived. Deceased was born
in the Co. of Lanark, Out, and was
in his 75th year. He came to Grey
first in 1854 but did not locate here
until 1870. . Mr. McDonald was twice
married, his first wife being Elizabeth
Leckie. By this union there was a
family of 11 children 3 of whom are
deceased. The survivors are Robert,
of Grey ; Jno. of Newark, N. J. ;.
Saar., of Niagara Falls ; Wm. add
Mrs. mcKinnon, of Calgary rare.
Decker and sirs. Kent, of Newark,.
N. J„ and miss Annie at home.
The present ars, McDonald was miss
Hall, the children of this family being
Coverdale, of Niagara. Falls ; Garfield,
Cleveland, Martin, Herbert and Hazel,
of this twenty. 2 children died. The
subject of this notice was a Liberal in
politics and an adherent of the Pres-
byterian church. Mr. McDonald was
well known in Grey, particularly to;
the older people. -He was genial,
neighborly, kindly and 1011011 made up
in his family. Funeral will take place
from his late residence East of Oran -
brook, on Saturday at 2 p. rn., . service'
at 1.80.. Interinent at Cranbrook
cemetery, Sympathy will be accord-
ed the bereaved.
The annual meeting of the Blyth
Agr'icultual •Society will be held in
Industry Hall, Blyth, on Wednesday,
Jan. 20th, at one p, m,
Dr. and Mrs.Lar a and son Mark,
of Carstairs Alberta spent a Yew days
With R. M. and Mrs. pM.McKay. Mrs,
Large is a sister of Mr. McKa.
Mrs, J. A. Jackson -and. Miss .Ethel
and Master John, 6f Ponnka, Alberta,
are visiting that former's patents, J,
G. and Mrs, Hntigb. Mr. Taokson
will make the trip Last in a Mouth or
AITonEsos.—At Ortonville, Mich., on Jan.
10th, Dr, Wm. Aiteheaon, aged 72 years.
ADDISON.—In Wingham, on January 10511,
Robert Addison, aged 68 years.
BUam.—In Listowel, Ont„ January lith, 1000,
John 0. Burt, in his 55th year,
ISILAY.—In Ethel, on January loth, Matilda
Ann, beloved wife 0! Geo. Imlay, In her
08rd year.
MODONALD.—In Grey, on January 14th, Peter.
McDonald. in his 78th year.
NtoaoL—In Morris, on January 101,13, Alice
Maria Tennant, beloved Wire of Edward
Nichol, aged 20 years, 2 months and 8 days.
THUnsnAY JANUARY 2IsT.—Farm stook, im-
plements. &o., W. Lot 22, Oon, 10, Grey..
Sala unreserved at 1 p. m. Jas. E. Brown, Prop,
I+'. S. Scott, Auo,
FRIDAY.. JAN. 22ND. Farm stock, imple-
ments, &o.,Lot 4, Oona 8 Grey. Sale nnre•
served at 1 o'clock. Duncan Taylor, Prop.,.
P. S. Scott, Ana
The People's :Column
COMFORTABLE residence and 35 acre of
land, being Lot 212 Albert street, Brum•
eels, fqr sale. Boone is well built, with all con•
ventenceg and possession could be given at
once. For further particulars apply on the
premises to Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, or D. Fer-
guson, Teeswater, tf.
Con, 7, Grey, on or about Jon. 1st. A
black and tan collie dog, answers to the name
of Collie. Any person found harboring the
animal after the publication of this notice is
liable to beproseented.
Meeting of The Huron County Council.
The Connell of the corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, In
rhe town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 20th
inst. at 8 o'clock p m. All accounts against
the county. requiring to be settled; meat be
placed with the Clark before this date.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated` Jan. 12th, Ip00.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual
meeting or the members of the Howick Farm.
ere Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be
held in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Wednes-
day, January 27th 1000, at two o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of receiving the reports of the
Directors and Auditors for the year and for
other business. By order of the Board,
W. B. MOKaaOHEa, Secretary.
Gorrie, Jan. Sth, 2808.
Auction Sales
&o.—Mr. F. S. Soolt, auctioneer, has re-
ceived instructions 'from the undersigned pros
printer to sell by public auction at Lot 4 eon.
8, Grey, =Friday, Jan. 22nd, at 1 o'oloak, the
following valuable party, viz 1-1 mare 8
years old'; 1 -filly 2 years old ; 1 gelding 2
yenta old ; 1 aged horee ; 5 milah cows mimeos -
ed to be in calf ; 8 heifers 2 yearn old supposed
to bein calf ;.2 fat steers ; 2 steers 1 Year d ;
heifers 1 year old ; 4 calves • 7 pigs ; -a num-
ber or hens • 1 Rho' bred Scotch collie •:1
Mosey -Barris binder; 7 ft. out, new ,•1 binder
0 ft. cut • '2 mowers, 1 Deering hay loader,
IMF ; I hay tedder ; 1 Humber wagon,- new ;
1 truck wagon ;" 1 Noxon oultiveter ; 1 Noxell
seed drill 1 set harrows ; 1 plow • I gang
plow ; 1 pulpae; 1 set bobsleighs • 1 'nap died
] hay teaks 1 steel land. roller i. acuifier ; -1
hay rack ; 1 pig reek ; 1 giavel box ; 1 buggy•
1 cutter • 1 fanning mill : 1 set scalls, 1280
pounds ; 1. dinner bell • I set double harness ;
1 set heavy; single itarnsasy. 1 set single
harness ;. I'atalde grinder ; 1 grindatone ; 1 sap
pan. ; a number of sap palls and spills ;1 milk
ono 1 cream aspirator ; l stone boat ; 1 24 ft
ladder •5 logging chains ; a quantity of hay
and mangolda ; forks ehovelmt aoythes, crow-
bars and .numerousother a•tiates Sale with-
out reserve an proprietor has sold his :farm.
All hums of 85 and under mash overthat
amount 10 menthe' credit willhe given on fur-
nishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. off
for cash on credit amounts. Hay and man-
EorasPt'oBuBoosT'Anotl neeTAYLOR, Felons•
MORTGAGE SALB,-Under and by virtue
of the power ofsalecontained in a
Mortgagedated the eighth day of .&peri, 1005,
made by John ItteTevieh as nnor5ga 6•or, there
will be offered for sale by public nuetion at th0
Atnerican.Hotei in the village of Bruseels, ou
eaturda , the 8811, day of January,1000 at .one
o'elook in the afternobn, All andMacular
those certain unreels or treats 4 land and
premises situate, lying and being in the town•
ship at Grey, in the comity of Huron, and
province 00 Ontario, containing by admeasure•
matt together, ono hundred scree be the suite
more or leas being eompoged of the Northhalves of .lots .marbles twenty-four and
twenty-five in the first. oonoeaaion of the said
township of Grey, On the lt,'n there la a
frame houseabout20x28 feet, also n bank barn
with stone ambling 40300 f1: The farm is
mostly olerd. I1 its Well watered by wetia
and spring creek, 11 is in fair state of eulth
within. Theproperty ie in n good farming
district. Itis about five nails to Wroxeter,
eight miles to Brussele, and eleven miles. to
Listowel, There Is asohool onthe adjoining
farm. Teems of Bole --,Tho purchaser W111 be
required to pay ten per gent,' of the purehasb
money at the time of sale and the balance at
the'expirdtion of thirty days. fromgush male,
troy further ptu'tlenlnra apply to
0'. S. SOOoe, MILLAlt & 4I018,
Auctioneer ` Vendors Solicitors,
Bruesele, Ont, : Stele, Ont,.
January 0th, 1000,