The Brussels Post, 1909-1-14, Page 4Ob.e ; triefsscz14 Vast
Tl•1URSP, AY, JANUARY 14, tgog.
11'iiiJ.Flom COUNTY COUNO111,:
08 cotirl,.
and for result
e sucicese swhoork plilgattended
the f iianvial negotiations and the efforts
of working out in detail of the financing
in advance policy now adapted, Mayer
W. Sandford Evans basbeen responsible
wbieb assures that care will be exercised
in the management of oily affairs
tboroughoutthe year.
The Huron county council of 1909 WINNIPEG NEW PQWElt PLANT
Will be composed as follows : The tenders sent in for eonstruetiQn
Ashfield—'Phos. Stotiters,:,, William of the municL,al power wprke at Point
Colborne—[l. J. A. Me] wan.
hunter,, du Bots falls were all below the estimate
of the engineers in charge, and have
Guderieh Township—Samuel Sturdy. been handed over tO the board of con.
StaoleY-Wm, Glen. : suiting engineers for tabulation. when
Hay—Peter Lamont.
Stephen—Henry Willert, Wm, AM
Usborne--lohn Moir.
Tockersmith—Robert McKay,
Hullett—H11gh H. Hili.
McKillop—T. M, Govenlock.
East, Wawanosh—W. J Pet•ks.
West Wawanosh—Stephen Medd.
Morrie—Neil A. 'raylur. :
Grey—Wm. Fraser, John Grant.
Turnberry—David H. Moffatt,
Howick—Thos. G. Shearer, Joseph
Goderich—W,, F. Callow, Chas, A.
Clinton—B. J. Gibbings.
Seatorth—James Watson.
Wingham—A. J. Irwin.
Exeter—'thus. H McCallum.
Hensall—Owen Geiger.
Bayfield—G. M. Smith,
Blyth—W. J. Milne.
Brussels—John Leckie.
Wroxeter—Con. Reis,
Of the members no fewer
than fifteen were not in last year's coun-
cil, although three or tour of the fifteen
were tormerly members of the council
at one time or another,
The first meeting of the new Council
will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 26th, It
is the turn of the Liberals to choose the
warden, and Reeve Fraser, of Grey, and
Reeve Lamont, of Hay, are likely to be
in the run.
they will be presented to the next meet-
ing of the council with recommendations
for the immediate awarding of the work.
WESTERN FA1it Dallis,
The following announcements have
been. made of fairs to be held in' Mani-
toba in 1909. Winnipeg Industrial Ex-
hibition July tt to 19, A. W. Bell, titan
ager ; Portage la Prairie fair, Tuly_6 to
g, A. E. Hunter, manager ; Brandon
fnir will open at the close of the Win-
nipeg exhibition, on July 19 and last un-
til July 23. C. Fraseris manager. I
Womanly pains, head paths, in fact
any pain anywhere can be completely
stopped in 20 minutes with one of Dr.
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your
Doctor or Druggist about the formula.
It is printed on the box—aud it be
bettered. Try one dose and be con-
vinced. Box 25e. Sold by all dealer's.
Winnipeg Letter.
Western Canada welcomed in the new
year in regal fashion. 'Fbe momentum
acquired in the latter weeks of the old
year has settled back to a rapid busi-
ness -like swing, and business men are
beginning 1909 with a much firmer
feeling of confidence than was in evi-
dence at the begiening of 1908. With
conservatism among the people, the
West looks forward to a tear of healthy
and steady development in lands, in.
dustry and investment
Western Canada is of the world of
business, but in a situation and under
conditions that causes it to be less dis
advantageously affected by outside cir
cumstances and more readily susceptible
to its own inherent resources than other.
and older countries which are essentially
inter -dependent in their business pro-
Western Canada can rise from or
largely overcome the depression of the
outside world in so far as itself is con-
cerned more readily than others through
the fact that it is upon the product of its
fertile soil it is largely reliant. As long
as the world must have bread. and
Western Canada can supply bread, hard
times cannot prevail West of the Red
Western Canada is in a better and
easier position than any other country
capable of reasonable comparison, to
take advantage of the great wave or era
of industrial and financial activity which
in the sequence cf things will spread
over the civilized world during the year
An epoch in Ontario newspaper de.
velopment has been recorded during
the last year when The 'Toronto Daily
Star jumped into first place in circu-
lation, thus furnishing another climax
to a record of growth that is quite un-
paralleled in Canadian journalism. 3f
is only nine years since the present
management assumed control. At that
time the paper bad a daily circulation
of around 6,000 ; for the year 1g°8 it
averaged welt over 56.000 copies a day.
That the grottth is stili going on, and
is cho oby 1 w the fact
go,ng'on rapidly, ,
that the increase of 1908 over Igo7 was
over 8,000 copies daily.
In its editorial policy The Star has
gained a reputation for sanity and fair-
ness, and while it has strong views it
never berates those whose views are
When it comes to newssgathering
The Star can generally be •lepeaded
upon to lead the way in enterprise.
That it does not spare expense in serving
its readers was illustrated many times
during the year, a notable illustration
being on the occasion of the Olympic
¢acres, when it sent a member of its
staff from Toronto to England to cover
them specially by cable and letter for
The Star.
'rhe Stai not only gets the best news,
but it dresses it up so as to make its
pages bright and attractive. It is a
firm believer in the value of striking
These ate some of the reasons why
The Star is now supreme in its field.
One of the latest features of the paper
has been a series of articles on com-
bines which bas been attracting
very wide attention. 'These articles are
being quoted and commented on every-
where, and one subscriber wrote the
other day to say that one of the articles
alone was worth his whole year's sub-
More proof that Lydia B.Pink-
hatn'$Yegetable Compound cures
female ills.
Dirs.-John. Scott, 489 Grand Trunk
St., Montreal, writes Mrs. Pinkham :
"I was very much run down in
health from a female trouble, was thin,
nervous, and very weak, and suffered
from bearing down pains. indeed I
did not care whether I livedordied, I
felt so badly sometimes.
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
cured me
gained in flesh, and am
free from backache, female trouble,
sick headaches, and nervousness,
"I heartily recommend Lydia E,
Pinkitam's Vegetable Compound for
all women's ailments, knowing what it
has done for me."
'rheWinnipeg p
outlook is that g t n a fele
years will become a greatfinancial
centre. Every year brings forth a re-
cord one in bank clearings, loan com-
pany investments, insurance and
company business.
The total for Winnipeg bank clearings
for the year 3908 was $618 ttl,Boi.
Last year it was $599.697,576 and in
tgo6, $504.585.914. raking the three
previous years the total clearings for
Winnipeg were. 0903, $246,to8,ou6 ; in
1904, $284,601,437 ; 1905, $369,863.179.
The manager of a local life company
states that at the end of tgo8 his com•
pany had in force $40.000,000 of busi-
ness, which is interes'ing, from the fact
that this company, organized and operat-
ed from Winnipeg, started in 1892 with
a total showing of business ie force for
the first year of only $862,zoo. Another
local life company, newer in the field,
showed a business in force in Igo7 of
$589,766, which has grown to the sum of
phenomenal strok00.000 in e A iv
of business was also
done by another loan company, which
has only been in the field for rhe past
sixteen months. Iu the four months of
(goy. its applications amounted to $507..
Soo, and for the year just closed its
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs,, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
sins; backache, that b
•ringdown feeling, flatulency, indges-
tion,dizziness or ner t 2 s prostration.
Why don't you try
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. AddydLynn. ynn. Mm
Gilbert Embury, of near Lenore,
Man., has sold his half section of land
for the neat sum of $10,000. and is go-
ing to Lenore to live. Mr. Embury at
one time was a citizen of Belgrave.
The Presbyterian Sunday School en
tertainment came off on New Year's
evening, The hall was full, the pro'
grate good, and the small ebilcllen
tleset ve credit for the way they rep•
dated their pieave. The praoeede
eauouO1ed to $87. School children ail
had fro° tickets,
Fiso c B, O.•—Frank Wheeler, a for-
mer Belgraveito writes as follows ;—
Since we game to this Western conn-
try, we have all enjoyed that great
blessing called health, Odell few
people value till they lose it. We
are supposed to he in the wild 'West,
but considering the city beteg a 509,
port, a growing and a prosperous
place, and a dumping round for all
dations and tongues, Vancouver will.
rank Its good in morals as most of the
cities of Ontario. The gond Vancou-
ver is growing very fast, and is bound
to be a very large shipping and com-
mercial centre, the beat barber on the
Paoiflo coast, and is also the great out-
let to Orient, We hada nice"visit
from our old friends, Mr. and Mrs:
Hestia from Belgrave, on their way,
through to Australia, ' They were
standing the journey, well ; both,were
greatly pleased with our city and ex-
pressed their desire of locating_ here if
they returned to America. We got a
good budget of news from the old'
home, which we appreciated very
tnnch and enjoyed their company as
they were the fltist visitors direct from
the old home. We had word from
them since landing 'u • in Australia and
are glad they had very fine trip a-
cross the Pacific. If any more of our
Belgrave friends come this way, we
would be glad to have thein call and
stay a few days. Our address is 167
2ud St. East and easy to find. We
think we cniild amuse you for a while,
bothln fish stories and something to
see. We are having Winter weather
now, considerable ram but no snow in
Vancouver. Some years we have a
flurry of the beautiful but not often,
Best thin; you ever tried for palls, La Grippe,
, Coughs, Neuralgia and Headache.
Cures colds in 24 hours. No oiler -effects -25c.
At ell dealers or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO,
Cures Pimples
Faacial Blemishes,
Blackheads, Eruptions.
Make the blood normal andyou cure
the pimples.
But unless elimination is perfect the
blood eau't be normal, cant be any-
thing but foul.
In elimination nothing plays a more
important part than the skin, and if
it gets too much work it becomes
diseased, and pimples, blotches and
eruptions are the result.
Not a bit of use to try external ap-
plications. The fountain of life, the
blood, must be purified.
More than that, the blood must be
supplied with the elements necessary
to furnish the organs with increased
power to do their work.
Ferrozoue supplies exactly these
constituents, and it does more.
It stimulates through the nervous
system all the eliminative functions of
the body,
but five persons not living more than By stimulating the kidneys and
twenty miles apart might tell five liver the skin is relieved of an exoes-
altogether different stories about the sive work, and it soon resumes its
weather and all five be true. The al- normal [node of action.
titude makes a difference to a great Ferrozone destroy"e :the poisons in
degree in 'Vancouver. A person needs the blood, gives it new and rich ma -
an umbrella worse than a fur -lined tenial through the thorough digestion
coat this time of the year, of food.
- The skin resumes its normal,' rich
The fonder leaves of a Harmless lung color.
healing mountainous shrub, give to Every yestige of blotch, pimple or
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvel- eruption then disappears. t
ons curative properties. Tight, tick-Youpsee then that Ferrozone is not.
ling, or 'distressing coughs, quickly only a•^blood purifier, but a blood
yield to the healing, soothing action fortifier, and when your blood is pure
of this splendid prescription—Dr. not only will thea skin be free
Shoop's Cough Remedy and it is so from blemishes and pimples, but the
safe and good for children as well. whole body will be rejuvenated and
Containing no opium, chloroform, or given the power' of endurance, vim,
other harmful drugs, mothers should the natural outcome of health. Fer-
in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's. rozone is sold by all dealers in 50c.
If other remedies are offered tell them boxes.
no. Be your own judge. Sold by all.
Wetaskin. Alberta. suffered heavy loss
lTy fire, Burns & Company's block being'
damaged to the extent of $75,ono.
The members of Trinity church,
Belgrave, presented their pastor, Rev.
Hartley, of Blyth, with a load of oats,
which he appreciated very much.
Word bas reached Belgrave that
It was stated at the annual meeting
of the Eastern. Ontario Dairymen at
Prescott that a cow -could be kept
throuuh the Winter at a cost of $2 a
Mi -o -ba cures dyspepsia. If any of
the readers of Ton POST ale suffering
from stomach trouble of any kind'
Jas. Fox will sell you a'box of Mi-o-na
for 50 cents with
an absolute guaran-
of relief or money back.
Neil Murray, of Huron Roast Gode-
rich, Ont., nays :—"I suffered with in-
digestion for over four years and had
been given over as incurable by many
doctors, I had become a nervous
wreck through loss of sleep. and what-
ever I ate did not remain on my stom-
ach for over two hours. I would suf-
fer with vomiting spells that would
almost kill me, perspiration as large
as beads wonld break out all over my
body and leave mein so weakened a
condition that I would be unable to
stand, not a night's rest in over six
months and was so weakened and
run down that my family thought I
world die. My heart was greatly
weakened and would flutter and a
sharppain would coin thlongh me
and cut off my breath. I was reduc-
ed in weight from 160 to less than 110
pounds. Doctors would give different
none of
es for myy
cans froable
them gave me the slightest relief. I
commenced treatment with Mi-o-na
and when one-half of the first box was
used I could eat my meals without
suffering the dreadful vomiting spells.
I used about ten boxes in all and I am
entirely cured. My stomach is as
strong as ever and there is not the
slightest trouble with digestion. I
have gained about 40; pounds in
weight, am strong and healthy and
like a new man. I will always speak
highly of Mi-o-na, as it cured and I
believe kept me from sure death when
all else had failed.
applications reached the sum of $2,004,"
During the past three years over
1oo,00o entries for homesteads were
made, all of which will necome patent
able, and in almost every case a home
steader when he becomes an owner of
his 16o acres of land also becomes a bor-
rower, for unless he can get this accomo-.
dation his progress as a farmer will be
very slow, but if he can borrow, and
borrow wisely. it puts him in much bet
ter position to make money and it is
better for the country in its more rapid
President Wm. MacKenzie and Vice -
President D. D, Mann. of the Canadian
Northern Railway, spent the larger part
of last week in Winnipeg conferring
with the heads of departments with re
gards to estimates and proposed exten-
sions on the Western section this year.
Premier Scott, of Saskatchewan and
Premier Rutherford of Alberta, met
Messrs. Mackenzie and Mann by ap-
pointment at Winnipeg, but no informa-
tion in regard to the subject in confer -
ecce was given out to the public.
The Gland Trutilt Pacific Railway
Company have announced that they will
inaugurate a new scheme of colonization
this year in order to get lands in the
vicinity of their line' occupied and set.
tied its rapidly as possible, the details of
whi,ai are now beingcompteted by A
Duff, of the Company's office here,
The improved financial condition of
the City of Winnipeg is undoubtedly the
Miss Staples, of Seaforth, was a
visitor with 1VIrs, Hill.
Win. Scott, of Hamilton, Man., was
a visitor at Wm. Wray's.
Harvey Watson attended the wed-
ding of a friend in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. David, of Clinton,
were visitors at D. McOrae's.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelso, of Palmerston,
were visitors with C. and Mrs. Robert-
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, of Drayton,
spent New Years with J. A. and Mrs.
Garner Proctor, of Palmerston,
visited friends in and around Belgrave
last week.
At the Belgrave school meeting, ..D.
Sproat was elected trustee for the
second year.
Miss Deacon, of London, spent her
New Year holidays with her parents,.
H. and Mrs. Deacon.
Dr. MoAsh, of Tara, was a visitor at
O. McOlelland's on New Year's, when
he met a number of old friends,
Mr. asci Mrs. Preston, of Pilot
Mound, Man., were visitors at 0. Mc-
Clolland's and other friends.
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
For, the Year 1908.
To the Members of the said Company
Your Directors beg to submit the following
report for the year just closed :—
The amount paid for losses on buildings and
their contents caused by lightning was 92694.00;
'unknown causes .95473.00 ; live stook killed' by
lightning, '$2594.75 ; sparks from chimneys,
$1715.90 ; other causes, $323.90.
The number of policies issued d,pring the past
force at the
year was 1469 andthenumber in fo r
n increase
8 beinga
year was 4
end of the
804 polieies.
The amount of insurance written was $2,428,-
070.00 ; the amount cancelled and expired was
91,823,900.00, leaving the net amount in force
at the close of the year $8,369,330.00, being an
increase for the year of $004,170.00 in the
amount at risk.
The premium notes held by the Company
amount to 9418,406.60, and the amount avail-
able on the said notes $371,950.90.
The Auditors' report with certified statement
is appended hereto.
The Directors who retire are Messrs. J. R.
Miller and Edward Bryans, both of whom are
eligible for re-election.
Two Auditors are elected at each annual
All of which is respectfully submitted.
W. 8. McKercher, J. R. Miltor,
Secretary -Treasurer. President.
GORnIE, January 8th, 1909.
Recoto p
Fane balance p nsas for year 1006 .. .
Fixed payments
pnymentafor years prior to 1008
Interest ..•
Premiums paid Inadvance
Other sources
$12424 10
10412 85
470 54
X600 010
$29921 26
Scontents of woodshed de -
Sohn Metcalfe, Turnberry,
stroyedby fire, cause unknown $ 10 00
John ova )ye , Wallace, contents. of house, fire from 11.90
stove (year 19071..
W. T. Dame, Gerrie, °entente of house, defective 100 00
chimney (1007)......,,,..
John. M s. tma Turnberry, demnge to house con. 17 00
tents, from match
Wm, Flood. ,God house contents, stove pipe 80'99
W t Perdue, nine h, dntuage to house and eon -
tents, 00
tante, stove le e.
R. Nicholso Arthur, house and °out's ffight stove 1000
R• Nicholson, , MoKi do ,see killed harm, li htning 40 00
T H-Fittla, n, wtsk, op, siker , by lightning „ 47 00
R. W.11tin, M nt° one thew, killed by lightning , 82 00
,7 osl leeagainto,onene, cokflieddy lightning
Samos Milne,
Ch°rnaheepkilledbv'ightning 6000
David R11ne,y,Grey, rwo sheekilled by lightning lig n 64 00
David Momit *he0, Wallace.two (deersthBilled ep land two 6400
John MnOatahenn, W. three sheep and two
lambs: killed by lig it ng .. ,,, ,. 42 00
P, E. James, Howfok, heifer killed by lightning 16 00
P. Melewen, Turnberry, bent andeonids &o, light's' 1619 00
T. A. & W. Gibson Howick, two lambs killed by 10 00
ltghtnine .... , • •••
John H. MCTavieh. & Son Howick, horse killed by 186 fi0
Wm. Yee, Turnberry soltkilled by li htning • 85 00
B 20 00
vi otta t
a ills M° s.
Thoma Ellie,
x, Stinson, int°, colt damage
by •lightning 10 00
2.Alex,'r Wilkie, Minto, dnmage fo burn by id barn
10 00
L. P house
saint s damage tn barn .nnd ,burn and 125 00
figure n, Wall ceby lightning ,..
C. H. Green, Morrie,
damage to steer
barn tie lightning. 10 00
lt in Sperling,
r ing, H, waiter end skill killed by nicht"g 66 00
Edwin M Danns, , Turnberry, hoerrs, one sheep
lightning 206 00
Mrs, G. Davidson, Turnberry, one swoop kilted by 10 00
David Agar, Morrts,•four •beep and five lamb,' killed
be lightning •
Enoch Morris. Mullett., heifer killed by lightning
Than, Calvert & Wm. Stietdm Howick, one sheep and
one lamb kilted by lightning .... 10 00
John A. Breen% Gres heifer, lolled by• lightning .... 10 00
James Douglas, Grey, heifer stilled by lightning, ..•,. ,. 10.00
Geo. (larlk, Gray, Atter killed by lightning 88 00'
P. McOlynnr Coflmrne, calf' killed by lightning 10 00
Robb. Ashton. Hawlek damege to house by light's. 26 00
W FI Armstrong Morris horse rake destroyed by
ughtmintr.. ...
Mrs, Jane Mohair, Grey, cow killed by lightning,,,..,
50 00
.86 00
Jos, Jacklin,Grey, cow killed by lightning ............. 80 00
T..7. Reid,. Egremont, heifer killed by lightning 16 00
W Renwick. Howick, one sheen killed by lightning 12 00
Ezra Holliday,Normanby, horse. killed by lightning 125 00
John. H McTvish & Son, ,Turnberry, cow killed by
lightnhig .. ..
Wm Hotlenbeok, 'Grey. damage to barn by light'g 10 00
Jas. A. Edgar, Howick, heifer drilled by lightning 18 00
H Petterleyt Russell, horse killed by lightning......,_..180.00
A. D McTavrah, tin treat), Oagoode barn, stable and
contents destroyed by lightning... ............ 598 00
S. Donaldson,. Mint°, colt killed lightning _ 45 00
W111.1701, ar. Minis, steer killed by lightning -80 00
Wm. Burke, Arthur. contents of honer, stove pipe100 00
James McMillan, Minto. steer killed by lightning - 18 00
W. L. Manning, Wallace, mare end colt killed by 190 00
John Spicer, Egremont. colt killed by lightning 126 00
Thos. Digby, Minto, heifer killed by lightning 20 00
Geo. B Turvey, Morris, damage to barn bylightning 16 00
W. R. Burkett. W. Wawnnoeb, horse by ightning60 00
R. Huck, GOdet-telt, damage to barn by lightning 16'00
John Lane, Turnberry, calf killed by lightning 26 00
Robert ,Tohneton, Turnberry, bm•n, carriage house,
and contents, cause unitnown 2804 00
Robert Doig, Howick, horse killed by lightning 00 00
Alex, Littlejohn, Howlett, damage to cow by light'Rq 20 00
D, M. Bridge, Minto, lamb,and onesteer, Iyr.1006) 19 50
killed by lightning
D. C. Master, Wallace, colt killed by lightning 60 00
John Rolston & Son, Howick, derange to cow and M 00
steer by lightning.
Jas. Anderson. Minto, heifer killed by lightning..,,,,26 00
T. W. & A Lott, Turnberry, damage to barn by 1000
lightning .
Jemes Denney, Wallace, damage to barn by lighfg. 16 OD
W. M. Boyd Howick, damage to barn by lightning 28 00
J. W. Rogers E. Wawanosh, heifer killed by light'g 10 00
Mra. M. Bolander, Wallace, mare killed by li gbt'g. 75 00
Thos. R. Bennett, Gray, barn and contents, lightning 262 00
Andrew Montgomery, Howick, damage to heifer by 20 00
John Taylor. Normanby, heifer killed by liehtning 18 00
R. H. Isaac, Egremont, damage to heifer by liehtning 22 00
Geo V. Poole, ifor church , Palmerston, stable and.100 00
store house, cause' ul,nown
Louis Marion, and I. Lmaarie barn and outbuildings
and contonte, mane unknown...... 670 00
11 00
- ed v li hknln .
Wm: Wilson, ,Wallace, calf kill b g g ••^
Robt. Ireland, bylightning
htwicla:. colt killed and' mute 60 00.
damaged lightning.
JohnknownOrozier, M°K111ap barn and content, cause un -
n• t100 99
James Brown, Egremont; damage to cow by •lighfg 18 00
Jamen Pulliam, Arthur, barn and outbuildings and 1120 00
contents, cavae u .,....... .
Samuelfrom Rollerchimney ..
, Minto, barn and contents, spark
1700 00..
Fifty six losses under ten dollars end - X16 00
Law Costa
MutualFireth oma ritere A.eocintlon Fein 10 00
Statutory ent and Lieenee Feea 99
Premiums returned to policy holders 8102918 976
Commission toingents 07
Printing, etationery and-advertiafng
Postage, telephone, telegraph and express N7180 016
Rent of room for board meetings 12 00
Travelling. expenses . 1400
Taxes and Statute Labor 2.91
Fueh ...
Directors' ilea888 80
Auditors' fees102400
Secretary-Trensurer's eatery
Investigating end adivating Online 1.8220
President for eervteea for year 1007...
Work et oilier, fence, posts, drawers &o 17 0000
Cara of hall for annual meeting
Cneh on deposit: ..$ 85260
Standard :Bank, Brnaaeln ^ . ,., 708 04
•" " Harriaton
Bank of blamilton, Gerrie .
.. 984 22
II Wroxeter ...... ....... 720 80
Huron & Erio Loan & Sevings Cn..,,.,6000 00
Central Canada Loan and Savings Co0000 00
Cash on hsnd at Head Office 00 65 $18796 87
$29921 26
Onshbnlanoe,on. hand..... $1074787
Unpat pretniutna 1917 00
Reel state ,.: - .900 00
Office furniture and ante 071900 00.
Premium notes imitable
Total $888114 60
We, the undersigned. Auditors of the How Mk Mutual
Fire Insurance Company, having eScnmined the books, premi-
rembnm note seentItiee for money. amounts and v000110re of the
mold Company find them correct t
A. A. GltAISAtk, i Adolfo„„
T G. MnnAttne, i.
Wroxeter, January, 714*, 1900
Modlcat Science Advancing Fast.
Formerly doctors presertbad stom-
ach treatment for Catarrh and Bron-
chitis. The seldom cured and
Catarrh has beaome a natianal dis-
ease, To -day the advanced physician
fights Catarrh by medicated air: Ile
fills the lungs, nose and throat with
the antiseptic vapor of Oatarrhozon .
Cure then is certain. Easy for Qatari-
hozone to erre. It' contains the
essences of pure ping balsams, Peaches
all the germs and destroys the disease,
Every ease of Catarrh, Bronchitis
Sore Throat can be cured by Catarrh -
ozone. 25c. and $1,00 sizes. Sold
everywhere. Galt it to -day.
The People's Column
FARM FOR SALE—Being Lot 18 Oou. 10,
Grey,00etaining100aoree. ADPYyt0W:M,
•WOODS. Oranbrook P. 0. 21-tf1
HOICE YOUNG CATTLE: for sale—steeiie
C and heifer's. Call at Lot 11, Con.
., Grey.
20-tf WM. MoNAIR,Proprietor.
PROPEI0TY FOR SALE. -A comfortable
dwelling and stable in the village of Oran -
brook, There is *55 aeree of land with it. .Pos-
session can be given at once. For further par -
Minders apply. to MIt8. RADDATZ or JOHN
FISCHER, Cranbrook P.O. - 12.60
were of land for sale, Turnberry street,
North,.Bruseeis. Good well, fruit trees, &a.
Possession could be given at once. For further
particulars as to price, tonne, &c., apply on the
premises. ALEX. Mm.AUGHLIN.; 7-tf
44 ACREB OF 019,010E LAND for sale on
6ichillop boundary, adjoining Walton
viilxge. 'Phare is a frame house, oreherd, well,
windmill, &e., on the premises. Itis all -seed-
ed dotvu and is a desirable property. Poor
health the reason for selling. For further par-
oculars as to ppr�ice, tarme, &a, apply m1 9he
premises. 10DUNOAN 5500 7AIG, 62.60
=OR SALE OR TO RENT.—The undersigned
offers his well located property in Brussels
for sale or to rent. There are 06 Ceres of land
with comfortable house, with cellar, stable,
orchard, well, &a. Possession on Aug, 15th.
rJAS price,
ORD other information
Brussels, THOS. Di'INFORD, Langdon, North
Dakota. - - - -
BUSINESS CBANCES.-9500 up to '$1,000
share or cash will be paid according to
amount of capital furnished to first one who
will find suitable partner and close a bargain
in a $100,000 enterprise. Thia is a firet•olass re-
pair and ureehine shop, also a large number of
new choice ppetents made and tested. Same
will sell at first alto in all lumbermen's out -
At% Can be manufactured on royalty if de-
sired or will sell out right if preferred.
Sane money will be paid in cash for a buyer
when sole as completed. Yours, Tnos. Mc-
GaReoa, for money, honor and enterprise, in-
ventor and Improver on saws, tools and mach-
ines• corner Mill and Main street Brussels.
Annual Meeting
East Huron Agricultural Society.
The :annual meeting of the East Huron
Agricultural Societe will be held In the Town
Hall. Brussels, on., January 20th,
1909, at I o'clook p. en. Business of the meet-
ing—Receiving the Annual Statement and
Auditor.' Report, appointing officers for the
year 1909, &a. J170..LBCKTE, President,
W. R. KURR, Seoretary.
AT -
ncan s Barber Shop
Hot and
Cold Baths
where up, to -date service
is obtained..
Call and See for Yourself.
You will find at the Oober
Carriage Factory a gond as
sortment of First-class Bob-
sleighs, Cutters, Wheelbar'
rows, • Rand Sleighs and
Clothes Reels,
All kinds of Repairing and
Re• pp
16inting promptly attend-
ed to.
John Cober
( 'renis �a9og &-Vg aPgW:V al< a9
r oth r by our• management than for
other hr uatesio, Great demaCo fge
our graduates as Secretaries.
Tesohere, Private Seoretarfea, Oflloe
Assistants, etc. The embodiment of
the mo in Expert, Modern W
e- known p Ban. Science. aim
� vile comparison. Throe Departments.
A Manned by skilled instructora.
E Mail Coureea in all Business - Oollege
tand High Sahoolsubjeote.
I Wingham
A Business College.
Allan M43al. Line
gGEO. SPOTTON, - Principal }
Winter Term opens Jan. 4th
Fain Arrange n
to attend
From St. John Halifax
Jen. 22 Jan, 28
Feb, 6 Feb. 0
Feb. 10 Feb, 20
Corsican. anile
Heaperian sails
Tuntaian sails
Sicilian from Boston
Laurentian from Boston
out a superiorool �in theshoDom inion.
Nearly all Colleges claim to bethe,Tf
hest bat claiming to be s°, docs not di
make them so. Get our Catalogue.
Read it from cover to cover. See for
youreelf what this College is doing and n
the advent egem it offers.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Oor. Yonge &'Alexander sm., Toronto. Ti
- Winter Term opens Jan. 4th pp��
j.5 This sehaol is ons of thelnrgest to the it
Province. Itis notsd for the thorough- Q,i
nese of its work and the emcees of its 71;
students. Three departments—.
lCommercial, Shorthand
Our graduates nre m demand as Bust-
Telegraphynese College teachers as well as office Yi
11 ssststsn i. free..Get our magnificent cata-
�y Elliott
Tim. 28
Feb. d
Serdlninn from St. JohnFeb, 4
Pomeranian from St. John . ...,..Man 4
Winter rates -470.0D newerda ; Second alias
$40,00 ; Third °less $29.00 and $80,00.
For sailhige, hate end full information apply
Agent Allan Line. Brussels.
June, July and August leads into
our Fall 'term withodt any break.
Enter any time, . New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
The Largest, moat Reliable
of Its hind.
W i1. SRAW Principal
Yong') & Gerrard see, Toronto
&- McLachlan,
Horse Fairs i!
The regular Monthiy Horse Fairs will
be held for the season as follows:
l`HURSDAY, FEB. 4611, 1909
" MAR. 4th, 1909
APR. xst, 2909,
Leading Local and Outside `-'
Buyers will be Present.
Path in the head—pain anywhere. halts cause
Fain iecoagostlon pain is blood pressure—netlike.
else usually. At leest so says Dr.. Shoop, sad to
Drove it he bas created a little pink tablet. That
tablet-ca110d Dn Shoop's Headache Tablet--
ceaxea blood pressure away from pain cegten,
Ihough tiaeharmin rely a pleasingly detlihte blood drew
it ural equalizes ho b solei surely a
t Y.
It Ton have a headache, it's blood pressure.
Bit's painful periods with women, same cues
H you aro sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
eonaesttom—blood pressure. That surely ie a
certainty for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets stop
Kin 20 minutda, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressure.
Bruiseyour finger, and doesn't it get red, and
swell, and pain your Of course it does. Iib con.
Reettbn„bloed pressure. You'll find it where pall
Is—always. - fee simply Common Sense,
Walsall at 26 cants, and cheerfully recommend
TT.. rs Shoop's
hoo s
,V S