The Brussels Post, 1909-1-14, Page 3o3`.i1vp*.'tr}"I•.14.Irl' 1 A•'1*'f" 4 sic { H Hints. 41.dr.kielel. 3 1••1•e '3.3ei •ktl, l,.1+,i,.I4 ,!ADS AND FASCIES, A little more' width is being alb lowed in skirts; everythine High is ruled out ie ooiffuee styles. Paris declares that hue° head- gear has had its day, Evening gloves are worn to ex- tend just above the elbow. Reseda green makes some pretty •evening frocks this wintex. Many capes are 'worn over one shoulder like the Bowan toga; Some of the hendkait bedroom slippers have lambswool soles. Fur hats . have never been more. in favor' than they are ;to -day, Crossbar muslin is one of the newest materials, for .underwear. In the latest models, the waist shows signs of lengthening. Riel1 alive green makes -up solve of the most becoming street suits; Lace yokes and sleeves continue popular in spite of their long use. Cloth of gold strips with Persi- an • embroidery • make -beautiful trimming, The redingote of the hour is close fitting, belted, and in walking. length. Young girls are wearing light colored ribbon or 'silveror, gold bends in the hair, The latest dainty notion is to per- fume the hat with the scent' of the flowers used on it. Liberty velveteens are particular- ly soft and becoming, and are pro- duced in the most glorious colors. Shops are showing nightcaps made of knitted silk in the daintiest of pinks, and blues, and lavenders. There are blackpatent leather slippers with a tiny border of pink, blue, white, or lilac suede around the top. - Contrary to expectations, white waists have gone out of fashion, but are being worn almost' as much as ever. Muffs of every description will be carried this season except the round one, which has quite gene out of fashion. Charming for women with fresh faces and fair skins are the new amethyst hats, which have just come into the mode. Necklaces of pearl, jade, coral, and turquoise beads in graduated sizes are finished egith- loop tassels of the tiniest beads. The spangled net sleeves are most becoming to any woman whose arms . are well shaped, and the sleeves are made without lining, Button finishes down the outside of the long, tight sleeves are one of the newest reliefs from the usu- ally unbecoming line. Waists of colored mousseline or chiffon, lined with gold or silver tissue, are the newest acconepeni- ments of coat and skirt suits. Pretty hair ornaments are made of tulle or maline, and powdered with rhinestone' beads and finished with a' dainty aigrette to match. AN EXPLOSIVE PURSE. • Victim of Two Confidence Men : has Ills. Revenge. Sonia months ago a French gen- tleman named Jules Maliore, 'resid- ing at Perraux, near Paris, was the victim at the, St. Lazare railway; station of two confidence trick men,' who relieved him of $350. He determined to be revenged, and with great patience .manufac manufac- tured a purse in which he placed a baiminite mercury cartridge. He ingeniously arranged the purse so Viet any one opening it would cause the_cartridgeto explode. M.-142aliere walked about for, several months with the explosive) purse in his pocket, but failed td again catch sight of those whb had robbed him until the other clay. Then to his joy he perceived'thene in a wine -shop. He at once put on an innocent air, and, as the mon• did not recogni2e him, entered into conversation with them .again. To- gether they went to a cafe, and af- ter a pleasant hour had been passed M. Maliere, smiling blandly, ex- changed his purse with _one of .the sharpers for a portfolio apparent- ly filled with bank notes. Then M. Maliereagcomi odating- ly Went to buy a cigar, and the ac- complices, made off at once and went into a neighboring square. Ons of them opened the purse, with the result that there was a loud explosion, The man was badly burnt on the face and hands,and roller, on the ground in agony: He was picked up by two policemen, who had been attracted by the sound of the explosion, and taken to a hospital. A lady who kept a little curly poodle Lost her pet, and called on the police to find it. The next day one of the force came with the deg, very wet and dirty,. The lady was overjoyed,and asked a number of silly .queetions—among .others Where did you find my dear dar- lingo" "Why, ma'am," said the (Meer) "a.fellowehed•himeon a pole and was washing' windows with. him., I COtTOFX0 AND 4 OZ4t) I Took I e -1st^ u0,. steel yfiY ilei .`f''iRSTOSEP1j HALLCHASE, ,,804 TL"NT,1 SBI eweAselletee'O3, v. . Peruna Drug Co., Columbus Ohio, Gentlemen :—I oan cheerfully re- commend Peruna as an effective cure for coughs and colds, You are authorized to use my photo with testimonial in any pub- lication, - Mrs, Joseph Hall Chase. 804 Tenth St., Washington, D.C. Could Not Smell Nor Rear. Mrs, A. L. Wetzel, 1023 Ohio St., Terre Haute, Ind., writes: "When I began to take your me- dicine 1 could not smell, nor hear a'church bell ring.. Now I can both smell and hear. "When I began your treatment my head was terrible. I had buz- zing and chirping noises in my head. "I followed your advice faithfel- ly and took Peruna as you told me. Now I might say I am well. "I want to -go and visit my mo- ther and see the doctor who said I was not long for this world. I will tell him it was Peruna that cured me." Peruna is manufactured by The Peruna Drug .Mfg, Co„ .Columbus,.. Ohio. Ask your Druggist for a Free Peruna. Almanac for 1909. KNEW FOR A CERTAWNITY, There is something so honest and bold in the self-criticism of a man who appreciates his own virtues that it may well appal the soula n - accustomed to confidence: A well-known general, in review- ing a corps of cavalry, suddenly stopped before a splendid -looking fellow, and asked abruptly :— "Which "Which is the best horse in the regiment, my man?" 'Number Forty, sir." "What makes you think that he. ie the best horese2" - "He walks, trots, and gallops well, is a good loaper, has no vice, no blemish, 'carries his head well, is in his prime." "And who isthe best soldier in the regiment?" ` "Tom Rodgers, sir." "Why 7" "Because he is an honorable man, is obedient, tidy, takes good care of his equipment and his horse, and does his duty well." "And who is`the rider of the best horse?" "Toni Bpdgers, sir," "And who is Tom Bodgers?" "I am, sir." The general could not help laugh- ing, but he gave $5 to his inform- ant. WHAT IS TUR MMATTER'VITll YOUR CHILD? Is it . stunted physically, undo- -"eloped mentally? Let us tell you how to overcome all abnormal con- ditions by the use of the Glandular secretions that we recover from the glands of young, healthy sheep. It is a physiological medicine and we �as,rre gladdening thousands of me- tiers' hearts'every day. We cure all diseases, infantile and adult. Writeto us/or our illustrated Blue Book, which will be sent to you free. Describe to us in your own way just what your symptoms aro and our:physician will take up the matter with you. We -furnish-the element, the lack of which causes the sickness. Van Vleek Gland Extract ' Company, ,Kansas City, Mo., U. S. A. Genius is said to be a certain form of madness, bet the madness of most people is more or less un certain. ISSUE NO, 2-09. MODERN MVO/CRAFT. Story of an Ineailtetion Telil 115 .tris I1Rgllfdir COO. In defending an action brought in the Crediton (Devon) 0eunty Court "recently by a grocer named Ford to recover Xe2 for geods sup- plied, Edith Patten, a single wo- man, gave an extraordinary rca son for not paying the debt. When ie the shop on one oeca- sicn, she said, Mrs, Ford offered herr a cupful of tea, and while she was drinking it Mrs. Ford's (laugh- ter pronounced the following in- eantetion "Make them hot and make them swell, make them thio, walk theme away and work them away. Put it in the arms and in the legs and in the feet. Put it in the face; All up with neuralgia, toothache and more. Her have drinked it, Iyer have drinked it very well and don't know what her have drinked and will go to her grave," In the evening, said Miss Pat- ten, she became very hot and thir- sty, so thirsty that she drank three quarts of tea and half a- breakfast cupful of vinegar. She felt faint and thought she was dying, The Judge -Do you believe that they bewitched you' I don't be- lieve inanything of the sort, but 7 ani getting thinner, Judgment was given for the plain- tiff:.. AT THE SUNDAY -SCHOOL. Scene: A ;Sunday -school --boys class—young lady in command. "Now, my boys, said she, ''1 want each of you to subscribe some- thing towards the mission to the Cariboos. I shall hand round the box, and as each of you contributes you will, 1 hope, say some approp- ri.be text. No one must give mere than a penny. Now, Charlie, you should show a good example." Whereupon a ruddy -faced urchi stopped forward, dropped in hi coin, and observed "It is better to give than to re ceive. ". Then another contributed a cop per, saying: "Wastenot,want not." This was ruled somewhat out of order, but it was fairly capped by a third youngster, who evidently parted.with his penny with extreme reluctance, for as he. dropped it in- to the box, he murmured out:— '`A fool- and his money are sooli parted. ' ATTENDED BY FIVE DOCTORS BUT GOT NO RELI"EP UNT'ILIII, USED DODA'S ItI1)NE]i PILLS, Wonderful Cure of - A. F. Jlicllurd, Wino was Tortured by Ithemsees tient and kindred Paine, Sets heat County Talking. St. Ignaco, Kent Co„ N. 13., Jan. 4 (Special)—.After being tortured for four years with Baokache, Rheumatism, Stiffness of the Joints and Pains fn the Loins, and get- ting no relief from five' doctors whom he called in, Mr, Antoine 1r. Richard, a well-known farmer liv- ing near here, is spreading the good news that 11e is once more a well man, and that he owes his cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Speaking of his wonderful cure Mr. Richard says;- "I.was a helpless man in July, 1907. For four years I had endur- ed the greatest torture from Back- ache, B.henmatisnr, Stiffness of the Joints apd Pains in the Loins. I had dark circlet under my eyes, my head ached and I was often dizzy. T was attended by five doctors, but not one of them could help mo. "Then 1 began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and after the first few doses I began to improve. I used four boxes in all and now I am working every day on the farm a welhman. I owe my wonderful cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing. else." There is me case or kind of Kid- ney Disease that Dodds --Kidney Pills will not cure. SAFETY. n "Papa, what is a safety match?" s Mr. Bonpecked (looking carefully to see if his wife is within hearing) - —A safety match, son, is when a baldheaded man marries an armless - woman. -.----- SLEEPING DRAUGHTS AND SOOTHING, MIXTURES, A rise mother will never' give her little onea sleeping draught, sooth- ing in g mi xtura or opiate of any kind exceptupon the advice of a compet- ent doctor, who has seen the child. All these things contain deadly poison. When you give your baby or young child Baby's Own Tablets you have the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that this medicine does not contain one particle of opiate or narcotic, and therefore cannot possibly do harm—but al- ways do good. Mrs. Geo. M. Kempt, Carleton Place, Ont., says "I have given Baby's Own Tablets to my baby since he was two weeks old. He was a very small, thin baby, but thanks to the Tablets he is now a big, fat, heal- thy boy." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Manhattan, New York, is the most densely populated island in the World. It has a population of over 99,000 persons to the square mile. To Know is to Prevents --If the miners who work in co'd water most of the day would rub their feet and legs with Dr. Thomas' Eclektrio 011 they would escape muscular rheumatism and render their ne- ther limbs proof against the ill ef- fects of exposure to the cold. Those setting .out for mining regions would do,well to provide themselves with a supply before starting. Magistrate (about to commit for trial) --"You certainly effected the' robbery ina remarkably ingenious way—in fact, with quite exceptional cunning!' Prisoner (deprecating- Iv)—"No flattery, yer honor -leo flattery, I begs on yer." A doMe long ealeetn,In which there lane wont, moat sore throat and sore lungs, al It allays the inflammation mel rids yon of 1,Ue mucous that stops Up the air pnaseges. 550, 500, ;L00 bolnes, -• DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING, "Olt,' Jack, have you seen fath- er 7" "Yes; 1 have come straight here from his office." "And did ho give his consent 7" "I couldn't quite make that out. He seemed :disinclined to .commit. himself definitely.'! "Why, what did he say?" "He didn't sayanythingat all." "Did you ask ham 7" "I said, 'Sir, I wish to marry your daughter. Have I your con- sent?' Ho turned, and looked at me a minute. Then he began to grow red in the face, and then he grabbed mo and threw me, over the banisters, and before T could ask him again he had slammed his door and reeked it; but he didn't say anything either way," A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's' bit a heavy Ananclal load? Is your pain a heavy pity'ical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women—I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure Myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. 'Why not end the pain andstop the doctor's WI? I can do this ter you and will if yen will assist me. Ail you need do is to write for a free bo% of the remedr-which has been placed fn my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you—it has done so for others. If so, I shall be happy and you will be trued for 20 (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held, :conu- dentiatly,:R'rlte to -div for my free treat- ment. MBS. F. E CUR11A1I, Windsor. Ont. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then -do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It removes ail kiwis of coins without pain. Failure with it is unknown. Something Mire than a Purgative —To purge is the only effect of many pills now on the market. Par - melee's 'Vegetable Pills are more than a purgative. They strengthen the stomach, where other pills weaken it. They cleanse the blood by regulating the liver and kidneys, and they stimulate where other pill compounds depress. Nothing of an injurious nature, used for merely purgative powers, enters into their composition, Clarence: "Miss Sharpen has brains enough for two, by Jove!" Florence: 'Then why don't you marry her, Clarence 7" For-ChIlidalne, Frost Bites, Bruisos, Sprains, =PAWL." t.D iamnus old remedy, Perry Dmier PainklUor. steep a battle always on hand. ]equally gond to cheek Ch121s and breakup Colds. At all druggists. A professor was reproving a stu- dent for his idleness, when the lat- ter said ;—"It's no use finding fault; I was met out for a loafer," "Well," replied the professor, sur- veying him from head to foot, "whoever cut you out understood his business thoroughly." For the Overworked.—What are the causes of despondency and melancholy 7 A disordered liver is one cause and a prime one. A disordered liver means a disordered stomach. and a disordered stomach means disturbance of the nervous system. This brings the whole body into subjection and the victim feels sick all over. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills are a recognize' rem- edy in this state and relief will fol- low their use. Inquiring lady: "How much milk.does your cow give a day?" Truthful Boy: "'Bout eight quarts, lady." Inquiring Lady 1. "And how much of that do you sell?" Truthful Boy : "'Bout twelve quarts, lady." Don't lie swage nights, a erdoue and feverish. Ten to one yeersaeeplese. pose Is eausedd by istorpid rifer. ,A tow days' treat. meat *Ph Calory Rln,r the tonlblexativc, will Inakeyour.nighta restful *MI strengthening. .. 25 a eta, nt disdore or by ,WAIL $.'C.'t Welk/ fit Co., Toronto. yr Ten to ne INDEBTED. As a jileesant-f`aeed Woman gass- ed the corner Harris touched hie lett to her and remarked to hie companion; "Ah, my boy, I owe it great deal to that woman." "Your mother 7" was the query, "No, my landlady," Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteract- ing anything that enuseS ill -health. One great cause of disca:e in chil- vireo is worms, Remove them with Mother Graves' Worm Exte1'mina- toi', It neves' fells, "My friends," said a temperance lecturer, lowering his voice to an impressive whisper, "If all the pub - lis houses were at the bottom of the sea, what would be the result')" And the answer came, "Lot's of people would get drowned." An I Mier:tanoe of weak lungs Ian serious nandt. cap, but Allan's Lung Balsam, taken at Ma first alga of a count will en owe immunity mors this dalrgoroue defect. Dem t trifle with au -newt cure-alls, Milligan (a new warder), to pris- oner causing a disturbance: "Ili, you in there, stop that row, or I'll speak to the Guv'nor and have ye chunked out into the street!" While store prevalent in winter, when sudden changes in the wea- ther try the strongest constitution, colds and coughs and ailments of the throat may come in any season. At the first sight of derangement flee, Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup. Instant relief will be ex- perienced, and use of the medicine until the cold disappears will pros.. test the lungs from attack. For anyone with throat or chest weak- ness it cannot be surpassed. Englishman (in British Museum): "This book, sir, was once owned by Cicero." American Tourist: "Psbaw ! that's nothing. Why, in one of our `American museums we have the lead pencil with which Noah used to check off the animals as they came out of the Ark." Put up In S1 Yard nails. The -famous "The D dr L" Menthol Platters, which cure lumbago, backache, solation, neuralgia, ova, are always put up la one yard rolls for physicians and family use, Doyle & Lawrence Co.. hlontreal- IMPOSSIBILITY, It is impossible for a woman to understand how any man can have so much money that he doesn't know what to do with. Shopkeeper: "Is there anything else I can send you, sir 7 'What would you say to a piece of this cheese?" Customer: ri wouldn't Dare to say anything to it. It might answer me hack 1" The see We Guarantee 9 Per Gen INTRI;ST ON YOUR l'IQNEY AND RAVE. YOU ACTUAI. CASH SECURITY Why draw only three in the Savings Bank? Your money can always be withdrawn by giving one week's notice. Interest paid monthly, No delays. WRITE U5. PATROARC & COMPANY Standard. Stoasi l:xhang) 137ign, TOrnot3, Got. :dNocin tlecwieM .'so.:i,,.l iN'V? `i5 dg: 'rr.,el,,.•�.efiS. 15' 49014lr, Wilda? 1r a CALVES Raiea Th'nt rR1°fhout Mllk,. nSara Prne, 8'eolo nrlL'.800,4 00., Ltd., Toronto IggC:PIVJETfli637DISCi 10X, SI If yon are leokfug for an mew home, where sunshine, fruit ami flowers abound it can be Laud in the means Praetor. Elver Valley, Free booklet and inf•,rmatlon from Publicity Ai000la- tlun, ltew Westminster, 11.0, 10 LOVELY POSTAL. Clic. 614,11 Floral with Greetings and Your I Name beautiful); wonted, perfumed Satin, Easter, Valentino, Lova Shells of. Ocean, bo, N.E.—This advertisement will not appear again In this paper. Please send 100, for ourprieo. list and beautiful samples. American Pub. Co., Clintonville, Conn. HOUSEKEEPERS Supplied and wanted in all parts of Canada and U. S. Inform us con- fidentially just what you want and we can help you solve the question. Address Box 30, Ann Arbor, Mich. Shipments to us this year, to dais, almost double last year. Tn4SRB'S A REASON.. Over two hundred trappers and shippers n•bo bad prnvioun ship odd elsewhere are been Wed to our list. 11 HY NOT Tot 0 We pay bolt prices, shipping; expenses and remit cash aamo day. Price list on application. A. gi E. PIERCE ,t4 CO., 007 ST. PAUL ST.; - AIONTuEAL. YOUR OVERCOATS eo4 IDdrd auftn woutd.lool bonier d ad, it if ,ren1 b1 0,ae Io roux wyu, yr,bo dtrsot Montreal, nos 1¢t Rr11T18H AMSn1OAN 0YEINO 00, Q1• J0 PATTiSON Se. CO. 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stock Sroksr3 St Financial figante and other stooks boughtand sold on oommfaelonn,, Correspondence invited, Orders may be wired at our ospense. APP Ti x.'00 AND NUTRITOOUS FOOD is what every lady desires to serve at her table. BOVRIL ,is the concentrated nourishment of beef. A little added to any kind of soup makes it more tasty and greatly ,increase.) its value as a food. A little BOVRIL in the gravy !s an improvement with roasts of s11( kinds. BOVRIL 13 MUM M LIFE WHY DO So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu cation select Bell pianos? 711e fact rhe they use .ad prefer the Bell is evidence of distinc merit] One follows professional advice in acquiring an education, why not tollew ptofcnional custom in buying Bel pianos? This only pianos h 1 t... Y D with t o Illimitable Qui& Repeating Actuate. t>� Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. :tiro BELL PIANO 'Organ T.o 1ntod GU L-'.L.PH.ONTA.R!05.y HOTEL TRAY ,ORE ON TEE OCEAN FCO?1T. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. erem.V those who suffer • from piles know the misery It brings! It rob life of its pleasure, steal the brightness from exist - nee, and substitutes days of dull pain and moments of acute agony. Most so called "comedies" give ease only for a time, and then— back comes the trouble and pain and misery I tarn -fink cures Piles 1 And cures permanently. Proof of pls lied all around you. Women nd men In'all stations of life have roved it—possibly some of you Hands! Let It cure you 1 Mrs, Wm. Brigham, of 263,,fIochelag Si,, Bochehege, Montreal, saps :—" I was sufferer for years from blind, itching ndprotrodingpllcs. Theagonylsuffersd no one, futons. Remedy atter remedy roved useless. Day followed day and there was no relief for me—pain, lose of irenlltb, dulness, misery, this was m perienoeuntil Zem-Bnkwas introducer I know now that there is nothing on this earth like it 1 It cured me of piles, Ind once cured,1 hare had no return of the evi1. I would like nil women who utter as I did to know that Zam-Buk will cure them 1 .aesfdba being a ineetftefor piles tont-ink' cares auto, Wood -poisoning, tracked or shopped heads, doors, oats,burns, bruesea, scalp aorta, ,'b,go'orr. lop, Joni Mfr, raid soros, and oilskin Wirier nd diorama, All druopfata and ilorco sen of ea 0. oi, or frons Zorn -Auk Co Toronto for Prise, Razor Sharpener. Ina not throw away yens mono In buying 8 AO Damn because your old one will net work, bet bny a cake of any Porfeetlon Razor Paste-" which will keep your Punct 51 pes'fsCt,DenieasI1 eooditlon, mid with ears Will last su *lifetime. Il your hardware or Drug Dbaler does act bindle Ibis send lie tee. end we will lenient same post-paid CANADA HONE COMPANY;. Weionanesa, Man A magniennt ten -story fireproof addition f.: jest being completed, making this famous hostelry the newest and most op•E0-date of Atlantic Coy ketols, .4. new restore it tho unusual size of the hod room;, averaging 19 foot square. Every room commands an ;moan view, bath attaebed with sea and treat water. Chitral. glass in evert chamber. Temperature begulatad by Thermoe,ladt, the luted derelo1,mens to deem heating. Temphonc In every room. Colt privileges, Capacity 000. Write forfllutratod booklet. Ct1ARLES 0. MARQUETTR. TRAYA101ilii HOTEL COMPANY, Massager, D. S. WlIITE, President. 7% terestt With S'; f Seldom can we advise investors to purchase a security yielding as high a rate. We do so only after mot careful investigation has proven the value of the security. Sufficient details to permit the individual to form judgment will be furnished on request, A.. Er. AME$ +>;9t CO, Limited, 7 KCVO STREET, • T045J3N70