The Brussels Post, 1909-1-7, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS.
Vii E, MaoilAOICENs-
1 ") Ijouer 01 AMMO Lfoeneee, Qt+
1109 at Grocery,'larnborry street, Bfiueaela,
Teacher of Piano or Organ
it. Q T.
A+7tesele Tent of the 51Oeoobees, No,. 04
hold their regular meetingsin rho Lodge
Remo, Saeger Iiloalt; ou the lab and Sid
'1'ue1dly evenings of each month.
t always welcome. BOURNS,OonA. meoti8, R, IS.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
mace End Residence-
S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • Ilea, win sell for better prides, to
better moo, 7n lese time and lees charges
then any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
he won't charge anything. dates and orders
can always be arranged at tole office or by
p 919ona1 applloation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the oMae of 1'na Poem, Brussels. 2211
• Honor if redeem of the Ontario Vet-
erinary college, le prepared to treat 011 dls.
eases of domeetlotted animals in a eumnet•
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Deotlecry aud Milk Fever Calls
promptly ooret North of bridge o and r ,.
Broese;e,. 'Phone 4t:k
• Barrister, Solicitor. Conveyancer,
Notary rnbllo, Re. Ulllce—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Ueutral hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
paomnrOOTc HAYS & BLAIR-
W. PaovnrooT,'K.0. R. 0. Have
O. F. BUM. "
Olfloea—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron et Holt,
DR. "R. P. FE/LD
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and. First-class Honor
Graduate of Toronto University,OiBoe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gelert,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even nnmberod'seotion of Dominion
Lands' in Manitoba, Saskatchewan nod
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
?tray be homeetoaded by any perean who to
the sole bead of a family, or any mile over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
eoetion ^t IGO tiaras more or less
Entry may be made personally at the
local laud- °Mee for the dietrlot le which
the laud is situate.
The homesteader is required to perform
the ooudittous oouueoted therewith under
One of the following plans :
(1) At least six months' res, deuce upon
and oattivatlou of the laud' in omit year for
'three years,
(9) It the father (or mother, it the father
is deceased) of the homoeteader resides
upon a farm lo, the vioiuity of the land
entered tor the requirements as to reel-
-dance may be satisfied by snob person re.
siding with the father or mother.
(8) If the settler has his perwanent reel.
donee upon farming ,and owned by biro
in the vicinity of his homestead, the re.
quiroweuts as to resieouaa may be satin.
tied by residence upon the said land.
Sixmouths'natioe in writing shouldbe
given to the Commia,loner of Dominion
Lauds at Ottawa of intention to apply for
: Deputy of the Minister of Interior.
N. B. Unauthorised N
ublie ,
oof this art.
vertiee ant will not be paid foe.
Maobines may .be seen at
MORAY & SHAW'S Hardware
Store, Brussels.
1ittsy paymerit system may
be arranged for4
I also handle the Nordheillt-
er Piano.
Farmers Or Storekeepers
by g
`comin to the
Brussels usssls
Salk Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Bruelsela0
Businoss Oaeels,Ott'
Barrister, Solioltor, Notary, &o„ sa000ssor to
A, B, Macdonald. Odic° •over Steederd Bank,
Brussels, i
Dental Surgeon, Office opposite the postogdoe,
Ss Will visit Gorrle the first and third
Monday of each month. 5841m
DR, T. T. M' RAE
Bachelor of Medicine, university of Toronto
Licentiate and Graduate of the College ut Phy.
sienna and Burgeons, Ont. • Poat.gfrraduato
Ohmage Eye; Ear, Nose and Throat Respite],
Qblo Host Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich,
Rosettes Toronto.
Office over ll'.B. Smith's Drug Biers, Tete•
phone oonneetlon with Olzlabrook at ell hours,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. thy and night calls, Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
GEBavro Tamar Razz war
GOING Sou ru GOING Roams
Mail 7:05 a m I E;preen 10:66 a m
Express 11 2E0 in Mal.,. 1:44 p In
Express 8:02 p in Express 8:59p m
+Bo.i?rn of x Pat MEW
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 8:41 a m 1. Express 11:89 a m
Express .;..,.., 8:11 p m I Express 7:47 p m
O�CtI� tlelDsCgy1(tents
Tux Posen is pleased to state that Reg.
maid S. Fletcher, of Winnipeg, former
ly of l3rnseels, has been appointed Sup-
erintendent of Western • Ageneies in
connection with the Monarch Life As-
surance Co. His territory reaches from
Port Arthur to Victoria, B.C. Few men
of Mr. Fieteher's age are fortunate to
promote so quickly. We wish him the
best of success and expect to see him
continue to climb.
The tender leaves of a harmless lung
healing mountainous shrub, give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvel-
ous curative properties. Tight, tick-
ling, or distressing coughs, quickly
yield to the healing, soothing action,
of this splendid prescription—Dr.
Shoop's Cough Remedy and it is so
safe and good for children as well.
Containing no opium, chloroform, or
other harmful thugs, mothers should
in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's.
If other remedies are offered tell them
no. Be your own judge. Sold by all
MADE LIVE MEMssR,—A very pleas-
ant surprise was given to Mrs. (Rev )
Holmes on Wednesday evening, Dec.
16tb, al the Methodist parsonage at
Dorchester. The members of the W.
M, S. assembled and presented Mrs:
Holmes with a life membership certifi-
cate in their society, and an excellent'
address was read by Mrs. E. McCann;
expressing in warm terms the apprecia-
tion of her untiring efforts as President
of the society since her residence among
them. Mrs. Holmes is much esteemed
for kindness, sympathy and lovable dis-
position, as well as for her zeal in the
missionary cause, bt' the ladies of the
society, as also by others who have been
so fortunate as to be counted among her
friends. Their kind hostess was taken
completely by surprise, but replied in
feeling terms of gratitude and affection.
Rev. Mr. Holmes alms followed with
suitable words of appreciation, counsel
and hope for the future success of the
society and church in general. This
was followed by music and lunch, after
which the ladies returned home, acconc.
ponied by the good wishes. of their
hostess, Rev, Mr. Holmes was a form-
er Methodist pastor ill 8t ussels.
Does your Side Ache 1'.
When the first symptoms appear,
rub with Nerviline-rub it in deeply.
It penetrates to ' the muscles and
cords that are sore—takes away
stiffness—removes all strain and in-
flammation. If the condition is
chronic, put a Nerviline Porous Plaster
on the affected spot. This draws out
any virus or neuralgic irritation,
restores the tissue to their wonted
healthiness, permanently cures any
weakness or tendency to pain. Ner-
viline Plasters absorb all the deleter-
ious secretions through the relaxed
poles and when used along with
Nerviline itself, eyery muscularpain
ar ache must go.
MA'rsrtfoNrnL,—The 'Los Angeles,
(Cal.) Times, of Dec. zoth gives the
following particulars of a wedding in.
which the bride was well known to
l3russelites :—"Miss Jessie Florence
Imlach was married.. to lone, Gray
Garth on Thursday evening at
1yHill Tops," -the borne of Miss
da Mathews, on Avenue 6o, Only rela-
tives s a nd
classmates were present, -Miss
Imisch was attended by Miss Loraine
Cadwell and
they can
women of the
class of'o6 of the Dobtoson School of
Expression, of which Miss Imlach is a
graduate, Earl Haney supported the
gloom, and Dr. Hugh K. Walker read
tale service, The bride was gowned in
a white silk empire creation, and car-
ried white hyacinths and lilies of the
valley, Miss Cadwell wore a dress of
blue and white lace, and carried Ameri,
can ilesuty roses The house decora-
tion included holly, crimson streamers,
wedding bells, roses and chrysanthe-
nitrms. The grounds tvere lighted with
Japanese lanterns. The groom is a
prominent business man of Los Angeles,
and one of the directors of the Union
Rescue Mission. Mrs. Geo. A. Dobin-
son gave the bride away. The young
people are spent iog their honeymoon at
Catalina, but will be at horde after Jan.
Ist at No. 4941 Monte Vista street."
Photos of both Mr. and Mrs, Garth ap-
peared in the paper.
Hedged of Kidney Disease.
How often we hear of these sad
eases, The back—pains and headache
were noticed --but not treated, Dizzy
shells, frequent ea115 and languid con-
dition appeared, but nothing was dohs
till the disease was far advar,eed.
Cure ineariably results from Dr, Ham-
ilton's Pills, They restore perfect
health, destroy every syfnptoln of
diseased kidneys, build up constitu-
tions that defy further outbreaks.
Because purely vegetable and free
from ite'tirious materialg, no remedy
equals Dr, Hamilton's Pills for Kid-
ney and Liver complaint. Sold in 25c,
boxes by all dealers.
SCHOOL BEPOOST.'—Following is the
0114001 report of 5. S, No. 6, Morris,
for the month or December. Tobi!
450:—Entrance.--Lena lull), 302;
Marge Yuill, 387 ; E. Selina, 343,
Jr. IV—Mabel .Bone, 368 ; Russel
Currie, 306 ; Harvey Henderson'
251, III—Russell Bone,
308. Tr, TIT—
Gertie Shaw, 270 ; Lila. 'Wilkinson,
198 ; Sadie Riley, 131 ; John Riley,
68 ; Se. 11—Harold Currie, 370, Jr,
II—Joint Yuill, 844 ; Charlie Sellers,
313; Irene Wilkinson, 270; Isabel
Shaw, 258 ; Ward Seller% 217, Sr,
Pt, I—Jiro Riley. Jr. Pt. I—Mack
Shaw, John Bowman
C, MOCR.AUJ(mN, Teacher,
P250 f rent Wmses—I enclose you a
dollar for your paper which I want
you to send to me at Scott, Sask. I
will give you a few pointers about
this conurty if you will give it a write
up through your paper'. We are
having very mild weather here, just
enough snow for sleighing, I have
taken up a homestead here twenty-
seven miles from Scott, Sask., with
the sight of two reilroael's going
through neat by and `for good soil incl
climate I don't think it can be beaten..
There was no signs of frost for two
Months after the harvest ware off and
the ground is only frozen a foot deep
now. There is plenty of good water
and easily got, It is mostly all level
prairie for miles around here and 1
think in a few 9ears will be one of the
greatest wheat growing districts in
the West. Have found out lately that
I have Located within 12 miles of Win.
Mitchell, another resider of the third
line. Mrs, Harry Stewart, of this
locality, left for the East last week,
Harry is a native of Brussels. He is
running a lumber yard here for the
Golvin Walston Lumber Co. of Battle -
ford. Mrs. Stewart's home is Bast of
Palmerston. Well I guess this is all
Mr. Kerr hoping this will find you
well as it leaves me the same, I sup-
pose you will remember me although
we were not very well acquainted.
Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a
Happy New Year, Yours truly,
OIIAs.. B. Bowls
Scott, Sask.
There is no Quinine. nothing what-
ever harsh or sickening in Preventics.
These little Candy " Gold Cure
Tablets act asby magic. A fewhours
and your threatening Cold is broken.
Oandylike in taste. Preventics please
the children—aud they break the
feverishness always. And least of all
is the economy. A large box --48
Preventics-25 cents. Ask your drug-
gist. He knows.. Sold by all dealers,
Geo. and Mrs. Currie and. daughter
Ruby, were in Toronto attending the
wedding of Miss Addie Currie, the
for•mer's sister.
Miss Joan Hamilton, Domestic
Science Teacher at MacDonald Con-
solidated School, Guelph, is spending
the holiday at her home, 8th con.
Willie Hanna and Misses Carrie and
Laura Hanna, of Henfx•yn North, spent
their Christmas.' holidays with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Enbru-
aryyall(1 cousins, of Stratford.
Frank Boyne, who has been run-
ning a branch tailor shop for 'W.
Jenkins, of Listowel, during the past
three months closed his place and
moved the contents to Listowel.
The regular meetings of North Perth
Farmers Institute will be held in At-
wood, on Jan. 0th, and Millbank Jan.'
7th. The speakers will be W. F. Kydd,
of Siwcoe, and W. E. Shearer, of
The annual meeting of the. E1ma
Reform Association was held in
Mitchell's Hall, Atwood, on Deo. 23rd,
when the following officers were elect-
ed :—President, .Andrew Stevouson ;
1st Vice -Pres., Jas. Newbigging ; 2nd
Vice -Pres., Henry Ronneuberg ; 3rd
Vice -Pres., Alex. Simpson Sec.
treas., Will. M. Turnbull. DI.. Rank-
inand,F. W. Hay were present and
addressed the meeting.
Pity this Poor 01.1.
Growing fast -yes, into weakness,
but without strength. Tired of course
she is—pale and thin too. She doesn't.
eat enough and digests far too little.
This condition is so common, but how
seldom noticed even by fond parents.
Give her Feerozone—then watch her
appetite improve --see her cheeks and
lips grow ruddy—watch her spirits
rise. This gain is simply the result of
eating and digesting 'enough, and
thereby nourishing blood, brain and
nerves. s To a ween
an Ferrozone re-
stores strength she has lost—to a girl
it brings strength perhaps she never
knew. You'll try Ferrozone, 50c. at
all dealers.
Art. Bricker, of Cloverdale, B. 0., is
spending a few weeks with his parents
J.. 8.. and Mrs. Bricker.
Notice of the incorporation of the
Oliphant Oil and Gas Company,
Listowel, capital $22,500, appeared in
the Gazette.
Miss Beatrice Climb), who for the
past two -years has held a position in
Moosomin, Sask., is horn for a visit
with her parents, Andrew and Mrs,
Olimie, Wallace St.
Metiers. Spooner and Purcell, dairy-
men, very acceptably introduced the
Christmas spirit into their relations
with their customers by giving, � their
entire Christmas delivery of milk free
of chargge.
3Clie United Brethren Congregation.
alists are iloltliag revival services in
their church, Main street East, com-
lnencing Sunday and will continue
for two or three weeks,
Boot. Alexander. of Britton, met
with a serious accident, which has de-
prived him of one of his eyes. In.
entering his !rouse he tripped on the
steps and in falling his eye struck the
latch of the storm door', evhich Was
standing open, He was taken to
Stratford Hospital and the injured
eye was removed. '
The choir and Sabbath School teach-
ers of the 'United Brethren Oliut'el1
lnct at the home of Mayor and Mee.
Feerch ;h
on i 7nesday VOII ra ii
g Dec. 29th,
to presort Miss Loin Foorch with an
address anci a Weil filled purse, after L
which rt very enjoyable evening Was
Are Cast -Iron Rouges Built Like Steel Ranges
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges have the
Drop Oven and Low Closet which have
heretofore been exclusive features of the
Inost expensive steel ranges.
They are also the only ranges made with
Fire -Box on right or left side, as may
better ft the kit;hen in which the range
is to be placed. .
"Peerless Penilrsuler+' Ranges are splendid
cookers, are very economical in regard to fuel, are
strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service.
• Let us show you their many . features of
superiority, - 71
WILTON & GI • PIE, - .
spent byall present. The address
was read by Rev. Mu. Geach.
Monday night, Dec. 28th,' the fol-
lowing officers of Bernard Lodge No.
225, G. R. C. were installed in the
presence of District Deputy Grand
Master W. Bro., Foster, of Listowel,
and 'a goodly number of brethren ;—
Donaldson, W. M. ; Jos. Ainley,
S. W. ; Noah Blackmore, J. W. ;-Geo.
Yates, S, Ir. ; D1'. Moore, J. I. ; John
Roe, Chap. ; Geo. Weatherbead, S.
S. ; Jno. Dul.mage,., J. 8, Robt. A.
Thompson, I, G. ; W. Bro. Brook.,
Treas. ; W. Bro. Norphy, D. O. ; J.
Leburger. Tyler. It was also the
occasion of the presentation of a Past
Master's Jewel to 3. A. Kelly by 1, L
Campbell on behalf of the Lodge;
after which tv t the lodge was closed and
move made to the dining hall of the
Arlington hotel where a sumptuous
dinner had been prepared.
Womanly pains, head pains, in fact
any pain anywhere eau be completely
stopped in 20 minutes with one of Dr.
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your
Mater or Druggist about the formula.
It is printed on the box -and it can be
bettered. Try one dose and be con-
vinced. Box 25e. Sold by ail dealers.
Chas. and Mrs. Det"weiller, of Bran-
don, Man., are visiting at the latter's
parents, Wm. Brown's, Boundary.
Miss Alberta McNaught, of Toronto,
and Master Harry, of Goderich High
School have been enjoying their,holi-
days on the old homestead.
Will, and Frank Harrison enter-
tained quite a number of their friends
at their home New Year's eve, The
evening was spent with .games, social
chat, music and dancing until 1909
was ushered in.
In mentioning the bees in this
neighborhood in a previous issue Wm.
Sebnock's was omitted. He had a
successrul wood bee the same week.
Geo. Snelling had a bee hauling wood
to Monkton last Saturday.
Capt. W. S. Turnbull is making an
effort to organize two stretcher squads
in connection with the .33rd Regiment
and would like to secure. the names of
eight young men for this purpose.
The Canadian Northern Railway is
asking Parliament for an extension of
time for the commencement of several
projected lines,' including one from
Niagara River to Goderich and one
from Washago to Kincardine.
E. N. Lewis, M, P., who has been on
the sick list with a threatened attack
of congestion of the bungs, is re-
ported on the mend this week. His
friends, including many on both sides
of. the political fence, wish him a
speedy. recovery.
Rev. W. D. Magee, formerly pastor
of the Goderich Baptist ohureh, but
latterly pastor et Manitou, Man., has
bought out the Morden (Man.) Chroni-
cle and takes pessession shortly. Mr.
Magee was formerly in the newspaper
business and is simply going back to
his first love.
At the annual meeting of the rate-
payers of the separate school B. L.
Dean, James McIntosh, Micheal Finn
and M. Cumming were appointed
trustees for the next two years. W.
A. Chisholm was appointed in place of
Patrick Farr, who as left town, and
the other three'trustees who have
another year of their term yet to
fill are John Kelly, John Dean and
Jalnes Dean.
To' cure Sniffling Colds.
The easiest and pleasantest cure is
which fills the nose,
throat and lungs with healing bal-
sams and pine essences that kill a cold
You ex a len
x ce a pleasant
I asant
sensation of relief at once. Soreness,
congestion and irritation leave the
nose and throat, the head is cleared
ttnd every trace of cold or Catarrh is
cured, Catar'rhozone is so sure, so
pleasant, snob a safe remedy for Win-
ter ills that you can't afford to do
without it: Sold by all dealet's,25c.
and $1.00. Get Datarrhozone today.
Dr, Aikenhead succeeds Dr. Fer-
Fred. White, who has been attelid-
ing the College of Pharmacy, has
passed his final examination with
A. Hemphill, of Minnesota, has been
visiting his brother' here whom he has
not seen for over 0 quarter of a cen-
f W.Ortfvein got a pleasant sur -
poise reccivin through the mail,
twenty-five gg'�
dollars 'n
Y a s t gold, The firm
from which he purchased well paper
gave two prizes to the latgest buyers
and J. W. was 011e of therm
The hockey Club held ti tneeting at
the Mascot when the following officers
were elected :—Hot1. Pros,,, . N. .1i,,.
Cook ; Pros., 11..I. I). Cooke ; Vico
Pres., Alex. Brandt ; Manager', Tr.
Stnallacotnbo ; Sec-Treas., A, W. le.
Hemphill. There was a good attend-
attce. ,,
Rev. air: and Mrs. Toll left on Tues-
day for Brnokdale, Oxford:Onunty,
where the former officiated at the
ge of his brother, Dr, Toll, ,who
came from the West, to wed an On-
tario girl, The faintly held a Petirticn
at the homestead at Onvroy,Essex
County, to celebrate the S2nd birth-
day of their aged father.'
Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson left 1lensall
on Monday of last week for Toronto
their future home. They Went by
way. of Alitcbell where the Dr. held a
consultation with Dr, Smith over the
erase of Mrs. Will. Stoneman of that
place. They will be much missed in
church and social circles. Their many
friends hero wish them success in the
city. Print' to leaving, Dr, Ferguson
was presented by the members of his
Bible Class, with It handsome Morris
char.', accompanied by an address.
Oroup positively stopped in 20.min-
utes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy.
One test alone will surely prove this
truth: No vomiting, no distress. A
safe antl pleasing syrup -50c. Sold by
all dealers.
Professor John Hogg spent : some
days at the old home in McKillop.
Wm. and itirs. Calder, of Copper
Cliff, are visiting at the home of A.
G. and Mrs. Calder,
McKillop Telephone Co. will hold a'
meeting in Oalder's Hall, Winthrop,
on Friday, January 8th.
Anniversary services will be held in
raven church, Winthrop, on Jan,
10th. Rev. J. W. McIntosh, B. A..
Mitchell, willpreach at 11 a, en. and
7 p. m., and Rev. D. 'Rogers, B. A.,
Seaforth, at 8 in the afternoon. On
Monday evening a fowl supper will be
served in the basement from six to
eight o'clock, after which an excellent
program will be given in the church.
Besides several speakers, who will
give addresses, Miss Martin, of Exeter,
and a quartette from Brussels will
take part in the po_ogram.
Miss N. Rilioran, who bas been
teaching in Windsor, has resigned her.
position there and is house.
Samuel Hanna, of Yellow Grass,
Sask., is spending a couple of months
with friends in this vicinity.
The three new Separate School
trustees elected by acclamation, for
this town are John Shine, Dennis
Andrews and Peter Cleary.
Mrs. Joseph Dyson, of Bgmondville,
has completed three quilts, two with
2,800 pieces each and the third with
3,960 pieces and all made by hand.
Wm. Gillespie, who has been at-
tending the London Medical College,
has been appointed house surgeon at
Victoria Hospital, London, and will
assume the duties after graduation.
The large pig, which was on exhi-
bition in Kennedy's butcher shop was
weighed Dec. 24th. This pig was the
largest ever known of in Western
Ontario. It's live weight was 1.010
lbs., dressed 823 Iles. The prizes for
guessing at its weight were awarded
as follows—first prize, T. Connelly, of
Hibbert, second prize, R. Wilson, of
Seaforth, third prize, George Cottle,
of Clinton.
DIED IN O.1sINA,—Alexander Mo-
Lean, trade commissioner of the
Canadian Government in China and
brother of M. Y. McLean, M. 1?., of
the Seaforth Expositor, died in Shang.
If everything else in the
house did its share of
the work as well as
Mack Knight'
Stove Polish
very few women would
complain of the housework.
`,'Black Knight" does away
with the everlasting
rubbing and polishing. It
shines quickly and produces
a result that satisfies
most particular.
Always ready for use for
Stoves, Grates and other
It's the best polish and the
biggest can for the money.
Stud dealer's name and 100
for full size can if you canit
get "Black Rnight" in your
IU5itr0N, Ont, SA
hal, China, on Dee, 2211d, 11fr, 1120.
Lean was seventy-four years of age,
and before his appointment 'to the
contnlissiofrersllip Was a pronlineet
citlsen of Ottawa, where for many
years he had been identified with,
manufaeturing interests, He way
born in Brent :county, Ontario, and
after a brief period in early ,manhood
spent in teaching
became a news-
paper writer. Vr, MeLean establish-
ed the Mitchell Reformer,
he published
the Cornwall Freeholder from 1805 to
1812, and he represented the Globe in
the Parliamentary Press Gallery clue-
ing the stonily period from 1872 to
1874. .Later be published the Ottawa
Times, a paper of brief life, and as it
final service la jouralism acted 45
Managing Director of the Montreal
Bilious Disorders.
If you are frequently bilious or have
feelings of nausea, there is a reason.
When the liver action is normal the
bile is secreted in the proportions
necessary to ensure the digestion of
When liver action is irregular it is
an evidence of impairment of nerve
When t11esederangements occur,
an undue alnountrof work it thrown
upon the liver and kidneys, they re-
bel—the whole system suffers, and
ill -health follows.
Another dangerous result of de-
ragement of the biIia1•y function is
constipation. Deadly disease results
Limn this condition.
This is a hateful condition because
it ensures two results—heavyditrk
rings under the eyes and a salowness
that's absolutely abhorrent.
These derangements if allowed to
continue excite the formation of gall-
stones, cause jaundice, catarrhal in-
flantmation of the bowels, and in-
If you wish to get better the very
root of the trouble must be reached.
This can be accomplished only by
Ferrozone—a remedy that strength-
ens the system, the blood, the liver
and kidneys.
Ferrozone is a food for the nervous
It fortifies and strengthens it.
The nervous system controls all
the functions of the body,
Improve its tone, you improve the
tone of the whole body and this is
what Ferrozone accomplishes,
Its first action is to fortify digestion
—this means nourishment and more
building material.
Ferrozone makes rich, red blood—
lots of it, and this means the proper
action of all the large and vital organs
of the body.
Quickly there comes strength, vigor,
endurance—that glow of feeling which
we call health.
You are sure of robust health, sure
of strong nerves, good appetite, sure
to look and feel your best if you use
Ferrozone ; try this great tonic, sold
everywhere in 50c. boxes,
Xou will find at the Cober
Carriage Factory a good as
sortlnent of First-class Bob.
sleighs, Cutters, Wheelbar-
rows, Hand Sleighs and
Clothes Reels,
All kinds of kt'epail'i»g and
Repainting promptly attend-
ed to.
John Cober
The Star Grocery
We handle the best Groceries and Con-
fectiocery for .Xmas that money can buy.
The best goods at lowest prices.
Fru its
California Navel Oranges
Bananas, Dates, Figs
Almeria Grapes
Very Best Raisins and Currants
Doer's Chocolates and Son Bons also
McLanghlin's Confectionery and
Fancy Cakes of all kinds.
Our stock of Groceries is Fresh and Clean.
e3rGood Bread always on hand.
Please call and see our stock to be
Cutters Cutters
WIWWWiliftweememigagageERWIll g�
HAVEyou seen EWAN & Co's large display of Cutters T They , knock out
anything on the market, °' We have a very large stock of nearly all kinds
and sizes for the corning Winter and they are made of the very best material.
every brace about thein being the very ioughest of steel. They are trimmed with
the very best of German Mocate and Leather Cloth, For style and neatness our
little piano box Cutters can't be beaten. We have a number of styles of Cutters
with Pops on them which makes s most comfortable vehicle, the 'Pops beinga
great weather protector. Large and small sizes in Portlands and a number f
Street and Speeding Cutters. It will pay anyone to examine 00l' two large Shot
Rooms as we have a large number to choose from. g v
Bob -sleighs - Heavy and Light
Timber all Oak.
Second-hand Buggies
We have.a number of First•class Second -baud Buggies which we tvislc to dis-
pose of this Fall. Come quick and get your pick,
Repairs done on all kinds of Rigs in our line and at smallA rices.
Don't miss the large exhibit at our Carrie a Shop. We will
by purchasing your Rigs at g h tv 1 save you;money
Co's Carriage Shop
Roller Flour Mills
is now in full operation. It will save you
!none to have av e your Oats '.Flaked" before
feeding horses
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invi.orating
Don't forget that out 4"WLoaf"
hits Flour
is tilllead -
a taking the le.t�d for Broad Flours,-
tt A11 kinds of reed kept constantly on hand.