The Brussels Post, 1909-1-7, Page 2HA' 3
�rome physicians deny that there
is such a condition as lithemis or
the ''"uric -acid diathesis," which
moans an abnormal tondenoy to
the formatio 1 o'f the lithie or uric
acid—the two words are synony-
mous—hi the body; but whatever
they may choose to call it, there
surely is a eertain habit of body, a
sort of cousin to gout, although in
several ways it differs . from that
There are a number of widely
varying symptoms attending it, all
of which, however, show that the
nutrition is out of order, In Amer-
ica it is much more common than
gout itself.' It is often found in
people who have gouty relatives,
and in a large majority of the eases
they are people who drink too much
malt cr; spirituous liquor, and eat
too much rich food, and who take
too little exercise,
The symptoms of uric -acid pois-
oning are many and varied. Differ-
ent forms of indigestion are com-
mon, especially that form called by
the sufferers "biliousness." There
may be headache, neuralgia,
cramps, and in severe cases, thick-
ening of the arterial walls, causing
palpitation and other troubles.
Thetreatment of the uric -acid
excess and of gout aro much alike,
because both conditions are caused
by an excess of something in the
system which must be prevented
from forming if possible, which is
of course the better way, or must
be got rid of if already formed.
The treatment so strongly advo-
cated by Dr. Alexander Haig, the
great English authority on this
subject, is largely negative. He
says if you do not take any uric
acid into the body you will not
have to suffer from it, and you will
not be put to the bother of getting
rid of it. Most persons might be
inclined to complain that his list
of the forbidden is discouragingly
long, and his proposed dietary
somewhat strenuous, but it had
better be accepted that extreme
sufferers from uric -acid troubles.
must lead a careful life as to diet
if they would obtain relief.
For ordinary eases there are
three rules whioh should be strictly
kept: Live very temperately, eat
with great moderation, take no al-
cohol whatever.
The skin should be kept active
by bathing and abundant friction,
and the more exercise in the open
air the better. For persons oblig-
ed to live a sedentary life, this
matter of open-air oxereise is a
vital one if they would keep their
•uric acid down to a bearable point.
—Youth's Companion.
Thereis no more beautiful tonic
than good, hearty laughter. It in-
flates the lungs and has a magic
effect upon the system. Giggling is
not laughing, and it is a habit that
brings wrinkles and soon spoils
even a pretty face. Why not
laugh? It improves the appear-
ance and makes one popular.
There is nothing to be glum over,
and, if there is, being glum will not
help it. Be happy and bright and
everyone will wish to help you.
The girl who wants to be beautiful
must sleep with fresh air, plenty of
it, in her room. She must go out
and revel in the sunshine. She
must find plenty of laughter in her
daily life. That is the only true
way to live and the only way cap-
able of bringing beauty.
Often when allother remedies
have failed to cure a sick headache
vinegar will succeed in relieving
it. If some second parson will dip
the tips of the fingers in vinegar
and then lightly stroke the fore-
head, stroking up and clown and
around the temples, relief will be
found. Tf there is no one to do
this, however, dip a handkerchief
in vinegar and lay it across the
forehead 'wet. As soon as .one side
of the handkerchief becomes dry
and warm dip it over again in the
vinegar and apply it to the fore-
head until the pain has disappear-
ed. A cup of hot tea taken in con-
nection with this will he found
beneficial, One must lie down, of
"Brother Lastly," saidthe
spokesinnan, "I have an unpleasant
duty to perform. 'There is a report
that you have said that one of the
best and most worthy members of
our congregation is unable to at-
tend service often on account of
not having good clothes. We have
come to ask the name of that mem-
ber, Wo don't know of any such
person, and a report of that kind.
is likely to reflect upon us as a
Congregation that does not look
after its poor bet worthy membern,
Will you tell me who it is'" "Cer-
tainly, beethrcn," replied the 11e'v.
Mr. Lastly, with a bravo attempt;
to be cheerful, "it's al wife."'
Dan Bo Relieved by Keeping the
Blood Supply Rich ,With Dr,
Pint Pills.
A woman needs a blood building
medicine regularly just because she
is a woman. /from maturity to
middle life, the health and happi-
ness of every woman depends upon
her blood, its richness and its re-
gularity. If her blood is poor and
watery she is weak, languid, pale
and nervous. If her blood supply
is irregular she suffers from 'head-
aches, backaches sidoaohes and the
other unspeakable distress which
only woi en know. Some women
have grown to expect this suffering
at regular intervals and to bear it
in hopeless. silence. But women
would escape much of this misery
if they took a box or two of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to help them
over each critical period. These
Pills actually make new blood.
They help a woman just when na-
ture makes the greatest demand'
upon her blood supply. They have
done this for thousands of women
throughout. Canada, why not for
you l
Mrs. Joseph Kinney, Gilbert's
Cove, N. S., says :—"For ten years
1 suffered from nervousness and
those troubles that make the lives
of so. many women one of almost
constant misery. At times I would
be confined to my bed for weeks. I
spent sleepless nights and seemed
to lose all courage. I tried several
doctors, but they failed to give Inc.
any relief. The last doctor T con-
sulted told me frankly that he
could not undertake my case unless
I would undergo an examination.
It was then I decided to give Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After
taking six boxes I was much im-
proved in health, but I -continued
to take the Pills for a couple of
months more when I felt like a new
woman, and was enjoying such.
health as I had not experienced for
ten years before. I have, had no
return of the trouble since, but I
have used the Pills once since that
time for the after effects of la
grippe and the result was all I
hoped for. These are plain facts
from my own experience and I have
always felt that I cannot too
strongly recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills to the many women who
suffer as I did."
You can get these Pills from any
dealer in medicine or by mail at 50
cents a box or sic boxes for $2.50
from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Happenings in the Emerald Isle of
Interest to Irish-
Abraham Blaok, D,C„ Bailypat-
rick, Cushendom, has been appoint-
ed a magistrate for Co. Antrim.
Very Rev. Dr. Cummins, D,D.,
Adth., Sligo, was given a hearty
welcome home from Rome by the
William Gerety, Ballymahon, has
been elected rate collector for his
home district by the Longford
County Council.
Chevalier O'Loughlin, who had
been on an extended visit to Kil-
kenny, has left that city on his re-
turn journey to Australia.
The Local Government Board
have sanctioned the erection of 174
cottages out of 300 proposed by the
Tipperary Rural Council, No. 1.
Omagh Guardians have granted
the master of their union an in-
crease of salary amounting to $75
per year, making the actual salary
$325 per year.
Longford Guardians have grant-
ed a pension of $400 per year to
Dr. Edward Winslow, who resigned
some weeks ago after forty-eight
years' service.
The major portion of the great
Scully ranch in Co, Kilkenny has
been broken up and many evicted
tenants on the Tullaroan part' have
been reinstated,
The Local Government Board
have sanctioned the appointment of
Margaret Looby as infirmary night
nurse in Tipperary workhouse at a
salary of $125 a year.
At Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny,
James Byrne, of Rathcash, was re-
turned for trial to the winter as-
sizes on a charge of murdering his
brother, William Byrne, by shoot-
While out hunting recently with
the King's County pack, of which
he is popular master, Mr. Aeshoton
Biddulph fell from his horse and
sustained severe injuries.
A motion to inerease the salary
of the matron of the Clonmel
trict' Lunatic Asylum from $400 to
$500 was defeated by seven votes to
five at a meeting of the committee
Mi'. B. Porter Rocksmount,
Carndonagh, has obtained for the
fourth season in two'lession the
highest price paid foe , ax sold In
Coleraine market this season, $15,30
per owt.,•for loos than a ton.
Donegal Guardians have decided
to eruct open air shelters for con-
sumptive patients, the cost to be
defrayed by loan. They are the
first body in the country to act on '
such progressive Lines, DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CVItli;D
The Congested Districts Board CHAS N. CYR'S RIAEU-
have purchased the farm of Bally- 11iA'1'IS1l .
glass, Co, Galway, six miles from
Oastieliea. The farm, whioh con-
tains over three hundred Irish Statement of a Man Who Suffered
acres, was owned by M, J. P, Mill- for a Tear From Different Ferins
ligan, J.P., Roscommon. of Kidney Disease and Found a
While two men named William Speedy Curo.
and Patrick: 'White were engaged
felling a tree at Behamore, near New Richmond Station, (ane.,
Cloughjordan, a child named Dec., 28 (Special)—In these cold fall
Thomas Hassett, four years, ran days when Rheumatism, Sciatica,
under the trunk as it was falling Backache and other Kidney 'Dis-
and was instantly killed. eases are working havoc in every
Tho various branches of the U.T. corner of Canada, thousands will
L., in County Sligo, are unani- be interested in the stabemont of
moiisly co-operating in the move- Mr. Chas, N. Cyr, the well-known
mont towards erecting a memorial barber of this place.
to the late John Stinson, who was I had boon a sufferer from
shot bythe police in a recent en- Rheumatism and Backache for a
countr withthepeople. 3`ear," M. Cyr states, ""My head
also troubled me and it was hard
• to collect my thoughts. I heard of
1 cures made by Dodd's Kidney Pills
SEALERS' ADVENTURE. andmade up my mind to try them,
The marvellous effect of the first
Eighteen Spcnt Twenty Days on a box on my system at once raised
Lonely Island. my hopes and by continuing to take
them I am now a sound and well
Eighteen Scots, sealers from the man. All my pains and aches are
Island of Lewis, have just met with gone and I am able to do my work
adventures such as one reads of in without pain."
"Robinson Crusoe." Mr. Cyr is only one .of thousands
In small boats, on a day when whom Dodd's. Kidney Pills have
the sea was as calm as a lake, the cured of Rheumatism, Sciatica and
men set out for the Island of North Backache. For Dodd's Kidney
Rona, 45 miles distant. They drew Pills always cure sick or disorder-
up their boats in the only safe
landing place, and the whole band
at once set out to hunt the seals.
They found hundreds of them, and,
getting between them and the sea-
shore, killed 320, and secured the
Preparations were made to return -
home the next day, but during the
night the weather broke, and in-
stead of launching their boats they
had to haul them 100 yards farther
up. So rough was the weather,
that the sealers set about building
temporary shelters. Crusoe-like
they carried all they could from:
the boats, and soon had two com-
fortable houses built. Their beds
they made of grass.
For the first few days the men
were well provided, but they took
the precaution of putting them-
selves on short rations, For light.
and fire they used seal blubber.
The provisions at last gave out,
and the men killed a sheep, of
which there are a few on the island,
and caught the sleeping sea birds
on the rocks.
Twenty days passed before the
weather was fit for the men to take
to their small boats again. They
are now safe at home, greatly to
the delight of their wives and fam-
Long Line of Carriers, Each With
Single Article of Furniture.
One of the strangest sights " of
Cairo streets is a household mov-
ing, says Leslie's Weekly. There
are no vans for the purpose. When
a family wishes to move the head of
the house contracts with a native
mover, and on the day appointed
this man with his assistants, some-
times as many as 30 or 40, appear
on the scene. One takes a chair
and starts off, another seizes a sofa,
five or six or even ten or twelve
men get under a piano and march
along, and one by onetheothers
follow, each ane bearing some piece
of household goods. The things
are put in place as they reach the
new house, and in a fewhours the
moving has been accomplished and
everything is in shipshape. The
human vans seldom walk unless
their load is unusually heavy. A
man with a sofa or with four or five
chairs piled on his back will keep'
up a continuous jog trot for hours
without appearing to tire.
The person who is always fishing
for compliments is a nuisance of
the first water.
Women are naturally foolish;
they aro more afraid of mice than
they are of men,
An End to Bilious Headache. —
Biliousness, which is caused by ex-
cessive bile in the stomach, has a
marked effect upon the nerves, and
often manifests itself by severe
headache. This is the most dia-
tressing headache one can have.
There are headaches from cold,
from fever; and from other causes,
but the most excruciating of all 15
the bilious headache. Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will cure it—cure
it almost immediately. It will dis-
appear as soon as the Pills operate.
There is nothing surer in the treat-
ment of bilious headache.
The right kind of a man doesn't
have to speed half his time looking
for a job.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will
always cure my coughs and colds,"
The wind frequently turnsan
umbrella, but a borrower seldom
returns it,
ed Kidneys. And -if your Kidneys.
are well you "'can't have Rheuma-
tism, Sciatica or Backache.
Augustus -1'm quite afraid to call
on Miss Smarteig°b. They say she's
a. mind reader.
Maria—Oh, you needn't get ner-
vous about that.
{ 1
LI I, `1 G .R1V
l ItIA
0£h�r�i rf 11
Very few people have any idea of,
tho enormous value of the toba'co
crop to the world in general.
It is more extensively, used.thanl
any other product grown in the,
world with the exception of tea.
In 1604 the total production of
tobacco for the world was estimat-
ed at
stimated'at 4,100,000,000 pounds valued at
Tho amount of duties collected is
estimated at one billion of dollars.
There aro hundreds of different
typos grown, and every country,
every state, every province, almost
itsevery county has a peculiar type of
Some sections raise pipe tobacco
only, others raise chewing tobacco
only, and 'others cigar tobacco'
When cigars are mentioned every
smoker naturally thinks of the Is-
land of Cuba, the Island that makes
the standard for the world, for ci-
gars. All other 'countries have
tried to imitate, but none have
ever equalled.
All Cuba tobacco, however, is
not good tobacco and each prov-
ince in. the Island grows a type of
its own, in fact each district or
Few people realize how painstak-
ing a manufacturer must be in the
selection of the Cuban leaf in order.
to produce a satisfactory cigar, not
only musthe be particular as to
the ash, the burn, the aroma, but
above all to the taste. Some types
possess all the desirable qualities
except the taste. It may be a little
flat, a little seedy, lacking that
spice necessary to satisfy the pal-
ate, the same as cabbage needs
vinegar, consomme need Worcester
sauce, or steak needs salt. In order
to obtain the necessary spice the
manufacturer has to select, from
another district, a spicy; tobacco,
to blend with the other desirable
qualitiesalready obtained, in or-
der to secure the perfectly satisfac-
tory palatable cigar.
A Woman's Sympathy All manufacturers strive to ob-
Are you dieccuraged2 TB your doctor's tain the blend that will suit the
but a heavy financlale load? Is yourepatn majority, but fore obvious reasons
a heavy physical burden? I know what many fall in .rho -ahem t.
these: mean to. delicate women—I have P
been dlscoura ed, too; but learned bow to It requires a long and Careful
dens Why not end the gain an Stop
cure myself. want to -relieve your bth
doctor's -
f h
done. b 1?' I can do thinr
study of the section of the country
for you and om wich the tobacco originates,
wit} if yon ed. assist me, a studyof its fermentation, of its
All ou. need do fs to write for a free
bo my the remedy given haas been Pep placed
blending, of its workmanship, and.
this. one box will euro you—it visa done so the- manufacturer making the study
for others. Ti so, I shall ba happytand must. personally have a'very'. die
you will bo cured for 2c Ytho cos of. a
postage stamp). Your letters held conn- Crilnlnating taste.
ment�11naits r tanto -day for Svindso ;roala.
, hfr. J. Bruce Payne, of Granby,
is an enthusiastic tobacco student,
and a recognized authority on To-
bacco. When smoking ono of his
Pharaoh cigars you can feel assur-
ed that you are enjoying one of the
choicest blends in domestic ten cent
"Well, Sally, did you eat your,
ice cream with avidity?"
"No, I eat it with -a spoon."
They are Not Violent in Action.
Some persons, when they wish to
cleanse the stomach, resort to Ep-
som and other purgative salts.
These' are speedy in their action,
but serve no permanent good.
Their use produces incipient chills,
and if persisted in they injure the
stomach. Nor do they act upon the
intestines in a beneficial was,. Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills answer all
purposes in this respect, and have
no superior.
Mrs. Stubb—Now, women are not,
impulsive, like you men. They al-
ways measure their words.
Mr. Stubb (with a sigh)—Ob, if
some of them would only give short
Repeat it.—" Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
"Before we were married," said
Mrs, Chatterton, "you used to tell
me how much you -loved' me, but you
never do now." "Of course not,
my dear, "replied the masculine
end, of the matrimonial combine.
"Since our marriage you haven't
given me a chance to tell you any-
As P00 Spreads In dry grace, so doesan indam•
matiun in the throat grow down Into the lungs.
Deal promptly with a cold as with a ere, end
when Y0,11)0011 to cough use Alioa'aLung Balsam.
7.he young man had gone to the
heiress's father—always a ticklish
job --but he took his courage 'with
an iron grip. "Sir," be blurted
out, "I want to ask you for your
daughter's hand." The old man,
not in the least disconcerted, said:
-"Which handl The one she signs.
cheques with, I suppose?"
Repeat it:-" Shiloh's Cure will ale
ways cure my coughs and colds."
Some of the West Indian island-
ers have learned that when a fore-
igner misbehaves himself on 'their
shores it is better tosuffer in si-
lence than to mete' out punishment
at the risk of a visit from a gun-
boat from the miscreant's native
land. A judge in Haiti recently
took occasion to pay off old scores
to redeem hie self-respect in the,
ease of an offender brought before
him. To his first question, as to
the nationality of the accused, the
interpreter answered that the pris-
oner was from Switzerland.
"Switzerland!" said the judge,
"That country has no sea -coast,
has itl"
"No, your honor," replied the in-
"And no navy?"
"And no navy, your honor,"
Very well then, said the judge,
"give lam a year's hard labor i"
Misery loves company, but who
ever heardof any company that
liked misery?
Give Holloway's Corn Cure a
trial. It removed ten corns from
one pair of feet without any pain.
What it has done once it will do
Sentinel • (on guard) : "Halt 1
Who comes there 1" Tho Colonel:
"Fool!" Sentinel : "Advance,
fool, and give the countersign."
it: -"Shiloh's Cure will always
cure my coughs and colds."
Six thousand workers are employ-
ed on ono of the electrical plants
in Germany. -
What le the Boot Thing to strengthen weak
back? rho Dd. L•' Menthol Plaster. It will
cure lumbago and rhoumattem. 51 rolls make
seven 21c. plasters, Davis. do Lawrence 00.,
Only ono man in the City of Lon-
don outside the Tower possesses the
password which enables flim to an-
swer the challenge of the sentries
at any time, It is the Lord Mayor
and the password'is given to him by
authority of the ging.
Pleasant as syrup ; nothing equals
it as a' worm medicine; the name
is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator, The greatest worm destroyer
of the age.
"Pa," said the blooming laugh-
ter of the household, "I wish you
wouldn't call young Mr, Softloigh
a popinjay!" "And why. nob?"
"Because he isn't a jay, and there
doesn't seem to be any hope of his
`poppin' r
It sometimes happens that two
women are apparently good friends
because they aro bitter enemies,
1SS'1JI1 NO, I-•03.
elsO ....,
We Guarantee 9 Per Cent.
Why draw only three in the Savings Bank ?
Your money can always be withdrawn by giving
one Week's: notice, Interest paid monthly. No
delays. WRITE US.
Standhrd Stoo,rxo,langa Bldg., Toronto, Ont.
Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools,
Theatres, and in thousands of homes where apiaano
of linctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the
only piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action.
Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75.
�-1152'LL' 0.1ANO 9 Orgon Co-, J.imiied CSU-t'.LPH.ONTARFta3
How many ways a moral sees
To gain a luring prize;
There are three thousand recipes
For making pumpkin pies.
It is an Elixir of Life.—Since
forgotten time, men have been seek-
ing for the Elixir of Life, which
tradition says once existed. Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic 0i1 is an Elixir,
before which pain cannot live. ' It
is made -tip of six 'essential oils,
carefully blended so that their aura -
live properties are concentrated in
one. It has no equal in the treat-
ment of lumbago, rheumatism, and
all bodily pains.
No woman who cares for appear-
ances can afford to weep itailless she
has a dainty handkerchief to use
as a tear mop.
it:—"Shiloh's Cure will always
cur(my coughs and colds."
Smallpox is a dreaded scourge;
so much so: that, ,if it be reported
that a case exists in a neighbor-
hood,. a thrill passes through the
whole community.' Yet those who,
suffer from smallpox, and recover,:
usuallylive to a green old age. It
seems to renew life in some myster-
ious way by thoroughly purifying
the blood.
Painkiller In winter cheeks chills, breaksup
colds and thus prevents Bronchitis, l.ngrippe
and Rheumatism. Unequalled asa liniment for
host bites, chilblains., bruises, op,alns,- Sold b,
all druggists. Only one Painkiller—Perry Davis.
Never before has the struggle for
social and commercial success been
so Iceen asin our own day, and to
the victor and the vanquished alike
comes a time wben nerves and body
cry for rest. Nature and science
have combined to produce an en-
vironment where tired men and
women may renew their youth. On
the main line of the Grand Trunk
Railway System, at St. Catharines,
Ontario, is situated "The Welland"
where the ills of life are alleviated
by bathing in the Saline Springs of
the "St. Catharines Well," under
proper medical supervision and at
tendance. Apply to 130 St. James
street,._ Montreal for booklet and
further information.
Applicant: "No, ma'am, I
couldn't work where there was
children." Mrs. Keephouse: "Bat
we advertised for a girl who under-
stood children." Applicant: "I de
understand 'em; ma'am, That's
why I wouldn't work where they
A. McTAUCART, M.D., C,r't.,
75 Youge Street, Toronto, Canada.
References.. to Dr. McTaegart'a profs pionai
stundin8 and personal integrity permitted by:
:yr W. n. Meredith, Chief Justice. •
Don, G. w. Roe., ex -Premier of Ontario.. N. nurwasb, D, D., .Presidout Victoria
ker. Vanier: roofy, President of 5t. /diehard's
o Mega, Toronto.
. Right Roy. A. Sweetman, Diebopp of Toronto.
Rev. Wm. hlaiLaren, D. D., Principal Knox
Dr. McTaggart's vegetable remedies for the:
liquor and tobacco habits are healthful, safe
inexpensivehome treatments. No hypoderm:
injections no publicity, • no loss of time fro
business. and a certain cure
, e •at,nn r r•srnondenee Invited.
Doctor—"Do you • talk in your
sleep?" Patient—"No. I talk in
other people's. I'm a clergyman."
The greater the irritation in the
throat the more distressing the
cough becomes. Coughing is the
effort of Nature to expel this irri-
tating substance from the air pas-
sages. Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup will heal the inflamed t
which exude mucous, and restore
them to a healthy state, the cough
disappearing under the curative ef-
fects of the medicine. :It is i -o'as-
ant to taste, and the price, 25 ce,.ts,
is within the reacli.of all.
Tramp—"Give -me something to
eat, 1;idy !" Lady of .House —
"Would a chop suit?" Tramp
(suspiciously) — "Mutton or fire-
wood, lady?"
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure Witt
always cure my coughs and colds."
"`And we have one baby," said
the meek man who was applying
for lodgings, "Will you mind it?"
"Mind it1" snapped the thin -faced
lady. "Of courser not. Do you
think I'm a nurse?"
S Ralsd Th -m without Milk..:
I)J 1'l, qL�i Booklet Fran.
Steele Drina Seed 00., LW.. Toronto
59ry{��a;��a— WA N T E D fa eent:,'
La3,e 1° ndrds I r env untied shed
eno.ce,ds to 11°canepKuoo, places e
d.tdb0ta .m O ndamdsing menu. commtdon or wtarr
iso per month sad . per's s{ p r d.. 5 eedy o'rli
th y send t ndrely new pin experience regelrad.
w it r r'p.mrala .., °
ROYAL REMEDY -03,, London, Ontario, panacea
par s, T. H. SMITH & CO.
Wholesale Produce Merchants
Manahan Toronto Board of Trade.
70 Colioorne St., Toronto
Alien's Lung Balsam Is nspeeially intended to
break up neglected coughsand Many hopeless
acmes ?rave been sated . y its use. Contains no
opium in any form.
London't trouble is her fog, To-
kio's trouble is earthquakes ; in her
worst 200,000 residents were killed,
Calcutta's trouble is cholera, and
the bubonic plague is the trouble
of Bombay; each eity pays to her.
trouble an annual tribute of 0,.00.
lives. Madrid's trouble is the So-
lan, a summer wind from ,the south-
east; it is exceedingly hob, and is
accompanied by blinding, choking
clouds of dust, so that, notwith-
stan-ling a tempet'a;tilte of 108 or
110 degrees, all windows must be
closed, The mistral is the trouble
of Marseilles, an oast wind that in-
creases the city death rate 50 per
cent: liagdad's trouble is the "Bags
dad button," a sere that attacks
practically every resident and visi-
tor, it.'tvin;q a button -shaped per- sear.
and °leaning. Thl. 1. a epeolaltp with the
Bead particulars by post tool we nen sure 10 aa+:laty
Delmas her tab etontrsal.
Stook Brokers & Finanolal itg3nta
and other stooks unuaht and sold cit onmmisslOn.
correspondonae i vltod. Orders may 50 wired al
Razor Sharpener.
Do not threw awn.), your mono in buying
a new Razor because your old ono will not
Work, but buy a cake el our '. Perfection
?razor Paste:" which will keep your 13,0,,,
In perfect nutting condition, and with 0.0re
wiillastyou alifetime. If your Hardware
or Drug Dealer Ilium of handlo this, send
us elle. and Wo will forward same post.pald
Wawab89a, Man .
Shipments to us this year, to ibtto 0linnpt
double IDA roan '11100105 A 11ia1AHO?i,
Over two hhndrea trappers and shippers who
Had previously shipped ol,owhee0 Ityve boon
added to our list. WRY N0'1 YOU? 0'o pay
best prloes, yhipp og eimonses and remit oriels
HOMO day, Price Set nit applloaticu.
s A. E. PIEIt0Iit & 00.
.+. a� , .RN L 8 .,w +.r.w+ 1rib;lTRs; tr