The Brussels Post, 1909-1-7, Page 1bit
POL. 3� NO, 27 W. H. KERB, Pyopyietua'
For 60 Days, Commencing Saturday, Dec. 12
When this store talks special Sale it means something. The price has been set in earnest. Everything
must move in a full hearted way. Owing to the exceptionally One Fall andthe hard tines of the past year we
find our stock altogether too large. For this reason we have resolved to make this a great I3arveet Home
time ; a time of bargain selling and a time of receiving cash for accounts. Bargains for everybody, young
and old, for Cash only.
20th Century Brand Clothing
The 20th Century Brand Clothing is the finest Clothing made in, Canada to -day and is not even surpassed
pa sed
by the best custom tailors for style, fit and workmanship. We are sole agents in Brussels.
ZJ1a� 150 AMITY"
Overcoats and Raincoats
at 25 per cent. discount
$24.00 Coats on sale at $18.00
" 15.00
12.75 .
100 Men's Sults
in Blacks and Blues and Fancy
$22.00 22.00 Suits now going at $16.50
18.00 " " 13.50
17.00 " " 12.75
16.00 " " 12.00
- 15.00 " " 11.25
13.50 " " 10.13
13.00 " 9.75
12.60 " '� 9.38
Black & Blue . Serge Suits
Regular $7.60 Suits for $5.00
" 10.00 " 8.75
12.00 " 8.25
13.00 " 8.75
16.00 " 10.50
50 Special Suits
all sizes 34 to 42, in good Tweeds
reg. 8.50 to $15. Your 8.50
choice of. the lot for.. , .
We will make anything in
our Tailoring Department at
greatly reduced. prices.
Blacks, Blues or Fancy Tweeds
Regular $28.00 Suits at $23.00
28.00 " 21.00
" 25.00 " 20.00
" 24.00 " 19.50
" 22.00' " 18.00
„ 20.00
100 Boys' Suits at
50 per cent. discount
Two-piece and
Three.piece Suits
in fancy patterns,
regular $2160 to
$7.50, now going
with prices cut in
two Prom -
$1,25 to $3,15
1 only Fur -lined Coat, black beaver.
cloth, muskrat lining, good otter
collar, reg. $85, on sale at 70.00
1 only Fur -lined Coat, black beaver
cloth,muskrat lining and .Persian
Lamb culler, reg. $75, a snap
at .. 05.00
Coon coats, reg. $50, now 43.00
Coon coats, reg. 45, on sale at.. 37.50
.&11 grey wombat coats, reg. $45, go-
ing at 38.00
Wombat coats, regular $32 for25.00
Wallaby coats, sold at $25, your
choice „ 20.00
Wallably coats, $22 quality at 18.00
Blk Dog Coats $24, now at 20.00
1 Bulgarian Lamb Coat, and 1 Black
Tallup Coat, reg. $28, at .. 22.00
Fur caps, collars and gauntlets at
cost price.
Underwear and Sweaters Gloves and Mitts
All Wool Hewson Underwear
Regular $4.50 per Suit, now $3.60
8.0044 46 46 2.40
" „ 1.60
Tiger Brand Underwear
Regular $2.50 per Snit, now $2.00
2.2561 " " 1.80
" 2.00 " " 1.50
" .1.60 " 1.20
A good assortment of Boys' Sweat-
ers, regular 65o to 1.50, now go-
ing at from 49c to 1.12
Hats and Caps
We are agents for the celebrated
Stetson, Borsalino, Barrington,
Langley and Davenport Hats.
Here are a few samples of how we
are selling them :
Jno, B. Stetson soft hats, sold all
over at 5.00, now. . 4,00
Borsalino soft hats regular 8.50,.
now going at. .... 2.80
Barrington, Langley and Daven-
port soft and stili hats, reg. 2.00,
2.26 and 2.50 at ... 1.60, 1.80, 2.00
Other lines of Hats from 2.00 to 500
01 20 per cent. off.
All Caps clearing at 20% discount.
All wool heavy Sox, 35 for.,.. 213c.
Good heavy' union 5oxs, 25 at 20c.
Fine wool half hose, ribbed and
plain double toes and heels in
black grey, .
and heather colors,
reg. 5 0 bow 40c.
A. splendid assortment of fancy
half hose in blacks and greys,
reg. 50 now .. . 40c.
Good serviceable half hose with
mending yarn, in 4 shades reg.
25 now.. ... 20o.
Tan Mocha Gloves, silk lined, 1 off,
regular 2.25 for , .. , 1.69
Tan Mocha Gloves, silk lined, 4 off,
regular 2.00, now 1.50
Unlined Suede Gloves, regular
$1.25, now 96c
Silk lined and wool Lined kid gloves
regular 1.50, now 1.12
Wool lined Hid and $uede.Gloves,
reg. 1.25 at 96c ; and 1.00 quality
going at -750
Suede Mitts reg. 1.25 at 913c
Indian Tau Buckskin Gloves and
Mitts, reg, $2.26, on sale at... 1.69
Best Quality Buckskin Gloves,
worth $250 per pair, clearing
at . 1.82
Heavy Horse Hide Mitts, regular
1.00 for ..
Heavy Leather Mitts, .reggular? 5
and 50c. now going at ..80 and 40
Neckwear, Ndkfs. and mufflers
Wo have 'ustr•eceived a complete
assortment, of Neckwear, Slk
Handkerchiefs, Linen Handker-
chiefs and Mufflers. All in the
sale at 20% discount.
20% off on all shoes while the sale
Patent Colt, regular 5.00 at 4.00
and 4.00 sheet at ..,. 3.00
Black and Tan Calf Shoes with or
without wet proof soles, leather
lined, regular 5.00 at.. .. . 4.00
Box Calf Boots, reg. 2.50, 3.00 and
3.60, going at, 2.00, 2,40 and 2.80
3 boxes of either tan or black Nug-
get Shoe Dressing or Two in One
Shoe Dressingfor.............•..
Shirts and Collars
Heavy Work Shirts, reg. 1.50
now ..., . 1.20
Blue Serge Shirts, i eg. 1.00 at 80c.
Good strong wearing Shirts, reg.
75 now. .. 80c.
20% discount on all print shirts in
15e. collars at 10c.
20c. 4 ply linen :collars at ....15c.
President Suspenders, in separate
boxes, a snap at 40c
Butterfly Suspenders, regular 50c,
now • 40c.
Police and - Fireman's Brace, reg.
25c, 35e, & 50o, now.., 20c, 28c, 40c
A goodassortmentof Fancy Sus -
panders with good leather ends,
regular 50c, now 40c
Trunks, Suit .Cases, Club Bags
We have a compplete, assortment
of Trunks, Suit Cases and Club
Bags on hand to clear out at 25%
Trunks at 3.00, 4.00, 5.00 and 8.50
on sale at 2.25, 3.00, 3,75 and. .4.88
Russett Suit Case in cowhide With
2 outside straps, reg. 7.50 at. 5.03
Dark Brown Cowhide Suit Cases,
reg. 0.60 and 6.00 going at 4.88
and , 4.50
Brown hereto] Snit
�fuses reg,
3.000 ' and 3.50, clearing at 2.25
Black Grain leather Club Bag. 18
in.. linen lined,. reg. 5,00 at...,3.75
Black Grain Leather Club Bag
18 in., leather lined reg. 6.00
Telesoopes from 55c. to 90e.
mbar this sale starts Saturday, Dec. 12th and for Cash only. Come earlyand take
era a tuivantage of the
best values ever offered ih Brussels, Liberal discounts on everything in the Store.
Clothiers et Furnishers�r
Dunford 0
]'� r h
o i R O lit uMn Block
New Advertisements
Looal itwan & Oo
Post eaids las Fox,
Brooch lest Tae Poem
Harness -I. 0. Mallayrrds,
Millinery -Min Powd-lf, R. Smith,
Mztatt`id Reins
B, F. Carr visited in Toronto over
New Year's Day.�
C. and Mrs. Simpson returned from
Hensall on Monday.
R..B. Harris, 0. 0. F. organizer, left
for Zurich on Monday.
Alfred Davis and family have
moved to the North of Gerrie.
J. R. and Mrs. Wendt were visitors
in Mildmay over the holiday.
George Earner, of Brandon, is visit-
ing his brother, John Earner,
S. and Mrs. Campbell have moved
to rooms in the Hemphill bleak.
Mrs. Geo. Harris is the guest of her
brother, Angus Stewart, of Howick.
J. Bonthron, of Hensall, is the
guest of his daughter, Mrs. 0, Simp-
John. Booth, of West Toronto, visit-
ed his mother and brother over New
Mrs. Elliott and daughter, Miss A,
Elliott, visited with friends in the
village last week.
R. B, and Mrs. Harris entertained a
load of young people from Wingham
on New Year's night.
The teachers of the Presbyterian
Sunday, School entertained their
scholars to a sleigh -rifle last Wednes-
day afternoon.
John and Mrs. Hartley have return-
ed to Clinton after spending the Xmas
vacation with the latter's parents W.
and Mrs. Weir, of.Howick.
The following were elected at the
Municipal Election held on Monday :-
Reeve, C. Reis • Councillors, A. H.
Moffitt, A. McLean,' W. Rutherford
and Jno. Douglas.
Farmers' Institute will hold a meet-
ing in the Hall here on Thursday,
Jan. 14th. Session at 2 and 7.30.
Musical program added at the evening
One of the most successful enter-
tainments held here for some time
was the play entitled "The Spinsters'
Convention," which was given by the
young ladies of the village in the
Town Hall Tuesday evening of last
week. There was a large attendance
and everyone was delighted with the
able manner in which the young
ladies gave the play. Theproceeds
amounted to $50.00, which. will be de-
voted to the Public Library and
charitable purposes.
Frank Jescho is visiting friends in
Mr. and Mrs, Eckmier returned to
Stratford after spending Xmas here.
J. and Mrs. Neabal, of Brandon,
Man., are visitors in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mts. Pollard, of Listowel,
sent Xmas vacation at the' home of
John Switzer.
S. Dunn, and wife, from the West,
are spending their honeymoon under
the parental roof.
Remember the debate in Long's
Hall Saturday evening 9th Inst. Ethel
and Oranbrook will debate.
Geo., Wm. and Harry Smalldon,
spent New Years with Win. Sinalldon,
brother of the former, in Sandusky,
Mich. -
Next Sabbath afternoon Walter
Hall, of Wingham, will deliver a Mis-
sionary address in the Methodist
church here.
Among those home for Xmas vac-
ation were W. Tyreman, W. Cameron,
W. Forrest. G. Campbell; Misses E.
Switzer, Miss Calder, Myrtle .McDou
ald, Laving Alderson and Tine Swit-
Mrs. Sniderand daughter, Miss
Daisy, from Deloraine, Man., axe hero
for a three months' visit with their
many friends. Mrs. Snider is a sister
to Postmaster Reymann. At present
the visitors are holidaying at Joseph
S. Reymaun's, anotherbrother of Mrs.
Snider's, at Detroit.
Goon TORKEva-Mrs, W.,J. Sharp
who lives East of here, disposed of 54
turkeys for which she received the
tidy sum of $7150. There is evidently
grimy in the right kind of fowl, One
d weighed 21 lbs. and another 17
pounds. Just imagine sitting down
at a table with a turkey of that style
before you. Yum leYum 1
Postmaster, Reymann, who has al-
ways taken a great interest in the Ma-
sonic Lodge at Brussels was made the
recipient of a very fine pocket bible by
the members of St. John's on New
Year's morning. The address was as
follows :-
Deem SIR AND Blto.-I havegreat
pleasure in the labor of conveying to
you the congratulations and well
wishes of the members of the St.
John's Lodge, 'No, 284, G. R. 0., A. F.
& A. M. at this time. We trust that
your life may be happy, prosperous,
bright and cheerful, Happyin that
it may be free from care rosperous
in that adversity may not come near ;
bright by the fact that your acquaint-
notes may be felicitous and last but
not least that cheer may especially
mark your hearthstone. Yon will
kindly accept the enclosed and please
do not look upon it from its ietrinsio
but from its extrinsic worth, Person-
ali --1 congratulate you. Yours in be-
half of the members of, the lodge.
JOHN WIoionr; See.
The recipient was verypleasantly
surprised and is in a very thankful
mood over the highly esteemed gift
and the brotherliness that prompted
the kind i id tillage to bo said, Mr. Ray -
mann hopes to snake good use of the
book believing that from its teachings
and precepts will come better
lr and the higheat typeof Masonry. reciales the good wio£hiebrethren andsl
wl os them zn 000n
a dell
a happy and prosperous year.
Miss Allie McKelvey has returned to
Mrs, Jas. Edgar and Miss Fanny
are holidaying in Atwood,
Miss Nellie Miller, of Listowel, is
home for a couple of weeks.
Miss Rae Moses entertained a few of
her friends Wednesday evening.
Mr. Sykes, of Toronto, preached in
Victoria Hall last' Sunday evening.
Misses Maggie and Isabel Reid and
Master Stuart, were holidaying at
their grandfather's A. Simpson's.
Frank M. Wright, of Dysart, Sask.,
is visiting under the parental roof. It
is nearly six years since be left these
Miss Jennie Simpson entertained n
few of her friends last Wednesday
evening. A most enjoyable time was
Jno. McLeod, of Howick, visited his
brother-in-law, Jas. Wright, last Sun-
da . The latter still continues in poor
Jno. McEwen had a verauccessful
wood bee Tuesdayafternooniand gave
the young people a party the same
evening. .
Leap year is now ended. The fair
sex will not be privileged to impose on
your good nature for a long time, will
they Norman 1'
Miss Stella Wright gave a number
of her friends a party Wednesday
evening. Stella is an A 1 entertainer
and all report a good time.
Mrs. Thos. McEwen had a quilting
bee on Wednesday afternoon. Sever-
al were present, viz., Mesdames
Eckmier, Wallace, McDonald; Burke,
Outt, Parks, Reid and White.
OswIOERs.-The.Youngg People's So-
ciety here elected- the following offi-
cers for the current term :-Hon.-Pres.
Thos. Strachan President, Leonard
Ruttan. • Vice -Pres., Miss Jennie Simp-
son; Sec.--Treas., Miss Marjorie
Strachau ; Organists, Misses' Jennie
Snell and. Fern Eckmier. Cormnittees
are also appointed to aid in the good
Robt. and Mrs. Hamilton, of James-
town, had a gathering on Xmas ' of
their sisters, brothers and mothers.
Every person spent a tip-top time and
the' tables were set in Mrs. Hamilton's
best style and looked fine. Every
person had all the goose and turkey
they desired. 'After spending an en-
joyable day the company departed
fortheir several homes, Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton were away for a . few days'
visit to Drew and had a very enjoy-
able thne.
Will. Isbister was holidaying in
Sam. McCurdy, is visiting friends in
S. S. No. 8 re-elected Walter Yuill
as trustee fox• the current term,
Robt. Nichol, 8th line lost a valuable'
Clydesdale filly from distemper.
Miss Chapman, of Listowel; has
been visiting Miss Lizzie Davis, 5th
Mrs. Samuel Pollock, of Paisley,
was visiting her parents,' Mr. and
Mrs. Jared King.
Both the Local Option and Bridge.
By-laws were defeated last Monday
by Morris electors.
Frank Garniss, of Charlton, New
Ontario, spent a few. days with his
sister, Mrs. John T. Bell.
Peter Hall and sister Miss Mary, of
Toronto, were spending the holidays
with relatives on the 8th line.
John Wheeler's son, Alton, a drug-
gist in Detroit, has a raise of salary
which is now over $100 per month.
New Council will meet next Mon-
day at 11 o'clock a. in. , All will be
new members except Reeve Neil Tay-
Mrs. Wm. Findlater, 2nd line, has
gone to Detroit for an extended visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Walter
Misses Jean Kelly and Florence
Carr have retnx'ned home after spend-
ing the Xmas. vacation at "Burnside
Farm," Morris.
This -week Mrs. H. Beam, Miss
Mary, 7th line, and Levi Beam, of.
Saskatoon, are away for a holiday
visit' with relatives at Toronto,
RobertStretton, of Toronto Junc-
tion, was here for a few days visiting
his sister, Mrs, Jno. Mooney, and his
brother, Capt. Stretton, Brussels.
An old and wen known resident, in
the person of ex -Reeve Henry Moon-
ey. of Weyburn, Sask., dropped in on
relatives and friends this week and
will holiday for a time.
At the annual school meeting in S.
S. No. 9, Geo. Kelly jr. was chosen
trustee for the 3 year term in success-
ion to Jno. R. Bell. Wood cohtract
for 5 cords of wood was, let, to Jno. D,
Scott re) $2.09 per cord. Miss Murdfe
is the teacher.
N. Bolger has been quite i11 at the
home of his brother, James Bolger,
8th line, The sick' man is over 70
years of age. His home for some time
was Hinge, Manitoba, His son John
is nursing him. Joseph Bolger, of
Port Elgin, is also here,
Robert Young was elected trustee
in 8. S. No, 5r succeeding C. B. Wil-
kinson, who is bow a township' Conn-
tiillor. Samuel Item will supply the
wood at $1.05, Good work• is being
done in the school by Miss Scott as
teacher. She receives $400 salary this
year. title...,
HYMENEAL. -At noon on the 30th
ult. "Burnside Farm" was the scene
of a quiet though pretty home wed -
cling when Miss Nellie Maud, 5th
Miss' Hughes of Toronto, was the Hurrah forReeve Fraser ae Warden
guest of Miss Minnie Walker, 8th ling of Huron Oo, for 1900.
Mrs. John Cadwell and little daugh Duncan Taylor has announced an
ter, of Saskatoon, have arrived to euotioo sale of farm stook, imple-
spend a couple of months with her
parents, W. and Mrs. Isbister, well
known residents of the 2nd line.
RusyLxas,-Last Monday John
Petoh and ErneetMiller cut, split and
piled 7 cords of hardwood in 7 hours
on, the farm of W. H. MoCutcheon,
8th line, There was not much time
for sleeping while they we at the
James Sherrie, mother and sister,
of the 3rd lino, moved to Brussels this
week after residence in Morrie for a
good many years. Mr. Shurrie sold
his farm to a Mr. Kerr, from New
Hamburg, who takes possession now.
While sorry to lose the Sherrie family
many old friends will wish them
prosperity and will also welcome Mr.
Seri' to the township.
To TRESPASSERS, -Notice is hereby
given that all persons are cautioned
against trespassing on South a Lot• 20,
Don. 4, Morris. Hay has been remov..
ed from the barn on this lot without
instructions from las and we -will not
submit to this sort of thing. We
have the farm leased for three years.
Offenders will have no one to .blame
but themselves if they . get , into
trouble, W. J. SozyoisTenants.
A letter from W. T. Mooney, of
Grand Coulee, Sask., formerly of Mor-
ris, to TEE POST says :-We are hav-
ing delightfully mild weather with
very little snow but splendid wheel-
ing. 1908 was a good year in this part
as wheat averaged from 20 to 30 bus.
per acre with the price 80 to 90 cents
per bushel. Hope you church people
will use your best efforts to bring
about church union as it is what the
West needs and, I believe, is what
Christ wants His people to do. Long
life to THE POST.
CARD os' Ta awxs.-I take this early
opportunity of expressing my very
hearty thanks to the ratepayers of
Morris fur the splendid vote they ac-
corded me last Monday in electing me
to the position of Councillor. - The
favor is more highly appreciated as I
was unable to get to the nomination
owing to the accident to my hand. 1t
will be my pleasure to do my best in
advancing the interests of this mun-
icipality and hope my conduct will be
such as will merit the continued favor
of the electors. Wishing Morris a
year of prosperity. I am, Yours
Thankfully, Joule Ssogvraneno, JR.
Chester Armstrong enjoyed a visit
with friends near London.
Jno. Botz, of Kansas, is here on a
visit under the parental roof, 12th
The council for 1909 will hold its
first meeting nexb Monday as per
statute. .
Allan D. Lamont, of Woodstock,
visited friends in Grey during the
past week.
Miss Ida Frain, who was home for
the vacation has returned to the Nor-
mal School at Stratford.
A resident of Grey, who forgot to
sign his name, urges better attention
to the care of the Winter roads.
Miss Lizzie French, of Toronto, was
a welcome visitor with relatives in
Grey. She returned home this week.
Wm. Young, of Portage .la Prairie,
who is attending Toronto Dental
College: 'spent Xmas vacation with
relatives in Grey and Morris,
Tom Kerr, of Maple Creek, Sask.,
is home On a visit. It is a number of
years since Mr. Kerr was here and his.
many friends welcome him back.
Geo. Campbell is home on a visit
from the West. He has taken up
laud and will return to caro for it.
He gives a good account of the coun-
try. he, Sabbath School of Roe's church
will hold their entertainment on Tues,
day evening of next week, Jan. 12th.
All are cordially invited. 10 and 15
cts. admission,
Chas. Laidlaw, of Henfr n locality,
left on Monday morning of last week
for two months visit with his uncle in
California. We speak for a few
oranges Charlie.
8 John Jackson, 6th con. made a busi-
ness trip to Toronto this week. He
took 20 head of home fed cattle with
him. Mr. Jackson bought a car of
Oanadian corn for feeding purposes.
The annual school meeting' of S. S.
No, 8 was held, as per Statute, on
Wednesday of last week. Jas. A.
McNair was elected trustee succeed-
ing Jas. D. McNair. Contract for
supplying 10 cords of wood was let to
Neil McNair at $2.86.
A. sleigh load of young people from
Ciiorrio and Molesworth spent one of
the last days of the old year with
their friend, Miss Grace Hutchinson.
All report a good time Sleighing
being good added a great deal to the
enjoyment of the day,
Farquharson, who had been in failing
health for.the past nine months and
who suffered very severely at tinges,
passed away, at the home of his
grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Shine, 12th
con., last Monday, aged 24 years, 11
months and 29 days. Ho was born in
Toronto but came to Elroy when only
4 munths old. Deceased had been
somewhat unfee.tmiate in meeting
with aceider'e one leg being broken
three times and one arm broken,
these circumstances interfering con-
siderably with his health while a
ild, His mother died 20 years ago
d a sister, Mary Isabella, departed
is life about the same tiro ie, the
other, aged 3 menthe. One brother,
ililam, of McKillop, survives. The
neral took place. Wednesday after -
on to Brussels cemetery, Rev, E. G.
well conducting the service. Dr,
We and wife, of Monkton, endmn01 Shine and son, of London,
latives of Mr, Fergnharson, attend-
the funeral. Deceased made bit
mo with his grandmother,
daughter of Win, and Mrs. Isbister, no
was married to Pdwarcl 13, Jenkins. Po
The bride and groom took the after- 811
hon1z .
train 1
r in fc r
and of
pointe. Mr. and Mrs, Jenkins will be re
rat home to their friends after Jou. ed
' 20th.
meats, &c„ for Friday, 22nd inst. He
has sold kis farm,
Mrs. Jas. Breckenridge, of Goderich,
and A. M. Breckenridge, ' of Iowa,
were visitors of O. and 'Idx's. Hutchin-
son, 6th line, for New Years. They
are Mrs, Hutchinson's mother and
Wednesday of lost week the spirit
of Mary Jane Moltlath, beloved wife
of Chas. Ravine, forsook , the olay
tenement. The funeral took place on
Friday to .BIma Oentre cemetery.
Deceased was 77 years of age.
8. S. No. 0 held ' its animal school
meeting Wednesday of last week.
There was a large attendance and an
interesting time. Angus Shaw was
chosen trustee as successor to Cuth-
bert Hutchinson. Robt, Lowe is to
supply 0 cords of wood i3 $2,10.
School opened On Monday with Miss
Bessie Moses as teacher. We wish
her success.
Miss E, Tyler, Walton. wishes to inform the
pubiio that she has greatly reduced the price
in hats, Having only a few left they. ,will be
mold cheap so as to make room for the Spring
stook and opening. Persons requiring any
thing in the Millinery line should not miss
this sale, Mxss E. TYLER, Milliner. ,
Chas. Leppard was a visitor in the
village last week.
Miss Nettie Mitchell, of Conn., visit-
ed her home here for Christmas.
Mrs. Grimshaw, of Detroit, is vibit-
ing her parents, Geo. and Mrs. Gibson.
Edward Mitchell spent the New
Year's holiday with his brother iu
Messrs. Melville and Goldy Hill, of
Clinton, were guests at R. Mitchell's
last week.
Ben. McKee, of Rossbur•n, Man., is
renewing old acquaintances in and
around our burg.
Geo. Shannon a former teacher here, .
spent his Xmas holidays in our town.
Wunder what the attraction is?
Miss Mary Fraser, who has been
going to Business College, is spending
the holidays under the parental roof.
Ab the annual meeting in school
section No. 4 ou Wednesday of last
week John McIntosh was chosen trus-
tee as successor to Geo. Brown.
A jolly time was spent on Wednes-
day afternoon of last week in connect-
ion with the sleigh ride of the Mission
Band., The day was delightful and
the drive much enjoyed. Lunch was
served in the basement of the Presby-
terian church on return.
DENTAL. -Dr. Fend, dentist, will visit Ethel
on Monday, .Tan. lath, and every two weeks
after that date.
Township Council will meet here
next Monday ab 11 a. m.
Andrew and Mrs. Eckmier, of Strat-
ford, were visiting relatives and old
friends here.
Geo. Colvin and family, of Brussels,
were NOV Year's guests with Geo. M.
and Mrs. Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Munro, of Toronto,
were visiting at Win.- Bali's. Mrs.
Munro is a daughter.
Many of the holiday visitors who
were here have returned to their re-
spective fields of labor.
S. S. Cole intends putting in an-
other cut of logs this year, and is
ready to buy logs and do custom
work. 25-4
Miss Mina Elliott, who was home
for her vacation returned last Monday
to her schoolnear Toronto. Her work
evidently agrees with her.
Our well known residents... Jas.. and
Mrs. Livingstone, have passed their
80th birthdays, yet are remarkably
active and hearty for their years.
The annual meeting of Ethel cheese
factory will be held in the Township
Hall on Saturday Oth inst. at 1.30 p.
m, Auditor's Report for the pest year
may be read on page 4 of this issue.
An innovation will be on the pro-
gram of the Methodist Church next
Sabbath evening when several laymen
will take part in the Missionary ser-
vice. The following Sunday D. C.
Taylor, of Lucknow, will conduct the
The annual oyster supper of the
Women's Institute will -be held in the
Gibson Hall on Wednesday evening,
Jan. 13th. Erich member has the
privilege of inviting a friend. All
members are requested to contribute
to the supper. A good program is
Au auction sale of farm stook, im-.
elements, &c, is announceed by Jas.
E. Brown. 1015 cone for Thursday
21st inst. Mr. Brown intends going
to the West on a prospecting trip and
if he finds what suits him will locate.
Mrs. Brown and children will take up
residence here with her father, A.
MOlnness, until her husband secures a
home, Will Mclnness willaccompany
Mr. Brown.
The following are the officers of the
Christian Endeavor of Ethel Presby-
terian church: -Hou. -President, Rev.
D. B. McRae ; President, Miss Annie
Cunningham ; Vice -President, Miss
Kate McLeod ; Recording -Sea, Miss
Nellie Laird ; Corresponding -Sec.,
Miss Alice Davies ; Treas., Miss. Liz-
zie McLeod ; Organist, Miss Alice
Davies l Asst, Organist, Miss Mabel
Lamont Catechist, Miss Elsie David-
A former resident in the person of
R. R. Dilworth, of McLeod, Alberta,
is renewing old friendships in and
about Ethel, .It is 3} years since the
Dilworth folic went West. They have
1500 acres of land and aro interested
fu horse ranching, having from 50 to
100 animals. Their grain turned out
aboutt 00
b islnole to the acro in 1008.
Mr, Dilworth sr, and his good lady re-
side in McLeod,- They are well pleas-
ed with the West,