The Brussels Post, 1908-12-31, Page 8SSIN eve. a.F.'•Cea/wean,' est zenM%',gear -,.� �5'.'F-t :.:3Vr:+� .^ .:%d! FWC: e'J_56`>S'L8•FJF oI>r'e rsyl'o -7.,, lPme.)Ye ea�he NO MATTER hew optimistic ono may be, it must be admitted that Islay days do come and that one needs not only prepare for pleasant weather, but also for the times when Old leeng Sol has hidden his heed under a rain cloud. And why is it that women have so little realisation of the proper costume for a rainy day? It does not eutiiee just to wear last year's suit and some old hat. The woman who takes any pride In her appearance lens always at hand a costume appropriate to wear in the rain. but which will still be becoming and dainty, even if the good rays of the sun break through. How many times have you gene out 10 the rain attired in some old suit, and felt that you were at 5 decided dis- advantage when the weather changed, leaving you still out and not pre- pared? Yet if you had worn n becatn- ing yet email hat, a plain, well -fit- ting suit and a trig neck arrangement .,:fee7aez`ire.r 'YeVr/=the A%'rshin'e you would have felt ne embarrassment whatever when the clouds did disap- pear. Look at the girl in the picture with a dressy suit, a long skirt and a. feathered hat. She may look very at- tractive in the sunshine, but how will she be when the rain has soaked the hem of her dress, when the curl comes out of her plume? Surely it would have been better had she worn a more suit- able costume Or at least a shorter skirt, How much neater the other girl looks in her raincoat and walking skirt! No shower or even cloudburst could make her look bad, and she need have. no fear that the downpour will spoil her garments. But even with a skirt of walking length it is quite possible to be incor- rectly- dressed. There is the picture a the girl in the tailored suit. She looks fairly well, but around her neck she wears a. piece of chinchilla, ono of the dressiest and most perishable of furs, while the hat that crowns her is large and on the semi -dressy order. IIow much better to wear a toque, even one of the most conservative type, and not the very top of the fashion! Tho girl with the plain, tightly -fitting ruche of astrakhan and the small hat Is clad in far better taste. A. comparison of the two photographs will show the differ- ence, for even those who do not know the intricacies of good form aro quick to notice the slightest improvement in appearance. But perhaps you are wondering why it is that 1, en a page devoted to health and beauty, am writing to you on the subject of dress. Inas not all dress a great deal to do with beauty? Would it be worth while for me to help you spend hours In caring for your com- plexions and yet say no word of warn- ing In regard to dressing? Wouirl it be worth while for any one to have the most perfect complexion in the world G'ae1-ec•edrtoSII C .p,Tep,�r d•.z`or . ' Glorcd if she mar her appearance by dressing in poor taste and in inappropriate cloth- ing? Surely I would be a bad adviser if I were to neglect this side of the question. And really rainy- days are quite gloomy eneng?i without ranking them more unpleasant by appearing at your worst. I can understand people taking special care of their toilets In dreary weather. I once knew a girl who wore silk stockings on rainy days because, she explained, ebe couldhold her shirts out of the dampness -with confidence in the trimness of her ankles. That may be carrying the point e. little too far, but I am pre 1f you follow my advice and wear only clothes that fit the day you will fedi at no disadvantage in epite of the inclemency of the weather. dvfice c , %'/kr CJ JU.•11C7"'dS>Xd anadeoreaudiedneauZeivexceit fc4sorir, i -,!/cur c7i6caL mllririe, r' / 'ser O OO THE FORMAL CALL THE etiquette of calling is some- times a very serious affair, and Ji a great deal of trouble has brewed in diplomatic circles, and even -In everyday wanks of life, on account of ignoremee in this very important phase of social intercourse. Not very long ago a New York woman moved out West to a mining town, Which boasted of only three feminine inhabitants: the new ar- rival, a young girl and her aunt. Of course, just after the Easterner ar- rived the aunt and the young- sire paid their respects by leaving Garde turned down in the proper place. But when the New Yorker returned the cell she robe to the House on horse- back.. Soon afterward sho invited the y ..ng girl to luncheon, and what Was her surprise when 'theaunt refused to allow her mete to aerept the in. vitatian on the ground that her call had never been properly returned. Said she: "AnY cue who comes to niy house in such informal attire as a riding habit cannot be considered 10 31110W the peeper usages Of society!" So the wet la:1.0f New York, who had been in the whirl of Vilely all her life, was censured by tho' woman of the Western country town. You see how easy it is to be neglectful of elle small detail which may Ihiluenca many years of your life. The :Now Yar11 Woman found that she wits de- nied the pleasure of having as 1i a nm- panion the young uiri, ilio only ivo nfect of her age within handrail 11 metes, I am not upholding the decision of the too particular Westerner par am I saying that she was wrong, but a first can is rather a formal matter and it should be returned in the same form as it was made. There are certain tines when one makes a formal call, and there are certain forms to be remembered. It is of these that I wish to tell you, so you may avoid the pit- falls that await the new arrival in a community and the commuter when he first settles in the "suburbs" of song and poem. In the first place, visiting dards are, of course, a necessity, and they should always be engraved with the full name of the owner, so he or she may be defi- nitely designated. id Jones means noth- ing whatsoever, while 14Io ,!rear Janes might immediately .lace him in the memory of his acquaintances, A man seldom has hie address upon his cards, although his Wife almost always does. It 1s not, however, obligatory. A gill, unless she be the oldest granddaughter in her branch of the family, Cannot use the title' miss combined with the last tame only. She must use her first name to indicate that she is not the old nit child bearing that stirname. A. mare rind woman uSee, oe 00urse, ]ter title, mistresm, and her huehand's full ns.ne, whether she be wife or widow, 1f she he a divorcee, thea she will usually nee her maiden nano combined with the last name of her ex-1tttsbend, It is In Thee :oily that a distittotion can be rearre, /lever time any abbreviation on a visit- ing earl, with the exr.Option of junior, It is quite perm1sslhie to add junior after the man's name 1f the generation Must he indicated. When making the 11rst call a wile will elWaYS leave her husband's card as veil its her own. If oho Is calling upon rine Other ntarrierl tOuple, then she will leave iwa Oe her husbands cards and inn of her Men, if there IS an older daugl.ler t r pry 10110111 elle lmte1 1sts nail: Size. meet leave two of 151011, 61011M peepie terve a enrrl aft 1,c men's fee every nee 1-, '1,1 fnmlly 5511,1 a card of the Wehd n's fur CR& every feminine member nn y. This seems to me to be a very foolish performance, and I consider that four cards. two of the 100n's and two of his wife's, should be sufficient to indicate that every ono had been. remembered. There is one family with whom I am acquainted who have seven daughters. 1Iow ridiculous it would be to leave 'n111e of my hus- band's cards and eight of minel There was once a custom of turning down the corners of the cards, This has, happily, become obsolete, with the exception of one turn in the upper right - that It le hand corner, w the first call. But even this is seldom done. IL• used to be the fashion to turn down one corner when the footman left the cards, another for the second call and still another when the cards were left in person. It is easy to see that one would need a Complete guide for the manipulation of visiting cards were this Custom still in force. 'PARTY CALLS The residents of a neighborhood al- ways call seen after the arrival of a new neighbol'. They also mttIto the first call upon a bride, Cards should be left. at the house of those who haVo gone Into mourning, regardless of who has paid t1.0 last call, Dinner parties, evening receptions, bulla, wedding breakfasts and lunch- eons require a party call within two weeks after the date of the function. T4es end weddings along require no party oath Ne. hen tee. cards are sent out it merely menus that the hostess will he home, on a certain day to re- ceive her friends. Por that reason theele who cannot attend should Mail their cards, for a visiting card should be regarded hs the peroon her or hire, self. Perhaps that is a little exam. prated, but 1 stn sura that you un- derstand what I mean. that there is no other way of sending a p1'o0Y 011' : ly tq.'e .r,t 1.y nar,l.. erten ask: 'now can 2 toil , 1+' • 1. to T eel!, wnntedtrn r r ran,. _ten ett 'f yea are wanted uht11 • • you arrive at the house, when you can easily judge by the. manner 01 your reception. As for the time for call- ing, make it a point never to pay a formal call 0n Sunday afternoon nor of any evening, A11 first calls must be paid in the afternoon of a week -day, between the hours of 4 and 6. A call must always be returned, and it is wise to perform this cluty within a month. After you have passed the first stages of formality leery to leave cards each time you go to a house. That is a matter of common sense and good judgment, One more point: Should you call on a friend and find that you have ar- rived during an entertainment to which you are not invited, then re- main but a very few moments, mance your excuses and depart, In your own house, in casecome caller might arrive, leave ward at the front door that you nag to be excused. This is not to save you ahitoyaliOe so much as to save your friends embarrass molt, PERPLEXITIES SOLVED .... . tl t the Second Marriage Dona 57570 giro Wedding resents 5.0 ++✓ oral thieirrsecoi d widowers OCOaslon Yee, indeed; It is quite the thing to do; it mattes no difference whether the man or woman has been married before or 1501. In fact, widows frequently re• WW1 many mere presents than Young single girls, because they 0£100 have s, larger circle of acgnainLmices, • ;Marriage and i'llourning Wilt you kindly' .toll me. *hat 10 the proper of tint reinilV-0O aryl allow isn00uh Cement dente en ongn gement t0 bo ,narrferl7 f'nrsnnalty,.1 nit -refute] en en- geeelncnt and a yltutelage as being serious enough to take their own planes, in spite of the fact that the family may be in mourning, I should, how- ever, not announce the engagement for a month after the death of your rela- tive, and, if you are not to be married very soon, de not announce it until just before the wedding Invitations are to be scut out. 11 you are to 110 married very soon, do not snake a function o0 the ceremony. Let 1t be as quiet as Possible and invite very few people to the,ceremeny, What Should be .Done With the Umbrella? I go rent very often to call with MY mother. but I never stem to know what to 510 altlt 1573 umbrella ar naraa01. 6hould mneido orgiven to �tlie servant? roam, lett ^74•.KtVC. ea :et. Mrs. Syms' Aids to Correspondents Chapped Lips My lips Chap every time 100 001 In. trio wind, nnd, though 1 vicar a vel. they be- come very sore. What can I 00ALtem? When the lips have been chapped bit cold or wind, they should have an. ap- plication 01 cold cream every night, Be- fore applying the cream, however, bathe the lips in very warm water, Before going out a mixture of rosewater and glycerine may be applied, To Bleach a Swl1ttitcli LAN'S.= Ilion ivy bgro0ici»g hl e'? COCN'a1'51tY. First put your switch Intoa strong so- lution of ammonia water to remove any poss1Ule oil; then rinse- in equal (mantl- ties of peroxide of hydrogen and pure water, Hang the switch 10 the air to dry. If the color Is then not quite right, repeat the peroxide bath and drying process until IL has attained tate shade desired. There is no special rule in regard to this ranine•, but common sense should teach one a great deal. If the umbrella to Set, It may be left in the hall; and it it is very wet, it may he given to the Servant when entering the house. If the umbrella is ,dry, It may be brought to the drawing room. However, if you aro sufficiently familiar with the family, you MEW put the umbrella in the stand. A Parasol 15 always carried. Engagement Rings Areengagementrings etill fashionable? N0 one has ever thought of engage- ment rings .going out of fashion, ea they are perfectly logical presents for a man to give his prospective- bride, Same Men prefer to give pendants, but as they may be worn eni7y at certain times and with certain goeens, Y Woe this cure, tor there le clanger a ell very unsatisfactory:'burning the foot If one is not very Bare- t g y fut. It is well to have some ono else Tile Beauty of I-Iaalt 055015 fur you. O HAVE a pretty head of hair one he .ear'o of 1t: No math : l �lL' and Soft hoW tib Tr r 1 f 1,.. nigat, a JL tired yell may WING to the great amount of mail received and the limited space given this department, it is absolutely impossible to an - ewer letters In the a"• . Jellow- 1ng their receipt. The Tetters must be answered in turn,. and this afttimes re- quires three or four weeks, All Correspondents who desire an im- mediate answer must inclose 0. self- addressed stamped envelope for a replY. Thus rule must also be compiled with in regard to personal letters. Bichloride—of Mercury In your recipe for .face bleach you men- thol bichloride as one of the Ingredients. I would like to know it that isn't harmful, fort hear it is a deadly 50lson. It is true that bichloride of mercury is a poison and must not be taken- in - Recipe for a Pomade Fiala you anything that will restore the. beauty to 107 neck? 1570551 to have a von' airetty one, but now` the shin aceas to be. flabby. Ido hope you can help lie.. I am giving you a recipe for a pomade. width will restore shrunken and hobby skin. Apply the mixture to the neck every night. 011 of sweet almonds a ounces 550110 wax 3 08,5151 Tincture tel:Zvan Ili '•uses ita5ewater l'ulvorlscd amain sly Ui1lne:tA Jaborandi Tonic I used to have a lovely bead of Ymlr, but now it is all cugdnt•, out. 1 h,1151 a 1+.g bag- ful of c+•Itit:ln5s, which have come out of mit head during the lust fell. What ami I do? 011085age your scalp once a day with the tips 0f the fingers, and then apply the tonic, recipe of which I am giving you. A very good 'WAY to get tate tonne on the scalp is to pour a little of tate solution into a saucer, then dip a small brush—a toothbrush will do—into 1t and then apply it to the head very gently, Saborandi Tonic. Quiniee sulphate 01 grains Thu:Lute of oantha'hles s 51uld oun000 Fluid extract of laborandl3 118151 drains Alcohol 2 dull ounces GIN eermi L Ounces Buy rum 6 fluid Cutters Bs,80Water 10 fluid ounces The quinine 01,0,11.1 b0 dissolved in the al- coholic liquids by warming stlghtlY, then the other ingredients adore, and the whole filtered. 'Itult 11110 the roots of the hair every night. Massage Cream for the Bust Will Nrou htndly give me a cream to use when massaging the. bu017 x 154111 501110 - thing that is harmless. You will find the following recipe fol massage cream a ]harmless one: 614 ounces a. Oua.•a0 t ossa es 811 of sheet almonds d ounces Tincture er 110000111 1 dram oil of nerpll '0 drips Mix as you w0u1d ally cr0ant 00 the tort. Irl.;, On gently at night. To Reduce the Hips Hav0 You n reeipe for anything to reduce the hips? Mi08 (1'e lou 1,5510, for the ores - eat -day styles. .. The best way to reduce the hips Is to the0foltowi9S one veryink beueofieiaijll find Lanni In swanmcetl Mutb,n tallow (freshly tried) Cocoanut ell ternally. However, when it is used in rime rase the outstretched arms above t1 with so much water It will the head the body retaining Its erect uesl- do 110 harm s apply. o e a ac wait sthat rho fingers CUnne ns ca tit It 1 wl Ul e o touching.' the 5700. us roils Ill . net use the solution oftener than'one straining In any way. This la done. without every two weeks. betiding lb* knees. In recovering position -- let the arms relax and sink down as the body straightens up. second. with hands "In Excellent Hair .Tonic plated' lignth` on the hips, the angers Olnting forward. let t1+5 body drop im•r. PIO r. I must be dune gently, as by Milting salon roll the o y r ion of 1 ncounting In order to keep the hair In good con- being hent over the aide: then back to iho b •tn • careful tp do 1t vory caslly nt tt tion' that is inrush it often for+an exnggoratlon of the 1 i ;[M5n on to tLa left and Uack special a attention; 05757 c on C e to i tri f e Do Llan• then bend elow•iv mrward front trio it n r vnrd ase •tvu mo something as soon Ab pos- easily. eo that 1t Is hent at the wain 1nais sibio to .nuke the hair grow. M ne 1s coma haven than -good 1s done. urea .this bent( PO fig out eo fast ihRt I Lear I will soon bA „ a ounA to the r gilt b 151 ion r tour for It to reach Lt o tett ditlon it is necessary that you Blue It flr3tt�ttl1_tho murales have gnlned. strength. mUVemm�t ntaY , 00000 re¢ pa li. and give it a innbath. whenever peed- `oar11t10 lett. all etlwniennatsOeo a civet on bio, I am Printing hei'ewlth 0 tonic \.•ilei iho trunk slyingA, 'nnd iho hOnd la which it•wlll be well for you to use. hands hove t' Third. p sition. bit tno v 0!ia bo< s bent - , ac 1 .. bac ran Cologne - 5 ounces 11100011111111tilt0IAould ontly ybutiFitntO 1 1110 Tincture of eantha•ldos 1 eun05 th0i oto is s 6 Old of lennllsh. lavender t5 drnn slightest p�traltnotnthe AV.'''. NoO corootd Oil of rosemary a'' should he worn while practicing thein pply t0 Lha roots of the hair once or hands ave to T'0r Falling Hair e t 1 t forward from the w'„sat; titan g iv then t0 the .iglu end lett. 77 twice a .1..Y It Is pasttively necessary that sliovl51 Ile Rept cltlan. 6ltani,oa at 5780 a lvoetc. Is It a Permanent Cure? In recent ewer you gave a formula, for c bunions. Is this remedy merely to er ten dew., o For Chapped Hands Dunne the cold weather my hando chi o\•try 11100 I go out lnt0 U,0 air. chap you please give me somotuing- to melee them smooth? Possibly you ore not earefu curing alny the paha, er has It t' za your hands thoroughly after wnshlng 10000 the bunion? 1 t.1 ever possible to them, very often this is the Cause of Ido not think 7 s p rough and sore stands. 1 am giving remove a bunion, as It is caused by t111 you below a ger p0 .fora 0ream W111010 prcrsu 11 of too short. a shoo, but it yotr .1153 apply to tiro hands evol'Y 0r0:12111,03 possi Ule Lo cure .iho pain, and the night: octpo to lvhich you refer will do iho •rid8 latter, I have heard that e. very good Cream for Cltappad Sgt nunaee "Way to allay the pain•—nnd it sounds witi a net•ointum ' 00005 Pnt•nn10o \pax 1 oltnc.r like a simple one, toe—is to wrap battler •• '''' t,a ounces twisted cotton round and rountl, Ionia- Ilntaf rola g drops dig an open space just over the ban- Ricohol 57,5 drawn Ion, Then pour hot here over the but- melt the �pir„rnodlynx, Ur t constantly, I1 rcati„ len, Great eaution rebould be need If onetum n. lanot the water in. Amine the process. Add .the Dinner at a Restaurant perform the opo' 55 am poli t0 give a dinner ata gas± cxtr4noh tri rind I leant to MI If i.nuran n To /Icqutte it Is 57(1 0,S5r.. ,e 'IN th1 aan1U ntlmlltlC mo anti it they should go of mon a0 tun n; into •ilte dlnloO room 10 ''para. the Baine ' Hands be sura to get rid 0f all combs an W'.Ill You klndiy nribita1 te roctpo for aril„"Olt /lair; shake the hair 10000 enteetbn'g le porton nnd whiten iho hands? I weok nd e mime stntplq romptly' tent tion .arid brush gild eolith -it 11lormeghl). Tt is not absolutely necessary that yo bs ,nada ht hmne, . If y011r' 1101. le falling out and yon should envie the hinns nrtmber Of moi in recipe is one which can arc using a tis,ir tonic, atter wt,11 brilsh• tts Women a think following p It t0 i.lha sC.'t p, as it it were n a home. but 1 it it 1t you will 151111 5110 The 0 ow g ing the hair, apply 1 entering ahs dlrting roam Ot a pubfla It is host to ase a tonic at ked, trmn, rostaufant it is heti.. fir the woman Lotion ±0 'Wliii:an olid Sof. ten tarids; 11,r 11 gives tiro ycalp p10t11Y of 11010 10 t0 recede: that iv if tlr3e t.nblcs are - vo' eur,ncA et klycerino, absorb 11. to use. faisa huh', ad en a ed, 1`ire Ill% or irastOSs rint bltn a l ole lot•rent. tabteepoontn;s f If it Is 1te.enssarY arrange h to hire y s lo two nU Mir oti drone pf rm•hn1Qe exe,relse ittdgrnent end 1 Lh nchlnq anrt d y nfnlm wish iho w co arc 011 After g sus w 10 'Isco (; prevent rt confusion tin acid. h � in immure pally to be' more pleosent if you de, cosily be prepared 511 hone: Ivey walk crst. siid ea a way, lemon ha a inn a few rn s rye iho"ni to and pe„porllons ould be arranged 5ng the Meal rut, a little at of the head, ruin printing, ,. lace, sit a't� each one s place, - into Mem, ,1