The Brussels Post, 1908-12-31, Page 7BUSINESS CARDS. %H, MaCBACI EN--- Ioaner 0! Marriage Licensee, O2. floe at 0reaery, (rurnberry street, Brussels, MiSS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or Organ ETREl., ONT. K. O. T. M. Brusoolo Tent of the Maaoabeo6, No. 29 bold their regular meetings in the Lodge. Roam, Saeger Blook, on the lot and 8rd !Tuesday evenings of ea011 mouth Visitors AIo3A, SOMF80t).Oi7IrE, II. S, JAMES HARRIS, Agent :ETowiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company mace awl Residence-. WAL.TON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND IN9n0A1100, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION I s 111111, will sell for better Woes, to batter mem, in lase time and less obargee tuauany other Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't charge anything, Cateo olid orders can always be arranged at Mlle olMee or b} p erennal app(ioation. ROST. H. GARNISS BLUIOVA LE -+ ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arraggod far at the omae of ME POST, Brussels. 9280 VETERINARY. C4• A. CUNNING1HAbI— * l0ouor tirsdun,o of the Ontario Vet.' urinary, College, ,s prepared to treat all itis• eases of domoasluated auimalo in a common ant manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Ueut,atry and Mtik e'ev,r Calls promptly attended to. Moe and Infirmary Four doors Worth of bridge, '1'uruborry at. Brunelle, 'Phoma 41 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SOUL AII3— • Barrlster, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Publio, its. office-13tewart'e Block 1 door Nortb al Coutral Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. 1pUOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIit— BARRISTER8 SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PEIBLIU, WTO. W, PRODOrooT, K. 0. 11, (I. Baha G. F. BLA1n. Offices -!'hose formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron do Bolt, ONTAmmo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FE1LD. DENTIST Graduate or the Royal College of. Dental Burgeons el Coterie aud First-class Honor Graduate of Toronto University. 018oe neat to Brew er's,Ph otograph Gallery, BRUSBELB, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REOULATIONS1 ANY even nnmberod•eectioa of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, Sesketohewau and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20. mot reserved. may be homesteaded by any per0nu who is the Bole bead of a family, or any male over 18 year', of age, to the extent of ono -quarter attrition of 100 Boron more or toes Entry may be made personally at the least land °Woe for the district to which the land is situate, The homesteader is required to perform theoonditious eouoeete,i therewith under cue of the tot lowlug plane: O) At least six menthe' residence upon and out ovation of the laud in each year for three years, (2) If the father or mother, If the father la deceased) of the homesteader reticles upon a tarty lit the vieteity of the lead entered for the requirements as to reai- deueoway be satisfied by snob person re- statue with the father or mother, (8) If the settlor has his permanent reel. donee upon farm ns. land owned b hem in the v.u(nity of, lila homestead, the re, quiremeeto as to reeideooe may be sable, fled by700100uee upon the said land. Six menthe' notice in writing should be g(vou to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W. W.00RY. N. B. tJu ufhy,ri0edap uubilo t;on Interior, this ud- vortisemeut will net be paid for, INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST Machines may be seen at MdItAY & SHAW'S Hardware tore, Brussels. .Easy payment system May be arranged for. y I also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT SAL Partnere or Storelceepers by coming -to the Brussels Salt Works eal3 get filly kind of Salt they require, Gordonn G ® iYi coney, Pomona, • Briteee1e, Business Cards A, H, MONTEITH Barrister, 8o(1o(tor, Notary, see., suco09sor to A. A, Macdonald, ()Moe toe over Standard Bank, liresnola, PR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon. O0lco opposite the postorlloo. I s Will visit Dania the DS'OS Ane third Monday of 00011 month, yfOm DR. T. T. M'RAE Boobolor of Medicine, Univerolt�y of Termite.; i Licentiate and (rrmduate of the Voilogeof Pity Widens and Sergeant', Ont. • Poot•ggredua e Ohmage Nye, Ear. Nose and Throat Hospital, (Menge, Ill. Ex•Iiouoe Surgeon to Bt, Hospital, apeiislospital Toronto. Mee •tU niopb2Hti ocionwih enbt *ur DR, WARDL.AW Honor Day and night calllls ern O(liue opposite' Fluor Ethel. Gnawer Totowa .1.01,1 e r BRUSSELS GOTNO BOB7n GOING NORTH Mall 7:86um Express 10:66a311 Express 11:26 a m Mail ..,....., 1G4 p n, Express 8:00p in Express 8:69 p m RdE"!FU WALTON To Toronto,To 4oderloh Express 8:11 m Express .......,.11:80 a m Expreae 8:11 p m I Express 7:97 pal listl;ixt itch Seagrove Adam Halliday, of Manitoba is visit- inglris �pl?a�rents. East Wawanosh township Nomina- tion was held here on Monday. John Owens, of Thessalon, is visit- ing his father, Jas. Owens, of Bel - grave. A call will be extended shortly it is expected by the Presbyterian church here to a new pastor. James W. Bone, of East Wawanosh has this Winter, a herd of 58 head of Cattle nearly all Polled Angus. Toho Robertson, blacksmith, who was working for J. L. Stewart, has been on the sick list, but is now quite better. Gerrie Miss Robina Kahle, of Wiarton, is home to spend the holidays with her mother and sister. Miss Morton, evangelist, will com- mence a series of evangelistic meet- ings on January 3rd. Wesley Montgomery who is attend- ing medical college to Toronto, is home for the holidays. Harold McTavish, who is attending the Belleville Business College, arriv- ed home last week to spend the Christ- mas holidays. Mrs. W. llIcKee, of Gorrie, passed aWay on Wednesday of last week and the funeral was held on Christmas Day at 1 p. m. to Molesworth ceme- tery. Service was held in the Gorrie Methodist ° urch. 3. R. Williams has sold for his son, W. D. Williams, of Louisiana, his property just opposite the resilience of Wm. Hammond, to John Sharpin, of the Flowick and Grey boundary. Ib is expected Mr. Sharpie will occupy the premises about the middle of January. To stop any pain in 20 minutes, take one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See formula on the box. Ask your Doctor or Duggist about this formula. It can't be bettered. Womanly pains, head pains, any pain gets instant re- lief. Box of twenty 1 ink Pain Tab- lets, 25c. Sold by all dealers. Seaforth Mrs. Ament•, sr., has gone to spend the Winter with her son, John Ament, at Millbank. ' • E. W. Murray, who is taking a post graduate course in the S. P. S. Toron- to, is home for the Christmas holidays. Mr's. Robe. Bristow, of legnondville, has just finished a print quilt contain- ing 2405 pieces made all by hand in the year 1908. Mrs. Bristow feels justly proud of her work, she is over. 60 years of age. The many friends of Adam and Mrs. McKay, will regret to hear that they have been bereaved of their in- fant daughter, Bessie, aged 4 months and 18 days. The little one had been i11 for some time and passed away on Friday, Dec. 18th. Tho funeral took. place on Sr,turday at 3 p. in, to inter- ment at the Maitlandbank cemetery. At the regular meeting of Camp Lady Nairn, S 0. S., held ih the For- ester's Hall, the following Diktats were elected for the year 1009—Chief, A. W. Stobie ; Ohieftian, Robert Steele ; Chaplain, J. McMichael ; Re- cording and Financial secretary, Thos, Richardson ; Treasurer, Wm. Ballantyne ; Marshal, W. R. Smitlh Standard Bearer, Willard H. Elliott ; Senior Guard, Alex. Be Sutherland ; Junior Guard, John Cardno. Burnt his Toes Dadly. But he will never again use a cheap corn cure containing acids. The only safe and painless cure is Putnam's Core I extractor. It. never burns, al- ways aures—l)uy "Putuarn's," Birth Miss Pearl Gidley has atr'ived home from the Toronto Conservatory o Music. Geo, and Mrs, King celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on Monday, M1. Tyndall, of Carlow, took charge of the singing in St. Andr'ew's church on Sunday, as the new leader. The many fr ends of Dr. Carder are sorry to hear he is on the side list, bet hope he w 11 soon be restored to hie ostial good health. Sunday morning, 20th inst., Mrs. :No. Martin, who has been a resilient of Blyth for the past 25 years, !passed alvayat her home after a sheet illness at the advanced age of 84 years, 11 months arid 9 days. Deceased was born hi Scotland, her maiden name being Jane Scott, and after corning to tnis country lived in .Morris and at Walkerbnrn where Mr. Martin had the mill, aftertvatels coining toBlyth. Mrs. Martin teas one of the 44 Names placed on the Cobltuttlmion Roll of St. Andrew's ehurch on Oct. 11111, 1857, and has always been a consistent metubor, 1101' husband predeceased her over 14 years ago. Orly One slaughter was born, she being Dins. Lawson, of Detroit. Deceassd leaves three brothers to mourn the loss of a sister—Wml. Scott, of Toronto ; Jobe, Scotlan . The funeral and place in o Monday afternoon and interment was made in the Volvo, cemetery. Morris ADDRESS AND PRESEN7.'4TIUN.•••-At the school in S. S. No, 1 Miss aloArtor, who has beer) teacher for the past two years and who is now resigning was presented with a 1rllwfClue set ant1 an address by the scholar's. Fol- lowing is the address :— DEAR Miss McAwruR ; Itis with feeling of sleep regret we learn of your departure frons our midst, afttlx' two years of faithful and efficient service as teacher of this school. While we have often felt that school tasks were irksome, and we have not been as diligent in our studies as we should have been, we realize that you have ever been patient and kind and always had our best in- terests at heart. Now that we are about to part, we ask you to accept this manicure set, as a slight token of our esteem and affection. Wherever your lot in life may bo cast in the future, we hope that health, happiness and prosperity may ever attend you. We wish you a merry Xmas and a joyous New Year. Signed on behalf of the school. FLORENCE R00E1MN, OLIVE Amax, Mama NIvx Ns. Coughs that are tight, or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this account Druggists every- where are favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And itis entirely free from Opium, Chloroform • or any other stupefying drug. The tender leaves of a harmless lung -healing mountain, ons shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, al- ways demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom bo given to even the youngest babes. Test it once yotlrself, and see 1 Sold by all dealers. Grey Adarn Duke, corn. 4, has had the telephone placed in his house. This makes communication with Listowel; easy. A jolly load of Cranbrookites at- tended the concert at S. S. No. 5, Grey, on Wednesday evening of last week and report an enjoyable time. SCHOOL R17PORT.—Following is the school report of S. S. No. 3, Grey. Pupils were examined in all subjects and their names are arranged in order of merit. Class IV.—Juneve Taylor, Jean Smith, Cecil McKinnon, Ernie Cardiff, Tom McDonald, Oliver Doll, Wesley Brewer. Class III.—Katie McDonald, Millie McFarlane, Marion Smith, Bessie Smith, Fred pole, Ren - ben Bi ewer. Class II.—Stuart Grant, Eliza Bishop, Willie Dietner, Joe Smith. Pt. IZ—Harold Cardiff, Jas. Dietner, Jim McFarlane. Pt. L— Charlie Smith, Albert Cardiff, George Bishop, Roy McFarIane,Howard Cole. M. DARii, Teacher. Tho following is the School Report of S. S. No. 5, Grey, for the month of December. Names are in order of merit,. Highestipossible mark 800. Class IV.—Bert Dunbar, 220; Alex. Collins,"203 ; *Thos. Clark, 77. Class III,—Wm. Campbell, 247 ; Ross Coates, 233 ; Elsie Rea, 105 ; Prank Lindsay, 101 ; Ernest Rea, 157 ; Isaac Clark, 155 ; *Edith Flood, 120 ; *'011ie Hudson, 70. Class IL—Margaret Coates, 227 ; Lizzie Kleinschrotlt, 203 ; Lyle Bradford, 170 ; Jas. Collins, 107 ; Annie Clark, 147 ; Alex. Mc- Donald, 142 ; *John Savage, 132. Sr. Pt. I1.—Gordon McDonald, Eva Hud- son, Harry Hudson. Jr. Pt. 1I.— Iienry Kleiuschl'oth, Harold Brad- ford, Ida Bremner. Sr. I.—Johnston Armstrong, Gordon Rea, George Campbell, Mabel Clark. Jr. I.—Maud Dixon, Cele McDonald. L. A. MACKAY, Teacher, A Frightful Death Is one from suffocation and some- times follows tt bad attack of Asthma. The old fashioned remedies may re- lieve, but never cure. Beat results come from Oatarl'hozoue which cures Asthma after hope is abandoned. It's because Catarrhozone bilis the Asthma germ that it ouiks. Choking spells and labored breathing are re- lieved, suffocating sensations and loss of breath are cured. Every trace of ,Asthma is driven Fran the system, and even old chronics experience im- mediate relief and lasting cure. Equally good for Bronchitis, Throat Trouble and Catarrh. Sold by all dealers in 25c, and $1.00 sizes. Get Catarrhozone to-clay—it does care. Cranbrook SCHOOL RETORT.—Following is the report of room II Oranbroolt Public School for the month of December :— Sr. IV.—Beatrice McQuni'rie, 450; Jessie Menzies, 426 ; Lull) McDonald, 405 Viola Long. 3,8 lR oy M Qua•- ria, ;303 • Mary McNichol, 382 •LilianDark, 871 t Jela Baker, 859 ; Harvey Noble, 380 • Liela Sperling, 288 Muriel Sperling, 272 ; *David Petrie, 215. 7t. OM—Bessie Alderson, 807 ; Ovum Steins, 200 ; Arthur Fox, 287. Sr. III:—May frasby, 839 ; Luoy Alderson, 838 ; Addie Sperling, 836 ; Mamie Cameron, 818 ; Leslie Perrie, 298• Hazel McDonald, ]]aid, 285 ; Russel night, 281 ; *May Hunter, 254 ; "'Maggie 1IcNab, 120. Jr, III.— Evely McNichol, 880 ; Gordon Cam, eron, 260 ; *Lola Steins, 218 ; *Chris. Man Fischer, 162. Ti. D. AINLAY, Teacher. The following is the report for Oranbl'ook. Public School room I, Pupils examined in Arith., Read., Writ., Geo. and good conduct. Total, 400.- Sr, II.—Myrtle Grasby, 883'; Lena Noble, 850 ; Fanny Grasby, 300, Jr, II.-wlliaggie Perrie, 850 Millie Alderson, 330: Thelma Sin:Melon, 820 ; Gordon Knight, 308; Madaleno Balser, 269 ; Alvin Renter, 259 ; Osear GOrsality, , 280 ; *Tone a Stehss, 220 ; **Elsie Sperling, 180 ; *Charlie Dining, 1401 Pt. 1l•—Welland Manta., 872; Wilford Cameron, 820 ( Marie - Long, deal Peninsular " Bay Ilia Advantages at a Steel Range With the Durability el a Cast•iflrou Mange "Ideal Peninsular" is the ideal range for anon kiteheu. It gives tate conveniences of the best steel ranges with the added advahtage of being .cast-iron and therefore more durable. The "Ideal" burns either weed or coal and the grate bars may be Changed in half a minute. Step 10 end let us show you the Drop Oven Door -Low Warming Closet -.Adjustable Damper --Daylight Oven and other improve. moue, Always glad to explain the superiority of these ane ranges, 70 WILTON & GILLESPIE, - . . BRUSSELLS 810 ; Claire Long, 290; *Johnny Schnook ; **Stuart Noble, 100 ; **Eric Pennington; 129 • Arnold Fischer, 121. Pt. I. Excellent—Irene Kreuter, Lizzie Baker, Barbara Fischer. Good —Moss Hunter, Ida Bunter, Fair— Alfred Knight. First—Excellent-- Annie :'lnalldon. Good—Evalyn Baker, Johnny Smalldon. * missed exam in a biotic. TE n,'no ARS/STRONG, Teacher. Bluevale Municipal Nominations brought quite a crowd here on Monday from Turn berry township, Miss Stella Nethery, daughter of John Nethered for �y, of Bluevale, has been engaRev. Mr. Tyler, nd ot Walton, pre sh- ed in the eletho(ist church here last Sabbath, Rev. stir. Andrews. was at Walton preaching anniversary ser- mons. TomNSRRRY TowNs1uIP FYNAxcKs,— This municipality is in good financial standing, if 370 can judge from the Treasurer's statement just issued. The year began with a balance of $750,31. The receipts during the year (up to the 15th inst.) were $9,882.88, making a total of $10,141.09 to account for. The expenditure to Dec, 15th, totalled $3,414.93, leaving a balance on hand at that date, of $0,720.70, The assets are -cash, $0,720,70 ; un- collected taxes, $8,281.29; other things, $180, making a total of $10,088.05. Tile liabilities include county rate, $2,020.80 ; schools, $4,858.78 ; drain debentures, $612.15 ; salaries and out- standing accounts, $830 ; total liabili- ties. $8,921.83. Preventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to have four specific advantages Over all other remedies for a cold. First.— They contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Second—They give almost instant, relief. Third— Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth—A. large box 48 Preventics— at 25 cents. Also fine for feverish children. Sold by all dealers. Fordwich Principal Leggett is spending the holidays at• his Home in Walkerton. Miss Arsine Faust who has been in Clinton Hospital for fourteen weeks, arrived home last week. A. A. Dobson, student of McGill University Montreal, is spending the holidays with his parents at the . manse. John J. Waugh and Miss Violet; M. M. Corbett were united in mar- 1 riage on Wednesday 23rd inst. at 11 o'e]loek by Rev. J. all. The total amount of taxes raised in Howick township ia,1908 was $27105.- 58. Of this amount only $881,85 was unpaid on Dee. 15 and on which five per cent additional will have to be paid.. The Trustees of Fordwich Police Village raised $125 on the village this year. This amount added to the commutation tax, $225, makes a total of $350. They have a surplus in the Township Treasury yet of $116.84. Economy has been practiced with a vengeance, compared with the neighboring village, Gorrie, who raised $525.00 special tax, In addition to their commutation tax, Never cry Quite. You may be weak, sleepless, Ner- vous,—digestion may be poor, but don't despair, Never say die till you have used Ferrozone, the most won- derful body builder, the best nerve and system tonic known. Ferrozone gives tone and vigor to the whole body ; it snakes you eat, consequently it provides increased nourishment. Day by day yen grow in strength— weakness, loss of sleep, apprehension all pass away. You get well, stay well, look well. Do try Ferrozone, it's sure to benefit. All dealers in Se. boxes. Listowel J. Cecil Hamilton, wbo recently underwent an operation for appen- dicitis, is making an excellent recov- ery, and he is expected to be about as usual in a short time. Brick laying has commenced on the Piano Factory, and the work is being pushed ahead as rapidly as the weather will perin16. Eight ears of lumber for the new factory arrived. Chief Engineer Mountain of the Dominion Railway Canlnigsion was in Listowel, and along with several member's of the town Council and a nlunber of the principal chippers, oma do an examination ' O all 11 Of thei• d (fere t points suggested for interstvitching between the G. T. R. and C. P. R. Some one who evicleutly knouts where good cigars are made, and who wished to treat himself to a Christmas box without payingfor it, broke into Messrs. GeerocBros. cigar factomy on a recent night and stole a quantity of cigars, 600 being -missed. Entrance to the factory was gained by prying off the fastenings and raising one of the windows. A. meeting was held in the Ooutloil 4hlwnber at the Public Library for the 9l01'90se of orgltuizieg a Literary, Music al and Debating. Society. Quite a number of young lion were present, and the following officers Were elected : Pres., W. 'W', Ntcltcll ; Vico Pres., T, Kay ; Sec.-Treas., 14, Oliver ; Chair- men of Committees -Literary and Dramatic, F. Von Zuben ; Dftxsieal, D'A, cy Grierson ; Debating, Dr. J. E. Sawdon. The Society will meet once a week and Have a public meeting once a month. Wroxeter Wm. Perrin, who is attending the school of Practical Science in Toron- to, is spending the -holidays at his home here. The regular meeting of East Huron Farmers will beheld in. the Hall here on Thursday, Jan. 14th, sessions open- ing at 2 and '7.80 p, m. Dr. Reed, of Georgetown, and W. H. McCracken, of•Brussels, will speak in the after- noon and the former and OtIlss Camp- bell, of Brampton, in the evening. A musical program will also be added at the evening gathering. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the Heart orKidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescription --Dr, Shoop's Restorative—is directed en- tirely to the cause of these ailtnents— the weak inside or controllingnerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr. Soop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Each Inside organ has its contr'olhng or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days and see! Improve- ment will promptly and surely fol- low. Sold by all dealers. Atwood L+`d. Grundenberger, proprietor of the Ehma douse has had new lights installed which makes a vast improve- ment. All the cheese at the Elm factory was shipped out on Saturday, Dec. 10th, 448 boxes in all. Swifts Co., of Chicago, were the purchasers at 114 cents. The officers of the Telma Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Oo., were en- tertained to an oyster supper by the President, Thos. Dickson and Vice- Presiclent, Thos. E. Shearer at the palatial home of Mr. Shearer on Sat- urday evening, Dec. 19th, Sometime Wednesday night Dec. lath what is supposed to be two sneaks entered into Geo. Thompson's carriage shop by breaking out et window and taking a couple of chisels, made their way to W. R. Erskine's general store where they pryed the front door open. After getting inside they lighted a candle and then began to decorate for the Christlnas season by leaving some of their old garments and taking new goods in place. The annual meeting of the Conser- vative Association of the Township of Elena was beld in Mitchell's Hall on, Sattuelay afternoon, December the 19th with a large number of the faith- ful in attendance. The election of officers resulted as follows :—President Thos. 1. Sproule, first vice-pres., Robb. Burke • sec. -twee., C. J'. Wynn. After the, election of officers the as- sembly listened to an address from Jas. Torrance, M. P. P., followed by remarks from Reeve John Hamilton, Iiuglx Richmond, William Bell and others, Frequent Headaches Do They Afflict You ? Yon find life a miserable 'affair 'bo - cause you have headaches, but you have neither nausea nor are you weak—You know if you could only prevent headaches you would en- joy perfect health, Such headaches indicate a general lowered condition, because they arise from. a general decay of the nervous system. This depressed condition of the nsr- v00s system had its origiu in the re- duction of the quality and quantity of the blood. The blood is thin—its red coloring is reduced—it contains uo nourishment. The digestive organs are not sup- plying it with sufficient nutritive mat- ter. The result, nerve weakness, net've debility, ill health. If you had teed Ferrozone you wnnld know slow powerfully all the digestive and ass ' lative functions of 'the body ere stimulated. Ferrozone does nlore--it supplies all the elements that are essential to the rebuilding of the body --supplies the reconstructive forces that coati - bide to the formation of rich, red blood. You sae Ferrozone doesn't treat a svmptO1—it remedies a Callao—and Chats why a month's treatine0 t will absolutely remove every vestige of re- ourr1ng nexweus benclaches. Nothing like Fereozono to build you up, to give the resorvo of force, that, happyhealth tt 1 that i contt' blltAe nmnleh to happiness and contenta n7 Ferrozone will snake you feel like new, try it—sold by all . druggists in 50e, 1)eaes, At -.010.---' 1 misant arms tb+li Thi star Grocery Sleighc‘ ETHEL. We handle the best Groceries and Con- fectionery for Xmas that money Cali buy. The best goods at lowest prices. Fruits California Navel Oranges Bananas, Dates, Figs Almeria Grapes Very Best Raisius and GMT/lilts Doer"* Chocolates and Bon Bons also 1vleLaughlin's Confectionery and Fancy Cakes of all kinds. FANCY CIGARS Our stook of Groceries Is fresh and Clean, OYSTERS and 9000 CHEESE. iSfGood Bread always on hand. Please call aud see our stock to be convinced. W. T.SF/ENCE GROCER AND CONFECTIONER 4nq Cutters You will find at the Caber Carriage Factory n. good 88• sortment of First-elass Bob- sleighs, Cutters, Wheelbar- rows, Haled Sleighs and Clothes Reels. All hinds of Repairing and Repainting promptly attend. ed to. John Cober BRUSSELS £,ight Shoes . Warm d vers4oes Some people don't like to wear a heavy shoe at any time. We are in the business to sell the kind of foot- wear ootwear you want. For good warm winter comfort, we recommend for " light -shoe " wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth, bellows front overshoe, one or more buckles. We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one pair will wear a whole season. Both men's and ladies' in all styles at all prices. Harness Department Remember our Great Cash Discount Sale now going OD in Robes, Blankets and Bells. Our Single Harness in Rubber and Solid Nickle are leaders l'Repairs in Shoes, Rubbers or Harness promptly done. C. RI C HA RDS Cutters Cutters Cutters 1111111011111111111101111111111111111 HAVE yeti seen EWAN & Co's large display of Cutters? They kuock out anything on the market. We have a very large stock of nearly all kinds and sizes for the coining Winter and they are made of the varybest material, every brace about therm being the very toughest of steel. They are trimmed with the very best of german Mocate and Leather Cloth. For style and neatness our little piano box Cutters can't be beaten. We have a number of styles of Cutters. with Tops on them which makes a most comfortable vehicle, the 'rops being a great weather protector. Large and small sizes in Portlands and a number of Street and Speeding Cutters, it will pay anyonetoexamine our two large Show Rooms as we have a large number to choose from. Bob -sleighs - Heavy and Light Timber all Oak. Second-hand Buggies We have a number of First•rlass Secondhand Buggies which we wish to dis- pose of this Fall, Come quick and get your pick. Repairs done on all kinds of Rigs in our line and at small prices. - Don't miss the large exhibit at our Carriage Shop, We will save you money by purchasing your Rigs at Ewan & Co's It g Carrow a Shop BRU NATIONAL Roller Flour Mills OUR NEW "FLAKINC ROLL" is now in full operation. It will save you looney to have your Oats "Flaked" before ' feeding horses Try our New eW ` BREAKFAST FOOD - Corneola Made from W -bite. Wheat, Healthful' and d Invigorating Don't forget that our "White ' Loaf Maur is still taking the lead for.l3read Flours. - uuyj� t"'All kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand, ��r.�t ..PRYNE * BRUSSELS