The Brussels Post, 1908-12-31, Page 6ON CLUBBING WT. 4. McLauchlin, G Baeleer, D Curr,i.e, (./17•11?'e 1,1,1 DAS$C15 4;051 tzocitl.-A Somets, A Drage, 3 Louis. Q Heist, A lolinstun, -- THURSDAY, DECEIYD3ER 31, 1908 J. N. R -11'0111E. Teneber. `rite PosT has made Arrangements to club with all uf the leading Weeklies and .• _ Morris Council Dallies avid other Journals PosT ancl the following mimed pap 2nd Term Exam. 'rhe Council met persuan in the equate). room, Mon CON r IN ATION Se H 00L. 5th. Reeve in the cheir. Room & 2 last rneettng read and con gsineer's report respectin Form III B -Exam in all subjeets. Total 155o. Hon, 116e. Pass 93a. (71a6bY amius "re Pres" either drains being con t to Statute cies will be sent from now until Dec. , . 31st, 1909, for the price of one es on Dec Minutes 01 years's imbs.iriptiou, vie : firmed, Hu- WEEKLIES 4 ec" and PosT and 'roronto Globe,.....,.. ...... $1 to i ted and filed, ' " " Mail & Empire ,.....,....,. 1. 65 • ipleted. On . S Stubbs, 1 6* G Robb motion ot Shaw aad Me. " " Lcndon Advertiser 1 no 18 R Shaw. ..... -15136 taxes of Mrs. Wiley and Arthur Lantelon P Baker. 1146 L Locke . moo were remitted. Accounts were ordered 3 etinninghamixo8 to be pall as follows :-.1ohn Roger, Form III A -Total 3550, Hon, 1162. Engineer's services. Pass 930. $108.o0 ; lohn Roger, se drain, $232.u0 : )01m R Cole drain, $33.00 ; Joh vices Kelly dram, $37.00 ; services Ellison dram, $ Roger. services Forrest A% Mr. Russell, assietatme on $2.00 •, P. McNabb, do, $ Neil, do, $2,00 ; Wrn Bir W. Smith, assistance on $6 oo ; Wm. McLean, (10,Gray, do. $5.00 ; Jno. $1.00 ; Thos. Kelliugton Harvey Beam, do, $2.00 kens, assistance on Ellison Geo Dunlop, assistance o $8.00 ; 01] Kelly drain, Ellison drain, $6.00 ; on $8.00 ; on Russell drai Mason draiu, $4.00 ; on $10.00 ; H. Johnston, f Grasby drain, 8'5.o° ; C. on Proctor drain, $2 oo •, tile, $0.75 ; R. T. Mil Jamestown hill, $3.10 ; gravel, 950ts. ; J. Ste $c9 oo ; Jno. Johnston, $4.00 ; T. Ellis. cleaning Gurdon Emimry, digging J. McKinney, cleaning o Thos. Bone, farm brid drain, $15 . R. Arn bridge on Mason drain, Curtin, balauce contra drain, $217.00 ; Jno. P assessment, $1.78 ; R. J assessment, $t 98 ; Wm. payment on Grasby drai repairing bridge, Logan, cleaning drain ou 1100, $3 00 ; R. Wig $ Win. Taylor, Jim. Moppet., cleaning 'No. McDonald, plank o aro, el 5 22 ; Geo. 'raylReeve. Reeve, $70 oo ; Geo. Ta On Financial statement, F Stubbs 702 CO Kerr -588 Brandon, Financial stn P McKenzie ... .736 E Lamont .586 Mrs. Wiley, remission o P Dark 716 C McDonald.... 55(2 A. Cantelon, remission o W Kerr 690 W Ainlay 520 C. G. Campbell, Co I Strachan ..676 *L Bateman ,...512 $55.00 ; Neil A. Tal E Platt ....... .....629 S Burgess . ..... .443 fees., $55.00 ; A. Sha F Robb 621 J McCallum 417 Nes, 55.00 ; H. Niel: 1-1 Ament.. 597 *E Cober 350 aillor's fees, $55 00 ; W and expenses, $132,00 : balance inspectiug cemen 'I'. 9 Brandon, pt. sala EL Kerr, printing co On motion of Taylor an Laws Nos r5 and 16 .ve passed. The Council W Cutebeon the ,,„ London F>'ee 8o " Family Herald & Star .. 8,, " Montreal Witness. ..... „ t So " Weekly Sun.. ..,... 1 So " Farmers' Advocate 35 DAILIES POST and Toronto Star ...• .. ... „la 35 Toronto Hetes 2 35 " " Toronto Globe.. ..... 4 so Torohto Mail-Einplre4 50 ""'1'�1'0l 3o World 3 oo " " London Advertiser 2 35 When Premiums are given with any of the above named publications you R- etire them through the club with TinPosr. POST. Call at the office or remit the amount by P. 0. Ordei, Express Order or Reg- isterz cl letter, so cents additional for postage on all papers going to the United States, addressing THE' POS V, Brussels. Ont. 53 Moore.. ..... 1209 C Holtues..,..„ 763 Leckie ..... -1 1 17 3 Wilton. .... 733 Jordan • .....1095 0 Armstrong. 727 S IvIcKercher.lo27 *W Scott. R 935W McCutcheon... T Armstrong. 877 Forrn II -Total 3025. 13011. 769. Pass 6x5. X Hewitson -.826 C Forbes .... .... 591 A Forrest .......782 J Henderson- .584 T Dickson.......770 X Arnent........560 ' Scott -.758 V Bowman 532 F Bryans 722 N Ewan .504 13 Curry ........694 3 Arrnstrong••••413 M Jones 672 C MeMillan.....386 V Walker.. .. . 604 Form 1. --Total 1325. lion 994. PASS 795, E Deadman .,.1229 D Watson 874 13 Rallis .7121 L Armstrong. 859 H Armstrong.1o93 V Sperling 827 A Greet ..... 1076 E Plum 826 B Warwick...1058 V Alnlay . 821 W C Lowry . 8E9 13 Bremner ....too4 A Cooper 8o8 Fox 981 R Eckmier • 804 • .E Thompson974 A Robb. 796 C.Leckie.. 972 F Gerry 756 F Eckmier 949 *0 Snell ..., 748 j Armstrong... 949 "'1.4 Wilton 730 13 Leckie . 910 E Somers 725 H. Hoover 903 El Mooney.-- 724' W Long. ...... 9o2 W Bell ,... ..... . 694 *IX Thompson 1.94 *5 Gerry.... ..... 688 * Missed some exams. B. McCAmos j. H. CAMERON, Principal PUBLIC SCHOOL. ROONI 3 Entrance -Examined in Lit., Phys., Aritn„ Writ., Geo., Gram.. Spell. and daily work. 'rotal 950. Hon. 702. Pass 57o. Jason dram, rvices Grasby oger, services n Roger, set - John Roger, 43.00 ; john vard, $54.00 ; Russell draiu. r.00 ; A. Me - d, do, $2.00 ; Smith draiu, Wm. Young, do. , do, $1.00 ; ; Frank Alt drain, $2.00 ; II Cole drain, $6.00 ; Grasby drain, n, 84.00: on Smith drain, arm bridge on Garniss, tile Chas. Elliott, ler, work on Jas. Peacock, wart, cement, drawing tile, drain, $31.5o ; ditch, $6.00 utlet, 75 els. , ge on Mason istrong, farm $15 oo ; Jno. ct on Mason bean, error iu ernlyn, error in Connelly, pt. u, it/ oo.ou ; J. 83.00; Wm. South bound- htinan, gravel, gravel, $1.36 ; ditch, $2 oo ; n East bound, or, services as ylor, assistance $2.00 ; T. S. tement, $7,00 ; f taxes, $5.13 ; f taxes, $2.41 ; uncillor's fees. or, Councillor's w, Councillor's ntcheon, Coon • Clark, salary Jno. Watson, t work, $22 so ry, $50.00 ; W ntract, $40,00 d Campbell By re duly read and then adjourned . CLARK, Clerk * Missed one exam ** Missed three exams. Jr. III -Examined in Read., Phys., Writ., Geo., Gram., Comp., Hat., Spell., Arith. and daily work. Total goo. Honors 675. Pass 540. 81 Lowry .........682 N Fox..•.. • V Ross 678 E Barkley. S Brothers. 674 El Burgess. A Moore 668 C C Crooks 639 I -I Robertson •...265 A Wilton 524 F Friendship...213 Harold Lowry515 513 482 435 387 D. SMITH, Teacher. ROOM 4 • Sr. III -Exam, in Gram., Spell., Geo„ Mem., Phys., Arith.,Com' p, Read., Wr., Draw. and dally work. Total i000. Honors 75o. Pass 600. T Deadman 91.8 I, Lowry 639 W Armstong ...S23 F Lowry • 627 A Roe .Sx 3 Habkirk 613 E Lowry .........794 j Jackeon 600 A McLauchlin.786 13 Kerr 368 W Lott .... .. . ... 764 H Fox 503 E Toole 763 R Barkley .......494 L Ballantyne 76o F Wood ...... •• .470 Elliott 705 I MeLatichlin-429 W Harris.... 702 G Colvin 382 H Work ... 657 J Oliver 379 EMoore... .... . . .642 Jr. III-Exatn. in Hist„ Arith„ Gram , Spell., Geo., Lit„ Mem., React, • Law. and daily work. Total 95o, Honors 713. Pass 57o. V McCracken.. 787 R Sinclair •••••530 3 McLauchlin...767 A Thompson •••514 0 Edwards ..... 767 P Thuell ,502 R McKay 6g L Burgess 482 Ballantyne....629 0 Crone L Jackson . ..... .562 G Jamieson 189 51 Crone 542 T Snider H. M. DOWNING, Teacher. ROotf 2 Sr, II -Exam. in Cotnp.. Writ. and Draw., Hist., Lit., Arith„ daily work. Total 1300. Honors 973. Pass 780. I Toole. 1193 W Payne .....979 R Stewart 1173 B 978 L Ament .1114 V Sinclair 808 Jr, II -Exam. in same subjects Total 1200, Hon. goo. i>t 5 72o. C Powell 1072 F Payne....... 819 R. MOICay. . 1022 T McLauchlin 813 C Jackson , 1)92, NI Carter 771 L Jackson • - 941 R Hewitt 737 A IvIcLauchlin 89t P Barkley 735 L McCracken. 872 W Buchanan699 S MeLauchlin 852 0 Crone 676 611 Somers 838 R Currie 394 G. Ross, 'reacher. Room 6 Class V. -Examined in Reading, Writing, Drawing, Arithmeti4, Dicta- tion and Deportment. Total 75o. Hoitors 56o. F McKay .......711W McDonald .622 D Ross 689 W Harkness .. 557 Id Gerry 686 W Burgess 531 M Fawcett 668 3 Jamieson ..... 525 O McKay ,.....,667 L, Snider .415 13 Stewart ......653 Class IV. Examined in same sub• jects.-Total 750. Hon. 56o. • Best 688 A Fax 658 ✓ Harris : .. . . ....678 3 Warwick . . 633 R Brewer .....673 M Skelton 886 A Currie 668 R Payne .........503 R Moore ,,,..,,665 Class III Bxcellent.-111 Powell, ID Jamieson. Good, -H bolt, 0 'rhornp- • G Sn'cler, 408 91) Are You's. Dysp Nine people out of dyspepsia and don't k the pale cheeks, pool sleepless nights are the dyspepsia. The cause of the stomach and kit ged, and unable to Nothing puts vigor int so fast as Dr. Hamilton tone up the whole di regulate and strengthe absolutely cure dyspep take and sure to cnre, Hamilton's Pills. optic ten suffer from now it. Half • appetite and direct result of lies ill failure lneys ate clog - do their work. o those organs 's Pills. They gestive system, 11 the stomach, sia. Simple to -better try Dr. 100 1, Class 35 Excellent, -,A Hemingway, Fox, 8 Toole, M Ross, M Stewart, , 1118 :moo kicked off by cLatichile, M Dtioforcl, 0 Moore, M 1 The new lige rang Pawson, lid Campbell. Good. -V f been taken over by th Lowry, W Roe, I McNichol, 0 Ander- The C, P. R. has gi Son, Fair,-rlohn Harkness. ' 2o,000 tons of rails to Class I ietcellent.--M Wilton, Id Company At the SOO, Y. M. C. A. -The Co of the Young Men's 01 Lion of Huron Comity, h ly meeting in the rooms A. in Clinton, Tuesday isth, Messrs, Blair. M Culleus and Fat sent. The 'rreasurer' that $486.58 had been Sept. tsrh, which, adde on hand at that time, 05 1(215 sum $642,25 bac leaving a balance in $to2.85. The matter of the County Committ till the Annual Convent Winghatn, °tithe 8th ruary. L. C. Fleming tory, re,>orted that five organized since Sept. ham, Goderich, Clint Blyth, with a total me sent of 03o young men partment had been org hem also, and all thing work accomplished, op prospects for the futur couraging. He rep were 110W In the count ing members, and thrt had been followed by 1 after, in the places to gone, by Y. M. C. A some of these had be the Association in the they had gone 'The for the year 0909 Was e The Committee is arr ent program for the Winghain on Febrvrt and are looking for attended, and Most s dot] in every respect. Aro Your Join Haven't you a we where cold and inflt settles Whether i side, joints or lit simple -a good rub and then apply N Plaster. These gr invariably mire strati tees and muscular p inystery about this. most penetrating 1 consequently it gets really is. Nerviline are great healers an gestion. Be sure yoi substitutes cart% do James Reach, of Alfred Misener, or Niagara Falls, bed a Iroise, e at Kingeton has e Military tottrd. Yen an order for n the Algoma Steel is $4,000 in the Perth Mutual and missitig and is believed to have lost his 8>2.2(1(1 in the I.,onden Mane). This is We unty Committe iristian Associ eld their quarte of the Y. M. C evening, De cCallum, Scot ming being pr s report showe received sine cl to the balane totaled 8745.1 1 been paid out the treasury of Incorporatio ee was deferre ion to be held and 9th of Fe . County Seer Wafts had be xsth. viz., Win on, Exeter al nthership at pr A Boy's D auized at Win s considered, •to.date, ancl t e were quite e orted that the y, 12 COrrespon t 22 young m etters, and looked Clinton which they had It is reported that S. S. Cooper, will officials •, and assume the management and control come members of of the Normandie. Maces to which Dr. Agnew bas returned front. Co - financial budget bait, where he has been spending a estimated at $1800. fent weeks prospecting, angling an excell- It is reported that W. Rittledge has Convention in fallen hem to about $5000 through the ry 8th and 9th, recent death of his brother. ward to a largely John Rite who has so acceptably uuceasful 00'1000- performed the duties of Organist for the past eighteen months left lastweek With Mrs. Rice, on a short holiday eis Lame ? Miss Doherty will take charge of the 8,k spot, a place organ during his absence. tmmation always In a note received. from D. French, t is in the neck, late of the House of Refuge says :-"X nbs-the cure is anti enjoying better health than when with Nerviline I left Ontano, also Mrs. French enjoys erviline Porous Sunny Alberta immensely, We are eat rubefeciants living comfortably and happy in (ler n, weak- little cosy home. ain. There is no The, local Potary Association Sec- Nerviline is the rotary, M. O. Kaufman, has received iniment known- assurances from the Secretary of the where the trouble Provincial Agricultural Dep't., that Porous Plasters the Association will receive the afore - draw out con- p,idpaa, toWarcl the show to held get the genuine, in (Hinton Jan. 10-21. the work. 00OPEE'S FiLoiroror Bunsruis.- Be- ' tween three and four o'clock Tuesday Tyendinaga, died nnornin fire broke ont in the engine An Italian fruit merchant of Chatham named Favata lost $466 from his pocket while running to catch a train. The Coroner's jury at Pembroke re- turned a verdict finding Engineer Nagle guilty of negligence in conneetiou with the C. P. R. collision in which Engineer Rowe was killed. rhe Montreal Power Company has served the city with an ultimatum that unless a new agreement is entered into before the first of the year Me lighting will be turned oft a- 1... de o. 01111 111b- 5 - en id e - e. g - he he n. re a MAKES ASTONISHING CURES MI-o-na Tablets Cure Dyspepsia by Promptly Removing the Cause, or Money Back. AMMO , 9 474 <4. Breaks up a cold at the start. At the first sneeze or chill, take Campho-Quinme. Cures in 24 hours. At your dealer's -26c. , Innle s , v^,A,Oraln'54 the second time Mr. Cooper's factory The People's Column been destroyed. laS Will Hamblyn, the stock -keeper at the Jackson factory, received a ISDC - some upholstered chair from his fellow male employees on Tuesday of last week on the eve of his marriage. It was accompanied by an address read by J. McLeod, foreman of the factory. On Sunday just before the closing exercises of St. Pairs Sunday School the Rector and A. A, Hill on behalf of the Vestry, presented an Address accompanied by a chain mid purse to Miss Nellie Herman in recognition of her faithful services as Organist of the Sunday School. There is just one way to curedyspep- sia and stomach disorders, trivial 01. serious and that is to tone up or put energy into the stomach walls, so that they will be able to properly mix or churn the food. Mi-o-na tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction and in a short time it is able to do As work properly. Harry Dodd, of Bridge street, Hast- ings, Ont., says :-For seven years I had suffered and spent much money doutoring but all to no avail. I could eat but very little as food would fer- ment and. sour, making gas, which caused serious heart.oppression. I was in constant misery, sour gas would belch from my stomach. I was languid and weak and had no ambi- tion. I clid not feel like going any- where or seeing anyone. There was a constant dull pain in the F,it of the stomach. I was unable to sleep, was uervous, restless and would awake more ti ed than on going to bed. I tried Mi-o-na and. soon found relief, and in less than six weeks Mi.o-na had completely cured me. Jas. Fox, the druggist. sells Mi-o-na tablets at 50 cents a large box, under a rigid guarantee to do all that is claimedtor them or money back. WHY SUFFER? Breathe Hyomei and Kill the Loath. some catarrh Germs Just as long as you have catarrh yclear nose will itch, your breath will foul, you will hawk and spit and do other disgusting thin ,gs because you. can't help yourself. 'rhe germs of catarrh have got yon in their power ; they are continually and per- sistently digging into and irritating the mucous membrane of yoer nose and throat. They are now making your life miserable; in time they will sap your entire system of its energy, its strength, its vigor and vitality. But there is one remedy that will kill the germs and core eatat•rh, and that is Hyomei, the Austialian dry air treatment. Joseph Dural, of 'Woodstock street, Tavistock, Ont., says : '•Catarrh had given me all kinds of suffering for a long time. There 'Was a swelling of the glamls under the eyes and adjacent to m7. nose and the discharges would drop into my throat. I used several remedies but never got the relief that I did from Booth's Hyomei. I have been so pleased with Hymnei results that I highly recommend its use to catarrh suffers." Jas. Fox, the druggist, will guaran- tee Hyomei to cure catarrh or money back.- Don't delay this pleasant anti- septic treatment. Breathe in Hyomei and kill the germs. Jas. Fox will sell you a complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler, for only $1.00. It is also gnaranteed to cuve bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds. hay fever and croup. W ngham Mrs. Phippeu, sen., is in very poor health, and at the advanced age of 84 is growing feeble. On Monday forenoon of last week, it was evident that the pupils in A. H. Musgrove's department had some- thing more than their lessons, as a burden upon their minds. The fore- noon, hoWever, passed without any- thing.out of the ordinary, but when Principal Musgrove returned after dinner he was received with applause, and the room was soon filled, the other teachers gracing the event with their presence. Charlie McLean then read an address, prepared by the pupils themselves, and Goldwin Ham- ilton presented the retiring Principal with a very handsome gold headed ebony cane, to which a suitable reply was made. Tuesday, the assistant teachers showed their esteem for Mr. Musgrove by sending him a handsome suit case. .Hach mil in Mr. Mus - grove's room received a book from the Principal as a souvenir of the close of school term, December, 1008. Mr. Musgrove has taught 17 years in the school and retires to attend to his duties as M. P. P, for North Huron. Iffr. Stalher succeeds him. Goderich Goderich will have a team in the in- ermethate series of the 0. H. A. gain the coming season. ()rant for this county will be held at Ctoclerich as follows : Jury assizes e lo eti.: Thetin ic:f next tr ts ,:fisveescislirosii.)(s:po opt, fo ituhtthe eeds:HasTioginle. 02....4„,..d„ A...4, .4.. pointed a year ago were made and the 1 rwo changes only in the officers ap- ice Falconbridge ; non -jury, opening pening April 20th, before Chief 3L15 10e 22nd, before Justice Britton. The Marine Social Club held its .4 ' A. ..A....A...4.0 officers are as follOws : Pres. and treas., John Bedford ; 1st vme-pres., 'Win, Campbell ; 2nd vice-pres., Mur- dock McLeod ; rec.-sec., Edward. Robinson ; fin. -sec., Norman Me- Aula,y ; inside guardian, A. Fisher ; outside guarchae, Angus Murray ; marshall, 13. Robinson. The chib has d ted its rooms very neatly and aJ HOME YOUNG. CATTLE for sale-Rieers and heifers. Call ut Lo . , 25-M WM. MOTAIE, Proorfotor- CALM FOR SALE -Being Lot 10, Con. 10, Grey. containing 100 acres. Amity t'> wle. WOODS, Oranbrook P. 0. 214f . . _ Exeter' 3ne, Gould, Huron street, is eonfined to hie room thromet Thos. Creech, w o hasbeen to his bed front an attack of typhoid fever, is now on the 1115011. Miss Ida Armstrong has been en- gaged to teach in School Section No, 4, Stephen, (Sharon) her dirties com- mencing alter the holidays. The many friends of Mrs. MeDonnell William street, will learn With regret of her severe illness and being 82 years lolfela.gree,augstreervve.fears are entertained for I John 'Taylor, of the Ross -Taylor 00. is confined to his bed with a serious attack 08 11112(11811, with littleor no signs of improvement. many friends will hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs. Daniel Kernick, while on her way to church Sunday evening of teat week, slipped on 0 piece of ice, with the result that alas broke her leg just above the ankle, from the effects of which she will doubtless bo laid up for several weeks. Will. J. 1Cnight will reeeive the con- gratulations 05 his many friends on the excellent success he has attained in the second tetni exame. at the Lon- don 'Medical School, he having passed in all subjects with honors, Will. is a bright young man and we wish him continued SUCCASS. Tuesday of this week school closed for the holidays. During the morning several of the rooms held programs that were listened to with pleasure by many parents and friends of the scholars. The girls and boys of room ir had pleasant surprise in store for their teacher, Miss McCallum, who is leaving to take a position in the Lon- don Schools. The surprise was in the form of two beautiful gffts,-a gold monogram hat pin and a dainty gift ink stand with cut glass bottles. With these was given a kindly worded address, showing the love, sympathy and confidenee that has existed be- tween teacher and scholars. Canadian News 'rho parish church at Coteau du Lac was burned. Mrs, loseph Watson, of Thurlow, drooped dead. It a proposed to hold a Centennial Fair at Winnipeg in 1912. Alex, McLean, Trade Commissioner to China, died at Shanghai. John Stanton, license inspector for South Ontario, died at Whitby. A good flow of natural gas has been struck at Pincher Creek, Altana. Prof, Reginald W. Brock has heen rip. pointed Director of the Geological Sur. vey. The Sanderson -Harold screen works at Paris, On., were burned. Loss 8bo5 James , 0m0we0 as. s drowned while skating neer Lashambe, thirteen year-old Cornwall. A young Italian stabbed a woman on the street at Montreal in full view of passers by. Herbert Johnston, a four.year-old boy ,of Raleigh township, was drowned while playing on the ice. Isaac Kert, stone contractor at Mont- real, has been arrested on ft charge of forging weigh tickets. An effort will be made to maintain Winter navigation on the St. Lawrence from Quebec to the sea, The Grand Trunk Pacific Elevator Company has been incorpated with a capital of one million dollars. Robt. Gillespie, of Everts, Alberta, who was visiting in London, Ont., died on the street from heart failure. HOD. Charles Devlin, Minister of Mines in the Quebec Government, col- lapsed at Aylmer on leaving church, Sheriff d'Avignon refuses to take over the books of the sheriff's office at Sand' wich until a Government Ruche is held. judge Cassels concluded the marine inquiry at Ottawa and the report will he presented to parliarnedt early in the session. Three men were killed in the shaft of the Columbus mine, near Cobalt, through something going wrong with the hoisting cable. What is believed to be the largest Un- ion Jack ever made is. to be sent from 'roronto to the Tercentenary celebration in Newfoundland. The Coroner's jury exonerated the motorman in connection with the death of Rev. J. j, Rice following his being struck by a street car at Toronto. . James Daly, an oil pensioner, waS !melted up on the street- in Montreal and died soon after in the hospital. His death is ascribed to the severe cold, Isaac B. Culp, of Beamsville, was kicked by a horse while trying to reacue live stock from a burning barn, and seriously injured. He got out with di.roehunitHy.. Coleman, jun., 50(1 George Sawyer were burned and suffocated in the Joggins Mines, N. S., by a screen curtain catching tire, and Frank McNeil was badly burned and may die. One of the pioneers of Blenheim and Probably the oldest nan in Canada, died Sunday mottling at his home in Shrews- bury, in Addison Smith, aged tit years. He was a slave in the South until he escaped to Canada lie is survived by twelve sons of whom it is' said they all were "black Smiths." Some of them are porters on express trains on the Wa- bavvizhinandaeocithmerre. roads.H Calcut and family of six children of Strathroy, had nar- row escape from death early Mon- day morning from asphyxiation. A little (laughter of 9 years old WEIS awak- ened by the deadly. fumes of escaping gae,abnut three o'clock end began to cry, which awakened the rest of the childven. 1 -Ter little sister got up an i attempted to quiet her, bin fell to the floor overcome. A brother who wart in an adjOining rOorn Cattle the rescue and be too fell unconscious to the floor ; two By this time trerfeatmlieet ttriTids4mrneot51111eter, were awakened enol t twIlise6.wrotongthneinrcl rtcialliling tin tall: Itliatnuatoion athrrieweigobpbeanra theiar cl ohoerls-p, anAd • doctor was also sent for, and was on hand in a short time. MI five childreti were unconacious hot were revived. and all Will reeover. Mr. and Mrs, Calcat slept it the front part of the house, whiell accounts for them not being affected by the fumes otherwise the situation would have been serious ss it wag a doe tali for the entire family, ESSOPEIRTY FOR SA.LE. - A comfortable dwelling and stable in the village of Cram brook. There is 2;5 noren of land with 15. POE - session can be given 81 0,008, For further 'par- ticulars apply to MRS. RADDATZ or .101118 FISCHER, Orimbroolt P. 0. 1241 ets.OMFORTABLE COTTAGE, stable end 14 1.0 acre of land for sale, Turnberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, 00. Possession could be given at once. For further particuhtrs es to price, berms. 00., apply on the premises. ALEX, MoLApORIAN. 7.tf 4A AORES OF CHOICE LAND for male on MeXillop boundery, adjoining Walton village. 011800 35 a frame house, orchard, well windmill, 00. on 11.0 5,0011105. ie all seed. ed down and is a desirable property. Poor health the reason for selling. Per further par- ticulars 113 (2> price, terms, &o, apply on the prenfines 10 17371110.5.18 MOCUAIG. 5114f tikinteymo To TREsvAssens,-Notiee is hereby NI given that the nubile is warned against trespassing on the North East corner of Loll Con, 0, Grey, itnown as the Outfit bush. hove bought the timber on same end will not permit it. Trespassers will be dealt with et: - cording as the law directs. THOS. NEWSOM. tf F SALE 011 00 RENT. -The undersigned ir offers his well loom ed. property in Brussels for sale or to rent. There are 535 acres of land with comfortable house, with cellar, etable, orchard, well, &e. Possession on Aug. 15th. For_price, term_ _,F4 and other information apply to JAS. DITNFORD, Clinton or TILE POSP Brussels. MOS. DUNFORD,Langtion, North Dakota, Annual Meeting East Huron Agricultural Society. The annual -meeting of the East Enron Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Ball, Brussels, on Wednesday, January 20th, 1509, alt o'elook p. in. Business of the meet- ing-lteceivIng tho Annual Statement and Auditors' Report, appointing officers for the year EN, 00. JNO. LECKIE, President. W. H. KERR, Seoretary, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF rAutt.-The Ps, undersigned will offer for sale at Thamer's Rotel bv nubile auction, in the village of Wal- ton, on ''rlday the 8th tiny of January, 11109, at the hour of two &Omit in the afternoon that valuable farm in tbe Township of McKillop known as the North half of farm Lot number nine, lit t fourteenth Concession of the fetid Township, of MeXillop, in the County et Euron, containing eighty eight and one half acres be the same more or less. The farm is well situated as to market being four and one half miles from the Village of Walton. There are about 4000r85 °leered and. in good state of cultivation and the balance 113 partly cleared. 11 15 the making of first OMR grazing Perm. Terms ten per Dent on the day of sale, balance to make one third of the price within thirty days end the reminder will either be accepted in cash or allowed to remain on a mortgage 011 the premises for five years bearing interest yearly at five per emit per 01111110. It will be Hold subject to a reserve bid 107 1110 administra- tor and is being sold to wind up the estate of ;lames MoCitilum, the younger, late of the Township of Mtaillop. For further partici- niers apply to undereigned, JAMES 1110(.7.1.0 - TOM, Administrator, or r.S.Boott, suddenly at Belleville. more has adopted a pennant with the initials "M. S. 0." In the cases of the King vs. Steele and the Xing vs. SulliVan, an adjourn- ment was made to enable the Crown to investigate the previous record of Sullivan in Stratforet. After investi- gation no previous offence was found against hint, and the cases came np again before the county judge on Fri- day, Dec. 18th. The counsel for the prisoners made a strong plea to the judge for leniency, on the ground that there was no criminal intent, that it was a case of first offence, and that there was in each case a wife and 0 young family depending on the accused for support. The judge severely reprimanded the prisoners and stated it was the worst offence Which hail come before the court for several years in this county. Had it not been a case of first offence noth- ing would have saved the prisoners from a severe sentence. The court administered the indeterminate sen- tence which its bents osed in England and this country in certain cases of first offence. Sentence on these charges is withheld and the prisoners discharged on condition that they fur- nish security for good behavior for two years, and they must report; be- fore the judge in periods of three months. If they are not of good be- havior they will then be rearrested and brought before the judge and re- ceive sentence for these charges, and. the judge intimated that in 1b01 801011>7 he would. echninister severe sentence to the penetentiary. On Tuesday of last week the prisoners furnished security 011(1 were released from cm- tody on the conditions elated. Crown Attorney Seeger prosecuted and J. L. Itillormt defended the prisoners. Or - h ecr031 tr riO IS Seven hundred labor unionists posed the proposed children's pare m favor of license reduction T onto. Last Sate 0 day iiight burglarg tered the general store of El, 13 Ridgeway, mid stole about $200 ivo room o Sam. Cooper's p ening of goods, 'rhe police have been 1100 and. soon the building was a mass of but fla yet cine has been found, IlittaeS which proved to be uneoutro1- The El usaey Weak at Sault Ste, Nia able. The walls were brink but soon was burned and the Coronation eollapsed, and the nuteldnery and con- damaged by fire. Alex Kemp, a 1 30 11.l'0 30 • 1 1 The insurance ant of one of the burned buildings, . e . . . . , . . . , . AT Duncall's Barber Shop WILL BE FOUND H*1 and Oold vaths where up toelate service is obtained. Call and See for Yourself. Allan Royal Line Mai I Sailings TO LJVEPPOOL. From St, John Tunisian sails Jan. 1 Ileeperian HMIS Jan.15 Corsican stills Jan. 22 TO GLASGOW Carthaginian from St. John Sicilian from 60, John Ealifax .lan, 2 Jen. 16 Jan 23 Jan. 0 Jan. 26 Winter rates -970.08 upwards •, Seeond class 940,00 ; Third class 92100 and 22..00. For enilings, lists and inforniation apply td W. H, KERR, Agent Allnn Line, Brussels, Wamosessomesuemaeas am* neremeutwooffarese.sams Sum mER Pout June, !>;1' and August leads into our Fall Tern] without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. CINTBAL IVHX211 C011101 Tho Largest, meet Reliable of its kind. W. H. SHAW Principal Yong° >51 Gerrard sts,, Toronto i•71•7"aMMMIIINSMOLIMMI11111•014111.1101.111•111WOMMIft VLIFFIMCMIC=9E1=44941fre9W/MMVILIP2710`...,=1118171 our ontrar Is it inclined to run away Don't punish it with a cruel brush and comb i Feed it, nour- ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Does not change Me color of ihe hair. rorraula with each bottle Show,tioto:ryour ars ABE hinn oThont tn. thon do on he eaye We certainly believe this, or we would not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, is a great preparation for the hair and scalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan- druff. Promotes the growth of hair. --Made by 11130. 0. Ayer Co., Lo,11, 10a10. rrelgraItsttiVisik.A4-r2Va6.1M, WINTER TERM OPENS ....,D' g JANUARY 4th V:c MORE YOUNG PEOPLE V, Q trained by our management then any '., 011101' 1,1 Ontario. Great demand for our graduates ns Businese College g). Teachere, Private Secretaries, Office Assistants, etc, The embodiment of the most Expert, bledern Sysisuns lolown in Business Science. We in- vite ooterrison. Three Departments. 1. a Mlinned y skilled instructors. COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELEGRAPHY. 1-7 P- Mail Courses in all 13usiness College 1* Afind Iiigh School subjects. Wingham Business College GEO. SPOTTON, Principal figAW/ KA &WAWA:VAS= 4:41ZfAt WAWA 4,1,4 Winter Terni opens Jan. 4th 11 Arrange now to attend the Famous ELLIOTT Ada/id' TORONTO, ONT. This School stands to -day with - 12 out a superior in the Dominion. Nearly nil Colleges claim to ba the abest (21claiming to be so, does not make them so. 10>1 000 Catalogue. 1/ 16,'1113 10 from cover to cover. See for yourself what this College is doing and 'rj the advantages it offers. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor.Yonge 0 Alexander ate.; Toronto. 13 Winter Term opens Jan. 4th 1;11 CFNTRAL 1-, STRATFORD. i/ 01113 HM100118 oue of the largest in the Province. 11 18 noted for the thorouh. 1. nese of its work and the success of its j stutlents. Three dapstrtments- i, Commercial, Shorthand 21 Telegraphy 38 Our graduates are in dment] as Engi- nes% College tenohers as well 110 00000 assistents. Get our magnificent cats- ' logue, 31 10 free. 10 Elliott & McLachlan, Principals. 1 MONTHLY 1-ikrse Fairs cl BRUSSELS The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season aS follows THURSDAY, DEC. 3ist, 1908 FEB. 4t11, 1909 MAR. 4111, Moe APR. at, 3909 Leading local and Outside Buyers will be Present, Heart Siregth Heart Strength, Or Heart Weaknessoneans Nerve Strength, or NervolVenknoss-nothIng more. Pols itiveir, ant min k heart In a hundred in, in 11. self, 'venially rlinuoul. 11 la almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve -the Corinne, or Heart Nerve --simply needs, and must have, inoro Delver, Mae stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without 111>1,0 1118 Heart nitiat matte:Ea to fail, and GM stomach mai kidneys also have these some eonitollIng nerVee. This dearly expleirts why, as a medicine, Dr, ehoop's Restorative has in the peat done 80 101111 ter weak and ailing Neale. Dr. Sheol) first songht the cause of n11 this painful, palpitating. sulToce". Ing heart a:stres, Dr. Shnoe's Restorative -Ms annular I0se1-lperal-18 alone directed to thcio wank and wasttert nerve centers, 25 hands; ikstrongthens it offers -real, genuine heart Mae. 13 you would have strong Hearts, strong di. gstion, strengthen these ,norvos restablish thom ns needed. with 1111,„ r oop est 4rtive "ALL DEALERS" •