The Brussels Post, 1908-12-31, Page 4Mce,,Lauchlin, G Seeker, D Currie
TW- 3fall$C15 'O.St G
�(1 -A &mei s. A DI age, 3 LOW11.
C Heist, A Johnston,
J. DI- Rires18. Tescher• 'rag Puss: has inatlearrangements to club
•---------...,-- • with all i..4 the lending Wes 1'
Morris Council 1 Dailies nod other Journals
TUE POST sun the following named pap
The Council met pursuant to Statute era will be sent from UOW until Dec.
in the Council room, Morris, on Dec. • 3100, (909, for the price of oue
' 15th. Reeve in the chair. Minutes ot Years's aubssription, rat:
last meeting reed and confirmed, lie. WEEKLIES
gineer's report respecting Cole and Pow and Toronto Globe.......... ..... $1 60
Grasby draius were presented and filed, ., .. mon & Empire ...... . r 65
neither drains being eompleted. On , „ „ London Adverti.ser
motion ot Shaw and IvIeeracheou the ,' " Loudon Free Press . t 8o
" " Family Herald & Star .. 1 80
" " Montreal Witness, .. it 8o
" " Weekly Sun 1 80
.• " Farmers' Advocate 2 35
2nd Term Exam.
ROOM 1 &t1
Form III B -Exam in all subject%
Total 155o. Hon, 1162, Peas 930.
S Stubbs, „..ra62 G Robb ..... . „.1 065
E Evans ...1318 R Shaw ...10361 taxes of Mrs, Wiley and Arthur Lantelon
lc -
P Baer. ..... „luta L. Locke 1000 were remitted. Accouuts were ordered
3 Cenniughami so8 to be paid as follows t ---john Roger,
Form III A -Total tsso. Hon. 1162, Engineer's services, Mason drain,
.,, Pans 930, 83ro8,00 ; lobo Roger, services Grasby
H Moore 1209 C Holmes 763 drain. $232.00 : John Roger, services
, t j
Leckie 1117 1 Wilton ,,, Cole diem $3.oo; John Roger, set.-
- 'drain °; 8337.00;John Roger,
G Jordan, ....•1095 O Armstrong. 727 vicesKelh' , . _,
services Ellison draiu, $43.00 ,• 'Man
S McKeretter,2027 *W Scott
Roger, set vices Forrest Award, $54.00
R. Simpson... 935 *W IvIcCutcheon,
'Is Armstrong 877 kit. Russell, assmtance on Russell drain,
$2.00 •, P. McNabb, do, $1.00 ; A. Me -
Form II -Total 1025. H00. 769. Neil, do, 832.00-; Wiu Bird, do, $2.00 ;
Pass 6r5, W. Smith, assistance on Smith drain,
K Elewitson -.826 C Forbes .. 591 83600 ; Win. McLean, do, $r2.00
A Forrest .. ..... 782 J Henderson... •584 Gray, do. $5.00 ; Jno. Young, do,
T Dickson. 77o K Ament........56o $0,00 ; Thos. Kellington, do, $1.00 1
F Scott . ..... -.758 V Bowman 532 Harvey Beam. do, $2.00 ; Frank Ait
F Bryans 722 N Ewan 504 kens, assistance ou Ellison drain, $200 1
B Curry .......•694 J Armstrong413 Geo Deo lop, assistance on Cole drain,
1V1 Tones 672 C McMillan .....386 $8.00 ; on Kelly drain, $ ; on
V Walker 604 Ellison drain, $6.00 ; on Grasby drain,
POrlil 11-000311325. 110e 994. Sam° ; on Russell drain, $4,0o ; on
Pass 795. Mason draiu, $4.00 ; on Smith drain,
E Deadman ...1229 D Watson 874 $10.00 ; H. Johnston, farrn bridge on
B Rallis 2120 L. Armstrong. ssg Grasby drton, $15,00 ; C. Garniss, tile
II Arrnstrong•xo93 V Sperling 827 on Proctor drain, $2 oo 1Cbas. Elliott,
A Graut...... ... 1076 F_ Plum 4' 826 tile, $16,75 •, R. T, Miller, work on
Jamestown bill, $3.10 ; Jas. Peacock,
B Warwick....ro58 V Ainlay . 821 J
W smarting.- two C Lowry 819
13 Bremner -.1004 A Cooper 8o8
S Fox 981 R Eekmier ...• 804
E Thompsou.•974 A Robb. 796
s„. ' ,. ... . 972 F Gerry 756
eller .... 949 *C•1 Snell .... 748
AeArrnsIrOtIg... 949 *K Wilton 730
..e" .13 Leckie . 900 E Somers 725
1-1 Hoover 903 H Mooney 724'
W Long 902 W Bell 694
*M Thompson 094 *S Gerry 688
* Missed some exams.
11. Mc Warns
I. H. CAMERON, Principal
Eutrance-Examined Phys.
daily work. Total 950. I -ion, 712.
Past 570.
F Stubbs g 02 *G Kerr .........888
P McKenzie 736 E Lamont .586
P Dark 7r6 C McDonald....556
W Kerr ego W Ainlay 520
I Strachao 676 *1.. Bateman ....511
E Elect. ...... 629 S Burgess 443
F Robb 621 3 McCallum 417
H Ament 597 *E Cober ,.....350
M Thomson 591
Arith., Writ., Geo. Gram.. Spell. Rua
* Missed one exam
'P.' Missed three exams.
Jr. III -Examined in Read., Phys.,
Writ., Geo., Gram., Comp., Hist.,
Spell., Arith. and daily work. Total
900. Honors 675. Pass 54o.
Trl Lowry Sae N Fox..... .......513
V Ross 678 E Barkley• 482
S Brothers. 674 /3 Burgess. 435
A Moore... .. .....668 C Rtnigh 387
C Crooks .........639 14 Robertson nos
A Wilton ........524 F Friendship213
Harold Lowry .515
POST and Toronto Star,...,.....,....$2 35
'• " Toronto News 2 35
" " Toronto Globe........ ..... 4 so
•• " Torobto Mail -Empire.- 4 50
" " " Toronto World , 3 oo
London Advertissr.., ..... 2 35
When Premiums are given with any
of the above named poblications you se-
cure thein through the club with Tug
Call at the office or remit the 801012 (10
by P. 0, Ordei, Express Order or Reg-
istertd letter, so cents additional for
postage on all papers going to the
United States, addressing
Brussels, Ont.
An Italian fruit merchant of Chatham
named Favata lost $466 from his pocket
while running to catch a train.
95cts. J. Stewart, cement,
The Coroner's jell, at Pembroke re -
$19.00 ; Jno. Johnston, drawing tile.
$4.00 ; T. Ellis. cleaning drain, $s5o ;
Gurdon Eintmry, digging ditch, $6.00 :
J. McKinney, cleaning outlet, 75 cts. ,
'rhos. Bone, farm bridge on Mason
drain, $t5 res . R. Armstrong, farm
bridge OA Mason drain, $15 00
r°, balance contract on Mason
drain, $217.00 ; 3110. Phelan, error in
assessment, $1.78 ; R. Jermyn, 01(01 111
assessment, $t g8 ; Wm. Connelly, p0.
payment on Grasby draM, $10e.00 ; J.
Yuill, repairing bridge, $3.00 ; Wm.
Logan. cleaning drain on Smith bound-
ary, $3 00 ; R. Wightman, gravel,
$1.12 Wm, Taylor. gravel. 831.36;
jno. blooper, cleaning ditch, $2 oo ;
Tuo. McDonald, plank on East bound•
am $15 22 ; Geo. Taylor, services as
Reeve. $70 oo ; Geo. Taylor. assistance
on Financial statement, $2.00 ; 'r. S.
13randon, Financial statement, $7,00 ;
Mrs. Wiley, remission of taxes, $5.13 ;
A. Cantelon, remission of taxes, $9.41 ;
C. 0. Campbell, Councillor's fees,
$55.00 ; Neil A. Taylor, Councillor's
fees, $55.00 ; A. Sbaw, Councillor's
Etas, 55.00 ; W. H. McCutcheon, Conn
cillor's fees, $55 00 ; W. Clark. salary
and expenses, $132.00 : Jno. Watson,
balance iuspectitig cement work, $22 50 ;
1', S Brandon, pt. salary, $50.00 ; W
H. Kerr, printing contract, $40.00.
On motion of 'raylor and Campbell By
Laws Nos 15 and t6 sere duly read and
passed. The Council then adjourned.
W. CLARK, Clerk.
D. SMITH, Teacher.
• Sr. III-Exatn, in Gram, Spell., Geo.,
Mem.,Phys., Ar '
ith. Com'
p. Read.,
Wr., Draw. and daily work. Total
t000. Honors 750. Pass Goo.
T Deadman 918 L Lowry 639
W Armstong .,.823 F Lowry... 627
A Roe .. . .... ......817 7 Habkirk . .613
E Lowry 794 3 Jackson 600
A McLauchlin.786 13 Kerr 568
W Lott .... ...... 764 H Fox.•.•-• 503
E Toole ... .. -.765 R Barkley •494
L Ballantyne.. 76o F Wood 470
3 Elliott . . . . . -705 I Mcisauchli 429
W 702 G Colvin 382
H Work 657 J Oliver .. ...... .379
E Moore' .642
Jr. III -Exam. in Hist„ Arith„
Gram„ Spell., Geo., Lit., Mem., Read.,
Wr„ Dtaw. and daily work. Total 95o,
Honors 713. Pass 57o.
V McCracken787 R Sinclair ....530
J MeLauchlin...767 A Thompson -514
G Edwards 767 P Thuell 502
R McKay 693 L Burgess . 482
3 13allantyne629 0 Crone .........408
1., 'Jackson 56z G Jamieson 189
B. Crone .542 'Is Snider 99
H. M. Dowamao, Teacher.
Sr, II -Exam. in Comp., Writ. and
Draw, Hist., Lit., Aritb., daily work.
Total -130o. Honors 975. PASS 780.
I Toole. 1193 W Payne .. ... 979
E. Stewart 1173 13 Campbell.•• . 978
L Atnent MI. V Sinclair 8o8
Jr. II -Exam, in same subjects, Total
1200. Hon. 900. Pa• 5 72o.
C Powell 1072 5 Payne.. ...... 819
R MelCay. 1022 T Mcisauchlin 813
C Jackson 990., M Carter. ..... . 770
L lackson 941 R Hewitt 737
A McLauchlin 890 P Barkley 735
L MeCracken• 872 W Buchanan- 699
14 MotaUchlin 852 0 Crone 676
W 838 R Currie . 394
G. Ross, Teacher,
Roam 6
Class V. -Examined in Reading,
Wthing, Drawing, Aritbinetbs
01011 and Deportment. Total 750.
Honors 56o.
• McKay .......711 W McDouald.622
13 Ross ... . 689 W Harlotess ., 557
11 Gerry 686 W Burgess 531
M Fawcett 668 J Jamieson ..;..525
O McKay L Snider 415
14 Stewart 653
lass IV. Exatnined in same sub.
C Best A Vox ............658
Are You'a Dyspeptic 7
Nine people out of ten suffer from
dyspepsia and don't know it. Ralf
the pale cheeks, poor appetite and
sleepless nights are the direct result of
dyspepsia. The cause lies in failure
of the stomach and kidneys are clog-
ged, and unable to do their work.
Nothing puts vigor into those organs
so fast as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They
tone up the whole digestive system,
regulate and strengthen the stomach,
absolutely cure dyspepsia. Simple to
take and sure to cure, -better try Dr.
Hamilton's Pills.
jec s. -Total 750. H00, 560.
✓ Herds . j Warwick 633
R Brewer 06.40675 M Skelton 586
A Currie ... 668 It Payne 503
E. Moore 665
Class III Excellent, --E Powell, E
Jamieson. Good. -'59 LoF0 0 Timmy.
G 5 idee
Cless Excelleet,-A Hentingwey.
j Pox, 14 Toole, 0.1 120:18, M Stewart. S node 'kicked off by a horse.
turned a verdict finding Engineer Nagle
gnilty of negligence in connection wit
the C. P. R. collision in which Engineer
Rowe Was killed.
rhe Montreal Power Company has
Served the city with an ultimatum that
unless a new agreement is entered into
before the first of the year the ligating
will be turned off.
MI-o-na Tablets Cure Dyepepeia by
Promptly Removing the Cause,
or Money Back.
Breaks up a cold at the start.
At the first sneeze or chill, take CaMpho-QUinIne.
,ons'srourneTis ,Pft,SZ ertem,e11,
Cures in 24 hours. At your dealer's -26c. 1
the second time Mr. Cooper's factory
has been destroyed,
Will Hamblyn, the stock -keeper at
the Jackson factory, received a hand-
some upholstered chair from his fellow
male employees on Tuesday of last
week on the eve of his marriage. It
was accompanied by an address read
by J. McLeod, foreman of the factory.
On Sunday just before the closing
exercises of Pauls Sunday School
the Ream! and A. A. Hill on behalf
of the Vestry, presented an Address
accompanied by a chain and purse to
Miss Nellie Herman in recognition of
her faithful services as Organist, of the
Sunday School.
There is just one way to cure dyspep-
sia and stomach disorders, trivial oe
serious and that is to tone up or put
energy into the stomach walls, so that
they will be able to properly mix or
churn the food.
Mi-o-na tablets quickly arouse the
stomach from its inaction and hi a
short time it is able to do its work
Harry Dodd, of Bridge street, Hast-
ings, Ont., says :-For seven years I
had suffered and spent much money
doctoring but all to no avail. I could
eat but very little as food would fer-
ment and soar, making gas,. which
caused serious heart -oppression. I
was in constant misery, sour gas
would belch from my stomach. I was
languid and weak and. had no ambi-
tion. I did not. feel like going any-
where or seeing anyone. There was
a constant dull pain in the pit of the
stomach. I was unable to sleep, was
nervous, restless and would awake
more ti ed than on going to bed. I
tried Mi-o-na and soon tound relief,
and in less than six weeks ilii-o-na had
completely cured me.
Jas. Fox, the druggist. sells Mi-o-na
tablets at 60 cents a large box, under
a rigid guarantee to do all that is
claimedlor them or money back.
Y. M. C. A. -'rhe County Committee
of the Young Men's Christian ASSO0i11.-
tion of Huron County, held their quarter-
ly Meeting in the rooms of the Y. M. C.
A. in Clinton, Tuesday eVening, Det...
15011, Messrs. Blair, McCallum, Scott,
Hill, Cullens and Fleming being pre-
sent. The Treasurer's report showed
that $486.58 had been received since
Sept. 15rh, which, added to the balance
on hand at that time, totaled $745.10.
Of this 812112 $642.25 had been paid out,
leaving a balance in the treasury of
$102,85. The matter of Incorporation
of the County Committee was deferred,
till the Annual Convention to he held In
Wingbain, on the 8th and 9112 of Feb-
ruary. L, C. Fleming. County Secre-
tary, reaorted that five places had been
organized since Sept. Isth. viz., Wing -
ham, Goderich, Clinton, Exeter and
Blytti, with a total membership at pre-
sent of 130 young men, A Boy's De.
partment had been organized at Wing.
ham also, and all things considered, the
work accomplished,, and the
prospects (or the future were quite en.
couraging. He reported that there
were HOW in the county, 12 correspond'
Ing members, and that 22 young men
had been followed by letters, and looked
after, iu the places to which they had
gone, by Y, al. C. A. officials ; and
some of these had become members of
the Association in the places to which
they had gone. The financial budget
for the year t9o9 was estimated at $1800.
The Committee is arranging an excell.
eat program for the Convention h
Wingliam on Febrvary 8t0 and 90h,
and am looking forward to a largely
attended, and most succeissful conven-
tion in every respect,
Breathe Hyomei and the Loath-
some catarrh Germs
Just as long as you have catarrh
your nose will itch, your breath will
be foul, you will hawk and spit and
do other disgusting things because
you. can't help yourself. The germs
of catarrh have got you in their
power ; they are continually and pet-
sistently digging into and irritating
the mucous membrane of your nose
and throat. They are now making
your life miserable; in time they will
sap your entire system of it energy,
ite strength, its vigor ea
But there is one remedy that will
kill the germs and cure catarrh, and
that is Hyomei, the Australian dry
air treatment.
Joseph Dural, of Woodstock street,
Tavistock, Ont., says : -Oatarrit had
given me all kinds of suffering for a
long time. There was a swelling of
the glands under the eyes and adjacent
to my nose and the discharges would
drop into tuy throat. I nsed several
remedies but, never got the relief that
I dicl. from Booth's Hyomei. I have
been so pleased with Hyomei results
that I highly recommend its use to
catarrh suffers."
Jas. Fox, the druggist, will guaran-
tee Hyomei to cure cataarli or money
backs. Don't delay this pleasant anti-
septic treatment. Breathe in Hyomei
and kill the germs.
Jas. Fax will sell you a complete
Hyomei outfit, including inhaler, for
only $1.00. It is also gnaranteed to
cure bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds.
hay fever and croup.
Mrs. Phippeu, sem, is in very poor
health, and at the'advanced age of 81
is growing feeble.
On Monday forenoon of last week,
it was evident that the pupils in A.
H. Musgrove's department had some-
thing more than their lessons, as a
burden upon their minds. The fore-
noon, however, passed without any-
thing.out of the ordinary, but, when
Principal Musgrove returned after
dinner he was received with applause,
and the room was soon filled, the
other teachers gracing the event with
their presence. Charlie McLean then
read an address, prepared by the
pupils themselves, and Goldwin Ham-
iltonpresented the retiring Principal
with a very handsome gold headed
ebony cane, to which a suitable reply
was made. Tuesday, the assistant
teachers showed their esteem for Mr.
Musgrove by sending him a handsome
snit case. Each pupil Iffr. Mus -
grove's room received a book from the
Principal as a souvenir of the close of
school term, December, 1908. Mr.
Musgrove has taught 1? years in the
school end retires to attend to his
duties as M. P. P. for North Huron.
Mr. Stalher succeeds him.
Aro Your Joints Lame?
Haven't you a weak spot, a place
Where cold and inflammation always
settles ? Whether it is in the lieek,
side, joints or limbs -the care is
simple -a good rub with Nerviline
and then apply Nerviline P010018
Plaster. These peat rubefacients
invariably mire strain, swelling, weak-
ness and muscular pain. There is
mystery about this. Nerviline is the
most penetrating liniment known-
eonsequently it gets where the trouble
really is. Nerviline Porous Floaters
are grea,b heelers and chew out con-
gestion. Be sore you get the genuine, in _Clinton Jan. 18-21.
snbstitattes can't do the work, coomee FACTORY BURNED.- Be-
tween three and four &dock Tuescley
puttee Roach, of Tyenclinaga, died maiming flee broke oat in the engine
suddenly at BelleVille. morn Of Sane. Cooper's planing mill
Alfred Misener, of Niagara Falls, had and soon the building was 0.111105s of
flames which proved to be uncontrol-
eble, The Walls Weve briek bet soon
collapsed and the maehinery and con-
The People's Column
rsHOICE YOUNG CATTLE for sale-ateere
‘se mid heifer& Call at Lot 11, Con,10, GreY.
26-tf WM. MoNA1R, Proprietoe.
CARTA FOR SALE -Being Lot 16, Con, Ill,
Grey, containing 100 acres. Apply to WM.
WOODS, Oranbrook O.
Jas, Gould, Huron street, is moaned
to his mom 10l111 ifineas.
Thos, Creech, who has been confined
to bis bed from an attack of typhoid
fever, is now on the mend,
Miss Ida Armstrong has been en-
gaged to teach la School Section No.
4, swollen, (Sharon) her duties com-
mencing after the holidays.
The many friends of Mrs. McDonnell
William street, wUl learn with regret
of her severe illness and being 82 years
,of age, grave fears are entertained for
Ibex, amassers,.
I John Taylor, of the Ross-Ta,ylor Co,
is confined to his bed with a serious
attack of illness, with littleor no signs
of improvement. His many friends
will hope for a speedy.recovery.
Mrs. Daniel Kernick, while on her
way to church Sunday evening of last
week, slipped on a piece of ice, with
the result that she broke her leg just
above the ankle, from the effects of
whicili she will doubtless be laid up
for several weeks.
Will. 3. Knight will receive the con-
gratulations of his many friends 00
the excellent success he has attained
in the second term exams, at the Lon-
don Medical School, he having passed
in all subjects with honors. Will. is a
bright young man and we wish him
continued success.
Tuesday of this week school chased
for the holidays. During the morning
several of the rooms held programs
that were listened to with pleasure by
many parents and friends of the
scholars, The girls and boys of room
V had a pleasant surprise in store for
their teacher, Miss McCallum, who is
leaving to take a position in the Lon-
don Schools. The surprise was in the
form of two beautiful grfts,-a gold
monogram hat pin and a dainty gift
ink stand with cut glass bottles.
With these was given akindly worded
address, showing the love, sympathy
and confidence that has existed be-
tween teacher and SehOlarS.
EOPERTY FOR SALE. - A comfortable
P dwelling and stable iu the village of Oran.
brook. There is 235 Rarer. of land with it. Pus-
oeseion can be given at once. For further pm. -
Maulers apply to RADDATZ or JOHN
FISCHER, Cranbrook P. 0, 12-10
154 Imre of land for sale, Tornberry street,
North, 13rus5el8. Good well, fruit trees, &o.
Possession could be given at once. For further
particulars es tunic°, temns, 8/0., apply on the
premises. ALEX. Mat,AITCHUAN. 7.00
Goderich will have a team in the in-
termediate series of the 0. H. A.
pointed a year ago were made and the I
44 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND for male 011
McKillop boundary, adjoining Iton
village. There is a freme house, orchaird, well
windmill, &a., on the prendaes. 16 10 all seed.
ed down and Is a desirable property. Poor
health the reason for selling. For further pnr-
Maulers an to price, terms, 8so., apply on the
pretuioes to DUNCAN MoCLTAIG.
Women To THESPASS0128.--NOMOO is hereby
given that the nubile warned against
trespassing 011 the North East corner of Lot 1,
Oon. 9, Grey, known as the anthill Muth.
have bought the timber on same and will not
permit it. Trespasserti will be dealt with na.
cording as the mew directs.
tf THOS. NEWSOlvf.
leOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undersigned
Ir offers his well located property in Brussels
for sale or to rent. There are 0.5 acres of land
with comfortable hotuse, with culler, stable,
orchard, well, &o. Possession on Aug. 15th.
Forimice, terms, and other information apply
to JAS. DUNEORD, Clinton or THE POST
Brussels, THOS. DUNFORD, Langdon, North
An n u al Meeting
East Huron Agricultural Society.
The annual meeting of the East Huron
Agricultural Secnet_v will be held In the Town
Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, January 20th,
1009, at 1 o'clock p.10. Business of the meet-
ing -Readying the Annual Statement and
Auditors' Report, appointing ofiloers for the
year 1909, 840,
JAM. LECKIE, President.
W. H. KELM, Senretnry.
ff's undersigned will offer for sale at Theater's
Hotel by public auction, in the village of Wal-
ton, on Friday the 8th day cd ,Tanuary, 1000, at
the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon that
'nimble farm in the Township of McKillop
known no the North half of farm Lot number
nine, in the fourteenth Concession 00 1118 said
Township, of Mc:Killen, in the County of
Huron, containing eighty eight and one half
acres be the same more or less. The farm is
well situated as to market being four and one
11510 miles from the Village of WnIton. There
are about 40 acres cleared and in good state of
cultivation end 050 151151100 is partly cleared.
It is the milking of a first close grazing Perin.
Terme ten per cent oil the day of sale, belance
ain. the coming season. to make one third of1110 p
tloe il 111116(3
The next sessions of the High Riii1/45nrtiriNoirdiritivdreeerrnlit,rlyiltr.r,praveetegpatoedit
0000,500 this comity will be h.eld itt
oderch as follows : Jury assizes yearly at live per omit per annuli. lift will be
euing April 26th, before Chief Jus- sold subject to a reserve bid by the adininistra.
tillzanitsgd 20wind thr ttstqe .1?f
e Falconbridge ; non-jary, opening !-4),',',V
the 22nd, before Justice Britton. Township of Meltillop.Y7geet;!4,),.
The Marina Social Club held its 1
u ars air to undersigned, JAMES 000Are
LIM, A ninistrator, or F. S.Scott, Atm
ection of officers foe the season.
vo changes only in the officers ap-
her officers were reeppointecl. The
ffieers are as follows : Pres. and
eas.,John Bedford; 1st vice-pres.,
in, Campbell ; 2nd vice-pres., Mur-
ock McLeod ; rec.-sec., Edward
obinson fin..sec., Norman Me-
ulay ; inside guardian, A. Fisher ;
itaide guardian, Angus Murray ;
arshall, E. Robinson. The dab has
ecorated its rooms very neatly and
as adopted a pennant with the
Minis "M. S. 0.'
In the cases of the King vs. Steele
nti the Xing vs. Sullivan, an adjourn- .
ant was made to enable the Crown
investigate the previous record of
ullivan in Stratford. After investi-
ation no previous offence was found
geinst him, and the cases came up
gain before the county judge on Fri -
ay, Dec. 18th. The counsel for the
risoners made a strong plea to the
udge for leniency, on the ground that
here was no criminal intent, that it
vas a case of first offence, and that
here was in each case a wife and a
oung fatnily depending on the
ecused for support. The judge
everely reprimanded the prisoners
nd. stated it was the worst offence
hich had. come before the court for
event,' years in this comity. Had it
ot been a ease of first offence notli-
ng would have saved the prisoners
rom a severe sentence. The court
dministered the indeterminate sen-
tence which is being used in Euglancl
and this country in certain cases of
first offence. Sentence on these
charges is withheld, end the prisoners
discharged on condition that they fur-
iish security foe good behavior for
two years, and they must geport be-
fore the judge in periods of three
months. If they are not of good be-
havior they will then be rearrested
and brought before the judge and re-
ceive sentence for these charges, and
the judge intimated OM, in that event
he would administer severe sentence
to the penetentiary. On Tuesdey of
last week the prisoners furnished
security and were released Proin cus.
tody on the conditions stated. Crown
Attorney Seeger prosecuted and J. L.
Killoran defended .the prisoners,
It is reported that S. S. Cooper, will
assume the management and
of the Normandie.
Dr. Agnew has returned from Co-
balt, where he has been spending a
few weeks prospecting.
9.1 10 reported that W. Rutledge has
fallen heir to about $5000 through the
recent death of his brother.
John Rice who has so acceptably
performed the duties of Organist for
the peat eighteen mouths left lastweek
with Mes, Rice, on a short holiday
Miss Doherty will take charge of the
organ during his absence.
In a note received front D. French,
late of the House of Refuge says
am enjoying better health than when
I left Caere). also files. French enjoys
Sonny Alberto. immensely. We are
living comfortably and happy in our
little cosy home,
The lanai Poultry Association Sec -
rotary, M. 0. Kaufman, has received
assurances from the Secretary of the
Provincial Agricultural Dep't., that
the Association will receive Ole afore-
said grant, toward the show to held
O.+ 4 A.
DUCH'S Barber Shop
Hot aiid
cold ‘iivaths
where up to-clate service
is obtaiued.
--N. Call and See for Yourself.
ar -tr-fr-cr
Canadian News
The parish church et Coteau du Lac
was burned.
Mrs. Joseph Watson, of Thurlow,
dropped dead.
50 ,5 proposed to hold a Centennial
Fair at Winnipeg in 1912,
Alex. McLean, Trade Commissioner
to China, died at Shanghai.
John Stanton, license inspector for
South Ontario, died at Whitby.
A good flow of natural gas has been
struck at Pincher Creek, Alberta.
Prof. Reginald W. Brock has been ap-
pointed Director of the Geological Sur-
The Sanderson -Harold screen works
at Paris, On., wire bornecl. Loss
James Lashambe, a thirteen year•old
boy, WAS drowned while skating near
A young Italian stabbed a woman on
the street at Montreal in full view of
passers bv.
Herbert Johnston, a four•year-old boy
.of Raleigh township, Was drowned while
playing on the ice.
Isaac Kert, stone contractor at Mont-
real, 1188 been arrested on a charge of
forging weigh tickets.
An effort will be made to maintain
Winter navigation on the St. Lawrence
from Quebec to the sea.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Elevator
Company has been incorpated with a
capital of one million dollars.
Robt. Gillespie, of Everts, Alberta,
who was visiting in London, Ont,, died
on the street from heart failure.
Hon. Charles Devlin. Minister of
Mines in the Quebec Government, col-
lapsed at Aylmer ou leaving church,
Sheriff d'Avignon refuses to take over
the books of the sheriff's office at Sand•
wich until Government outfit is held.
Judge Cassels conchuled the marine
inquiry at Ottawa and the report will he
presented to parliamedt early itt the
Three men were killed in the shaft of
the Columbus mine, near Cobalt,
through something going wrong with
the hoisting cable.
What is believed to be the largest Un-
ion Jack ever made is to be sent from
Toronto to the Tercentenary celebration
in Newfoundland,
'rhe Coroner's jury exonerated the
motorman in connection with the death
of R07, J. I. Rice following his being
struck by a street car at Toronto.
James Hely, an old pensioner, was
picked up on the street in Montreal and
died soon after in the hospital. His
death is ascribed to the severe cold,
Isaac B. Culp, of Beamsville. WAS
kicked by a horse while trying 10 (050128
live stock from a burning barn, and
seriously injured. He got out with
John H. Coleman, jun., and George
Sawyer were burned and suffocated in
the Joggins Mines, N. S., by a screen
curtain catching fire and Frank McNeil
was badly belated and may die,
One of the pioneers of Blenheim and
Probably the oldest man in Canaria, died
Sunday morning at his home in Shrewa-
bury, in Addison Smith, aged 111 years.
lie was a slave in the South until he
escaped to Canada Ole is survived by
twelve sons of whom it is said they MI
were "black Smiths," Some of them
are porters on express trains on the Wa-
bash and other roads.
. Wm. aucl Mrs. H. Calcut and family
of six children of Strathroy, had a ear
row mime from death early Mon-
day morning from asphyxiation. A
little daughter of yeare old was awak-
ened by the 'deadly fumes of escaping
gaattbeut three o'clock and began to
cry, which awakened the rest of the
childven. Her little sister get tip aril
attemptecl to quiet her, brit fell to the
fluor overcome, A brother who was in
an adjoining room mime the rescue and
he too fell unconscious to the floor ; two
more met the same fate: 13v this time
the father and mother were awakened
and rushed to their rooms to see
what was wrong and taking in tho
situation threw open the doors and
ran to a neighbors for help. A
doctor was also sent for, and
was ott hand in a short time, A,11
five childree were unconscious , but
were revived and all will recover.
Mr. ancl Mrs. Calcut slept . in the froet
part of the house, which accounts' for
them not being affected by the funrea
otherwise the situation would have been
serious as it Wail a clone call for the
our A-
Uon trar
Is it inclined to run away?
Don't punish it with a cruel
brush and comb! Feed it, nour-
ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula.
Then your hair will remain gt
home, on your head, where it
belongs. An elegant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
Dom not chants the solar of ths hatr
Formula with eneb. bottle
showaiotott: your
ers hint about lt,
tn. do ho enye
We certainly believe this, or we would
not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, 'snow
made from our new improved formula,
is a great preparation for the hair and
scalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan-
druff. Promotes the growth of hair.
br the 2. O. dyer Co.. Mum,-
rr4-,zz-9p-Arbogrgwitvg24-waw&Aivz, AD
g JANUARY 4th g
, vd,
'0 trained by our monagement than any
'.r other in Ontario. Great demand for
our graduates liS Business College
Teachers, PriV0t0 Senretnries, Office
0 Assistants, eta, The embodiment of
58 the most Expert, filodern Systems
known in Business Science. Wo 11.
',Ito oesonmses. Three nessrtisests. ,-;
0 Manned by skilled Wattmeters. a
';' .1'.
anklaitir jetrigoift411j01,3ziness College .0
.3g. Wingham
Business College
cgGEO, SPOTTON, Principal i
4,2,:'44 =MY -4=6W Ng/ gaiblat.F.Varg.N.VAI, )
R°al Line
n Mai
__ __
Winter Sailings
From St. John
Tunisian sails tan. 1
Heeperisn Nails ......... ..... Jan. 16
0012in/1n sails Jan. 22
Carthaginian from St. John
Slailinn from St. John
Jan. 2
Jan. 16
Jan 28
Jan, 9
Jan. 28
Winter intes-$70.00 upwards ; Second AM
$40,00 ; Third olass 920.90 and $80.00.
For Battings, Sete and full information apply
Seen hundred labor unionists op-
posed the proposed children's parado
in favor of license reduction in Tor-
Last Saturday night burglars en.
tered the general Store of 130x.
Ridgeway, and stole about $200 worth
of goods. 'rbe pollee have been notified
but as yet no eine has been found,
The 14 iiescy block at Sault Ste, Marie
was burned and the Coronation block '
Pawaort, M Carnpbell. Gooc1.-V been taken over by the Military Board, damaged bv lire. Alex Kemp, a ten.
see. Faits -John Harkness._ I 20,000 tons of rails tO the Algoma
Lowry"-, oe, _
Class I Exeellent,--1Vi Wilton. PI 'Company at the Soo. $2,800 in the London Mutrinh This is life
Lauehlin, M Dub ford; C 'Moore, M The new rifle range at Eingetun has
W R MeNichol C The C. P. It has glean an order for tents are a total loss. 'I'he insurance ant of one of the hurtled buildings, is
Steel $4,000 in the Perth Mutual and. inisaing and Is belleVed to have l•nst his
Agent Allan Line, Brussels,
June, 'July and August leads into
our Pall Term without any break.
Enter any time. New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
oat, Meet Reliable
of its kind.
W. It SHAW Principal
"'Zone° &r Gerrard eta, Toronto
Winter Term opens Jan. 4th
g Arrange no to attend the Famous a
This School stands to -day with-
out a superior In the Dominion.
Nearly nil Colleges claim to he the 1,1
best but claiming to be so, does not
Rend it from rover to cover. See for
make them so. Get our Catalogue.
yourself what this College is doing and ,
the advantages it offers.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. d..1
Con Yonge & Alexander sta.,' Toronto. Ti
inter Term opens Jan. 4th
This school ift 0110 Of thelargePt lo the ft
Province. 01 15 noted for the thorough- a
ness of its work and the success of it.
etudente. Three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand
Our graduates are in demend as Busi-
ness College teachers as well as office 11
aseistants. Get our magnificent cata-
logue, it free.
Elliott & McLachlan,
Horse Fairs 2
The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held for the season es follows :
THURSDAY, DEC. 3150, 1908
FEB. 4113, Igoe
MAR. 40, meg
APR. rst, root)
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present.
Heart Strength, or IleartWeakness,moansNerve
Strength. or NervelYeekness--nothinginere. Pos.
itively, not 110 1)011 heart In a hundred is, in
self, actually diseased, It is almost always a
hidden tiny limo iterve that really Is all at faith.
This obscure 110ren-4110 Cardiac, or Heart Nerve
^-AlrittllY Mods, and mostbove, more newer, more
stability, morn controlling, more governing
strength. Without that the Heart must cOntintle
to fail, and the bionnteli and kidneys also have
t iese same controlling norm.
Thts clearly explains why„ as a medicine, Dr,
Shoop's Restorative luta in the past done 50 1400
(0r1VOSI: and a Ping Iberia, Dr,ShOola firstsought
the cense of all ill Is painful, hs,Mitating, 51378030-
1m bit distress, or, She. a Restorative -this
Kintner preseription-is alone directed to (bd.()
Weak and wasting nerve Centers, 16 builds;
thetrengthenst, it oilers real, genuine heart help,
If you would have strong Hearts, strong 11.
gestion, strengthen tangle merves- re-establish
Mom as needed, with
• r. hoop's