The Brussels Post, 1908-12-31, Page 3P 9„1,.1»x,.1,.},.1,.1.. l.1rP4 1"1.,1,.111 11 g aa,s $l 0 1-11 Hints F•t-1, FADS AND FANCIES, Bear is revived somewhat am furs, Sleeve puffs Have entirely dila seared, The new Handbag is almost a c petbag. e. .c fur toque silauld match stole and muff. There fa greater simplicity in el dren's clothes. Coiffures are flat on top as ' 1; across the front. The pompadour is gnne and -a its has gone the "rat," The strongest vogue in gowns still the Grecian line. The, newest muff is of the bolo variety, lone and big,. The sash 1s a little less prom ent than a few weeks ago. Palest shades of mar,,un an 1 pe are favorites in gloves. Winter brides are selecting we ding gowns in empire styles. The hest coiffeurs aim at .G,'e and Roman styles for the hair. Hatpinsarelong and have hu heads of moot ornate design. Fruits and flowers figure in t elesigns upon loon's neekwea'. Veils in two calors, one over ether, are growing in favor. Filigree silver butterflies a quite in sty]e for coiffure ador menu. The bride's veil is no longer co eiclored"necessary, but is optional Large. muffs of silver tipped f are enjoying a wonderful vogue, Embroideries are rich, but a rperingly used on the £nest co tumes. Vying with the net waist is sheer fine mousseline, much 1± cloth. 1Voolen gloves that reach to tl elbow are an echo of the sho sleeve reign. are sometimes edged wit fur bands, reviving a fashion. o long ago. In many costumes the tunic i suggested by insertion or by braid Rig in soutache. The popularity of satin ha brought in its train many newan extluieite weaves. Khoo tops may be of goods t match the dress or of suede t match the facings of the suit, whil the vamp of patent leather o brown calf. Again the .white and colore knitted gloves are in High favor fo walking, and sometimes they ar drawn over the line gloves when i is quite cold. Though. fashion cares not whe ther they match in material, ther is an absolute decree that the skin and the corsage of this season shal match incolor. .r. GREATEST OF DREDGES. The Leviathan Launched on the River !Mersey. "The Leviathan," the greatest of dredges, was launched a few clays ago at Tranmere-on-tile Mersey. An unceasing fight has been wag- ed by Liverpool's harbor engineers with the never -ceasing inset of sand by Means of the dredges, ever in - Creasing in size, power, and ingenu- ity of eonstruotion. Now comes the Leviathan which will lift and load herself with 10,000 tons of sand in fifty minutes from a depth of sev- enty feet. Four enormous suction pipes, each 10 feet 0 inches in cir- cumference, will wrest from the sea-bed in ton minutes less than an hour the load of a thousand ordin- ary railway trucks—the burden of twenty ordinary heavy traains. Duly an engineer can grasp the alternation of stresses in ouch a vessel as this by reason of the sud- den dumping into her of ten thou !land tons of dead weight, and the. even greater strain by the still more sudden failing out of the load through the great valves in her bottom. There are four sets of triple -enc pansion engines necessary to work the gigantic pumps, an immense hy- draulic installation, used for work - nig the many enormous valves which keep all the "cargo" portion of the vessel in direct commnnica- tioli with the sea, steam winches apparently n ' ently everywhere, and, of tour'se, a complete electrical instal - lotion. In the captain's room there is 11 multiplicity of ,indicators, elec- tric pushos, dials, telephones, and recorders, almost as many es fn the conning tower' of a battle ship, all to keep him in touch with the work 9rlg of every para of the mighty alta - chine, Behold him ttanding there, the t -14 ons ap- 00- the lil- i le fth is ter in- arl d- el( ge he the re n- n- ux re 5- a 0 le rt h s s d 0 0 e r d r e t of t 1 gigantic Inhales of the eontrifngais below him malting the whole fabric throb and heave. .'EIc watches the ersnght indicator showing how foot by foot elle is settling in the water. A bell Pings, she is full. He prole - es it button, which is answered by the clangor of the windlasses rip- ping the anchors ficin their hold,, inure ringing of bells, conlmunica• tinny Groin the anchor -lifters 'to the engine room. Away she goes with 1>er. )end from the huge burrow -pit beneath at, the rate of ton Inuits an bola,. She machos her mark . Ho wire ,nilst be. obeyed touches a but - fon Isere field there, rine 810115,` shud- dears. and rites free of 'ten thou. feted lees, of 1l•elgl1b, then turns end e. ;Teeth busk emu 11, ISSUE NO. GRAND NEWS FOR WORN 12119, E, i', RIC'1f.IRD;3 TELLS IIOW DO.)1)'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED IIEJI. After Suffering for Twenty-eight Vent's From Pains and Weakness and Sleeplessness-1)add's 1912'~ ney Pills the Only Medicine 1111e Wants. Cottle's Cove, Notre Dame Bay, Nfld., I)em 21 (Special). — Grand news for suffering woman is that being scattered broadcast by Mrs. Elizabeth. P, Richards of this place. For years she suffered from that terrible weakness and those agoniz- ing pains so many woolen know. She has found relief in Dodd's I9id- may Pills and she wants all suffer- ing women to know it, "For twenty-eight years," says Mrs, Richards, "I suffered from! Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and Neuralgia. I got so weak I could not do my Housework. Sleep was! out of the question except for a few minutes at a time. My hack ache(] so I could not sleep. I tried all kinds of medicine and had conte to the conclusion there was no euro. t, for me, when reacting advertise - meets led mo to try Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. I now sleep well and rise refreshed every morning,. Dodd's Kidney Pills are all the medicine I want." The woman who has healthy Kid- neys will never know the pains and weakness that make life hardly worth living. Dodd's Kidney Pills always make healthy Kidneys, worth 100 galnneas, The 0.0.B. foll°wed six years later, and a peer- age with a further 230,000 carne in 1882. In 1886 lie graduated as a tiehleeouu11, and Mine year0 later came e FIELD-MA1SIIAL'S BATON. Sir Evalyn Wood won tris K.C.- 13, as long ago as 1879 by his ex- cellent work an Zululand, and the G.G,M,G. and G.V.B, have since fallen to him, with many another well -merited decoration; and Sir Iiocivors Buller won his K.C,13, and. K.C,M.G, in Egypt in three short years, 1882 to 1855. In money rewards no British gen- eral has ever approached Lord Marlborough's record. The pension of L4,000 a year granted to him and his descendants nearly two centuries ago cost the country near- ly £750,000 before it was commuted twenty years since for L107,780. And this substantial pensi n was but a fraction of the harvest of gold which Marlborough reaped with his sword, for it in said that a large portion of the x•3,000,000 left by bis Duchess consisted of the spoils of war in one form or another. The Duke of Wellington received three annuities which were commut- ed for the enormous suns of 12400,- 000, while a further x200,000 was part of his reward for the victory at Waterloo. Sir Colin Campbell's brilliant services in the Indian Mu- iny brought him a pension of £2,- 000 a year in addition to a peer and his baton as field-marshal; a General Napier- for his spinals] work in Abyssinia renr-ived p vi - lar pension, the thanks of Parti ment, a G.C.B., and a barony. ti REWARDS OF GENERALS MOTORS REAPED ON THE FIELD O;" BATTLE. Records- of Distinction Won Frons Marlborough to Iii tcllcaer. Probably no soldier or any ago or country has crowded so many re-. an wards and decoratioaie into such a til small compass of time as the great la Wellington. At the beginning of de 1808 he was a K.C.B., and nothing qu more; but within six years he had tr=0ebeen me in quick succession a pu 0.0.13., baron, viscount, earl, mar- to quis, duke and field-marshal, In a 'dation to this rich crop of native honors ho was made duke, marquis BA and count of Portugal and a grandee of Spain, and the most coveted foreign orders, including the Golden Fleece, were showered on him, and these titles and decora- tions ,were crowned by a grant of 2400,000. The only other period of half -a - dozen years in a British soldier's life which can at all be compared with Wellington's marvellous re- cord was that between 1890 and 1209 which wrought such a. revolution in Lord .Ifitchener'S career. At the beginning of 1896 Kitchener was lb colonel, with no decorations but a 0.13,e by 1902 he had qualified as a full-blown general, had won hie G.O.B. and G.C,M.G., a barony, and a viscounty, and had receivedgrants grants from Parliament of i BIG ONE for agents seining our toilet soaps, Lots leaking 90.00 a day, 'Write at onoe for full particulars to the SOAP SUPPLY CO., SOX 332, Toronto NOAH'S Alm, One of the most curious and in- teresting undertakings has just been • completed in Denmark --the buildfng of a vessel modelled upon the lines of Noah's Ark, as describ- ed in Genesis, The vessel as built is 30 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 3 feet deep --these measurements be- ing one-tenth of those given in the Bible. When launched a few weeks ago the ship proved itself very sea- worthy. AN EYELESS EDEN, On the borders between China and Bessie in Asia, almost due south of Lake Baikal, is a good-siz- ed town known as Marinatchin, which is exclusively inhabited by men, The place has a cansiderabie trade and is also a military post. An old law forbids women to live in .this territory, A Woman's Sympathy Are YOU discouraged? Is your doctor's hill a heavy bnancial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women—I have bean discouraged, tool but learned how to. !,,bre carp myself.not 1 want to r0110%' sato• aur - done, 1vh end the Dais and stop the nd doctor's 5171? 1 can do this for yen and ic] wl1.13 yoquri e4 do !lst to p'rlte for free i-, box or the remedy which has been placed in illy Sands to bo s leen away. perhaps • thrs one box '7 rr1U euro yyou-1t has done so for others. 1r eo, I ellsll be happy and you will be cured for 2c (tile cost of a postage stamp). Sour letters held confi- mentt�lMiiWrite'. 15 CUR12sY3i, Winmv dsor, Ont, A master, after giving some les - he sons on physical force, asked, e "Now. boys, can any of you tell 18 me what force it is that moves e people along the street?" He was 217 greatly surprised, and the class x- highly amused, at receiving from e ono of the boys the unexpected an- ts, weir: "Please, sir, the police e force." 9 g There are a number of varieties e of corns. Holloway's Corn Cure 1iill remove any of them. Call on e your druggist and get a bottle at 1 o once. d Lady Visitor (who is being enter- tained by Tommy): "And who aro you named after, my little man 7" Tommy: "Dunno." •Lady Visit- r or: "After your papa, I suppose. What is his name, dear?" Tom- ° my: "Dunne." Lady Visitor: ° "Nonsense 1 What does your mam- ma call him?" Tommy (prompt- e ly) : "Donkey." s WIIYS FOR THE WISE. Why should one razor be a tree pre, and another, made from t same steel, at the same time, b only fit for throwing away? Th is one of the questions which 01 difficult to answer. You may 'b two razors for the same price, e actly similar in every respect. On will be a useful servant for year while the other is a constant sour( of trouble and irritation, actin beautifully one day, and scratchin and scraping the next. In th same way, one nut will go smooth ly on to a bolt and remain ther firm; another, exactly the sem size, will not go on at all. A thir will go on all right, and keep coin g off. One tool will break the .st time it is used; another will st for years, and then break sud- nly, while a third will be worn Re away by hard work causing ouble. Why? It is one of the zzles to Which there would seem bo no satisfactory answer. BACTERIA EIREJIA.YST,4.Cf3:, Buildings With Contents Destroyed by 13aete14131 Incendiary. Spontaneous combustion is well- known to bo the act of micro-erga:l- isms. The firing of a haystack is nearly always the work of a bacter- ial. incendiary. barns, granaries and spinning works have thus been destroyed by fire owing to the ac- tive oxidizing powers of the micro- organisms. The carefully gathered clop of cotton or hops may fail to the same destructive agencies. The category may be extended, accord- ing to recent works oil the subject. Even lampblack, charcoal, coal and peat are found to be really oxidiz- ed by a common organism of the soil, a fact which may ultimately el,tablish that after all the micro- organism may account for the spon- taneous heating of coal, for the aw- ful disasters of the coal mine. In human history thele have been sev- eral appalling disasters arising out of great conflagrations, the origin of which has remained undiscover- ed. It is thus possible that the tiny, minute organism has been guilty of unlocking vaet pent-up forces. London Lancet. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Of nervous prostration we he much now -a -days, and it is co forting to know that there are pia es specially equipped and loeat for combating this phase of mode life, On the main line of the Gra Trunk Railway System, at St. Cat arines, Ontario, are located tl curative Saline Springs known the "St. Catharines \Voll." Co netted with the Springs is "T Welland," where treatments f nervous prostration, rheumatis etc., are given by skilled attee ants in charge of. a resident phy elan. St. Clatharines is the milcle point in Canada during the wint months. For further informatio and all particulars apply to J. 1) McDonald, District Passenge Agent, Toronto. RV 111-. 0-. ed 011 nd P as. n- he or m,' cl- s i- st CT n r d r 0 r e 1 s ay u e One day an Irishman was :like to come to work an hour earlie than usual. This he promised t do. Next morning he was an hou ata. "Shure, sor, I should hav been no good if Oi'd come, as was fast asleep." Great Things From Little Cause Grow.—It takes very little to de tango ;the stomach. The cause m e slight, a cold, something Bate ✓ drunk, anxiety, worry; or sem ther simple cause. But 1f precan ons be not taken, this simple Z30,000 AND 250,000, Compared with such meteoric promotion, the career of Lord Rob- erts, distinguished as it has been, seems very slow, It is more than a quarter of a century since he re- ceived his K.C.B., and this honor was quickly followed by a baron- etcy; but he had to wait eleven years for his first title of peerage,. and nine more for his promotion to a viscounty and earldom. But he can now boast an array of dis- einetfons such as few soldiers have ever won, for he is earl, viscount and baron, Privy Councillor, K.(x., K.P., C.O.B., 0.0.8.., 0.0.LE,, 0.31., and by no means least, a V.0, He is a treble LL.D.., and a D.O.L., and he leas received the freedom of a dozen cities and bor- oughs. Lord k Worse e s harvest of hon- ors first 'began to be reaped thirty - tight years ago, when he was made s K.0.M.G. and C.B. In 1873, when ho returned from his Ashanti victories, he was rewarded by the thanks of Parliament and'a grant of ;325,000, a K.G.B. and G.0,M.- C.L, together'with tho freedom of the City of London and a sword -•-2184 BY'S OWN TABLETS A LITTLE LIFE SAVER, Baby's Own Tablets have saved many a precious little lifo. There is no ether medicine for children so safe ancl sure in its effects, The Tablets curd stomach and bowel troubles, teething troubles, destroy worms, break up colds and prevent deadly croup. And you have the guarantee of a government analyst that this medicine dogs not contain a, particle of opiate or narcotic. Mrs. J. Laroque, Log Valley, Sask., says:—"I flan a great believer in Baby's Own Tablets. I have used them on many occasions and know of no medicine ,equal to them in curing the common ailments of babies and young children," Sold by medicine clearers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. "Now, Mr, Blank," said a tem- perance advocate to a candidate for municipal honors, "I want to ask you a question. Do you ever take alcoholic drinks?" "Bofors I an- swer the question," responded the wary candidate, "12 want to°know whether it is put as an inquiry or as an invitation!" Pale, weak and nervous pooplo need a tonio that w111 build them up and make them well and strong, calory Sing to the tome that will do those, things. Large package 25 (nets, at deal- sra ars or by mai, s. 0. Walls fit Co„ Toronto. Are "My poor deluded son," said lli's. 13rohn, shaking her head in the diroction of a very fat gild; "so that is the kind of thing 11e calls a duck, is it?" "I: presume," re- turned old Brown, smiling mis chievously, "i6 is' because she waddles so," She ; "I hear that you have lost your valuables little dog, Mr. Dud- ley. Ile, Ya'as, in a railway accident. l was saved, but the dawg was killed." She (shocked) : "What a -pity!" Our idea of a beautiful woman is ons who looks attractive with her hair done up in . kid curlers—'and she is ncar00. qty it I the wit t Will Prolong Life --De Sota, Spaniard, lost his life in the ds of Florida, whither he went for the purpose of discovering the legendary "Fountain of perpetual youth," said to exist in that then unknown country. While Dr. Tho- mas' ];electric Oil will not perpetu- ate youth, it will remove the bod- ily pains which make the young old before their time and harass the aged into untimely graves. ause may have most serious con equences. Many a chronically de- ilitated constitution to -day owes s destruction to simple causes not dealt with in time, Keep the diges- tive apparatus in healthy condition and all will be well. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are better than any other for the purpose. Brown—"What's wrong? You seem worried." Jackson ---"I am, I wrote two notes—one to my broker, asking him if he took me for a fuel, and the other to Idiss Golding, ask- ing her if she would be mine. While 1 was out somebody telephoned, es,' and I don't know which of m it was." —�— Qy erlbing the Nerves with opium you may p a Dough, but the hnllammation goes Dom bird wmae. Allen's hung nateam, ooataintng no um, goes to the root el the trouble sad euros op.soated a89otions of throatand !nags. In one of the great houses in the ,Y West -end of London there was a ,e dinner and reception. After a while the maid !vas called, and the 1119 tress said: "Servo the diiuier; ato there is no one else to come, except! �" a relation of little importance." ao Five minutes afterwards the maid announced in a loud tone:—"The relation of little importance I" We Wake the Emphatto Statement that "The 1),61,"Menthol Plaster will do more to relieve uouralgia lame beak, lumbago and kindred troubles than any other piaster. 230 tins end $1 yd. rolls. A11 druggisya, "Come, Willie," said his mother, "don't he so selfish. Let your lit- tle brother play with your marbles a while." "But," protested Wil- lie, "he means to keep thele al- ways." "Oh 1 I think not.,, "I' think yes. 'Cause he's swallowed two o' them already." To discern and deal immecliately with causes and overcome them, rather than to battle with effocts after the disease has secured a lodgment, is the chief aim of tho medical Ivan, and Biokle's, Anti - Consumptive Syrup is the result of patient 1 P study along this s particu- lar line. At the first appearance of a cold the Syrup will be found a most efficient refnecly, arresting de- velopment and speedily healing the affected parts, so that the ailment disappears. THE ENTERPRISING BARBER. Norway would appear to have mado very Considerable strides in heEnglish tonguo in the last Wen - y years, judging from a notice that .ppeared on a barbers door at the unci the Kaiser v,sited Trondhjeni n the 'eighties. It ran as follows: 'Important Noddfs. Ladysh slid heotlemuns and Boobies, In eon- equents 01 ee visit ob ze Kaiser Wilhems I hob gl0sed de blues on is ockhasion, Hare, cuts and hafts and all usual Bizims 2 Mor- o Mornick. Des our Vatcrland, 3y Order." 'You must keep your mouth s1111t. het you've in the water, said thearse, as she gave little Tommy a nth. "If you dor�'f:,'you'll swallow unto of it. "Well, chat of it? emended Tommi'. "There's ple97- 3)010 in 21171 popes, ain't there?" Mary—"Do you think it would be conceited for me to tell my friends that I made this dress myself?" Eclith—"Not conceited, my dear— superfluous." Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you love your child why do you let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand? - Tho Police Inspector (to witness) "Why didn't you go to the help of the prisoner in the fight?" Wit- ness: "At that stage of the game I didn't know which of them was going to he the prisoner." A Sudden Shill often moans sedate) illness. Painkiller is all that is needed to ward it off. Uneqqualled for "ramps and diarrhoea. Avoid eubstitutaa, there is but one "Painkiller"—Perry naris'. ONE SIGN. Said Iia—"Young Smythe and Miss Browne are evidently in love with each other," Said She—"Judging by the way they look at each other." Said 'Ile -"No; judging by the way they don't look ne anybody else;" SAMPLE COPY FREE Would you like to have a sam- ple copy of The Farmer's Ad- vocate and Homo Magazine/ TUE BEST AGRICULTURAL AND NOME PAPER on the American Continent. No progressive farmer can af- ford to be without it, Publish- ed weekly. Only 40..80 per year. Drop post -card for free sample copy. Agents Wanted. Address: "THE FARMER'S ADVO1ATt ,t Mention this ,paper. L037(7on Ont. asst We Guar . to 9 er 'ant. INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY , ANO ME YOU ACTUAL CASH $EGUHITY You can always withdraw your money by giving us one week's notice. NO DELAYS. Why keep your money on deposit at 3 per cent ? We pay our interest on the firstof each month. ^c5. 71 ,ZULl' I±7 ansa)'.. PATMARCHE COMPANY Standard Stook Erohanga fzid e, Toronto, Ont. Boirg tho largest i artla- factoarere al k73gh-slaw Furs in Canala we call afford.. to pay fr WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE Ti ors Gough Fur Co, Limited 244-25O YONG;r ST., TOd2Oitl n O. 11 :a WHY DO So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu- cation select Bell pianos? The fact Ilia they use Ind prefer the Bell is evidence of distins merit! One knows prolarrioonl advice in acquiring an education, why not folbw , rofeesional endow in buying 13 l pianos? Tho oaly pianos with the Illimitable (Zack Repeating Action. Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75. The HELL PIANO 1E Organ to.. Umilo4 G U E. RPFI.ONTA1 Tb. THEN SHE'LL TELL YOU. "Tell me," said the lovesic youth, "what's the best way to fin out what a woman thio cs of you? "Marry her!" replied Peckham promptly, UNIQUE OFFER. !A. J. PATT1SON E CO. k! 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TOROiSTO, d Stotzk Sro arra & "clnan ;tai Rgonte and ether stooks h .o lit and oeld on own mission. correspondence invited. Orders maybe wired at our 0ipen.l71 • Have you noticed the remarkable' offer made by the Manufacturers of MO Orange Meat? They promise to the winner of the first prize the sum of Fifty-two Dollars every year during - the lifetime of the winner. This is equal to one dollar per week dur- ing life. Full particulars of Chit unique offer on a private post car, to be found in every package u Orange Meat. Buy one to -day Little Elvira—"Mamma, when th fire goes out, where does it go?' Mrs. Gaylord—"I don't know, dear. You might just as well ask where your father goes when he goes out." — A Pleasant Medicine: --Thele are some pills which have no other pur- pose evidently than to beget pain- ful internal disturbances in the pa- tient, adding to his troubles and perplexities rather than diminish- ing thein. One might as well swal- low some eorrosivo material. Par - melee's Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious pro- perty. They are easy to take, are not unpleasant to the taste, and their action is mild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the dyspeptic. She (on the Atlantic liner)—"Did you observe the great appetite of that stout man at dinner?' Iie— "Yes; he must be what they call a stowaway." NEY TO LOAN ON FMS PROPERTY At lon:oa1 rates. Appny.18 'JONES 7t PROCTOR BRCS. f 9 Toronto Street, Toronto, oat. fl FEATHER DYEING Cieaning and cart!;¢ sad Sed Glares (!:sued )'boat ane bo Bent by Pon, to par az. the Lo.t pi,oe 10 e BRITISH AMERICAN EYEING CO. ' h1ORrlty,'A. V.'oloonie an Sunshine atter a storm fa tem rosin( when nn obstinate, pitiless cough has been drivml away by A11o04.1.1,05 plasam. No opium in it. The good off oot lasts. :rake a bottle home with you this day. ROYAL TOBACCO -TAKERS. King Edward's fanciness for ci- gar is well known; but when with a few intimate friends, he not in- frequently indulges in ,t briar pipe, His liking for tobaeob is shared by nearly every reigniug monarch in Europe, His nephew, the German Emperor? was at one time a con- firmed pipe -smoker; but, as he was. advised by his doctors to give up the habit, he now confines himself to cigarettes, generally 'throwing thorn away when half finished, The Ring of the Belgians likes cigars; while tho Emperor of Austria pre- fers his pipe, The Sultan of Turkey delights in the cigarette, as does the Tsar, Who gels through at least thirty of them a day. One or two curing the same time satisfy the King of Italy. The Ring of Spain is. a heavy cigarette coesnnlel', tie- ing along amber holder for the pur- se ,e. Occasionally, too, he smokes ujgar, • c>-7.7.xcxar 35,6..1s. 55000 GOOD MINKS Th\ Ship early end obtain highest prloe. Drake. us a trial shipment, Catalogue on application, References, tie Dominion Bank and ("owner. cial agencies. A. & E. PIEti0E & 00., 607 ST, PAUL ST., • hiox'rltaAT.. Razor tOharip1 er. Do not throw away your mons In buying a new Razor becalm° your old one will not work, but -bur it cake of our Perfection Razor Pastor which will keep your lt.tror ia perfect nutting onndition, and. with oars will last 7011 8 lifetime. Tt your Hardware' or 1Pn nosier does not handle Oda,.send us 23c. and wo will forward masa poa.paid CANAEDA HOME COMPANY, Wawasnoca, !Ilan. ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT. "Preachers are about the only men who can give better satisfac- tion by doing less work," remarked' the thoughtful thinker. "How do yen figure that, out 2"• queried the innocent bystander. 'Stolt sermons 'always please," explained the 2,. t, Black Plug 1110 Chewrn Tobacco of Ozality.