The Brussels Post, 1908-12-31, Page 2Time eals Most Wounds
A Tale of Love and Disappointment
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CHAPTER IX. "I refuse to discuss that again.
The discover of the loss of the I repeat that the woman I shall, "I think you had better come to
Y marry is Ethel Fetherston. My my TO 0131," Harecastle suggested,
cipher letters was naturally a great honor is bound. Even if it were Their walk was a silent one. Joel
shack to the Earl, and it resulted Ile no r-a,fflcient reason for looked curiously at his compan-
in his once more becoming ill. ln- nsacrificiot, 1 s
ng the happiness of my ion's face, which was sternly sot,
deed, his state was so serious that
Lord Harecastle was unable to life. 1 and his lips woi,c firmly pressed La -
leave him, much as he desired to 'Well, well, that in sufficient. ge"You remember aux previous
visit Ethel Fotherston and to ex- Send Joel to nee, the Earl said
conversation ; I mean about my
plain to her his reasons for not wearilY.father's affairs 1" the young man
having made public their 'engage- Lord Harecastle left hie father, asked.
moat. He had quite made up his and found Joel with his daughter on '+e,=cs, I remember something
mind not to give in to the pressure the terrace. about it."
that his father was bringing to bear "'The Earl wishes to see you, "I then expressed a desire that
upon him to break his engagement. Mr. Josephs. I, too, should like a you should not advance m father
He was fully compelled to write word after you Have done," he said any more wormy. I find that you
to his fiancee; and he found the let- rather curtly. have done so, and I should like an
ter a difficult one to compose. He "As many as you like," Joel re- explana..zon," he said quietly.
hinted at his father's financial dif- plied cheerily. "Stay and amuse "I do not see that you have any
fioulties, and asked her plainly to Rebekah. I do not suppose I shall right for an explanation," Joel
allow the knowledge of their en- be very long." said easily. "I think I explained
gagement to be confined to their Harecastle bad been rather hold- to you that these matters concern -
immediate families. in aloof from Rebekah, but he was ed your father and myself person -
"Please give my father's health unable to leave her without being ally, and, to be frank, I do not son
as a reason to your people why our guilty of rudeness, and he felt that that you have any jiay at all,
engagement shall not be publicly this young girl did not deserve un- "I do not agree with you, Mr.
announced. I am loth to suggest kindness from him, for she was but Joseph's. Anything that affects my
to you a course which is not quite the innocent instrument of her father affects me. You had no right
' frank, but my position is a difficult father's machinations. He was to lend him money."
one. I feel sure that you will trust sorry for her, and unconsciously Harecastle spoke angrily, and
me and believe that I am acting his manner became sympthetic, Joel raised his band deprecatingly.
under greab compulsion. In a Rebekah flushed with pleasure and "You do not look at it in the
couple of months matters will he her eyes sparkled with animation. right light. Your father has been
straightened out. I must tell you She asked but little, and a kindly kind to me in many ways. I owe
that we shall not be as each as 1 word from the man she loved my introduction to Society to him.
anticipated, in fact, we shall bechanged her whole world. To you the money may seem an im-
poor for people of our position, and As Harecastle saw the effect of portant thing, to me it is a mere
we shall have to exercise a certain his presence, his heart became sad fleabite. I can afford to throw
amount of self-denial for a few with pity, both for her and for him- away a goad many sums. Own
years. Believe, dearest, that I love self. For himself, for his was to be `hat I have done some good. Your
yeti devotedly, and the one wish of hand that would deal her a cruel father is ill, I have eased his mind.
my heart is that our marriage shall blow. The most modest of men Is that not sol"
take place at the earliest possible "Yes," Harecastle replied rudg-
momont.,, and without a trace of vanity, the e1 "but —„ P g
He was not satisfied with the let- last few days had convinced him ingly,is not a
ter, but a was hampered by a de- that he had won the love of this -tee cuttiin Erl of the ntail! and the
sire to protect his father, as far Young girl; unwillingly, it is tram silo o£ land. that has been in your
as possible. He did not wish to but it nova the less caused him
lower him in Ethel's opinion, and Pain, grievfamily for generations, would be a
hat Ilea
in speaking of him he was driven Compassion spoke from his eyes,
been avoided. tOn the oto him. heiahand
to prevaricate. and Rebekah thoughb it was love, there is the fact that your pride has
He waited anxiously for her re- and her heart throbbed with a hap- been hurt. You aro a young man,
ply, and when it came it was all pineas that was almost pain. and can't you leave yourself in your
that he could desire, for it breath- The Earl received Joel nervously, father's hands l"
ed of deep affection. for he was going to give hint bad "I regard it from the point of
"Do not worry, darling. I am news, and, he did not quite know view of my honor," Harecastle
quite content. I trust you implies how it would be received,said sterni
itly, and am confident that you 73axecastle is impossible," he "rt is all very well to task of
would not suggest any secrecy un- began hesitatingly. "I've done your honor l" Joel said jeeringly.
less there were very powerful everything in my power to move ='Have you always been so careful
reasons for your doing so. I should him, but without success. I've told of ill Have you nothing reproach
dearly love to see you, even if it him about your goodness in letting yourself with'? Something much
were but for a few moments, for me have the other twenty-five more vital than a few sovereigns 1"
your letter tells me that you are thousand, and he is furious. He "I don't understand you," Hare -
worried. Your father's health must declares that he will pay you back castle replied coldly.
be a great anxiety, but let us hope at once," Joel rose from his chair and bo -
that he will soon be strong again. "We shall have to bring this gen to speak with great earnest -
As for poverty, you know me well young man to his senses. I want near.
enough to understand that wealth you to understand that my mind is "There is something that con
bas but little attraction for me. fixed on this marriage, and it shall terns you and me, Lord Harecastle.
Neither, dearest, leas your title; it take place," he acid emphatically. I want to speak quietly, for I do
is the man I love—honest and "I don't quite see how you are not wish to quarrel. You have
straight-forward—that I have chos- going to manage it," the Earl said gained my girl's love."
en to be my husband." despondently. "Unwittingly," Harooastie broke
Her words brought him comfort "I do not know the way myself in eagerly,
when he was in need of it, for the for the moment, but 1 shall find "You say so, but the fact remains
Earl was taking full advantage of to use force or to stir muddy wet- that Rebekah is not the woman who
his illness. Joel and his daughter hers, but---" could bestow her affections unask-
were still at the Castle, for they His look at the Earl was almost ed. I have watched you together,
had stayed at the earnest solicits- threatening, and to my mind you have behaved
tion of the Earl, who felt that he "I.Iarocastlo is of age," Lord in such a way as would naturally
would know no peace until his debts Wolverhome protested, "and you lead het: to think that you loved
were actually paid. can't compel him to go to church." iter, You say that it was done un -
Joel busied himself in settling the "I shall find a means, and wittingly, I reply that your manner
liabilities, and in a few days had through you, What lever dose Aek- is unfortunate, and that your honor
the pleasure of announcing that his royd hold over you]" be demanded isnot free from stain if you do not
task was accomplished. suddenly, marry Rebekah."
When the Earl became a little He keenly watched the old man "I am engaged to Miss 'Pother -
stronger, Lord Harecastle once and saw the startled expression stun, I repeat solemnly that I have
more opened the question of break- that was quickly suppressed. never had it in my mind to slake
ing the entail. "What do you tueanl" the Earl love to your daughter, I admire
"It is time that your debts were said unsteadily. her, respect her, and I think she is
paid, and I shall be glad if you will "I know that Ackroyd possesses a charming girl."
give me a list of your creditors," seine power over you, and I want "Then marry her," Joel broke
Harecastle said, respectfully but to know the nature of it," he said in, "and all will be plain sailing.
firmly, with decision. The sentiments, which you say yea
"Yea -will find the documents in "I don't understand you, Joel. I hold towards her, are those which
the drawer of the dressing -table," know very little about the man; he a husband should have towards hia
the Earl answered with a grim is a protege of Felix Shelby, and he wife. What more can you want?"
smile. came to mo with an introduction "hove," Harecastle said simply,
"But these are receipts," Hare- from him." "Fiddlesticks I" Joel cried irri-
castle said, when he had looked at "That is a tial" Joel cried brut- tably• "That will come after -
the papers. ally. wards."
"You are quite right. The debts The Earl raised himself on bis el- "I have not asked you hero to
are paid." bow, and bis body shook with pas- talk about your daughter. I have
"You have borrowed more money sion. already answered you ; I am engag-
from Joel 1" "I may be in your debt, Joel, but ed to Miss Fotherston, and sho is
"I warned you that I would d.o that gives you no .right to insult the woman that I shall marry."
so," the Earl replied with a smile, me, If I were a younger man I "Not if I can prevent it, Lord
"And I forbade it. Surely I am would—" Harecastle, So ib is to be war.
entitled to some say in the matter." He fell back cm the bed, and his You will find me a bitter enemy
"Not at all. The debts are my chest rose and fell convulsively, and a powerful one. You had bet -
own personal ones, they do not of "I apologize for the word," Joel ter consent with a good grace, for
feet the estate, Joel will have no said quickly; "but it would be was• you will do so eventually,"
claim upon you when I die." or to tell me now rather than to "You have already my decision,
"Ile will have a moral claim if force me to find out. But find out and I refuse to discuss it further,
not a legal one. Yon must get out 1 will. You "do not seem to realize I shall go at once to our solicitors
of his debt, the position is`insnffer- that I am in earnest. Believe me and endeavor to arrange for the
able. Have you no pride left, that I have no wish to injure you payment of the amount that my
father]" or to worry you, but if I can get at father owes you, In the meantime,
"If ,Joel is satisfied, you ought Hareoaatle through yon I shall do do you not think it would be better
not to grumble." • so. Dn you understand me." for you to tae your departure? 1
"The 'Wail must be broken and "I understand that you can be do not wish to he inhospitable, hut
sufficient raised to pay him. 'there very ruthless. You will be follow you will understand with my lath -
must he no delay, I am anxious to ing a mare's nest in Acirroyd,"or's illness and ---"
have, your affairs in order before The Earl had recovered his com-I "I understand everything, Lord
My engagement to Ether Fother• }ensure, and his manner was so con- Harecastle," Joel replied, "and we
ston is publicly announced." Arlene that for the moment Joel was will go ab once.
"I fosr that you will have, to wait inclined to believe Ilam ; bat it did Lord Wolverholme protasted
some time, C'an'e you bo reason- not tarn him front his lecision to against it with vigor, but Joel was
able 1 It is +mpoesiblo for yen to nee Ackroyd and to attempt to firm, and the next morning they
marry her,. fer you merit hove mon- discover lint enema, left for London.
t" l'Earlrapidly grew Wenger
1 way that I ran ere And now for ITarCcastle. ;foal The l y g
e,audthacil ta,
for you to obtain it is by marrying mnttrrodtoInmate. His fern light- and was soon able to gob tip, His
iii," tho Earl said .quietly, heeled up, for he clearly loved a fight,Ison remained will!}nim, and•clid his
there wee no ttl*a.1 ixr his veleta. 1artt he anticipated that the ensuing best to persuade him to consent to
interview was likely to boa sten the .breaking of the entail, but
onus one. without oneness, —^
Be found that they were still to- The one worry left to the Earl
"Y can truthfully say y11,604,0011 ,field ie be SGaFi+d up fn
ether and the ha py 'expression VMS Ackroyd, Ile felt'sure he would ON p it 1Yt�tiltt.g ' P net be content with the emu thatg�„ FARM. that 1 believe that, but for
on I?oliakah s fano, as sho chatted lin had abtsined and he went in ° the use of your Emulsion
In India, apparently, thy believe
animatedly, only strengthened bum
+ I Wqu(tl long since have fn putting a little bit awry for a
for the conflict, Ito noticed that daily fear of another visit with the weece ammeAemee acepeDm�,i'tf�' eV
IlareCastla's manner was almost object of extorting morn money. been in my grave, A was t'ainy dot•, and the li0lle bit rtaev,
tender in its solicitude, and this
(To be continued.) I)IS1 ASl S OE SHEEP. past work—could not walk ;'n jcib��lgu donamounts
tot n�7samomover-
o art
only strengthened lam in his idea Thorn is no doubt but that para- up -hill without coughing sl triage, Sir Truest Labia, a for -
that he had been making levo to MODERN STEAMSHIP. MSHil', state diseases of sheep have done very harcL» mor member of the Viceroy of In-
niuclt to disecurago this vary pro- die's Council and an ex-prosidont
"Run away, Little one, Hare- Launch of the. White Star Liner fitnblo induett•y. It is hardly pro- THIS,and much more WAS of the Bengal Chambor of Com -
castle and I want a chat," he said, "Magnetic" at Belfast, bablo that any sheep -grower can written by Mr, G. W. Hower- coerce, writing to alac London Times
and patted her head affectionately, go on for any great length of time ton, (lark's Gap, W. Va. We tnazntaiils that there is an ennxm
Cable advices from Liverpool am without encountering losses from would like to send you full utas amount of wealth. Ls
nounoe that the new Wrote Star some of "them, unless he makes ill ' y ho says, by persons of the highest
Liner, `Megantio," was successful- telligent use of the necessary pre- copy of his letter, or you
authority at y1,eOo,000,000 — lying
ly launched from the yard of ales- ventive measures, The main who might write him direct. His fallow in India. Tho failure of the
ars Harland do Wolff, Belfast, on the gene blindly into the sheep -raising case was really marveious+ British Gavaznmmut to enlist the
-loth inst. This is an event of more business and fails to guard his flock but is only one of the many financial confidence of the people
than usual interest in the shipping against iufosbation by the various proofs that of India Sir Ernest considers one
world, for the "ibiegantic" will join parasites is almost corbainly fore- • of the -weakest parts of the British
her sister steamer the "Lauren- doomed to disappointment, and, In administration,
tie" in the now White Star-Domiie- many cases, rank failure. Seep e t "It is common knowledge," ho
ion Line service to be inaugurated have been considered delicate ani- sqr, says, "that for years past, India has
next year between Montreal and mals. This may be true to Borne boon absorbing gold and silver. The
Liverpool and thus strengthen the extent, but the reason that they are late Mr. Henry Dunning Madded
nonnoetion between Canada atld the M considered so is largely due to to a P r said in his book on the Indian cur -
Mother Country. fact that they are excused to so n d_ x.1I rency, that persons of the highest
These two steamers will be the many diseases. if subject to the authority estimated the hoards at
largest in the Canadian Trade, and attack of the same number of one- is the most strengthening authority
and one financial or -
lie all other vessels of the White mics, any other animal might be and re -vitalizing preparation gen says that the hoarding financial
Line are being constructed considered delicate. Altogether, hi the world. Et en in that ($06,000,000 yearly. If there is aay-
throughout on the most approved sheep have sufficient vitality tomost stubborn of all diseases thing at all in these figures — and
principes, nothing that long expert- make their, razsing very profitable (consumption) it does non- they aro generally accepted, I be -
dm and practical knowledge can if reasonable intelligence az ? tore -
dere, and in less serious linen—there is clearly an enormous
suggest being wanting to make them thought is used in gaardieg them + i amount of wealth lying fallow in
perfect as
as possible in all feral• against diseases. It is not as a
troubles, such as anemia,
p p t,.., +,;.: «!,cma, „..,.r,
India. Sure] Y it is worth while
oulars. They are designed on the rule, either prudent or profitable to
cellular double -bottom plan,. the practice the promiscuous feeding of or loss of Flesh from any at least of abase dormant resources
double bottom extending the en- live stock with condition powders cease the effect is much for the benefit both of the people
tate Ieugth of the ship and being. and patent preventive medicines. quicker, and the country at large': The task
specially strengthened under the In a majority of eases, too much is Do not delay. dot a bottle or SCOTT'S clay be a hard one, the difficulties
engines to give still greater rigid- Paid for these products; they are iautiesror7...barare lea SCOTT'S and may be well-nigh insuperable, but
ity in the vicinity of the ma-hinery, used when not necessary, and :are
tale. success would be fruitful of advent -
passenger accommodation has not used intelligently, But sheep ryL bnvecisrs ages both to India and the Empire.
been specially arranged tend will must be guarded against disease "If," adds Sir Ernest Cable, "the
vie with anything afloat, both as more closely than any other ani-
Lit as aana you ter=. nrn=artao•a ,atter people of India could be persuaded
g Ymal and in order to keep sheepfrac
MAI BOMB nteratura an Oonaomntian.
re arils beauty and comfort. It is,P seen Ilona no a Puat Oard and mention to put the built of their surplus
therefore, anticipated that these from the parasitic diseases, it is of- taw nape=. wealth into the railways, into irri-
stoamers will prove great favorites ten necessary to resort to the use SCOTT & aOWNu gation works, and into the develop -
with the travelling public. A fea- of preventive medicines. When 126 Wellington St„ W. Toronto meat of the industrial and commer-
turo of the entrances an' public used, however, they should be used tial resources of the Continent,
rooms will be their height and gen- with a definite object in view, and there would gradually ensue a weld-
eral roominess, and the state -rooms with system and regularity. ing together of the material inter -
will have the same characteristic. By way of general care of sheep, ENGLAND'S I{ICISLSi' DUKES.cats of the European and the In -
Tho decorations throughout will be they need well -ventilated or open-
d'an. Such a bond of union be -
of a truly attractive nature, rea- shed shelter in falling weather. They tween the rulers and the ruled
lining the ideal of the artist—rich- do not need shelter in dry wee- Westmiustar's Licata — I3edford'a would surely go far to promote
nese and simplicity combined. The them no matter how cold, They ,iversian 0 SoeLet3'• those feelings of co-operation and
first class dining saloon on the mid- should never be crowded into and
Speculation was rife a few days loyalty which are essential if the
dlo deck will be a very handsome shut up 111 a close barn. They need Py Inthan Empire is to continue to ad-
roodecorated and panelled in the shade of trees and bushes in ago •concerning the identity of the vallca."
elabom rately carved oak. It extends hot weather, They ought• to have two millionaires who are credited a,
the full width of the ship an' will running water. That from .a well in the Statistical Abstract of the
have the popular •'well" arrange or cistern in a clean tank .is very United Kingdom with possessing SUCCEEDED, YET TAILED.
mont over head, with verandah for good. Panel water is objectionable, between them the enormous sum He stopped aowin
the band stand, for the steamers especially when any disease is pre- of 88,619,000. These two fortunate Pp g' g•
will carry their own orchestras of sent. The pastures ought to be persons are probably the Dukes of pa
twas not greater than his oc-
sk'lled musicians. Tho spacious rolling, or, at least, well drained. Westminster and Bedford, says C Henet•ar learned to look on the
first-class lounge on the upper As to the use of remedies, when- London Tit -Bits, sunny side.
promenade deck is sure to bo a fa- ever there is any sign of scab or The Duke of Bedford, who is Ho stuffed his pocketbook, but
vorito resort for paasongers. It sheep ticks in the flock, all the known amoung his intimates by the starved his brain.
will be Luis XV. style artistically sheep and lambs ought to be dip -nickname of Hatband, owns a larg-
He had no use for sentiment
panelled in oak with a parquetry ped twice at intervals of 10 days he er portion of Bloomsbury and the which could not bo cashed.
floor, the latter characteristic also some reliable sheep dip. From the whole of Covent Garden, including He never learned to take the
applying to the reading room which time there is any indication of an- the market, which is reputed to
of his work.
is situated on the same deck and noyance by to bot fly, their noses bring him £60,000 a yeai. The drHe d d nottlive in his upper demi-
will be exquisitely decorated in aught to be kept smeared with tar puke and Duchess of Bedford caro es,but in the basement of his be -
white. The first-class smoke room until after light frosts. Sheep ought little for society and the only oc-
casions in.
is also on rho upper promenade to have a course of treatment on which they appear are He regarded his business as a
deck. It will be decorated with through the winter to rid them of at rare intervals in the Bedford box moans of making money instead of
embossed leather and handsomely the internal parasites. This ie Covent Garden Opera and at a life.
carved framework will surround to espoczally true when thorn is any Prince's Skating Rink in Knights- He lost his early friends by nag -
mahogany and the floor in this in- sites are present. It is probably principal palatial residence, there new ones.
stance will be of India rubber tiles, advisable for every sheepman to are private zoological gardens. Ho never learned to enjoy little
Tho sleeping accommodation will give his flock, during the winter The Duchess of Bedford is a fellow things, to sae Uho uncommon in the
be quite•in keeping with the excel- and spring, a course of finely -pow of the 'Geological Society. The common,
lime of the public apartments. The dered tobacco, or the bluesbone-cop- Dnite is greatly taken up
with all He Haver learned to lubricate his
eras -salt mixture. Of the tobac-
lower promenade acct and also he no he should use about 20 pounds tho varied interests of his prop- Boo's machinery with laughter and
the shelter deck and will include a for each 100 sheep, and begin giv- erty and is alto author of a book on good cheer,
state -rooms will besituated on the P
number of cabins en suite, lie„ ing it, in small amounts at first, "The Management of a Groat Es -He got 110mad1 life a grind, out of which
with private lavatory and bath with the feed late in the fall, and tato•' he neither pleasure, profit nor
zoom adjoining each suite. An continue until after lambing is to is doubtful whether the Duke instruction.
deo-trio elevator serving four clocks over. The blue aft e-colambin-salt of 4lrestis woi1 realizes exactly There was only nue stein of his
will prove acceptable to the Com- mixture, advised for the prevention what he is worth, He is probably nature developed, and that was the
pany's patrons and show that the ea stomach worms, may be used in. the most wealthy territorial mag money -making side,
most exacting needs have been an- stead of tobacco. It can be kept nate in the kingdom, counting No face ever brightened ab his
ticipeted, before the sheep, allowing them among his propertiesto valuable aPPreaoh, no heart thrilled at the
The second aloes passengers will what they will eat. These directions Grosvenor estate, which is situated sound of his voice.
find the provisions trade for their carefully followed out, will almost in the heart of the West End. Society bored lite, children bor-
comfort almond to none on the At- certainly protect the sheep owner The Grosvenor family represents ed him, music and the drama were
lantic. The dining saloon which is from the common losses, and ren- one of the few remaining sets in unknown languages to him.
an the middle deck and extends the der it unnecessary for hila to matte London Society that may be desCrib- He tea o learned to enjoy him -
width of..the ship will seat no a detailed study of the different ed as strictly exclusive. They live coif as he want along, but was al -
fewer than 262 passengers, The parasites to which the flock is 11 in a world of their own. Outsiders ways Postponing his happiness.
He eet to
library on the lower promenade able, —Missouri •State Bulletin, for diem do not exist, nor will they spowk cal) a public meeting, ould not rise to his
or to
deck and smoke room on the upper willingly tolerate the presence o£ put a motion, if his life depended
promenade deck are also beautiful any one who by birth and breeding
apartments tastefully decorated in SWEET CLOVER HAY FOR does not belong tot the privileged onlle used every pians to develop
polished hardwood and the enact LAMBS.elect. The exclusiveness to S9u ten fol his business, but none to develop
ous staterooms, too, call for men- Some ration experiments with ably the result ofthe s ceess his milli or to make liiniaelf. a lsrg-
tion, The that class quarters will lambs at the Wyoming Experiment
marriages made bythe Grosvenor her man.
compare favorably with similar ac- Station seem to indicate that while girls into exalted families, When he retired from business he
eommodation on any steamer sweet clover is of somewhat less An idea of the Duke'a colossal found that, in his struggle to get r
afloat, and alto dining -loom srbuat- value than alfalfa when fed with spec -
the means for enjoyment, he had
wealth can be gained by an in
ed aft on the upper deck is Cheep corn, still it makes a satisfactory tion of his splendid town nlanalon, mm•dered his capacity to enjoy.
tionally fine, food, Comparing two lots of lambs, which is a treasure house filled with He knew nothing about what was
The Marconi syatotn of wireless one fed alfalfa and the other sweet -
of priceless value, Many going on in the world outside of his '
telegraphy will be installed on these clover hay,the former made an aV- people are content with a cloak owvn narrow circle; another state
steamers, which will also have a sub-
erage gain of 34.4 pounds in 14 which costs a sovereign or two, but was like a foreign country to hili,,
marine signalling apparatus, The
"Laurentid" and "Megantic" will weeps, and the latter 30.7 pounds. thailstaricha 1 oiu isa0Grace sfa V st- th Inewspapers. t�1He ka ver plead Ilii
tae of about 10,000 tons, twin-screw; The sweet-olovet lot ate one sixth 1 pa
with carrying capacity of 230 first- more hay, somewhat more coria, and inion which in itself is worth x'18;- titles in magazines, and hocks were
class 430 second-class and 1'•000 a small amount of oil meal. The 000, for it is sat with forty-eight an unknown quantity to lite.
larger consumption of sweet -clover flawless diamonds, each valued at The idea of helping others, or of
third-class passengers, and will be hay was due to the fact that it had £1,000. The Dulro of Westminster owing society, leis city, or luS ha,
i0.10 largest and fastest in the Oa- ben cut late, and was very coarse is a popular sportsman and is tion, any duty, outside 01 caring
nadian train. and stemmy. Range lambs liked it known among his particular £rte» ds for his awn cc
interests, never' emir., from the start,and showed a steady as Bond Or;a neialtnamc oonferred red to hire.
appetite for it, on him to aommemarate the famous ILoeaeat>an, relaxation or amuse
,b racehorse of that name owned by meat of any kind was condemned
his grandfather, the late Duke. b1• him as a wielted wal: to of Valli-
HIS WIFE'S SALVAGE. ?aociatliste and others may forgive able time which might be coined iu-
"Did you have a good time last him his great wealth when it is to dollars. -0. S. Ivfaerelan, in Sub-
night1"Ysteed that fancy goods have e- sass' 3,
"1 should say so 1 It cost ane a favor in theti`estntinstet house-
hundred dollars,"hold. Snap o dishes are always At the class of wedding, bratilt.
"Did you spend that much?" Provided, sttclt as mutton cutlets, fast a gentleman noted fir his
r'I don't know whether I spent milia pudding, frtiit'taits anti se
Wei -Rica rese eo ]lis foot, causing
all of it or tvhethet my wife took :on, Mueh of his vast evealtli ie do- keen anxiety to all who know tetra.
it away from mo where I got home rived 21013 ground rents. Ito grows ''Ladies and gcntlm-non," lie evict',
this morning, but that's what it
rich because he Dan's hale it, genially, "I drink to the heath of
cost lite," 4' the bridegroom. May he sun mnuy
800• days like this i"
Ceylon possesses over miles
oldlady named ilu' of railway aait
There was nY, y
a" , e
Ah, cad was the fate .f bar, Lady (to nalloz) with
want : In a siziglo minute M mttalrinzs
Sim swallowed is spoon, mind my going on, with my work which cute up weed to make mat -
r via < r
r r
many a ave 1' r r c 0 0 7`
>r a m tel v o r, t o 0 0 lint.
m while n hero, will tins w burn t e s
for ,y Y , a 1 au? :Chan a i,+l 4 , r ,
She w not abbe to stir,1 shan't tfeel Pre wasting
they are called,
Locusts in Algeria have found a
dangerous enemy in a fy, which
follows them and lays its eggs where
they lay theirs. A larva issues
from the egg of the fly and devours
the locust eggs, The larva changes
into a chrysalis and then into a per-
iod insect, which folio -we the flight
of the locusts, repeating the same
performance, M1
Tom—She must have boon an old
t-- chi you think Noll Why d nl t so?
Tom ---She told my stater that she
married Fred Oar the purpose of
getting even.