The Brussels Post, 1908-12-24, Page 4be Y3T115Sti$ ra5T THURSDAY, DECEMBER e14, 1908 which will be found at page 7o of the Assembly millet es of 1908. M. Redlotti made a statement regard. ing supplies prepared by tine Assembly's Committee on Y, P. S., anti their desire that as far as possible societies avail • ' 1 NORTH HURON ERAL theinselves of these. rega , . discussion took placeregarding the LIBS. ' supply of students looking forward 1.0 ate annual meetipg of the .North ', the ministry. The supply ii; 001 i•ii I allrOD Liberal ASSOCIED1011 WU held in great as in former years. Tlitit is e lat t the Town Hall, Wingliam, on Thur.sclay 4Sontinually being brought to the notice 1 of last week, with the President, litines of the church. There is differences of .Young, presiding. While the meeting opinion as to the Bensons of the fart. ( MP HS not as largely atietided LIS if 0110111d That differences come out in the disens. + have been, it was El good meeting, and skim It was contended on the one showed that Liberalism 10 this part of handlliat the teaching in the colleges Huron County is not dead. The report Wes responsible for the reduction in the from J. A, Morton, Treasurer, showed number of etudents ; and on the other a snug balance in the Associatiou's that the chief reasons were that of in. treasury. sufficient support and the dispasitiou of The annual election of officers remitted congregations to manifest symptoms of as follows :-President, James Young, discontent owing to the fact ministers Aehurn 1 ist Vioe Presidei,t, Win.Is- ' necemrilv grow older through the enresentno. bister, Morris; d Vice PidJ , ' flight of time and are supposed to be less . . • capable in the prime of life wheu ex - s es, Itinlail, 3 Sheldon Bricker, Ford ,vich ; Treasurer, J. A. Morton, Wingbani ; Secretary, H. B. Elliott, Wingham. Chairmen of the different municipal- ities of tbe riding were elected as fol - Iowa i-Ashaeld-Chas. Stewart, KID - tail ; West Wawanosh-John McNabb, Dungannon ; BEtst Wawanosh- B. H, Taylor, Belgrave • Morris -Geo, Taylor, Belgrave l9owlck. 'John Henneberg, Fordwich ; Turnberry-Alex, Kelly. Wingham ; Wingliam--Rich. Clegg; Blyth -Geo. Powell : Wroxeter -john Douglas The following resolutions were unani. mously carried :- Moved by Wm. Isbiter, seconded by W. El. Fraser, that in the opinion of this meeting Dr. P. Macdonald sbould be appolnted as Senator to fill the present vacancy in the Senate from Ontario, and that a committee consisting of R. Clegg, Jas. Young and John I'. Currie be apointed to draft a letter and for- ward to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, urging the perieuee has ween prided to college train. nig than in the raw days ot youth. One of the Elders present declared his belief that in view of these things the supply of students for the ministry was much larger than it should be, and that only through a real scarcity of ministers would the condifions be improved. It wes agreed that any of the special committees appointed at the last regular meeting which :nay be ready to report 511511 be permitted to do seat any special or pro re nate meeting that may he held between the present and the next regul- ar meeting. It was agreed that in future the regul- ar meetings held in Wingham shall take place at 10 70 a. n1. ANDREW MAcNAB, Presbytery Clerk. Clinton Alex. Campbell, of Howick, aged 84 years, was added to the House of Re- fuge inmates. The Oddlellows of town will prob. recognition due to Dr. MacDonald for ably visit the Hoose at Refuge some past services to the party and urging his appointment as Senator, Carried. Moved by John T. Currie, seconded by W. 11. Fraser, that we, the Liberals of the riding of North Huron, in annual meeting assembled, wish to express our gratification at the success of the Liber- al party in October last, and hereby ex- tend to Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his col- leagues our hearty congratulations on the victory won in the interests of the people of Canada. Moved by J. A Morton, seconded by Wm. Robinson, that we, the Liberals of North Hurou, at our annual meeting, take this opportunity of thanking the Liberal candidate, Jno. T. Currie, WI30, though defeated in the last election, made an excellent fight in the cause of Liberalism and good Government. We desire to extend our congratulations to our honored and trusted Leader, Hon. A. G. ISIcKay, who so vigorotisly and ably led the party at the last Provincial election. Though he failed to carry the country, he impressed the people With the fact that he is an honest and capable man. who is well fitted to do justice to the traditions of the great leaders and principles of Ontario Liberalism. We feel confident that the time is not far distant when the affairs of this Province will again be conducted by the great Liberal party, with Hon. A, G. McKay as Premier. Short addresses were made by Dr. MacDonald and Arch. Elision, in which they urged the Liberals to continue in the good work and at the next election the good old county of Huron would make a better showing for Liberalism. Maitland Presbytery The Presbytery of Maitland met in Wingham on Dec. roth, with the Moderator, Rev. A. C. Rutherford, in the chair. A call was presented from St. Helens and East Wawanosh in favor of H. Moyer. a recent graduate of Knox College. The call was unanimous and wee sustained. Ar- rangements were made for his ordina- tion and induction at St. Helens on Tuesday, the sth of 'tannery conditional upon his acceptance of the call, which he has since dope at 2 p 01. It was agreed that the Moderator preside, Mr. Duncan preach, Mr. Bremner address the minister and Mr. Bremner the people, and that prior to the ordination Mr. Moyer be examined in Hebrew by Mr. Maarab, in Greek by air, Duncan, in church history by Mr. MnKerroll, and in theology by M. MacLennan. The stipend promised Mr. Moyer is nine hundred dollars and a manse, with four weeks holidays. It was agreed to congratulate St. Helens and East Ash. held on their hoeing raised the stipend by fifty dollars, If would be well iu view of the increased uost of living that many more of the congregations in the Presbytery should follow their example • and relieve their ministers from the nervous strain involved in tiyitig to solve the almost and for scree altogeth- er impossible problem of making ends meet. 'rite Treasurer's and Auditor's reports showed the Presbytery's finances to be in a healthy condition. Both reports were received and adopted, Mr. Bremner and his Presbytery Elder were appointed to visit Pine River congregation and Mr Rutherfot d and his Elder the Nortb Kinloss charge in the interests of the Augmentation committee and that they report to the Presbytery at the alareh nieetiug. Mr. Perrin reported re Systematic Beeeficesee and the forward movement in Missions, and on motion of Messre, Duncan and Bremner it was agreed that Laymee's Banquet be held under the auspices of the Presbytery with a view of furthering the interests of the for. ward Missionary movement. M. I. • Chisholm, Rincardine ; J. G. Murdock, Lucknow ; Dr. McLennan, Ripley ; Dr. A. J. Irwin, Wingham, and j El, Cam- eron, Brussels, with Revs. D, Pet'rie, L. Perrin, G. P. Duncan and A; C. Wish. art were appointed a committee to make arrangemetts, with Inspector Chisholm AS convener. It was further agreed diet the bencset tette plated in Witigham, Mr, Duncadrepotted for the commit- tee on evangeffinn, and recommended that fidget:Mewl be Miran 'of 411e week of prayer, •ands/that. meetings be held whovever possible, The recommendations were adopted, The Clerk repotted on Sfiltliaieti, ling attention to the reeommendaiions of the General ASeeMblre Committee, POWs 1V1oLaren, postage, $7,00 ; Peter time between Christtnas and New Years, and give all entertainment fin the benefit of the inmates. Revival services are promised in Ontario street church commencing on Feb. 14th, 1009. EvangelistMeHardy, who has just concluded a most suc- cessful series of services in Barrie, will have charge. Miss Lillian Coats, recently of Clinton, has been appointed sopreno soloist at the Talbot St. Baptist church, London, being chosen out of twelve singing caudidates, and fifty written ones, corned whom are teach- ers 01 vocal 010510.Norman Jolliffe, the popular bari- tone, and son of Rer. Mr. Jolliffe, who has been engaged as the soloist in con- nection with. Sherbourne St. Chnreh. Toronto, has tendered his resignation in order: to prosecute his musical studies in New Xork. The New Era says 1 -We under- stand that Rev. W. E. Kerr, the popular and energetic pastor of Ontario St. church, has been ap- proached by several places with view to bis accepting an invitation from congregations outside of the London Conference. W. Gs Smyth, who has had the Standard Elevator under lease for some thne, has bought the same from the estate of R. Irwin, paying $2,400 therefor% It is a cheap property, hav- ing originallycost a great deal more, and is especially suitable for store- house purposes. The Toronto papers all speak very highly of Stewart Jaelcson, at Massey Hall in connection with the opera Iolanthe, rendered in the city. He had to respond to three encores. He will be readily recognized as the clever son of T. Jackson, jr., and it is greatly to his credit that he can win striking popularity in so strongly musical a centre as Toronto. A. L. and Mrs. Rumball, of VIID- couver, were the guests of relatives in town last week, being on their wed- ding tour. Mr. Rumball is an old Cffintonian, (being a son of S. Rum - ball, of Vancouver,) but has been in Vancouver for a number of years, where he holds a position as 0. P. R. couductor. He went down to Balsam Ont., where he was married to a Miss, Leua Disney, of that place. The mock trial given on Monday night of last week, by the pupils of Fred, Hill's Sunday School class, Wes- ley church, provided au entertainment which was much appreciated by the Leave, The case being Rex vs. De- fendant. ,That, accused kGarnet Doherty) is frittering away his time reading novels, to his own detriment." The lawyer and witnesses for the prosecution were Walter Hohnes, H. Twiteliell, F, Audrews, Q. Izzard, W. Shepherd, on the defence. 0. Hall, 0, Andrews, R. East and 0. Shepherd. The amused elected to be tried by jury. The case was well argued, both lawyers doingwith very few notes, The evidence given was slightly con- tradictory, adding much to the amuse- ment of the audience. The jury dis- agreed. Bluevale TURNBERRY Cotramm-Minutes of Council meeting held in the Clerk's office, Bluevalc, on Tuesday Dec. 15th. Members of Council all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and McMichael. Moved by Mr. Rutherford seconded by Mr. McMichael, that a grant of $10.00 be made Lo Mas. Fallis as charity. Car- ried. TheTreasurer read the annual Statement the Receipts and Ex- penditures of the nnunicipeAity for the cr urent year, prepared by the Treasur- er and Reeve, which shows a balance of rash on hand of $6726.70. Moved by Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. Kelly that the annual statement be received and adopted. Carried, Following accounts were passed and cheques issued 1 --John Mosgrove, 13. of 11. $4,00 ; John Burgess, B. of $6.00 ; Jamee Elliott, B. of It., $5.00 ; Win. H. Cruickshank, B. of H., $5.00 ; Chris. Jobb, 13, of 1-1., $4.00 • Adam Cleghorn, 13. of IL, $4.00 ; Dr. Agnew, 13, of H ' ., $17.00 • John Mosgrove, making animal statement, $3.00 ; Mosgrove, salary as Reeve, $65.00 ; John Rutherford, salary as Councillor, $50.00 Robt. McMichael, salary as Councillor, $50.00 ; Alex. Kay, salary as Councillor, $50.00 ; IL Moffatt, salary US Councillor, $50,00; Peter Me - Laren. Teeasurer's eatery, 1940.00; isr h t Shoes Main Overslioes Some people don't like to wear a heavy shoe at any time. We are in the business to sell the kind of foot wear you want. For good warm winter comfort, we recommend for " light -shoe " wearers a fleece -lined, jersey cloth, bellows front overshoe, one or more buckles. We have some beauties, good strong rubber, one pair will wear a whole season. Both men's and ladies' in all styles at all prices. Harness Department Re member our Great Cash Discount Sale now going on in Robes, Blankets and Bells. Our Single Harness in Rubber and Solid Nickle are leaders 'Repairs in Shoes, Rubberrur Harness promptly clone. lArgss,„1. C. RICHARDS McLaren, making annual statement, $7.00; John Burgess, balance on salary 1975.00; John Burgess, postage, $15.00; John Burgess, rent of office, $12.00 ; Paul Powell, bal. salary, $25.00 ; Paul Powell, postage, $5.00 ; John Ansley, gravel, $1.78 ; Geo. McDonald, gravel Morris bdy., $6.30 ; John J. Moffatt, gravel and tile, $6.80 ; Mrs. Robinson, ,gravel, $1.00 F. Guttridge, cement tile, $88.43 ; T.I. 13. Elliott, printing, SLIM ; Dudley Holmes, law fees, 192.00; Treasurer Howick, tile and drain, Howick bay., $10.25 ; S. King, King draM, $39.05 ; Jas. Nichol, in- specting King drain, $9.00 ; Jas. Hooper, King drain, $189,65 ; Richd. Gilkinson, King dram, 1983.15; Robts , Hogg, repairs 13. line, bridge, $5.00 ; 1 Mrs. Pettis, charity, $1f1.00. Council then adjourned to sine die. Court of Revision in the O'Malley drain Onlross 1 and Tureberry, was opened as per notice. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, seconded by Mr. Kelly, that John Musgrove be chairman, Carried. 0040,"0.0.01;040".44."0404"ewouVitegormeeiolowq"AAANietholov.t.o."AAAA Go toerotbsi.-- . Jone for the BEST Values in AH 1nds of Holiday Gifts .4 Merry Christmas to ./111. -ww- The members of the Court having taken their oaths of offiee the follow. lug appeels against Bii8OSEDIellt vele made namely 1--R. Stokes, A, Stokes, Thos. Aitkin, and R. Mule, all other. i parties assessed being in favor of assessments made by engineer, I Moved by Mr, McMichael, seconded 1 by Mr. Moffatt, that the Engineer's A ward and assessments 011 tho O'Mal- ley dente be sustainea. Oat vied. Mr. Rutherford mit voting being an in- terosted party. Moved by Me. SSe- aliehael, eeemided by Mr. Moffatt, that the Ceuta; of Revision be now closed. Carried. JOAN Buttotese, Clerk. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the • Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. • Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why bis prescription--sDr, Shoop's Restorative -is directed en- tirely to the cause of these ailments - the weak inside or controlling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, if one goes at it .correctly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside novo°. Whenthese nerves fail, then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days and see 1 Improve- ment will promptly and surely fol- low. Sold by all dealers. SERIOUS DEPLETION IN FUNDS HARD TIMES HARD ON THE POOR CONSUMPTIVE Muskoka Free Hospital for ConsuMp- tive5 Makes an Urgent Appeal for Money. $35,000 Required to Cover Bank Overdraft and Provide fop Maintenance of Poor Patients, These heal -lines tell the story of our needs. They are Heavy and urgent. Many times during the past twelve months the question has pressed itself upon the Trustees, " Can we continue the work further? Every month brought its quota of accounts for salaries and wages of staff, bills of butcher, milkman, eggs, groceries, heavy coal bills - a serious item -and other uncon- trollable expenses so long as the doors were kept open. At lc-- Strachan's 101111121111=11101511211111111111=11E11111111111903 .11:11S At this season of the year we have as usual a large assort- ment of different lines of goods suitable for Holiday Gifts Ours are largely useful and sensible articles' which jou would be buying even if it were not Xmas time. But just now there is an extra demand and we are prepared to supply you. Our stook is large and well assorted and we will do our best to please you. Here are a few Suggestions for Xmas Buyers -Children's Picture Handkerchiefs, 2c, 3c, 4c and 5c. - Girls' White Lawn Hemstitch, 8 in box for 15c. -Ladies' and Misses' Plain Hemstitch Lawn at 50 and Linen at 15c. - Special Hemstitch awl Drawn Work at 15c. -Swiss Hemstitch and Embroidered at 121c, 150, 20o, 25c; 35c & 50c. -White Excolda ab 10c. -Gents' and Boys' White Lawn 81 50 and 10c. -Plain White and assorted borders in Excelda at 2 for 25e, -All pure Linen at 25e. - rine All Linen Hemstitch, with Fancy Initial, doz. in box $2.00, -White Jap Silk, plain and with initial, at 250 and 60c. - Children's and Girls' Mitts, Gloves, Toques, Clouds, Beads, Bead Necklets and Ribbons. -Ladies' Kid Gloves, Belts, Collars, Frillitigs, Wool Gloves, Mitts, Slippers, White and Black Silk Shawls, Fur Throws, Scarfs, Muffs, Fur Coats and Furslined Goals. - Boys' Collars, Ties, Cuff Bathes, Collar Buttons, 13races, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Leggings, Rubbers and Sox and Uutlerwear. -Gents' Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Slippers, Boots, Sox, Umbrellas, Mitts and Gloves. 6642....Alk...dis-d1.-A-46.4116..A.416.4....a. Lac Boys' and Men's Overcoats See them. - We can Save you Money. 41^1F-Rrlir `1P-9r"V"Ir 11,-7-'11.-Y-4""Flr-cF-V-PV-11P-4P-41r•pl, No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap We thank you all for your hind patronage during the year and will be pleased to welcome you many Unties yet before the close of 1908 Special arg -tins in lies' Fur Coats Men's Fur Coats A JOYOUS XMAS TO YOU 'at TRACH , . . These had to be paid somehow Contributions -- especially after the turn,of the year when the finan- cial depression was felt of its keen- est -fell off to such an extent, that each month the burden became heavier. ' During all this period there was only one thing to do, and that was to lean on our banker -swelling the bank overdraft. The trial was the severest in the history of these Muskoka Homes, in which nearly 3,000 persons, stricken by the dread white plague, have been cared for, I h - =sta. „eo,sess::.s.. Shack Life at Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. But never for a single hour did the doors of the Free Hospital fail to swing open, and give a welcome to suffering ones without money and without price. The good hews has gone forth of a rich harvest .the wide Dominion over. Friends, we come to you at this time, when the clouds of depression are being lifted, asking that you now -in the direness of our ex- tremity - help to lift the burden being carried -not for any personal gain, but solely, alone, only on behalf of suffering sisters and brothers, Our plea is on behalf of the sick 0118What will you give? Do not say nay. Help generously. Help all you can. Help some. Help how. Contributions may be sent to W. J. GAGE, ESQ., Chairman Ex- ecutive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto; or J. S. k013ERT- SONy Sec. -Treasurer National Sani- tarium Association, 347 King Street West, Torooto, Canada, Xmas and XMAS GIFTS 1111101)1)101' idea of the clay le 10 genii your Photograph to your frier.cls for Xmas, We are all pleased to receive a nice Photo. of our friends at BAY 110)0 and more especially at this eenson of the vents We have some ohm mon ments of Photo, =tints suitable and most artistic. Don't fail to call at my sinclio end look over my saneiles. I will give you an ex. tra finiell in the most up -I o-finte stele. Post Card and Sue beam Photos. until after Xmas serteon. roc. each. Other sizes in proportion. Picture Frames mode on shortest nOtioe, Prices reasouable. Always welcome at our studio. H. R. B r#3., E ER The People's Column CARM FOR SALE -Being Lot 10, Con. 10, 11" Grey, eo e mining 100 neves. Apply to WM. WOODS, Oraebrook P. 0. .21-51 P ROPERTY 17015 SALE, - A comfortable dwelling and stable in the village of Orem brook. There Is 23f, mime of land 'i) 11 it. Pos- session enn be given at once. For further par- ticulars Reply to MRS. VADDATZ or JOHN' FISCHER, Oranbrook P. 0. 12-tf pra081.FORTABLE COTTAGE, stable and 94 acre of land for sale, Turnberiy street, North, Brutasole. Good well, fruit trees, 40. Poeoession could be given at once. For further particulars ne to price, terms. 4c.opply on the premities. ALEX. MoLATTOHLIN. 7-tf 44 ACM OP CHOICE LAND for sale on MeZillop boundary, adjoining Walton village. There is a frame house, orchard, well, windmill, 40„ on the premises. 1t1s all seed- ed. down and is a desirable property. Poor health the reaeon for selling. For further par- ticulars as to priee, ternm, dos. apply on the premises to DUNCAN 110017AIG. 02-11 eklioitOn TO THROPASSERB-Notica is hereby ▪ given that the public is warned against trespassing on the North East corner of Lot I., Oon, 0, Grey, known as the Cahill bush. I brave bought the timber 01110D00 and will not permit it. Trespassers will be dealt with ac- cording es the law directe. tf THOS. NEWSOM, FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undereigned offers his well located property in Brussels for sale 01 10 rent. There are 05 acres of land with eomfortable house, with cellar, !debit), orchard, well, Sm. Possession on Aug. 10511. For price, terms, and other information apply to JAS. D'UNFORDClinton or THE POST Brussels. 'THOS. DIINFORD, Langdon, North Dakota. A DenzusTRATows SALE 01'IPAB.M.-Thc Era undersigned will offer for extent Thum er's Hotel by public auction, In the village of WM- ton, on Teriday the 8;11 day of .Tanuary, 10(8), at the hour of ewo o'olook in tile afternoon that valuable farm in the Township of MaNillop known as the North half of farin Lot number nine, in the fourteenth Coneession of the mild Township, of Melfillop, in the County of Huron, containing eighty eight and one half 55005 10 the same more or less. The farm is well situated as to market being four and. one half miles from the Villege of Walton. There are about 40 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation and the balance fa pertly cleared. 31 18 the melting of a first clans grazing farm. Terms ten per eent on the day of mile, balance to make one third. of the price within thirty days and the remainder will either be accepted iu cash or allowed to remain on a mortgage on the premises for live years bearing interest yearly at five per cent per annum. It will be mold subject to a reserve bid by the administra- tor and iii being sold to wind up the estate of Saints MoClidlutn, the younger, late of the Township of MaNillop. For further partic- ulars apply to undersigned, JAMBI; MoCAL- min, Administrator, or P. S.Seott, Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given purtment to R. S. 0. 1807 Chap. 120, Sec. 88 that all persons having elaiins against the estate of Samos NoOsIlum the younger, late of the township of hicaillop in the County of Huron, farmer, who died. on or about the 25111 day of September 1008 are required to 001110 1111 post prepaid or deliver to F. S. Scott, Brussels P. O., agent for James Me - Callum, the administrator Of the deceased, on or before the 10th day of January, 1900, their names and address and deseriptione and full statement of particulars of their Menne and the nature of the security if any held by them duly certified and that after the said day the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deeensed among the parties entitled threto having regard only to the claims of which he then will have notice. Dated this 4th day of December, A. D. MM. P. S. SCOTT, 28-8 Agent for Adininistrator. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1807, Ohap. 120, See N. that all persons having claims °gains the estate of Joseph Raynerd, Into of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the twenty-third dny of Oatober, A. D. 1008, are rammed to send by post prepaid or deliver to R. Vanetone, Wingham P 0., Solicitor for the Administrators of the said deceased, on or be. fore the 105 day of January, 8. D. 1000, their mimes, addresses and descriptions and a full etatement of particulars of their Maims and the nature of the security Of any) held by them duly earthier], and thnt Eater the said day the Adennistrntors will proceed to distribute the aesete of the deceneed unioeg the parties en. titled thereto, having regard only to the clnime of which they then have notice. Dated Me 80th dey of N'ovember, A, D, 1008. R. VANSTONE, Wieghnin P. 0, 22-4 Solicitor for Administrators. 418.11! hristanas Presents New goods juet opened, 10111141a rer 1111111 diMet from the matitiftteturer, we Cite 9550 You money eti LADIES' Gold Wat clues Watch Chains nod Fobs Signet. find OVID RiDES, Pearl Rings, iiirtucev Rings, &c., Neekleta, Lockets, Breeelets, Pearl Set Brooches and Pins, Manicure Sets, i3elt Pies, Hat Pins, &e., &C. G E IV TS' w swim vest chains • 9nc1 Fobs, Rings, Cuff Links, Sena Pins, Leek- ets, Signet Rings, Pipes, Safety Razors, &c. • We carry a large line of .ane Mantle Clocks, Silverware, Sterling Silver and Cut Glass, 1947 Rodgers' Bros.' Knives, Forks and Spoons, &c. QUALITY Everything is sacrificed by us for Quality. We handle dependable goods only. Our prices are as low es the lowest. Come early and let us put away what you wish to give at Xmss. H. L. JACKS N At -Ira-- tar Smelly ETHEL We handle the best Groceries and Con- fectionery for Xmas that money can boy. The best goods at lowest maces. Fruits California Navel Oranges Bananas, Dates, Figs Almeria Grapes Very Best Raisins and Currants Doer's Chocolates and Bon Bons also MuLaughlin's Confectionery and Fancy Cakes of all kinds. FANCY CIGARS Our stock of Groceries is Fresh and Clean OYSTERS and GOOD CHEESE. S'rGootl Bread always on haud. Please call and see our stock to be convinced. W. T. SPENQE GROCER AND CONFECTIONER Ion will find at the Cober Carriage Factory a good MS sortment of First-class Bob- sleighs, Cutters, Wheelbar- rows, Hand Sleighs and Clothes Reels. All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting promptly attend- ed to. John Cober BRUSSELS d ESIIEMBIE=liTSZNIEESDIEWGIESENSUBBEiBBINCE Cutters iingeommeososisemezugziodelbliall Cutters utters GreGtelniellitlEGEBIddrillaRMMIIIMINIMIN HAVE you seen 'EWAN & Co's large display of Cutters? They knock out anything on the market. We have a very large stock of nearly all kinds and sizes for the coining Winter and they are made of the very best material, every brace about them being the very toughest of steel, They are trimmed with the very best.of German Mocate and Leather Cloth. For style and neatness our little piano box Cutlers can't be beaten. Webave a number of styles of Cutters with Tope DO tbern which makes a most comfortable vehicle, the 'Pops being a great wether protector. Large 000 small sizes in Portlends ancl a number of Street and Speeding Cotters. It will pay anyene 611 050111)110 our two large Show Rooms as we have a large number to choose from. Bob -sleighs - Heavy ad Light Timber 'ell Oak, Sec. nd-hand Buggies We have a number of Pirst.classi Second-hand Buggies which we wish to ells. pose of this Fall. Come quick and get your pick. Repairs done on all kinds of Rigs in our line and at small pricee, Don't miss the large exhibit at our Carriage Shop. We will save you money by pnrchasing your Rigs et o's Carriage Shop BRUSSELS ••0 t' t •