The Brussels Post, 1908-12-17, Page 12District News Henfryn l'att 1:$'rl•trrtt\arl:\r--:\t. thins ftwit tin \V-etin(stl )y 1)c,(. 3)tvl at 8 p, an. 0 1144117101 entertainment males itttspiee1 of tit.. David's Sabbath Srhe>ol will be hell. Pent riuu will bo given by the St. _\1hur'stvdbba s h School, 111' Atwood, and will consist of Xmas (':uvls. selections ions by orchestra, reeiL'r- tiotes, vae'a1 and iu441' ln'utal solos, Binitel01'1 reverie, Mand Mullcr's pa11001ine Drill, 11,:o. (':nue and see Lionel and _1nalml and hare a gond laugh, Admission 10 and 13 cents. Everybody trade wol'onua. Clinton • \Vat. C' ors. The funer- al of 11e late Mrs. \\'u1 Coals, tank Pince from • Well's P11 sxyte \aur clinrelt 111 tic.l.at of last week. t ifty years ago dl sea '1 crone to Clinton a In•i•1.e the wire of \1'm. (oats, one of the air t men:it:tots to do business Lu tnlyll. Until 0 few months ago she resider in Clinton and intended oink- ing het' finale with her daughter, Sirs. Dr. AIo('alium, Of Crestline, 01110, where,4i' ,lied. She teas au active clnneh worker, and esteelllfd by (111. Five sons, whose homes are in Detroit and 4'lliea;gl, trlso two tin:vitt('ls sur- vive het. Molesworth 1)n • erring Inst week 0 slnprise p tt t tv•ts one of the (.vents here. It too'too's pity n themins- the xesttl1 be' tet, bast 11 •v. \h, 1iorlett fire min -11 7n• 1 pastae mf tit.' Presbyterian ,1 tr.•11 was presented. with 0 line Christ -1i ts .ria i in tit' "lryu'of a 1'111' In e 10. 1,,:tt an 1 Airs. 13,rn,'tt ro- e..fve.l a 11fe 1(1''uhership cortitieate' 11 ,11 the AV -010 r 01'S 1•'01•e 1 u Missino 1(11• S eeiety of thus p10ee. e3'y Bait- (tail.• r •spouses were made by the 1''- e<p.'iIts. It lens as kindly and thoughtful \env of ste..nglhening the ties. Morris Matthew Me •('s hats aI't'ivte:1 home linen yisfting 111, hrothor in Ii:inear- (line. tifrs h.1i'('11telmanr, \ho spent the Slimmed' at Milestone, Assa., has i111•iy(tl home. 'Clint slay 111' this week n number of Liberal allen:l d North limy)( Re- form isu t ttion annual meeting iu \V'ingh uu W. 3Scott, 2:1:1 lute, huts cement'' after ,t very 441(x1 ant trip through the West, 11e visited at Virden, I1anliata an(i other places )Mrs. Win. 1{c, (3 ill, 7111 line, hfls not been as well r14 usual (If late her nerves and heart troubling; her, We ]tope she w•111 soon be in lore'. The Sunshine \mIs Tree and enters tainni nI will be held on Friday evens ing. \(n- 11(44. Der. 18111, ] 0ea1 talent will be assisted by Ilritss,ls talent.. .khrtis- inn - 15 els. and 1)1 ens, 111 are in - vi led , Simon and 1L4. Forsyth, of Frol)isb- )1', Sask., are here mi 0 visa) with rt'- latiyes (tn(1 old feiyuds. They were 4,1(01er residents of ll(n'ris. Mts. Forsyth is It dae(gh l e1' of ,lames I3ran- c10n, of this township. 11 is said ex-ite'e•ve lsbi,te'r may se- cede tD litiulel•nti. requests 1)11,1 1'11)1 as ar•itnelidate 1'nr11(11'rie Rce1:v5111p, 11e sa1 a.1 the bench for as number or years an(1 was at gond ofli(•ial. Nomination Day will settle the question ul' earidl- tlal es. Aiming the Rimier \tort'isites from the West who are r('netviug old. friendships hero are Jahn and Airs, Forsyth, of Frobisher, task. The forin(•r, we are sorry to say, has hewn Somewhat 01,101)11.l with one limb but the , Imp. 1 his holiday bore will tend to marked improvement. Mrs I orsy tit's girlhood home was on the 711) line she being Miss Minnie Bi t'atll, daughter of IVI,1. McCall, a resident of this township Fut over 53 years. u exrollout (aered Coueert was *14111 in i lie :maw.Methodist Cliturh. Brief f ad(ire ,e s were given by John liner 1Viughanla Hl) Mr. 1Vt11. Bine tale ; Rev. G. \V.Rivers, of Rol - grave, anti he pastor of the )(1rurelr. 31iss 13t•ook, of \\'iugharn, crave two good readings, 011(1 the \\'lughaul Methodist Church choir gave several selections. Solus were given by Mrs. Hub). Roadie and 1', J. 11111, and the male quartette also gale two welero- lions. 1•'. I3uehalman, Wiog'ham, occupied the chair. There was a fair attwelaltele l0'('1enl, x101 the piog111I0 was 101(11) enjoyed. Sri toot, Ito coli'.—The following is the seined r(por) of S, S. No, 1)1, Mor- ris. Class 1V Exam. in Clea„ (Irani.. and I11. T(tiltl, 100, Alma King, 21O : Agues Miller, •dui. (.'lass Sr. 111 --•Exam. in Spell., Grain., Ilia„ (long. 'Culal Ino, \nnie Iireeken- ridc;e, 2i1. Jr. 11I I xtuu. in Spell„ Cram., Hist (ha,. Total i0o Altswge Moffat 1, 2.17 • "'Walter M, s.et 20(1 ; Tete •et Robb 3)41 '- Johnny 'loses, 1117 ; Harvey Cutt, 1744, Sr, I1--Ar- lunged in order of merit. Maggie Rich•u'.lson, Mary\filler, GraeeUnrtib, Jr. II—Maggie Preekenrilge, Alex. Shale. Pr.11 31eLen(1, Zehnut Tni•vey, Herbert Powell, S0lalr 131 ee'k- eoridge. Pt. 1—Verna .loluottune, Hazel Robb. 13, lil:Nnuntsox. Toucher. \Mahlon; 13ta,t.,.—Tho following is takell from the 80111011 Aral, 13. C., Oboe .\ pretty wedding was snlenun:.cnl un Tuesday, Nov. 17th, at. 4 (i ('lock \viten F. 1V. \' 0 and )Mics \,"nes Johnson, da:ughter of John Johnson, 1'otmuerh' ( F the 5(11 line of M(a•ris, aver. tutu. -d in the holy bunds nt' matt im nv. The ceremony took plave in the dhmreb of St. John the Lva igeliat and Was performed by the 471,1)1', 11e')'. W. :1., \\'inter. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Annie Johnson, sister of the bride, while On. grooms tl'as supported by 11. 1la,jerison. The clowel111as crowded with the friends and • relatives of 111( ('Dn11 tc'ting parties, The ln'ide looked eh:timing. 111 e I 1uu tripe tie rhino, trimmed with embroidered rhiftuu lace and in- sertion and a while sill lust trimmed with ostrich plumes. 'l'lhe bridyy- \t(ticl's dress 11 as also (Tenni trimmed with pint: and hat to match. The bi'ld, s going :away (1re,4 147111 of pearl //annum trimmed with silk and a hat to match. The happy (attple left C 011 Ow Ingot train aunt 1 showers o4 rice (lu'd hosts of good wishes, for 1'1(loria, where a short honeymoon will be s (euh 31r, and Mrs. \'yo will spend the Winter in Ilevelstoke, and will probably return in the Spring to Samna Arm and take ftp residence on lar. lye's hoolestenth 2. great 'number of vahutble presents testify to the popularity of the young people. The list includes gro•lin's present to the bride, brooch set with pearls ; grown's present.11) 111e bridesmaid, gold hat pin sea with peru'1s ; best Tuan to tate bride, silver dish. '1'he brad( 1, a vno)1g lady with is \veli known throughout the distrii't, and with her parents has resided here (08)1" years. '1tr. Vye is well respect- ed and polnrhar helve. After a very pleasant outing, 1ernpying over 11 months, 1Vu1, and tih•s. I obit aro back to to talc Cath line. They visited for weeks with .11ts, Vials, !Mrs. Rab)is rather, at. Totten- ham, Ont., stud then went- )Fest slop- Mping at Napirlka, :Maar„ to sec Edward ills, a broth(•1' of Mfrs. Robb ; then to Frobisher (tunny the liventeheon and Forsyth families, formerly well known \lorrisites, nolo reside. 'We tare sorry-- to hear tlutb a seer), bail stat•t> 111 early -august did serfo)s, damage to the erne Chem and this be- ing trepetition of 1.1)Ol slakes it, all the worse. (e, Simon Forsyth, (1 guiles (away, teas 1)01 1011ebed b1 the stm'ln, 'Milestone, Calgary, Edmonton and Maidstone were also ('(111e(1 at, .1no. ('utrie,- :L', Robb's brother -hi -law, lives at the hefte]. place 1111(1 111114 dont well. Jas. Robb, who \vas ')fray to Virginia, is bail: anti lova led here also, The \V-(y'hm n and Al ilestone country is prouonu1c it ,us good 1,uol as need be asked for in 171'0O 41 owing. The Americans make hustling seniors and have au eye open for business all the time. Land prices hold up 10 as fairly stiff figure. Air. and fit's. Robb pot in (a good time and might be in- duced to settle 111 the 1\'est without Hauch persnttsiotl. Their many old friends shoot hero hope however to see them continue their residence in this locality. There w'a1 nD shortage of hospitality upon 11117 part of the ' V est>'vn 1's and all are hopeful of attaining the prosperity that will en- able them to live on "hlasy street." —Wroxete • '\(eros. --Hiss Mr(Iill, of (lemic, ealle(1 on friends here on Monday.— Norman Harris returned from the West last week where he has ,pent the last six uulths.--3liss Kate Ilazlewoad, who is 1t)eu(ling the Con- sca.vatory of Music in Toronto is visit- ing her parents have.—Miss Sophia Robinson entertained a number of het' ,)'Dung friends hast Wednesday evening. --Mss Mary hiller left for her hone in (Il•neden on Saturday,— Lambert Stinson, of Qort'io, Inas taken charge of the butcher shop here and is assisted hy 1\', Booth.—lliss Cattle Lawrie went to Toronto on halo: clay where she w111 spell' a heck b'I'ure leaving fox' Kansas where she will make her house with her sister Mrs. Clark.- d.ditof and Aire Noble, of Montreal, arrived here last. week and have moved to \V (1. H(u)e wood's voltage on Gibson `it,—.3Jis Lily h Qblloist4l returned to her inane in Milvertu11 Last Friday, alter spending some weeks with her sister 111'S. U. Reis,• --\V'. C. and Alt's. Currie and son Floyd left for nit. Forest on Saturday where they will speed several clays be- fore going to Port Moron fol a fele weeks' visit.—A, concert under the auspices of the G. Cl F. will be given in the ToW11 Hail on Friday caching, Hee. 18th Hiss Pauline Johnston, the 'Mohawk entertainer, the gilled (laughter of the 12e(1 Indian ran and one of the most accomplished readers of tate day -will appear clad in her nat- ivecosttme. lfer assistant is lar. IR'R(tye, who also (pn1on highly Ives innineenSie'd (t1 1111 (.nt1r•tadll(.L -I. 1111r(ly Ims returned from Orangeville; having fullycreeovered from a long illness of typhoid fever. Jamestown C•ounei1)lop and Mrs. .Cult and lits. T. Mrl'weu Ilre cisttiug rcltatnes at Gotleric•h. "Uncle Eben Quartette" will assist in the Entertainment at S. S. No. 4 (trey on the >14(ul, - luesday of next week trill be the date of the school examination in S. S No, •1. :Coacher Fraser will be as- sisted by number of visiting peda- 1t0gtccs, _\. now Coalure 41.111 be a class 111' buys aural girl'), formerly pupils of Mrs..2 A11Lanelilin, 13russrls, 111 1$01. who v. .it be taught by her 'Taesday afternoon, iatnelt will be served. .ln the evening the luuntal vote r'lainlue•ni• will be held. 111)11'11 i4 (xpecttal to be a sweeper. Talent. Trial 13russets, V1'roxeirl', (3orrie and Jamestown. l'nelc l:boo's celebrated quartette is to brace part mut the program will be well worth going miles to hear, hiss Bessie.:Moses has been engaged (t9 teacher in the 11011<er School 5111 eon. for 19011. The salary will be ;doll. -hiss Florence 14i'atstl'ong is the pres- ent teacher who has resigned. • Wm. Buckle was sentenced to seven years in Kingston Penitentiary at I1ami1- ton for blackmailing. The Roman Catholic church at St. Ambroise, Indian Loretto, Que., was burned. Lass, `yroo,000. The City Council approved the an- neratiou of \\'est Toronto, Wychwood and Bracotldale to Toronto. • The report of the ce111011ssien o11 Manitoba University is expected to re- commend Government control alter the system of the University of Toronto, The Alberta Legislature will be asked to enact a child protection 'act for Alberta similar to the Ontario Petitions are now being circulated and are being largely signed, The Temper- nuce and Moral Reform League is cir- culating petitions throughout Alberta asking the (3oven mein to further curtail the liquor traffic, At a meeting of the Protestant School Board, Montreal, Rev. 1)r, Barclay moved that sewing be 'taught iu all of Montreal's public, schools. being of the opinion that no girl's education was anything • like complete without this knowledge. After a slight discussion it was decided to add this to the cortico• lum. It is thought that domestic science will shortly be added to the course. tlWW, NTERTERM 1 OPENS ',V+i IV JA Q ARY 4th i Di MORE YOUNG, PEOPLE kg trained by our management than any other in Ontario. (d yeah (lemma for our graduates as 13). inose College Teachers, P(ivate vc, x etnries, Olivae Assislamta, oto. The embodiment of the most PxperU 111Mder11 systems known in I3n1imt--Seielice. We in' Vitocalnparison, Three tieitrrtaxable. 1+,111(011 by skilled instructive.' ' .--�, C01Y(MERCIAL, STENOCIRAPHY, TELE€RAP(4Y. Mail Courses in all 131nstueae College 3t�J nod nigh 5rhool. subjects. Winghaam Business College b 4 0E0. SPOTTON, - Principal 0 c,0 st ... '}fait') the 'EST Valves Ira A00 0ds, ©f Ho day Clift .114erry Clzristmas to arm,cive~�,Yt�seces:=s.~.,a-aceart~oA.akA>l.de.W.?dbW��,,�tq