The Brussels Post, 1908-12-17, Page 6ci e t (T a Inspector Tom was asked for an opin-
-;. 4At'r�i y�jJ �y]V.ti.t ion in reference to the Contineatton
class gradntuiou examination and stand,
ding of such pupils. The Education
8 Committee recant mended that the
Principals of High Schools end Colleg-
iate Institutes be requested to s^.a'e
thug granted snob pup
Sunday, 6th ins[, the Rev, P. Corcor-
an, pastor St. James' church, Seaforth,
conducted divine service for the first
ti3ne deco hie return from Europe and
Acte. The cuneregutiee Nye 1er1 itself
of the opportunity to present lain with
an address of welcome, and a purse of
The following is the address and re-
Address of the Catholic Cougregruion
of Seaforth, to ltev. P. Corcoran, on his
return from a tour abroad.
hearts t)eatiog joyfully to -day, we bid
von a cordial welcome home front your
travels beyond the seas. We rejoice to
see you standing once tnorein tine House
of God, which you love so well, once
more iu the midst of your loving and
loyal people. When you left us four
months ago, to take a well earned ret -t,
after years of unremitting labor in our
parish, we bade you God speed and
prayed for your safe return. We trust
that your visit to the land of your birth
and scenes of your childhood bas renew-
ed iu you the vigor of youth. Our toy-
ing thoughts followed you, Reverend
Father, in all your journeyings. 4\'e
felt that though the wide Atlantic rolled
between pastor and people, we still had
a place in your tender solicitude. We
knew our names lingered ou your lips
before the glorious altars of the Eternal
City and in the hallowed land trod by
the sacred feet of oar Divine Saviour
and sanctified by His precious blood.
These fair lands with their ennobling,
precious and enduring associations have
faded from your view though memories
of them cling and will cling through all
the years. Again you have taken tip
tee arduous duties of Ibis parish, which
has male rapid advancement under your
wise and able guidance, That you may
be spared dear Reverend Father, in
health and strength for many years to
minister to the flock is our earnest
We beg of you to nccept this small
offering as a token of -our esteem and
Signed on behalf of the congregation.
John Devereux, sr.; Duucan MctMillan;
J. Shine ; T. Carbet ; T. Geary ; D.
Shauoha ; C. Kennedy ; J. Canniug ; T.
MY Dyaa FRIENDS,—I have heard
with much emotion the kind sentiment,
you have expressed towards me, and I
thank you most cordially for the same
as I know they come from your hearts
in a llsiucerity, yet being conscious of
my- own failings I accept then[ even
more as an expression of affection for
our Holy Mother, the church of God,
and for the ideal pastor than for myself
I have been nearly eight ye•trs with
you as your pastor, and during that
time I have learned 30 regard the people
of'Seafotth parish with heartfelt affec-
tion for I have found them sincerely
devout and earnest in their faith ; and
there is nothing that delights and cnu-
soles the true pastor more than that
this should be the case with those who
are committed to his spit heal care.
You said in your address that you felt
during my journey to the Eternal City,
the centre of Catholic Unity and while I
was visiting the sacred places which
were made holy by the footsteps and by
the shedding of the precious blood of
our Divine Redeemer, Inever forgot my
belovedparisbonera of Seaforth ; and all
this is true, 3 offered my prayers for
you and celebrated for you the holy
sacrifice of the Mass at tbeae most sacred
places, Bethlehem, Calvary and the Holy
Sepulchre of our Saviour, places which
will ever be dear to Christian hearts. It
will be a happy piece of news to you
when I tell you that 1 received from our
Holy Father, Pope Pius X the care pri-
vilege of giving you his special blessing
accompanied with a plenary indulgence
to all my parisbioners under the usual
conditions that you receive the same in
the state of grace, free from sin. • The
day for giving this special blessing will
be announced later on,
I thank you also for the valuable
gift von have presented to me. My
journey is over now and I do not need
this purse for myself, but there are
church purposes for which it will be use-
ful, and'I will apply it to one of these
purposes, with your permission. We
need very much a uew pfue organ, as
our present organ is in a dilapidated
eonditiou. Yom• generous gift I will
devote to the new organ fund. I thank
you all the sante for your generosity in
snaking Ibis donation which marks the
bond of union between priest and people,
Huron County Council
The regular meeting of the Decent
ber session was held at Godcrieh open
lug on Dec, 1st, A large number of
cOtnmuuications were received and re.
ferred to various committees. The
Special Committee recommended that
legislation be introduced making it it
legal to run a 100 on Sunday, and at
least one other day in the week.
Dr. Gunn hhade application for the
usual grant of $400 given by the Conn.
ty to Hospitals, and the Executive
Committee recommended the sante on
his complying with the provisions laid
down in emelt cases,
By -Law No, 3. of 1908, of Hullett, re-
lating to a stream in the township, was
read aid referred to the Road and
Bridge Committee, but in .the absence
of Mr. McMillan, the matter was left
R was moved by Mr, Shearer, and
seconded by Mr. Hatnstoek, that where
in any county twtathirds of the minor
mueiOipalitiesare in favor of submit
ting a Local Option by-law to their
ratepayers at the next municipal elec-
tions, all the municipalities of that
county be compelled to submit it at
the sande time, thus co-operating 111
carrying out the provisions of said by-
law, and preventing the isolation of any
one. If this meets with the ap-
proved of this councii, the clerk he in
straeted to COM 111np10410 with the ot11n.
01cr13s of the Province r
ov t r.e to get their unr
operation in memot•isiiZig the Local -
Legislature to amend the 1,3ce7780 Act.—
their entering their respective schools,
for the iale•metion of the Council at
the January sesstou. The claims of
Harriston and Parkhill High Schools
on the count•, for ell e7 and $63 respee-
tively, for peens from Huron, were al-
The Council gave the old wooden
bridge at Hayfield to that - municipality,
to be used as a foot bridge only, and
the municipality to assume all repairs.
The County Solicitor, however to be
consulted as to the proper method to
protect the county 339aiust future pos-
sible damages.
Messrs. 1McDerrnid end Lane gave a
report of the proceedings of the- Pro-
vincial Municipal Association, to which
they were delegates.
$201) was greeted towards the erec-
tion of a luck up at Grand Bend.
The thanks of the Connell were ten-
dered Dr. Milne, reeve of Blyth, for his
excellent report concerning the meet-
ing iu Toronto, held ti consider the
prevention nt consumption. Also to
Warden McLean for his courtesy and
consideration during the year.
The Road and Bridge Committee rec-
ommended that a new bridge should
be built between Stanley and Goclsr-
ich Tpe. (Rnthwell's) but that the Met-
ter he left over until next Spring. That
the engineer prepare plans and specifi.
cations for a new bridge to be built be-
tweea Godei•ieh anti Colborne town-
ships, known as Forster's, tenders to
be opened at Jauunr; sessi00. That a
new bridge be relit on the Lake Shore
road, Goderich township, known as the
Gully bridge.
The fail Committee recommended
that Effie Ray, at pnsent in jail, be re-
turned to the Hone of Refuge, where
site had been before. L1 the jail there
are ten inmates, 9 elates and ] female..
G for vagrancy, 3 for assault, and 1 for
J. H. Taylor, 54 Bond 8t. Toronto,
Breathed Hyomet and Cured aLong-
Standing Case of Chronic Catarrh
That Doffed Ail Other Remedies,
Also Toronto and New York Special-
Whithont taking a drop of medicine
into the stomach, J. H. Taylor•, 54
Bund Street, Toronto, tells how the
tlistiessing troubles of Catarrh were
overcome by simply inhaling Hyomei
air. - history t It'c the rstor of tens
Of thous-
ands similar cases on record, proving
that Hyomei cau be depended upon to
circ Catarrh, Bronchitis, Coughs,
Colds, and Croup. It has no equal for
ally Mistress of the breathing organs.
,lir. Taylor says i "Some years ago
while on a hunting trip in Northern
Canada, I contracted a severe cold
that settled in any head and finally
effected my throat. It rapidly de-
veloped into catarrh and caused a
miserable throat weakness. illy head
would become clogged- during the
night and there wits a catarrhal drop-
ping from the nose into the throat.
Many days I bad been unable to
breathe other than through my mouth
and the constant hawking and spitting
was almost unbearable. I had been
treated by the best throat specialists
here and in New Fork, but nothing
benefitted my condition. I obtained
H omei at Jas. Fox's and soon found
]relief, the throat chopping ceased and
my head began to clear. I continued
with Hyomei for six weeks and after
that time I was well in every detail.
There has been no return of the
trouble since, and I feel grateful in
speaking well of Hyotnei, as it erred
me when all else failed."
Chas. and Mrs. Sergison left for
Rochester, N. Y., where they will re-
main for a month visiting their dauhh-
ter, Airs. Ulman.
Mrs. D. D. Campbell had the mis-
fortune to fracture her arm by a fall
on the stairs at her home. The break
is not a very serious one, and she is
getting on nicely.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year at the regular
meeting of L, O. L. No. 370. A.
Foereh, 'W. M., F. A. Sewell, D. M.,
O. G., Burger Chap., A. B. Hermiston
Rec.-Sec.,, Geo. Raines, Fin. -Sec., A.
\Veatherhead, Treas. The Lodge is in
good financial standing and looks for
a prosperous future,
A meeting was held in the Public
Libraty basement, fol the purpose of
reorganizing a junior hockey team
for the coming 8ea8011 1 Following are
the officers elected: lion. Pres., ))r.
3'. P. Rankin, M. P. ; Hon. Vice -Pres„
A. Roos ; Hon. 1st Vice -Pres., J.
Boehmer ; Hon. 2nd Vice -Pres., Theo.
Pfc flet' ; Pres., W. Ramsay ; Vice -
Pres„ H. B. Morphy • 1st Vice -Pres.,
I M, Campbell ; 2nd Vice -Pres., P.
5 Connolley ; Man„ L. Hacking ;
See., B. Bamford ; Tress„ S. Thomp-
son ; Capt., E. Roos ; Man. Com.,
\tanager, Captain, L. Yule, J. Scott
au31 L. Thompson ; Official Referee,
Geo. clay, A team has been entered
in the junior series of the C. H. A.,
and a double schedule will likely be
formed with Mt. Forest.
The new Piano Company have lost
no time iu making preparations fox re-
building the factory. Since the morn-
ing after • the By-law was carried a
largo force has been employed in clear-
ing away the debris and getting
everything in readiness for starting
work on the walla. W. E. Binning,
architect, has prepared the plans, and
on Monday of last week the contracts
were let for the work. Jacob Kritzer
was the successful tenderer for the
brick work, Bamford Bros, and L.
Parry for the carpenter work, and J.
tiebueger for the painting and glazing.
.All the material has been ordered
and will be on the ground within
the next week ot'• two. The
masons are already at work, and will
put on as'rnaly men as can be employ-
ed. The main building will bo of the
same dimensions as before, three
atorios and basement, the foundation
walls being utilized were left standing
and 50011d. The engine house and
dey'ltiln will be one story brick and
w1I1 he extendedAlma street and
the 0. 1?. It track. The boiler room
and boiler which are practically intact
wilt be ntilized for stoarnheating while
the building is under way. The
engine and dynamos are being shipped
away for repairs ; the former is to be
i'ebuil-t. All the shafting in the new
factory will he on ball bearings, and
the egnipntent of machinery through-
out, will be of the most up -up-to-date
The question of interswitehing be-
tween the G. T, R. and O. P. it, at
Listowel Watt up before the Railway
Commission et Toronto, W, OlitnIc
was appointed to re. resent the town,
and F. W. Fray and John Pfeifer were
present in the interests of the Weal
shippers. Both Railway Companies
opposed the project, tacking the
ground that the prospective inter-
change of traffic did not warrant the
expense. From statements furnished
by the Companiessoljetters it was
claimed that it would cost $32,000 to
carry out 'interawitching at Blum
street, and $5.000 at the old Port
Dover yard. These figures Wel e
evidently designed to kill the project,
it being pointed out that connection
could be made at the latter point for
about a tenth part, of the sum stated.
Mr. Mabee, chairman of the Commis-
sion, decided to send their engineer,
Mr. Mountain, to go over the groond
and make a report, and the Railway
Companies are to file statements of
the traffic at Listowel with the Board,
when the matter will be finally
Ifs Statement Like That of H. Hey-
man, Kingston, Ont, That is Mak-
ing Ml-o-na World Famous
For Obstinate Stomach
H. Heyman, 132 Colborne Street,
Kingston, Ont.. says—".11i-n-na is
worth its weight in gold as a remedy
to cure long standing cases of dyspep-
sia. For years I had suffered with my
stomach and could find no cure nor
even relief. I could not eat anything,
as it would sour and form gas on my
stomach that had a pressure on the
heart. heavy pains would come
around my sides and pit of my stom-
ach. I was unable to sleep for this
and there was nothing to relieve my
]miserable condition, 1 was weak and
Ianguid and would feel as tired in the
morning as 00 going to bed and per-
spiration would break out all over my
body. I would be so weak from voui-
ing that I would fall to env knees.
My head would ache and spells of diz-
ziness would leave me unable to see.
Doctors had termed the troubie
gastritis, but failed to benefit me. I
tried ikii-o-na, which I got at a drug
store o v'
t n the advice ofaft` 'd en . d which
has cured mewhen W en all else failed. I
am sound and well and feel grateful to
1111 -o -1.1a for my present health.
It's the known results obtained by
1421-o-na that places it far and away
above all other remedies and confirms
Jas. Fox in offering to refund the
money if Mi-o-na fails to cure stomach
trouble. 50c. a box. Relief in twen-
ty-four hours.
Rol err Refold has given $50.000 to
McGill University of Montreal.
You fool Blue as Indigo.
If tonere sleepless—nu energy—bad
digestion—irritable nerves—every-
thing seems wrong. You're getting
worse. Stop it to -day, end your mis-
ery by building up with Fexrozone.
It's a food tonic—supplies nutriment
and building material—give weak or-
gans and exhausted nerves the
strength they requite. 'With Fer-
rozone you eat more, digest more, get
fatter. Vitality courses through your
veins, the feeling of youth predomin-
ates, vim, strength and health return
for gond. Nothing rejuvenates and
Xmas and
THE popular idea of the day is to send
your Photograph to your friends
for Xmas, We are all pleased to receive
a nice Photo, of our friends at any time
and more especially at this season of the
veer. We have some nice assortments of
Photo, mounts suitable and most artistic,
Don't fail to call at my studio and look
ever my samples. 1 will give ,you an ex-
tra finish in the most up-to-date style.
Post Card and Sunbeam Photos, until
after Xmas season, roc. each. Other
sizes in proportion.
Pietnre Frames made on shortest
notice, Prices reasonable,
Always welcome at oto• studio.
Eleijance, Quaity
of our newly arrived Xmas
Goods cannot be surpassed,
Cut Glass
See our beautiful Buckingham Cut
Glass. Comparison solicited.
Sterling Silver and Ebony toilet and
Manicure Sets.
Mantle Clocks
Includin a special line of Royal
Stafford Mantle Sets.
Crown herby and Hand Painted China
Mounted in Gold and Silver.
for Ladies and Gents in all the lat-
est designs, Quality guaranteed,
Cell anti see us—we are pleased to show
33011 our goods,
`'13ottse to rent.
W. F. Stretton
,� f, ��r�o�c �x, ° , . �, �'i n i9
ser Ieo'J'e-if e 1mnsuiat s
Are Cast -Iron Ranges Seth Like Steel Ranges
ireerle:, i'01110»131ar" Ranges have the
Drop U, n 13.3.1 Low Closet \i'li.icll have
ha'rctuf•'rt• 1 r u h i,l ate features oafthe
most expensive st,.-I
They are also the only ranges made with
Dire -Box on right or left side, as may
better fit the kit -hen in which the range
is to be placed.
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges arc. splendid
cookers, are very economical in regard to fuel, are
strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service,
Let us show you their malty features of
superiority. 71
restores so quickly and permanently
as Ferroeone. You'll try it to -day,
660c. at all dealers.
The People's Column
=ARM FOR SALE—Being Lot 10 Con. 10,
Grey, containing lg0 Beres. Applyto wM.
WOODS, 0ranbr'ook P, 0. 21-tf
PROPERTY FOR SALE. —A comfortable
dwelling and steble in the village of Oran.
brook. There is $i acres of land with it. Pos-
session can be giVen at Dawe. Nor further par.
deniers apply to MRS. RADDATZ or JOHN'
FISCHER, orenbrook P. 0. 1241
C061PORTAriLE COTTAGE, stable and
acre of land for stale, Turnberry street,
North, Brussels. Good welt, fruit trees, &e.
Possession could be given at once. For further
particulars na to ppr(oe, terms, &c., apply on the
premises. ALEX, bio AIIOHL1N• 7-11
McIflllop boundary, adjoining Walton
village. There is a frame 1loase, orchard, well,
windmill, &c., on the premises. Itis all seed-
ed down and 10 a desirable property. Poor
health the reason for selling. For• further par.
flouters an to price, terms, 0c., apply on the
premises to DIINCAN Mot1UAIG. 5111
fieo@10B To TnxerAsSsaa—Nonce is 1103013.
Iv given that the public is warned against
trespassing on the North Esst cower of Lot 1
Oon.O, Grey, known as the 0 (I 1)1 bush, 1'
hove bought the timber on same and will not '
permit 3t. Trespassers will be dealt with ea- i
cording as the law directs.
tf TI109, newsom. ,
POR SALE OR TO RENT,—The nnderaien 4
offers his well located property in Brussels
for sate or to rent. There are 6Y11 acres of land
with comfortable house, with cellar, stable,
orchard, wall, &o. Possession on Aug. ISth,
For pArice terms, and outer information apply
to JAS. D
n or
Brussels. TEM D cln, Lndon, NorthDakota.
Notice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0,
1887 Map. 128, Seo, 88 that all persona having
claim against the estate of James McOelhun
the younger, late of the township of McKillop
in the Ouanty of Huron, farmer, who died on
or about the 26th day of September 1908 are
required to send by post prepaid or deliver to
F. S. Scott, Brussels P. 0., agent for James Mc-
Callum, the administrator of the deceased on
or before the 10th day of January, 1000, their
names and address and descriptions and full
statement of particulars of their dolma and
the nature of the security it any held by then
duly certified and that after the said day
the Administrator will proceed to
distribute the saseta of the deceased ninong the
parties entitled threto having regard only to
the ciah»s of which he then will have notice.
Dated thi= 4th day of December, A. D. 1808,
F, 8, SCOTT,
28-8 Agent for Adm1111-trator.
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby g8iven pursuant to R. 9. 0.
1897, Olntp. 120, Rea 88, that all persons having
claimsageine the estate of Joseph 12a3nard,
loth of the Township of Grey, in the ()minty
of Huron, fanner, who died on or about the
twenty-third day of October, A, D. 1908, are
required to send by post prepaid or dal ive' to
R. Vnnstone, Wingham P. 0,, Solicitr for the
Administrators of the said deceased, oil or' 1)(i.
fore the lot day of January, A, D. RN, their
names, addresses and descriptions and n (nil
statement of particulars of their eloinhs sad
the nature of the security (if n117)11,4.1 by theta
duly coaled, and that alter the said day the
Administrators will proceed to distribute the
nssete of the deceased among the parties en-
titled thereto, havingregard only to the
claims of which they hen have notice.
Dated this 80th day of November, A, D. 1908.
R. VANSTONE, Wing8hame P. 0.
22-3 Solicitor for Administrators,
t rs
You will find at the Cobol.
Carriage Factory lc'good as
sortment e t of First-class iiuL-
sleighs, Cutters, Wheelbar-
rows, Hand Sleig' 8 and
Clothes Reels.
All kinds of Repairing and
Re.painting promptly Mt end-
ed to.
J''hn Cober
and to enable you to do so for the
next 15 days we will allow
10 per cont, off the price
for cash on all
Blankets and (lobos
Having a large stock and as we
wish to turn them into cash we
give you this opportunity to get
them at this reduced price.
r rs
See our Single Harness—we eau please ,you in style or price.
Also Harness of all kinds,
In F,
we have up-to-date goods, warm and cr)mf retable, in Felt Boots
or Shoes, Heavy Rubbers anti Moccasins, and at lowest prices.
!'Repairs promptly (lone.
t, `0.[6 r RICH
Xrn'=.s G4Irds at
We are handling the best goods that 'money could get and feel sure
nor pfiece will be Ila low as any, 9(1Hl(ty considered. Onr 111111 will be
Qui -kitty firs), not hots cheap, BUT HOW GOOD. We think the best
not too good for au13' of our Cusu),ne:,l,
Nothing but
California Novel Oranges
Prices per doz. 3oc to 6oc
Dates Figs Fruits ail kinds
Bananas, Almeria Grapes
Raisins and Currants
Hunt's Chocolates and B f, n Bons
Evei y boy and girl likes these goods.
Perrin's Fancy Confectionery and Biscuits
Known from Const to Coast.
High Class Segars Good, Clean stock of Groceries
-- W. a M G !r ,r A
New goods just opened, bought for
gash direct from the menefnclurer, we
can 5538 von money on.
Gold Watches, Watch Challs and
Hobs, Signet and Gent Ring, Pearl
Rings, Birthday Rings. &e., Necklets,
Lockets, Bracelets, Pearl Set Brooches
and Pins, Manicure Sets, Belt Pins,
Hat Pine, &e., &e,
Watches, Vest Chains and Fobs,
Rings, Cuff Links, Start Pins, Lock-
ets, Signet Rings, Pipes, Safety
Rarors, &e.
We carry a 'nage line of fine Mantle
Clocks, Silverware, Sterling Silver
and Cut (class, 1847 Rodgers' Bros.'
Knives, buries and Spoons, &c.
Ever•ythicg is sacrificed by us for
Quality. \4'e haudle'depeudttble goods
Duly. Our prices tine as low as the
lowest. Come early and let Its put
away wing you wish to give at Xmas,
Duncan's Barber Shop
Hitt and
O&d aths
where up to -date service
is obtained.
^"Coll and See for Yourself,
June, 'rely and August lentis into
our Fall Term without any break.
Enter any time, New Catalogue
free. Write for it to -day.
The Largesitt,s kost Reliable
of mind,
W. 74. SHAW Principal
'Tonga ,6 Gerrard etc., Toronto
The1+ sisi
Hovers around the childish imaginationand makes us all the (prole
anxious to add to chilclt•ens' pleasures. Tho expense is so trifling
everybody can give something and we're making the shopping problem
easier than ever this year with especially attractive values in Toys
Dolls, Books and Novelties. Not only have we an attractive lot Of
goods for the little folks but we -also have an excellent showing of
Holiday gifts which are now on display and those who kUow what. an
advantage this to select early while stooks are fill will have choice
choosing here.- Our stock has been selected with care. It embodies
gifts for everybody and below we. enumerate a p331 tial list of thein,
For Ladies
Art Calendars
Photo Holders
Toilet Oases
Dresser Sets
Manicure Sets
Work Boxes
Photo Frames
Leather Post Card .Albums
GIove and Handkerchief Sets
Handsome China
Rich Cut Glass
Vases and Rose Bowls
Sterling Novelties
Fountain Pens
Jewel Boxes
Fanny Clocks
Sewing Sets
Hand Bags
Fine Stationery
We can only offer a brief outline of
of things not mentioned. We want
find it convenient. Take your time
obligation to buy unless you wish.
For Men
Smoking Sete
Shaving Sets
Collar and Cuff Boxes
Fountain Pens
Pocket Books
Tobacco jars
Ink Stands
Flair Brushes
11'at Brushes
Cloth Brushes
Military Brushes
Fancy 1Vhisles
Brush Sets
Cased Pipes
New Mouth -Organs
Writing Desks
Safety Razors
Necktie Boxes
Bill Books
&c. &o,
the stock here. There are plenty
you to Como in whet) you eau
and see them all and feel under no
at FOX'S ®R;{ #'G STORE
striugsuse and 10 feet ong in assorted color ornaments ons °We have at 6t and gar-
per pkge. also a good assortment of Tissue Paper Bells, Tissue Paper
and Crepe Paper. We also have a Pico assortment, of .Xmas Tags,
Stickers and wrapping paper all nicely decorated with Holly, &c.
Just the thing for wrapping up parcels to send to your distant friends.
u tters
HAVE yon seen EWAN & Co's large display of Cutters 7 They knock out
anything On the tnarket. We have a very large stock of nearly all kinds
and sizes for the ooming Winter nod they are made of the very best material,
every brace about them being the very toughest of steel„ They are trimmed with
the very best of German Mocate and Leather Cloth. For style and neatness ou3
little piano box Cutters can't be beaten. We have a number of styles of Cutters
with Tops on them which makes a most comfortable vehicle, the Tops being a
great weather protector, Large anti small sizes in Portlands and a number of
Street and Speeding Cutters, It will pay anyone to examine our tWo large Slioty
Rooms as we have a large number to choose from,
ob®sleighs - Heavy >, ;i ;d might
Timber all Oak,
Second-hand Buggies
We have a number of First•elass Second -hard Buggies which we wish to dis-
pose of this Fall. Come quick and get your pink,
Rennins done on all kinds of Rigs in our lino and at small prices,
Don't miss the large exhibit at out' Carriage Shop. We will cavo you money
by purchasing your Rigs at
Ewan lCo's Carriage 3hop