The Brussels Post, 1908-12-10, Page 5w
New goods just opened, bought for
cash direct from the I anufneturer, we
eljn says yotl money on.
Gold Watches, Watch Chains and
Fobs, Signet and Gem Rings, Pearl
Rings, 131rthclal' Rings, &e., Necklets,
Lockets, Bracelets,. Pearl SetBrooches
end Pis Manicure
Sets, Belt Plus
Hat Pins, &c„ &e,
Watches, Vest Chains and Fobs,
Rings, Cuff Links, Scare Pins, Lock-
ets, Signet Rings, Pipes, Safety
Razors, &c,
We carry a large line of Clue Mantle
Clocks, Silverware, Sterling Silver
and Cut Glass. 1847 Rodgers' Bros.'
Knives, Forks and Spoons, &c.
Everything is sacrificed by us for
Quality. We handle dependable goods
only. Our prices are as low as the
lowest. Come early and let us put
away what you wish to give at Xmas.
gond getus 1teius
MUNICIPAL politics are quiet.
MUNICIPAL Nominations take place on
Monday, Dec, 28th.
'Pwo weeks to Christmas. Let Santa
Claus finish his work.
A WORD to the wise is sufficient,
Shop early ; buy now,
"T Naw subscribers for teem are rolling
in. Balance of year free,
THE statutory meeting of all munici-
pal Councils will be held on Tuesday,
Dec. 15111, to wind tip the year's hnsi•
A -PERSON writing from Toronto says
"I have CHE PosT passed on to me
every week and enjoy reading the home
news, Inore especially the weeks that I
don't get a letter from home."
PEOPLE who have business places on
Main street shoulcl remember that there
is a Snow Bylaw compelling them to
keep their share of the sidewalk clear
or the authorities will see that it is done
and collect the expense.
P. S. Scott, anotioaeet, has been in-
structed by the undersigned to sell by
Public Auction, at the Queen's Hotel,
Brussels, on Saturday Dec. 12th, at 2
o'clock. a car load of good grade cows
and young cattle, loo. Lowe and A. G.
Bishop, proprietors.
meeting of the North Hutou Liberals
Association will be held in the Town
Hall, Wiugham, on Thursday, Dec. 17111
at 2 p. m. Meeting was first announced
for the 15th lust„ but changed to the
r7t11 owing to the former date being the
statutory Council meetings, James
Young is President and H. B. Elliott
- schedule of sailings recently issued by
the Allan Line shows that company's
new steamers, Corsican, Grampian and
Hesperian, with Tunisian, as intended
to sail regularly between St. John. Hali-
fax and Liverpool, during the Wiuter
season of navigation. Designed espec-
ially to meet the requirements of the
North Atlantic route, the Corsican and
her sister ships Have already established
• e reputation for steadiness and regular
passages, A service of steamers of tltis
class should attract a large share of the
Winter travel to the Canadian route.
PROPOSED NEW Horst,.—•The Antigon-
isb, Nova Scotia, Casket, 01 Nov. Igth,
speaks as follows of a former Brusselite
—"James Broadfo',t, proprietor of the
Queen's Hotel, Antigonish, Wednesday
Nov. 18th, purchased the building lot
ou College street Antigonisb, adjoining
the post office grounds. Mr. Broadfoot
purposes to erect n modernhotel, the
need for which in this town is generally
acceded. The hotel business of late
years; has improved all over Canada.
finer buildings, with well equipped
rooms, modern heating arrangements,
baths, etc. have been provided. The
leek of such a hotel iu Atttigonish has,
it is generally felt, tended to restrict
tourist trade andI hado
las also the effect
of making the commercial traveller has.
len his departure from the town, few re-
maining over Sunday. The new site is
centrally sheeted, end is on somewll
elevated ground, a deni
rabla feature i
the business portion of the town, whir
is so low that cellars aro flooded 1 Y r t t
waters of the rivet's at times of ileshe
A driveway frotal the Main street, net
the Celtic hall, is arranged fur, and WI
adcl to the conyenleoce of the site. M
13rondfnot expects, with econem
management nod with the aid of h
lately acquired farrn which will be ru
in conjunction with the new venture,
give the town 11 first•elass Hotel servic
Preventics, the new Oandy Col
Cure Tablets, are said by drnggis
to have four specific advantages ov other remedies for a cold, Firs
They contain no Quinine, not113n
hare i'
hot sickening, n Second
i Stwu 1'he
g. t
give almost natant relief. Mrd
Pleasant to the taste, like Lance
Fourth—A large box --4S Preven ties -
at 211 cents. Also fine for feverish
children. Sold by all dealers.
the elections held last mouth George
Coates, sou of lobe Coates, of Bins•
sets, and a former resident of Grey
township, was elected to the Legisia•
ture. 1 -le has been engaged extensively
in sheep ranching at Carey, Idaho, and
is to be congratulated upon his prefer-
ment. We hope he will enjoy his new
honors for years and bye and bye work
his way into Congress.
BUTTER PAPER,—Nothing but the
Genuine Vegetable Parchment Butter
Paper should be wrapped around any
butter. The first cost of the inferior
grades of Butter Paper, and there are
many of them, may he a few cents less
per thousand sheets, but it never pays
to rite the risk. Mold spots will develop
on good butter if
ra 'u
wrapped i the but-
teralPP I
paper, and occasionally a good hot-
ter maker's reputation has been nearly
blasted by having had foisted on them
cheap butter paper.
goo sheets,.....,..,.' 5oc
200 sheets 251
Iu0 sheets 1511
You can realize from one to two cents
more per pound for your .butter if in
printed wrappers, The prices are as
follows :—
t0 buy your (lrueeries to the Star Grocery
where w0 sell everything up.toelate,
d el hest quality and al moderate prlees,
is If you have never hem In our store we
ver invite you to eitll stud have a look over
t - ' our sleek and get our prices. We feel
Per moo— ........ 3s 75
Per 500....... . ......... 1 25
Special quotatatioos given on larger
quantities. Call at THE Posr,
Coughs that are tight, or distressing
tickling coughs, get quick and certain
help from Dr. Shoop's Oough Remedy.
On this account Di-uggists every-
where are favoring Dr. Shoop's Oough
Remedy. And it is entirely free from
Opium, Chloroform or any other
stupefying drug. The tender leaves
of a harmless lung -healing mountain-
ous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough
Remedy Its curative properties.
Those leaves have the power to calm
the most distressing Oough, and to
soothe and heal the most sensitive
bronchial membrane. Mothers
should, for safety's sake alone, al-
ways demand. Dr. Shoop's, It can
with perfect freedom be given to even
the yonugest babes. ?est it once
yourself, and see ! Sold by all dealer's.
annual Junior Leas;ue entertainment
was given in the Sabbath School room
of the Methodist church'Tuesdayeveuiig
1s:tjnstS and turned out most success
tulle. President Hunter and Rev. E.
G. Powell were joint chairmen. ' The
program was varied, well rendered and
sustained its interest. If fault could be
found it would be its length. It • was
as follows:—Opening address, Fred.
Wood ; chorus by the League ; reci-
tation, "The First Letter," Hazel
Crone ; drill, '!Christian Warriors,"
8 boys; duet, '•Froin Prison to Mother's
Grave," Elsie Blatt, Vera Ainley ; re
citation, "Boy's Recitation," Earl
Powell ; recitation, "Christmas Morn-
ing," Viola McCracken ; dialogue,
"How the Quarrel Began" Fanny Stubbs
Hazel Lowry ; motion piece; "In the
Morning," 4 girls ; recitation, Ida
Rands ; solo, "In Heavenly Love
Abiding," Eva Gilpin ; dialogue,
"Oar Best Friends." Irene Wilkinson
and Jim Lowry ; reading, "Don't,".
by Icla Rands ; (notion piece, "The
Rainy Day," by 3 girls ; reeitatinu,
"Away in the Manger," Ashton John.
stun ; lullabye song, Hazel Crone ;
reading, "Yours Truly," Elsie Caber ;
recitation, •'A Little Speech," Athol
Crone ; chorus, 'The Holly Girls."
by 6 girls ; recitation, Lila Wilkinson ;
duet, "Christmas at Sea," Vera Ainley
and Stella Gerry ; iotermissiun at which
taffy and chocolates ware served ;
"Masgnerading," Laura Bateman and
Stella Gerry ; recitation, Beatrice
Currie ; solo, "Hello 1 Central give me
Heaven•" 011e Armstrong; motion
piece "The Little Housekeepers, by 7
girls , recitation, "John's Pumpkin '
Ronald Barkley ; reading, 'Phil's
Complaint," Leslie Lowry ; recitation,
iiiias Gifts of Quality
Our Holiday Stock is fulfil of Quality,
Variety and Good Taste.
. Scores of the Nicest Gifts --N,
for Old and Young in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
*Galt Glue, hand Painted Carina, Toys, Dolls, Novelties, and
Souvenir Goods of all kinds.
Special for Xmas
Ladies' Elgin or Waltham es year Gold
Filled Watches with Guard $1O OO
Gents' 17 Jewelled Elgin, Walthatn or
Hampden Watches. in best Nickel case 11$9.00
with Chain
Monograms Ehgraued on ladies' Watches free of charge,
td" We guarantee satisfaction 10 repairs.
,, r�.+�s ��r ^per fir, p.
. w ,! \ r i ENb ! , JEWELER W O .mow ! Ei
satisfied we can suit you both ir, goods
a(11 prices. s. Itsu
ato malting to look
in and we are always pleased to 5110
our friends.
We have nue new stock of Raisins, Cur-
rants and Peels for Thanksgiylug and
Christmas trade,
We have just received a very pretty and,
well selected stock of Tbtutksgiviug
and Hallowe'et, Pest Cards. Remeln-
ber your friends by sending talent some
of lilese cards 111 semen.
Our Restaurant department will be con
tinned through the Winter. We will
s:rve Hot Bovril, • Been nod Tomato
Stews, etc,
Hlgl'estTrade and Cash prices paid for
Farre Produce, Poultry and Dried
Salt in bulk or by the barrel,
Good Breed always on hand,
W5 T. (i e a td ce
"The New Mittens," Oscar Crone ;
song, "Just for a Little While," Lila
and Irene Wilkiuson ; recitation, "The
Queen's Gift," Fanny Stubbs ; chorus,
•' We're All Right There," by to boys ;
recitation, 'The Loving Little Girl,"
Myrtle Friendship ; Good.bye piece by
7 little girls ; "God Save the Ring."
A hearty vote of thanks was passed to
Mrs. McCauley nod Mrs. Johnston,
Superintendents of the Juniors, for the
work so faitbfnlly and successfully
done. The financial proceeds amounted
to $13,70. There was large attendan•
ce. League meets every Wednesday
afternoon and retains its interest £or the
Do You Belch Gas?
This is e, disagreeable result of food
fermentation that Nerviline stops at
once. Take ten drops of Nerviline in
sweetened water. The stomach is
warmed and soothed, digestive
troubles corrected, the 'rising of gas
ceases and you are well. When such
a simple remedy does so much it's
foolish to be without it. For indiges-
tion, emir stomach, heartburn and sick
headache you'll find nothing half so
efficient as Pelson's Nerviline. Get a
25c. bottle from your dealer to -day.
The Royal Scarlet Chapter will open
in the Orange Hall, Trowbridge, on
Monday eveuing, December 14th, at
3 o'nlock. A pleasant evening is ex-
pected. Visiting companions welcom-
ed. A. Willoughby, W. 0. in 0.
ORANGE OoSwm1'r.—A grand con-
cert will be given in the Otango Hall
at Trowbritlge, on Friday evening,
Dec. 1111), the program consisting of
addresses by E. T. Essery, Proy,
Grated Master of London ; Rev, West-
gate, of Atwood ; Rev. Salton, of
Trowbridge, and others. A number
of readings and recitations will be
given by our local talent, also a good
gariety of instrumental music by the
John Balfour had a bee last week
taking down the olid barn in Leadbury.
Albert Dundas is in the field for
township Councillor for the coming
• Messrs. Robinson and Dundas have
commenced butchering again this
year, starting at Mrs. Hewitt's.
George Hall and son have returned
home from the West. They intend
returning in the Spring, as they have
each a section of land there.
Mrs. Isaac lkl5Gavin, went to Sea -
forth on Friday to be with her sister,
Miss McCully, who underwent a
serious operation that day.
Mr. Price, of Kinburn, has been
working ou his farm, which he bougght.
from. Mr. Stitt. The people of this
community welcome Mr. Price as he
is a steadyindustrious young man.
Mrs. Grahatn had to go to Toronto to
undei go 017 operation for her eyes,
Division Court on Friday, Dec. 11th,
at D a. m. Judge Holt will preside.
Adam McKenzie has opened up a
harness shop just North of W. Demp-
sey s grocery store.
John Wilford is on the sick list blit
we ho1e 110
will soon be
restored ed to his
usualg on
Rev. W. II Hartley is preaching a
course of sermons on the last judg-
ment, through this Advent season.
The annual Christmas Tree enter-
tainment of 'Trinity Sunday School
will be held in Ilacl0stry Hall on Mon-
day evening, Dec. 21st.
James He2Pt'on, of town, purchased.
the Groos bush, situated lust West of
the Lutheran church on elle boundary
of East WaWatosh, The timber will
be taken off this Winter.
The Monthly Fairs Association met
and decided to hold the monthly' fairs
again. Owing to the Blyth dates con-
flicting with those of Listowel the
Fairs were tot as successful as they
should be, sn the Association decided
to holcl utero on a Tuesday, as Sea -
forth is Wednesday, Brussels Thurs.
day and Listowel Ieviday, the first or
each mouth The officers elected
were :—President, A. 1YV. Sloan; Vice -
President, E. Livingston ; Secretary,
J. L. Kerr.
Friday, Nov. 2711), after being con-
fined to his bed for five weeks, James
Armstrong passed away to his reward
at the age of 00 years. Deceased was
born in Tyrone, Ireland, and came to
this country when he was 17 years
old, first settling in the States, atter-
watch, moving to Canada and settled
10 'Vaughan township. He was mar-
ried to his now bereftpartner 87 years
ago. They Dime to East Wawatsosh
a out 20 years ago, After giving up
farming the parents lived With a h
daughter' in Luellnow, afterwards
moving to Whitechurelt whirr they
lived over two years, From 1Yhit,
' church theymoved to l3lych where
tic have I Ila beet) e (
y t r 0111 1310 for neatly.
three years. Besides the widow two
daughters servlt c .—Dit's, Wen. Phil.;
fps, of town, and MI's. 0, A. Wel)h, of 1
i<urknow, The rause of death was an
abscess on the lung, Deceased Was a
jluembcr of the Presbyterian Hewett
and a Conservative in polities, The
funeral was held on Monday of last
week and interment was made' at the
Donny brook cemetery.
How to Improvo Health.
No better way than to improve the
nl e
and enrich tit it,—give '
ft nt
nourishment and strength, This ettu
be quickly clone by Ill'. Hamilton's
Pills which have a vitalizing, purify-
ing effect that Is unequalled in any
other medicine, With lots of pure
rich blood circulating to all parts of
the body, with snap and vine running
through every vein and artel'y, robust
health is inevitable. No cleansing
building tonic isms good as Dr. Haut-
ilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers.
ccDnriu the severe windstorm re-
cently the smokestack of the Gillis
mill was blown down.
James Northcott, who has been ill
of fever in the gest, has returned to
his home here and is recovering.
Sidney Sanders, who had nearly re-
covered from his recent illness, has.
unfortunately suffered a relapse, and
is again o0nflned to his room.
Evangelists Oroseley and Hunter
did not,commence en score their series of
meetings Sunday, Nov. 20t1t as ex-
pected, being detained in Toronto un-
til Tuesday. Mrs. Russell, wife of
Evangelist Russell, bowever, carne in
their place Saturday and gave an ad-
dress in the Presbyterian church Snu-
clay morning and in the James street
church fu the evening. Revs. Going
and Fear. exchanged pulpits in the
morning. Mrs. Russel.held evangelis-
tie services in 111e :fames street church
Monday evening and on Tuesday
Crossley and Hunter commenced the
Jack Pelton, of Ford, Mich., was
spending a few days under the paren-
tal roof.
The Elrna factory started last week
to skim on Monday, 'Wednesday and
It has been decided by a few of. the
citizens to organize a choral society
for the plrpose of rendering the Can-
tata Queen Esther.
Robe. and Mrs. Ford will celebrate
their fiftieth anniversary of their mar-
riage on Monday, December 14th, at
their residence, Main street, Atwood.
J. T. Anderson, of Donegal, has dis-
posed of his property and stock to
Daviel Hymer. Possession Will be
given on Febrnary 15th. It is Mr.
Anderson's intention of going West.
The debris has been cleared tip and
taken away from where the fire was,
and Mr. Watson has the carpenters at
'wont, A new building will soon be
erected for a bake shop and confec-
tionery store.
To Wisp U9 CEMENT 00.—Station
Agent MCOnlls, of Atwood, has filed a
petition at Osgoode Hall for the wind-
ing up of Western Ontario Portland
Cement Co., of the same place, of
which he alleges be is a creditor for
the sum of $442.2`5.
e At 11 a. m. last Sabbath, Thos. W.
Gibson, Deputy Minister of Mines, all-
caressed united congregations in the
Presbyterian church, Atwood, on the
subject P "The Laymeus' Movement in
the Master's Work." In the evening
he spoke in the Methodist church.
Messrs. McMichael & Scott paid out
$4,000 for poultry in three days.
The bachelors of Seaforth will hold
their annual Christmas dance on the
evening of Tuesday. Dec, 20tH.
Mr. Kruse, sr., of Egmondville, had
the misfortune to fall and break his
arm between. the shoulder and the
elbow. He is eighty four years of
George Bowies, of Tilbury, has been
assisting at the News Office during
the illness of the editor, the latter be-
ing off duty suffering from an attack
of pleurisy.
The Shoe Factory was put up for
sale on Tuesday of last week, but slid
not succeed in getting a purchaser.
The stock on hand•was bought by Mr.
Hewitson, of Toronto.
V. G. Willis has purchased the
resiclence on Goderich street, recently
occupied 1
ed l W. 7I, Willis, now 1 tl ueR of
1Vingbam,yand will occnpy,itat once.
The price paid WAS $2,200.
Thomas McMillan, Reeve of Hallett,
has gone to the Province of Nova
Scotia to take part in the Farmers'
Institute work there at the invitation
of the De1rartment of Agriculture of
that Provilre e
Arch. Scott son of James Jl uc Scott, met
with an unfortunate accident. He
was exercising ill the gymnasium at
the Collegiate Institute, when he
missed his footing and broke a small
bone in his ankle.
A fire alarm was sounded and the
brigade responded promptly. Fortun-
ately their re1vie05 were not required.
The fire was in a stable at the residen-
ce of John Clark, but was extinguish-
ed before any serious damage was
�Villiant Somerville met with a very
.painful accident in a simple way'on
Tuesday night of last week. He was
in attendance on the night train with.
express matter and while drawing the
loaded track along the station' plat-
form his feet slipped and he fell fot'-
ward,'his face striking on the boards
and fracturing his cheek bone. The
injury is quite painful.
The residents of Seaforth and vicin-
ity wor'e greatly alarmed on Saturday
night, 28th ult., when it was repot ted
that D. Gontmoll, of the 2nd 0011, of
Tuokersusith, lead been attached by
two men while alone in his residence.
Mr, Gemmell had (pita an exciting
ante with the illvadJera, 'tvitosn objet
was evidently to secure money, 1)311
fortunately ho succeeded h) getting
them nut of the lionse before they
could 0ar:ry out their plans. Daring'
the excitetneltt a lamp was overturns
ed and set fire to a cloth Which was
cm ewing the table. .111 the strangers'
isle to make their exit ono of dies( p'
went through „
It Ill U Ir a window, .7
, ! illHlling'
several glasses and also the frame.
li'1 . Devereux, •ve
! c ran who n, I,•,'
1G t to 11 1 Ili 1
h t
:lit. (,t•untinell's also llrtd an encounter
W1111 no unknown party about- an hour
earlier, the sante 5205tug being order-
ed. to hand over his stoney. Both
cases were reporters to policeman Gil-
lespie,•1 t
1t who, assisted
by t.oustal�ie
Gundry, of 01111 11rb, proceeded w in -
r'd, ,err at�dl '
g 111311 on Monday of
last week arrested the suspects. The
Parties 111 question 1)10110(3 t0 be two
'e4 Ile
1 I 1 N f.
l l G� time, 7 a •
n , n mcly J. Steele
and J. Sullivan. TIiey Appeared in
court on Tuesday before Crohn Ai,
tummy Seager, to answer to charges
preferred Against thein, for highly/1V
robbery and were scut up to (10c1e1•i: 11
to stand their trial.
J egieeer Rowe 5,,= kiII'tl in a coins!,
ion near Peal) robe-
t'ue1 Marino ;u 41 at Il;+lifnx
la +� regi yLi
Ij m4 (5'111 1,1,0 r ,(1113011 at Ol,,w s
Is tt111 )302(1 5083141 liquor ;ii.ils ,Mi.
1 Tut lter- denied on oath the 1h,o;go oP
bribery made by Detective aitew.nt.
A ew ler+dial railway is heina" project,
tom Weaet91 Ontario, t11e warn 11110,
ruon10g 100111 Woodstock to HJu&ph.
2:,'F 001rr,3ESI)
/',5 4
A Startling Sale of Rifle
ter Wearables Breaks Lo. se
Sathrd1 y orrah ig tCo 4�
tld'liue for 15 Days.
Ferguson & Ross, the clothing men, who have weathered the gale of
business ups and dolens for more than 25 years, is still in the fore-
front of business progress and with undiminished energy.
Everybody knows that Canada was side -washed by the recent e'ave of
trade depression, and it needs no argument to convince you that man-
ufacturers have suffered in consequence.
What's a clothing manufacturer—a boot and shoe factory—a shirt
maker—an underwear maker to do if his goods don't find the ready
market of his anticipations ? What's he to do ?
It's up to him to get some money
or he can't keels ire the procession
So for weeks we have been handing out
good hard cash for warm, stylish men's
wear and doing some of
The Best Baying ever Acne in
the i`iisthry of the Business
for we were fortunate in securing from a,
manufacturer who failed, at a very low
rate on the dollar, over $800.00 worth of this..season's clothing in
men's and boys' overcoats, suits, pants, etc. This is the best lot of
clothing that we have ever offered the close buyers, made from the-
best Scotch, English and Irish tweeds and worsteds; all nice patterns;
double and single breasted ; fashionable made and the best of trim-
mings, and the price we bought thetas for enables us to sell them less
thau manufacturers prices for them. To -day the big stole is packed
from top floor to basement with the goods men want. ,
Starting Saturclay Morning, Dec. 6th, we will fairly shash prices
On Nien's and Boys' Overcoats, Suits, Odd Coats
and Vests, Pants, Pea -Jackets and Rain Coats
Ilig up your dollars and line up to receive some of the most sensational
buying chances that ever came to yon. Come on Saturday. Watch
the announcement in today's paper and he among the first choosers
Saturday morning.
We will gime your a few Pair Price Samples
Ea ys' Warm S its W Prices Slash
Boys' Fancy Suits, 3 piece,
Taney front, wool, tweeds and Sex-
es, for boys from 8 to 0 years.
Reg. price $2.60 to $8.60
Rush sale price 1
Boys' Russian 'Suits, priced
tweed ; also Blouse Snits, sizes from
8 to 7 years. Regular
price $8.75 to $5.00.
Rush sale price.
Boys' 2 piece Suits, blue serge
and mixed wool tweed, lapel collar,
single and double breasted, sizes 24
to 1.4
Re alar
$8.50 to $1;50. Rush
Boys' 3 piece Suits in blue serge
and tweeds, all nice dark patterns,
well made,ood Italian linings, sin-
gle, and double breasted.
li,entilat price $4.50 to 349
$5.60. Rush sale price
Boys' 2 piece Suits, mixed
tweed, good linings, plaits and belt,
for boys from 1 to 15 yrs. .21
Reg. price $2,75 to $8.0098
Rush sale price
Boys' 2 piece Suits, black and
blue serge and mixed tweed, alluic0
dark patterns in Winter weights,
single and double breast-
ed. Reg. price 31.50 te3 48
$5,50. Rush sale place
Boys' 3 piece Suits, in serge and
tweeds, all well lined, single and
double breasted, Reg
'Mar price $3,00 to $4.0049
Bush sale: price
Boys' 3 piece Suits, in heavy
tweed, nice dark patterns in stripes
and checks, wool Italian litling,fash-
fouable and well Made, single and
double breasted. The former gond
value prices wore $5.50
to 36.40 each. 1iuslt 49
sale price
All these Suits al'e nice and up-to-date in style, and prices are below manufacturers'
prices, but they must be sold. Conte and bring your boys and aet the choice.
Stylish Blue Serge Suits, single breasted,
well made. Regular price $10.00. g
1jns11 salt. price
Tweed. Suits, grouped lots to give complete site
range, all £attlttessly tailored, light and
dant ehltdes, single & double breasted.49
Rog. $10.00 to $12.00, Rush sale price
ety y a 100 Pairs bought at about 'half price, fine stripe
ala worsted and tweed, Worth from. $2.00 to $5,00,
Rush sale price
Remember this great sale is for cash or produce only.
The Leadin
ire (319
1.00 to 1,00
Clothiers a+rd FLsr'f skiers