The Brussels Post, 1908-12-10, Page 1VOL. 37 NO. 2
$10,000 HAUGHTE LE!
For 60 Days, Commencing Saturday, Dec. 12
When this store talks special Sale it means something. The price bas been set in eaenest. Everything
must move in a fell hearted way. Owing to the exceptionally fine Fall and the hard times of the past year we
find our stook altogether too large. For this reason we have resolved to make this a, great Harvest Home
time ; a time of bargain selling and a time of receiving cash for accounts. Bargains for everybody, young
and old, for Clash only,
20th Century Brand Clothing
The 20th Century Brand Clothing is the finest clothing made in Canada to -day and is not even surpassed
by the best custom tailors for style, fit and workmanship. We are sole agents in Brussels,
qALITY'. 150
Overcoats and Raincoats
at 26 per °eels discount
$24.00 Ooats on sale at
22.00 "
20.00 "
18.00 it Li
17.00 "
18.00 "
15.00 "
13.60 "
12,00 "
10,00 • "
9,00 "
100 Men's Suits'
in Masks and stuns and Fancy
$22.00 Suits now going at $18.50
20.00 " e 15.00
18.00 " " 18.50
17.00 " Li 12.75
16.00 " " 12.00
15.00 " ti 11.25
18.50 " 10.18
18.00 /' " 9.75
12.50 " 9.88
Black & Blue Serge Suits
Regular 10.00 Suits or $5.00
" 15.00 e 10.50
50 Special Sults
all sizes 34 to 42, ingood Tweeds
reg. 8.60 to $15. Your se
choice of the lot for....
We will make anything in
our Tailoring Department at
greatly reduced prices.
Blacks, Blues or Fancy Tweeds
Regular $28.00 Suits at $23,00
" 28.00 " 21.00
" 25.00
" 24.00
" 22.00
" 20.00,
100 Boys' Suits at
50 par cent, dimwit
Two-piece and
Threapiece Snits
in fancy patterns,
regular $2.50 to
$7.50, now going
with prices cut in
two from—
$1,25 to $3,75
"Q.121-17,11.TY "
1 only letuelined Coat, black beaver
cloth, muskrat lining, good otter
collar, reg. $85, on sale at 70.00
1 anly Fur-,Iined Coat, black beaver
cloth, muskrat lining and Persian
Lamb collar, reg. $75, a suap
at .... . • • * 65.00
Coon coats, reg. $50, now 43.00
Coon coats, reg. 45, on sale at.. 87.50
All grey wombat coats, reg. $45, go-
ing at 88.00
Wombat coats, regular 882 for25.00
Wallaby coats, sold at $25, your
choice ......... ......,. 20.00
Wallably coats, $22 quality at18.00
Blk Dog Coats $24, now ab
1 Bulgarian Lamb Coat, and 1 Black
Tallup Coat, reg. $28, at 22.00
Fur caps, collars and gauntlets at
cost price.
Underwear and Sweaters
All Wool Hewson Underwear
Regular $4.50tper ,Suit, now
" 2.00 " " 1.60
Tiger Brand Underwear
Regular $2.60.0tsg
" 2.00 " 1.50
• " 1.50 " " 1.20
A. good assortment of Boys' Sweat-
ers, regular 136e to 1.50, now go-
ing at from 490 to 1.12
Hats and Caps
We are agents for the celebrated
Stetson, Borsalino, . Barrington'
Langley and Davenport Hate.
Here are a few samples of how we
are selling them
'Trio. B. Stetson soft hats, sold all
over at 5.00, now 4.00
Borsalino soft hats, regular 3.50,
now going at 2.80
Barrington, Langley and Daven-
port soft and stiff hats, reg. 2.00,
2.25 and 2,50 ab...... 1.00, 1.80, 2.00
Other lines of Hats feat) 2.00 to 60c
at, 20 per cent. of.
All Caps clearing ati 20, discoent.
All wool heavy Sox, 86 for,.. 28c,
Good heavy tome Soxs, 25 at 20c.
Fine wool half hose, ribbed and
plain double toes and heels in
black, grey, and heather colore,
reg. 60 now... ..... 4.0c.
A splendid assortment of' belay
half -hose in blacks and greys,
reg. 60 now . ... . . 40c.
Good serviceable half hose with
tnending yarn, in 4 shades reg.
26 note., • . ....AA 20c,
Gloves and Mitts
Tan Mocha Gloves, silk lined, e off,
regular 2.25 for . 1.09
Tan Mocha Gloves, silk lined, e off,
regular 2,00, now .. 1.50
Unlined Suede Gloves, regular
$1.25, now ..,. 96c
Silk lined and woollinecl kid gloves
regular 1.60, now 1.12
Wool lined Kid and Suede Gloves,
reg. 1.26 at 96o; and 1.00 quality
ingog ... . .. ........ 750
Suede Alitts reg. 1.25 at ...... 00e
Indian Tau Buckskin Gloves and
Mitts, reg, $2.26, on sale at... 1,69
Best Quality Buckskin Gloves,
worth 32,50 per pair, clearhas
Heavy lime Hide Mitt, regular
1.00 for .. '76c.
Heavy Leather Mitts, regular 76
and 60c, tow going at...60 and 40
Neckwear, 11111ds. and Mufflers
We have justreceived a complete
assortment of Neckwear, Silk
Handkerchiefs, Linen Hitndker.
chiefs and Ititiffiers. All in the
sale at 20% discount.
20% off on all shoes while the sale
Patent dolt, regular 5.00 at, 4,00 ;
and 4,00 shoes at' .... 8,00
Black and Tan Calf Shoes with or
without wet proof soles, leather
lined, regalia 5.00 at... . .. , 4.00
Box Calf Beate, reg. 2.50, 8,00 and
8.60, going at 2.00, 2,40 and 2.80
3 boxes of either tan or black Neg.
get Shoe Dressing or Two in One
81100 Dressing for 25
Shirts and. Collars
Heavy Work Shirts, reg. 1.50
Blue Serge Shirts, leg. 1,00 at 80e.
Good strong wearing Shirts, reg.
75 now. .... ........... .......... 60c.
20% discount on all prinb shirts in
15c, collate at 10o.
20c. 4 ply linen collars at. ..... ,15c.
Beesident Suspenders, in separate
boxes, a soap at ...... ....... ..... 40c
Butterfly Sospenclers, regular 60c,
now . .... 40e
Police and Fireman's Bone, reg.
25c, 850, & 60c, now... 20c, 28c, 40c
A good assortment of Fancy Sus-
penders with good leather ends,
vegnlar 60c, imw..... .... . ..... 400
Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags
We have a complete assortment
of Trunks, Suit Oases and Club
Bags on hand to clear out at 25%
Trunks at 8.00, 4.00, 5.00. and 13.50
on sale at 2.25, 3.00, 8.76 and..4.88
RUssotb Suit Case in cowhide with
2 outside straps, reg. 7.50 at. 5.63
Dark Brown Cowhide Snit Oases,
reg. 6.60 aml. (3,00 going at 4.88
and ..... - 4.60
Brown Xeretol Snit Cases reg.
8.00 and 8.60, clearing at 2,26
and . . . . . .. .... .. . 2.68
Black Geisha Leather dub Bag. 18
in..linen lined, reg. 5.00 at..,.8.75
lelacc Grain Leather Club Bag
18 ine leather lined reg. 6,00
at . 4.50
Telescopes ..... 65c. to 00e.
Berneinber this saki starts Saturday, Dec, 12th and for Oasis only. Como early and take acieneatitge of the
best Values ever offeved in Breseels. Liberal cliectenits on everything in the stoi.n.
Ee•Dunford &Son
Clothiers r unlimbers
• • Graham Block BRUSSELS
W. H. ,t‹.6,RR, Proprietor
New Advertisements
Eyesight—Jar. Pos.
eard—Dr. Wert:law.
Locals- Tanhe & hon.
Emrich 1,»,1—Ti, it Poss.
Right now—G. E. litufAiren.
XffiLlt3 gooda—W. A. (,rawer.
Elegance, &o.—W. IP, atretton.
Notice to areditors—P. 8 Scott.
Ohristmas presenta—P. E. Smith.
The vision of Christmas—Jun.100x.
Blanket your horso—I. 0. Richards.
Slaukkter sale -31 0. Danford &Hon,
Dividend notice—Motroaclitim 13ank.
By.Laws 10 ,ft 14—Township of Difotris.
District Rails
Walter Smillie and Wrn, Moses are
at Guelph this week attending the Fat
Stock Show.
public meeting in the interests of
Local Option in Monis will be held in
the Hall here Thursday evening of
next week. The public invited,
Miss Clark, of East Wawanosh, has
been visiting Mies Grace Hoover, 9th
Miss Mitchell, of Molesworth, has
been visiting Mrs. Alex. Yuill and
other relatives in Grey.
Mrs, Cuthbert Hutchinson was visit-
ing her mother, Mrs, Breckenridge,
for a week at Goclerieh.
An entertainment will be giveu in
Duke's school (8. S. No. 5) nn the even-
ing of Dec. 22n5. The usual good
time is expected.
Matt. Stewart and Wilber 'rumba,
16th eon., were among the Greyites
who were at Guelph this week attend-
ing the Winter Fair.
Miss Florence Armstrong has been
oi1 duty for a few days with a severe
attack of colitis but 10 much better we
are pleased to state,
The tine bush ou the farm of Oliver
Hemingway, 10th con., has been sold
to Phihp Ament the well known mill
owner of 13russels. $1050 is said to be
the price, There is a lot of good
timber on the place.
day ex -Reeve Jame e Turn/sell; 4th
con., was summoned to Kincardine
owing to the serious illness of his
brother who has been in poor health
for several years. Mrs. George Mc-
Farlane accompanied her father. Mr.
Turnbull died a short time before
they got. to Kincardine. The funeral
took place Tuesday afternoon.
1 SViOUnxn
Bateman, Oth eon,' under-
. went a medical operation atGuelph
hospital recentlywhich proved
eeseful and he is now visiting his
. (laughter and sma at Toyota°. We
hope Mr. Bateman will eoun be as
well as ever,
This week Chas, and Mos, Rozell,
Oth COIL, left for a holiday visit, with
relatives in Detroit. From there they
will go to Paw Paw, Michigan, and
visit their daughter, Mrs. Engle and
their We wish them a
good thole and a stile return.
The officers and teachers of the Sab-
bath School of Union churela ere bus-
ily engaged in training the bays and
girls fez the Xmas Tree Entertain-
ment which is to be held on Tuesday
evening Dec. 22m0. Don't forget the
date. A good time may be expected.
This week Oliver Turnbull, the well
known bleeder of Leicester sheep, is
at Guelph Fat Stock Show with an
exhibit of eight lambs. He sold goo
many his list of entries is not as large
as last year but he has some very
creditable animals that should, even
in the big clam petition, secure.eoine of
the prize ribbons.
Atter next Monday, Dec. lith, S'per
cent will be added to all taxes re-
maining unpaid, according to the
Council By-law, The Tax Collectors
have no authority to accept a tient
after Monday without the additional
6 per cent hence all interested should
get, a hustle on them and secure their
receipt on oe before that date.
WEDDING BELLS. — 'Wednesday
evening of last week wedding bells
Chimed merrilyat "Maple Shade
Farm," the spacious and comfortable
home of T. E. and Mrs, 'Whitfield,
18th con., when 140 guests assembled
to witness the tying of the matrimon-
ial bow, by Rev. .T. Henderson, be-,
tweet) Miss Amelia Lucretia, daughter
of the host and hostess and Angus D.
Brown, a well known young man of
this township. The ceremony was
performed under an evergreen arch
clraped with lace curtains, the bride
being given away by her father.
Flower girl 11'f18 Fonda 'Wilson and 4
ribbon maidens, Cousins of the bride,
were Della Whitfield and Myrtle, lva
and Laura Speiran. Wedding march
was rendered. by Mrs. Wilson, organ-
ist of 'Union Church. The good look-
ing bride wore cream silk, trimmed
elaborately with val. lace, with bridal
veil and carried a beautiful baguet of
white roses and maiden hair fere, and
looked charming. Groom's gift; to the
beide was a gold locket and chain, the
BY-LAW No. 114, 1908
A By -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the ToWnehip of
Morrie, in the County of Huron, to the amount of $7,000.00, for
the purpose of constructing cement or steel bridges and cement or
stone abutments in the said Township of Morris.
Whereas 01 10 desirable to erect a steel or
cement bridge with cement or stone abut -
meets at eaoh of the following places in
the Township of Morris that is to say :—
At the place where the river Maitland
crosses Concession road between Conces-
sions 1 and 2 at Lot number 3, to be known
as Oruikshauk's bridge, and at the place
where the said Maitland rivet orosses Con-
cession road between Ooncessione 2 and 8
at Lot number 5 to be known as the Stone
506001 bridge.
And whereas it is desirable to raise by
way of loon for the said purpose the sum
of seven thousand doliars and it will be
necessary to issue debentures of the said
Township of Morris for a sum sufficient
to repay the said sum of 87000.00 (which
is the amount of the debt intended to be
created by this By-law) with interest no
the rate of 4e per mut. per annum, the
proceeds of the said Debentures to be ap-
plied to the purposes aforesaid and to no
And whereas it is desirable to issue the
said debentnres 011 0»» time and to make
the principal and interest of the said debt
repayable by equal yearly same during
the period of tea years, being the ourrency
of the said debenturee.
And whereas, in accordance with the
provisions of the Consolidated MUD-
thipal Aot, 1905, the amount required to
be raised annually by peoial rate foii pay-
ing the said debt and interest is the sum
of 5884.66 payable in ten equal annual
payments of principal and interest com-
Anil whereas the amount of the whole
• aieltble property of the Township of Mot -
tie according to the NM revised Assessmeut
Roll thereof is 32,106,500.
And wherene the amount of the existing
debenture debt of the said Township of
Morris is 918,667.70, of whioh neither prin-
cipal nor interest is in armee,
Therefore the Municipal Connell of the
Corporation of the Township of Morris en- •
sots as followil
I. For the purpose of raising bbs sum
of 07000,00 to be expended for the pur-
poitee eforeseel, Debentures of the said
Township of Morrie for e gum eueloient to
repay the said sum of 87000.00 with in-
terest in sums of not less than ens hun-
dred dollars each shall be issued on the
15th day of May 1909, each of which de-
benture shall be dated on the day of the
60e° thereof and shall be payable within
ten viers thereafter at the Bank of Hain -
thole 011 the Town of Witigham without
2. Each of the said Debentnres sloefl
be sigued by the Reeve of the said Town,
ship or by sortie other preen authorized
by By-law to sign the arsine and also by
the Veneerer thereof, and the Clerk of the
said l'ominship shall attach thereto the
Corporate seal of he said Corporation.
B. During the curreney 01 1118 said De-
bentures there shall be wised ito eah year
by erected rate on all the rateable property
it the said Township of Meath, the sum of
$884.65 for the purpose of paying the
amount due in each of the said yours for
principal andsinterest ie mimed of the
8 a 4i (1411'1s By -taw iOieOi take effect en the
Ifinal passing thereof.
6. The votes of the duly qualified elec-
tors of the said Township of Morris shall
be taken on this By-law at lbs following
times and plaoes, that is to Bay :—
On !Monday, the fourth day of January,
D,, 1909, commencing at the hour of
nine o'clock in the forenoon and eoutin-
Mug until five o'clock in the afternoon of
the same day, by the following Deputy
Returning Officers and Poll Clarke that is
Sub -division No. 1, at Sthool
House in Sohool Seotion No. 1, William
0, Laidlaw, Deputy Returning Offieer ;
David Itaifflaw Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub.:division No. 2 at School
Homes ioo School Section No. 9, Gen. F.
McCall, Deputy Returning Officer, James
Kernaghen, Poll Clerk.
Pulling Sub-clivisiou No, 3, at School
House in School Reaction No. 5, Selene/
Irvine, Deputy Returniug Officer ; Robt.
McCrea, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -division No. 4, at the Town
Bell, Thomas Miller, Deputy Returning
Officer; Peter McNabb, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -division No, 5, at Sohool
House in School Section No. 7, Robert H.
Garnies, Deputy Returning Officer ;
Wm. Garniss, Poll Clerk.
Polling Sub -division No. 6, at School
House in School Section No. 10, Silas
Johnston, Deputy Returning Officer ;
James Peecook, Pull Clerk,
6. Ou Tueeday, the twenty-second day
of December, A. D., 1908, the Reeve of
the said Township of Morris shall attend
at the Clerk's office in the village of Bel -
grave, In the said Township of Morris, at
ten o'olook in the forenoon to appoint per -
sous to attend at the varietal polling plains
aforesaid, and ab the final summing op of
the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the
persons interested 311 and promoting or op-
posing the pussies of this By-law respeob-
7. The Mark of the said Township of
Morris shall attend at the said Clerk's of.
hoe at two ceolock in the anemone of Wed-
needity, the sixth day of January A 1)
1909 10 511111 up the number of votes giveen
for eau) against Ode By.letv,
Muted at the Town Hall in the Township
onfoMerris, this 7th day of December, A. D.
• • 01et11,
That the foregoing is a true copy of a
proposed By-law wheal has been taken in-
to consideration and will be finally passed
by the Clounoil of the Municipality of Mor-
ris (in the event ot, the assent of the aloe -
tore entitled to vote thereon being obtain-
ed) after one month front the first publi-
cation in Tod Nauseates Post newspoper,
the date of which &et public:rajah was
Thereao,y, the teeth any of Deoember A.
p.1008, and that the votes of the dit19,
qualified electors of the said Township of
Maris will be taken thereon on the day
and at the hoot's and places therein fixed.
Dune Ude seventh day of Dot:ember, A.
D,, 1008, W. Cnkdit,
only ornament ho wore. The flower
givl received a ring And Mrs. Wilson
seas presented with a choice brooch.
Congratulations 0001' the guests were
asked to the dining room where the
tables were neatly decorated with
chrysanthemums, esc., and where a
most excellent supper was served in
Mrs. Whitfield's best style. The wed-
ding gifts were numerous, costly, use-
ful and handsome and bespoke the
popularity of the young couple. A
choice program was rendered in which
speeches, reeitatioos, voted and instru-
mental 1.111.131C were I.:elven. Mr. and
Mrs. Brown left hy Thursday's morn-
ing train for a wedding tour to Oreille,
Toronto and other pilots, the bride's
going away dress being brown Bog-
lish cloth with hat to match. On
their return they will take up resi-
dence on the 3rd con. of Grey followed
Loy the best wishes of many relatives
and friends. Mrs. Brown will be
greatly missed at the home church as
in addition to being a member of the
chofr she was an active worker in
other departments. Among the
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Brandon, of
Ooillia •, Mr., eels. and Miss Tuck, of
Clifford ; Misses and Mr. Webster, of
St. Marys; li. Sperling, of Gorrie.
At an early hour the guests departed
to their several homes with the ex-
pression of long life, prosperity and
happiness for the bride and groom.
A few other weddings, it is said, were
arranged for on Wednesday night.
DENTAL.—Dr. Pend, dentist, will visit Ethel
on blonder, Deo. 14th, and every two weeks
after that doe.
Since reading the Efenfryn news of
two weeks ago quite a number of
persons have got the idea that S. S.
Cole bad sold his brick and tile yards
ab lienfryn. Such is not the case and
any persons wishing to do business
can do so by applying at the yard to
the foreman, R. Cunningham, or to
S. S. Cole, Ethel, There is not much
tile left but there are plenty of first
class brick on hated yet.
WEDDING.—The following- report
did nob reach Tux POST last week
until Thursday too late for that issue :
—An interesting and pleasing wedding
was solemnized on Wednesday Nov.
25th, in the presence of about sixty
guests at the home of 0. and Mrs.
Reputed when their youngest
daughter, Miss Olive, was
married to A. Ernest Ache* of
Holyrood, Ont. Rev. John Henderson
officiated. To the strains of Mendel-
shon's wedding march, played by Miss
Emma Achert, sister of the groom,
the bridal party took their places -un-
der an evergreen arch and white wed -
cling bell in front of a bank of green
foliage and white chrystanthemums.
The bride looked charmieg indeed as
she entered the parlor leaning on the
arm of her father. Before the cere-
mony Miss R. Spence sang very sweet-
ly the Wedding hymn "0' heart of
Love." The bride was assisted by her
cousin, Miss L. Armstrong, of Hau.
over, and the groom by his brother,
Aimee Achert, of Holyrood. Bride
was daintily dressed in cream voile
trimmed with fillet net lace and satin
babe ribbon, wearing the bridal veil
caught up with Lily of the Valley and
carried a shower boquet of white car-
nations. After the debaty luncheou
served in Mrs. Rayeard's fine style,
the bride changed to a black taBetta
gown. The evening was spent in
social chat and an impromptu pro-
gram in which the bride sang very
nicely, "It is not the house that makes
the home." The wedding gifts were
useful and beautiful, one of which was
a fifty (loner chegne from the groom's
parents. Groom's gift to the bride
was a gold watch and chain,. brides-
maid, a broach set with sapphires and
pearls ; organist, a locket and chain
and to groomsman gold watch fob.
The out-of-town guests were, Max.
and Mrs. Raynard, Lucknow ; Mr. and
Mrs. Congram and Pearl, Holyrood;
E. and Mrs. Lucas, Belmore ;
and Mrs, Achert and Emma, Almer
and Harold, of Holyrood, The follow-
ing day the bridal couple took
the afternoon train for their
new home on the groom's
fine farm near Holyrood whore n 're-
ception was given them. by the groom's
parents. The bride travelled in a
brown chiffon broadcloth gown with
Elegaig Quality
uefu in ess
of our newly arrived Xmas
Goods cannot be serpassed.
Cut Glass
See our beautiful Buckingham Cat
Comparieon solicited.
Sterling Silver and Ebony Toilet and
Manicure Sets.
Mantle Clocks
inchtaing 100 speciel limp of le oval
Stafford Mantle Sets,
Crown Derby and Hand Painted China
Mounted in Gold and Silver.
for Ladies and Gents in all the let -
est designs, Quality guaranteed,
Call and seems—we ere pleased to show
you our goods,
Os ouse to rent.
W. F. Stratton
hat to inatela and fire -lined coat with
eable collar. Mrs, Ackert will he
much. miseed 121 01.11' community as sbe
was always . an active and willing
church worker but Ethel's 1005 will be
liolyrood's gain,
Rev. Mr. Tyler concluded the even.
gelistic meetings at Bethel chureh lad
Sunday evening and taking in the
very unpleasant weather conditions
they have been very well attended
and have been a means of much good
in the community. Mr. Tyler is a
very faithful pastor, laboring earnest-
ly and conscientiously in the Master's
vineyard. Ile was ably assisted by
Mr. Wamsley, who is doing colporteur
work in the vicinity, and who has
amide many warm friends.
Miss Gertie Duncan visited Miss
Edo a Pugh at Mitchell last Sunday.
Mrs. Jas. Duncan has been in very
poor health for some time. Hex many
friends wish for a speedy recovery.
Who was the young man off the
8rd line, that was seen delving East
so early last Sunday morning?
Pretty cold drive Billy, but faint heart
never won fair lady.
James 0. and Mrs. Bulimia and chil-
dren, of Pasqua, N. W. T., waived
here Tuesday for a holiday visit at
the parental horae, 41.11 line. Mr.
Duncan has done well in the West.
The Sunshine Xmas Tree and enter-
tainment will be held ou Friday even-
ing, Dec. 18th. Local talent. will be
assisted by Brussels talent,. A13nis-
sion-15 ate. and 10 ets. All are in -
vi ted
Mrs. Wm. Buena 4th line, was
called to Port Burwell last week to at-
tend the funeral of her stepmother
Mrs. Samuel Francis, who died on
Friday, aged 70 years. M. Francis
and five children, all adults, survive.
The funeral took plane on Sunday.
Deceased was a faithful member of
the Methodist Church and was highly
esteemed by a wide circle of friends.
Five Local Option meetings are be-
ing arranged for in this township the
objective points being Belgrave,
Ebenezer Ohurch, Jamestown, Wal-
ton, and the White school house.
No doubt opposition speakers will be
given an opportunity to address the
electors also. Of course the 815 clause
is still in force and will have to be
reckoned with on Election day. It is
counted on the recorded vote and
not nn the list of voters 10 the muni-
el2Laolioti; Osarsose—On page 4 of this
issue of Tun Poen may be read the
Local Option By -Law which will be
voted upon by the Morris electors on
Monday, January 4th, in connection
with the Municipal election. Voting
will be at the regular polling places
and the Deputy Returning Officers
will be as follows ,—No. 1, W. 0. Laid-
law with David Laidlaw, aspoll clerk;
No. 2. Geo. F, lrfc0a11 and Jas. Kerns-
gha.n ; No. 3, S. Irvine and Robt. Mc-
Crea ; No. 4, Thos. Miller and Peter
McNab ; No, 5, R. H. and Wm. Gat -
Diss; and No. 0; Silas Johnston and
Jas. Peacock. On January 8th Re-
turning Officer Olark will attend at
his office, Belgrave, at three o'clock
and sum up the votes and naake his
declaration of the result,
aantasn ATRIA-Z.—The community
was greatly surprised to hear of the
demise on Saturday of Robert Yuill,
a well known resident of the 4th line.
He took ill on Thursday from an at-
tack of inflammation and despite all
that could be done passed away, aged
61 years, Deceased came to Morris 17
or 18 years ago, moving from Tees -
water and was an industrious man.
He sat at the Council Board for a
year a,s Councillor and was likely to
have been a candidate at next elec-
tion. Mrs. Yuill died. several years
ago. Two sons and three daughters
survive, one son living near Teerwater
and a daughter in the West, two
daughters a,nd a son aro at home.
Mr, Yuill adhered to the Presbyterian
Church at Belgrave. He was a Con-
servative in politics. Funeral took.
place Monday afternoon to the Bran-
don cemetery, Rev. A. C. Wisharb, of
Brussels, conducting the service at
the home and grave side, The be-
reaved are accorded sincere sympathy
m the unlooked for demise of their
GOI,Dittr ViTEDDING.—The Edmonton
Bulletin of November 21st, reports
the golden weddinganniversary of
Ches. and Mrs. Slaguire, former, well-
known residents of the 1st, line of
111orris, as follows :—"A. very pleasing
event took place at Thirteenth street
on Wednesday, November 18th, when
Chas. and Mrs. Maguire gave a dhaner
to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary
of their wedding day. The members
of the family present were, Miss
nes Maguire, J. M. and Mrs. Maguire,
Loftus W. Maguire, of Edmonton,
and A. E. Maguire, of Witgleam, Ont.
Immediate relatives and friends were,
Mrs, J. D. licOlymont, Miss Margaret
Maguire, nieces of the bride and.
groom ; .T. McOlymont, nephew;
Lawrence S. Eraser, grandson -
William and Thomas elcOlsexiont,
brothers of Mos. Maguire'Misses
Elliott and Been, Mr. and Nies. El
Hatt, of Strathcoret ; Ser. and Mrs.
Clegg, Me. and Mrs. Casely, Chas. and
Mrs. Frost, and Feed. and Mrs. Frost,
all of Edinonton, The table Was dece
(wasted with white chrysanthemums
the flowers chosen by the beide fifty
years ago. A.t the dinner table, coil-
gratadatione, toasts and speeches Were
Revell, and immediately after, a very
suitable address was read and the
Members of tho family presented Mrs.
Mageire with a purse of gold and Mr,
Maguire With a beatitiful gold headed
cane. .4. meet enjoyable evening was
spent it playing games and in 00n-
versing over bygone days," The old.
felends of the hastily in Morris tender