The Brussels Post, 1908-12-3, Page 5*rt
a 1:
mos NiIts
Our Holiday Stock is full of Quality,
Variety and Good Taste.
Scores of the Nicest ift --
for nitl and Young in Watches, Cloelts Jewelry, Silverware,
Cut Glass, Ilan( Painted China, Toys, Dolls, Novelties and
Souvenir Geotls of Itis Binds,
Special for Xmas
Ladies' Elgin or Waltham 25 year Gold
Filled Watches with Guard $110.00
Gents' 17 Jewelled 'Elgin, Weltham or
Hampden Watches in best Nickel case
with Chain $9.00
Monograms Fagraved on Ladies' Watches free of charge.
4e7 -We guarantee satisfaction iu repairs,
R. J.
. S lift crus
At the I6'pwo•th League on Tuesday
evening of last week the subject, "Re-
solved that women should be permit-
ted to exercise the franchise on the
confit bin.
ns as
men," was Chs -
cussed. Miss Lydia liar ding, Miss
Mabel Edwards, hiss Edith- Evans
and Mrs. George Dane maintained the
affirmative, while George Dane, S.
Sanderson, S. Johnston and John
Hamilton opposed the concession.
Mrs. (Dv.) Armstrong, J. Shera and
W. H. Gregg were the committee of
judges, who gave the decision to the
ladies by a few points.
Owing to illness Miss Gregory was
unable to teach her department at the
school least week,
M. Vincent has opened up a barber
shop in the building North of the
Metropolitan Hotel.
Rev. D. 1\T. Collins will preach an-
niversary sermons in the English
church, Lucknow, on Sunday, Dec.
6th, while Rev. C. W. Sanders, rector
eat Lucknmv will fill the vacancy here.
Ed. Iiestle has purchased the old
grain storehouse on the Bast side of
the track at the depot from R. Seldon.
Mr. Nestle intends tearing it down
and erecting a barn on his farm in
Maurice Shaw, who was arrested by
Constable Northgxaves in London on
November 0, charged with being a
real live horse thief, was found guilty
and sentenced to three years' im-
Witoxr'rmrt Ovum:are—The regular
meeting of the Connell was held
in the Council Chamber at 8
p. m. on Nov. 17th. limbers present,
A. 13. Moffatt, D. W. Rae, John
Douglas, Con. Rees (in the chair;))
Minnies of last meetings confirmed
The following accounts were receiv-
ed i—Thos. Brown, auditing village
books, $2 ; W. M. telltale, auditing
village books, $2 ; insurance on Town
Ball, $12 ; "Vidotte" for printing 500
tax schedules, $2 ; Alexander Dodds,work on streets, i7§c. ; John Patter-
son, light for hall and four lamps,
$1,75 • John Patterson, lighting
streets for October, $10.05 ; J.
Brethauer, caretaking hall 0 nights,
$7.60 • Leonard Brown, work on
streets $1,24. Moved by John Doug-
las and A, H. Moffatt that the above
accounts received be paid. .Carried.
Moved by IL Moffatt and D. W. Rae
that the money, $106,63, received
from the County Treasurer be paid
Be 13. Harris, Reeve. Carried. The
auditors' report was received. Mov-
ed by John Douglas and D. W. Rae
that the auditor's' report be accepted,
Moved by John Douglas and A. 13.
Moffatt that the Reeve and Clerk give
the Bank of Hamilton an order to
transfer the village account from E.
Star Grocery
Buy your Groceries at the Star Grocery
where we sell everything up,to-date,
of best quality and at moderate. prices.
If you have Clever been In our store we
invite yon to call and have a look over
our stock and get our prices. We feel
satisfied we can suit you both its goods
and prices. It costa nothing to look
in and we are always pleased to see
our friends.
We have our new stock of Raisins, Cur-
rants end Peels for Thanksgiving and
Christmas trade.
We have just received a very pretty and
well selected stock of Thanksgiving
and. Hallowe'en Post Cards, Remem-
ber your friends by sending- them some
of these cards in season,
Our Restaurant department will be con.
tinned through the Winter, We 1vi11
5'rve Hot Bovril, Bean end Tomato
Stews, etc.
Highest "Trade and Cash in"ices paid for
Farts Produce, Pottery nod Dried
Salt in hulk or by the barrel.
Good Bread always -on heed.
.T. Spence.
0. Lawrie to W. M. Robinson Treas-
urer. Carried. Moved by John
Douglas and D. W. Rae that Conn.
Rees and A. 1I. Moffatt be a cominit-
tee to wait 00 the young peoples' com-
mittee about renting hall. Carried.
Moved by John Douglas and A. 11,
Moffatt Yfa that a the
Council adjourn
meet ou theLon•''
Tuesday n,v of Decem-
or at the call of the Reeve. Car-
ried, J. BuierreAue`rt, Clerk.
John Reinkie has taken over the
milk business conducted by Scott
Rev. D. Rogers preached anniver.
sary services at .Ailsa Craig (a former
charge) on Sunday.
Rev. P. Corcoran, of Seaforth, who
has been absent for the last funs
months on an international total, has
returned hone.
R. E. and Mrs. Coates, who have
been spending the Summer at Belle-
vue, Idaho, have returned and will
spend the Winter at their home in
The annivel'sary services in connec-
tion with the Presbyterian church,
Seaforth, will be held on Sabbath,
Dec, 13th, and will be conducted by
Rev. Dr. Sommerville, of Toronto.
Seaforth lest a bright young reran
from its business and social circles.
Gerald Case, who had been with J. F.
Daly for three years learning the
jewelry business, left to take a posi-
tion in the jewelry establishment of
T. Harrisou, Wallaceburg. Mr. Case
was tendered a supper on Tuesday
evening of last weak by a number of
his young men associates, and was
also the recipient of a pipe. A num-
ber of friends were at the station
when he took his departure to bid
him farewell
As unexpected as Burglars.
That's the way cramps come—strike
without learning. Nothing so sure to
instantly relieve as Nerviline,—just a
few drops in sweetened water is all
that's requited to stop the pain. Poi-
son's Nerviline is a true comfort to
every family, for a stomach ansi bowel
derangements it is an absolute specific.
Guaranteed to have at least five times
the strength of any other pain reliev-
ing medicine,—perfectly safe, pleasant
and useful for external pains too.
For a reliable household medicine -case
Nerviline supplies all that's necessary.
Large 25e. bottles sold everywhere,
A gang of seen were cleaning up the
ruins of the fire and. a new building
will be erected as soon as possible,
Jas. Struthers having the contract,
The collection which was taken up
at the Baptistahtmeh on Thanksgiving
Day amounting to $7,71, was sent to
the Hospital for sick children in Tor-
The funeral of David Carl Steven-
son, aged three years and six months,
son 078. B. Stevenson, of Mina,took
place Thursday afternoon to Fairview
cemetery. Tho little one died Tues-
day of spinal menongitis,
There passed away on Thursday last
another old resident of Biwa in rote
person of Mrs, Jas. Nixon at the age
of 75 years, 6 months and 25 days.
Mrs. 1
Ix Nixon's
maiden name was Mar-
garet Brown and was a native of Ire-
land. The cause oi' death was due to
apoplexy of which shesuffered for two
weeks before her demise. The funer-
al took place from the residence of het
son-in-law's, Daniel Angor, lot, 23.
eon. 0. Elms, on Friday to Donegal
for service c and burial snit was largely
Deny', or SIMorr F, . DYDTItId7d.—
The death took place in Guelph last
week, after a lengthy illness, of Si-
mon F. Dietrich, proprietor of the
American Hotel, Mr. Dietrich had
been seriously ill for the past
couple of years. Deceased went to
the city five years ago from Atwood,
Where he had also boon in hotel buss
nese. His death is greatly regretted
by a largo norther of friends, and sleep
otopathy goes out to the widow and
three children, two sons tanto a dnngh-
tet', Marie, Who survive,
A meeting of the Director's of the
Elena Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was held in the Agricultural
Hall, Atwood, on Noes 170. The
members of the Board: were all present
but Mr. Grieve. A claim for clamage
to house and barn by lightning was
presented by James Henry of Minn. to
the arnonnt of $7.00, Moved by Don-
aldson and BoWitt tint olefin be paid
in full. Carried, A r',ailn by David
MoWaters, of Morns gton, for $5
for damage to a yeali,ug heifer by
lightning was paid in full. On motion
of Cowan and Cleland aplietttions
for insurance were aoceptecd amount.
Ing to $00,075. The meeting adjoin-
t s
1 I
in ,
1! 'net,. t
t •
t�' (fele
1 It litnr5rnund M(en,.ialy,
31.1No llnlclitmt n11 Ell;air,hutntl
the c uipun el .1111111 ,4 Jtustni whu 11
the COO t1 101 of couslruelial 51 (111 ell
Was hroell;bl before 1'. Ill, 7'r
receutly,clunkl'd with -threatening
do his employer grieviuus holt
halm. The prisoner clai,lied 11);51
had not revel veil all the lenges t1)
were coning to 111111, nod ac(mdiug
ilii witnesses called, threatened to
(11 1(1 I11)411n• The evidence show
plainly that be arts in possession
a shot gun and six loaded shells, as
was sinking eligluur
i s ns to this 11'1101
abouts of Bustin He wars 00)1)1011,1
for trial and. talon to Stratford jl
by Constable Thos. 'McCarthy, wlie,
ho will atvait trial—Milverton Hsu.
1s' li
•r -
Lit Aro You Palo, Anaemic-?
'c' Anaemia means eol1rkwe blood--
nnshand four years ago last March
and lea vlnuc child Eflic Ihsidee
a her lilieban,l cold daug ,te (• tlese, nis•
1'(1,17 Mothers, ,hones and David Iduil-
latt•, on the 13th line, Morris ; Jelin 8.
in Chicago and 'T11o1wis iu Alber•t(l,
111111 one sister, Mien Janet, who 1(15s
hoes living with the (licensed and
who is now just able to sit up niter 14
long attach or the fever, The funeral
11)014 Blare on Al 01010y afternoon of
Mat week, the sl ryiees at the house
and grave heiog conducted by 1tev.
110all. Mrs, Logan was in her
8211( year and was most highly es-
teemed by a wide ('orale of friends.
To step any pain 111 20 11111111508, take
one of 1)r. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets.
See formula on the box. Ask your
Doctor or Duggist about, this formula,
It cent be bettered. Womanly pains,
head pains, any pain gets instant 5w
lief, Box of twenty Pink Pain Ta
lets, 25c Solcl 1>y all dealers.
J. I'1. Gunther is again able to attend
to hie business, after being laid no for
several weeks with sciatica.
3. H. McDonald, jr.,has purchased
the Porter building on the South side
of Main street, neat to the post office:
The anniversary services of the Bap-
tist church were Held ou Sunday con-
ducted by Rev, D. 3, Welsh, of Tiver-
The anniversary services of the
Listowel Methodist church will be held
on Smithey, December 0th. Sermons
by the pastor, Rev. R. D. Hamilton,
Mrs. R Stoddart and family arc
the guests of Mrs. J. 1I. MacDonald.
Mr. Stoddart has accepted the position
of Principal of the f ueau High School,
Theo. Pfeffer, of Pfeifer Bros'„ flout
here, e
w 311) a Slight but pain-
ful accident (, utor" a
> > Tuesday tesla
of last week,
Ile having sprained his ankle hi jump•
ing off a car.
Steps are already being taken in
connection with interswitehieg aC
this point between the two railways.
Mr. Power, G. T. R. engineer, was in
town last week going overtire ground,
and made aparliamentary surveyfrom
the mill Siding to the O. P. 2,. yards,
across the rink park. This we think
would be a pretty expensive piece of
track to build, as it would require a
lot of filling and a bridge across the
river•. From the town's point of view
the most feasible place for ioterswitch-
in{ would be East of Mill street at the
old Poet Dover yard, where the prop-
erties of the two roads ,join.
means languor, blanched lips, rade(
cheeks. You grow dyspeptic, nervous,
suffer functional irregularity. This
couclition catr't (saint if there is plenty
of healthy blood. Ferrozone snakes
good blood, rich nutritious bloocl—
tltat's wily it cures. In colleen trated
'0- Fn
Life will be Shortened.
Those who fail to observe the funda-
mental rules of health, especially those
who neglect constipation,—trill have
short lives. Costiveness rains health,
destroys vitality, weakens the blood,
01104401 dyspepsia, nervousness and in-
sounia. 'Why not nso Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills and bo cured. Take one or
two pills before retiring and you're
well uext morning. No gripe or pain,
no headache and nausea when you
vise Dr. Hamilton's Pills,—they euro
scientifically. Positively the best
laxative known, 25c. at all dealers,
Fordwich Public School has receiv-
ed a Continuation school grant of $75
for 1008.
The Police Trustees'snacle some im-
provements on the hill leacling to the
Foresters' Hall.
0J. 13. Rogers has men at work pip -
nig his house and connecting it with
the gas plant in the store.
Miss Mabel Dobson has been en-
gaged as teacher of the intermediate
room of Obi:fowl Public School for
W. A. Edwards & Son are improv-
ing the front of their furniture ware -
rooms by putting in a huge plate
glass window, two lights,
The travelling public are loud in
their praise of the accommodation pro-
vided by J. M. Schaefer, of the Albion
Hotel, Fordwich. Travellers stop
limo o sidle who always passed by when
we had a licensed hotel.
Miss Maud Fe5.n'uson, of Kingston,
is the guest of ,Biases Flossie and
Janet hunter, Miss Ferguson is a
trained nurse ]u Eingston hospital.
She is au old 7owicl1 girl, and attend-
ed Orange Hill school.
A petition was presented by MIessrs.
Dunnage, of Gorrie, and Kirby, of
Belmote, to the Township Council at
the October meeting, asking the
council to submit a by-law at. the
coming municipal election re -issuing
liquor licenses in Howbeit for 1909.
The question was laid over to Novena,
leer. AL the November meeting the
Council passed a motion by which
they deem it unwise to further implic-
ate the township until they find out
definitely the policy for the Ontario
Government regarding the question.
Division Court is supposed to be
11018 in Industry ]sal] on Dec, lltl at
0 a. in.
Frank Metcalf celebrated his 30tH
anniversary on Tuesday of last week,
as a citizen of Blyth.
• A "developing room" is being built
down stairs to snake things more con-
venient for Dur photographer, T. 13.
A D. Scott, of Saskatoon, is a
visitor with his brother, -T. W. Scott,
manager of the Bank of Hamilton,.
for a'lew clays.
D. Carter is preparing his rink at
the South end of the town. Beihas
had the ground levelled and a high
board fence built around, and it hs
considerably larger than lastseesoli,
Reeve Miillie, who attended the
meeting in Toronto last week, coin-
prisingmembers of the Ontario Muni-
cipalssociatiou for .he betterment
or consumptives, as delegate
Huron Council, wlent h
member of the Executive.
Meas. 'GV1rr,1Aat bnty,
After a short illness of one month
from typhoid fever Mins. William A.
Logan bade farewell to this life ather
home, just East of the village, on
Thursday morning, 26t11 ult. De-
ceased bad been waiting nn her sister
and her own little girl who had the
800010 caposy blur tolxcol nterit,
t 5th) -
ceased was married to ler now bereft;
tl hel•1'o`rone eons ai ns certain rare
qualities that rendes' it unfailing hi
Anaemia, leniency, poor color and loss
of weight, To build up—feel young
and vigorous, nothing is better than
feerrozouo. At all dealer's in 50c, box-
Diemen or: FXNLISY MCCAtx.txat.--
The Acton Free Press of hast weelc
speaks of the decease of a brother of
ex -Reeve McCallum, of East Wawa -
nosh, as follows :--In the death at his
house last Sunday of Finlay M1c0a1-
lum, Exgnesing lost one of its oldest
and most highly esteemed residents.
Mr. McCallum was born at Loch Tay,
Perthshire, Scotland, eighty years
ago. In 1833 he panne to 00011845 with
his father, the late Duncan McCallum,
117110 settled On lot 7, con. 1, bsgnesiug,
which for seventy -live years was the
home Of the .,.
clecortsecl. Mies. McCallum
three SOUS fir g and ilio
daughters s sotvitt'. Mr, McOallum was a good man
alai was connected 11(111 Beaton
Church from his boyhood days. He
was well-known in Action, lues tt
nephew of the late Mrs. Janet Ander-
son, and was an exeoutor of her es-
tate. The funeral- was very largely
H ensall
Miss 0. V. Smith is having a neat
balcony erected over the front of her
Rev. W. Doherty received a present
of a nice deer from a friend who had
been shooting up North,
Robert Stewart has .moved off his
farm to Heusall and taken up resi-
dence in Mliss McIntyre's cottage, Ox-
ford. street.
The Canadian Foresters marched to
the Methodist Church ou Sunday
morning Nov. 22nd and listened to a
sermon appropriate to the Order by
Rev. E. Medd, of Forest.
The Observer says :We have not
heard of any aspirants for municipal
honors for 1909, There is generally
no stir till the last minute, then a
hubub followed by a compromise and
Hensen gets a new council without an
The soil -,jury sittings of the High
Court opened on Tuesday, December
1st, before Hon. Mr. Justice Mac -
A rope affixed to the weather -vane
on IKnox church steeple and secured
to a tree across the road has been
made use of by the painters in paint-
ing the steeple. The church is Much
improved by the repainting of the ex-
In connection with the recent elee-
11011 in West liuror, there were 1,050
names on the voters'. list of persons
who did not vote. This of course in-
cludes the names of persons who have
flied or removed since the revision of
the lists,
Some years ago Dr. Dougall, now
pastor of North Street Methodist
church, wrote a story. Sections of it
have been published in Canada and
United States, but nowhere as a
whole. Tho story though it may be
termed ration, is built around a 0010-
ber of iucidents within the knowledge
of the author himself, while as awhole
itis true to the facts awed pmeessos of
human life. The story is entitled
"My friend Oon." Dr. Dougall pur-
poses to read it in three"sections. The
first section was read from his pulpit
last Sunday evening.
Mats. Josef `,'oats Dr An, -The fun-
eral of the widow of the late Judge
Toms took place Wednesday 25th ult.
in Godovich, the services being
hold in St. George's Church. The de-
ceased's husband died in 1805, being at
the time of his death county judge of
Huron. Isaac 11', Touts had the dis-
tinction of being the youngest man
bench il.
ada, achieving that distinction in 1800
when ho became deputy judge of the
united enmities of Huron and Bincc
It was in 1885 that he was married to
Geot•gins Charlotte Rosonkin, daugh-
ter of the late Dr. George Rosonkdn, a
distinguished linguist and homeopath-
ist, who came originally from Prussia,
and after practicing in the United
States and GreatBr'itain finally settled
in Montreal, where he died in 1.850.
Mrs. Toms is survived by her only
daughter, who is married and resides
''r na
utt l', r
You erill find at the Cober
Carriage factory a good as
sortment of First-class Bob-
sleighs, Cutters, Wbeelbar-
rous, Hand ,Sieigi.s and
Clothes Reels,
All kinds of Repairing, and
Re•paintiug promptly 14(1(' id -
ed to.
John Coberl
in New York, where Mrs. Torus death
occurred. The fundal was attended
by the officials from the court house
here, and the pall -bearers were : Judge
Holt, Sheriff Reynolds, L. N. Lewis,
1)r, Holmes, R. 0. 11ays, R. S. Wil-
liams, D. McDonald and Judge Doyle,
Win. n mid
.Ips, Symonds souls
were ex-
pected loreturn to Lc
1 a
cveuuif, from their honeymoon trip,
which was spent in Brantford. Mrs.
Symonds was formerly bliss Ailetat
Elizabeth Elliott, youngest daughter
of ex -Deputy Reeve Robert and
:Mrs. Elliott, and the marriage
took puce on Monday morning at the
parsonage of Victoria Street Metho-
dist Church, the young couple leaving
on the -morning train for Brantford.
The groom is the proprietor of the
liamil5an street barber shop, au(1
many friends of the young people
unite in good wishes.
5,000 Cured of Hay Fevor.
Instead of sending patients to the
mountains, doctors are now prescrib-
ing "Oatarrhozone." It relieves
cedokly and permanently cures Hay
All druggists sell Oataarrhozone.
Pleuty to cure Hay Fever for $1.00.
Harry Murr and Rudolph Selling, of
Flenfi'yn, have a contract of cutting
wood for S. S. Cote.
John Dunbar, Mitchell, has been
appointed assistant teacher 011 the
stale of the London Public schools.
Roy Thompson, of Henfryn, return-
ed from the West ou Friday, Nov.
13t01h1.. His many friends welcome him
Next Meeting of Grey Township
Connell will be held on Tuesday, 15th
inst. This is the statutory meeting
to close up the year's business.
Hugh A. McNeil, 14th con., son of
Peter McNeil, arrived home last, week
from Estevan, Mian., after au absence
of three months. He is looking con-
siderably better than when he went
• 13..e1.. McEwen, formerly of McEwen
Bros., grocers, of Goderich and son of
Thos. and Mrs. McEwen, Jamestown,
,las purchased the grooery stock of
Linder & Watson, Clinton. The Me-
liwetns new have four stores, two in
Goderich, one in St. George and one
iu Clinton.
What might have prove a serious
accident occurred on Saturday even-
ing 21st ult., at Dr. McKenzie's, Monk -
ton. While Dr. Shine and M:ir. Mor-
rison formerly Of Grey, were fixing
the well a board broke and Mr. Shine
fell twenty feet into the well, but in
falling ole landed on a board that wits
attached. to the curbing and hegof off
with a sore arm and leg and agood
shaking up.
The December session .0£ Perth
County Connell opened on Tuesday,
Dec. 1st, at Stratford.
The concluding session of Stratfolrcl
Presbytery for 100$ will be held in
Stratford on Tuesday, Dec, 8th, in
Knox chttrrin. •
Henry Wessman, Stratford, has
sold his farm on the 5th concession of
Logan, Ohristal Lease being the pur-
Price, $6,600.
According nth
to present cstnL ti
g xcarat .e
uuurieipal offices will go a beggin *r 1n
Mitchell at the end of the year. Two I .
at least of the pl•esenGCouncil, Messrs. 1
Blowes and Yaoco will not offer for
Miss Addle Mulholland, Who has
been employed hi Wnn. Stonernan's
grocery and confectionery, Mitchell,
during the past couple of years, has
severed her connection with the stole
and has gone to Toronto, where she
has a good position in the Upper
Canada College.
Sox a d
No matter how
cold or slushy the
weather is, your feet
will be snug and
.r'arm in a pair of socks and rubbers.
Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag -
?roof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat
For out -door winter work.
We have them in all styles and sizes.. They Are
priced down to rock bottom, too.
Sale agents for J. 1), King Stubb Proof, Every Pair
In our Harness nt DepartmeY li wiankell tsfind, aliobfucs,ll sBtellcs,k
Department of Bl
Etc., at lowest prices. Also: all styles of Harness, both
heavy and light.
Repairs in Harness, Collars, Boots and Shoes promptly,done.
tesCSR:, ,eass a,.tee_. mss- . ass e.. .es .. .s r., las,A..A.
have rhen
purchased the Harness Busi-
ness of Mr. A. J. Lowry, Brussels,
Ibeg to inform the public that I am now in possession and
able to attend to their wants in Light and Heavy Harness,
Robes, Rugs, Blankets, Bells, Combs, Brushes, &c.
First-class stock of Trunks, Satchels and Telescopes.
Special attention paid to the Harness Repair Department.
l have retained the services of Mr. R. Crone, well known
to the public.
It will be my pleasure to make the acquaintance of all old
customers and will be glad to add to the list.
Satisfaction Assured, All /or Guaranteed, Prices Right,
fir iiange
is a Le ;cder
This Rat;ge has six boles, a 13 -gallon Reservoir,
and Nicltle Base. It sells at
— High Warming Closet $G.00 extra.
A east iron Range "Corona," six A four holed Range with High
boles, Reservoir, with High Shelf and Reservoir g
Warming Closet— for only
The best
lila w'es Broiling Easy
It is much more convenient to do your broiling by lifting
this Key Plate, thau to lift the cover 00 use the broiler door.
Sou have more room and get the
ani meat d15c'd1 3 over the coals
111.. s _.,r,.,,,r�,•,
Notice the -Low Warming Closet,
a 0) eda1 feature of this year's
"Pec leas Peninsular" Ranges.
Daylight Oven, Adjustable
Damper, Removable Grate
'i'hetotonteter in oven--.
e only a of the con-
ve ieneo 1 on;.11ottld ask about.
S( i , r t r, i liaa. mal ren over (lo "reertrss
pea a , - ' 1;,.- , •3. Gina, to 55(251(1 their
11.11•io(c)):ri „ to you, q2
argailres on the Market to -day
OUR ,Etl�iR■ tta}t11p1C ROLL"
is now in full operation. It w 11 save you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
try our New
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigortttiln6
Oott't forget that our "White Loaf' oaf Flour
is still taking the learn for Bread .Flouts.
is All hinds of Feed bept constantly on band.
SfLSS' ,1g