The Brussels Post, 1908-12-3, Page 4IAe `enacts Vast THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, ,tgo8 EAST HURON LIBERALS. Tho aunnal meeting of East Horan T,iberals at set off forthe Commons will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday afternoon of next week, De- eember Sth, at 1.30 o'clock. Election of otiieers, receiving the 'Treasurer's re- port end other business will be me the program. •A 50011 attendance asked for. The Municipalities interested are Edowiek, Wroxeter, Turnberry, Wing. ham East Wawanusb, illyth, Morris, Brussels and Grey, ALMOST daily of late the railways are meeting with serious accidents, De- struction of rolling stock is bad enough but the frequent loss of life makes these occurrences a matter of great concern to the public. Hardly a clay goes by without chronicling somebody killed at railway crossings and it is very evident something in the way of preventative will be demanded by the public. The cry out against level crossings will com- pel railways to supply adequate pro- tection in the line of electrlc bell. gates, watchmen 01' some other system that will properly obviate the too frequent slaughters. MONDAY was St. Andrew's Day but was not dbserved in this locality by any public manifestation, For several years Scotch Concerts were one of the events on this anniversary occasion with occasional banquets when the hours were well Riled with Scottish Song and Story after the haggis et al bad been carefully attended to. Long ago Evan McColl wrote : "The Day an' a' wha honor it" - What music in that simple phrase It fires my blood to fever heat, It minds me of far blooming braes, Fair 'Scotia's Fortbs and Clydes and Speys Seem gliding at my very feet : A patriot ling exultant has "The Day au' a' wha honor it." HURON CO. STATISTICS. The following -statistics for the year 1907 are taken from the Bureau of Industries report concerning Huron Co.:- _� AIUNICIPAL(TY R' e Townships aTi 11. u & o'. F a t1 s totem torn Asbfield ,,.....,$25,570 5 6,278 $ 7,200 Colborne 16.124 8,090 4,655 Goderioh Tp_22,182 4,024 6,283 Grey 69,048 11,832 7,119 Hay21,816 3,789 8,486 Howiok 41,219 6,419 7,858 Hullett 28,084 7,896 7,040 MVRillop 88,946 5,666 6,510 Morris 24,884 2,551 4,694 Stanley 19,642 5,088 6,296 Stephen 42,199 5,510 14,540 Tuokersmith,. ,26,005 6,271 3,324 Turuberry15.372 1,250 4,887 Usborne 27,666 4 020 5,194 Wmvemosh E14.965 1,645 5,106 Wawanoah W16,035 1,808 4,280 Ron. Nelson Monteith, who elinister of Agricultural during the first term of office the present ndminlstrat was the recipient of a token of este from the officials of hitt fernier depart meet and of the Ontario Agriculture College on Wednesday, last week. I-1 was presented with tl handsome e1163net of sileret' tableware. The presenia•ion was matte by 0, C, James, Deputy Altimeter of Agriculture. Ar brief ad dress was matte by Hon, Jas. Dot', wit succeeded Mr. Monteith, Mr. Montell made a suitable acknowledgment of th tribute in his popularity. Canadian News No more bicycles Lire to be allowed o Toronto street cars. Capt. Maitlemd wits killed at Kingston by a fall from his vessel. Brockville M-,uieipel light plant has had a very profitable year. J. W. Bradshaw has been appointed County Clerk of Froutenne. Mrs. Win. 13011, jun., of Blenheim, lost her life by falling into a well. J. E. Cyr, ex -NI. P., bas been appoint- ed Immigration agent in France, The St. Catharines Board of Trade is agitating to stop the export of natural gas. Mrs, Jas. Pebuegnat, of Stratford, walked into Victoria lake and was drowned. Morris Shaw was sentenced at Lon- don to three years it: the penitentiary for horse -stealing. F, A. Aeland has been appointed Depute' Minister of Labor', in succession to Mackenzie King. The steam barge Donelin, of Port Ar- thur, stranded near Belleville and,knock. ed a large hole in her hull, A, L. Pascoe, of Soliva. was elected Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Ontario Division Sons of Temperance. A four year old buy, named Anderson felt and struck his head on a table at Calgary and was fatally injured. Henry P. Coburn, Vice'President and General manager of the Sawyer.Massey Company of Hamilton, is dead, The question of electing school trus- tees by wards will not be voted on at the municipal elections, as was proposed. Robert Bresett, of Tupperville, aged 12 years, was shot by his brother while they were playing with arifie and killed, Pierre M. Besclos, a priest, was sen- tenced at Montreal to three years in the penitentiary for defrauding a merchant F. M. Journeau will be appointed collector of Customs for Ottawa in place of T. W. Russell, who will be superan- nuated, Dean Farthing 1105 written accepting the position of Bishop, of Montreal and will probably be consecrated on January 2 th 5 elademe St. Andre was sentenced at Montreal to three months in jail for at- tempting D tempting to poison the horse of a saloon- keeper. Phe passenger car shop of Rhodes, Curry & Co., at Amherst, N. 8., was burned with a lot of cars uuder con- struction. Hon. Mr. Matheson, Provincial Treasurer, returned Thursday morning front his two weeks' vacation In the Bermudas. It is reported tbat Premier McBride will invite the other Provincial Premiers to British Columbia for -a conference ou the subsidy que.tion. One of the largest runs of herring ever seen in Lake Erie is reported oft Port Stanley, and the fishermen there have taken hundreds of tons of the fish. The office of The Weekly News of Port Burwell was burned owing to an explosion of gasoline, and Mr Burns, the proprietor, was severely burned. 'I.'he Evangelistic Committee of the Presbyterian church decided to start ampaigns in the Kootenay district, 13. and the Minedosa district, Man. ' The tailor instructor of Kingston euitentiary has been suspended, pend - ng an inquiry as to how the convicts brained supplies of opium and tobacco Four thousand men and large quan. ties of material for the National Trans. octinental will be sent iu over the new ake Superior branch from Fort Wil - am. The suggestion has been made in me Conservative quarters that Sir Hibbert Tupper should be offered the arty nomination in Carleton county hen Mr. Borden resigns the seat. Judge Monet has granted the app Lica. on for a change of venue, and Hon. P. . Rov will be tried et Montreal - on a Marge of making false returns to the overnmeut in connection with the St. ltn's Bank, Judge Forbes, of St, John, N. 11., has ached the conviction of Hardy, fined r bringing aliens into Canada. His cum finals that tbe offence, if any, was remitted in the United States and ardv, being a subject of that country, noel be punished in Canada for of- nces committed in his 0.0n country, The announcement is made that Tont ongboat, the professional Indian run- e and who has made the best of them some. is going to be married on Dec. Tam's bride to -be is a pretty school richer from Deseronto, Miss Maracale, tiler Maracale of No. 5 Co., 28th regi• tit is a brother of Miss Maracale, of eseronto, Arun( 4, t(.Il3 ,t41211I tuna THE store windows begin to have a look of Christmas and tee giftgiving ion em 't'nr POST sent 10 111 ebxen' 11ieu,1 nl'tkm nn ideal Lhristma's present The e paper will be sent from now to the curl ,f of next 101(1 for en 00 JOURNALISM :IN , PENNsr1XANIA -We n have taken wood, petal"',: morn, eggs, re butter, unions, eabb,v:0, t 1,irlton , pt„l r Seen 'l'ite Pose to abs0ut ft•ietele, I Pastae Schools will close for Ill e Cbrt tura 1(01 (16;8 on the evening 1 Inesd:q', Jheeelnber 2211(1 THE lith annual skew of the llnt'o Poultry and Pet Stuck As,'u, will I herd ni (lin'oI), cot 10110111) 191h, 201 O and 211.1, h WHAT special effurl are you ineki0 t e steep yupr own. business 1elere 1h public and at the same time draw Ciel to tbe town ? WE recommend our readers to sol scribe to the Farmer's Advocate an u Home ?deg:mine, the best agricultur and Home paper in America 1'HE G, T, R, hes recently made a de- cided improvement in its Nin there pae- $enger train service, which is now equip- ped with vestibuled coaches and is quite up to the regular service on the main lines, TRE department store Christmas catalogues are coming in. 'These iusti- tutious do not help to pay your taxes nor do they employ your labor, so the best use you can make of these catalogues is to light the fire with thein these mclruings, le you have a visitor at your house rush the news to us. If any of your family is going away on a visit tell 00 or drop a card in the post office and simply address it to Tun POST. If you do this we'll do the rest. Our telephone is No. 2o. Acoosntec to the minuet report of the Bureau of Industries for ,gob, just issued, Huron pays the second highest eremitic in taxes as a county, Middlesex pat ing 5142,334, Huron 588,380, the next highest being Wellington $77,429, Simcoe 572,713. Northumberland and Durham 5149,748. A NUMBER of town girls are disap- pointed because they haven't met Jack the Hugger, who is said to be operating in different parts of the town. He hasn't limited his attention to ladies, even little girls have been caught and badly frightened, 'elle Police is on the look out for him and the town will be too hot forhimif caught. THE weather of the past few weeks has been ideal Indian Summer. An old bunter up near Peterborough says that the natural history indications point to wards an open mild Winter whereupon a contemporary remarks, that at the sante time people will do well to figure on buying a little coal. Even muskrats and other weather prophets make slips in their predictions. Preventies, the new Cand y Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to have four specific advantages over all other remedies for ox a cold. First - They contain no Quinine, to tie nothing othiu g harsh or sickening. Second -They give almost instant x'elief. Third - Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth -A large box -48 Preventics- at 25 cents. Also fine for feverish children. Sold by all dealers. Now that the season of Christmas en tertainments is drawing near, we would remind the managers of such that in all cases whereas admission is charged and notice of same is sent to THE POST for publication, a charge of ten cents per line will be made, unless we print bills or tickets for same, in which case one item will be given gratis, Towne and Villages, c EaA Bayfield .9 2,859 a 2,247 p Blyth .... , 10 944 15,696 , Brussels 17,994 .... 16,487 0 Olintou 52,004 ..., 40,667 " Exeter r 26.208 .... 22 135 ti Goderioh 129,002 ,... 124,9.59 Heenan 11,551 ,... 11,651 c Seaforth 82,114 .... 81,220 1' Wiughare 84 868 .... 83,008 b Wroxeter 8,684 ' .... 8,149 so POPULATION, ASSESSDIENT AND TA)ATION, C G w„' -I a Ashfield 2,70'3 Colborne 1,544 Goderioh Tp2.064 Grey 8,084 Hay 8,175 Bowick 3,548 Hntlett 9.196 MoBillop ..... 2.848 Morris 2,2-51 Stanley .... 1,838 Stephen 3 578 •Tuckersntith 2.080 1'uruberry ..., 1 844 Usborne 2,008 Wr manurll E1,604 Witwlnosh W1,858 Bayfield 585 Blyth 817 13russels 1,126 Exeter 1 645 elensal l 569 297,:535 16.8 Wroxeter 418 142,287 12.8 Clinton .,.,2,423 768,028 24.5 Godericli .,. ,4,505 1,866.298 22.2 Seaforth 2,276 848,286 24.8 Wiugharn 2,277 752,180 82.1 The total assessed value of the townships of ninon bounty for 1905 was 538 982,160 and in 1007, 88,787.251, The total taxes paid by the townships in 1906 was $276,815 and in 1907, 9271,592, The total. assessed 1141115 of the towns nod villages in the county for 1906 was 55,706,670 and in 1907, 55 97 1,265, Tuxes paid in towns and villegee bl 1906, 5124,919 and in 1907, 9196,906. $ d k� C 0 C c5 ti 92 465,690 6.4 H 1,881,200 7.7 c 1 788 920 7.1 G 2,817,580 8,2 Jo 2 880,715 8.1 2,882,682 9,6 qu 1 995.850 10.6 to 2,888,870 7.8 .11 2 105,206 7.8 co 1,983,957 7.6 H 2,742,024 8,2 ca 2,116,401 8,5 re 1 827,882 8,6 2,422,525 7.9 L 1,680,012 7.0 tie 1,609 728 6.5 go 105,204 17.0 30 265,175 25.4 ce 3813.875 20.0 Bi 504,454 19,8 me D Five botelkeepers were lined it the police court Stratford for 001 complying with the liceuse'laws regarding the tin - covering of bar windows during pro- hibited hours: The hotels fined were Albion, Ontario, Cabinet, Queen's and Station testanrant The tnininntln fine of $5 tyn8 imposed. A meeting of ;he creditors of B. O'Connell, of McKillop. and John O'- Conneli of Ribbed, bbert, were held in 1115 office of Dent &'Phoiepson, Mitchell on SIturdny, The former will ,fay 411 cts on the $ but the latter tvill not likely pay anything. Medi syutpat)ry is felt for Bernard O'Connell, whose trouble was t brought about by endorsing for hie son, Tuesday, Dec. Sth, is the opening day for the December sittings of County Cionrt fox' Perth County. The members of the Sons 09 Scot- land, St. Marys, attended seen -ice at First Presbyterian church Sunday morning George Brown has announced his intention to be a candidate for the Mayoralty of St. Marys. Mayor Wil- lard will seek re-election. So far as the .Argus has been able to learn these two will be the only candidates for the _Mayoral ty. Chief Young, of St. 'Marys, took a lot of children off the ice on the dam Satm:clay and probably averted a drowning accident. Parents should impress on their children the danger of going on the ice at this season. Mrs. Janes N. Forsyth, corner of Wellington and Park streets, St. Blares, met with a painful accident on Thursday noon, while going doom the rrllau• ste t 1s of her house, rare ' vel g a enterer in one karat and a pitcher in Ow other. Shee slipped and fell down the steps Snaslflti the articles alle eras carrying into l'r'agrnents and cut - ling a large gash in the palm of lice left,i land + , tr lnirh urrtssi fated the doer tots putting in eight stitches to close the wound, which bled profusely, hLnbel, Labor, o-:11111. ' 1 e ,,. • „' I 1 n second hard teething, 410101 .1 •uc, nrd u bug juice, $utt p. ii mr d•o.• ,. I, r. e hides, c•hd ,jurpul$, 11)11)1 1. d,..;+, mole e bene, seed, jarwttre mid wheat slaw' un .0 Iseripti011 enol now a man wants to r• Jtunw if would send the paper for six d otoliths for a large owl, We have no al precedent for refusing and if we can lint! a man wlto is out of an awl and wants one we'll do it, A GOOD STOMACH BUTTER PAPER. -Nothing but the Genuine Vegetable Parchment Butter Paper should he wrapped around any butter, The first cost of tbe inferior grades of Butter Paper, and there are many of them, may he a few cents less per thousand sheets, but it never pays to run the risk. Mold spots will develop on good butter if wrapped in cheap but- ter paper, ;red occasionally a good but- ter maker's reputation has been nearly blasted by having had foisted on them cheap butter paper. PLAIN UNPRINTED BUTTER PAPER 500 Sheen. ..... ....See 200 sheets X50 too sheets 150 You can realize from one to two cents more per pound for your butter if in printed wrappers. The prices are as follows :- PRINTED BUTTER WRAPPERS Per 1000- ..•........• 51 75 Per 500 5 25 Special quotatations given on larger quantities Call at THE Pose, Coughs that are tight, or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. On this account Druggists , every- where are favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it ,s entirely free from Opium,. Chloroform or any other stupefying drug. The tender leaves of a harmless lung -healing mountain- ous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy Its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to calm the numb distressing Cough, and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, al- ways demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it once yourself, and see 1 Sold by all dealers. HURONITE.S ee STRATFORD No eltAL SCHOOL, -The following is a list of the teachers from Huron county in attend- ance at Stratford Normal School :- Miss Margaret Kilpatrick, Crewe Miss Mollie Cluff, Clinton Miss Minnie L. Ker, Clinton Miss Hazel R Ker, Clinton Miss Minnie E. Kitty, Clinton Miss Sadie East, Clinton Ed. Tighe, Clinton Miss E, Dickson, Brussels Miss Isla Frain, Brussels t Miss Lizzie McArthur, Brussels Nelson Higgins, Beigrave Miss Edna Taylor, Conetatlee Miss Janet Shillinglaw, Egmoadvllle Miss Margaret Doupe, Kirktou Miss L. A. Doupe, Kirklon Raudoiph Davis, Kit kion Wm. Smith, Lucknow MErnest Robertson, Auburn iss Luella Tichbofue, Porter's 11111 Miss Stella Parcell, Seaford) Miss Ada Sleet), Seaforth Miss Isabel Anderson, Seaford) F. T. Fowler, S a 'e f orth Miss Aiabel Walsh, Wingbam Miss Margaret Bone, Wtnghatn Miss Jan issa Perrie, 3Vingham Miss le. Musgrove, Weigh= Miss Annie Burney, mev � C' to ten g 117 MissFlorence erenee'Va nNmrluan, y'Vingham Miss Ethel 11. Willett, Wiughaiu Miss Georgipa Lovell Wroxeter Meana Good Health, Cheerfulness, Ambition, Persistency and Success Mi-o-na will cure your dyspepsia or any stomach trouble by building up the flabby walls aid making the stouu0011 so strong that it will digest food without pepsin or other artificial aid, 111 other words3ti-o-na cures dyspep- sia by removing the cause. Jas. Fox is the agent for Mi-o-na in Brussels and be says to every reader of THE POST whose stomach is weak, who has indigestion or dyspepsia, that Al i -o -n1( is guaranteed to cum or money back. The price is only 50 cents a large box, and one box is all you need to prove that you are on the right road to health and happiness. Mr. Geo. Linder, of corner Mill and Park streets, Elmira., Ont„ says ;- "For about ten years I was severely troubled with stomach trouble and in- digestion so bad that I could not re- tain my food after eating. I could not eat meat or scarcely anytbing,ancl had heartaches and constipation. I se- cured a package of Mi-o-na with the result that now after having taken two boxes I am entirely cured and can eat anything, digest perfectly and am feeling fine. Mi-o-na also overcame my constipation. I am only too glad to publicly endorse and recommend Perth County Measles are prevalent iu Bornholm section at present, There• is not a case of smallpox in Stratford and the general health of the city, is good. .ties. John Docking, of Hibbert fell through tap door thecellax, fracturing it couple of ribs. We regret to hear of the death of William Hanson, one of the early pioneers of Fullerton township, who has been in failing health for some time. Mrs. Bird, who has been a resident of Fullerton for a number of years, has left for New Brunswick where she purposes making leer home with one of her sons who resides in that provin- ce. John Docking, of Hibbert, will shortly retire from farming and move to Mitchell. Re bas purchased the East half of the Hutching's prop- erty, near the Royal hotel stables. Messrs. Rieman & Graham have disposed of their stock of stoves, tin- ware, &c„ in Mitchell to 'lessers. Werner. Mr. Kiernan goes to 'Van- couver. Ile was a good citizen and his removal will be a loss to 'Mitchell, Miss Vora Thorne was awarded the scholarship given by the Heintzunan Piano Company, of Toronto, for mak- ing the highest number of marks in the Conservatory in a special compe- tition before the musical directors and members of thefacnity, Robt. Hodgson, of Hibbert, re- ceived word last week from Keighley, Yorkshire, England, that his step- mother, Mrs. John Hodgson, widow of the late John Hodgson, had passed away on Nov. fith at the ripe age of 34 years. The deceased .had left Mitchell twelve years ago to spend her remaining days with a son. The Stratford Branch of the Can- adian Association of Stationary En- gineers passed a vote of censure again- st the Provincial Government for the appointment of a layman instead of au experienced engineer to the posi- tion of Normal School engineer. The cause of complaint appears to be that the recent appointee does not, hold a government license, which is required by act of Parliament. A very interesting talk was given by Mrs. Gould, returned missionary from Formosa, in Fullerton, under the auspices of the W. le. M. S. of Roy's church. Afier the meeting tea was served to about fifty people at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Proudfoot, where they had an opportunity of seeing Mrs. Gauld's curios and meeting hes' personally. A most enjoyable time was spent. The proceeds, which were foe the hospital at Formosa, amount- ed t,o over $25. Door receipts, $15 and private. donations, $10. A very serious charge was preferred in the police court at Stratford Thurs- day of last week against Whitford McDonah, be being accused of having passed a forged order ab the Grand, Trunk depot ticket office. The order presented had the forged signature of Trainmaster Bowker, attached and called for the payment of $10, which WES duly handed over. 111cD0nah pleaded not guilty and was remanded or a day, when the case will be taken Ip, Before the forgery he was ± harged with stealing some tools from 1 Andrew Oswald, found guilty and sentence reserved. Logan council this year undertook to make a drain in the North-West Fart of the township, the estimated cost of which was placed at $10,000. The work is now well on its way and the contractors are to be congratu- : lilted on the excellent job they are making. With an eye to the interests j of them constituents the reeve and his colleagues made application to the Whitney Goverement for ag rant to- wards this stupendous en dons v '. ton 1t andon 'lionday an Inspector from 1 Torolttc went over the newly constructed drain, and he Was SO satisfied with the beuefleial results s of suet) an melee- lder- ta.king that. he sent in a favorable re- pot 11, and, the township will receive a grant of $1,000 towards the work, 1 t Coleman's Campho-Quinine is one of the things you should always have in the house. With this splendid remedy handy, no one need be laid up with Colds, La Grippe, Headaches or Neuralgia. At the first sign of a cold -a sneeze, chills running down the back or soreness in the throat -start right in to take Coleman's Campho-Quinine.' Take one tablet every hour for three hours -then one tablet every two hours. You will sleep well and awake next morning with all signs of the cold gone and your head as clear as a bell. These tablets are equally effective for severe Headaches and Neuralgia. Coleman's Campho-Quinine are, beyond question, the best home remedy for children, being absolutely safe and breaking up the fever in 24 hours. At all dealers -25c a box. If you can't get them at your druggist's, we will send them by mail post paid on receipt of price. LEMAN ME ICINE CO., - - TORONT+a':. Judge Barron sentenced a man from .Milverton to three months in jail for carrying dangerous flee arms. The death occurred in the General Hospital, Stratford, Friday night of Henry Otto, aged 52 years, of South Easthope. "Jack" Sims, of St. Marys, who had the misfortune to break his thigh about one year ago, while returnin to his home recently,slippedgg and Fractured the limb in e stunt) place. St. Marys appears to have a live, up-to-date Canadian Club. Already p the members have had an excellent address from Mr. McIntyre On Senate reform, and a rousing debate by two of its members on Imperial Tariff Union in the British Empire. The 0. P. R. have finished building the stone foundation for their new freight shed on Water street, St. Marys. The Bradshaw blacksmith shop, recently purchased by the com- pany, will not be occupied uutil next Spring. St. Marys firemen were called nut. at 12 o'clock micluigbt, Saturday to ex- tinguish a fire at the house of John R. Guest, John street. The flanges gutted the interior of the frame bnild- mng. Mr. Guest, who is a bachelor, was stopping ab the Ontario Horse, and it is said, moved out part of the furniture about three weeks ago. The origin of the fire is unknown. At 3 o'clock Friday morning fire broke out in Dietrich s butcher shop at Tavistock. It had gained such headway when discovered that noth- ing could be done to save the build- ing, which was totally destroyed. The flames communicated themselves to two adjoining buildings, a black- smith shop owned by Krnspe Bros„ and residence of one of the brothers. Both these buildings were completely destroyed. The source of the fire is unknown, Loss, $10,000, insurance small , - The North Perth Conservative As- sociation held its annual meeting at Milverton Thursday of last week for the appointment of officers and the usual business connected therewith. President Bell and Secretary Where y, who have held their offices for ten years and done good work in their' capacity preferred to retire and leave the election to others. Officers were thereupon elected as follows :-Presi- dent, D. A. Dempsey, Ellice ; first vice-president, J. G. Hamilton, Milver- ton ; second vice-president, Ohas, Fry- fogal, North Easthope ; secretary - treasurer, Geo. IVestman, Stratford.. Resolutions were carried expressive of confidence in Sir Jas, P. Whitney aucl in R. L. Borden as Dominion leader, and also votes of thanks to the retir- ing officers. At the Poultry Exhibition in New Hamburg, the following Mitchell bird fanciers were successful in many classes, as shown below :-Partridge Wyandotte -1st cock, Mit lton & Son ; 3rd cock, Crawford & Deil ; 21111 het, Mutton &Son ; Special on cock, Mut- ton & Son. Barred Rooks -2nd cock and 2nd hen, Coppiu & Marshall. Columbian SVyandotts.-lst hen and 3rd pullet, Crawford & Dell. Light Brahtnas-2nd hen, and 1st and ed pullet, Crawford & Deil. Slack Mtn- oreas-lst and 3rd cock, 1st hen, 1st and 2nd cockrel, special on cook, A. Goebel, Brown Leghorn -1st and 3rd cock, 1st and 2nd hen, 20d cockr�e, 2ocl pullet, Coppin A: Marshall. Black Cochin Bantams -2n1 cock, Crawford & Dell. Indian Game -1st cock, 1st Igen, lst cnrkrel, lee pullet, special 0111 cock, A. Goebel, John Howard was found drowned at Newmarket, Tile steamer Bennington ran aground in the t:arrovs above Brockville, Police Magistrate Moore of Keuora, has been suspenletl by the Government, Edward Murdock, aged seventy years, of Raleigh township, conlnritted suicide by shooting himself in the head. The Aurora, a Norwegian hark, WAS wrecked off Digby, N. S. and her crew': were .sued bya bORtf from the e shore. ; The Government has decided to ex-' empt dressed meat shipments in bond 1 from the embargo placed on cattle pro. 1 ducts troln the United States, 'l'ite jury at Port Arthur aequiued the !Urea teen, JArnsl Armstrong Joseph Hubert and Robert Lente. f the charge of conspiracy in correction with he Dexter 5011 persOnatians, The Brentford Power Committee has deckled in favor of Hydro -elect' ie power, The students and friends of McMaster University celebrated Founders' Day with an at-home, Toronto will receive between 545,000 and $5o,000 profits of the recent Can - adieu National Exhibition, The People's Column leA14M FOR SALE -Being Lot 18 Con. 18, Grey,containing 120 acres. Apply to wilt. g pI y WOODS, UraubrookP.O. 21-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE, -.A. comfortable dwelling and stable in the village of Oran - brook. There is 444 acres of land with lt. Pos- session can be given at once. For further par- tioulars apply to MRS. RADDATZ or JOHN FISCHER, Oranbrook P. 0. 12-tf COMFORTABLE COTTAGE, stable and ?Al sore of land for sale, To rnberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, ,to, Possession could be given at once. For further particulars as to pries, terms, &e., apply on the premises, ALES. MOLAU0HLIN, 741 =OR SALE OR TO RENT, -The undersigned In offers Ids well located property in Brussels for sale or to rent. There are bj{ acres of land with comfortable house, with cellar, stable, orchard, well, &o. Possession on Aug. 16th. For price terms, and other information apply to JAS. 'Dt7NFORD, Clinton or THE 70411 Brussels. THOS, DUNFORD, Langdon, North Dakota. PIGS FOR SALE. -The list includes 2 pure bred Berkshire hogs, also an Improved Yorkshire hog, about 12 mouths' old. Pedi- grees may be seen on application. 2 young sowsia Berkshire and Yorlrahirs, dno to far- row n November, and 2 Berkshire sows with litters at foot. Little pigs are erose bred and will be sold separate if desired. Bargains to ttuick parchnsora. JNO, P. 50011670811, Lot lel, Con. 12, Grey, or Oranbrook P. 0. 10.19 44 ACRES OF OHOIOE LAND for sale on MolOillop boundary, adjoining Walton village. 'There is n frame house, orehord, well, rvindudil, &o., on the premises. Itis all seed• eel down and is a desirable property. Pam•. health the reason for selling. For further psr- tictilersasto price, terms, &o.., apply on the - premises to DUNCAN 111001:7AIG, 62-bf II r.f ta. Mali Contract a Sealed tenders addressed to the Postmaster General. will be received at Ottawa until noon on January 1st, 1900, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on n proposed eOntrayt for four years, bis times per week eaoh vsy-, be- tween Gietow el and Molesworth, from the lst of Uebrttary next, Printed notices containing further inform. riot, as to conditions of proposed uontraet may be seen and blank forms et tender may be ob- rthantffioftafoeIwo, at the he O00 he PostOBen• - speetor at London, Post Offiee Dapartm ant, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa,lSth Nov., 1009. G. 0. ANDERSON, Superintendent. 1 AT Daacaals Barber Shap 1 WILL 131e FOUND D Hot Cold Baths where up to -,late service -Call and See for Yourself, 0E7`47 -7"V -TP -NP tel'' moi' "7'Yv-Rep-C) Is obtained. rt• t"arm Term Af Minter opens Jan. 4th �l vst STRATFORD, ONT...... This school is one of rho largest in the e5 Province. It is toted for the thorough- et MSS of its work and the suceess of. its ,1 studinta. Threedepert,enh+- 1commercial, Shorthand .j� Telegraphy i` Our graduates are in demand as Bust- 11048 College teachers as well as oiliee^ assistants. Get our 'magnificent ante- 1 loges, it ie free. el: try, Elliott& McLachlan, i it p Princi als. .-fsr - SUMMER SE11001. June, July and August leads into our Fall Term without say break, Enter any time, Nee, Catalogue free, Write for it to -day, CE d RSL BT,III CS NUM Tho Largest, most Reliable of its kind. W. H. SHAW Principal Tonga & Gerrard sts., Toronto as3.-Alit IrE,S.a '1('s r tes11 Cutters AVE you seen EWAN & Co's large display of Cutters? They knock out - and anything on the market, We have a very large stock of ! ynbest all kinds and sizes for the coining Winter and they are mode of the very best material, every brace about them being the very tonghest of steel, 'I'liey are trimmed \with the very best of German Moat and Leather Cloth, For style and seatless o.r little piano box Cutters can't be beaten, We have a uuntberof styles of Cutters with Tops on them which makes a most comfortable vehicle, the Tops beiing a Great weather protector. Large and small sizes in Portlnnds and a number of Street and Speeding Cutters. It will pay alt1'nne l0 051111ni-tie our two large Shove Rooms as we have a large number to choose (ruin. - Bob -sleighs - � ,'1:: y and Light Timber all Oak. Second-hand ,i 'Wes We have a number of First-class Second-hand 13uggies whicir we tvislt to die pose of this Fall. Cotte quick and get your pick, Repairs done on all kinds of Rigs in our line and at small prices, Don't miss the large exhibit at our Carriage Shop, We will save you money by purchasing your Rigs at hijiEwan & i f3RU5S`ELS r .ry t 0' see