HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-11-26, Page 7A Fp Desesieteleteteleteletet.1••1.l.,tl.,l l"tet Fashion Hints. 14 b"^•f-1,1•'i•d d l 1,•1•.1,.1,1„f..l,d„ 1,1,.1,1„ I,.p. FADS: AND FANCIES. Fox furs die the ]ostlers, 'Sleeves cannot glow any smaller. All the latest coats aro dile:aer'ie. Millinery wings aro larger than ever. Long lines ultaractcrizo evcry garment, The big pillory muff retpersedes alt others. In belts proper elastic will be tho most popular. Not for years has parted hair been so fashionable. The one Pica: dresses lead all others in popularity, The neck outline of bodices is likely to grow higher, Padded pipings with soutache are leading decoratious. The sealskin coat will be more popular than for years, It is expected that jet will have it renewed popularity. Black fox will be greatly worn in conjunction with velvet. Only the skimpiest of petticoats are allowed with long skirts. Most of the hat shapes give the effect of excessive flatness. Cozy little fur coats are to be ideal wear for youngsters. New skirts are generally plain, while bodices are highly ornate. handkerchiefs for morning aro generally of croeebarrod muslin. The low effect is adhered to in the latest hats trimmed with os- trich. Plumage hats aro in again, prin- cipally in dark, natural pheasant shades. Green tulle is used in big bows at the neck or seine place on the hat. There is no abatement of the rage for taupe color and amethys ]shades. Jewels now match the costume— cat's eye with taupe; amethyst with mauve. The Psyche knot is now much in vogue and looks well with the new turban. For winter millinery a profusion of roses, both large and small, wet bo used. Fur wraps for evening wear are cot three -cornered like the old-fash- ioned shawl. - Skirts are to he no longer, but aro Iikely to see a new outline on the train. Soutache braiding is used most effectively on the crowns, brims or ribbon trimming of the now hats. The coats that belong to dressy suits or those worn with elaborate gowns are very long. Ermine, skunk, musquash, black and white fox, sable and seal are all used in hat trimmings. Sashes of soft liberty satin, crepe, of chiffon velvet are a feature of the season's gowns. The shape of the new hats is likely to prove trying until the coif- fure is adapted to them. London has a distinctly green season, all shades of this color be- ing exploited in every material. The newest filet lace is coarse and is embroidered with colored cre- wels or coarse cotton yarn. .I. FLEAS CARRY PLAGUE. Important Discovery by U. S. Government Officers. That fleas have been discovered to be the agent for the spread of bubonic plague, conveying it from rat to rat, and thus to human be- Inge, is one of the most important statements contained in the report of. Dr. Walter Wyman, chief of the Bureau of Public Health and Ma- rine Hospital Service, Washing- ton, issued recently. In the discus- sion of the efforts being made by the Government to stamp the bu- bonic plague out of San Francisco, U. S. Surgeon -General Wyman says "A case of fatal” plague was re- ported in San Francisco in May, 1907, but no other case was report- ed until August 8. Up todate of the report (November 10, 1907) there had been 98 cases and 60 deaths, As yet it has been impossible to discover the origin of thq present outbreak, "By request of the local and State authorities, the President di- rected the Surgeon -General, through the Secretary of the Tree - eery, to take charge of the situa- tion. The disease is reported as diminishing, evidently dee to the measures enforced by the large corps of officers assigned to that duty, but the Surgeon -General as- serts that it will of necessity require a long time for complete eradica- tion. "This is bettor underetood by rea- son of the fact that the disease pre- vails among rate, and that tho fleas on the rats convey the disease from one rat to another and to hutpan beings.„ Glass Iuirrors Were known in 23 A. 1)., bet the art of maim; them was then lost, and not regained till 11300 A, D. Stella --"Why did she refuse Jack 1'' Bolla " 13ccause he could- n't etlppnrt her in the=style she Was nnaeetfttomed to." 1111.4J 411AA J,IS_il IN .1E BLOOD Liniments awl Rubbing Will 2I Cure It—The Disease Blast 14. Treated Through rho Mod The trouble with men and w lien who have rheumatism is th they waste valuable time in tryi tc rub the complaint away. 11 tit rub hard enough the friction calm warmth in ,the affected part, win temporarily relieve the pain, bil in It Blunt time the aches as pains are as bad as ever. All t rubbing, and all the liniments an outward applications in the wort won't cure rheumatism, because ]s rooted in the blood. Rubb]I won't remove the poisonous acid 1 the blood that warm woleome was found at th hands of the six ur seven foreigl ers here. These were all of the (Ger man branch of the C. I. M., 00. we were just enjoying brcakfas and telling and receiving al:l th news when the fire trumpets wer et- sounded, Soldiers were parading th etreets and warning the people the a lire was nn, and moat they shoul bei watchful, This is doubly neeos salty here, as so much wood is used 0- in com-truetion, being the cheaper, at material ae hand, and fires got fear ng fu] headway and burn out vez;l• rap eY idly. Tho miseinnarics, having 1 es i pump and hose for self-protection eh ! t umetiuzes go to big fires, weer t, they can be of help, ad; In this case breakfast was for he gotten by every one, the pump anti hose got ready, and by this the one ono said it was the bridge tha it was on fire. This being near th ?g personal effects of the writer, an of special interest now, a hurried visit was made, in the wake of the i1, "Gospel Hall Fire Department," i0 and sure enough, there was the Y gieat crowded bridge a mass of 1.' flames in the centre, where the ,r candles had boon thickets, in front s t'r the idol, and there seemed no hope of saving the 100 odd shops 88 co the bridge itself. THE PUMP AND HOSE ewere soon go to work, and did 2 splendid work for their sire, but there were three men to manage an that, and the writer seemed to be d or no use. Hearing that the Haien h Mandarin who should come to such s fires and supervise some effective a measures was ab.,ent on business cl in the country, and that the two other pumps native owned) in the city were not coming, and also not- ing that there was but one small o official helping to glfell the fire, and that with only about twenty soldi- ers, the writer hurried to then, snapped two more pictures of the bridge bottling, sent the goods and the coolies into the city and himself appeared on the scene in straw san- dals; short clothes, and with a large vet towel wound around the head, held in place by the useful queue. A great fire brigade we all were, not an axe, saw or hardly a, pail among us all! A raid was again made on my friend the innkeeper, and down in the basement a two foot coal poker was found, while next door we com- mandeered a small pail from an c]d lady. The poker was not much for power and the pail was small and lonesome, but a big noise was made on the light woodwork of the four booths (two on each side) we were trying to get out, and the tiles flew as well. The painp-and poker inspired the soldiers, and the fire was stopped at the east end of the bridge, to the good wetting of the flooring by the G. F. D. 0 d t e e A BITTER, DISAPPOINTMENT I�({1>� ��� Belle ---Did Fred find marriage as I O iY s IJ elevating as he thought it would bel Jack ---No ; it failed to lift him out of debt, FOUND RELIEF PILES CURED AT ROME By New Absorption Method, If , you suffer from bleed - leg, itching, blind or protrudin Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yours self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your e ewe locality if requested, Immedi. date relief and permanent cure as- e lured. Send no money, but tell d ot.bor.,t, of this off9r., Write to -day 11) lana. M, bummers, Box 103 Windsor, Out. Dos the pa., But Dr, Williams' Pink Pills wil they aro a blood medicil acting on the blood, That is wh the aches and pains and stilt awe len points of rheiunatism disappea when these pills are used. That why,sensible people waste. no tial in rubbing, but take fir. William Pink Pills when the first twinge of rheumatism come on, and thea speedily drive the trouble out o their system, Mr. John Evans, 1 1Cempt road, Halifax, N. 5., says "About three years ago I had attack of rheumatism which settle in my right log and ankle, whie became very much swollen and wa exceedingly painful. I wasted good deal of time trying to get ri of the trouble by subbing with lini meats, but it did not do me a bit o good, My daughter was using Dr Williams' Pink Pills at the tim and finally persuaded me to try them. Inside of a week the pills began a „an to help me, and after tak- ing thein a few weeks longer the trouble completely clisappeared a.ti has not bothered me since. My daughter was also salting the pills at the time for weakness and anae- mia, was also curet] by them, and I am now a firm friend of this mecli eine." Most of the troubles that afflict mankind are due to poor, watery blood. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ac- tually make new red blood. That is why they cure anaemia with its headaches and backaches, and diz ziness and fainting spells; the pangs of rheumatism, and the sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia; also indigestion, St. Vitus' dance, para- lysis and the ailments of young girls and women of mature age. Good blood is the secret of health and the secret of good blood is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Sold by me- dicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willi- ams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FIGHTING FIRE IN CHINA STRANGERS HELP TO QUENCH THE FLA.3tES. Travellers Come Upon a Burning Bridge and find Strange Sights. Following the main road wo found it only thirty miles north- west, to the Fn city of Yuencheo, but several passes had to be climb- ed, the days were not, and in spito of the 1,000 or more feet of altitude we were nearly roasted, entirely tired out and looking for a couple of days of rust with -fellow foreign- er8. Little did we dream of getting the mot unusual fire experience that we did, says a correspondent of the Shanghai. Mercury, It was a Saturday morning and the first day of the Chinese fifth month or "moon," when everybody must have out a lighted candle and in- cense for some one, no one knows who if you ask thein, It is "anei ent custom" and- that settles it. We had just crossed the long four- teen apan bridge which connects the city with its busy western suburb, called Kiangsi Street, and had no- ticed blazing candles, one or more iu front of each of the 108 shops or booths lining the bridge on both sides. The bridge and booths seemed to be all of wood, and it was remarked that this looked somewhat danger- ous. However, a nice inn was found at tho end of the bridge which had a back veranda facing the river and giving a good view of the bridge. As usual with sights seemingly worth it, we took a SNAPSHOT OF THE BRIDGE, put the camera back in the box, were soon more presentable for city life and found our way to the hospitable mission compound in the middle of the city. As usual a 1t.-'+4:',.eu'rt-..l0essf lack atch Clewing Tobacco The big black plug. 2200. 1 SLEEPLESS BABIES ARE SICKLY BABIES When babies are restless and sleepless it is the surest possible sign of. illness. Wel] babies sleep soundly and wake up brightly. Sleeplessness is generally due to some derangement of the stomach of bowels or to teething troubles A few doses of Baby's Own Tablets will put the little one right, end make it sleep naturally and seun:l- ly, Mothers need not be afraid of this medicine as it is guararteed by a government analyst to ."on tain no opiate or narcotic. Mrs, Louis Reville, Gawas, Ont•, says; --"I am never without Baby's Own Tablets in the house. I have used this medicine for inn% childre 1 es occasion required, for the last five years, and have found it superior to all other medicines in curing the ills of childhood," Sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Red noses, according to a French physician, are more fre- quently due to cigarette -smoking than to clrinlc. In London there is an average of one olcrgyman to every 2,000 per- sons. SAMPLE COPY FREE Would you like to have a sam- ple copy of Tlie farmer's Ade vooate and Ileme Magazine, THE BEST ARIRiCULT[URAL AND HOME PAPER on the American Continent, No progressive farmer can af- ford to be without it, Publish- ed weekly, Only $1.50 per year. Drop post -card for free sample copy. Agents Wanted. Address: "TOE FARMED'S ADVOCATE a Mention this paper, London Ont. . _ _.. IgA1._..... "Sorry, sir," telephoned the butt eller, abut we are out of sirloin. Why don'tour wife order you a round f" "What's that?" exploded Harker, at the other end of the line. 'fI say, why don't your wife order yen a round V' "Why don't my wife order me around 1 Man, that is all she does from morning until night! Yf you were nearer, I'd--" butthe startled butcher had hung up the receiver. About 30,000 earthquakes occur every year, but of these not more than sixty are violent enough to do any serious dainago, A POOR. MEDICO. "I don't believe in that doctor." "He didn't tell ma everything I wanted to eat was bad for me 1" A Wide Sphere of Usefulness.— The consumption of Dr. Thomas' ]+:electric Oil has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the fact that it has now been on the market for over thirty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that peri- od has very greatly increased. It is beneficial in all countries, and wherever introduced fresh supplies are constantly asked for. Switzerland heads the list of En- ,ropean countries in divorce, the rate being 40 divorces for every 1,- 000 marriages, France, with 21 per 1,000 coming second, and Germany third with 17 per 1,000. Year1OT Oowe Slggnle does not delay storms, Opium -Mon rnedciines" may chock coughing but rho cold Maya. Du not trifle' when you begin Dough tole Anen's bung nafeam, free from opium, fun of healing power. Medical Man—"Dobson has clone the meanest thing I ever heard of; he came to my house the other night, ate a big dinner, got indiges- tion, and then went to another doc- tor to be cured." The cheapest tea to use is not the lowest priced. You can buy tea a few cents a pound cheaper that will make a drink, but if you want an absolutely pure, healthful, cleanly prepared tea use "Salads." It is infinitely more delicious and decidedly more economical than other teas, because it goes farther. If the appetite of a man were as great 'in proportion to his size as is a 'sparrow's, he would eat a ,whole sheep at one sitting. :Not a Nauseating Pill.—The ex- cipient of a pill is the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in or- der to keep them from adhering, are rolled in powders, which prove nauseating to the taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. First Youth—"Scientists say that trees contribute to the heat in the atmosphere." Second Youth — "That's so; a birch has warmed me many a time." After a Cold Drive don't ionto take a teaspoon- ful of Painkiller mixed with a );lase of bot water ped sugar. It surely prevents ohms. Avoid sub- stitutes, there is but ono "Painkinor "—Perry Dario' -850. and 00o. Wife—"Do come over to Mrs. Barker's with me, John. She'll make you feel just as if you were at home." Her Husband—"Then what's the use of going 7" Whore can T get some of Hollo- way's Corn Chisel I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for lay friends. So writes Mr. J. W Brown, Chicago. Just after attnl•ise is said to be the coldest period of the day, ow- ing to the evaporation of a cold moi- Isture from the earth under the s`tn's first says. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of. worms. SMART. Slick '(to Blossom)—"Is this Mr. Bloomer's office?" Blossom—"No, His office is on the other side of the passage." Slick (]caving the door open as be walks out)—"Thank you, sir." Blossom --"Hey I Come back and close that door] Haven't you any doors in your house 1" Slink—"Yes, sir; but they all have springs on 'eine Allow me to show you, sir, my patent double- haek-action-door spring. It closes the door without a bang, and will last t. lifetime." --- The The shelves of the British Mese. 11111 are cstimetcd to 0otitein thirty- nine In his of books. e AF1'Elt YEARS OF SCFFERING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CL'IUiD U]111. Pleasant Point Matron Tells Her Suffering Sisters Ifow to he Free. 150110 the Terrible Pains that Make Life a Burden, Pleasant Point, Ont., Nov, (Speeial).—That most of the ills that the suffering women of Canada have to bear are due to disurdercd Kidneys, and that the natural cure fur them is Dodd's Kidney Pills, is once more shown in the e0.00 of Mrs. Merril C. Clarke, a well-known re- sident of this place and a prom- inent member of the Salvation Army, Mrs. Clarke is always read to give her experience for the be nefit of her suffering sisters, "My sickness commenced twenty years ago with the change of life," says Mrs. Clarke. "My health was in a bad state. Water would run l from my head which would make me faint, When I came out of the fainting spells I took fits. I was bloated till I was clumsy, The pain I suffered was awful. It would go Lc my feet and `bon to my head. Many doctors attended me, and I tried many medicines, but nothing gave me relief till I used Dodd's Kidney Pills.—The first box stopped the fits and seven boxes cured me completely.',' Every suffering woman should use Docld's Kidney Pills. They make strong, healthy kidneys, and the woman who has good Kidneys is safeguarded against those terrible pains that make miserable the lives cf so many women, H IIOW TO HANDLE SICK STOCK. Place the sick animal in a well disinfected and dry box stall with plenty of beddingand sunlight (avoid drafts), In cold weather place a blanket on the animal, feed sparingly with digestible food, such as bran mashes made of linseed tea; keep manger sweet and clean. Water should be pure and clean, and warmed when necessary. It is always necessary for new milch cows to be given warm water. An injection of warm water (per -rectum) should he given all sick animals, excepting those afflicted with looseness of the bowels. THE SULTAN'S CIGARETTES. Probably the Inose particular smoker iu the world is the Sultan of Turkey, whose recent granting of a eoustitaltion to his subjects ha attracted uuiversa1 attention, cigarettes must be of the finest pos Bible quality, and to ensure this they aro znacle in n ,small factory in the ]loyal palace itself. Boat Bali -dozen workmen, fife Wiest skill- ed to be found, are daily engaged le a light, airy room, containing a couple of ]land -cutting machines of the simplest pattern, and here they examine the bales of Turkish grown tobacco raised for rho Sul- tan's use. The best crops in the country are marked for his special benefit, and what i0 not actually selected for malting into cigarettes must be destroyed, A hundred- weight cif Leaves may be turned over before a pound sufficiently fine and flawless fur the Royal lips is found. And the flavor is unde- y niably superb. BRUDDAH BEN'S PHILOSOPIHY 2 e rcos , , . P.^'F i,-. .err ,MONEY for agents selling our toilet 10 100 roots malting 1113.01 a nay. \vrlte at or:oe fur null p1i'Licalai's 10 the SOAP SUPP1Y 00., 00R 332, Toronto , I " raFCf3Fd4elet The1ermWilli " i Seery tomos from the Reline town Alilan, xllich was fnrlucrly the ceulre of fashion f•,,r ladies' hats. Hn rto ' i floanse clic System' i Parmelee's Vegetable Pula aro the result rrf scientific study of the of- ' fetes of extracts of certain runts and h, rte union the dige-etive or- gans. T,:eii' use has denionstai'Ied in many instanees that they- regu- late the action of the liver and the kidne,•s, purify the blood, and ear- iy off all morbid accumulations from the system. They are easy to take, and their action is mild and beneficial, HIS WISH FULFILLED. A Garman peddler rapped timid- ly at the kitchen entrance. Mrs. Kelly, angry at being interrupted in her washing, flung open the dour and glowered at him. "Did you wish to see me 7" she demanded in threatening tones. The peddler backed off a few steps. "Veil, if I did," he assured her with an apologeteo grin, "I got my vial, thank you," The winner in a political contest can see the world is growing wiser. "A little Cold, You Know," will become a grant danger if it be allowed to reach down the throat to the fangs. Nip the peril 0 the bud with Allen's Lung Balsam, a sure remedy containing no opiates. Brushes made of such thin glass fibre that they are like spun silk are used by artists when decorating china. A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet there is a simple cure within the reach of all in Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup, an old-time and widely recognized remedy, which, if resorted to at the /neap - ion of a cold, will invariably give relief, and by overcoming the trou- 1e, guard the system from any seri- es consequences. Price 95 cents, at all dealers, t b 0 b to re d m la it d to to The lonliest people in Europe live n the extreme north of Sweden, 00 miles from a railway and a day's ourney from their nearest neigh- or. The Jope 111d It. They sopppliel the hfehthol nod in "rhe n k L" Menthol Plaster, whioh lioves Instantly backache, headache, neuralgia, thoumatiam and enlatica, A police -sergeant was boasting of the honesty that prevailed in his ivision. "Why," he said, "you j fight hang your gold watch on a' mp-post in the evening and find still there in the morning." "You on't mean to say nobody would ke the watch 1" exclaimed the lis - nee. "No; I mean to say nobody would take the lamp -post," said the sergeant. "Wimmin folks am queer institu- tions," said Bruddah Ben - "In what way 7" asked Bruddah Hickey. "Why, during yo' conrtin' days dey am always ready to fall on yo' neck, an' aftah de wedding cere- mony dey am always ready to• -fall on yo' pocket -book." Merchant— He was an excellent book-keeper. He kept our books for many years in an exemplary way. I should have kept him at it. Friend—"What did you do 7" Merchant—"I made him cashier." I Friend—"How did he do in his new position?" Merchant—"Excellent- ly. He kept the cash." 1 {{ �{ tab or a titular+ ARE YOU CK ab:11 87 rn011001 remodiea. Hurn 051,e to ovary can0. 2u years' ex- Oportonee in Gennnn7. ,tugland and Canada, The..xcaiainr chemical Wor'Ye, 101 Banton Street, Borl_ualil WM. 110014,4 0 WI FURS MHO ' Highest pricespaid. write L'r price itut. a,tdross ;thane Hanthew, temp Brook, 50945011s Co , 8,8, Give a small boy apiece of chalk• and he will make his mark in the world. Only those who suffer from piles can know the agony, the burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing pains which this ailment eaume and the way it wrecks the suflcror's life Zam•Buk is blessed by thousands who used to suffer from piles, but whom it has oared. One. such grateful person is Nice. Elizabeth. Taylor of Greenwood Avenue, Toronto. Sho says: "For four long years I suffered acutely from bleeding piles. During that titnelspent an immense„ amount of money on 'remedies' and doctor's prescriptions but I got no ease. Zam-Buk was differ- ent to everything else I had tried and it cured me. I em grateful for the cure, and art I have never had piles onto since, I know the cure is permanent." Another thankful woman is Mrs. A. B. Gardiner, of Catelina Trinity Bay. She says : "In my ease Zam•Buk effec- ted a wonderful cure, For 12 years I had been troubled with blind, bleeding and protruding piles, I had been using. various kinds of ointments, eto., but never came across anything to do mo goad until I tried Zam-Buk which cured moi That this may be the means of helping some sufferers from piles iotry Zam•Buk is the wish of one who has found great relief." Zam-$irk is n rarely herbal balm and should be in ovary homeI Cures outs, hurns, bruises, 000008, ulcera, blood - poisoning itch,. co'd•sores, chapped Lands and all 1laeaso0 nod. f+ jurIea of the skin, etc. All drug/date and stores ntt/01/ox, or from Zam•Buk Co., Toronto, for price. WANT1:;3.11:14:::11';;;;I y loeANt,' VYHItl nWa J ., ree SL,re1 alack un 01sldMna xm 11 'd ug t r alar �p6p' Y � nrou d nliryy oar 'pi n pueee. 0,0.0,0 W de. nor ,,an1• WM. R. WARNER MED. C00 Landon, Out., Caeade. CARPET DYEING end Rummies. Thin 11 m Bpenlaity with th0 BRITISH AMER/DAN DYEING 00. 0oad particulars by ,on mud wo ern aura t0 ..51.17 j.1y Addroms Box 185. Mnntrio./. 4&1E sE RINGS FREE 7 yh 10ne,nly 11 r0ekago.nnwr. maµ nfl,nnthlg4 grad, ArtaComle Picture Post (lards Six for 100. for Six. 01Ni► Nee AA0REW 30.tyeur nems 1011 mbirec,. We mad cords bonsai.. 8a1. them at 10e 0 Pkge; nd Bend in ,110 01.50 and rnu will :rive by rerun, moll ymrrhu ce receive fife„ Worrmneed 1e1c 8.111 -Cold Wel stege we bar, ee Orel equally heedful Wks and many nth rdot Welch Premium. to theme from. bo not deur. ,trite hurley and ret telCcomplete en Premium er. Adre Colonial Art Co., Dept. 53, Toronto I PIANOS ARE CANADA'S BEST MI5 EYERYCOCY KNOWS IT PAIS TI BUY THE BEST Sand for our Pros Catalogue No. 75, The Bell Plano & Or ou Go., K. Guelph, Ofd hfakero of Belt Plonoe, Ben Orcane and Aotonela Player Pianos. Large Manufacturing §s l t Y i f TO LEASE FLAT 67-71 Adelaide St. West ; I About 40x200, lighted by • thirty-five windows, the en- g € tire length of three sides, also from ten large skylights, most up-to-date manufacturing flat e in central part of Toronto ; i rental includes power, steam ; heat, water, electric Iight, at 10 per cent. less than city rates; lowest insurance rate; ., immediate possession; low rental to high-class tenant. S, FRANK WILSON OWN= 73 Adelaide Street West =' TORONTO ONT. A. J. PATTL S si} N & CO. 33..35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO, Stock Brokers and Financial Agents and other stocks bought and sold on commission. Correspondence invit. ed. Orders may be wired at our expense. COBALT .°iit.a t4..- et ih,s:''1'i°,AleetefC;" 43x56 inch bed, cost 82,500, Will be Sol cl for $400 Cash In order to slake room for larger and faster eachiues, 11 is in good running. order, tie it Inas just been thoroughly overhauled by a competent machinist. The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.