The Brussels Post, 1908-11-26, Page 5A A 1 BUSINESS CARDS. lAT H. MoORACKEN--. • Issuer of etarrlago Licenses, pf- aeo µt Grocery, l'uruberry street, lirUssela, MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, ONT. K. O. T, M. Br000elo Tont of the Maooabeoo. No. 24 bold their rugular meetings fu the Lodge Boom, hooker Sleek, 0u the let and 8rd Tuesday ova:Alma of 000h mouth. Visitors always welcome. A�SOM EIES, Com, A, MOG1:11RE, R. A, JAMES HARRIS, Agent Lowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company pfltoo and Reslden0o- WALTON. ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN n laenndlion, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH AUCTIONEERS, 1.i\ S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- usa, will sell for bettor prices, to better moo, En lose time and loss charges than any other Auctioneer in East Baron or he won'tobarge anybhing, flutes and orders 00.22 always be arranged at tine office or by p sten:al npptioation. ROBT. 11. GARNISS 11LUINVA L14 •- ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms rensonablo, Sales arranged for at too aloe of Tan POST, Br00sole, 22tf VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAIVI- kee Honor Uraduaco of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat ail dis- eases of dom00tles ted autmula Ina enmpet- ant manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Ueutfstry mud Milk fever: Valls promptly attended to. Oliloe and Infirmary -)'our doors North of bridge, T n'nborry at.. Brussels. Phone 4711 LEGAL AND CURVEYANCINll. IAT M. SINOLAIR— er • Barrister, Solicitor, Ouuvoyanoer, Notar, PublicY abl a h o. Unna - n lit ort' HI 3)w look 1)k idoor Notthof tieutral Hotel, Boli L of or for the Metropolitan of Ga0 Bnnk. p 1Dit0IID1roor, BAYS & BLAIR- BAB1II8VEBB, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUIO CIO, 17'30. W. Pnovoroo,, 1C, 0. B. 0. liege G. le. Main, Oflloee-Thoma formerly 000elded by Messrs (lamoroo as Bolt. Gonsa000, 0smAnxo. DENTISTRY DR. R, P. PEILD, RMN'I'lt r Graduate of the Royal (foliage Of Dental ear o 1)u of a e GuEarlo, end Fen oI Netl HonorGraduate o University. Utfior past to IIrownr's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, gyp ' 0h sY n sis f 0 o Canadian Northwest P No thwe t HOMESTEAD REOULATIONs' ANY even numberodtseetiou of Dominion Lauda in Manitoba, easleateholvan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by auy person trio is the sole head of it family, or any m07e over 18 yearn of age, to the extent of one-quarter 0e0/ton of 180 acres more or lase Entry may be made personally at the local laud ahem fur Cho distriot in whlol the land la situate. The homesteader is required to perform the oovdltion s on ng eoted therewith under one ot thefol o I w ugplans ens p (1) least six months' residence upon and thou of tba laud in osoh year for throee cultivation years, ' ieisdeceasethe d)E off the111hoomesteadern father upon a farm 10 the vicinity of the laud entered for the requiromeuto as to 0001• douse may bo sal(aaod by such person re- siding with the father or mother, donne (upon farming 0 laud °weed byyt hism in the vioiuity of hie homestead, th0 re- gairomnMe an t0 rooldeuoo may be initia- lled 1xmouthe notice 1x10 writingf should be 6ivou to the Oommiosiouor of Dominion Landsat Ottawa of intention to .apply for patent, Deputy of file Mib aWtor0of Interior, N. B. Unauthorized publimetion of thla ad. V00410emeet will not be paid for, SINGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BESTI Machines may be seen at Mc1CAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. , gamy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the Nordheim• er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT SAL Farmers or Storekeepele by coming to the ]3ru s st;ls Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they L'equire. Business Cards �._ A.H MONTEITH _.._. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, 0)131)003)01' 10 A. B. Macdouaid, Utiles over Standard Bank, Brussels. OR. HAMJ(.TON Dental Surgeon, UBloe opposite tiro poetollloe, /:0'W11( Molt (Jamie the first Mid third Monday of 000h month. 004hu DR. T. T. M'RAE Bachelor of Mediolee, 'Unlveralty of'L'oronto Ltornth(te and graduate of the College of Phy. Melons and Surgeons, Out, • ('00t•Rradnntt0 Ohmage Eye, Ear, Nose and Phrmlt liospi1nl, 0hleargo, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to SC. Mich- ael's Hospital, Toronto. Oliloo over 1(',11„ timtth's Drug Store, Tele- phone eonneotiml with Oran brook at all hours, aroma maa `ZlraPv*d1iTI !nazi' livor BRUSSELS Goma Sower G01b0 Non'rn Moil 7:06 a m ! Express . 10:6622 m Expreress ,8:02p in Express 11:6o 11 :26 n m I Mnil 1:44 p nl Exp0 p WALTON To Toronto To C 0110110(4 ss..311miEx} .,•••,.11:81 a rrtExpressl,,.,,. : p Exams.' 7:a7pm istri.ct 'Rano Gorrie Miss Lottie Ph£t)1) daughter of Thos. and Mrs, Pixair, was forced to under- go an operation for appendiciUs at the Guelph hospital onT'uescla'y of last week, N, McLaughlin, of Toronto, son of T. H. and Mrs. McLaughlin, of town, is, we are sorry to learn, confined to the hospital with an attack of typhoid fever. Oscar Spence, of the Bank of Hamil- ton staff, is laid up with muscular rheumatism eumati sur in Corrie. He will not likely take •ha' Y� Lge of Wroxeter and 1'ordtvich branches when he resumes work. The curlers met on Monday evening of last week and organized for the season with the following officers ;- tion. Pres., Thos. (Jhishohn, 1411. P. ; Rion. Vice Pres., A. H. 'Musgrove, M. P. P. ; Pres., T. Andrew ; Vice Pres., 11. V. Holmes ; Secretary, Samuel Stimson ; T1'ea5„ .Jho, . Uamcnaod ; Business Committee, Holmes, Stin- son and Walker. The twenty-seventh anniversary of the dedication of the Presbyterian (}mooch of Gerrie will be held on Sim - day, Nov..,0 Y, and 1 11))1(1Y, a Nov. 80. On Sunday Rev.' 1 Ir.P • elric of t 1V3n 1g ha m will conduct services 3)L 2.30 and 7 p. m. Monday a tea Meeting and fowl supper will be hetet, at which an entertainment twill be provided, and in which the Gerrie Orchesteet will take par(•, It is expected addresses will be delivered by Revds. Messrs. Perrie, Pair, McTavish and Perrin. Judge Holt held court in Corrie on Tuesday of last week. Anson Spot - Lon, of Harriston, and R. Vanstoue, of 'Wingham, were here in connection with the Shier-Sbarpin case, in which Mr. Shier, who had been entrusted with the disposal of the Corrie "Vid- ette," claimed certain commission on the transfer, which Mr. Shemin 1 1'n claimed was eonsuuimatod after 100 days after the signing of the contr'act. Mx'. Shier claimed that the time speci- fied in the contract was 200 days. Mr. Sharpie denied this claiming that 100 days was the period s ecided in the original contract. However•, the judge maintained the contention of Mir. Shier, and rendored judgment for some $23, the original claim amount- ing to $52, Each party was asked to pay their own costs. Wingham Miss Ethel Hall is recovering nicely from an attach of fever. Alva Fleming has seeurecl &situation in a gents' furnishing store in .Bssex Oen ire. Wingham Baptist church has ex- tended a call to Rev. Mr. Cresswell, of Pembroke. Mrs. Geo. 0. Hanna has had a long. period of illness and is still unable to leave her room. luspector Robb made his semi-an- nual visit of inspection to our Public School last week. Wingham Y. M. 0. A. will hold a Concert in the opera house on Friday evening, December 410. Miss Lena Awde, a graduate of the Wingham Business Oollege, want to Toronto to 1311 a position. M. Beckwith has gone into business for. himself. He uses the oven on Geo. MoKenzie's property, and has his shop one door South of Hanna Bros. Westminster Guild, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, I'Vingham, held the election of officers for the year 1000, resulting as follows :-Hon. President, Rev, .ont, Hecto' Mutton ; 1sttee° Vice -Presi- dent, Miss 0. Fargnhtti'son ; 2nd Vice - President, Miss L. Cummings Finan- cial -Secretary. J. McGillivray , Re- cording -Secretary, Miss Pender ; Or- ganist, Miss L. Wilson 1 Couvenors of committees Prayet' Meeting Com- mittee, R. McBurney ; Lookout Com- mittee H. Parker ; Social Committee, Miss L. Gordon ; Literary Committee, Miss A. Culnlnings ; Flower Cron- mittee, Miss 1+. Patterson. DO Vbur eobta Pinch 7 If ea look out for a tiny corn. Owe) it before it grows big. Putuarn's Pain- less Corn I1,xtvaotor is the best. Try "Putnam's." Exeter The local Y. M, 0. A. )las engaged Jos, Senior's s Hall for o their em w1) '1 L c and will meet each Monday night. Main street Methodist church 3)o- civ ez sary ryas held last Sunday. Rev. MoCarnus, of St Marys, preached. Wnl, Bell, of Chicago, visited re- latives here. Mr. Bell has heed on the police force in that city for 22 years, and Ints not been here foe 30 year's, 1X1) naturally finds many changes in this Vicinity. Alfeed Sheer° sulfated a stroke of ,partial paralysis of the right, side and 111 order that he Might receive roper attention he Was taken to the House of Refuge al Clinton. Although he (ordoh Mooney, 10 not, rendered enable to clove by the Poretaan etr0103 he gets (1301111 with the groat - Brussels. est ditlihoiilty, Bev, (lolug1)nd 11. E. Huston \ver in Loudon incl We(' attending (1t sestIon of the London tender/me Special Milli 1111 it e. A. l.. 11e(I1+11) +'d(1 him patsent 1'0 the wan tlf1el,rtee 01 leis exten2)ou *tee silo (melt for concrete slles to the Lon (Ion Leonert'teMacltlueCompany, Me 13.011,31 t also Male se ye,u• a ('(ll lrae with the Optimally t1, represent then as t7.'avclliug salesman. The Gillis (Join petty is malting rani e >x La•e is in the erection of the' Saw and Stave 111)11, North of the Canning Parlors', The b\tihiing, which is 1 toot long and about 310 feet hide, Is caulplet•1d with the ('xceplion of the /Wheeling of the roof, and placing of the bo(tex • and engine 110w mccnpying tlleu' atte1ltion. e dist and in polities till 010111 1 Liberal.a 113, (lop I Is Aurviv,ld by his wife. (h11'v' e a02,8, .1it1n101' X(101011101, 1Vlu, of 1 n 11- r0uvel' and Han 1UPI (11' Cillifori,in : r 4)11''P rlautfb1x+r(:, MIN. John 1.4,ht• l fotvle1', of Jugersoll, Mrs, Samuel Lit- -tlo, of ;tits tireger, Alan, and Mrs,I \1'1)1, Weseatt, of town. The run- t e oral took place 1)u Sunday afternoon1 from the resldeuoc' 01' his (141101 - or, Mrs, William1V1scott, to the c1 7341114 tnt b L 1 1Lnk e(•inelur}•. The s(•1' - vices were conducted by Rev. 1). Rog- ers, The members of the 1. 0.1", lodge, of which the ileeease(1 was a 1441'1111)4'1', WW1 in attendance. Mrs, Copp and family Will share largely in Um sympathy of the. eommnumity. - Tickling, tight Coughs, can be sure- ly and Meekly loosened with it pres- cription Druggists are dispensing everywhere as Dr, ShooJl's 0n0g11 Re- medy. And itis so very. very differ. eat than common cough medicines. No Opium, nc, Chloroform, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. The teudor leaves of a harmless, lung healing rncninlainone shrub give the curative properties to ler. Sboop's Cough Re- medy. Those leaves have the )ower to calm the most cli0treseiug Cough and to soothe and heal the most sen- sitive bronchial membrane. Mothers 811(x11(1 for safety's sake alone, always demand Lir. Shoop's. It can With perfect fl•oecioln be given to even the youngest bathes, Teat it yourself. ! and see, Soicl by all dealers, Listowel Rev. N. A. P. Bourne, of Christ church, tendered his resignetion to the Wardens. It is said he is likely to go to Alliston. St. Andrew's nicht, Monday, Nov. 30, is to be celebrated by the sons of aul(1 Scotia iu town with a gl'a2tc1 Scottish concert in the music hall, The local parley of deer hen els xre- turns d from n Husk 1• They bad a pleasant. time butll} dinot have much luck. only killing two deer in all. Reeve. hacking has been in Toronto as chairman of the municipal deputa- tion from Por'tl1 County 311tarviewiug the Ontario Government in regard to establishing tuberculosis hospitals. Pone ear loads of timber and lumber arrived last week over the 0. P. R. for the new addition to the chair factory. The material has been ualoade(1 at the rear of the present factory, where the new building, which is to be a three story brick structtite, will be erected. Anniversary services nes l t t11eB vllbe held in Baptist c�' llnr 11 I c on Sunc1 aY, Nov, 20th. h when t Rev. D.J.1 'Welsh, President of the Walkerton Baptist Association, will occupy the pulpit Monday evening a popular musical lecture on "Philip Paul Bliss, 'Music- ian and Evangelist," will be given by Rev. Mr. Place. The annual meeting of the Listowel Curling Club was held in the Public Library bnildiug and following &d- aces elected •-11.on.-President, A. F. MacLaleu ; President, (co. Melrose ; 'Vice -President, E. 0. Thornton • Sec.- Teetk5„ J. N. Hay ; Executive, Messrs. Boehmer. Morphy, Campbell, J. 0. Hay ami W. Oliulie, Tell Hay. Fever Friends, Let them know, if they have Hay Fever or Asthma, that Oatarrllozone cures permanently. Relief is instant and results guaranteed in the worst cases. All dealers sell Catarrhozono foe $1.00, Try it. SeaForth 1V. II, Oughton le:1L las • L week for Colliugwoocl, where he has secured a position, Alex. Winter has the contract to install gasoline lamps in the Bruce field Presbyterian church, The Seaforth Choral Society is now a strong organization, having between 00 and 70 members. with the fol- lowing officers :-Pros„ Mx'. Larkin ; Treas.' Mr. DeLacey ; Sec., Mrs. Gots son. Committee -Mrs. 5 peace, Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. P x Revere t t. J Scott Mr. Reynoldsl I and E. Bright., , Another old r 5)1111nt of Seaforth passed away on 'Thursday, Nov. 1261o, in the person of Wm. Oopp, at the age of 77 years and 3 months. Mr. Copp was born in Devonshire, England, in 1881. He came to Canaria in 18110 and settled in ,St. Thomas for a number of years, later coming to Hay township where he engaged in farming. Dis- posing of his farm ho moved to Sea - teeth abort 24yea1•s ago and followed .the occupation of contractor and builder until a few years ago when he retired front active business life. In church relationship he was a Metho- Stage Grocery ET Si E lluy you)' Groceries at the Star Grocery where we 8011 everything up-to-date, of best quality and at mederttte prices. If you have never been In Dui• store we invite you to call nod have a look over our stuck and get Our prices, We feel satisfied we can suit you both ha goods and prices. It casts notlhing to look in and we are always pleased to see our friends. We have aur new stock of Relsins, Cm' - tants end Peels for Than 1(sgiving anti Christmas trade, We have just received a very pretty and well selected stock of Thanksgiving incl Hallow/eel, el, Post Cards. Remem- ber your friends be sendh+ then some of theme cards in sea0ee, Our Resu'ursnt department will be cop• theme through the Winter, We will S:rt+0 Hot Bovril, Beset end 'Tomato Sieves, etc, lliglhest'1','Acle anti Cash prices paid for Perm Produce, Pottllt'y and Dried Apples. Salt to hu11( or by the barrel. 00041 Bread always on hand. W. T. Spence ETHEL. Thin as a Rall, Aro You 7 );very day spending all much energy 25 y00 make -if the balance gums It little further, well, you get Ihinraxr. On the clanger line to drty,-.-tc1 morrow may be too late I Better 0184. 1''ml•- roulne, it builds up -a little gain the first week, but the gain keeps grow - mg. Next week, not quite so tbh1. Keep eight on, lots of fat won't hurt at all, Your our blorcl is enriched, cheeks grow rosy, your heart and nerves grow strong and yon don't tire so quickly. Joyous robust health, a Mewls, home and et cheerful mind -all these come with Ferrozone. You'll try it, only 50c, at all dealers, Herman Rev, .1:. Medd, of Forest, took charge of the C. O. F. service in the Methodist Church last Sunday mare- it1g. Tho markets have remained station- ary for the past 'few weeks and not a great amount of grain has been brought in. - Nelse Blatchford is expected home from North Dakota about the end of the month He has been very ill since going West. The Council talk of furnishing tile to•11 1 na5117L small drain. f. al 1. l p the old t of t+ tLLel'- eouxse from D. Grassick's corner to the London Road. - A door has been put in at 010 sta- tion connecting the waiting room with the office, which is found a great convenience in transacting business. The G. T. R. should build a new sta- tion. The ladies of -Carmel Church are preparing to give a St. Andeew's sup- pei, consisting of fowl and haggis to- gether with short bread and other Scotch dishes. A-concer't will also be held. Fordwich . W. Moote, M ole wllo has been nrr na- L era cl u edit)' g txofth' the Jax•vis Recall ' ' for several years has resigned his position. Wilfrid McLaughlin, who has been attending Harriston High School since September 1st has taken a position on the Record staff. Frank U. Bricker has sold his blaelc- smithing business fn 80110 ROM, Mich., and has taken an interest it1 a gener- al store in the same town. J. Leggett, principal of our school, has been re-engaged for 1000 at the same salary its he is receiving this year. Miss M. Roadhouse has also been re-engaged as teacher of the junior department for the ensuing 1 s attle ea me ure sal 3)r h. yttss Blare- ceiv' re- ceiving now. A cow and a heifer, owned by Wm. Gibson strayed away from hone on Thursday evening, 12th hist, to the railway crossing 0u Main street and crossed the cattle guards into the O. P. R. yards. When the night train arrived, the cattle were on the track, the cow being nearly killed told' Woe heifer was so badly injured tho.t she had to be 1 ki l lac, No doubt if the Company is liable, Mr. Gibson will snake them pay the bill. a Prevent taking cold. Often you come home, cold and shivering -feet are wet, throat is raw, - chest a httle sore. A bad cold is just. beginning. Pat a Nerviline Porous Plaster on your chest, rub your throat with Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of Nerviline 1 Ilene f11 hat water. This p reveal s a chill, incl checks the cold instantly. No remedies so useful in the house, so sure to prevent serious illness as Nerviline and Nerviline Plasters. Sold by all dealers, 25c. each, but be sire you get the genuine, and refuse any substitutes. Atwood Miss Mabel Kidd returned to her home after a two months' visit with friends in Poterboro,' Rev. ,las. Menzies, 111. D., mission- ary on furlough from Henan, C11ina1, preached in the Presbyterian church, .Atwood, on Sabbath, 1:IE0 0x GLANDERS. -Infected With telt. Isere 10)1(1 terrible disease of gland- ers while experimenting with its germ Dr. Thomas M Wilson, of Atwood, died Thursday moruillg, 10th inst., at the Presbyterian 1 001)1ta1 be Chicago. Dr, Wilson WAS ptll'slling to, course of post. graduate work in the labratory of Prof. Ludwig Hektoem at Rush Medical College, and it is sn posed that it was there the malignant germs enterocl his system, The disease developed two weeks ago. He was placed in an isolated room at the hospital and the doctors and iulrses began a stubborn contest again - sI the nlltlacly. Glanders occur fee- gtlently in horses and some other animals, but is faro in human beings, and in the majority of eases fatal to them, It attitcks the mucous mem- beano of the nose and respiratory passages. C�uite a pleasant evening was spent at the residence or Thee, E. Hamsmond, 1411 0011., Wh011 the annual meeting of the Mt, Pleasant beef as - etiolation t was held on the 10111 inst. Itw t 3)A shown by the report rand that 22 beeves had been Alaughtered dui' - in the season, i; , tvhic.il had made an aggregate of 10,78:1 lbs. of dressed Meat, The average per share per season being 500 2.1.1 lbs„ a7ertege Weight per share per week being 92 3.11 lbs, Some ('Manges had been Made in the regulations for the past Season which scene to have proved saLisfaetos'y 0u the whole as no cone. 'debits Were raised in that emebeetjon. Aftete the business of Inst season was all wound up, the company oegauized again, adopting the same rules and I'm ulatons for nextsettson, 1041(14111 the old Board of Management Were re- appointed for 1000 as follows :---Thos, Stnitll, Presidtult; Thos, i1';, limns fesemermaatteetniSaSeallantereiteialatertMetteeleSeleteeseeiteeetreee ve ..;ane Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, thea stated by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says, w• publioh our formulas •, wobenl.h *100001 dg from. cur medIOtne, wpmnie0 yon to A..41 your doctor Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills In the house. Just one pill atbedtlme, now and I then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, Indigestion, sick headache. How many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. --Made by the J. 0.4Y0r Oa, Lowell, Man*,--. ers mond. Secretary ; Wm. Bell, Treas. ; George W. /tiles 10n(1 J. B. Reach, in- spectors ; John McKenzie, auditor ; Trani( Reath., J. lborn and Benny Ronnonbur'g, business committee. .A. good percentage of the representa- tive tickets were drawn by tllasepres- ent, and the agreement subscribed to by the parties interested, and every- thing passed off quietly and in a most satisfactory manner. The 3)',c , vo el l' i , Pratt was AS htu ' nec i off Long Point Island. . 'Poe crew land- ed in the \Awl. 'The temperance party of Hamilton will make a vig0rotal personal canvass for local option in that city. The statement conies from Duluth that Messrs, Mackenzie & Mane have an option on the Rainy River Railway at sixteen million dn1111re Hugh Aratstt•ong, member for Por. (age la Prairie, was sworn in as Pro vinclal Treasurer in the Roblin Gov- ernnrent'I'hursday morning, succeeding Hon. 7, H, Agnew, deceased. A clergyman writes : "Preveuties, those little (;Andy Cold Cure Tablets 'L working \gond r es in my parish." ." Pt(t lathe- b At1rP. 1 will the cheek a o Yc kl 3)r the Grippe, h e, in it very few boobs. And pee -verities are so safe and harmless. No Quinine, nothing harsh nor sicken- ing. fine for feverish, restless child- ren. I3ox of 48 at 25c. Sold by all dealers, A sad accident happened in the Port 131gin Dotlll0ioe Pressed` Steel Works Thursday morning- iu which Edward Williams lost his life. While he ane other helpers were nh0710e a riveting machine the base on which it was placed became overbalanced on the rollers and the machine being top heavy fell and struck a pinch bar which Mr. Williams was a usitig, which appears to have struck him on the right side and wrist, t causing imiltediate death, Mr. Williamscame from Pittsburg as a welder. Violet Norton, the twelve -year-old daughter of Edward Norton, Flamboro' street, Dundas, WAS run over by a Ham itton & Dundas car in Dundas about 5 o'clock Thursday evening and received injuries from which she died- at her home about re o'clock that eight. Miss Norton was crossing Che tracks near the canal when her fo',t caught in the frog, She tried to p0111 it out, but without suc- cess, and though she called for help, no person was near. Shm•tiy after her f oat was caught she heard the car ap- proaching. She cried to try and at- tract the motorman's attention and threw her body to one side, but the spot was unlighted and he could not hear her cries over the noise made by Um car, The first he knew of the de- cide was Vas AfteC the cal' Wheels hart pas. sed over her leg. This was terribly crushed meat• the knee. She was taken hone whersa Dr. was called. He fir's thou(ht doe should be taken to the city hospital for treatment but she was too weak from lots of blood and shock, and rapidly declined, You get 11ot only MORE Stove Polish, but also the besd stove polish that tummy 1)011 buy when 1)u use (t „ "nisei( k i ICn ht g It is not affected by the heat, and with very little labor the stove stays bright and shiny when polished with " Black Knight,n Shines quickly too -and always ready for lose, Reeps Stoves Grates, lrouwork, stn, fresh rulrt clean with practicellyno trouble. )f yon are unable to obtain "Shack 211441(1" in your town, 50nd name of 1(eare81 (lrafar and IOC for full stud Call. The 1, F, DAL1',EYCO. f13t0((d. 020 flimflam, . Onl, Sox and Rubbers. Isassaimpa • i<6 No matter how cold or slushythe weather is, your feet will be snug and ,warm in a pair of socks and rubbers, Thick, warm, fleece -lined socks and stout snag - ?roof rubbers—that's a combination that can't be beat For out -door winter work. We have them in all styles and sizes. They are priced down to rock bottom, too. - Sale agents for J. D. Ring ,Stub)) Proof. P Guaranteed. very fair In our Harness Department YOU 11) 11 find a ristook Etc., at lowest prieos. Also all styles of Harness, both heavy and light. Repairs in Harness, Collars, Boots.and Shoes promptly done. I. C. RICHARDS soorgsoti.mosztowsafss ®1'A. _4e. A,. ban mines ir Havirmg purchased the Harness B13ssi- ness of Mrs i,. J. Lowry, Brussels, I beg to inform the public that 1 am now in possession and able to attend to their wants in Light and Heavy Harness, Robes, Rugs, Blankets,' Bells, Combs, Brushes, &c. First-class st ock of Tr u nks rSatche1's and Telescopes. e 8. Special attention paid to the Harness Repair Department. I have retained the services of lyi. r. 1i,. Crone, well known to the public. It will be my pleasure to make the acquaintance of all old customers and will be glad to add to the list. Satisfaction Assured. AiI Work Guaranteed. Prices flight. HOUSE is a Leader This Range has six boles, a 19 -gallon Reservoir, ane 1i N ekle Base. a e. It sells e at ... - High Warming Closet $6.00 extra. A Cast iron Range "Corona," six holes, Reservoir, with High Warming Closet-- $36.00 loset- 36n00 $J. 00 A four holed Range with High Shelf and Reservoir for only - 28.00 The best Bargains on the Market to -day DON'T MISS THEM C/16rr NATIONAL 0.R NEW Ki alker .,Hai ls ROLL" is DOW in full operation. It will slave you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses Tryour New BREAKFAST FOOD - Corneola Made from W.Ilite. Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating, h atXi1g, Don't forget that our "White Loaf" I=11)1.33 �.._— is still taking the lead for Bread ?ours, ) All kinds of Food kept constantly on eland, . -M & . RA e, . a , . .. ; > .. - . -. . /3R/SSE/La