The Brussels Post, 1908-11-26, Page 4Gip ` 31:1tsSeI5 .a5t THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1908 FROM GLASGOW TO CAMPBELTOWN. To the Bditor of Tee Bowe: Duns. Sea.—Having secured our tick ets at the Great Western station for Campbeltown we took train for a seaport cal ed Fairlie, on the firth of Clyde, We lied 'some very interest ung oompauy from Glasgow with us who had been ever the way before so were able to point oil the names of places as we passedalong bet on a fast train going at the rate of a mile a min. ute there is not much time to enjoy the scenery. Good, genial company is one of the enjoyments of travel. As we ar• rived at the pier there was a largo steam er just leaving for Rothsay and other points witIr a full cornplemeut of pas- sengers and our boat "Queen Alexan- dra," was just epproacbiag the dock from Greenock, From the train to the boat is an avenue all enclosed so that in bad weather there is no exposure. In a few moments we are all on board and away, Like the train the boat is very fast. Our course was round the North- west coast of tate Island of Arran, calling. at a few ports by the way to take on or leave off passengers,. The morning was fair and we had a fine view of Arran as we sailed along the coast which is rugged and rocky. The Goat Fell (or mountain of the goat) rises to a Leight of nearly 3,000 feet and sometimes white with snow in Sumpter. There is It fringe of level land along the coast and a few small villages. Broderick. the capital, is on the East side. where is situated the castle, the residence of the Marchonessof Graham, who owns the greater part of the island and is one of the noblest and richest ladies in Scot- land, Our Canadian poet, the blind bard of Meganric, is a native of Arran. There was a band on board discoursing music far the enjoyment of the passen- gers depending on the liberality of the travellers for their expenses. As we proceeded us our way the sea got rough which sent the most of the passengers to seek shelter as the spray from the waves was rising above the deck. In a little over two hours we reached the mouth of Campbeltown loch. At the entrance of the loch there is a small island called Davarr, Some years ago some sntiq•t irians were exploring some caves on t,::: little island. They were awe struck with what seemed a picture of the Crucifixion paiuted on the rocky wall. When the report reached Camp- beltown hee0 le turned out bythe P P hundreds to see for themselves and they fo tud the report true. The paint ing is Iife size in oil, the work of no prentice hand but done with the touch of a master. What the object of the artist can b the been in adorning the in- terior of an almost inaccessible cave it is to ow difficult likelyre- 1know and will 1 main a mystery. From the entrane of the loch or lake to the pier may be about four.miles and the loch is a beautiful sheet of water almost encircled by high mouutalns. A whole fleet of war vessels could And shelter there secure from wind and wave. The town is situated at the head of the bay and there is a commodious pier for Large vessels and one concrete promenade extending for half a mile around the head of the loch. When Queen Alexandra arrived there was a train waiting to convey the passengers to Machrihanish bay. It is a narrow gauge railway, the only one in the district. The carriages are got op after the pattern of the Canadian cars. Machrihanish bay is the great resort for tourists. The distance is about 6 nines across a neck of land and takes about thirtyminutes There is an a •to -date very arge hotel and a large golf course where ladies and gentlemen play their favorite game. There is 00 villages, but quite a number of handsome cottages, Close by the side of the railway there is an artificial mound the history of which is that a terrible battle had been fought between the Scots and the Danes in which a great Danish prince was slain, the said mound being raised over the bodies of he and his horse, There is a beautiful stretch of yellow sand along the bay with a silvery stream flowing through it into the great Atlantic, This is a very picturesque place, the blue sea stretching away to the West while the Summer breezes from the Atlantic make it a healthful resort for invalids. The wireless telegraph company have spent a great deal of money there erecting a tubular metal towel 450 teet high from three to four feet in diameter with steps up to the top inside. There was a lady climbed to the tap of it. I forget her name, but unfortunately during a severe storm from the West the guy ropes gave way and the tower went down and broke inieces We could onlyget within th aha tt fifty yards of it as a votice was up forbidding trespassers, Campbeltown has a populaton of from eight to nine thousand. The principal street is a great length and called Long row. It is n fine street well kepi and good build. lugs. There are quite a number of good shops of the various kinds and the several churches are large and services well attended ou Sabbath. Ministers are' able earnest men. There is a good reading them well stocked with papers and magazines, also a good library, Close by there is a large museum where one may spend an hour or two with a great deal of interest. This place is also a great fishing centre, There are one Mildred boats engaged in the business and it is interesting to see them hauling aloft the large brown sails and starting atOay one after another for their night in the open sea hoping to return in the morning laden with fish. Rope making and ship building are also carried on but the chief industry is the liquor business. There are ttvetttydistille'ies in the town but during our stay the saw no one the worse of drink. On a clear day we climbed the motto - telt to the North of the town which took us about an hour to reach the top, the last peak being very steep and rathet difficult but the view from the top was worth all the trouble. Away to the Northeast, in full view, were the high ipiIte of Arran and away beyond the Ayr- shire coast, while on the other side the !alto and the town were spread out he - fore us and far away to the West we (colds see the peeks of lura. On the very summit where we stood there was the ruins of what was once a castle but thtit is all we know about it, Away Days of Dizziness Colne to many Brussels People. There aro days of dizziness, spells of drowsiness, headache, sideache. back- ache, Sometimes rheumatic pairs after urinary trouble. You are plainly told that the kid- nevs are sick. Booth's kidney pine core all kidney ills. Mrs. John Petltick, of Brussels, Ont., says: "z have doctored andusetl sever- al remedies for the cures of a bladder and kidney complaint but Booth's Kidney Pills procured at Jas. Fox's Drug Store did me more good than any other medicine' or remedy that I ever have used. I hada constant bladder irritation, dizzy spells, hard headaches, severe pains in my back and through my limbs. Before I had used two boxes of Booth's Kidney Pills I was free from the trouble and cured. This remedy also toned np my system generally and since I used Booth's Kidney Pills I have been better in every way." Sold by all dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian agents. down on the shoulder of the mountain are the ruins of what was likely a shepherd's house and ou the opposite side about half way down a large pool of clear water. There are quite a number of handsome suburban residences around about the town and along the Southwest side of the town there is a nice stretch of level land used as a public park with a good road leading from the town away to the South. A little way from the town there is a life saving station and further on a little is the public cemetery. No rank churchyard this, It is a bright spot with blooming flowers where a uum- ber of men are kept busy dressing the walks, cutting the grass and tending to to the flowers. The monuments are very fine and one of them gives the rec- ord of a Scottish King, who died in 605. A Little farther on is a heather cottage on the Kilkerran road where we were enter- tained one evening by Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lvmont, During our stay there was a war vessel sailed loth the loch and anchored for a few days. One night she gave the town an exhibition of flash light, illuminating the place all round. One afternoon two of the marines from the war vessel gave an exhibition of swimming close beside the pier, The people turned out in great numbers to witness the feat. Both men jumped into the water at the same time but the one shot away ahead of the other and kept a!nin until the finish. But a greater surprise was in store for us. The rescue of a drowning man who fell over board, another man about fifty yards away plunged into the water and gallant Iv swam to the rescue and just succeed- ed in reaching him as he was going down for the 1 iet time. He dived after him and bore him back to the boat he had left, amid the applause of the thous- ands who lined the deck, We spent two enjoyable weeks in Campbeltou and saw a part of which is called the High, lauds of Scotland and got acquainted with a number of tlhele err P P and with th out exception found them kind and hospitable The Highlanders, like the Lowianders, in great numbers have lett their native glens and are to be fonud wherever one goes. In Canada they are to be met with all the way from Cape Breton to British Columbia and filling high positious in church and state, The late Dr. McVicar, principal of the Pres byterian College, Montreal was a native of Campbeltou and wasoneof the grand. est men we had in the church. That is alsothecountryof the [ t 1 egreat Ar els Argylls representresent a family that gave solo• able help in planting the Presbyterian tree in Scotland and which was watered with the blood of an illustrious martyr. Yours respectfully, JAS. SMILLiii, Sit. Dapple Grange, Nov, 73, Igo8. The death sentencesr of Crooked neck Smith and voting Niceoli, of Moutreal have been commuted as the trial judges recommended clemency. The Government has forbidden the importation of cattle and aides from Pennsylvania on account of an outbreak of the foot and mouth disease there, Wholesale fruitmen say that the cran- berry crop this year is both abundant and of extra quality. In particular they remark on the rich color of the berries. NERVES UNSTRUNG You Feel Limp Loaded With Worry Unable to Sleep Tired and Excitable" Use Ferrozone. Nothing will build you up with the certainty of Ferrozone. Thousands Mies cured who never hoped to be well -and here is ample prof -sub- stantiated by one of Nova Scotia'sprominent clerics. "Before taking the first box of Fer- rozone," writes hire. Annie Jeffry, of Sandy Cove, N. S., "my condition was deplorable. Though I employed the most skilful medical aid, I grew steadily weaker. In fact, I was in such a low condition that it was im- possible, for me to walk across the roorn. My heart was very weak, and I suffered from terrible palpitations, which the doctors said were from troubles peculiar to women. Friends urged me to try Ferrozone, and I. bought six boxes. When I had used the third box my old-time vigor and strength returned. The palpitation Ceased, my appetite increased, and I Igot a good rosy color in my cheeks. t would be impossible to speak ton highly of Ferroznne, All weak women :should use it. I hope many suffering sisters will use Ferrozone, for it will surely cure them." Rev. J. 0, Morse, D. D., pastor of the Baptist church, Sanely Cove, bears witness to the recovery of Mrs. Jeffry, and writes : "This is to certify that Mrs. Annie Jeffry is a lady upon whose word you can depend. I have known her since childhood, and be- lieve het to be a truthful, honest wo- man.' This adds additional fovea to the testimony of Mrs. Jeffry, and gives assurance to other sufferers that Jferrozone does what is claimed for it. Three weeks treatment costs GOc., or six boxes for $2.50 at all dgggists. Blyth Flank Metealf was elected one of the Director's of the Fruit Urower's Association of Ontario. Miss Pearl Gidiey left for Toronto to taste up a 'Normal Tt'aolting Course" in the Toronto Conservatory of 2tlttsie, Dr. Milne nits in Toronto, attending the Convention for the establishment n1• tt Consumptive Hospital for the • province, as the delegate of the Huron Co, Oouut% A club has been formed by a nous. her of yontrg nose in town, A billiard table is one of the attractions. The room is behind the bat bee shop of T. Stewart in the building owned by Jos. Stttthers, Ab the Annual meeting of the Lard's Day Alliance short addresses were given on work of the Alliance and benefite of the Lord's Day Act by Revs. Bartley, Small and Cooper. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year .-Presideut•, Dr•, Charlesworth ; Treasurer, A. Elder ; Secretary, A. P. inilford ; representa- tive committee, Wm. Campbell, Frank Metcalf and John Wilford.- The Vilford.The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held in St. Andrew's church when the following officers were elect- ed ;-President, Airs. Curtis ; Vire President, Miss Bentley ; Hon. Pres., Mrs. Small, Mrs, Bartley and Mrs,. Cooper ; Rec.-Sec., Miss Moody ; Treasurer, Mrs. McCommins ; Sec- retary, Mrs. Slater. The society meets the second Wednesday evening of the month. Con' on-Bannnmr.--One of those pleasing events took place at the home of the bride's patents, II/orris street, Blyth, on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, when -\iiss Mary Grace,. the youngest daughter of John and Mrs. Barrett, was united in marriage to George Cowan, a popular young farmer of East I\'awanosh. Precisely at five o'clock the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, to the strains of Mendelsshon's wedding march rendered by het' oonsin, Miss Long, of Milverton. The bride was becomingly attired in cream voile and carried a boquet of creamroses. Cere- mony was performed by Rev. Mc. Small, of St. Andrew's church, Blyth, fn the presence Of the immediate rela- tives of the bride and groom. After the ceremony the guests partook of a sumptuous repast. The bride's tra- velling dress was brown ladies' cloth with hat to match. Amid hearty con- gratulations and best wishes the happy couple left for their house in Last Wawanosh. Defeated by Dr. Hamilton. In no way is health so menaced as o by constipation. It leads to indiges- tion, insomnia, anaemia and ahun- dred ills. Ordivary remedies fail - they relieve -don't cure. The worst ease is defeated and cured quickly by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which cleanse the entire intestinal tract, stimulate kidneys and liver,keepsthe pores of the skn open. You'll never have stomach trouble, yellow complexion or headaches if you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are a perfect system ton- ic. :We. at all dealers. Canadian News Ii. S, Holt bus been elected President of the Royal Bank. The Eastern Ontario Fat Stock Show will be held in Ottawa on January iSth to 23rd. The Vulcan Iron Co„ of Winnipeg, has entered suit for $5o0oo0 against the several ironworkers' unions for injuries claimed to have been inflicted tiering 0 recent strike. Proof Is inexhaustible that Lydia L. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound cures female ills and carries women safelythrough the Change of Life. Mrs. LetitiaI3iair Cannifton, Ont., writes to Mrs. Pinkliam: "I was sick for live years. One doo- t,r• told me it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- ing down pains were terrible. I wrote to my sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change of Life." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of woman who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear•- ng -down feeling, flatulency, intfiges- tion,dixzinessor nervous prostration. Why don't you try it Mrs. Pinkltam invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Thomas Lawless was aupoluted Supreme Treasurer of the independent Older of Foresters The Retail Merchants' Association of Toronto, protests against the use of the St. LawrenceA rena for shows. Prof,b o addressed rof Colby. t, of Montreal l assess ad 1 es..s ed the Woman's Canadian Club on bribery in elections, Rheumatismromptly driven from the blood with Dlr. Shoop's Rheuma- tic Remedy. Don't waste time with common remedies. A test will surely tell. In tablet or liquid form. Sold by all dealers. A Calgary despatch says Mr. Bell Hardy lits resigned from the Mechanics' Union on account of the strictures con- tained f0 the report of the committee c that investigated the C. P. R. strike set Clement. N. K. La flame, K. C., the well-known lawyer, Moutreal, is the latest to be threatened by the Black Hand gang, He is in receipt of a letter which de- mands that on pain of being shot or itis property being burned, he forthwith de- posit Savo in a certain place. Mr. La - flame is at a loss to know why he should be singled out by the extortionists, but refuses to discus the matter. He has banded the letter over to the police. GG ik ,.•.,'+Z,`.as dasiPlt1Fis91 Are Cast -Iron Rrtages 13atf51 Like Steel "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges have the Drop Oven and Low Closet which have heretofore been exclusive features of the most expensive steel ranges. They are also the only ranges made with Fire -Box on right or left side, as may better fit the kit -hen in which the range is to be placed. "Peerless Peninsular" ;'.n tees are splendid cookers, are very economical iu regard to fie 1, are strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service. I,et us show you their many features of superiority, 71 WILTON & G LLESPW, BRUSS LL;S aiffmtpoomm Good �, pJ � t+. Goods .+ MIREEMSEXEMEACZEMZIE e You Popular T ught Pirices of where you are going to buy some of your many Mims resents E k ..� .. s Y We have the best assortment of JAPANESE, LIMOGES and FANCY MINA ever shown here. We invite you to in• spect our stock. Also have a complete line of Toys, Dolls, Etc. SEE OUR STOCK O1+ • Staple & fancy Groceries, Biscuits, Confectionery, fruits, Etc. Highest prices for Produce and Dressed Poultry. We appreciate your patronage. Y' • J. L A / I M & CO. Quality High Wroxcter, Ohre Prices Low The town of Trenton will vole on local option in January. Solomon Bunn, of St. Thomas, was badly bitten by a vicious deg. Represenlives i l the Vogt Metal Com. pony of St, Louis, are looking for e site for n breneh factory, The Proviueial expenditure an colon. ization roads and bridges this year to- talled about 8t6so,000. The licensealolders, Toronto, have selected A, w, Wright to eonduot their fight against license rechtetiou. Charles LI, Fowler, of Burford, hes re- ceived Black Band letters, threatening hila with death unless he consents to be blackmailed. Reports from New Ontario state that large numbers of moose are being slaugh• tared for the heads alone, and the car- cases lett lying on the ground to rot, Hon. Frank Oliver declares that Chinese and Hindus will be excluded, even if it is necessary to raise the head tax and increase the money regulations. Read the pain formula on a box of Pink Pain Tablets, Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion -blood pressure somewhere, Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check hea•cl pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere, Tory one, and see ! 20 for 25c. Sold by all dealers. A. W, Wright, Formerly Conserva- tive organizer of Toronto, has been nam- ed by the license holders, of that city to take charge of the campaign against the reduction of hotel licenses. The C, P. R. have notified shippers that they will discontinue the service for the Sault and all ports of call on Georgian Bay and Lake Huron on the steamers of the Northern Navigation Cotnpany and Dominion. Navigation Com p'tny after Nov. 21. While boring for well water on the Royal Military College grounds, Kings- ton, a vein of rock salt was struck at a depth of about roe feet and the locality found is unfit as a fresh water producer. It is said the salt vein is quite exten- sive and some day it may be made use of. The Chicago Assets Realization Com- pany offered the National 'Trust Coin. pany $700,ono cash for the remainder of the York Loan lands still in the stands of the liquidators and it was refused. The National Trust say they won't consider less than $r,000,000. The lands com- prises 30,000 to 40,000 feet of residential land, which is being parcelled out at $15 to $30 per foot. On information that Nikols George an Italian, who formerly lived in Chicago has accumulated a fortune of $2o,000, largely by professional begging, United States immigration officials barred the 'Mau as undesirable when he attempted to return to the United States side after a two ears residence i0Ottawa, Ont. Nikols is staying now in Windsor with his wife and seven children in the, hope of getting across the border later on. The electric bylaw submitted for the purpose of raising $i t,000 by debentures for the purpose of installing an electric light t plant to be operated by the muni- cipality i- cipali tv carried b1 a In ' ry 'of 53 at Glencoe. The town has been in need of a better lighting system for some time and after a great deal of agitation the council decided to submit the by-law. The plant contenlplttted will be erected along g modern lines, and up to•date, electrical machinery will be installed. When complete the plant will equal that of any in towns that size in the province. It isn't so difficult to strengthen a weak Stomach if one goes at it car - reedy. And this is true of the heart and Kidneys. The old fashioned way of dosing the Stomach or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys issurely wrong 1 Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. "Go to the weak or ailingnerves of these organs," said he. ach inside organ has its controlling or "inside nerve." When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists every. where to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Afew days test will surely tall I Sold by all deal- ers. Some confusion has been caused by the death of Sheriff Iter of Essex Co The question arose as to who wasauthor- ized to become acting sheriff during the interval which will elapse before the ap- pointment of a new sheriff. Finally Deputy Sheriff Eli Wright was instruct- ed to take over the duties of the office for the time. Mr. Ile•'s death also has caused some confusion, in the municipal affairs of Windsor, The Sheriff was e member of the court of Revision. 'This court is to Meet within a fete days, Windsor officials, however, are not sure whether the court can meet without a full membership, and whether there is any provision for a substitute for the sheriff. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Jas, Fax clothes to announce to the readers of Tun POST that they have secm'ed the agency for Parisian Sage, the marvelous danclrftffcwi e urand hair dressing. • .las. Fox is'lad to state that Pexis - B, fan Sage is a rigidly guaranteed hair restorer. It cures dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff microbes ; it stops falling hair ; it cures all scalp diseas- es, or money back. It is a most pleasant hair dressing, especially for ladies, as it makes the Bair soft and lustrous. The price is only 50o. a large bottle at ,Tose Fox's drag store or by express, all charges prepaid, from Giroux Mfg. Co„ Fort Erie, Ont. 1 AT Ouncan's Harbor Shop WILL BE FOUND Hot a d Cold Baths where up t0-dnte service is obtained. '-'clod and See for Yourself. Stomach trouble tt but a sy!nppton of, and not In itself a tree dte. s,.. 111e think of l,rsprpsbt nelirtburn, Itml In'.igenttnt (15 a al•e( they aro symptoms only of a certain s enitao keel',' slelme5s-not'detr else. It w'ns tl I fel I',at III ti nneny talar. Fhonp in the 512121122 I t!uu uc u t rt r upttlar "tuntcu•lt itemedJ•' ]hr V, sl itldn2' . doing direct to the steume ll n u u brought that seeress &ltd favor to lee t,411. to 11d. Restorative. With. or unit original 1211'1 l:;,l,it Vital prmeiple, ne sari!lasting nmenifII•b❑i.•ul:were ,t t1 1.had, Pm stomach dlt,...s, Ida'. ling, bilisln. •,bad breath uud an sten dam!,lexiuu, tet 1+t, fui how.r yaw!$ee s lrnshimdvc-1 ublets nr 1 Kroll -nod kb' west !telm and will do. we sell and Water. fully recommend o r p stoTative "ALL DEALERS" R om— Elrindin You know from daily expe- rience, at home or in the barber shop, that the question is— " Why 'doesn't• a razor hold its edge uniformly from heel to head without honing and grinding?" Whether it is a safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary open -bladed razor does not alter the question, You want the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every morning with the confident knowledge that your razor will be ready' for instant use the next time needed. The Carbo Magnetic razor is the only razor =condition.. ally guaranteed to do this. Thirty years of study on the razor situation has perfected a. new secret process of ELEOTNIQ TEMPERING that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life of steel) into the metal—giving a dia- mond -like hardness uniformly, throughout the blade—some- thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steel -used in making all other razors. But test this razor in your own home or if you prefer, cies have your barber use it on you, Give us your name— or call and see the "Carbo Magnetic" .razor, and we will. state our proposition for test- ing these razors without obligation on your part to purchase, together e they with our g free booklet "Hints on Shav- ing." This book illustrates the correct razor position for ;shaving every part of the face. Local Agents, Wilton & Gillespie The People's Column FOR SALE or to rent, a hone and lot in Walton. Enquire of A. HEWITT, Walton. FARM POR SALE -Being Lot 18 Con. 16, Grey, containing 100 acres. Apply to WM. WOODS, Orattbroeh P. 0. 2i-tf COMFORTABLE COTTAGE, stable and M sere of land for sale, ber tsstree4 North, Brawls. Good well, fruit tour &c . Possession could be given at once. For further particulars as to price, terms, &a.,imply on the promises. ALEX. MOLAUGHLIN. 7-tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT, -Tete undersigned offers his well located property in Brussels for solo or to rent. There are 63.5 acres of land with comfortable house, with cellar, stable, orchard, well, &e. Possession on Aug. 16th. Foe•rice terms, nndother information ripply to .TAS. AUNFORD Clinton or THE POST Brussels. THOS. DUNFORD, Langdon, North Dakota. iTGS FOR 5A1,E-The list includes 2 pure 1- bred Berkshire hogs, also an Improved Yorkshire hog, about 12 months' old. Pedi- grees may be seen on application. 2 young sows, a Berkshire and Yorkshire, duo to far- row In November, and 2 Berkshire sowS with litters at foot. Little pigs are cross bred and will be sold separate 12 desired, Bargains to quick Uurehasers. 3110.P. MOINTOSI1, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, or Oradbroold P. 0. 1645 44 ACRES OF OHOICE LAND for sale o, Mantel) boundary, adjoining Watlto, village. There is a frame house, orchard, wilt, windmill, &a, on the premises. 11 is all seed- ed clown and is n desirable property. Poor health the reason for selling. For further par. Winters ns to price, terms, &e., apply oh the promisee to DUNCAN MoOUAIG. 52.11 G006 160 AORE FARM POR SALE -Being the N of Lots 21 & ie gen. � 8 Morris. The fano iswell i a s. situated being 8 miles Walton station 6 asses Prom BBnssnls 87 »files from Blyth and 1.teile from school, 'There is on the farm a frame house, also bank barn 46x 80 feet, with 12 ft, lean, also shed 8ux70 ft. with 14 ft. lean; bout barns have stone walls funder• nesth andgood accotnm odsilol for o o horses, 012 cattleand,nge. and is'l silo 16x22 ft. built t' of 2 inch toaster, nnd n drilled t1b 1 ed well with an abundant repair Lind i of good tforce • ewater it in goodOxS1 . m is c h , to pipes lea the water into a tank arts o. in Does, ha leading need tank tuall partfostables eothW storkHSodnot be turned out for water Winter. Sonia of e rich clay loam and is not hard to till. There are about 70 acres of the farm under grain crop, Moores under hay and the balance pasture With 6 acres of hardwood bush and 2 sores of en orchard which bears saleable fruit. Perm is in a high state of cuttivntio, from the feet that the proprietor went extensively into the feeding of cattle and hogs and Is therefore ono of the bast grain and hay producing farms in the township. Fano was rented last Spring for one year, the lease ending 1st of April, 1600, when possession can be given. The irsll plow- ing will be done by the tenants, For further partioulers apply to JAS, A, MOORS 001 Har- grave st.-Winnipeg, or to P. S. SCOT'1'i Scum6-1 aels. acmes =morn pemovvreeemottamemnemmar SUMMER Scwan Jutta ruly and,Augttst leads into oar fall 'Perm without any break. Dater any time, New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. ORM ININZIS COMB The Largest, most Reliable of its kind. Wr H. SI-IAW • Principal 'range A Garrard sta., Toronto You will tied at the Caber Carriage Factory a good as sortment of First-class Bob- sleighs, Cutters, 'Wheelbar- rows, Hand Sleighs and Clothes Reels. All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting promptly attend- ed to. %fi Os; Der BRUSSELS IMMEMEMSMDIMEESERNESMIESIEZESEIMMSS fr.i '.c,Arr Ps2s110 rter_a iTay4ev?rawz,s Wi!ngharn 02 Q <q BUSINESS COLLEGE 4 D$ 9� 0 o- hn9t modern end popular Busi- ness School in Yesters0nerto, Widely experienced, broadly edncnted, sympathetic, attentdve staff. The synonym of eunceas. Graduates eminently successful. The very essence of modern, living business systems. Stenography, Telegraphy and Commercial -5 Courses. Preparatory eotu•se for those whose education has been ne- glected. Mail courses, in any smbjeets, for those who wish to study at hone. Hnlividunl instruction. Enter any day. Write for handsome ,��77 eatalogeo. fir: GEO. SPOTTON, Principal SY SSt ,till$4;VE.Y.4t.&: .`,...XIMENk s',It .'j4 nThe Great School Pp k ' gE TII •l- 7. f , t'�°lrr.t/�v S TRATFORD. f' Our past renord end our present grade of work stamps us as the greet pprnctic- i al training eelmol of Western Ontario. Three dopertments- Commercial, Shorthand Otte graduates are in demand ss Bust- TelegraphicI mess College teachers as well se office assistants. Individualinstruction. En- - ter now. Large cainlogne free. Write for it Elliott & McLachlan, Prini:ipetn, 5 �t All . u Maul l Christmas Sailings TO LIVERPOOL From St. John Halifax Tunisian sails Nov. 28 Victorian sails Dec. t Deo. 6 Grailpien Dee. 12 — TO GLASGOW 2fesperian from Hnlifnx Deo. 12 Ionian front Portland Deo. 10 Winter rates -First Cabin $70 and upwards Second, $46 upwards ; Third, $27.60 and $28.70. For millings, lista and full information apply to W. H. KE'RR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels. ftINCREASE YOUR SALARY 1 Proper Preparation does it, Attend alai" L RTsrr.rOTT IOTT TORONTO, OTT. And the time to commence is right now. One hundred aid one students from other Business Collies have pat• ronized this (t College within onege s year. What done this prove? Wo glue the bes-nothing else else would satisfy us All grad else readily satisfy am. All graduates rcadHy soo ue. om- ploymont. Write for. ELLIf,,OT. W. er ts., ELLIOTT, Om, Yongo & Alexander sts., Toronto. LLI fl, MONTHLY Horse Furs BRUSSELS The regular 141onthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season as follows ; THURSDAY, DEC, 3rd, 1908 D5110, suit, 203 PER. 4111, 1909 MAR.. Ott, 1909 APR. 1st, moo Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Prevent. t