The Brussels Post, 1908-11-12, Page 5.,w
H, MoOi &OKEN—
W • I ewer
s of Marrta
ge Lit, 2300, 0f.
Aon at 6r000ry, Tnrnberry street, Brusaols,
Teacher of Piano or Organ
_ .._ K. O. T. M.
Smola ,Tont of the Macoaboee, No. 24
hold their regular mee11048 in the Lodge
Room, Banker Stook, ou the 1st and 8rd
Tuesday evenings of 00,111 month,
11.ways Aloe.
A, BO413, OowGUIS2R. E.
Agent Howiek Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Office and Resldenoa—
• BOB, will sell for better prices, to
better men in less time an lone obarges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at this oMoe or by
penmen] application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for
at the office of MB POSIT, BroBsela. 2221
• Honor (rndnace of the Ontario Vet.
erinery College, ie prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domaedaatod animate in a °unmet.
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary ileut,otry and 111121 Fever. Calle
promptly attended to. Moe and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, T'uuberry et.
Brussels. 'Phone 43 II
• Barrister,
Blaiter, :Conveyancer,
rioters, Public, &o. StlwartoBrock
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
W. PBOODBOOT, K. 0. 11, 0, Hate
Omoes—Those formerly000apied by Messrs
()macron & Holt,
Graduate of the Royal College of haute]
Surgeons of Ontario and Pint-elaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. °mac
next to Brewer%Photograph gallery,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numberedvsect(on of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, Baekatohewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any person who is
the sole head of a family, or any male over
18 yearsof age, to the extent of one-quarter
vection of 160 Dares more or less
Entry may be made pereonally at the
local land o1Soe for the dietrlot in which
the laud le situate.
The homesteader is required to perform
the eonditioue couoeoted therewith under
one of the tollowfug plans :
(1) At least six menthe' res, deuce upon
and onetivation of the laud in each year for
three years,
(2) 1f the father (or mother, if ltbe father
IS deceased) of the homesteader r•sidea
upou a,farm in the vioiuity of the land
entered for the requiromeuts as to real.
deuce may be satisfied by such person re.
siding with the father or mother,
(2) If the settler hoe hie permanent reoi-
donee upon farming land owned by him
in the vicinity of his homestead, the re.
qufremeuts au to residence may be stale -
fled by residence upon the said land.
Six mouths' unties iu writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lando at ()Maws of intention to apply for
Deputy of the Mlnietor of Interior.
N. 8. Unauthorised -publication of Dile ad-
vertisement will not be paid tor.
•'ME� r.
I .0
Machines may be seen at
Store, Brussels.
Easy payment system may
beyarranged for.
SIBS handle the Nordheim-
er Piano.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Business Cards search of recreation, The Club has
leased the bnillliug lion the church at
A. H. MONTEITH ft nominal rent,
Souoitor, Notary, &o., successor
' The new ()dicers
of the High School
A.B, M adn ld, OBoe over Standard Bunk,
Literary Society areas follows '-.-
Brussels. President, 11. Greer ; let Vico, Oleta
DR, HAMILTON Kennedy ; 2nd Vice, 13, Mutton ; Sec -
Dental p p rotary, Matt Isbister . Treasurer,
aw-WiliivisitClorrie phuoprsttand third ce. Peter Mc'1' w111, Executive Form 4,
Monday of each month. G0 -G O Alberta Goble, Clayton Proctor ;
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Lieontieto and Graduate of the College of Phyy.
elolnne and Surgeons, Ont. • Post -graduate
Ohmage Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat tilospltal,
Chicago, Ill. Ex -House Surgeon to St, Mich-
ael's MOspitel Toronto.
O1Rue over J. R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele•
phone connection withCranbiwok at all hours
OMNI? ralavvie !Par
Mail 7:05am Express 10:55am
Exprooa 11:25 a m 141011. 1:41 p m
Express 8:02 p m Express 8:19 p m
To Toronto To Goderio]n
Express 8:01 a mExpress 11:89 a m
Express......... 8:11 p m I Express 7:47 p
Mistrut Pam
The bachelors of Blyth are holding
an assembly in Industry Hall on the
evening of Nov. 11th, London Har-
pers are engaged to supply the music.
Rev. and Mrs. Cooper entertained
the officials of the Methodist Church
and their wives at the parsonage and
a very pleasant evening was enjoyed.
Tho young linen of town assembled
in Milne's Hall and decided they
would organize a Y. M. C. A. in town.
A meeting was held Wednesday even-
ing of last week to elect officers.
Monday at 10.80 a. in., a union ser-
vice of thanksgiving was held in St.
Andrew's Church, Revs. Hartley and
Small conducted the devotional exer-
cises and Rev. Cooper preached. The
offering went to the hospital for sick
children in Toronto.
On Monday evening, Nov. 10th, the
annual meeting of the Lord's Day
Alliance and Moral Reform will bo
held in the basement of the Presby-
terian Church. Addresses will be
given by local clergymen and others,
followed by the election of officers,
To Move off a Cold.
Cough mixtures "dope" a cold—but
don't cure. Above all else, keep the
bowels regular and stimulate the
eleminating organs. More valuable
than any cough syrup are. Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. They clear the system of
every trace of cold—the dull headache,
aching limbs, and cough disappears.
Take the tpills before retiring, they
work while you sleep, and by morning
your cold is broken and passes quickly
away. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's
Pills in 25 ct. boxes.
0. Querin has become a disciple of
the tonsorial art and is learning with
W. J. Earngey.
Mrs. Jas. Fraser, of Morris, is at
present the guest of her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Sim. Kaine.
The travelling public will be inter-
ested in knowing that the hours for
the arrival and departure of trains
has been slightly altered. The morn-
ing train going East leaves at 7.11, in-
stead of 7.21, and the, afternoon train
at 8.51 instead of 4.06. The morning
tram from the East is due at 12.41 in-
stead of 12.36, and the evening train
arrives at 9.15, instead of 9.36.
Wm. F. Dulmage and Jas. Kerby
Cresented a petition to the Howiek
ouncil signed by a large number of
ratepayers asking the domicil; to sub-
mit the question . of having tavern
licenses issued in the township of
Howiek, said vote to be taken at the
Municipalelection. Moved by Messrs.
Winter and Downey that the matter
be left over until the November meet-
ing, as the Council wants to get legal
Tickling, tight Coughs, can be sure-
ly and quickly loosened with a pres-
cription Druggists are dispensing
everywhere. as Dr. Shoop's Cough Re-
medy. And it is so very, very diifex'-
ent than common cough medicines.
No Opium, no Chloroform, absolutely
nothing of harsh or unsafe.
The tender
leaves of a harmless, lung healing
mountainous shrub, give the curative
properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Re,
medy. Those leaves have the power
to calm the most distressing Cough
and to soothe and heal the most sen-
sitive bronchial membrane. Mothers
should, for safety's sake alone, always
demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with
perfect freedom be given to even the
youngest babes. Test it yourself 1
and see, Sold by all dealers.
J. T. Horvath, of Toronto, sold his
house and lot on Diagonal street to
Thos. Scott, of Morr s.
Bev. Mr. Croswell of Pembroke, is
supplying the pnlpitof Winghani Bap-
tist church for a couple of Sundays.
A series of evangelistic meetings
commenced in the Methodist church
Sunday conducted by Rev. Geo. Turk,
of Toronto.
Mrs. Geo. C. Manna gratefully ac-
knowledged the floral tribute sent by
the Town Council to the memory of
her deceased. husband,
Councillor Gregory and the Reeve
worn appointed a committee to visit
other towns like Winghamancd gather
dnfox'inatiott as to the cost of water-
works and sewerage system.
Some time ago, the Parish Olub of
St. Paul's church secured the old don-
gregational Church, on the corner of
Centre and John streets, and fitted it
tip :for recreation and literary pus.
poses. In doing so, they assumed a
heavyliability. By the generosity of
T. A. Mills, this is now removed. Mr.
11lills hes presetlted. the building as a
gifbto St. Paul's clinreh and it will
henceforth bo known as the "Mills
Memorial Hall," The building is Rood
tip with bowling alley, billiard table,
basket and carpetball and reading -
room and ve a good place for young
Men to spend their evetlings when itt
'[001.213 8, Pauline McInnis, Thomas
Taylor; Form 2, lbthelTi lcling, Gurdon
Young ; Form 1, Cora Kerr, Norman
Geddes ; Prophet, 14'. Corley ; i7rc as
Reporters, Isley Agnew, Adam Iabjs-
Guaranteed Cure for Hay Povor.
Nothing record is NO ret'tain as
"Oatarrhozone" recommended by phy-
sicians everywhere. For sure cure
get $L00 outfit of Catat'rhozone from
your druggist,
Sohn Hopper, 3rd line, Morris, re-
joices over the birth of a son.
Garner Nicholson and Charlie John-
ston are away to the hunting grounds
in Parry Sound.
Armstrong & Co. shipped a double
deck car of hogs on Tuesday of last
week. Price, $5.00.
W. K. Whaley and 0. B. Wilkinson
are on a pleasure trip to Echo Bay
and Sault Ste. Marie.
Dr. and Mr's, Hamilton attended the
funeral of the former's sister at Au-
burn on Monday of last week.
Prayer -meeting will be held each
week on Thursday evening, in the
Methodist chm'ch, beginning at 7.30.
A clergyman writes : "Preventice,
those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets
are working wonders in my parish."
Preventies surely will check a cold, or
the Grippe, in a very few hours. And
Preventics are so safe and harmless.
No Quinine, nothing harsh nor sicken-
ing. Fine for feverish, restless child-
ren. Box of 48 at 25e. Sold by all
Keith Pear, who has been very ill
at the home of his father here, is im-
Bish. Neelin, who has been em-
ployed in Stewart Boos. for some time
left on Monday for Winnipeg, where
he has secured a good situation.
H. Edge, has been awarded the con-
tract for the erection of the stables
and sheds at the Grip,hotel, to replace
those recently destroyed by fire and
commented work last week.
Harry Bright, son of A. J. Bright,
who was injured ured a short time ago
'whilel playing,Rugby in Winnipeg,
has sufficienty recovered to not only
attend to business but to be in the
game again.
The annnal meeting of the Aux-
iliary of the Women's Foreign Mis-
sionary Society of the Presbyterian
church was held 011 Monday of last
week. The ladies served tea to the
members and friends at six o'clock,
and afterwards the business meeting
was held. Reports were read from
the Auxiliary and Mission Bands,
showing these societies to be in a
flourishi ng condition. All the officers
were re-elected, The amount raised
by the Auxiliary far missions is
$249.09. The Barbara Kirkman Mis-
sion Band raised $36.71 and the Sun-
shine Mission Bance $33.82, making in
all $319,62. In addition to this the
Auxiliary and Bands sent clothing,
scrap books and dressed dolls to the
Western mission fields.
Is your Corn Troublesome?
'Why not euro it—eradicate it with
Putnam's Corn Extractor ? No pain
or sore—"Putnam's" is a guaranteed
success, try it.
Sol. Strome had the misfortune to
run a wire through the fleshy part of
the hand at the base of the thumb.
John Barber has disposed of this
farm lob 25, con. 5, Howiek, to Fred
Gecleke. Henry Demex'ling has rented
his farm on the 10th con. to W. J.
Clegg for a term of years, '
W. A. Edwards, jr. returned from
his Western trip on Tuesday of last
week. He took in all the towns and
cities from Winnipeg to Vancouver,
almost everything worth seeing in the
West. He likes it fine.
Dr. Jas. G. Bricker, who has been in
Tavistock since May, relieving Dr.
Steele, has moved to Owen Sound
where he holds the position or house
surgeon in the General and Marine
John Ransford, of Clinton, gave a
"Missionary Address" at the service
on Sunday morning. IIIc, Ransford is
BB excellent speaker,—eluent and full
Star Grocery
Buy your Groceries at the Star Grocery
where we sell everything ftp -to -date,
of best qua(itV and at moderate prices.
If you Nava never been in our store we
invite you to call and have a look over
our stock and get our prices. We feel
satisfied we can suit you both in goods
and polies. It costs nothing to look
in and we are always pleased to see
our friends.
We have our new stock of Raisins, Cur-
rants and Peels for Thanksgiving and
Christmas trade,
We have C
just received a very Vpretty
well oelcetecd stock of Thanksgiving
261) Hailowe'ea, Post Cards. Remem-
ber your friends by sending them some
of these cards In season,
Our Restaurant clepartrneut will be con-
tinued through the Winter. We will
save Hot Bovril, Bean and Tomato
Stews, etc,
Highest Trade and Cash prices paid for
Farm Produce, Poultry and Dried
Salt in bulla or by the barrel.
Good Bread always 011 hand.
of (onergy, Rev. T. IL Farr, the sec.
for had charge of the services,
On Saturday, Oct. 2fth, Mrs, John
Craig departed
aftu"a linger-
in illness. Mrs. Craig was One of the
early settlers of Howik,
whose ranks
have been considerably thinned dru'-
ng this year by death. She leaves
her husband and a grown up family of
live sons and one daughter to mourn
, her demise. Funeral was held on the
following Tuesday to .Redgrave ceme-
tery and was largely attended by old
friends and neighbors toaY a tribute
of respect to the departed, Rev. A.
13. Dobson conducted the services at
the house and at the grave.
Rheumatism promptly delve 1 from
the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheuma-
tic Remedy. Don't waste time with
common remedies, A test will surely
tell. In tablet or liquid form, Sold
by all dealers.
The Epworth League of James St.
church are making preparations for
putting on a mock trial in about two
Exeter creamery has had a very
successful Summer having made over
fifty tons of butter in seven months,
about one ten more than last Summer.
From temperance headquarters it is
persistently reported that Exeter is to
have a Local Option campaign this
year. No action has been taken here
as yet.
Will. Berry and Walter Maguire in-
tend leaving this month on a trip to
England to visit the scenes of their
childhood. They expect to return in
the Spring.
The machinery and equipment for
the new saw and stave mill has arriv-
ed and the work of construction will
be commenced at once. It has been
definitely decided to locate the mill
North of the Canning factory.
Wm, Dauncey bad a curiosity in his
garden in the shape of a Columbine
berry bush, in full bloom. The cold
weather however will prevent Mr.
Dauucey from getting an extra crop
of berries out of his garden.
At the Exeter District Epworth
League Convention held at Ehmville,
the following officers were elected for
the coming year : Hon. Pres., Rev. A.
H. Going ; President, Dr. Roulston,
Exeter ; 1st V. P., Wm. Johns, Elim-
ville ; 2nd V. P., Rev. R. Hicks,
Orediton ; 8rd V. P., 1iMiss Ethel Swit
zee, Woodham ; 4th V. P., Miss Sarah
Doupe, Kirkton ' Treas., Miss M.
Brooks, Exeter ; Sec., Miss Mae Wil-
son, Greenway.
What the Kidneys Do
What Booth's Kidney Pills are Doing
For Brussels People.
All the blood in the body passes
through the kidneys every ,three
The kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and clay to daily
remove abort 500 grains of impure
matter. If they fail some part of this
impure matter is left in the blood,
bringing on pain in the block, head-
ache, dizziness, irregular heart, hot,
dry skin, rheumatism, gravel, dropsy,
deposits in the urine. Booth's Kidney
Pills make thefllteriug right and over -
cone Kidney trouble. Hundreds of
Heron County -"residents have found
this out. Mrs. P. Bishop, of Mill st.,
Brussels, says :—"I Have suffered
some months with the many annoyan-
ces of kidney complaint. There was it
weakness of the secretions which con-
tained a sediment, bard racking pain
in the region of the kidneys and the
small of my back. :At times when I
caught cold, I would hardly be able to
bend:over, stoop or lift. I procur-
ed and used several remedies but
nothing relieved the trouble until I
used Booth's Kidney Pills purchased
at Jas. Fox's drug store, This remedy
went to the cause of my trouble and
gave me all kinds of relief and
strength." Sold
gby dealers. Price 50
cents. The R. T. Booth Oo., Ltd.,
Fort Erie, Ont., sole Canadian agents.
Miss Cora Forbes has resigned her
position as teacher of U. S. S. No. 1
Elma and Wallace to take effect at
the end of the year.
The coal and wood business of J. S.
Myers has been purchased by Robert
Oliver and Harvey Ellis. It will be
continued Under the management of
Mr, Oliver at the old stand, Matin
It beingunderstood
that the old
company, known as The Morris Piano
Co., Ltd., of which J. W. Scott is
President and principal stock bolder,
was averse to re -building the faetory
an arrangement has been provisional-
ly entered into whereby a new com-
pany will be formed to re -build the
factory and take over and continue
the business. The gentlemen compos-
ing the now company, so far as is at
present known, are W. It 'Tudhope,
broker, Toronto El. C Thornton, Man-
ager of The Morris Piano Co. ; A. E.
Windsor, Superintendent, and P. S.
Oonnolley, Sec. 'Teas. These gentle-
men have secured. an option ou the
property and propose to form a Com-
pany with a paid-up capital stock of
at least $100,000, re -build the factory
as large as before the fire, end carry
on the manufacture of Morris pianos
in Listowel on as extensive a scale as
formerly. The new compitny ask the
town to assist them in rebuilding by
way of a loan of $25,000, to cover a
period of (twenty years, the town to
pay the interest on such loan for the
first ten years, the company to pay
the amount dtie yearly for principal
during that period, and to pay both
principal and interest during the last
ten years of the loan period. Exemp-
tion from taxes, except school taxes,
is also a consideration of the agree-
Read the Slain formula on a bops of
Pink Pain 'Tablets. Then ask your
Doctor if there is a better one. Pain
means congestion—blood pressure
somewhere, 1)I'. Snoop's Pink Pain
Tablets cheek head pains, womanly
pains, Spain anywhere. Try one, and
see 120 for 25c. Sold by all dealers,
Pardi Constantine, a young Italian,
was struck by stone and killed by a
fetiow•countrylneo named Poizt in a
quarrel over a game of pitch -and -toss at
Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu-
lar medicine, a doctor's medi-
cine, for such a cough. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
Wo publish our formulas
ryWo abaarmAdaho
tiers Wour¢r youurt
Any good doctor will tell you that 8 medi-
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do its best work if the bowels are con-
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor-
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
.--E[ad• by too 3.0. Agar 0o., Lowell. Matt.—
• You Cross
Aro You Physically Strong and able to
Work as you used to?
Perhaps you lack courage ?
Out of joint with everything?
Scarcely on speaking terms with
3,00r neighbor.
Such low health is pitiable—but
Your brain is fagged, your blond is
weak, your reserve of strength is ail
What you deed is Psrrozone, that
great vitalizer and nutritive tonic.
It's by making flesh and blood, by in-
fusing Iron and Oxygen into the
system that Ferrnzone builds you up.
It repairs the weak spots, instils new
life into worn out organs—makes you
feel like new.
Think it over. By nourishing and
strengthening Ferrozone lifts age
for the old and imparts reliance and
buoyancy to the depressed.
Why not be strong and ruddy color-
ed ?
'Why stay weak?
Use Ferro
zone and enter the healthy
life it's snxe to bring. Price 500 per
box at all dealers.
Elms council will meet on Satur-
day Nov. 14th, as Court of Revision on
the Boyle Drain Improvement By-
A social evening will be given under
the auspices of St. Alban's church an
Friday evening, Nov. 13th, in -the
Music Hall, Atwood.
At a meeting of the Board of
Managers of the Presbyterian church,
the resignation of Geo. Lochead'118
Secretary Treasurer was accepted
with regret, and Samuel Watson was
appointed as the new Secretary -Treas-
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the residence of 0. H. and Mrs.
Holmes on Tuesday, Oct. 27th, when
their eldest daughter, Ethel Gladys,
was united in marriage to Stanley B.
Prost, formerly of Owen Sound, and
since connected with the cement
works here 0s chemist. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. A. F,
Bourne, of Christ church, Listowel, in
the pi esence of the bride's relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frost left on Friday to
spend a few days in Toronto and
other cities.
The annnal meeting of the share-
holders of the Maple Leaf beef ring
was held at the home of Wm. G.
Inglis on Tuesday night, October 27,
with a good attendance of sharehold-
ers. After settling up the business of
the past Summer the following officers
were elected for 1909: President, Thos.
Dickson ; Treasurer, John J. Ham-
mond ; Secretary, Jas. M. Dickson ;
Butcher, Wm. G. Inglis ; Inspector,
R. S. Ballantyne and A. Baker. 22
beeves were butchered during the
past Summer, the butcher Wm. Inglis
1 ,yyn,
If everything else in the
house did its share of
the work as well as
"Black T-ilnight"
Stove Polish
very few women would
complain of the housework.
"Black Knight" sloes away
with the everlasting
rubbing and polishing. It
shines quickly and produces
a result that&e at is s the
s t
most particular.
Always ready for use for
Stoves, Urates and other
it's the best polish and the
biggest can for the money.
Bend dealer's Mune chat 100
for bit size can it you cave
get "9lna1 1L4dght" in y6ur
The P. P, kiiittEtl CO. tblettED,
giving goal satisfaction and the
auir0418 butebtn'ed were of good
quality. 36 shareholders took shams
coining ng (mason, there
several nen present wishing
to take
shares, but could nut obtain thein, as
the share
1 Sw t 0' 1 taken, a n
well for the way the beef ring was
It isn't so difficult to strengthen a
weak Stcltnach if one goes at it cor-
rectly. And this is true of the heart
and kidneys. The old fashioned way
of dosing the Stomach or stimulating
the Heart or Kidneys is surely wrong!
DJ'. Shoop Rest pointed out this error.
"Go to the weak or ailing nerves of
these moue," said he. Laeh inside
organ has its controlling or "inside
nerve," 'When these nerves fail then.
those organs must surely falter. This
vital truth is leading druggists every.
where to dispense and recommend
Dr. Shoop's Restorative, Afew days
test will surely tell ! Sold by all deal -
SCHOOL REPORT. --The following is
the report of S. S. No. 1 for October.
Examined in spelling, writing, geo-
graphy and arithmetic, Total 300.
Br. TV-117tuer Nivins, 217 ; Luella
Parrott, 201 ; Florence Rogerson, 162 ;
xfhos. Phelan, 118. Jr. 4th—Maggie
Phelan, 161 ; Ella Rogerson, 149 ;
xllailie Parrot, 46. Jr. 3rd—Robert
Wallace, 161 ; xGertie McCall, 123 ;
fames Brown, 113 ; xOlive Aiken, 111;
Harry Howlett, 55. Sr. 2nd—Lily
Burns, 230 ; Joseph Aiken,191 ; Anna
.Burns, 154; Willie Phelan, 129 ;
ford Nivius, 119 ; Harvey Nivins, 119 ;
Romer Jirowu 0;i ; '11111e. Rogerson,
80 ; xL('slle Burns, 3.1. Jr. 2nd—idly.
Rogerson, 234 ; ()live Parrott, 234;
Irvine 139,Part, 20.0.—Good
—Harvey Burs,
Pt. 1st—Good—
Robbie Laidlaw, Bo'uee Brown, Gorr
don McCall. Those marked rs x"
absent for .part of examination.
MARY MaAOtTrNO, Teacher,
The township of Guelph is taking
action against the sits .d Guelph 011 NO.
count of polluting the River Spred with
rPain ein iscongeeshtioon paints anywhere,
lood piessureinotthiing
else u6uslly. At least so says Dr. Shoop, and tb
prove it ho has created a 11131e pink tablet. Thal
tablet—called Dr. Shoop's headache Tapley
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers.
Itseffect ischanning, pleasinglydeliglltfui. Gently,
though sagely, it surely equalises the blood oirau.
If you have a headache, it's blood pressure.
If it's painful periods with woman, same male.
If lettere sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
congestion—blood- pressure. That surely is •
certainty, for Dr. Shoop's headache Tablets stop
it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressure.
Bruise your finger, and doesn't it got red, and
swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con.
gestion, blood pressure. You'll find It where pato
ia—always, Its simply Common Sense.
We sell at 20 cents, and cheerfully recommend
qtIr. Shoop's
Single Harness
We make a specialty of Sin-
gle Harness and offer you great
values. Our Team Harness al-
ways stands the wear and is
known for its great durability.
Fine Beaver Cloth
Fur -lined Overcoats
is a new Iine we have put in this Pall and our prices on ahem
will please you. Also our Wool and Plush Lap Rugs are proving
great sellers, our prices being so low.
In the Shoe Department
you will find comfortable and durable Shoes of all kinds for all sizes
of people even for the little tote,
t"Two sets Second -band Single Harness—one set just in use two
months—one set $4 75 ; the other $9.00.
Bargains in Trunks and Satchels.
Economy Rane
is a Leader
This Range has six holes, a 19 -gallon Reservoir,
and Nickle Base. It sells at
Warming SI �D.
High 4� arming Closet $6.00 extra.
A. east iron Range "Corona," six
holes, Reservoir, with High
Warming Closet—
A four holed Range with High
Shelf and Reservoir
for only
$36.O0 28.00
The best Bargains alas on
the Market rket t® -da
Roller Flour
is DOW in full operation, It will save you
money to have your Oats ''Flaked" before
feeding horses
Try our New
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Inviglo'ating.
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flou
is still tailing the lead For Bread Flours.
4a -Ail kinds of Treed kept constantly on bland.