HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-11-12, Page 1VOL. 37 NO, Ig
W. 1r, KERR, Proprie,Eor
New Advertisements
Strn5•el-A, 0. Primes.
Paper -F, R. Smith.
Optical -Dr, E. H,
Change f business -G. � oun.
Hot idol odd bathe -W. 9, piinonn,
Winghnm BusIness 4ollege—f#ao. •dpotton.
?i: frz.d Plus
goode Hall, the divisional court has
refused to quash the local option by-
law of the town of Hensel]. In giving
judgment, Justice Riddell says :
"1 agree with the chief justice of the
exchequer division that the objections
are technical and devoid of merit, It
is perhaps too much to expect that
such applications will cease, but every
of mt should be made to support a by-
law carried fairly even though theme
be technical defects which may be dis-
covered by a hypercritical eye."
There may be a run for Municipal
offices here next January.
The community sympathise with
the Scott family iu their sad bereave-
ment by the terrible railway accident,
STA13L1: BtlnNnD,-About 8 o'clock
last Monday evening the stable be-
longing to J. Mason was discovered to
be on fire and the flames got such a
start the building was soon destroyed.
3 horses were burned. The insur-
ance was $250. Citizens bad to be en
the alert to preserve adjacent prop-
erty from catching fire.
DIDNTAL,-Dr. Feild, dentist, will visit Ethel
on Monday, Nov. lath, and every two weeks
after that date.
Township Council Nov. 28rd.
August Rupp, of Detroit, was spend-
ing the Thanks** ing holidays with
his sister, • s Davidson, of this
localitp, . s a We one visitor,
The War mee ing of the
Women nstitute - Il be held on
Thursday evening, N v. 19th, at the
home of Mrs, F. F Freeman. The
topic is "Iuexpens' a Xmas gifts and
games for Winter veni.ngs."
Saturday evening of this week the
Mat debate and musical program of
the season will be given. The .ques-
tion of taxing bachelors will be the
interesting subject under discussion.
There will no doubt be a large
audience. Meeting will be held in the
Township Hall.
Miss Ida Cole went to London to
hear the celebrated Sheffield choir,
now touring Canada. She and Miss
McKessock will give a Concert at
Motherwell before returning. Miss
Cole was visiting at Owen Sound and
took part in concerts at Holland
Centre and Massie. Associated with.
Miss McKessock a successful time was
spent, ab the Methodist church anni-
versary at Harriston.
partment. Examined in Aritb.,
Gram., Geo. and Comp. Names in
order of merit. Glass V -Alvin Mc-
Kee, Ross Fraser, Alice Barr, Irene
Bugler, Edwin Hemsworth. Sr. IV-
Fleda Freeman, Agnes Thomson, Liz-
zie McIntosh, Vera McCall, Florence
McOallnm, Wilfred Eckmier. Jr.
IV -Lizzie 'Thompson, Pearl McKee,
Spence Hemsworth, Clifford Dunbar,
Joe Cooper. Sr. III -Pearl Bateman,
Lyall McAllister, Gristle Engler, Nor-
man Addy, Noble McKee, Olive Coop-
er, Elwin Dobson, Edmund McLeod,
Verde Pollard, Elsie Maybury, Jr.
III -Reggie Hernsworth, (edge Cole,
Grace Eckmier, Stanley Strachan,
Edith Ferguson,. Wilfred Thompson,
Russell Eckmier. A. H. MAODoNALD,
Principal. Junior Department. -
Examined in Geog., Spell., Rec.,
Comp., and Arith. Total 400, Sr. II
Lucinda McNeeland, 857, Della. Mc-
Kee, 828 ; Pearl Dobson, 812; Eolith
Hoath, 275 ; Roy Dunbar, 1443. Jr.
I1 -Harold Freeman, 289 ; Stuart
' MacDonald, 150 ; Stanley Gill, 141 ;
Flossie Sanders, 100 ; Lockhart Dane,
58 ; Clara, McCallum, 55 ; **Lydia
Thibidean, 425. Pt. II -Evelyn Mc-
Intosh, Laura L-Iemsworbh, Eolith Eck-
mier, Lillian Davidson, John Heath,
James Lucas, Louis Martin, Willie
Cole, George Pollard, Sr. I-Excel-
lent-HaroldLove, David McKee,
Russell. Kranter, Russell MoNeeland,
Harold McAllister, Good -Pearl
Love, Bertha Ooh', Louise Martin,
Gladys Heath. Fair -Steven I`hi
ideal, Quest Dobson, Florence Mc-
Intosh, Jr, I• -•Excellent -M rtlu
Bowes, Archie MacDonald, VeeilBate-
tnan, Alice ISaikruier, Bernice Cole.
Good -Minnie Martin, Isina Mitclroll,
Minnie Cole. L' oweet I--Good•-Wit-
lie Dane, Edwin )irauter, Colin Mc-
Callum, Fair -Leslie Pollard, Ella
Mitchell, Lulu McIntosh. Average
attendance 80: B. B. Bi vANa,
• Teacher.
F.raie-Fire started in the cellar of
Linder & Watson's grocery about 8
o'clock Tuesday and damaged the
stock to about $2,000 and the building
about $500. The fitomen were able to
confine the fire mostly to the cellar,
but the damage by smoke and water
is considerable. The insurance com-
panies represented are the Union and
Northern. The G. N. W. telegraph
office was in the store and business is
temporarily suspended.
D7PNA'Aa, Dl•. Feild will visit Walton On
Monday, Nov. Hird, and ovary two weeks atter
that date. Hs ,nay be consulted in atm
Mlm's Hotel.
Miss Rota McLeod, who was home
on a visit, has returned to Tomato.
The McKim property bas been sold,
it is said, to Mr. Fullerton, of Monk -
A load of young people drove to
Londosboro' on the evening of Thanks-
giving day and took in the Methodist
Tea, meeting. They had an A 1. time.
On Friday evening of next week,
20th inst., a Necktie Social will be
held in Duff's church under the aus-
pices of the Sunday School. The pro-
ceeds will he applied for Missionary
We are sorry to hear that John
Shortleed jr., had the ill fortune to
got his right hand caught in the gear
of a threshing machine and had ser-
ious injury done. We hope he will
soon be better.
Mon criefF
Peter Tarr is spending a couple of
weeks hunting in the Northland.
Mrs. G. lticQuarrie and Harriet
spent Thanksgiving in Stratford.
D. K. and lairs. Livingstone and
Miss Marie spent Sunday ab R. Bal-
lantyne's, Atwood.
John McNeil, 14th cnn., keeps quite
poorly we regret to state bu t we hope
a change for the better will soon en-
Duncan McKay and family haye
moved into their new house. We
wish them many happy, prosperous
Bethel chnecb Christian Endeavor
Society held a social evening, a spell-
ing match, readings and singing being
on the program.
Harry MRMann, Who went West
this Summer is seriously ill we are
sorry to state, He is a brother to
Mrs. G. McKay, of Dioncrieff.
Miss Mary Harris visited in Toronto
ovee the holiday.
Mrs. Greave, of Peterborough, is the
guest of Dirs. Mather.
Miss Elliott spent the holiday with
Owen Sound friends. •
Mrs. North, of Wiarton, is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Henry Armstrong.
Miss May Perrin left on Fr clay for
a two weeks, visit with friends iu
Miss Jean Davidson entertained a
another of her girl friends on Wednes-
day evening.
Mrs. Noires returned from Harriston
on Tuesday where she had visited for
several days.
Miss Lido Hemphill has returned
from Hensail where she has spent the
last two weeks.
W. G. and Mrs. Hooper leave foe
Hanover this week where they will
make their home.
Sommerville Hamilton returned to
Toronto on Tuesday having spent
several days at his home here,
Boy Hamilton, of Thornhill, was
the guest of his parents, Jno. and
Mrs. Hamilton, over the holiday.
Crosby and Mrs. Leckie, of Wing -
ham, spent Thanksgiving Day with
the former's brother, George Leckie,
A..ata.As i . .....i....`A.A....s►.>•al.e.d4J`-sttd.dsls.As,d,elasSa$
Change of Business !
Having p
urchased the Harness Busi-
o Mr. A. J. Lowry, .Brussels,
begIt informin
o the public that I ale now possession and
able to attend to their wants in Light and Heavy Harness,
Robes, Rugs, Blankets Bells Combe Brushes tic,
First-class stock of Trunks, Satchels and 'Telescopes.
Special attention paid to the Harness Repair Department.
I have retained the services of Mr. R. Crone, well known
to the public.
It will be My pleasure to make the act tlaintance of all Old•
etletomere and will be glad to add to the hot.
Satisfaction Assured, All Work Guaranteed, Prices Bight,
Jos. Cowan has moved his office to
the Sanders block, His ?twiner office
will he timed by A. A. EMI as a sample
Mr, Rainsford, or Guoton, assisted
Rev, T. 13. Farr in the servlco in the
'Episcopal Church on Sunday after-
noon. — _....
Miss Flossie Scott is visiting friends
in Molesworth.
Mrs. Frank G. Wright has returned
from a visit with friends in Alma.
Wm. and Mrs. Wright, of Wing -
ham, Sunclayed with the former's
father, Jas. Wright.
IongId and �iss
Elsie Stretcher]
visited their sister, Mrs. Peter Mc -
Ewan, of Elncvale, last Sunday.
A few from this vicinity attended
the Presbyterian Church Anniversary
services in Molesworth last Sunday.
Mr, Stone, of Toronto, took the ser-
vice here last Sabbath evening. Rev.
Mr. Davidson, of Varna, is expected
next Sabbath,
S. S. No. 4, Grey will hold their,
public school examination and enter-
tainment on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd,
Those wishing a good time should re-
serve the date.Watch THE Posy for
further. particulars.
Oranbrook •
Misses Silvia Seel and Tessie Switzer
spent Thanksgiving at their home
here. '
• The pastor preached an appropriate
Thanksg,•iviugg sermon in the Presby-
terian Church on Monday forenoon.
Garf, Long is taking up the barber-
ing business and is serving his ap-
prenticeship in the W. E. Duncan
shop, Brussels.
Miss Pearle Nonce, of Toronto, E. A.
Nalco, of Guelph, and Geo. Mee, of
Fordwich, spent Thanksgiving at the
home of 3, 1V. Switzer.
Athol, son of D. McQuarrie, of
Orankrook, has taken a positiou on
the Daily News, of Calgary. D. Mc-
Gillicuddy, formerly of THE POST, is
the Editor of the News.
The address of Miss Bette in the
Presbyterian Church here drew a
good audience. She speaks with a
strong Feonch accent and gives an in-
teresting account of the French work
in the Province of (Seabee. The col-
lection taken amounted to over $12.00.
Miss Bette, makes her home at Tees -
water now and delivers many address-
es each year,
Public School intend holding their
school Concert on Friday, Nov. 2018
in Long's Hall here. A good time is
promised. The school and others of
the Section have been working for
some weeks preparing a program that
will be interesting and at the same
time profitable. As the Concert is in
the interests of the school, to which
the funds will be applied, a large
crowd is expected.
Cranbrook is as you all know
A place of great renown,
Tis noted for its push and go
The equal ne'er is found.
From factory whistle's melodious
Ring out upon otr ears,
And as the foremen go their rounds
The men burst into cheers.
The Craubrookgirls though few in No.
Are allvays in the line,
For they will only act just so
No matter what the time.
The Cranbrook Foot Ball team has
A. name unto itself,
For we all know when the season's
It's opponots are on the shelf.
The Cranbrook school can concerts
And you must come and see
And if your sides they clo,not shake
We will return your fee,
There will be dialogues galore
And recitations too,
And I must tell you this once mare
That all we give is uew.
The men will speak, the children sing
There'll be a merry time,
For they will make the largo Hall ring
And sighing be a crime.
The huntsmen are abroad in the
A flue piano has been placed in the
home of Samuel Walker, 018 line.
13,. D. Cardiff, ' of the Metropolitan
Bault, Toronto, was home for a brief.
Ir t
Mrs. and Miss Par, ,th line,have
gone to MoKillop where thewill
spend the Winter.
Samuel Cantlon, who bas been in
tho est for the past two years, is
visiting relatives and friends in this
Dr. F. Lambie, Mrs. Lambie and
clan 6 rhtor, of liorolto, were visiting at
James Duneans'L'or a few days diming
the past week.
In referring tobhe funeral of James
Shedcleu's little sae last week it was
stated that 1tev, Mr. West conducted
the service. I4 should read . R v
Mt Rivers, of Bolgrave.
A letter from ox -Reeve Henry
Moouoy, of Weyburn, Sask., formerly
of Morris, to a friend states that he
has 10,000 bushels of wheat this year
and 7,000 bushels of oats. Harry
Mooney, the former's son, leas 5,000
bushels of fwbeat. At the prevailing
Market price wheat is tot a bad crop
to have, Messrs. Mooney have 40
acres ready for Spring sowing. ',Olaf
J?osT voioos the feelings o.t: many in.
Congratulating Mr.. looncy on his
Sormors RYnPORT.-Following is the
report of S. S, No, 8, Morris for the
'month of Oct, based on examina-
tions and class work.--St.".i\ -Lilian
Watson, Mary Spoils Ella Chink.
Sr,III---;Myqrtle Wheeler, Janie Al-
cock Jr, ll1-Janet Connor, • Maggie
Spefr, ,john Passrore, llarold Kerney,
Jinn:el Nichol, Willie 1)ennnun. Sr.
-]sees( Michie, Elsie Column, Gladys
McNeil, Willie Clark, Hain, Alyc:it,
Andrew Nichol, Will Conno), .J p, II
-Ivan McAeter, Russel Bradshaw,
Norman Speir,r Violet 31(Gracken,
John McNeil. I t, 1I -..Barbara Brad-
shaw, Annie Little, Russel Marks,
Rena Cloakey. Pt. 1 Sr, ---Florence
Kerney, Annie Aleoek, Maggie ()lark.
Pt. I Jr. -Clifford Marks, Harold
Watson. L. M. Wlt,roy, Teacher.
Township Council will 1(1001 Mowhy
Nov. 23rd,
Ernest Bozell spent 'Thanksgiving
with a friend, at Elora.
Miss Emnra Hollinger spent Thanks-
giving with friends in London.
Leslie Lamont was home on a visit
to his parental home, 10th no. Ile ie
teaching at Bright.
The Sabbath School held in Shine's
schoolhouse has closed foe the Winter
months, It will be re -opened on the
first Sunday of next May.
It is reported that the John Oliver
farlrr, 0th con., has changed (lands
Tito. Galbraith exchanging it for farm
lands in the West owned by George
Keys, Of Brussels.
Milton Rands and Jno. Glassier ere
home from the West where they
spent several months. Jno. Rowley,
who went out with them, has taken
up land. His old friends here wish
him well.
An auction sale is announced by
John McFadden, Lot 1, Con, 13, of
his eligible 100 acre farm, farm stock,
implemouts, &c, the date being Tues-
day, Nov. 2118, If fade is not sold it
will be rented as Mr. McFadden in-
tends giving up farming. *
PRIZE WINNER. -Master Alexander
Hyde, aged 11 years, son of John Hyde
175 Queen street, Stratford, formerly
of the 11th con. of Grey, is one of the
successful contestants in the competi-
am eti-tion recently held byy the R. 8. Wil-
liams & Sons Co., Ltd. of Toronto.
The competition required that the
competitors count the number of dots
in an advertisement printed in the
Toronto Star. Master Hyde counted
the correct number, 2,772, and at the
first of the week received a credit
check from the firm to the amount of
$70" which may be applied as a first
payment on any new piano in the com-
pany's warerooms,
MATRIMONIAL. -On the evening of
Thanksgiving Day Rev. L. G. Powell,
of Brussels, tied the knot between
Chas. 11.Ii;uight. a well known resi-
dent• of the 10th con and Miss Doxey,
of St..Thomas, at, the home of Jas.
Knight, in the presence of some 50
guests. The wedding march was
played by Miss Belle McKinnon as the
principals took their places for the
ceremony. Bridle was attended by
Isabella Laidlaw and Robert McKay
had the experienceof standing next
the groom. Congratulations over the
company satdoldn to to well prepared
supper.•., The wedding gifts were well
chosen and valnablo the groom's gift.
being a fine Heintzman piano. An
enjoyable time was spent and many
good wishes were expressed for a
happyand prosperous life to Mr. and
Mrs. Knight. THE Posr throws an
editorial slipper after thein.
Breeders' Norse Now
The next Horse Show, under the aus-
pices of the Ontario Horse Breeders'
Association, will be held at the Union
Stook Yards, West Toronto (Toronto
-Junction), et Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, Tanuary, 13th, 14th and (5th
Igo9, During the time of the Show a
good street car service will be given
from the city of Toronto to the Union
Stock Yards. The building in which
the Show will beheld will he specially
lighted and heated. All the horses en
exhibition will be stabled at the Stock
Yards and every opportunity will be
given visitors to view the exhibits
Both the C. P. R. and the G. T,'1„
have sidings in the yards and there is
every convenience for the easy loading
and unloading of the horses. The dif
ferent classes of the Show with the prize
money offered for each are as follows :
Clydesdales, $810 ; Canadian Bred
Clydesdale's and Shires, $440 ; Shires,
$305 ; Hackneys, $420 ; Standard Breds,
$275 ; Ponies, $t3o ; Heavy Draught
horses, $305 ; Championships, $545 ;
Total prize money, $ser5, The judges
of heavy horses will be lion. Robert
lieith, Bowmanville ; James Torrance,
Markham ; Job White, Ashburn r
A.McLaren Chicago s reserye 7 edge.
The Sedges Y ed es forHackneys will
be,Dr. Campbell, Berlin
,W 8,
Gibson Beaconsfield Que B Roth-
well, Ottawa ; with L, Meredith Lon-
don as reserve judge. The list of prizes
offered is practically the same as at
the last Show ; copies may bo procured
on application to the Secretary. Ontario
Horse Breeders' Exhibition Parliament
Buildings, 'Toronto.
Lord and Lady Grey are going to
spend a month in lelontreel. They leave
the capital Nov, 23, and will be away
midi just before the holid
'rbe C. P. R. will have to build a
bridge at Walkerton over a level eross-
ing. 'that was the decision of the
lvay commission et 'Pronto.
Rev J, P. Falconer, 13. A., whose in-
duction into the pastorate of the Presby-
terian church et Rodney was to have
taken place Nov. 24, is postponed in-
definitely, as Mr. Faicoher is in the
General 'Hospital at Hamilton with
Daniel Campbell, a prominent farmer
and cattle -dealer, who lived on the Der.
hatn road, ruts into a'hydrant at iOncer•
cline Motrday night nuti wee thrown net
of his buggy, Mr. Campbell was only
stunned and was assistocl int° the
vehicle, but snhsrquently, while tying
his hol',ehefainted a ,e hl
s way, arlalt nigh
everything possible was done fat him he
died early Tuesday morning, Ile leaves
a widow and three sorts,
HAVE you felt thankful Marring the
past weep 1'
* * *
RIND EDWARD was 07 years of age
last Monday and reeeived many MU-
gt'atulatioue, Long lite the ICiug!
\Vim: the establishing of the clos-
ure there is no reason why Dominion
Parliamentary sessin00 should not be
shortened by months,
PRI:MIRR Dr A;:r.iv, of Australia.
oras outvoted In Parliament the other
day and as a result an election will he
one of the near events. "The path of
glory leads but to the grave." A
Labor ministry may try its hand in
TIIIO editor of the Toronto News is
being skillfully harpooned by some of
bis cotems for his characterization of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier during the last
election after writing the most laud-
atory history of bis life recently.
Facts are stubborn things to get over.
RUGBY football should be classed in
the same category with prize fights.
Its about one and the same thing only
the pugs do it in duet form. Sport
that claicks a skull, pu11s off an ear,
breaks a leg or arm as an ordinary
feature aucl sometimes maims for life
should have the ban placed upon it.
THE so-called ?darathon fever raged
furiously on Thanksgiving Day in
Ontario. Fleet footed Canucks will
have to be named legion. Tom Long-
boat got tired of trickle plated silver
cults and medals and is now out after
the pure silver coin. If he knows
when bis bvead is buttered he had
better stick to "Tom" Flanagan as
* 4
NEWFOUNDLAND finds itself in the
very disagreeable position of having
to wear a tie that is not comfortable
to the neck of either Sir Robert Bond
or Sir Eciwar d Morris, the leaders of
the two political parties. Election
day left each of the above named
gentlemen with 17 supporters. That
is worse than a majority of I. Public
opinion on the Island must be eveuly
divided. This is no cod. It world be
no worse with. 18 ou a side.
No stone should be left unturned to
get at all the guilty parties in the iu-
vestigation over the management of
the marine affairs at Quebec. Every
mother's son who had his hand in the
Dominion till should get his walking
ticket anti if the law can make it hot-
ter they should get it. Honorable
people can surely be found to dis-
charge public duties without the s0 -
called graft: Canada demands and
Canada must have a rigid enforce-
ment of honest dealings at the hands
of public ofcialdotu. •
* * 4
ALL the Governments doing busi-
ness in Canada should get after the
couibitles. There is enough of the
"hog" in many men to keep up a con-
tinual squeal even if they tura already
malting a big haul out of the long sub.
feting public. If a than or a firm can-
not do business in fair competition
withott an everlasting bolstering up,
often grossly unfair to the great mass,
then be should be allolved to quietly
prepare for burial. The combines
have milked the cow long enough and
often the real owners- only got the
* * *
Smnsrt:aces parsons have a rocky
roast to travel the same a e as their
parishioners but Rev.
Ar. Barclay, fox.
25 years pastor of St. Paul's Presby-
terian church, , Montreal, has had the
lines fall to him in pleasant places.
His cougrega,tion gave hits a cheque
for $5,000 on the 25th anniversary and
to ken
ais pocket; wartn Lord Mount
S'e nh n f s
t i e, a former en m ober of
his con-
gregation, presented him with $78,000.
We know some preachers who would
possiblydropdead if some one made
them a gift of $7.30. Tho good 'book
says ,t
o iu thatbath shall be
THIS is the season of the year when
the day record of accidental deaths
while hunting has the first place. The
wonder to us is that these sad necnr-
rence5 ma not multiplied 10 to 1.
Anybody might have tuunted. With the
old time hint lock but no one but a
wise and cautious MAN, with the ac-
cent on the man, should be permitted
to trifle with the lniolt-tiring (weapon
or today. In addition to the G,ovicen-
mentpermit, to bait n.0 exanlination
should be nereseatl to ascertain
Whether the huntsman ever fired a
gun n not, and also lie asked to pass
tnnatc'r before an aeculist so that there
would beam excuse fur putting bullet
windows In his companion in tnietake
for bringing down adeet• nr bear,
s * %
THE decease of Hon, Mr. Agnew,
Attorney General for Manitoba,
makes the second death in Hon. Mr.
Roblin's Cabinet in tate past twelve
mlontlie. Hon, Mr. MOIuuis, of
Brandon, died last Winter, There
was a strange coincidence in the ail-
ments of 1110 two gentlemen. Hann.
Mr, Agnew was 45 years of age and
his birthplace was Prince Albert, Ont,
Canadian News
The steamer Rosemount is stranded
at West Neebish Channel,
The Neuvfoondland returns sboW eigh-
teen members elected on each side, with
every riding beard from.
The returns from Prince Albert de-
ferred election indicate a victory for
Mr, Ruttan, the Lideral candidate.
A title hill has been returned against
the corporation of Guelph fur maintain=
ing a nuisance at the sewage disposal
Longboat, the famous Indian runner,
bas entered into a contract to run as a
professional, with Tom Flanagan as his
Four prisoners who tried to break out
of St. Thomas jail were 10 violent that
the police had to be called to assist the
jail officia.s.
Turnbull Smith, proprietor of the
Hotel Gladstone, Toronto, dropped
dead in the hotel. heart failure being the
cause of death,
Two British engineers arrived at Vic-
toria, B. C., with Chinese wives, and the
question of the women's liability to the
nead tax has been raised.
Both the Dominion and Provincial
Governtnents have instituted an inquiry
into the quality of coal oil being sold in
Manitoba, in view of recent accidents.
Ponzi, the Italian who killed a fellow-
conntryinan with a stone .at Ingersoll,
was sentenced to two and a half years'
imprisonment at the Woodstock Assizes.
Edward Carew, of Swan Lake, Man.,
died from injuries received in the fire in
his house, making the ninth victim In-
ferior oil is said to have caused the
catastrophe. .
The Dain manufacturing Company, of
Ottumwa, Iowa, have purchased too
acres of land at Welland and will estab-
lish a Canadian branch of their manu-
factory there. They make agricultural
Itis reported that eight thousand em-
ployees of the Intercolonial Railway
have seceded from the International
Union and formed an independent or-
ganization at Halifax.
It is stated as an unusual occurrence
Mat a Canadian should be elected a
member of the Legislature of North Dia
kota. This is an old story. ' This Leg-
islature once contained four Canadian
members at once, and they all came
from Huron and Bruce counties.
Stirling Village Council has closed a
contract with the Waterous Company of
Brantford for a new fire engine, The
new buildings erected to replace those
destroyed by the big fire last August
are rapidly nearing completion. The
Council is now considering the advis-
ability of installing an electric lighting
A plea for an increase in the grant
from the Ontario Legislature from
$8,000 to $12,000, to aid the Ontario.
Horticultural Association in its work,
was made by W. B. Burgoyne, of St.
Catharines, et the meeting of the as-
sociation. The meeting approved of
the idea.
Mrs, John Hossie, of Stratford, receiv-
ed word that her nephew, James P. Mc-
Kenzie, was elected as Republican
Senator for Orlesus county and North
Tonawanda, N. Y. Mr. McKenzie will
be the first resident of Tonawanda to
wear the state toga. He defeated the
Democratic candidate by almost 2,500.
Monday a tragedy nearly happened at
Prescott, whet a little boy, 4 years of
age, a son of Curtis Easter, in some way
got hold of a revolver, and, while play-
ing with his sister, a girl of 14 years, the
weapon exploded.' The bullet passed
through a quilt,' as the girt was in bed at
the tine, and entered her right side.
Happily, a doctor was able to locate it,
and while she is suffering from shock,
no serious results .are anticipated.
W. Is, MacKenzie Ring, NI. P., the
newly elected representative f North
the Commons, w
Canada's representative at theInter-
oatmeal Quinquennial Conference in
Pekin next January on the supprl•ssion
of the opium traffic Mr. lCing made a
s e lel investigation
of the opium gees
tion iu 'Vsucouver last Spring, and the
bill suppressing its use in Canada was
passed on his recommendation.
Accordingto a circnlnr sent out by the
Ontario Dpartment of Agriculture to
factory dairymen, there has been a
ed improvement In the qualityof cheese
turned out this year. Tlreeircirlar states
that the department has beet much
C following 0.•
' le at these result, Poll s
rata d g
they did the attendance of pedal speak•
ers at 51.11311111 meetings of the cheese
companies. More cleanly methods, it Is
,stated have been -adopted in handling
Milk, The department is prepared to
send speakers to the meetings again this,
A consignment of high grade silver
ore frons Cobalt, consisting o1 thirteen
cars with an aggregate of 412 tons, was
delivered to the Grand Trunk Railway
System by the Temiskatning & Northern
Ontario Railway at North Bay at ((.30
a. in., October 28th, and run 98 a special
freight train between that point and Ela -
doe, 111„ where it was transferred to the
Strata Fe Railroad at to. cm u. in. on the
20t1h, Occupying 34 hours in transit.
9hodistauee covered bythis train was
7155 miles which is at. rearkable run for
a freight shipment. The Ore was en
route to Deaver, Cyl,
Lionel Newall Was drowned whip
canoeing al Stratford
Elle+ter linekhorrrnlgh teas ne(yittet
of the (Marge of S<ttig fire p kt
Que,•n's Hotel at 'I'ilisnnhurg.
Two electric ears collided 011 the Out
skit's or Vand„ v,•t. fled both nlntot'me;
were killed ,us I ., , eral passengers le
11011. Mr, Matheson, Provincial Trdus
urer, leaves on Thur. -illy of this weer
for a ten day.' vacation in the 13e1'
W. A. „Boys' two year old son ateS0111
bread covered with strychnine put ot1
to kill rats at Barrie, and died from th
The ratepayers of Leamington have
passed a by-law (1(0!0(1 the Heinz Pieta
Company a bnllding in which to estah
lisp a Canadian branch.
The Winnipeg Trthone publishes a 1
mor to the effect that the Governmetr
of Alberta is about to appeal to the elec
tonne. and. mentio,s December r5 a,...
the probable date of the elections.
Tne explosion of the boiler on 11,1
steamer 'remislcamin2', near Tetniskana
ingrd resulted' a
Landing, Ing. rti, u ted' in the death {
three men the probable fatal injury c,
two others, and the Madly burning of sir
The criminal libel suit instituted 1,
Sir Frederick Borden against L. hl
Carruthers for (:100111(110(1 copies of Th
Caigary Eye Opener began in Cannin
N. S-, and the defendant was committe
for trial.
Robert Hunt while driving near Han
Mon got oft the road and rolled doe
the steep embankmrsI of Jolly Cut, r
ceiving serious injuries. The horse an
bugrt'y naught in a tree part of the wu
Eight lives were lost in a fire in th
house of bfr, Carey, near Swan Lain
Manitoba. The victims were Mr.
Carey, five klaughters, one son and Mi:
Gillespie, a teacher, Mr. Carey was s
badly burned that his recovery is bop<
A new feature of the Provincir
Winter Fair this year at. Guelph. and
very important innovation, according t
Secretary Westerfelt, will be in canoe'
den with the prevention and cure
diseases of agricultural suimals. '1`1,
best veterinaries of the continent rvi
be secured to fieliver lectures, wi'b ,lgi
tern slides and charts, to g,
agriculturalist a rudimentary
ofthe more common diseas•
a the simplest cures.
Mrs. Matilda Dow
lady living in Stratford
driving about 3,311 Frida
horse took fright, clash
street curb and threw r.
against a telephone pole.
was miraculous, Proceed •
way home the horse ttok ft..
and time, running wildlyu,
street, across the sidewalk near 1, -
store, where Mrs. Downie was
thrown out, and this time more seriou"
ly injured. She was stunned and it
feared internal iinjuries of a serioi
nature were received. The buggy w:
The annual meeting of the Stratfor:
Hockey Club was held. A good is
tendanee and plenty of entllusii?s'
presage good season. The series whif,'
the club will enter was /eft to ine0)01,,
executive. Charles Far uh_arson w
nominated for place ou '�, H. A. e'
ecutive. The club bad a small detiii
last year. Officers were elected as fin
lows: -Honorary president, Dr, J.
Rankin, M. P. ; honorary vice pre;
dent, John Forbes; president, E
Chowen ; vice-president, E. P. 81
moods ; treasurer, Robinson McNicho,
secretary, Austin Killer ; executi+
D. Forbes, W. Hero, F. Rankin, '-
Stratford will have a handsome ne;
G. T. It. station within the next twel:`
months. This highly gratifying e
uo ncement was node by john Pelle
assistaut freight trafficmanager. at t
Board of Trade banquet. Mr. Pair
had the authority of General Man .lr;,
C. M. Hays for the statement, •1"
present wooden structure which h'
served as a station since the inception
a road here, has long since outlived i
usefulness and for years has been
black eye to the city. The news th'
the old structure would be replaced 1
one which in every detail will be
keeping with the -importance of the
ratltvay centre, is welcomed by blsine"
W. O. Fowler, Secretary of the Nett
west Grain Dealers' Association 1
tainted the following estimate of,,tl
year's wheat yield for Manitoba, Albei,f
And Saskatehewru also an interests
n e of he disposition of the crop
este at t 1
date •--Wheat 6 0 600 acres �t t
dt 5
e per un99,311,84o bushe
bU4h is
26 nn ares t ' S bu h'
O•lts, 07 O times, A s4 S
per acre, go 202 200 bushels, Barje`
855 650 acres at 244 bushels pet' 10
20 877,860 bushels. Flax (2 20 a
77, , 3 4 0
et 9 3 ilus11e10 per acre, x,147,805 busho l
Inspected to date, 24,241 ears, 25,453,0
bushels. In store at country, poi11.
I ,150 poo bushels ; in transit,not
speeted, (4,1611000 bushels allow, ft,
country twills, 8,00o,000 bushels,, ail
for sed and feed r2 0 a 1•
seed oo,000 h sire
Intal; Gc,013,00n ; balance in forme
hands to market, 38,298,84o hitshsls ; 15
per cent, wheat No,4ant ender. , '
A Star representative in his travels
a els
the far North bas just learned the 1(
lowingP articnlsrs of a bear story wit 15
are vouched for as being true m evf,t
particular. In the slush of the evenli
the little son of a settler named J;
'Pruden came renting 'up to his fatlfj
ceiling out that a big black bear 1,
dragging away one of the sheep lute t,
swamp, Mr. Trottel! ran after the she
and beat' and /imaged to catch 110111:
the hind legs of the sheep as the b
Was pulling it through a thick britt
fence, and bye greet effort, dragged t.
sheep away from the bear, the tatter ft+
Hing off, It was expected the b-�
'would return to the same place the ne;
night, which he dirt, and met his Maid
for • mr0th0r settler tntned
Rotolo, who was the •onssessor off
rine, managed to put an enol to 1