HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-11-5, Page 6-3-33,-'333.3'3'33••••••••33•333•3'3•••"•""3.3T",••RT.R.m.......'
Mr, A. Warton Toad did not feel
'happy, Ho was reading a pice in
the Toadville Bugle -Eye, the local
paper. It said that toadstools were
being eaten by human beings. The twinges and the tortures of
"I cleelure,' said Mr. Toed, "1 rheumatism are nut due to cold,
;have heard of people who were so damp weather as so many people
shiftless they ate up their property, imagine. Rheumatism comes from
But I never heard of people eating poisonous acid in the blood, The
furniture. We shall have to pains may be started by cold wee, -
move." thee, damp weather or by keen
The Toad house was neat and winds. There is only one way to
cozy; it had three rooms—the big cure rheumatism. It must be treat -
toad -room; the 1ittl toad-roone and cd through the b/ood. All the Hui
the mush -room, or dining -room, inents and rubbing, and so-called
wbero the family ate their mush electrical treatment in the world
three times a day. will not eure rheumatism, The acid
The mush -room was famished in that causes the disease nmst be
simple style. There was a piece of driven out of the blood and the
hare ground for table. And there blood enriched and purified. It is
were seven dining -room chairs, or because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
mush -stools, from which the Toads make new, red blood that they have
;could comfortably reach down to cured thousands of cases of rheu-
the table -without bending their fore maim after all other treatnient
legs. At one side of the house was
the mush -room -room, where odd
furniture, very odd furniture, was
stored. In many respects it was
a very unusual house.
The Toads had been happy in
their small house. Now Father
Toad was sad, It hot him to think
that humin beings had taken to
eating chairs, lounges, hassocks
and sofas.
"There is no help for it," he
said, gulpine. "We must move in-
to the cave. If we do not have
stools, what can we sit on to reach
down O the table froml"
Mrs. Toad smiled. She had a
rough but kindly face.
"There will be plenty of stools
Ire the Sharp Twinges and Tor-
tures of Rheumatism—Dr.
William?! Pink Pills a
Certain Cure.
had tailed, As a proof of what Dr,
illiams' Pink Pills will do even
in the most severe cases of rheuma-
tism, the ease of Mr. David Car-
rel, a well known furniture dealer
Lf Plato, N. S., may be cited. Mr.
Carroll says;—"I have been a most
severe sufferer from rheumatism,
and in the hope that some other
poor sufferer may fence relief from
my experience I gladly write you
f the benefit I have received from
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The
trouble settled in my shoulders and
down my sides and at times I was
quite unable to raise my arm, I
was attended by a doctor, but as 1
did not appear to be getting any
better I sent for a so-called elec-
for a long time, she said. "To trio belt for which I paid $40.00, It
be sure, stools are a slow crop. It did not do me any good and then I
takes all night for one to grew, and tried another remedy, but without
all day for it to e.tool out. But all any better results. A friend asked
the country round here is so well ine to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
steeled that the big people might and I got three boxes, by the time
eat a good deal of furniture, and T had used them all I found Wee
still leaveuoughe stiffness and pain less severe, and
e us
"Yes, papa, if you will pardon I got another half dozen oxes.
me for speaking about something When I had taken these every
which you and mamma know best symptom of the trouble had disap-
about. There are a great deal of peered and in the two years that
stools over behind the pine -tree. have since passed I have had no re-
Webbie and I could bring some turn of the trouble. I believethere
over without breaking the leg off." is no other medicine equal to Dr.
It was Woolly Toad who spoke. Williams' Pink Pills for curing this
Woolly was nickname for Woolson. most painful trouble, and I have
The real name of his brother, Web- recommended the Pills to others
bie, was Webster. who have been benefitted by their
"My son," said Mr. Toad, smin use."
ing, "I excuse you this time for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only
joining in a conversation in which euro rheumatism, bet all the other
your elders are engaged. Even a diseases due to poor watery blood,
sad moment is bright if it gives our such as anaemia, indigestion, nerv-
children' opportunity to show that ous disorders, neuralgia, St. Vitus'
they aro polite." dance, paralysis, and the ailments
Mrs. Toad put her band to her cf girlhood and womanhood, with
eye. ''I am sum Woolly means their headaches, backaches, side
Well." aches and attendant miseries. Only
"No doubt he and Webbie will do the genuine Pills can do this and In the Autumn Rheumatism is so
all they can to help us," said Fe- you should see that the full name, general that all our readers so sun
ther Toad, beaming sadly upon his "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale fering will bo glad to hear that a
children. "You will be glad to FeePle," is on the wrapper around letter addressed to The 1)r. Wil.
know, my dears, that this news- each box. Sold by all medicine Hams' Medicine Co.., Brockville,
paper says that the children of the dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box Ont, will be to their advantage.
big people are obedient, and do not er six boxes fur $2.50 from The Dr. Writ'e to -day.
eat toadstools unless their parents 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
tell them they may. Now run out Ont,
of the mush -room. For a little
while I wish to talk to your mo- "Why is a gun like a cat 1" asked
thee." CZARINA A SAD FIGURE. the conundrum fiend.
Woolly, Webbie, Harold, Hopper "I denim," replied the victim.
and Warton, junior, jumped down Wifc of Russia's Ruler is Embodi- "Because they both go off."
from their mush -stools and went to mot of Melancholy. "But there's a difference."
play in the grass. The game they "What is
played was eight-hop-and-wabble- Tho Czarina is certainly one of "The cat comes hack."
twice. It was very exciting. the saddest figures in the Russian
When they had gone, Mr. Toad world. Her face has melancholy 11 is an Officer of the Law of
said to Mrs. Toad, "I am not afraid written upon it—inelancholy and re- Health.—When called in to attend
that we shall be left entirely with- signation. Brought up in the narrow a disturbance it searches out the
out furniture. There are plenty of atmosphere which surrounded her hiding -place 01 pain, and like te
stools, of course, A child can Bee mother, the Princess Alice, she had guardian of the peace, lays hangs
that. Our little Woolly has seen it a youth full of depressing incidents, upon it anti says,"1 arrest you.''
with his own large, fat oyes. But She was taught to be extremely Resistance is useess, as the law of
you must remember that I have frugal, to content herself with a few health imposes a sentence of per -
never allowed poisonous stools in shillings a week as pocket -money, petual banishment on pain, and
irny house, no matter how handsome lo examine into the possible results Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil was ori -
they are. And I cannot think of of all her actions and to find a rea- ginated to enforce that sentence.
using for stools what the big pee_ son for all she did, This serepu-
plc use for food. St is not right lousness led to an immense amount
to sit on food. Yon would not sit of hesitation as to the change re -
on pie or butter'? Well, then, we quired in her religion when elle
married the present Czar, and she
cannot sit on the food of -the big
people. This is the last time we was miserably unhappy when the
shall eat in this dear mush -room, change took place, The Czar beg -
We shall go to live in the conifer- go? her to marry him long before
table cave under the acme, It will ehe would onsent. He used O fol -
be nice and cool there." low her about in his patient way
"I am sure," said Mrs. Toad, whenever she stayed with her sis- Regarded as one of the most po-
"tho childran will never do very ter, the (Bend Duchess Serge' and tent compounds ever introduced
well in the cave." steadfastly refused to accepther with which to combat all summer
"They will soon be old enough to "No" for an answer. Now, how- complaints and inflamation of the
hop for their own living," said Mr, ever, she has become more Russian bowels, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen-
Toad, than many Russians. She has su- tery Cordial has won for itself n re
And so the Toads moved. They peretitione and dream, and this putetion that no other cordial for
left the big toad -room and the Ht. melancholy characteristic, even in the purpose Can aspire to. For
tie toad -room and the mush -room her girlhood, bas deepened until young and old suffering from these
tied the mush -room -room and the her life is one long sadness.. complaints it is the bei medicine
mush -stools. They found them- that can be procured,
selves very cool and happy in the
' .tave under the roek. Since then
no child has ever :Won a toad sit-
ting on a teaelsteol. Have eon ?--
Youth's Companion.
Want Home Life ;is It Obtains in
Other Countries.
One of the most difficult questions
which will have to be solved by now
Turkey is that of the future of Tur-
kish women. It has already given
rise to oonsiderablo discussion, and
will sooner or later become a na-
tional question.
For many years among the better
classes there has been a steady
movement toward emancipation,
and the old Turkish life has pro-
tically disappeared in all the houses
of the educated people. The change
came with education, as the daugh-
ters of the house were trained by
foreign governesses. They began
to read foreign literature And Pain
ers, and brought up their children
better than themselves, with tho re-
pent that no family of any conse-
quence keeps up the old Turkish
customs in their entirety. Thus
very few modern Turks have more
than one wife, the life in their
houses is quite European, includ-
ing their dress, mode of living,
food, etc. Only oue-of-doors do they
wear the veil as before.
But the women want more; they
want to institute home life, and
many have done so already. They
also desire to receive visitors with -
cut restriction, and adopt more be-
coming dress in public. The edu-
cated Turks have no objection to
this, provided the change is not too
quick, as they also have mixed in
foreign society and feel the want
of ladies in Turkish society. If it
remained with this class alone the
change would come rapidly, but
there are the common classes and
the country people, who cannot un-
derstand it, and can never imagine
any change by which their women
folk should be anything else than
what they have been for centuries.
And it is noteworthy that in the
provinces that whenever reaction -
axles have tried to start a movement
against the constitution they have
always declared that one of the first
objects of the constitution would
be the complete emancipation of the
women and their going about un-
veiled, and this has never failed to
excite the people, a,s was the case
at Medina, where the stivation was
saved by the arrival of a number of
troops and the arrest of the agita-
tors. This is the reason Prince
Sabah ed Din in his speech last
week, specially spoke to women,
etieounn.seling prude= and modera-
"It's wonderful," said Dubley,
"how wide awake the Japanese
have become in recent years."
"Oh, it's not BO wonderful," re-
plied the observant man, "when you
consider that they have an earth-
quake every nighb or so in their
As a pleasant -faced woman pass-
ed the corner Harris touched his
hat to her and remarked to his
companion "Ah, my boy, I owe
a great deal to that woman."
"Your mother?" was the query.
"No; my landlady,"
"I tun satisfied that Baby's Own
Tablets are indispeneible to moth-
ers," says Mrs. Abraham Boucher,
Pierreville Mills, Que., and she
acids :—"Before using the Tablets
Mie Naggeee"Oh, Tem notafraid, my baby was cross, peevish and not
Of your leaving me, levee if you' thriving well; but, the Tablets have
do, 1185 Elwell Arden, youll come worked a great change and my lit -
Being sensitive is easier than be-
ing sensible,
Trouble soon fades away old dies
if neglected.
He who sees no good in others
has no good in himself.
Money may buy a house, but it
baek.' tle one is well and happy." This is cannot purchase a home,
Evora if you are short, it's no
Nags.- 'And, like Emmen I'd the verdict of all mothers who have good making a long -face over it.
probahly wait till I was 31111.0 You used these Tablete. And better
had married again before I iiltrriret1 • st213, mothers have the guarantee of butbe bug
besurh' i
ep," it government MOW that Baby's How often ie "Ootecience" merely
Own Tablets are absolutely safe — another name for "eowardice" 7
The. population of Norway, over that they contain not one pertiele In a world full of rouse, wby bo
which King Ilaakon rules, is rough- of opiate or poisoneves soothing eentirtually looking out fee the
by 2,300,000. OWL Sold by all medicine deniers thorns'?
If a woman has nailing Olaf: to or be mail at 20 cents ie box from A feelish girl reel Make it lover
weary about she starti a doe'e-wee- The Dr. Williams Medicine Co, a husband but only a edge Wettest
tee club. e Brockville, Ont. .
can keep her husband 10Ver.
. .„
31 Bee I'S 1.'11 0 31 KIDNEY
Then He Used DodiPs Kidney Pills
and Became a Well Man — Dis
Experience a Lesson for You.
Athabasca Landing, Alta., Oct.
20 (Special).—That Kidney Disease,
neglected in its earlier stages, leads
1, the most terrible offering, if
not death itselfl and that the One
s1170 euro for et in all stages is
Dodd's Kidney Pills, is the experi-
ence of Mr. James E. Brant, a
farmer residing near here.
Mr. Brant contracted Kidney Dis-
ease, when a young man, from a
strain, and like hosts of others,
ueglected it, expecting it to go
away itself.
But it kept gradually growing
worse, till after thirty years of in-
creasing suffering the climax came,
and he found himself so crippled
that at times he could nab turn in
bed, and for two weeks ab a time
it was impossible for him to rise
from a chair without putting his
hands on his knees.
He could not button his clothes.
He was troubled with Lumbago,
Gravel and Backache, and tried
medicines for each and all of them
without getting relief, till good
luck turned him to Dodd's Kidney
Dodd's Kidney Pills startedat
the cause of his troubles and cured
his Kidneys. With cured Kidneys
his other troubles speedily disap-
peared, and to -day he is a well
If you cure your Kidneys with
Dodd's Kidney Pills you will never
have Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart
Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dis-
Cruel Annan', Emperor Condemned
to Perpetual Exile.
Than Thai, King, or, as he is
sometimes called, Emperor of An -
nam, the most fantastically cruel
monarch of modern times, has been
condemned to perpetual exile in
Algeria by the French Government.
Than Thai murdered twenty of
his pretty little wives with tortures
of inconceivable cruelty and hor-
Annam is a large country of
scuth-eastern Asia, which is under
a French protectorate. France per-
mits the native Emperor to rule his
own country absolutely in internal
affairs except where French inter-
ests aro specially concerned. Thus
it happened that the Emperor was
al liberty to carry on murder and
torture in his harem for many
weeks before anybody ventured to
Finally the French authorities
broke into the Emperor's palace,
which he had turned into a morass
of blood, and seized the crazy mon-
arch. That was nearly two years
ago. Since then the Emperor bas
been kept under restraint and close
It will be noticed in the Singer
Sewing Machine Company's adver-
tisement that there are three ad-
dresses at the bottom of the an-
nouncement. Any one writing will
please address thereat the nearest
one of the three places to his post
Here's to the flea
A villain is he,
And awfully hard to catch.
He nips away
Both night and day,
And raises the old scratch.
If your children are troubled with
worins, give them Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator; sate, sure
and effectual. Try it, and mark the
improvement in your child.
Foreman—"If you encase, sir, I
would like to get a raise le my pay,
I just got married."
Boss—"Sorry, my man, but we
can't be responsible for accidents
that "occur outside the factory."
deep, hoarse bark, grimly caned "a
grave -yard eough,” Take Allen's Lung
Balsam, a remedy for pulmonary trou-
ble, highly rr,.or,n mended even ta the
earlier stages ot ConsUniutiOn.
Teacher—Johnny, can you inform
the class as to how the age of a
chicken is determined?
,Johnny—Yeem. By the teeth.
Teacher—Why, Johnny, chickens
have no teeth.
Johnny—No'm. But we have,
1.1.116. Mat@,,....•Spi•IV nftelEfft,M,111:MIVINOTAlbr....110
.433,4303.43,.. 343 e: 3'
in.ar Remark-
able for
flavor. The big black
plug chewing tobacco.
Favorite Sport in New South Wales
—Dreanin g the An
Whether "bremby" is a survival
of the aboriginal name for a wild
horse or a corruption of "unbelted -
ed" appears to be a question which
philologists have left undecided,
bet brumhy hunting is still a favor-
ite sport in New South Weles, says
the London Standard.
Districts like the Clarence and
Stephens and Manning River water_
shed are still the home of numer-
ous droves of brumbies, and hunt-
ing them is declared to be a very
exhilarating pastime. The first
step taken is to stake out a corral
and make an secure except a nar-
row entrance, which can seine-
quently be gated. On either side
of the entrance and projecting from
it funnelwise a "booby fence" is
To th� simple minded brumby it
presumably looks like a stockade,
and pieces of fluttering cotton make
it look impregnable, When this is
ready the young bleeds, well mount -
cd, gallop out and round up the
wild horses, driving them with
ehouts and much loud snapping of
stock whips toward the mouth of
the funnel.
In a group of brumbies there is
always a leader, and when once the
hunter e have got the leader for the
corral they are pretty certain of the
rest of the drove. The fluttering
cotton rags of the' sham fence are
sufficient to deter the brumbies
from breaking through the flimsy
barriers, and in less time than it
takes to tell the wild horses are
safely corralled and the big gate
shut on them.
Then they are 'left for four and
twenty hours without food and
water to reflect on the situation,
and after that they can be broken
1e without much difficulty.
ZA31-13 UK.
Says It Is a Wonderful Healer and
Does More Than is Claimed
For I.
No household remedy in existence
has won such glowing tributes from
people in high places as has Zam-
Buk. Mr. Roger F. Perry, Justice
of the Peace for British Columbia,
tested this famous balm, and this
is what he saye of it:
"The Pavilion,
Goldfielcls, B. C.
"To the Zaan-Bok Co.,
"Gentlemen,—After a very fair
trial I have proved Zam-Buk emie-
ently satisfactory. In my case it
cured a skin rash of five years
standing which no doctor had been
able to do any good for.
"I would certainly encourage any
person to keep Zam-Buk in their
home. It truly does even more than
you claim for it. For my own part
I would not now be without it in
the house. Yours very truly,
(Signed) "Roger 'F. Perry,
"Justice of the Peace for 13. 0,"
Zam-Buk differs from ordinary
salves and embrocations, for while
these mostly contain animal oils
and fats, Zam-Buk is purely herbal.
It soothes and heals cuts, sores, W-
ore, eruptions. boils, eczema,
chafing sores, etc. All druggists
and stores sell at 50 cents a box,
or from the Zam-Bok Co,, Toronto,
for price, 6 boxes for $2.50.
"How did thab fellow fare when
he started to fish for compliments
"He got the hook."
"Prutno VIM" 18 A
STI.MULANT to the stomach, thereby
aiding digestion. As III tonic fol.
patients racoVering Dom fevers and all
thsauses loWering the vitality, it Is
without n .At, all drug and gen.
oral stores,
Most of the stone marbels 'used
by boys aro made in Germany,
where the refese of the marble and
agate quarries is utilized for this
III fitting boots and shoes cause
corns. Hollowa,y's Coen Cure is
the article to use. Get a bottle at
once and euro your corns.
The best time to eat an apple for
medicinal purposes is jot before
going to bed.
Any person who drinks 25e tea
and once tastes 30e "Salado." will
see that it is not only finer in fla-
vor, but that as 000 pound makes
many more cups, it is. econornical
to use,
"Do you know your orders, sen-
try 7" asked an Irish officer of the
soldier on guatd-duty.
"Yes, nor," was the prompt re -
"Know the points of the com-
pass'?" continued the officer.
"Yes, or."
"If you face the rising sun, your
loft hand would be en the north of
you, and your right hand to the
south of you. "What would be be-
hind you 1"
"The knapsack, sor,"
"Htpressing sort of day, this,"
taid the guesb at the small hotel,
lilting down to breakfast, "Yes,
diet' said the waiter. 'Teen the
yeti 'will nate°, has got the
blues badly."
10. The Difference Between Poor and Good Cabinet Work
It is a fact not generally known that very
few sewing machine manufacturers pro.
duce their own cabinet work. This is a
distinct industry in itself. •
eg The Singer Company owns and operates
the largest and best equipped factory in
the world, exclusively devoted to the
production of the highest grade sewing
machine cabinet work. •
J Only the finest woods procurable are used.
To insure the proper selection of these
woods, a corps of expert wood rangers is
employed, whose duty it is to purchase
individual trees, the grain and growth of
which entitle them to use in Singer cabinet
1J This is why Singer cabinet work, besides
being the most durable, is also the most
beautiful,—the Singer process brings out all
the richness and natural beauty of the wood.
Sold eels by
Seep Sewing Machine Company
212 manning' Ohambors 533 Board of 'trade Bldg 304 Stain Street
Steck Brokers and Financial Agents
and other stocks bought and sold on
commission. Correspondence invit-
ed. Orders may be wired at our expense.
FZ12gUA% Y8127UMSisuSA7oVVVIZ.1NTa.
16111 :3. woman.
I know a woman's sufferings.
I have found a cure.
will mail,free of charge, my home treat.
ment with i
fullinstructions to any sufferer from.
women's ailments. I want to tell all women,
about the cure—you, rny reader, for yourself,
'our daughter, your mother, or your sister. I
et to tell you how to cure yourself at home,
vithout the help 0(0 doctor. Men cannot un-
derstand women's sufferings. What we women
know from experience, we know better than,
any doctor, 1 know that my home treatment
is a sale and sure cure for all female weak..
nosses peculiar to our sex.
I want to send you a complete to days'
treatment entirely free to prove to.you that you.
can cure yourself at home, easily, quicicly and
surely. Remembet that will cost you nothing to give thetreatment a complete trial;
and if you should wish 10condone, it will cost you only about 12 cents a week, or
less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just
send M8 your name and address, tell 1130 0015 you surrey, ;rpm wish, and I will send.
you the treatment for your case, ewirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I
will also send you free or Cost my book --"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISED," with
explanatory illustrations showing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure
themselves at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to think for herself.
Then when the doctor says—" You must have an operation," you can decide for
yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves wilh my home remedy. It
cures all, old or young. To meteor& of Daughters, I will explain a simple borne
treatment which speedily and effectually cures Painful oncl Irregular Menstruation
in young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use.
Wherever you live I can rater you to ladies of your own locality who know and
will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really 0(1508 all woman's dis-
eases and makes women strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address,
and the free ten days' treatment is yours, also the book, Write to.day, as you may
not see this offer again. Address: MRS. M. SIMMERS, Dox103, Windsor, Ont.
The chance of one finger -print
being exactly like another is 1 in
Prevent •Disorder.—At the first
symptoms of internal disorder, Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills should be
resorbed to immediately. Two or
three of thee salutary pellets, 1911-
n going to bed, followed by
closes of one or two pills for two or
three nights in succession, will
serve as a preventive of attacks discomforts
which follow in the train of that
fell disorder. The moans 500 simple
when the way is known,
Out of ROI1Mffnitt'S 6,000,000 inha-
bitants, only one in three can read
and write.
FrAitsr WIT:AIL IN MINT) that what
eallecl e slcin a !mane may be but a
symptom ot had blood. In that 0E1330,
Weaver's Cern to, az tern ally applied,
should ba supplemented With Weattar'S
8.Y"P' Good "kMenallc—la---Iti'YA' 13; my friend, I
suppose you've never had any edu-
cational advantages?" Loafer —
"Not tis I knows on, sir.; but I've
had smallpox, whooping -cough, cry-
siplas down the leg, en' a 'cession
rf the brain,"
ISSUE NO. 44-0S.
Owing to the growing derineed for
pure essence of roses, many French
vineyards are likely to be turned
into rose -gardens.
One Pact Is Better thin Ten neereays.—
Ask Dr. 'Burgess, Supt. Hospital for Insane,1105.4
Ireal, for his opinion of "The D 1, L" Meatball
Kasten Yard rolls $1, also `Matins.
If there's one thing a boy enjoys
seeing more than a circus, it is a
clog fight.
Do Not Delay.—When, through
debilitated digestive organs, poison
finds its way into the blood, the
prime consideration is to get the
poison out, as rapidly and as Dior-
ougly as possible. Delay may mean
disaster. Parmelee's Vegota—a
Pills will be found a most valuable
and effective medicine to assail the
intruder with. They never fail;
They go at once to the seat of the
trouble and work a permanent cure.
A`IE YOU SICK'? Ask for particulars
about itly natural
it"ei,110aMtrin 84.1?tan.07 (1471105"071. ("Mt's '1?lie'
nzaelustar Chamioant'Works, 105 Denten Street,
Sarno, Ontario.
Everything in Ladies' and 7,fon'0 Vara. Spacial
511000 to dealers. Write for catalog
Write terries lid,
IL 8 8Asta00 13 00., 17 Wag AIL Oast rovente
..01A on
au ITO
clm Ite done portootly by our Prend Promo. Tre 14
5*ITI511 eveiee 00,
ienenevere room, remora d. 40131350
Good Housekeeper Wanted
In eoinfortable home in Toren -
to ; must be thoroughly clean and
systematie about her work, and lin-
deretand good plain 000kine,, ;email
family; good wages. Home maid
kept, Address, etntteg experience
and give reforenees, Mrs. Wilson, 6
Dale Avenue, lineedale, Toroeltd,