HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-11-5, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS,
e Issuer of Marriage Lioeueos, Of.
Ace of Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels,
Teacher of Plano or Organ
Noe is the Fest Mee, Ethel, 80.4
K. Q. T. M.
Brussels iTent of the Maooabeee, No. 29
hold their regular meetings in the Lodge
Boom, Busher Brook, on the 1st and 8rd
Tuesday evenings of omen month.
Visitors always weloomo.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Ineuranee Company
Oaioe and Residence-
i nen, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lees time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
be won't charge anything, Dates and orders
COM always be arranged at this oMee or b1
p eroonal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for
at the office of TSE Poem, Brussels, 2281
Honor Umlaut, of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals In a oom0e4
ant mauler. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Mille Meyer Calls
promptly attended to, Office and Infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Tnt•nberry et.,
Brussels. 'Phone 47 k
• Barrister, Solicitor, ;Conveyancer,
NoturyPulio, &c. Ualoe-O.tewart's Block
1 door Nor tb on Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
W. PeovDPoOT, 1f. 0. 20. 0. Bays
0, F. SLAtn,
Oakes -Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron & Batt,
0 onaltl0n, ON0'Ame.
Graduate of the Royal (foliage of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Fh•et.olase B000r
Graduate of Toronto University. ()Goa
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
3va'r eatatld.
r., l
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
off of Dominion
NY even i nManitd ae ok 1
Londa in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
:Alberta, mu:muting 8 and 20, not reserved,
Islay bo-bOmeOteaded by any person who le
the sole bead of a family, or any male over
18 yearn of age, to the extent of oro -quarter
eeotion of 100 acres more or less.
Entry may be made personally at the
looal land ofeoe for the dietrlot in which
tbo land is situate.
Tia hoMesteader is required to perform
theoouditlous eouneeted therewith under
one of the following plans :
(1) At least ell mouths' residence upon
and cultivation of the Laud in each year for
threw years,
(2) It the tether (or mother, It lithe father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm in the vicinity of the land
entered for the requirements as an red -
donee may be satisfied by arch person re.
siding with the father or mother.
doneefupoun farming s land oweedu by bins
in the vloluity of his homeatoad, the re.
quiremeute as to resldeuoe may be antis•
nee by talillou:e aeon the said lend,
Sixmooths' natio° in writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Londe at Ottawa of intention to apply for
Deputy of tbb Minister of Interior.
N. B. lluautboriaed publimttlon of this ad.
vortleement w111 not be paid. for,
If you want a really good article
in the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old tellable Cober Carriage
Builder on Market Square, Brus-
sels, where you will find a first-
class assortment.
Best of hand made farm Wag-
ons with different widths of tires
and different heights of wheels,
Extra large band made Wheel-
Be -rimming Light and Heavy
Wheels, Repairing, Be -painting
end lie -trimming attended to on
9horteat notice.
Business Cards
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Bro., sea lessor to
A, B, Macdonald. O11loe over Standard Bank,
Dental Surgeon. ODBce opposite the pootoriloo.
1 ' W 111 visit Gerrie the liret and titled
Monday of wadi month, 104101
DR. 7', T, NI, RAE
Bnohalor of Modioine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Ploy,
sloluns. and Surgeone, Ont, t Post-at,raduute
Ohmage Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat Bonita',
()Mango, Ill, Ex'Fioune Surgeon to St. Mick.
nel's I1ospital Toronto.
Office over P. B, Smith's Drug Store, Tele.
phone oonneotlon with Uranbrook at ell hours,
(1I 2XD Alms sNet mraz r
Gerrie eouwn Gornto Norms
Mail 7:05 o m I Express 101000 m
Express 11 :00a go Mail 1:44 p m
Express 13:09 0 01 Express 8:88 p m
Couvageram Pet ow o
To Toronto To Goderioh
Express . 8:41 a mExpress 11:15 a m
Express 5:11 p to I .Express 7:47 pm
Mistth.:t gtths
lay, of Oomins, Mich., is the guest of
Mrs. Sparrow, -Luther Ball, who has
recently purchased a furniture and
undertaking business at Aylmer,
spent a few days with his sisters in
town.-lldwatd Everett, of this town,
has been appointed section foreman
at Allen Park, and has removed to
that place. -A cheque for $87.50 has
been received by the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital from W. McGregor of
this town, for his ware in -that institu-
tion. -Councillor D. Bell has returned
from a trip West as fttr as Indian
Head. While away, ho was obliged
to go to the hospital on account of
illness, butnow looks as well as ever.
-While playing football at the Public
School grounds ou Tuesday afternoon
of last week, Ouxrie Wilson, son of
John Wilson, V. S., had the misfor-
tune to fall and break his aeon. This
young man has been very unfortunate,
for this is the second time ho has had
a broken arm in the past few months.
Read the pain formula on a box of
Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your
Doctor if there is a better one. fain
means congestion -blood pressure
somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pfnk Pain
Tablets check head pains, womanly
pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and
see 1 20 for 25c. Sold by all dealers.
NEWSY Browns. -Mrs, Carlisle visit-
ed friends at Hensall.-The A. 0. U.
W. organizer was in Belgrave.-C.
McClelland shipped two • carloads of
potatoes. -Abe SwindIehurst, of Dur -
haul, is calling ou old acquaintances.
-Mrs. Pollock, of St. Joseph Island,
is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Sproat. -
D. and Mrs. Simpson and family, of
Wawanosh, leave moved iuto 7Be1-
grave. -Fred. Scandz'ett, has return-
ed to Toronto to resume his studies at
the School of Science. -Joseph Oar -
1011, of Luther township, visited his
brother-in-law, Jas. Owens. -Miss Ella
Owens is recovering from her recent
illness.-Robt. Lewtwaite, who work-
ed for Ricb. Proctor, has returned to
the 01d Land. -Rev. J. Andrews, of
Bluevale, },preached at Brick church
and Sunshine Sunday. -Geo. Hanna
lois returned from the West, highly
impressed with the count' y. He pur-
chased three quarter sections in the
vicinity of Hamiota. Mr, Hanna and
family intend moving out iu the
Spring. -Tho Quarterly Sacramental
service for Belgrave circuit will be
held at Sunshine on Sunday, Nov, 8th
at 10.80 a. m. Quarterly official Board
will meet in Bel rave church 1 o n a Mon-
day, Nov. Oth, at 2.:30 p. in. -The W.
M. S. of Belgrave circuit, intend send-
ing a box of fruit and bale of clothing
to some needy mission in the neat•
futile. The box and bale will . be
packed at the parsonage at the next
regular meeting of the Society on
on Thursday, Nov. 5th.
Have You Hay Foyer 7
You can be cured -permanently_
quickly -cheaply. Use Catara'hozone.
It is guaranteed to cure the worst
case. It kills the germ, stops the
sneezing, gives relief in 9t few minutes.
Pleaaaut, harmless, and so sure to
cure that no sufferer can afford to be
without 1t.
If you haven't used Catarrhozone
et it to -day from your dealer. Price
1.00 and guaranteed for Summer
Asthma and May Fever.
APTLY TOLD. -The bush fires have
been bad in the South of Elmo, this
Fall. -Geo. Currin has returned home
from the West. -The Trustees of the
Methodisb Church have purchased a
new Individual Communion service
which was used last Sunday. --Erma
Munici nal Council will meet on Satur-
day. -Thomas Salter of the 4th won.
of Wallace, has apotato which weighs
8 pounds and measures 18x14 inches.
-Robert Broevel, of Void, Mich., who
is so well known in Atwood and vicin-
ity is sufferingwith typhoid fever'. ---
The farm of Wm. Hone, on con. 8,
RIMEL, was sold to Samuel H. Atche-
sotl, the price being $8,000. -Dickson
Bros, sold ono of their Canadian ht'ecl
heavy draught Mares to Mr. Lambkin,
of Fordwiolr, for a handsome price. -
A meeting of the Directors of the
Omit Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was held oh October 20th.
Directors all present, but Mr, Cleland.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and confirmed. The president
referred to the loss the Board had
sustained by the death of Director
Wln, Cleland, olid suggested that a
record be preserved of swine. Moved
by Baker and Cowan, that Wo, ,the
members of the Board of Directors of
the Eltna Verniers' Mattel Fire 'nem,
mice Co., now assembled wish to place
on mord our deep regret in the death
f ouesteemed fellow member of the
Board, Win. Cleland, and else extend,
our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs, ale -
14/414 anal £41uil , llud also to Robert
Cleland, sr„ his aged father, and t1'ust
that lie who doetJh all things well
may be their ec -
tlii n u cn c
1c, hail r i 1 tills their
sad hour of tt'lal, and that the Score.
they be authorized to forward copies
of this resolution) to Mee. Cleland, and
4 1e a ed 1 the• --
t 1 a 1, Carried i -
8 g
animously. Cleinis from the town-
ships of h.'hfia, Grey, Ellice, Morning -
ton and Maryboro, amounting to
$3029.78 woeadjusted. George 011.-
land of ram.was appointed director
in the place of the late Win. Cleland.
A irate of four per cent, was levied on
all premium notes in force- on the 31st
October, 1908, to beeonle dote on the
10111 November, 1008, to be paid as
formerly. A by-law was passed auth-
orizing, the treasurer to borrow the
emit of $1100.00 until such time as the
assessment is collected to meet the
current expenditure of the company,
The meeting adjourned till Tuesday
the 17th day of November, 1008, to
meet at usual time and place.
Tickling, tight Coughs, can bo sure-
ly and quickly loosertecl with a pres-
cription Druggists are dispensing
everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Re-
medy. And it is so very, very differ -
eat than common cough medicines.
No Opium, no Chloroform, absolutely
nothing harsh or unsafe. The tender
leaves of a harmless, lung healing
mountainous shrub, give the curative
Properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Re-
medy. Those leaves have the power
to calm the most distressing Cough
and to soothe and heal the most sen-
sitive bronchial membrane. Mothers
should, for safety's sake alone, always
demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with
perfect freedom be given to even the.
youngest babes. .fest it yourself 1
and see. Sold by all dealers.
Council meeting held in the Clerk's
office, Bluevale, on Oct. 28(11. Mem-
bers of Council all present, Reeve in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and adopted on motion of Messrs.
Moffatt and Rutherford. An account
from 0, A. Jones for $5 for levelling
Thompson drain in 12th con. Ttu:n•
berry and Cuirass filed, Moved by
Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Moffatt
that Mr. Rabberford be appointed to
meet member or members of Onl.ross
Council and make engagements re
Bruce culvert. Carried. The follow-
ing accounts were passed and cheques
issued :-John Mosgrove, selecting
jnroxs, $3.00 ; John McTavish, select -
mg jurors, $3.00 ; John Burgess, select-
ing 300000, $8.00 ; Amos Lofton, gravel
$8.12 • J. A. McLean, plank and team-
ing, $30.25 ; Henry Godkin, Turnberry
share chain, 85.00 ; Allan McTavish,
damages, 50c ; John N. Sanburn,
damages, 50c ; John H. Smith, brush-
ing con. 9, $2.25 ; James Kirton, re-
pairing culvert, $1.25 ; Wm. Deans,
repairing culvert, $8.00 ; F. Keys,
opening drain, 50c ; Thos. Jarrett, re-
pairing chain, $1.75 ; Hugh McKinnon
gravel and gravelling, $01.00 ; D. Mc-
Cormack, inspecting gravelling, $2.25;
D. McCormack, grading, $1.550 ; H.
Hennings, working road grader, $8.80;
Alex. Forsyth, grading, 82.25; Charles.
Gray, brushing, $4.00; John Kelly,
moving grader, $1.50 ; Ohrfs. Skinn,
repairing culvert, $22.50. Moved by
Mr. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. Belly
that this meeting d0 now adjourn to
meet in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on
Monday, November 25tH, at 10 o'clock
a. m. Jordx BimGEss, Oleik,
A unique event was celebrated at
the home of Thomas and Mrs. Jen-
kins, of the Bluevale road, on October
201%, on the completion of half a cen-
bury of their wedded life. On October
20tH, 1858, this highly esteemed couple
were united in the holy bonds of mat-
rimony near Wellesley, in Wellington
county. Three years previously Mn
Jenkins had come to 'Turnberry and
purchased the farm on which they
have resided continuously ever since.
The occasion is indeed a memorable
ono, and, especially to the older oues
who were present, many incidents in
the lives et those who had to do with
the settlement of the county. Rela-
tives, Maude and neighbors, about
seventy-five in all, were present, and
after the hospitality of the host and
hostess had been fully enjoyed at the
festive beard, the company repaired
to the drawing room, where's pleasant
and profitable time was spent. Robt.
Cuirie, 00 Wingham, performed the
duties of chairman, and reminiscently
referred to the first time he had met
Mr. Jenkins, about 53 years ago, also
to the advancement that had been
made since tiles, and predicted that
there would not be. as great progress
made in the next fifty years. A pleas-
ing feature of the gathering was the
presentation to biro. and Mos. Jenkins,.
of a purse of gold, from their children.
-The ---The
Stir Grocery
13tiy your Groceries at the Star Grocery
where we sell everything up-to-date,
of best quality and at moderate prices,
If you heve never been in our store we
invite you to call and have a look over
our stocir and get our prices. We feel
satisfied tvo can Suit you both in goods
and prises. It costs nothing to look
in and we are always pleased to see
our friends.
We have 011r new stock of Raisins, Cur-
rants end Peels for Thanksgiving and
Christmas trade,
We have just received a very pretty and
well selected stocic of 'i'hanksgiviilg
and Haltowe'et, Post Cards. Remem-
ber yont' (Heeds by sending them some
of these cards in season.
Our Restaurant depart meet will be con-
tinuedlliroUgh the Winter. We will
serve Hot Bovril, 13enn end Tomato
Stews, etc,
Highest 'rode end Cash prices paid for
Farm Produce, Poultry and Dried
Salt fit bulk or by the barrel,
Gocd Bread always en 11and.
W.T. Spence
E` THE1 .
This was done in a tient address by the
eldest son, James. 51x. Jenkins wets
presented with thancl tiut F„
walking stick, and Ml's. Jeukius
with a beautiful gold sugar spoon, un
behalf of the former's brothers and
brother-in-law, b James Hallett, 1 i y ns fJ all tt, un I
address barogreach by Miss Jenkins, Of
Oshawa, Ml', Jenkins in replying ex-
pressed his eut'pt'ise at the kindly re-
membrances. lIe gave
a number of
incidents connected with his early
life in this part, when he had to pay
at the rate of $12 a barrel for finite,
and carry it all the way from Man-
chester prow Arthur'''. Mr. Currie's
dome had been the resting plass for
many a weary traveller, and his hos-
pitality almost boundless. Short ad-
dresses were given by a number of
others. The eleven members of the
family were all present :--,lames and
John Jenkins, and Mrs, A. Caldwell,
of Kalkaska, Mich. ; Joseph, of
Alpena, Mich ; Geo. f Inglewood;
David„of Oalgmry ; William and Mrs.
Jets. Burgess, of Listowel ; Benjamin
and Mrs. Wm. Nicholson, of Wing -
ham, and Edward, who lives"at home.
Thesons-in-law and daughters-in-law
were also there, with the exception of
Mrs. John Jenkins. Besides those
there were two brothers of Mr,
Jenkins, ,Tames, of Oshawa, accom-
panied by his daughter, Miss Nellie,
and Joseph, of :Kalkaska,. The com-
bined ages of these threw brothers
totals 241, John. Hallett, of Whitby,
brother-in-law of Mr. Jeultins, and
James and John Hallett, nephews ;
John and Mrs. Gray, of Toronto ;
Joseph and Mrs. Gray, of Turn berry,
and themes and Mrs. Henderson, of
Wingham, were also present. On
Wednesday evening the younger
members of the family and their form-
es' schoolmates, were entertained,
when Mr. Jenitins regaled the com-
pany with an interesting account of
his first week's experience in Turn -
berry. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are still
vigorous and hearty, actively engag-
ed in the duties of farm work, hind are
enjoying the afternoon of their lives
in comfortable chcumstances. May
there be many years of happiness yet
in store for them. A unique feature
in connection with this occasion, and
one the equal of which we feel safe in
saying is not to be found in the annals
of Canadian history, lies in the fact
that it is the third event of the kind
to be celebrated within three years by
residents whose farms adjoin. The
others were W. S. and Mrs. Anderson
and Robert and Mrs. Maxwell.
A clergyman writes : "Preventics,
those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets
are working wonders in my parish."
Preventics surely will check a cold, or
the Grippe, in a very few hours. And
Preventics are so safe and harmless.
No Quinine, nothing harsh nor sicken-
ing. Fine for feverish, restless child-
ren. Box of 48 at 25c. Sold by all
A branch of the Y. M. C. A. may be
organized here.
On Sabbath St. Andrew's church,
Blyth, held their annual anniversary
services conducted by Rev. W. M.
Haig, of Millbank. Special mesio was
furnished by the choir. On Monday
evening a tea meeting was held.
The temperance people of Blyth, in
view of the very limited tune there is
left in which to circulate the petitions
for the Local Option By-law, think it
best to postpone the campaign until
next year.
DIED. -On Thursday, Oct. 22nc1, at
her residence, corner of Dinsley and
Morris streets, 1htiss Mary Cumming
passed away after a shat -t illness of
two weeks followed by a stroke on
Wednesday evening. Deceased ac-
companied by her parents and brothers
and sisters, left Devonshire, England,
50 years ago and came to Toronto
where the deceased and her sister,
Miss Katharine, were dressmakers for
over 29 years. Over 27 years ago they
came to Blyth and have resided here
since. Onlyfamily
three of the are
now left, Miss Katharine, Elias and
Nicholas. The deceased was a mem-
ber of the Methodist church and the
;pastor, Rev. W. H. Cooper, took the
• services at the house and grave, in-
ternlentbeingmade inUnien cemetery.
The pallbearers were W. Sims, J. L.
Moser, W. Jackson, D. Nichol, James.
Barr and Thomas Code.
SL\,TINEE.-On Wednesday after-
noon of last week a race matinee was
held in the driving park and a good
afternoon's sport was enjoyed by all
those who were present. 17. Living -
sten was starter and V. VanNorman
and Adam Geddes, of Belgrave, were
the judges, Following are the races
and owners of the horses
W. Rmigh, Brussels 1 8 1
R. Thomson, 2 1 2
J, Miller, Belgrave 3 2 8
00,1.00 B-
O. Ileffrotl, Blyth. 1 2 8
T. Coulter 2 8 1
W. Duncan, Brussels„ ........, 3 1 2
J. Elliott, Clinton 4 4
This race was not finished on ac-
count of darkness,
(CABS 0-
G. Muldoon, Brussels .................. 1 1
Dr. Kirkby, Belgrltve..................2 2
W. 14lason, Blyth ....... r.,....,., .8 8
T. Hill, Belgrave 4 4
W. Cole, Belgrave 5 -
NLowsY ITBMS,-The election of
Melville Martin, the Liberal candidate
in Regina, is a source of n1ue11 gratifi-
ceti0il to his many friends in West-
on] Ontario, He is the son of Rev.
Ml. Martin, Presbyterian minister, of
Exeter, I -le is a capable young man
of high ideals and is likely to make a
mark for himself in public life, --'The
many friends of Ohas, Knight will
learn with much regret that lie suf-
fered a severe stroke of paralysis from
which he has since been in a lose state
of health. --Robert Sanders has re-
turned from a trip of three to four
months' duration in the Westetn part
of United States and Canada. -Han-
son Smale, of Ueborno, who hes been
engaged with the Usborno Threshing
Syndleate, met with an unfortunate
and painful accident while threshing
at Mr, Neil's near Ltuxllcy which will
dssflgero hint for life and which might
easily have resulted in his death. It
appears one of the pion had made use
of a hay kflife in the snow and care-
lessly 801 it ttsido, SCUM theta later
acre Your
Why? Because his annoying,
untidy. And mostly, because
it almost invariably leads to
baldness. Cure it, and save
your hair. Get more, too, at
the same time. All easily done
with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new
improved formula. Stop this
formation of dandruff 1
Does not change the color of Me hair,
Formula with *ask battle
y Show to your
Ask domfto ab
him about it,
Enma no an ha ways
The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly
do this work, because, first of all, it de-
stroys the germs which are the original
cause of dandruff. Having given this aid,
nature completes the cure. The scalp is
restored to a perfectly healthy condition.
--Wads by the S, O. Ayer tie.. Lowen. itees,--,
while Me. Shale was in the act of
pulling on a belt below the knife took
0 tumble from above and in the des-
cent the sharp edge of the knife
came in contact with his nose, sever-
ing the peeler part of it, and then
burying its point a considerable dis-
tance in the floor. Had Sir•. Sinale
been standing a few inches, or even
less, further one way he undoubtedly
would have been killed on the spot.
Ile was at once conveyed to a physi-
cian and the wouncl dressed and it is
now doing nicely but is very painful.
-The Canning Factory has finished
work for the season. -The Exeter
Creamery has received word from
Liverpool, England, rep1ortiug on the
good quality of their July and Aug-
ust shipment of butter. -The Exeter
District Sunday School Convention
was held at Elimville last week and
proved to be very successful. In the
morning topics were taken by Revs.
L. Bartlett, 'W. H. Butt, C. P. Wells
and J. E. Harrison, of Parkhill. In
the afternoon John Kennedy, of Ailsa
Craig, Rev. Burgess, of Elimville,
Miss Mae Wilson, of Greenway, Dr.
Roulsion, of Exeter and Rev. Robt.
Hicks, of Crediton, gave addresses.
In the evening addresses were de-
livered by Revs. G. J. Kerr and T.
Calvin Read. Music for the occasion
was furnished by the Elimville choir.
Do You Eat Right?
Few People in Brussels Really
Know How
Slow eating and reguiar meals is of
great benefit to a wrong acting stom-
ach. Those who suffer with indiges-
tion and weak stomach can with care
and the use of Mi -o -nit stomach tablets
restore the digestion to a healthy con-
dition, so that they can eat what they
want at any time without fear of dis-
tress or suffering.
After a few clay's use of Minna stom-
ach tablets. the headaches, dizzy feel-
ing. drowsiness, bade taste in the
mouth, coated tongue, fiatuence, sleep-
lessness, distress after eating -all these
symptoms of a weak stomach --will
disappear and perfect digestion and
good health will be restored.
Jas. Fox has so much confidence in
the pewee of 11tIi-o-na to cure indiges-
tion that he guarantees satisfaction or
money back. Price 50 cents.
The official majority in North York
for Hon. kir. Aylesworth was announc-
ed as 306.
In Chicoutimi Saguenay Dr. Severe,
the Government candidate has been
elected 0000 Joseph
Girad Iodee deo
by over Zoo najity. This gives
Government 54 supporters from the
Province of Quebec,
The formal declaration by the return-
ing officer for Ottawa of the election of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier and H. B. McGiver-
in to represent the city in the Commons
was made Friday. The official figures
You get not only MORE Stove
Polish, but also tine best stove
polish that money cau buy when
you 150 "Black Knight."
It is not affected by the heat.
No matter how hot the fire,
the stove stave bright and shiny
when polished with " Black
Shines quickly too -and always
ready for use, Keeps Stoves,
Grates, Ironwork, etc. fresh and
clean with practieallyvo trouble.
If yon are linable to obtain 'Black
Rnik2E"iii6.,b<1.our 6.,b<1. name of
neatest deafer dud 10e far lull sized
The I+, 11. HIM CO
Wilted. is
ami on, - tent.
are :-Leerier, fr 5S7 ; McGiverin, 6,386;
Birkell 5,959 ; Cbabut, 5,89o. Sir Wil.
fticl'emua t
7 Y a f 128 sod the majority
for Mr. McGiverin is 4.27.
Canadian News
The first snow of the seasou fell in
Ontario acrd Quebec, Friday.
The Women's Council, in session at
Ottawa, debated woman's suffrage.
Robert Colwell was sentenced to 1810
years fn penitentiary for elackmailiug
Charles Lamm, of Woodetoek.
Bisbee hang, of Stepney, has declined
the election as Bishop of Montreal, and
the Synod adjourned to Nov. 24th with-
out making any other election.
Mayor Oliver, of Toronto, had the
pleasant duty Friday night of presenting
Lipman Walters with the so year
veteran jewel of the Independent Order
of Oddfellows. The ceremony took
place at an informal gatbering given by
the Canada Lodge No. 49, of which Mr.
Walters is a member, The latter is the
oldest member of the lodge in the Tor-
onto district, and is one of four in Co-
terie who have received this jewel,
While eglrtingan early morning fire
in the rear of Kavanagh Bros.' grocery
store, 83 Sparks Street, Ottawa, two of
the firemen handling a hose in the ad-
joining yard of the Bijou Cafe were
sucldenly given a rode alarm by the ap-
pearance of a bear walking towards
them on his hind legs from a corner of
the yard, which naturally caused the
precipitate retreat of the firemen. Pro-
prietor Sam Cassiday appeared on the
scene, quieted the excited bruin, and led
bin] back to the pen which hss been his
quarters since cubhood. The fire was
extinguished by the brigade after dam-
age had been done to the extent of
li'ucdstcck will vote ail local option
In Janu n'y,
penes Connolly, son of john 01neolly,
Cove •,•t Guelph, while out tempt-
a t-
of ( ve i tic f ut l rl vbll h c
!. r
1 '
tel: Friday afiernoon, was accidentally
shot and killed by a 10tnpantan 1111111001
William Rather, of laoette's Creek,
Pas 93.11111'05 of sugar beets, which are
yielding an /vertigo of 15 tans to the
acre. He hes been shipping a ctrl' Iced
daily to Me11111 Clemens, Tho average
yield in that emelt), is ub0ut Im 10115 14
the acre, making a clear profit lc the
farther of $30 per acre.
lean W&T
To weak and ailing women, there 14 at least ons
wegto help, of with that •ray two treatments,
must be colnbi ted, Gne is h e,1), one is constita
Donal. but bo h are important. both essential,
Dr, Snoop's N ght Cure is 1L, Loral,
Dr. Shoop's R'slnmuve, the t olvtitntiona),
Thelormm•-Dr, Shoop's Night Cure -lea topieal
mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr,
Shoop's Restorative Is wholly an internal treat.
meat, The Restorative reaches throughout Des
entire system seeking the repair of all nerve,
all tissue and all blood ailments.
The"Night Cure", milts name 10101100, does its
work while you sleep. It soothes sore and Milani.
ed mucous serfaces, heals local weaknesses and
discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous
excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition
builds up wasted tissuos, bringing -about renewed
strength, vigor, and energy, teak° Dr. Shoop's
Restorative -Tablets or Ltuutd-tie u general tonic
to the system, For positive 1oca1 ht la use es well
ro Showa. 's
Night Cure
Single Harness
`r -
We make a specialty of Sin-
gle Harness and offer you great
values. Our 'Team Harness al-
ways stands the wear and is
known for its great durability.
Fine Beaver Cloth
Fur -lined Overco - is
is a new line we have put in this Fall and our prices on them
will please you. Also our Wool and Plush Lap Rugs are proving
great sellers, our prices being so low.
in the Shoe Department
you will find comfortable and durable Shoes of all kinds for all sizes
of people even for the little tots.
l- Two sets Second-hand Single Harness -one set just in use two
months -one set $4.75 ; the other $9.00.
Bargains in Trunks and Satchels.
Economyrz ,an
is a Leader
This Range has six holes, a 18 -gallon Reservoir,
and Nickle Base. It sells at... ....... . .....
- High Warming Closet $6.00extra.
A cast iron Range "Corona," six
holes, Reservoir, with High
Warming Closet -
A four holed Range with High
Shelf and Reservoir
for only
The best t•argains on the Market to -day
Gerry & Waiker
Roller ills
is now in full operation. It will save you
looney to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
'Try our New
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating.
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lead for Dread Flours.
itAll kinds of Feed kept constantly on band.
WM.&Ra e ..A.,1M N