HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-11-5, Page 14;4 — . • 1. • a Qe 2 ir tVOL. 37 NO, 18 New Advertisements Local -Dr, Ovens. Bible lost -Tug PosT. Belt pin lost-Tas Poso. Star Grocery -Win. Spence. Horse Pairs -Brussels Council. Sleighs and cutters -John Caber. Ladiesand Hiria' Coats -G. N. McLaren. Mistrict galls Belgrave .A. special Thanksgiving service will be held in the Belgrave Methodist church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Thanksgiving sermon and music. All are invited. • The Quarterly Sacramental service for Belgrave circuit will be hold at Sunshine next Sunday morning at 10.80. The Official Board will meet in the Belgrave church on Monday after- noon, Nov. 9th, at 2.80. Goderich While milking a cow Monday morn- ing on the farm of George Bisset, near Goderich, George Levy, formerly of Colborne Township, but latterly of London, was kicked by the animal. He was knocked down, and then the animal jumped on him. He managed to crawl away from the cow, where he wee found afterwards by his employ- er. On examination it was found that several of Levy's ribs were bro- ken, penetrating the lungs, kidneys and liver. He was removed to the Goderich Hospital, where he is at pre- sent. His condition is serious. Blyth TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. - A terrible accident occurred at a C. P. R. cross- ing in Mullett township, about 3 miles from here, Wednesday morning. While Mrs, Robt. Scott and her two boys, one 12 and the other 14 years of age, were driving to town, an engine and tender running light to Goderich, caught them and killed Mos. Scothand one boy instantly. The other lived a few minutes after being picked up. The horse escaped. Mrs. Scott and her sous were members of a 'widely known and highly -respected family, and the awful tragedy has plunged the entire district in gloom. It would appear that Mos. Scott was endeavor- ing to get across ahead of the locomo- tive, but only the horse cleared the track when the clash came. Cranbrook Garfield Long has arrived home from the 'West The Annual Bible Society meeting will be held here shortly. Some necessary repairs have been made at the Methodist Chinch. Next Sunday will be the quarterly sacrament at the Methodist Church. There are some whispers of a wed- ding with two of our young people. Richard Mitchell and. Chas. Switzer arrived home from the West last week. Miss Ethel McInnes was visiting Mrs. Jas. Brown, near Ethel, last week. 15 cents, in advance, gets THE PosT to Jan. lst, 1909, or balance of year free to new subscribers. Preparation for 0 public school en- tertainment 'is in progress and the date will be announced before long. Miss Armstrong bas resigned her work here as a teacher. Her many friends will be sorry to have healeave. John McNabb is around calling on old friends for taxes so get your money ready. 5 per cent will be ad- ded after 14th of Dec. The service in the Methodist church last Sabbath afternoon was taken by H. R. Brewer, of Brussels. Rev. Me, Powell will be here next Sunday. Geo. Simeon has purchased • a 16 horse power engiue and boiler and in- tends to do chopping in the near, future. He has a three horse power engine he would like to dispose of for a small sum of money. .A. meeting of all interested in the Cranbrook Beef Ring will be held in the Long Hall on Wednesday evening next, Ilth inst.; at, 7.30 o'clock, to. wind up the business of this year and arrange for next season. Tho trustees of our Public School have re-engaged H. D. Ainlay as prin- cipal for the coming year and have secured Miss Lizzie McKay, a former well known teacher in the school, to take charge of the Junior department at a salary of $850,00. This ia less than Miss McKay is receiving in the school where she is now teaching but the matter of beieg at her home is a consideration prompting the change. Sonoor. ReenonT.-The following is the report of Room II of Cranbrook Public School for the month of Oct- ober :-Sr. IV -Beatrice MacQuarrie, 877; Roy MacQuarrie, 378; Jessie Menzies, 355 ; Louie, MacDonald, 331.; Harvey Noble, 825; *Viola Long, 280; Liele Spooling, 240; **Mureel Sperling 185 ; **Lilian Dark, 179. Jr. IV -Bessie Alderson, 229. Sr. III -Mamie Cameron, 293 ; **Addle Sperling, 100;' *Maggie McNab, 107; **Hazel MacDonald, 190; **Leslie Pervie, 176 ; **May Graeby, 142; ***May Enter, 110 ; "Lucy Alder. 8011, 145, Jr, McNichol, 234 ; *Lola, Sthiss, 180 ; '"Gordon Cameron, 125 ; H. D. AtarLAY., Prin- cipal. Room I -Pupils examined in Arith., Spell., Lit. and Geo. and good conduct. Total 420:-r Sr. II -Myrtle Graiby,, 410; Lena Noble, 864 ; Fan- ny Grasby, 385. Jun. II -Elsie Sperl- ing, 834; Millie Alderson, 828; Mag- gio Penick 810 ; Maclaine Baker, 302; Alvin Minter, 868; Charlie Dining'249; lona Steiss, 248; Oscar Gorsalitz, 230 ; *Gordon Knight, 284; **Thelma Smallcion, 182; **Peed. Fischer, 104. Pb. II-Wellan Kreuter, 384; Wilford Cemerom • 880 ; Marie Long, 314; Clavie Long, 284; Erie Peuningtom 276 .. JohnSchnock, 263; *Stuart Noble, 214; Arnold Fiedler, '40, Pb. I--(Excellent)-Irene Meatus Lizaie Baker, Barbara, Fischer. (Gbod)-Ide, Hunter, Ross Hunter. (Fair) -Alfred Knight Class I -(Ex - cellar t) -Annie Sinalldon; Johnny (Good) -Evelyn Baker, (Fair)-Almer IlicQuarrie, Alex. Steles. * Missed examinations during the month. J. Aaraseardero, 'Teacher. Wroxeter Mrs. T, G. Hemphill is the guest of Teeswater friends. Sam. Campbell moved last week to rooms in the Rae block. Ed. Barnard and Percy Patterson are OD the siok list at present. IVliss Lily Kalbfleisch, of Milverton, is the guest of her sister, Mos. 0. Reis. Wm, and Mrs. Earngev, of Gorrie, were visitors in the village on Sure day. Ed. and Mrs. Halbfleisch, of Mild- may, were guests of 0. and Illos.• Reis on Sunday. A number of young people attended the Conoert given in Gorrie Friday evening by the Gerrie Orchestra, Robinson Bros.„ of Tara, were in the village last week making some im- provements on the Rae block which they purchased last Spring. The Young Ladies' Olub, which was recently organized, gave their first At Home in the Odd Fellows' Hall last Thursday evening. There was a good attendance and a most enjoyable time was spent. Bluevale We are sorry to hear that Mrs. D. Lewis has been quite ill but we hope she will soon be better. Her sister, Mrs. Oornish, of Mitchell, and her sister -in law, Mrs. Wynn, of Brussels, have been waiting on her. ANNIVERSARY. -Last Sunday and Monday the Anniversary of the Methodist Ohurch here was celebrated. Rev, Geo. W. Rivers, B. D., of Bel - grave, preached. appropriate sermons to appreciative -.congregations. Good music was rendered by the choir. Monday evening a tea meeting was held. After partaking of a Well pre- pared supper, in the basement a choice musical and literary program was presented in the auditorium, with the pastor, Rev. Mr. Andrews, in the Waair. The following was the bill of fare ,-Addresses by Revds. H. W. McTavish, of Gorrie ; W. J. Weet, Bluevale ; G. W. Rivers, of Belgrave ; and E. G. Powell, of Brussels. Miss Alba Ohishohn and W. 11. Willis, of Wingham, and Miss Pearle Andrews were the soloists and a male quartette and the church choir also gave mus- ical contributions. Two good recita- tions were given by Miss Inez An- drews, The financial proceeds totalled $02,00. Ethel DeNTA.L.-Dr. Fend, dentist, will visit Ethel on Monday, Nov. 16th, and every two weehs after that date. Get ready:fox. the tax collector. 15 ceuts, in advance, gets Tern POST until Jan, ist 1900. John Imlay, of Wingham, was a -visitor here last week. Patronize the Public Library now that the loug evenings are here. Robert McKay is back from the West. He had an enjoyable trip and is welcome home. The Ohristian Endeavor of the Pres- byterian Church here has a member. - ship of 74.. Meetings are held each Sunday evening. Next Monday evening a supper and entertainment -will be held ni the Township Hall hereunder the auspices of the L. 0. L. A good program will be rendered. Quarterly meeting will be held in the Methodist chrwch here on Sab- bath morning next at 10.30, conclude ed by the pastor who will preach in the evening at the usual hour. It is reported that J. M. Davies and Miss Alice may remove shortly from Ethel to Ohesley. We will greatly re- gret their going away as they have been first-class residents, the kind we don't like to lose. Miss Ida Oole is up near Owen Sound giving 'concerts. She and her friend, Miss Keesock expect to give a Concert in Hareiston on Thanksgiving night. They have several -other engagements around there. There was a very large congregation at the Methodist church last. Sabbath evening. Miss Seamen'the Evangel - ids preached a good discourse. A duet was given by Cecil Day, of Goy. rie; and his cousin, toguitar accom- paniment,. The revival meetings are beingeontinned this week. Miss Seaman, who has been on the Ethel circuit for 5 weeks and has won the hearts of all who have hoard her, will hold her farewell service Friday evening. Very large congregations have attended these services and over 50 have publicly decided to begin the new life. Miss SORMAll goes to Wyoming circuit from here. DEBATING SOCIETY En-ortaaanzas. -At the organization meeting of the Literary and Debating Society Sat- urday evening the following officers and' committees were appointed for the current terra :-aPresident, Telford. Keifer ; Vice ' President, William Kreuter; SecretaryaTreasuree, A. H. McDonald. 'Judges, Robt. McKay, A. II. McDonald end Saud. Campbell. Critic, 'John Pearson ; Assistant Thos, Turnbull. Debate Connurttee, Robt. McKay, Telford. KeffereSWin. Kreuter, A., H. McDoneld, Sand, Campbell, Ed, Fulton,- Garf. Dunbar, Program Committee, Misses Annie Ommingham, Ethel Strachan, Lizzie Chambers and Will. Lamont; Siclhey Grimes and Thos. Wilson, Usher, J. K. Brownoed S. S. Cole, It was decided to have the flosteclebete it the Townehip Hall on Saturcley, Nov, 14th, at 8 o'clock, Subject, will bo "Re- solved that bachelors should be taxed," The affirmative will be taken. by Wm, Kreuter and negative by Sarni. Comp - boll with competent assietants. Ati interesting program will be put on arid a full house is asked for, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOV HIVIB A weddint; ill the near future, Ethel IMiss Bandon, of Morris, who makes 202; Jas, Collins, 202; Lyle Brad - her home svith her brother met with sugplying t le bride. come off, there is a !mimosa c over at Joc Welsh's and he's a bouncer. An old landmark is to be removed from Ethet as S. 8. Cole is going to ship his saw mill to Richard's Landing. He expects to begin loading Saturday first. -.We are sorry to hear that 11,. O. Davies has been 011 the sick list at Mosley but we be will soon bo o. k. The balance of this season's make of cheese Ethel factory has been sold to 1), M. Scott, of Stratford, at 11 13/10 cents per pound. Factory is still at work but will shortly cease opera- tions until next Spring. The season has been a most satisfactory one to both maker and patrons. Misses Spence, accompanied by G. Kreuter and W. T. Spence, drove to Winghain a short time ago to spend a doy. On the return trip Mr. Kreuter got out to light the lamps on the carriage. The sharp crack of the match startled the team and away they went. After running a short distance the rig was upset and badly damagect The occupants were con- siderably shaken up, one of the the young ladies having her ankle injured and Will. Spence a damaged nose. It might easily have been worse in the circumstances and we hope no bad ef- fects will follow the uncermonions turn out. MrssioNs no ORINA.-The Stratford Beacon speaks of a rev. gentleman, formerly of Ethel circuit as follows :- Ray. J. L. Steware, B. A., the mission- ary who was sent to China by the Stratford district Epworth League and who is home on furlough, preach- ed at Central Methodist church San - day and at Trinity church in the eveu- big. His address at night on the sub- ject, "New China," was interesting in the extreme, showing the develop- ment that had taken place in the great Oriental empire during the past few years. He traced up the history of China for, many years, revealing the the sudden development in the dis- covery of natural resources, the pro- gress in education and commerce. The speaker pointed out that there was a great opportunity for the Chris- tian church in China ; the door was not only wide open but off its hinges. He urged the church to greater efforts in the mission field, particularly in China where the slumbering millions were awakening every (ley to the fact that they were part of a great nation. . S. Ode wears a. smile that wont a ecrious accident on Sunday of last Morris Herbert Manning is home from a trip to the West. • Township Council will be held on Monday, 16th; inst. Chas. Davis, 1bh line, is home from a trip to the West. Turnips were not much of a crop in many places owing to the prevalence of lice. Miss Adley, who was a visitor at Robert Shedden's, 4th line, has re- turned to her home at Walkerton. Miss Murdie, teacher in S. S. No. 9, has been re-engagecl for the next year. Good satisfaction is afforded by Miss Mnrdie. The fine 150 acre farm of Jas. A. Moore, 8th line, is offered for sale, Proprietor intends locating in the West. Richard. Armstrong and F. Embury, the well known hunters, are away for their annual supply of deer in North- ern Ontario. The many friends of David Mc- Cuteheon, iiith line, hope to hear of a much improved condition of health in the near, future. The Nicholson Lime Works have closed down for this season after a good run. Operations will be resumed next Spring in full force. Joseph Smith, 6th line, who was away to Cobalt visiting his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Oaldbick, Is back home again. He had an enjoyable trip. A drain petition was presented at the last Council meeting, having to do with the Easterly part of con. 0. En- gineer Roger was authorized to pro- ceed with the plans, &c. The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have act- ed wisely in re-engaging Miss Isabel MoNab as teacher for the com- year, the salary being $450.00. Miss MoNab is an excellent teacher. Tax Collector Proctor has com- mented his duties foe 1008 and has a big job ahead of him as the roll cells for the large sum of $20,592. The building of the new steel bridge, 5th line, is largely responsible for the in - cream this year but as ib 116118 an irn- peoative necessity ard will stand for many years there will not be much of a kick coming. The Local Option petitions were placed in the bands of Township Clerk ab Belgrave, last Saturday. There aro over the necessary 25% of nanies on the list. A vote will no doubt be token on the question at the next municipal election. There are two hotels In the township at present, one located et Walton and the other ab Belgrave. SCHOOL Rateon,T.-The following is the resulb of the examinations held in S. S. No. 4 during the month of Octohee.---Jr. IV -Exam. in Spell., Arithe Lit. end Hist. Total 400. Harry McCutcheon, 318 ; Willie Thuell, 274. Jr. III -Exam. in Spell., Lit., Comp. .and Hist. Total 500. Bessie jorclan, 467 ; Josoph Thuoll, 805; Jennie Scott, 878; Feed Pintail, 365 ; Harvey McCtitcheon, 158. Jr. II -Exam. in Spell., Lit., Atith. and Geog. Petal 400, ;Florence Scott, 886, Spell., Meth.. Writ. and. 'Rend. Total 800. Earnest Smith, 200. Jr. Pt. II -The result 4p:emotion exam. Total 850. -Clayton 7. Jordan, 1317 ; Mary 131.6Fail- den, 812 .Icia Keonaghan, 286 ; Alvin Badgley. 282; Annie Thuell, 264. Sr. rt. 1--Good--Ruby Korneghten. Sr. Pt. 2 A -Good --George Oakley, Wos, ley 11,1cOtitcheon. Sr. Pts 2 B -Good Edna Theo% L.IVIONAll, 'feather, week in falling downstairs, We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Miss Belle Henderson has been re- engage(' as teacher of 8. 8. No. 10 for the next year at on increased salary, the figure being $485. She has done good work in the school and we wish her even better success in 1909. BAZY Dm:a-With no small regret we chronicle the death of -Willman Alexander, the bright little son of .Tames and Isabella Shedden, 4th line, who died on Monday of this week, aged 8 months and 14. days, The fun- eral took place Wednesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery. Service was conducted by Rev. W. J. West, M. A.., of Bluevale. Me. and Mrs. Shed- den have the sympathy of the cc.nr- Lenity in their bereavement. SDECOOL Rnronm-The following is the report 02 8. S. No. 10, Morris for the month of October. Sr. IV - Exam. in Hist., Lit., Comp., Arith. Total 400. Alma King, 249; *Agnes Miller, 99. Sr. III -Exam. in Hist., Pomp., Aritb. Total 400. Annie Breckenridge, 244; Vietta Curtis, 281. Jr. III -Exam. in Goo., Hist., Couip„ Arith. Total 400.-Teressa Robb, 188; Walter IVIesseo, 111 ; Harvey Outt, 134 ; *George Moffatt, 67 ; *Johnny Moses, 56. 80. II -Exam. lin Arith., Writ., Spell., Geo. Total 350. Grace Curtis, 280 ; Maggie Richard- son, 264; *Mary Miller, 54. Jr. III - Exam. in Arith., Mem., Spell., Geo. Total 850. *Maggie Breckenridge, 181; Alex. Shaw, 110. Pb. II -Viola McLeod, Zelma Turvey, Herbert Powell, Selah Breckenridge, Melisse joh-nstone. Pt. I -Verna Johnstone, Hazel Robb. Those marked * missed some exams. Miss B. HENDERSON, , Teacher. Leadbury Joe Campbell lost a cow last week being killed on the railway. John Storey had a valuable driving horse die from the effects ofdistemper. Wm. Knechtel and wife were visit- ing with friends for a few days in Stratford and Itilios township. Arthur Love, Edwin Davidson, Tom and Herb. Irvine returned home from the West where they went on the Harvest Excursion. Ephraim Dennis and wife',who have spent the Summer in this locality left for Pennsylvania where he will work at his trade as a moulder. Miss Lizzie McCutcheon, who has been sojourning in Saskatchewan for the last two years, is borne fox, a visit to her mother and other friends. Herb. Bell, wife and family have gone to Muskoka for the Winter where they will visit their parents. They in tend coming back next Spring. Samuel Stitt has sold his farm to a Mr. Price. It contains 62iacres and was sold. for $8800. Mr. Stitt intends having a sale on the 12th of this month. ford, 228; Annie Clark, 227 *.J01111 Savage, 210; *Alex. McDonald, 72. Sr. Pt. II -Gordon McDonald, Eva Hudson, harry Hudson, Jr. Pt. II - Harold Bradford, bla Bremner., Henry Kleinschreth. Sr, I -Gordon Rea, Johnston Armstrong, Mabel Clark, George Campbell, Jr, I -Maud Dixon, Carl McDonald, Rebeccah Kleinsehroth, Harvey Flood, Parties Ward. L. A, MACKAY, Teacher. Grey Miss Helen Marsh is home on a visit from New York. P. J. Bishop and Jno. Lowe are away on a deer hunting expedition to the Northland. Richard Mitchell, llth con., who spent a couple of months in the West, is home again. Several new drainage By-laws were before the township council at their meeting on Saturday. Mrs. M. McNichol, con. 4, who has been so very ill with peerimonia, is re- covering we are pleased to state. A neat wire fence has been placed around the school premises at S. S. No. 5, greatly improving the appear- ance of it. The total taxes to be collected this year in Grey township amount to $24,'702,77. Of this amount John Me - Nab, collector, has $18,810.62th handle in the Southerly division while P. J. Bishop looks after $10,892.15 in the North. It is no small contract to have to do with gathering in of nearly $25,000. The ratepayers of Grey ara. fairly prompt payershowever and that sweetens the work considerably. The collectors receive $50 each for their labors. Sonoon Eturona2.--Following is the school report of S. S. No. 8 for the monthof October. Examined in. Com. position, Drawing, Writing, Litera- ture and Geography. Names in order of merit based upon exams onager -revel proficiency, V. --Lillian Oolclough//, Jennie Colelough. Sr. IV,-Anine McL1 ean Lewis Whitfield/I. ,Ti'. IV.- George 0olclough, Sr. III. -Nellie Carmicheel. Jr. ITL -Mac. McLean, Amos Attwoodb Sr. -Minnie Barron, Calvin Celt:lough/, Ist.-Flora Me - Lean, Mabel Carmichael. /missed one exam, // missed two. H. MaciGnaava.kes Teacher. Smog/. IturonT.-Following is the monthly school report for S. S. No. (3 for October :-Jr. IV -Roy Hall, Luetta Jacklia, Eva Mitchell, Sarah Hutchinson, Joe jackiin, Jr. 111 - 'Wesley Yeo, Willie Mitchell, Annie Ward. Sr. II -George Hall, Berrie Vedder), Lela Vodclen, Jr. II -Gert- rude Ames, Hazel Rose, Earl Lowe. Pt. 11 So. -Bernice Flbod,Mary Rose, Lily Jacklin Lottie Ward, Russel Yeo. Pt. II Jr. -Myrtle Lamont, Stanley Hall,' Robert J'eadrlin, Pb. 1 Sr. -Clarence Menary, Edith Ames, Pt. I jr.-Istrao Rose Milton Flood, Clarence' Flood, Lawren- ce Lowe, Mabel Ward. Average at- tendance, 25. Pam -seams Anatsrnoara, Teacher. &moor, laxerenT.-The following is the school report of S. S. No. 5, for October,. Highest possible mark 460. Those marked * missed one or move examinations s--Cllass IV-e*Alex Col- lins, 178 ; Campbell, 826 ; Roae abates, 812Elsie Tiler, 2.1(1 ; 'sane °look, 228 ; 'Frank Lind- say, 106 1 *Edith Flood, 111 ; *011ie linden, 87. Class II -Mailer et Coates, 877 ; Lizi Tac8inscluoth, Jamestown Last Friday, the sale of 2:1111 etock, implements, Sec belonging to the Mc - Brien estate was held with F. 8, Scott as auctioneer. The strayed steer that was adver- tised on Edward Jacklin's farm in last week's POST was claimed by Mr. Stokes on Friday. Advertising pays. :Foaming is not all gain, Slime last April Ed. Jacklin lost 2 horses, a colt and a cow'. The latter died last week from too heavy indulgence.in Wren s in the field she got into when IlEr, Jacklin was away from home. Walton A car of hogs was shipped on Wed- nesday by Messrs. Ferguson & Watt. A cinder path has been put down from the C. P. R. depot to the main street. Chris. Barrows received a oar of red brick from Monkton for a new resi- dence. Frank Tyler has taken a situation at the 0. P. R. depot and will take up railway. work. The afternoon train on the C. P. R. running Eastward has been changed from 2.50 to 3.11 o'clock. Among the travellers this week were Mrs. Jas. Mowbray for the West and Mrs (Rev.) Marsh for her home at Peterboro locality. L. 0. L. ENTERTAINMENT. -A Grand Entertainment and Supper, under the auspices of L. 0. L. No, 252, Walton, will be held in the Workman's Hall, Walton on Thursday evening, Nov. 5th. The program will cousist of Readings, Recitations, Dialogues, Songs, Music, &e, and in addition to first-class Local Talent the following will take part := W. E. Sugars, Soloist, of Milverton ; Miss Haack. Elocutionist, of Drayton; W. Carter and -Allen Bros., musical ex- perts, of Mullett. Refreshments will be served after the program. Doors open at 7.30 ; Entertainment at 8. Everybody welcome. Monkton REv. WAX. PEN1-TA T L DECEASED. - Rev. Wm. Pemba% minister of the Methodist Church, Monkton, died sudtleuly at the parsonage Monday from heart disease. No warning of his end was given, as Mr, Penhall had been in the best of health, having occupied his pulptt at both services on Sunday last. The late Mr. Penhall was in the 57th year of his age, hav- ing been in the ministry of the Metho- dist Church for 88 years. He was born in Engla-nd, but came to Ca,narla, early in life and decided to enter the work of the ministry. Rev. Mr. Pee - ball entered Victoria Oollege, then situated in Coboerg, and upon grad- uating took up the active work of the ministry. Rev. Mr. Penhall was well known in Ontario, having, during his years of service, spent terms in the following places Appin, Bryanston. Elinsville, Sparta, Sb. Johns, Corunna, Blyth, Atwood and here where death occurx.ed. He was ever willing to help anyone who might need his assistance and was greatly respected and beloved by the people for whom he worked and by his fellow ministers. Mrs. Penhall, who survives her husband, is a daughter of Samuel Runt, of Lon- don. Two daughters are also left to mourn their father's loss, The re- mains were taken to London from where the funeral took place on Wed- needay afternoon. The funeral was held'Vednesday afternoon from the residence of ' A. M. Hunt, South London, and was very laxgely attend- ed, The funeral services were WA - ducted by Rev, A. H. Going, of Exe- teri President al, the Conference, assisted by Rev. JIM. Livingstone, of Mitchell, and Rev. A. K. Birks, of Askiu St. Methodist Minch, London. Interment was made at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Tho pallbearers were reverends Jewitt, of Westmin- ster ; Tiffin, of Lambeth • Anderson, of London ; McCanrus, 'St. Marys; Kerr, Lucan and G. N. Hazen, of the Centennial Church, East London. Perth County The Mitchell Nursery Co. are build- ing another large greenhouse, which will be used for roses. Ralph W. Davis, son of W. R. Davis, Mitchell, left on Friday morn- ing for Seattle, Washington Territory, where he intends to enter into partner- ship in thejewelry business with his brother, Arthur Davis. For the past eleven years Ralph has worked in the Advocate office as a typesetter and reporter. A very enthusiastic meeting of the students of the Stratford Normal School was held on Friday afternoon, Oct. 80, for the inauguration of a liter- ary smithy, and the following mem- bers Were elected as officers to preside diming the month of November :Pres- ident, P. Fowler vice.presitiont, Miss M. Miff ; secrotary-theasnrer, Mise Spearinexecrative committee, Miss Kilty, Miss Sneers, Miss I. Frain, Miss B. Traynor ; editors, Miss Gaffney, Miss Van Every, 11fiss Morley, T. Drquhort. A recent will be held in North Perth on Friday in connection with the Dom. inion Election. Judge Barron will con, duct it G. G. McIntyre, M. P. for South Perth, has at offielal majority of 35. There were *0 spoiled autl /8 rejected bell els, Grey 00 u Council met pursuant to- order on Saturday, Oct. 81st, at 10 a, xn, in the Township Hall, Ethel, Members all present and. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and weed. Moved by John Brown, seconded by John Outt, that tire agreement of the W. H. KERR, Proprietor Peter ishop, twp, portion Ieglie Awierd ,, . ...... 28 50 Pest,ekB4sh000pn,. 7aemen...13. .. .............. 8 00 Peter Tarr, cement tile..,,,..,.,.65 62 Wm. Stevenson, gravel. ...... ..„ 96 Won. Stevenson,. repg. etilvert Lot 81, Con. 10 ..... 225 Jas. Bolger, drain On geevel road and fllling 111 aoch cul- vert Grey and orris 25 00 contrector, Thos. Alcock, for the con- , Gideon 1). Parks, drawing struction of the Walton Municipal 1 grader and man and team Drain as executed be accepted, and that the Reeve be authorized to sign the mule un behalf of the, Oorporation and the corporate seal be attached thereto, and a copy of said agreement bo filed with the Clerk. (lamed. Petition from F. 8. Scott and others for a Municipal Drain read. Moved by John Grant, seconded by Jas. Mc- Fadzean that the petition be approved SS there is a majority of ratepayers interested in the same and that a By - Law be passed appointing John to i Roger, Engineer, exam ne and 1 port on same. Carried. Petition of Peter Baker and seven other ratepayers for a Municipal Drain read. Moved by John Grant, seconded by John Brown that the petition be apprdved as there is a majority of the ratepayers interested on the same and that a By -Law be passed appointing John Roger, En- gineer, to examine and report on same. Carried. Petition of Robert McDonald and ninesother ratepayers for a Municipal drain read. Moved by John Outt, seconded by Sao. Grant, that the petition be approved as there is a -ma- jority of the ratepayers interested on the same, and that a By -Law be pass- ed appointing John Roger, Engineer, to examine and repbrt on same. Oar- rieAd. communication from Mr. Car- ruthers, of Elma, re -cleaning town- ship portion of Peet Award Drain read. Moved by Jno. Grant, seconded by Jno. Oath that the Reeve and Ino. Brown attend to the same. Carried. Requisition of Arch'd McLean to have the illoTaggart Municipal Drain cleaned out, under Section '75 of the Municipal Drainage Act read. Moved by John Grant, seconded by John °Mt, that the Clerk notify the En- rgilencie.er to attend to the matter. Car - Willi= Hall jr. requested the Council to sttend to the surface water opposite Lot 14, Con. 7. Moved by Jas. MoFadzean, seconded by John Grant, that Jno. Brown attend to it. Carried. Moved by /no. Brown, seconded by Ino. Outt, that the contract of the Young bridge at Lot 80, Oon. 8, be given to A. Hill & Co. for the sum of 51860.00, part payment when contract is completed and balance on the 15th day of December 1909. Bridge to be 92 ft. centre to centre of shoes and 932 t. over all, and to be completed on or before the 1st dayof September, 1909. Cement floor mixture to be 8 to 1. Carried, Moved by by Sas. McFadzean, sec- onded by Jno. Outt, that the follow- ing accounts be paid. Carried. Jno. Anson, grading on bdy. Grey and Elora, Grey's share $ 17 25 Neil McTaggart, commutation Statute Labor.-- .... 4 00 Neil McTaggart, shovelling 2 00 j.grelGovenlock, the Lot 2, Con. 7 11 20 R. H. Ferguson, gravelling and grading Mill street, Walton, commutation :money 13 25 Gilbert Stevens, gravel 4 16 John Ewen, halftime of contract Ewen Drain 379 00 John Ewen, extras on drain al- lowed by engineer 50 00 Alf. Cole, Twp. portion Thom- son Award. Dram, My. Grey and Elmo, ... . . . , ..... .......... 13 65 Alf. Cole, Twp. portion Oun- nin.gham Award Drain 283 Daniel Cooper, gravel . 6 40 Thos, Chapman, odd oil and lamp glasses. 1 00 George McDonald, gravel 6 40 John Long, livery and expense taking Peter Sinclair, to House of Refuge, Clinton 10 03 Rs H. Ferguson, gravel from R Blair4 36 phone from Jas. McFadzean, Ethel to Blyth .. 25 Jno. McDonald, 3 culverts, 2 on S. R. 4, Clem 2, and 1 at Lot 23, Con. 2 6 70 Frank Bolt, tile and placing same on Wallace bay. Grey's 4 00 share . ... Clint Smith, (Wain on Elam bdy., Grey's share . 6 60 Frank Latimer, drain on How- . ick bdy., Grey's share 13 84 P. Ament, plank and cedar posts for culverts 54 33 Jas. Greig, culverts on Greig Drain, Grey and Elma bdy, Grey's share 4 50 Robert Blair, gravel..., I 28 Andrew Pollock, contract and gravel Grey and Morris bdy, . 15 84 Andrew Pollock, gravel . 1 86 Roderick McLeod, culvert 8, It 5, Oon. 4 800 Mrs. Jas. Cnlelough, farm bridge .MaLean Drain.. ... 10 00 Win. Hoy, culvert S. R. 3, Oon, (3 850 Geo. Eclanier, bolts and rag 325 Albeoxi.tsBryans, Insp. Payn's gravelling Grey and Morris bay., Greys share ...... ...., .., 5 25 Goo. &sondem, assistance at culvert. lot 8, eon, 10 1 DO Aroli. McLean,retnoving stones at Lot 22, Con, 10, and filling tieftol.Sin drainsTwp, '75 lidon, portion. Hemingway Award Drain, 24: 00 Robert Miller?'assistance at cul- a vert, Lot 4, Con, 10 4 50 John Stevenson, repg. culvert John Grant, work et 2 adverts 3 25 Lot 18, Con. 14. lobe 8 and 4 COIL 10..„,5.00 owing water .... . ... . 50 John McIntosh. Part War/ 50 00 Nelson Cardiff, drawiug tile from Winthrop to Lot 2, Con. 7 , . 890 Moved, seconded and carried that the Council do now adjourn to meet Monday, Nov. 23rd at 10 a, m. at the Township Hall. JOHN MCINTOSH, Clerk. Brussels Council The regular meeting of Brussels Council was held last Mouday evening,. Reeve Leckie and Councillors Graham and Lowry present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Following accounts were presented and ordered to be paid Robt. Oliver, salary $ 33 33 Telephoue to R. Oliver's house11 oo Ino. Long, special constable i 5o A. J. Lowry " " 0 50 D. J. Hogg " Geo. Lott " so Receipts from scales for October were $2240. The rate was struck for the current year as follows :- County rate, 1 5-ro mills on $ Local rate, 5 1.10 Consolidated rate, 5 •• 44 Lockridge rate, 4-10 " General frontage, 9-xo " School, 6 School loan, 11-10 Total 20 mills on $ The necessary By-law was passed con- firming the above. Rate is the same as last year. One of the largest items in the local account is $408.00 spent on the streets for gravel, cleaning. &c. Council adjourned. EAST HURON ELECTION RE- TURNS October 28th,1908. Dr. Chisholm's Maj- ority 83. Following are the offi6ial returns for the*Dominion election in the East Rid- ing of Huron as declared by Returning Officer Morton, of Wingham :- BLYT11- Hislop ,Chisbolm No. x 50 55 No. 2 • 49 37 106 92 Maj. for Hislop . 8 Baussims- No. x 34 36 No. 2 46 40 010. 3- 43 31 123 007 Maj. for Hislop... ..... . 16 GREY - No. ........ No, 2 ........ 22 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 58 55 55 87 82 67 6i No. 7. ....... ... 70 31 37 71 55 42 480 325 alaj. for Hislop. ..... .. 159 Howick- No.1 48 92 No. a . 63 85 No. 3 52 127 No• 4 6o ro8 Not 5 . 83 66 , No. 6.. ••6 ... . . • • 53 71 -- 359 549 Maj. for Chisholm 190 MORRIS- ..,.. No, 1 .. .6a No, 2 . 59 No, 3 .... .... ..• 41 No. 4 49 No 5 51 37 44 49 46 59 No. 6... .. . .... 61 76 325 Maj. for laislop ...... a • 14 No. r 49 No, 2 010. 4 70 51 51 311 97 69 55 47 221 268 Maj. for Chisholm.... ....... . ... 47 WROXIVITR- No. 55 36 Maj, for Hislop WINGIIANP- No. x 35 6o No. z ..... .......,,3i 55 No. 3 41 70 No. ... 80 117 • 187 302 Maj. for Chisholm 125 OAST WAWANOS11- No. x 72 No, 2 6 t No. 3 56 , No, . .. 55 -.- 244 191 Maj, for Hislop ., 53 RECAP ITU L A'rION H islo p Chisholm Blyth Bruesele 16 Grey 159 Howick 190 Morris /4 48 70 40 32 Turnberry Wingiutin Wrexeter Bag W.3W110Sh ' to 59 269 Mal, for Chiglit161.0 /0..0". OS 47 115