HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-10-29, Page 8Sanitol SPECIAL Preparations IN CHINA Thee$ new High Class Toilet Preparations are giving excellent satisfaction wherever they have been used. Tho leaders are :— Sainte! irsce Cream Sanitol Tooth Paste Sanitol Liquid Dentifrice Sanitol Tooth Powder Sanitol Toilet Powder Sanitol Shaving Stick Price 25c. Something new and a little differ- ent from the ordinary. Bread and Butter Plates Nice Patterns, regular 10o each for 5c each Secure a supply. THANKSGIVING POST CARDS HALLOWE'EN POST CARDS You are weleolue to look over them, O R. SMITH, DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. guilt gettrs Items MARKET your poultry at Brussels. LOCAL news of interest may be found on page 4 of this issue. SEVERAL horses went to Blyth on Wednesday to take part in a matinee, BRUSSELS L. O. T. M. will meet on Monday evening of next week at 8 o'clock. MESSRS. JEWITT & 13AmENAN shipped a a double deck of hogs to Colliagwood Tuesday. A WELL at tbe rear of the Leckie block was drilled by Geo. Edwards, An abundant supply of water was found at 51 feet. SATURDAY night of this week will be Hallowe'en, Special Constables have been engaged and the "cooler" got in readiness for prank players. A TELEPHONE has been placed in the home of Wm. Jewitt, Mill street. His No. is 37. ItwrlI be a great convenience in connection with bis drover business. THE electric street lights have been off duty owing to a break in the machin- ery wbich is away for amendment. Ow- ing to the dark nights the lights are greatly trussed. DIED. -In Toronto on Oct. 27th, Eliza Jane Meigben, beloved wife of W. H. Gilpin. The funeral took place at St. Marys on Thursday. Oct. 29th. W, H, Gilpin is a brother of J, J. Gilpin, of town. TEE W. C. T. U, have leased the rooms in the brick block belonging to Peter Ferguson one door South of the Excelsior Knitting factory and will take immediate possession. New papering has been done. ACCOUNTS SENT OUT. -During the past week subscription accounts due THE Pon' have been mailed aggregating $400,00. Several responses have been made and we trust the others will follow suit. The amounts are small to the in- dividual but in the aggregate mean much to us, We are greatly obliged for the remittances already received and will be on the watch for others. BUSINESS Sotn,--Last week A. J. Lowry disposed of bis harness business here to G. House, of Hansell, who will take possession about the middle of next month The latter sold bis bnsiness at Hensall to john Donaldson, a former resident of Brussels, Mr. Lowry will not be removing from town we are pleased to state, Mr. House is a practi- ce/ man with a lengthened experience in business, BAs DIED.- On October 21st Emily Aline, infant daughter of Duncan and Mrs, McMartin, of Hensel!, formerly of Brussels, died, aged 9 months and 24 days. The child had not been very rigged. Funeral took place to Brus- sels cemetery on Friday. In addition to the parents and daughter, Hugh Mc- Martin, e-Martin, of Hensall, and Robt. McMartin and wife, of Seaforth. attended the fun- eral. Al' the debate in connection with the Epworth League Tuesday evening the greatness of Moses and Paul were con- sidered. Roy Pryne and W. J. Mc- Cracken spoke for the former and Eli Smith and W. R, Mooney for Paul. President Hunter cotnmended Moses. In the Mock Parliament department Hon. Chester Armstrong, Minister of Finance, presented the Budget, GOING TO SCRANTON, PENN. -Jas. O'Neill, who bas been the G. T. R. agent at Brussels for the past year, has accepted a position in the Audit office of the Deleware, Lackawana and Western railway at Scranton, Peunsylvania, and has consequently tendered bis resigoa- tion here. He has been an obliging official and looked carefully after bis work and will carry with him the good wishes of the ;town, Mr. O'Neill's par- ents live near Scranton. A SUCCESS, -Last Friday evening a Dramatic Recital was given by Miss Theresa M. Seigel. ^a graduate of Elocu- tion, whose parental home is at Mitchell, under the direction of Mies Jean Me- Lauchlin, whicb proved entertaining, an excellent program being rendered as follows t -Readings, "I am glad to see you," and. "Keep Sweet," Miss Seigel ; piano and violin duet, Mrs. and H. L. Jackson ; "Ruggles' Christmas party," and "Aunt Angelina and the new Con- veution," Miss Seigel ; solo, "A sou of the desert omA.KZabe encore "The wives of 1,"t. Ives"; "The young man waited," "Little Pickanin" and 'The barrel staved hammock," Miss Seigel ; piano solo, Mrs. W. L. Holmes ; "An abandoned elopement," Miss Sei- gel ; solo, "Song of the Blacksmith," F, H. Gilroy, encore "I can't forget you sonny's; "Betweeu Love and Duty," and "At the photographers," LMiss Sei- gel ; National Anthem. The local talent did their part first-class and justi- fied tile good opinions the public enter- tained of their musical shill and vocal ability. Miss Seigel had bean here be- fore but very marked progress was noticeable in her renditions. She has a good voice, stately presence, A x intita- live powers and there is no hesitancy in her elocutionary efforts. Her work was most satisfactory Friday evening id- tit/nigh Itkon h her lronrato was n01i ht 00e.. MisscLaneliofciated asaecmpan- St test competently, LAST Sunday the 4 year old son of Frank McCaughey, of Lucknow, drank a quantity of vanilla essence sed died tram the effectsie the evening. Funeral took place to Clinton cemetery. The little lad was a nephew of Miss Minnie Kelly of town. To se IMPROVED AND MODERNIZED. The Metropolitan Bank of Brussels is undergo a thorough overhauling in bot interior and exterior. Office of Manag will be brought to the front, counts will be re -arranged, eutrauce at front will be changed and other improve- ments made, During the time the al- terations are iu progress the Bank will do business in the Steele block where the W. C. T. U. rooms have been located. BUGGY duster found. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for this notice at THE Pose. REGISTERED Oxford Ram 2 years old for sate. Apply to Jonathon Wrl ght, Lot 12, Con. 10, Grey or Ethel P. 0. 1e-2• IaowL WANTEn.-Dressed ducks, chickens and fowl, Will take delivery of any quantic of the following to be delivered at the Cold Storage, Brussels, Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 4th and Ith. Heads and all feathers oS Dry picked and undrawn. Chickens and ducks 8e., fowl 90, ROET. THOMSON. I oAN double your money to any one nein saws. When int Brussels give me a °all ea I am prepared to do saw gumming and filing to your liking and can take this work for fifty miles around or more eel have four gumming ntaehines and they are in choice order. I can do your work during time you stay in town. Yours, T. MaGnEooa, inventor and improver on saws tools and machines, comer Mill and and Main Streets, Brussels, Ont. --0-- MRs. BONNER. PASSES AWAY. --After an illness extending over nearly a year, largely due to a stroke of paralysis, Re- becca Torrance, relict of the late Wm. Bonner, died at the home of D. Ewan, on Sunday last at to p. m aged 62 years and 10 months, She was a cousin to Mrs. Ewan. Deceased was born in the township of Dereham, Oxford Co„ aud was married over 40 years ago to her late husband who died 5 years after. Two children survive, James. in the U. S. and Mrs. Staadecker, of Seattle, Washington. Mrs. Bonner was a faith- ful member of the Presbyterian church and was related to the Ross and Laird families. The funeral took place Tues- day, Rev, Mr. Wishart conducted a short service at Mr. Ewan's at 12 o'clock 0000 after which the interment was made at Seaforth cemetery, Rev. Mr. Carswell taking the service at the grave. The pallbearers were D. Ewan, S. T. Plum, D. C. Ross, Geo. Thomson, M. H. Moore and Geo. Muldoon. Among rela- tives from a distance were Mrs. Hays and Mrs. Dr, Elliott, of Lucknow ; Mrs. Waddell and son, of Kerwood ; Misses Annie and Rebecca Laird, of Hamilton ; and Mrs. Wm, Ainlay, of Toronto. People W Talk About t0 h er 1 At this season of the year I would rs rather you would come early in the day. Our prices are right and we will try to give you a Photo, that will please yon. Enlarging done on short notice. Give es a call, The Metropolitan Bank Farmers' business a specialty Capital Paid Up, =1,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, ,x1,241,532.26 With $1.00 you can open at any branch of The Metropolitan Bank a "JOINT DEPOSIT AC. -•COUNT'•particularly vakta;:le and convenient for farmers. Permits depositing orwithdrawal of money by husband or wife FARMERS' SALE NOTES PROMPTLY COLLECTED DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS BOUGHT AND SOLD IN THE SJIVIArGS DEPARTMENT 97, $1,09 or upwards opens an account, Interest allowed from date of deposit and compounded FOUR times a year. You may deposit or withdraw by MAiL BRUSSELS BRANCH, F, H, GILROY, Manager ! Thanksgiving Day is Next BREWER'S Photo. Studio will be open all day, It will be a good chance to get some Photos. taken for Xmas. Photographs have become very popular among Xmas Presents and are more welcome than anything else you can send. I have some nice cards just in that are right up-to-date. Miss Wisbart has returned to town and is much improved in health we are pleased to state. -Miss Greer, of Luck - now, was the guest of Miss Grace Stewart, Queen street, -Mrs, Hannah Ballantyne arrived home last week from au enjoyable visit with relatives and friends in the West. -Mrs, J. Leckie tripped on a walking cane at her home Last Sunday morning and fell on the floor bruising bar arm quite severely, - Miss Nina Rogers, of Mount Forest, was in town for a few days visiting her mother and sister. -George McNichol arrived home last Saturday from a trip to the West. A foot or two of snow was on the ground when he left for Ontario. -Alex. Walker, of Teeswater, was visiting in town for a few days. -Mrs. Jno, Thomson has returned from a visit with relatives and friends at Seaforth and locality, her old home, -Colin Mc- Arthur, of Blyth, was here on Monday recording his vote. -Thos. and Mrs. Nicholls, who spent the past few months in the West, arrived home this week. They met many old friends. -Mrs, Joint McKenzie was called to Elora on Tues— day of this week owing to the death of her nephew. -Mrs, 11 C. Ross visited relatives in the queen's City for a few days, -Mrs lesste Kerr was in Listowel for a visit to her sister-in.law, Mrs, R, K. Ross, who bas not been enjoying very vigorous health for some time. If good wishes would restore her she should soon be convalescent. -P, and Mrs, Ament were holidaying with rela- tives in Berlin and locality. -B, and Mrs. Gerry are away on a visit with old friends in Clinton and vicinity. -Miss Zelma Gerry, of Fort William, is mak• ing a holiday visit with relatives in Brus- sels and neighborhood, -Miss Rills Cunningham is visiting relatives at Palo erstou.-Mrs. John Howard has been under the doctor's care but we hope she will soon be as smart as usual. -Mrs, N. F. Gerry spent a few days in Guelph last week. -H. McKinnon and wife, of St. Marys, are visiting rela- titres and old friends in Brussels and locality, -Miss Pipe has been visiting est Londesboro',-Mrs, W. A. Grower paid a holiday visit to friends at Stratford and Bright. -J, L. and Mrs, Kerr, of Blyth, were in town parts of Monday and Tuesday, --We are sorry to state that Mrs, D, S. Scott has been real poorly for amt Weeks s with attacks f euralgia but we trust she will soon be s treed from its --Mrs, Wasmati, of Olin- a H. R. BREWER ton, was visiting relatives in Brussels during the past week. -Mrs. Hays and her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Elliott, and Miss Winnifred, of Lucknow, were here this week. They came to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Bonner. Church Chimes Ontario Lord's Day Alliance annual meeting will be held in tbe Y, M, C. A, building, Toronto, on November 13th. Rev. J. H. Osterhout, B. D„ of Kin- tore. formerly of Wroxeter, was elected President of St. Marys District Epworth League Conveotiin. The monthly meeting of the Brussels Branch of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur McGuire, the President, on Friday afternoon of this week. Monthly missionary service and col- lection in the Methodist Sabbath School next Sundayafternoon. Short program. A congregational Bible class will be in- stituted the same afternoon. Next Sabbath the Quarterly com- munion will be observed in Brussels Methodist church, Sacrament will fol- low the morning sermon and fellowship meeting at the close of the regular even- ing service, Rev. 3rd chapter and 4th verse was Rev A. C. Wishart's text in Melville Church last Sabbath morning. "The blind man's sight restored" was the evening topic, Faith being the principle enunciated, The A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Church held their Annual election of officers on Monday evening. The following were elected for the last half of this Church year :-President, Dr. Field ; Vice Pres , Mr. Drage ; Sec. Miss Pethick ; Treas., Miss Wilson ; Organist, Mrs. Feild ; Assistant organist, Mrs. Harris. The A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Church have secured Misses Cole and McKee - sock, graduates in Music and Elocution, to give a concert in the Town Hall on the evening of Dec. 7tb. In addition to these two ladies on the program the members of the A. Y. P. A. purpose patting on the little play •'The Old Maid's Return" which is the sequel of the humorous play they gave four years ago. Rev. E. G. Powell was at Ripley last Sunday preaching anniversary sermons, There were large congregations and in- teresting services. The church bas been receiving a number of improvements, A choir alcove has been added, a furnace put in, the interior painted and decorat- First Terra Exam. CONTINUATION SCHOOL ROOM I FORM III A -Exam. in Alg., Latin, Chem., Geom., French, History, Phys., Cmnp, Total, Boo, Hon., 600, Pass, 48 S Stubbs 689 l Cunningham•534 E Evans. ...... 628 R Sliaw, P Baker 588 P Bremner Soo is Robb..... ..... 568 L Locke 463 FORM III B -Examined iu the same subjects. Total, Boo, Honors, boo. G Jordan,652 0 Armstroog...423 3 Leckie 569 C Holmes . ,414 H Moore 56o J Wilton ,...,.,,•379 R Simpson. 485 W MoCutcheon 309 T Armstrong.. 452 W Scott. 257 S McKercher437 FORM II -Exam. to Lat., Alg., Geom., French, Hist, Comp , Science.. Total, 800. Honors, 600. Pass, 480. T Dickson. 653 V Bowman.,•,.,492 A Forreat. 640 IC Atnent,..... .•458 K Hewitson.,613 C t?orbes 426 F Curry 572 N Ewan 419 570 V Walker 398 F Bryaus 541 C McMillan...... 348 3 Henderson. ••533 1 Armstroug..,340 Si Jones 5 i 6 FORM I -Exam. in Arith., Comp., Alg„ Hist.. Science, Literature, Wr Geom. Total S000, Honors, 75o, Pas 600. E Deadmau909 H Hoover 654 H Armstroug...783 C Lowry 642 B Harris..........772 V Ainlay ,•. 641 3 Armstrong.,.•753 A Cooper..., 640 U Leckie 747 S Gerry .619 W Sperling. 737 F lfckmier 613 B Warwick 728 H Mooney. 6o6 A Robb .....,724 E Thompson,...604 E Plum 724 D Watson J Bremner .714 G Snell ... B Leckie... ...... 7ur R Eckmier M Thomson. ..694 V Sperling 8 Fox .68q E Somers W Long 678 F Gerry A Grant ........•.675 W Bell K Wilton 664 Systematic Small Savings look insignificant to some, but to thousands of wiser ones they have meant wealth. Schemes that promise sudden riches too often bring only bitter disappointment, but the determined, systematic .saving and depositing of small amounts in STANDARD BANK Established 1873 OF CANADA 51 Branches cannot fail to bring ultimate success, Make a start now by opening an account with a deposit of One Dollar or more. We pay Interest every three months and return your money any time you want it. BRUSSELS BRANCH S. F. Rowland. Massager Blanch also at Walton. HGerry., ... . . ....564 OMcKay..., ... ,•559 D Ross 554 F McKay 549 W McDonald ,-493 H Stewart 459 CLASS IV -Examined in same subjects. Total 60o. R Brewer... 541 R Moore: 494 C Best .,...523 M Skelton 48o A Currie•... ...... 522 i Warwick. 465 A Pox 5r4 R Payne ,,,......409 V Harris 500 CLASS III -Excellent -Earl Powell. Good --Harry Lott, Eva Jamieson, Grace Thompson. Fair -Gordon Snider. Cams II -Excellent -Jean Fox, Min- ota Duuford, Sara McLaechliu, Mar- jory Ross, Henry Toole, Clark Moore. Good -Marjory Campbell, Inez McNich- ol, Myrtle Pawson, May Stewart. Clar- euee Anderson, Velma Lowry, Whitfield Roe, Fair -John Harkness. CLAss I -Excellent -Mary Wilton, Alice Drage, Douglas Currie, Alvin Somers. Good -George Baeker, M Me- Lanchlitt, Fair -Charlie heist, Ashton Johnston, Jim Lowry, Lyla Snider, J. N. Rrresne. M Fawcett 449 W Burgess 433 W Harkness -388 J Jamieson 286 L Snider , ,,..,,,187 Canadian News The evaporator building of the Whit- s, by Fruit & Vinegar Co. was damaged by fire. Walter Wainwright, a piano agent, was arrested at Welland on a charge of forging a note. The steambarge Fred Mercer and the steamer City of New York are ashore near Kingston. The Grand 'rruuk Railway terminals at Montreal will he improved at an out- lay of millions of dollars, Baird, Gordon & Co.'s large block at St. John's, NH., was destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of half a million. Principal Blake and several pupils of the Tweed Public School suffered in- juries by an explosion of ozone, being used in an experiment. Thomas Kelly & Sons, of Winnipeg, have been awarded the contract for the car shops at Winnipeg in connection with the G. T. P, terminal. Arrests of prominent Liberals are re- ported from Winnipeg and Brockville. • in Hamilton an Italian was arrested in • the act of impersonating a dead voter. A true bill for murder was returned at the Chathatn Assizes against Elliott Kimball, ex -Chief of Police of Learning. ton, for shooting Wnt. Healey, By rushing the certified lists back from Ottawa by special train, everything was in readiness for the opening of the West Algoma bush polis on Monday. It is not at all improbable that the speakership of the Senate will be given. when Parliament assembles, to Hon. R. W. Scott, the late Secretary of State. The steamer Iroquois, from Little Cur- rent, ran on a rock near Spanish Mills and was burned. The crew and passen- gers were rescued but lost everything, only three bags of mail being saved. Despondent at being retired at 7o years of age, M. Barlow, formerly Grand Trunk baggagemaster at Quebec, at- tempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat His recovery is doubtful. The body of Benj. Nash, from the Ox- ford House of Refuge, was found ou the railway at Princetown. The body of an unknown Italian was also found on the railway at Copetown. Harry Martin, a sheep rancher, near Maple Creek, Sask., was frozen to death in the recent blizzard, and Howard Mc- Counell, of Boyne Lake, is missing, and is supposed to have met a similar fate. One rancher lost 2,50o sheep in a storm. James Barber, aged about fifty, a well known farmer of Blenheim, committed suicide by taking poison, He had just returued from a trip to the Northwest, and appeared to be suffering from mel- ancholy, though the cense is unknown, as he was in good financial circumstan- ces. Telegraph, Welland ; "One of the most curious features of the campaign was that the Tercets World said never a word. This is not at all like Billy Maclean, who dearly loves a fight. and is happiest when he is, in the thickest of it. Some day, perhaps, the secret will be out, Shrubb has issued the following chal- lenge to Longboat r -"I hereby chal- lenge Mr, Tom Longboat to a series of three races at ten, twelve or fifteen miles, or elicit other distances as may be agreed upon, and I back myself to any amount agreed greed on to beat bim in at least two sot of three of the races," Rev. Dr. A. C. Courtice, of Toronto, at one time editor of the Christian Guardian, and formerly pastor of the Dundas Centre Methodist Church of Loudon, is very ill at the Battle Creek, Mich., sanatoriutn, where he has been for some time, Dr, Courtice has been in failing health for some years and ]tis recovery is not looked for. Henry Steeper, the McGillivray Town- ship thresher, who was so badly injured by being drawn into a threshing ma- chine died of his injuries during the night. His arm was torn from the sock- et and his body terribly bruised. He never regained ccnscionsness. Deceas- ed is survived by a widow, two sotis, William, on the homestead, and Frank, who livee opposite, e ,anddaughter, Mrs. Woodburn, of Centralia, Steeper ad been engaged in the threshing usiness for 25 years, and was alrivays smoldered a very careful man, 582 575 571 559 427 349 13 McCauus, J. H. CAMERON. PUBLIC SCHOOL 2(0015 II ENTRANCE CLASS. -Exam, in Spell. Arith„ Gram., Oral Read., Hist., Geo daily wurk. Total, 650. Honors, 487 Pass, 390, P McKenzie-. .53t C McDonald..., 412 F Robb 486 E Lemma 406 G Kerr 483 W Kerr 396 E Platt..,. 475 W Ainlay .. 391 L Bateman , ...468 E Cober .....,373 I Strachan." .... 435 S Burgess 364 P Dark 426 H Ament 284 M Thomson 416 j McCallum ..,.232 F Stubbs 414 Ja. IV -Exam, in Spell., Arith. Gram., Liter., Hist„ Geo. and daily work. Total, 700. Honors, 525, Pass, 420, H Lowry 584 H Burgess...a 414 A Moore .532 Harold Lowry.4o6 CCrooks .,.,,....524 V Ross ..... 385 5 Brother sr F 49 Friendship ...981 N Fox-- •467 C Emigh. 308 E Barkley.......446 H Robertson 225 A Wilton 434 D, 52.UTH, ROOM III SR. III --Exam. in Arith„ Gram. ist„ Geog„ Lit„ Read. and daily ork, Total, 700. Honors, 525. Pass, 20. H 4 ed and a new carpet bought, the total A expenditure being 41185o. Toward this amount $750 was placed on the plates last Sunday and a concert for the same purpose was held last Tuesday evening. Tile pastor, Rev. Thos, W, Blatchford, B. A., and congregation are to be congratulated on the splendid success of theanniversary and commend- ed for the good work done, Rev. George Buggiu, of Seaforth, was the preacher to the Methodist Church here last Sabbath and was listened to with no small interest, His discourses were thoroughly practical and effective- ly illustrated from his years of activity in the ministry. Rev. Mr, Buggin is on the superannuated list but preaches almost every Sunday and no one would assume bim to be in his 77th year judg- ing by his vigor, clearness of thought and melodious voice. He travelled 47 years and on one occasion his field of labor compassed 4 townships and on an- other circuit be traversed 2 rural tenni. cllpalities in doing his work. The reverend gentleman made bis home with Chas. Howlett, Who was a former par- ishioner, while here and enjoyed his visit. Mr. and Mrs, Bttggin spent a pleasant holiday in the West during the past Summer, He will be welcome back here, R. A. Geraidi was killed at Smith's Falls on the railway. The steamer Ashanti, sugar -laden, is C ashore near Montreal. L A Sarnia contractor gets the job of 1+` painting the London asylum. Y m. C James Barber, farmer, of Blenheim, A committed suicide by taking poison. R The convention of the Otltario Suns T day School Association opened at M Orillia, Engineer Munt was killed in an acct. debt on the C. N. R. near Port Arthur, Nine steamers left Montreal for the ea Monday, the smoke having cleared way. Deadman 665 J Jackson 438 Roe boo B Kerr ' 453 VV' Armstrong,56x F Lowry ... ,....,4r2 McLaucltllu .555 L Lowry..... 351 E Toole .........538 T Habkirk 312 W Lott 538 Ii Fax 300 E Lowry 485 R Barkley 279 W Harris ,....,,467 G Colvin 279 H Work 467 F Wood..., .... 228 1 E,liott 466 J Oliver ..,.205 L Ballantye 452 I McLattehlin...2o2 E Moore .448 M Bishop,,...... 0 JR. III -Exam. in Arith., Spell., Gram„ Hist., Read., Lit., Comp. and daily work. Total 67o, Honore, 503, Pass 402. L Jackson . 529 H Crone, 387 G Edwards . 496 L Burgess. 367 J Ballantyne ,...487 0 Crone, 340 J McLauehlin..4475 A Thompson -326 R McKay 461 V McCra0ken,.,3to R Sinclair 43 T Snideramion t07 4 07 H. M. DOWNING. ROOM IV SR I - I Exam, in Lit, and Mom., Arith„ Spell.. Read„ Geog. total 500. Tion, 375, Pass 300. M Friendship,.,447 R Stewart. 1 Toole 434 W Payne 316 B Campbell.....,4tt V Sinclair .295 L Ament.....,.,383 Ja, II -Exam. in Arith., Spell., Lit. and Mem„ Read. Total 400. Hon, 300. Pass 240. Powell, 362 S Manechlin.,264 JTackson , 329 R Hewitt 232 I'a ne. Y •••••..•.322 L McGrackon20g laekson 318 W Buehanan,,..02 McLauchlie314 0 Crone ...187 McKay 305 P Barkley .t'js McLaucbliu„3o4 W Somers ,174 Carter .,...,,..298 R Currie,....,.,12o 0, Ross. ROOM V CLASS V -Examined to Read„ Writ„ Arith,, Dict, and Deportment. Total b 000, 4 The C. P. R. will start despatching trains by telephone as soon as the double tracking between Fort William and Winnipeg is taken over, Fred, Kimble was charged with bigamy at Hamilton, and two women swore they went through the marriage ceremony with the accused. Two highwaymen, who robbed and assaulted C. A. E. Reid, a Montreal jeweller, have been sentenced to four- teen and ten years respectively, BORN LA0E/E,-In Howlett on Oct, 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Laokie, a son. MARRIED STOART—G12100N.—At Seraiken Dune, Ber- wickshire, Saottand, on October 9th, by Rev, Peter Wilson, M. A., Greenlaw, James Stuart, 0. E., Glasgow, to Miss Jean Agnew, daughter of the late Alexander L. Gibson, GoO.erich, and formerly of Wrox- eter. DIED BoNNER. In Brussels, at the horns of Mr. D. Ewan, on October 25th, Rebecca Torranee relict of the late William Bonner, aged 5i years and 10 months, PeooD.—In Logan, on October 20th, James Flood, aged i2 years,7 months and 22 days. MaMAnsn,,-In Idensal, on Oet. 21s0, Emily Aline, daughter of Hinman and Mrs Mc Martin, aged 9 months and 24 days, RAYxsan--In. Grey, on October, 28rd, Joseph Raynard, aged 57 years, 11 months and 28 days, ZrEMAN,-In Atwood, on October 18th, Gideon Zeeman, aged 24 years, 0 months and 0 days AUCTION SALES Fa1DAY, OCT.. 811TH. -Parra stoat, imple- ments, aa, W% Lot 58, Oon. 1, Turatberry, m 1% iles North ofJamestown, and 154 miles est. Sale unreserved at 1p. m, D. M. Miller and P. McDougall, Executors for the James Mc - Brien estate. F. S. Scott, Am. TUESDAY, Nov. 8R11,—Parte Stook, impie• menta, &a., Lot 19, Com 15, Grey, Sale um•e• served at 1 p. m. James Ousio, Prop, F. S. Scott, Ano. WE , &o., Y, Nov. 9th—Form stook, imple- ments, &c. Lot 12, Oon. 8, Grey, Sale unre- served at 1 p. nt. Gilbert Stevens, Prop. P. S. Boott, Aue, Tanasnk, Nov. 020.—Lot 25, Oon, 19, Gray. Perm steak, lmploments &a Sale unreserved at.1 p. m. Ward & Mcljeught, Propts. F. S. Scott, Auo. TmsanaY, NOV. 10th. -Farm property in Hal- lett and Tuolrersniitli townships, will be offer- ed at Town Hall, Olintou, at L80 p. nt. John Bamford is the proprietor, WEDNEsnAY, Nov, 11TH. -Farm Stook, Lot 18. Oon. 10. Grey, Sale unreserved nt 1 p. in. Alex. Stewart & Son, Proprietors, P. S. cott, Auctioneer. When You Write A Letter you should have good Statiotr.. ery. Oood Stationery Was at one time A luxury -now its a necessity. A good or bad im- pression is often formed by the Statiouery one ossa, We have at present a very at- tractive btractive line of Correspondence Papers strictly correct in style, color and texture. Our Cloven Linen at IOC per quire is portic- elarly good value. Our other lines area- Count re-Count Imperial Wexford Weave Dimity and Puritan Wove F ,,' X'S ORUG STORE Wheat Oats Peas Barley Potatoes Butter Bay Hogs Apples BRUSS,ELs MARKET $0 81 $0 0 85 60 52 19 2200 18 18 i 70 5 z5 The People's Column FOWR alton, SALE or to rent, a house and lot in Engntre of A, HID WITT, Walton, "T'AL MAN SWIM APPLES for sale. Apply • ab ones on N1.1 Lot 20, Con. 8, hlorris or Brussels P. 0. 3. D. SCOTT. YOUNG cattle for sale consisting of 2 steers 2 years old and 2 heifers 1 year old. For further particulars apply to JAS. 0I7THILL„ Brussels North. tf, NOTICE,-Hnytng disposed or my harness businoee to Mr, G. House, who will take possessionp Nov. 19th, I desire all account& squared ps on o before that date, A, J. L `'WO-VIDAR-OLD red steer strayed on tho premises of undersigned, Lot 10, Oon. 2, Grey, on or about Oet, 10th- The owner is requested to prove property, ay expenses and take hem away. EDWARD JpAOKLJN, James- town P. 0. 17-4 AUOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, F. S. Ps Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell bypublic auction at Lot 18, Con. 18 Grey, on ednesday, Nov. 11 at 1 o'clock, the following property, via.: -1 aged. mare In foal, 1 agrieultnral mare 8 years old, 1 aged driving horse, 1 heavy draught gelding 1 year old, 1 roadster gelding 1 year old, 1 draft ht foal, 4cows in calf to Durham bull, 1 heifer 2 years old Sappesed in calf, 8 heifers 2 years old, 2 steers 2 years old,1 heifer 1 year old, 8 steers 1 year old, 4 calves, 1 York- shire brood sow, 8 Leicester ewes, n quantity of manuals, a quantity of corn in stook all. tied. Sale unreserved as the proprietors have rented the farm for ernes and are not selling the im- plements. Terms -All aunts of 25 and under cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes e 5 per cont. off for cosh nn credit amounts. ALEX. STEWART & SON, Proprietors. Brussels Daylight Store - G. Na McIAAE�1 First showing of New Fall Goods During the past few weeks we have been busy receiving our shipments of New Fall Goods and are now in a better position to show the people of Brus- sels and vicinity a most complete range in any of the following lines New Coats A great variety of styles in Fitting, Semi -fitting aud Loose, in colors black, brown, navy and green. The best values we ever Offered. New Furs A most elegant range o£ Fur from, Our prices s ars - the Lo p Low est. New Boots ScShoes A complete range of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and Gills, for Men and Boys. Our prices are the Lowest. New s o w DresGods Our extensive range of Dress Goods in alle gg the leading shades will make the choosing of your Fall Suit or 'Dress an easy prob- lem. Inspection invited. Turnh all s Underwear Now is the time to buy your bl'all Underwear while stocks aro ab their best. All sizes in all lines. Men's & Oo s' Clothing g The Largest Stock and Best Values we have ever shown. Comparison invited. Highest Prises for Produce. Goods RightY Ygor our idaoo flack N AMcLAREN s "11! • 7t if