The Brussels Post, 1908-10-29, Page 5"1e .4 1 s • BUSINESS CARDS, WH, MOOBACIXEN- p Issuer of Marriage Llooneoo. Of. hoe at Grocery, Turnborry dtreot, Brussels, MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ ETHEL, OFT. WM, SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In the Post 01110e, Mel. 130.4 K. O. T. M. Brussels (Toot of the Maooabeoe, No. 24 bold their regular meotiogo in the Lodge Room, l3aoker Blook, on the 1st and 8rd Tuoeday melees of oaoh month. Visitors always weloomo, A, SOMERS Oom. , A. MagIIIRE, R. H. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Moe and Bosldenoe-- WALTON, ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND INSIIRAN00, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. .li B, SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • 000, will set for better prices, to better moo In lees time and lose charges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't charge anytlilug. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this ofnoe or by p Grapnel appltoatlon. ROBT. H. GARN1SS BLVEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Salus arranged for at the aloe of THE Poem, Brooseio, 221f VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGldA1I1— • Heuer Li redeem of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - same 01 domesticated animals Ina aompet. eut manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Deutiotry and nilik sever. Uailer promptly attended to. Oitioe and Infrmary -Four doors North of bridge, Teruberry at.• Brussels, 'Phone Ar k LEGAL A AND CONVEYANCING. I D. M. SINCLAIR- V V • Barrister, Solloitor, IOonveyanoer, Notary public, hc. Ulfleo-Stewart's Block 1 door North of Ueutral Hotel. Solloitor for the Metropolitan Bank. pLtOUDFOO'L', RAYS d: BLAIR- 0AE0818VERS, 8ULI0ITOR8, NOTARIES PUBLIO, E'r0. W. PaoODYooT, K. 0. 11. 0. HAYS 0. F. BnAIR. Offlaoo-Those formerly 000upied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, GenSelo0, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental SurgeousofOntario and Eiret.olnee Honor Graduate of Torouto University. 0MMee next to Brewer's Photograph gallery, BRUSSELS, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: A NY even numberedroeation of Dominion Alberta, exceptingi8 and 26 note and may be homesteaded by any person who in the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years of ago, to the extent of one-quarter 8001)00 of 760 amen mole or lose. Entry malt be made personally at the local land Mace for the distriot iu which thelaud le situate. The homesteader to required to perform the oonditlousaouueeted therewith under one of the following Maus : (l) Ab least six menthe' residence upon 4o..' and oultivation of the land iu eaoh year for three years, (2) If the father (or mother, if Mho father ie deoeasod) of the homesteader reeideo upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to resi- denee may be satisfied by much person re. siding with the father or mother. (8) If the Battler has his permanent rest. dense upon farming land owned by biro in the vicinity o1 his homestead, the re. niremeate as to reeideuee a qq may be satis- fied by residence upon the saidand Six mouths' notice writing So on gLana to the cuuoein 0f Dmlor Lando at Ottawa of intention to applyfor patent, W.W.0011Y. Deputy of the Mluiator of interior. N.B. Unauthorized pubiioatlon of this ad- vortianmout will not he paid for, BUCCI,ES. poows If you want a really good article in the Buggy or Wagon line go to the old reliable Cober Carriage ,Builder en Market Square, Brus- eels, where you will fund a first - oleos assortment. Beet of hand made Farm Wag- ons With different widths of tires and different heights of wheels. Extra large hand made Wheel- barrows. Re -rimming Light and Heavy Wheels, Repairing, Re -painting end Ile -trimming attended- to on shortest notice, JOHN O.OBER Business Oards A, H. M•ONTEITH Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 8so., sucoeesor to A, li. Macdonald, MoeoverStandard tank, Brnssole, OR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon, Office opposite the tmotoffloo, r.•3' W Ili vioit Gorrie the first and third Monday of MO month. I4'Om OR, T. T. M' RAE Bnaholor of Medicine, Univoreity of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Illy. elolime and Surgeons, Ont, Past -graduate Ohmage Ike, Ear, Nose and Throat HuepIra(, Chicago, Ex -Houde Surgeon. to Sb, Mich- ael's Respit*i Toronto. Officio over P. 11. Smith's Drug Store. Tole• phone colon potion with Orenbroole at all hours. 6r,61411VWi F`c''7lsW far Harz lb"a° BRUSSELS 001110 SQIITn 001Ho Noamn Mall 7:05 a m Express 10:55 n m Express 11:85 a In Mail 1:44 p in E 1'ese 8:02p811 Express xP8:541,m 1 Comiegoiax AMMO WALTON To Toronto To Roderick Express........, 8:91 a m I Express 11:87 e m Express 8:11 p m Express 7:47 p m AistriCt Cetus Hensall Dien. -There died in the village of I•Iensall, Thursday of last week one of its oldest ,residents in the person of Jas Petty, The cleceasedfounded the village, as heownedthe farm on which the largest part of it is builtand at the time when the London, Huron and Bruce was being built Mr. Petty gave the land for the station. With his brothers, Geo., who is very ill at the present time and John Petty, who died some years ago, the late James Petty, came from Hensall, Yorkshire, England, in the year 1851, and has boon a resident of this section ever since. For many years G. and J. Petty conducted a pork -packing busi- ness in this village and as a conse- quence were well known throughout Western Ontario. Some years ago they retired and lived quietly in Hen- sall ever since. The funeral was held on Saturday from St. Paul's church to ):Tensa(( cemetery for interment. A Case of Poisoning. Not unfrequently caused by cheap acid corn salve. Be safe and use Put- nam's Corn Extractor. Purely vege- table, harmless anci always cures. In- sist on "Putnam's." Clinton CHEERY CHATTER.-Janies Weiss has disposed of bis interest in the Oommercial hotel and, in the event of the license being transferred, will be leaving town at an early elate. The new landlord will be David Crawford. -Sunday the anniversary services were held in the Ontario street church, the preacher of the day was Rev. James Livingstone, a former pastor of the old Rattenbur•y street church. - The members of the Ontario street choir drove out to tho home of L. and Mrs. Weir, of Mullett, on Tuesday evening of last week and presented that worthy couple, oh behalf of choir and congregation, with a half dozen oak dining chairs and a handsome oak clock. -R, A. Moore has severed his connection with the Doherty Organ Company after a service of a quarter of a century, for fifteen years as fore- man of the finishing department. He has not yet decided to what he will turn his attention but will first of all take a well earned holiday. -Miss Lucy Brewer, formerly of Olinton but now of Toronto was married in St. Paul's Baptist Church, Toronto, to Lionel Waugh, ,of California. After the marriage a reception was held at the br'ide's home, 45 Woocllawn Ave. Mrs. M. D. McTaggart was the only one from Clinton who attended the wedding. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25o, box of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist if this formula 1s not Complete. Head pains, womaly pains, pains anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. All dealers. Atwood APTLY ToLn-A concert under the auspices of the bowling club was held in the Music Hall on Monday evening. Gavin Spence'scompany gave it. -The cement mills closed on Saturday, 17tH inst. for this season. -On Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 13tH at their home, Mapleton Farm, on the 2nd of Ernie, Win. and Mrs. Hewitt, the, Head of a well known and highly respected family in that township, celebrated their golden wedding in the midst of a happy gathering of their children, grand children and relatives, -Donald Murray returned home from the Wes'(, but left next day for Burgessville, where he attended -the funeral of Itis brothoi'-in-law.-People of this vicini- ty were shocked early on Tuesday morning of last week to hear of the death of James Flood, who for some time has been living on Lot 23, Oon. 16, Logan. Although he had not en- joyed the best of health of late, it was not known that his sickness was 'at all serious, and many of his friends heard of his death before they heard of his illness. Saturday previous he was in Monktou and seemed. quito bright and cheerful, which makes the sac( news. seem more sorrowful. -The London harpers will play fora dance in the Music hall on the evening of Nov. 4th, -J(1o. and Mrs. Campbell, Settforth, are the guests of W. and Mrs. Price. -Rev. J, C. Reid and Misses Turnbull and Shannon attended the Strat- ford district Epworth Longue Conven- tion in St. Marys. -A Consorvativo meeting was held 811 Mitchell's music hall on Thursday evening of last week. The speakers were William Johnston, of Blanshar'd township, and H, B. Morphy, of Listowel, Great disappointment was belt that the candidate, A. 1i'. Maotaren, could. not be present -The shanty near the comentmitl formerly 000upied by the Italians who Were 1n the employ of tho cement Company' wits burned to 11e ground on Wednesday night of last week. The strife is over, the battle Won by 3110. Dickson. Rather an minimal way of election of town- ship aff'air's took phwo in the Apical'. tural hall cm Friday, Oct. 1,(4411, when a groat number of the electors had gathered to nominate a than to 1111 the vacancy caused by the death of Councillor Cleland, Among the names mentioned were 1)ftvicl lldgar, Samuel Corry, 1Vnr, 13d'll. These wilhdroty leaving still hi the fight Jia, Dickson, Alex. Simpson, Wm. McClory and John Atchison, Then the nominees put their heads together and dec'ide'd to take the vote of those assembled, the lowest one dropping nut each time. The honor went to John Dickson, Goderieh Nedra Iloen, the infant daughter of of L. lt. and Mrs. Swarth?, 4A1 passed. Wednesday morning of last week. away Secretary Lane has received the tulip bulbs ole( ordered for distribution amongst the members of the Gnderich Horticultural iltural Society, Miss Marion Fraser has secured her certificate for entrance to Normal School on appeal. Miss Fraser is at present supplying in Hills Green pub- lic school, The erection of the new Baptist church is progressing very satisfac- torily. The brickwork is completed and the greater part of the roof will be completed this week. Do You get Bilious 7 This trouble arises from torpidity of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, They stir up the liver, rid the system of bile, tone the stomach, give appetite and sound digestion, you feel drowsy and bac( tempered, Dr, Hamilton,s Pills will help you at once, -taken at night you're well by morning. Don't be afraid of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, they are mild -don't gripe or nauseate. they just "cure" -that's all. Gorrie NEWSY GLINTS. -The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church are giving a shredded wheat banquet on Thtn'sday, Nov. 12. -The Presbyterian Church is having pipes installed by Mr. Carson for acetylene gas lighting. -Amos Doan, of Shelburne, was in town for a couple of clays Last week, and made arrangements to return to town and re -open his carriage business in the old stand near the bridge. -Tho wed- ding was solemnized at the manse of the First Presbyterian Ohurch, Van- couver, on Thursday afternoon, Oct: 15111, by Rev. Dr. Fraser, of Dr. Andrew Bockhorn MacLean and Miss Alice Jean McLaughlin. Dr. MacLean is a resident of Pe Ell, Wash. After spending a few clays in Vancouver Dr. and Mrs. MacLean returned to PeL l. Mrs. MacLean was formerly a resident of Gorrie, and is a daughter of T. H. McLaughlin, of Gorrie. Stomach trouble would more quick- ly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, raher than the effect, would come into practice. .A. tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the heart and one to the kidneys. 'When these "in- side nerves" fail, then the ox'gans must falter. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is directed specifically to these failing nerves. Within 48 hours after start- ing the Restorative treatment patients say they realize a gain. Sold by all dealers. Seaforth Newsy SHITS. -D. D. Wilson has hacl some repairs made to the dam which crosses the Maitland river at E niondville.-Mrs. James Lockhart loft last week for Sarnia, where her husband is laid up in a hospital, of typhoid fever. -Rev. D. Rogers has returned from his trip West and oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist church at both services on Sunday. - The Curling Chub held their regular annual meeting in the Oommercial Hotel. After the routine of business of the evening was transacted the following officers and committees were appointed :-Patron,- Jas. Mc- Michael Umpire for Olnb, J. Steele, representative members, W. D. Bright, of Seaforth, and T. 0. Robson, of St. Marys ; President, John Beat- tie ; Vice President, Dr. Burrows ; Managing Oom., J. Beattie, Dr. Bur- rows, R. 5. Hays, Wur, Pickard, W. D. Bright, G. A. Sills and W. Anent ; auditors, G. E. Parkes and A. E. Col- son ; Skips, X. Beattie, R. S. Hays, Wni, McDouggal, W. Ament, Dr. Bur- rows, W. D. Bright, Win. Pickard, D. Hutchinson, F. G. Rogers, Jas. Dick ; Ontario Skips, R. S. Hays and W. D. Bright. -Welter Robinson, who has been with the Staple Bros., in the barberingbusiness for elle past two years, lett for Toronto, where he has secured a good position. Before leav- ing town his many gentlemen com- panions presented Min with a very handsome clock as a token of the high esteem in which he was regarded. - R. P. Bol), of the Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co.'s staff, left for Winni- --The -- Star Grocery ETHEL Our stock of Groceries is Olean and fresh. Our new Canned Gooch have just arrived and we are nolo able to satisfy the wants of the public along this line with this year's canned goods. We handle only •the BEST breads of Canned Goods on the market, We have on hand a few sacks of 'Pinson's Pao Dried Rolled Oots, Try some turd be convinced of the quality of our goods, Salt in bulk or by tho barrel, Good Bread always on (rand. Orders promptly delivered W.T. Spence ETHEL. pog to superintend. the pm.) lou of a large warehouse, 72 by 1 41 feel, to lie rushed Lo eomplelion I4in hall o11 a site of about an acres pinchased by the Company, in a most desirable pnr'L Of the city. There will also be erect- ed ort the premises a suitable Wilco '. building at the Sallie 1111le. Exeter NPtWsY T renixos,-Miss A111la Mar- tin is in charge or 1111' Winchelsea School owing to the absence or Hiss Jessie Hamilton, the regular teacher. -1 0, Fleming, County Secretary of the Y. 14'f. C. A. has ileen in town making preparations for the organ- ization of a branch in Exeter.--Ham- net Baskerville 141 very ill of appendi- citis at his home here:. -Rev. John Pickering, of Toronto, hes been en- gaged to preach at the anniversary services of the James street Methodist church, Exeter on Sunday, November 1st, The celebrated Madam 1gbert of Detroit will assist in the singing, -A little son of Geo. Jeffery had a narrow escape, He was playing around a well being dug by Thos. Smale on the farm of Wes. Armstrong, when he fell in, fallingf, sixteen feet. Luckily he struck slightly on Mr. Smale who w t the bottom and broke the fall, and not injuring either himself nor Mr. Swale but slightly. Belgrave NOTES. -Mrs. Barkley, of Detroit, is visiting friends in Belgrave.-0. and Mrs. Grasby have adopted a bright little boy from the Home. - Albert Bates, formerly of Belgrave, is lying in the Soo hospital, ill with typhoid fever. -The young men of Belgrave have presented Dr. Hamil- ton with a beautiful oak arm chair. - Mrs. W. A. Bryant and Miss Morris, of Hallett, were visitor's at W. and 14I1s. Wray's. Mrs. Pedlow, of Ham - iota, was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Brandon fora few days. -Mr. and Mrs. Riglesworth, of Halton Co., have returned to their home after spending a few days with the Messrs. Walsh, South of Belgrave.-The bush fires have been playing havoc in some of the swamps and even highland bush in this vicinity. Your Case Exactly Your Head Aches Tongue is Coated Mouth Tastes Bad Stomach is Sick. The Gastric Juices Are Not Doing Their Duty and You're in the Grip Of Nervous Dyspepsia A hot bitter fluid, and sour irlcligest- ed food rise in your mouth. Your vision is crossed with specks that float before the eyes. Very shortly you'll have nausea, rank breath and sleepless nights. What you need is Ferrozone. It regulates the gastric juices, puts new life into the stomach, braces digestive powers, gives the aid that's so badly required. Ferrozone is the best treatment be- cause it goes to the root of the trouble, remedies the conditions that cause dyspepsia and thereby cures perman- ently. If you want proof, read the exper- ience of E. P. Davison, a well known resident of Portland, who writes :- "Ferrozone is beyond doubt a most powerful cure for indigestion and weak stomach. Food so baclly dis- agreed with me that I was almost afraid to eat. Pastry and starchy foods fermented, caused sour risings and gave me headaches, brown taste, offensive breath. I grew weak, my weight ran down fifteeu pounds and my looks fully indicated all that was wrong. Ferrozone put me on my feet again. It braced me up, renewed my digestion and made me a well man." Doctor and patients alike speak of the merit of Ferrozone ; it is different from other remedies, different because it cures so you stay clued. Try it ; sold everywhere in 50c. boxes. Listowel L. Yocum left for the Canadian West, where he has taken a situation. Rev. W. B. Fallis has returned to his charge in Vandalia, Mich., after spending his 'vacation with his mother, Mrs. Stewart Emilia. John Bamford was called to Detroit by the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Thos. Grimshaw, of that city. Worcs has since been received of her death. A young mar who was fined five dollars for using obscene language and was leaving town without settling was taken into c slotl y by Chief Hard- wick ar -viec off the 8.42 train. He settled &rid was released. H. C. Secord, manager of the Im- perial Bank here, who has not been well all Summer, left on Tuesday of last week, on the advice of his physi- cians, for Woodstock, Ont, where he will undergo an operation in the hospital. Work. of clearing up the debris a- round the ruins of the piano factory is in progress, a number of the em- ployees, to their credit bo it said, will- ingly undertaking this rather rough worst, No definite decision as to re- building has 781 boon reached, but we understand will likely bo decided in a few days. Nearly all the factories in this dis- trict halo sold out their cheese for the balance of the season's make. The break started early in the week, and aline cheese except three or foto' factories was piclkecl up in a couple of clays, the bolk of it by 'W. W. Harris, of Brussels, for Ballantyne Sons, of Stratford. The price paid was 114 dents, which is five -sixteenths of 1t cent less than was offered( at the 'Gar two weeks ago. The faotorynxett were probably wise in selling, even. at the reduced price, for cheese frequently takes a sag in values about this time and is not apt to recover till after Christmas, Burkhardt Bender of the 51;11 con Wallace met with a serious accident Hn was pi wind'; With a stallion and colt, and the animals became frighten- ed and ran away. My. Bender had. the lines around his body at the time and was dragged for considerable dis- tance, with time result that his left shoulder blade was broken and he was badly bruised. His injuries were at. tended to by a physician, but it will This woman says Lydia E. Pinklian's 'Vegetable Compound cured her. :Read her letter. 11rs. J. A. Lali bents, of 114 Artilleric St., Quebec:, writes to 111',.1 1 .l:ham; " For six. years 1 have bein , ..,•toning for female weakness, heart noel nerves, liver and kidney trouble, but in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I can safely hay I have found a eure. " I was continually bothered with the most distressing backaches, headaches, and bearing -down pains, and I kept growing more and more nervous. Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- pound relieved me of all these distress- ing symptours and made me a well woman. i would Mk Ise all suffering women, young 00 old, to use Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable tnn1ponncl," FACTS FCA SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cureclthonsandsof women who have been troubled with. displacements, inflammation, ulcers, - tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pails, backache, that bear - mg -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tinit,dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? ars. Pinkbam invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. be some time before he is able for work again. Janus McKeever son of Wm. McKeever of the 2nd con. Elmo, also met with an accident while plow- ing. A colt in the field got caught in the lines, and pulled young McKeever over, breaking .r t (lis arm at the wrist. 57-62 The Critical Age. Height of vigor is past -nature's power slowing down -vitality ebbing auvap, endurance decreasing. Stop the progress of decay, tone up the weakened nerve centres, impart vigor to the tiring body -prepare for the crisis. Best means for rebuilding 18 found in Ferrozone ; it brightens up the whole being, imparts power, strength, vigor. Old age is pushed back twenty years, the reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim and nen* life established. You'll try Ferrozone, 50e. at all dealers. Wingharn A special meeting of Maitland Pres- bytery was held in Wingham on Tues- day of last week. Bailin Phippon received a good number of hunters' licenses, but they have all been sold. Robt. and Mrs. Johnston, of Mark - dale, were in town on account of the illness of their son, Ivan Johnston. Alex. T. Ross, of Turnberry, was called to Nova Scotia last week to at- tend the funeral of his brother, who died suddenly at the old home. Wingham electric light users ale again being given an all night service. The new service co ,vent into effect last week and will he mucin appreciated by the light users. Sometime before daylight on Tues- day morning of last week,Mrs. Ivan Johnston, who is stayinwith her parents at the Queen's, heard some animal climbing the side of the house. She. awakened Mr. Swarts, who dis- covered the cause, and securing a gun, „e "Black HAW" Stove Polish does away with all the dirty work of keeping stoves Clean. No rid xing-no hard rubbing. "Black Knight" is always ready to use -shines quick as a wink --and puts on a bright, black polish that the hottest fire can't burn off. Equally good for Stoves, Pipes, Grates and Ironwork. If yon 100'1 get "Mack Height,' In you r neighborhood, send Mime of dealer aucl101 for full siudema. The 8. F. Min CO. 1168'880, HAMILTON, out. 10 1 shot thewotltl-118 intruder. it proved to be a large porcupine, an animal very seldom seen in this vicinity, of little years, A14 indictment against L17nlan G', 141ann, obarging hirci with the murder of Mrs, Frailties 0, :Thompson, was re- turned by the grand jury. Mann, who has been at liberty in bonds of 52,500, gave himself up following the inclielment and was taken to (ail. Mrs. Thompson was formerly Miss Penny Gilmore, the daughter of a re- tired army officer of Wingham. At the annual sleeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Wingham General 11r19- pital, tho following oillcers were elect. ('d :-Hon. President, Mrs. (Rev.) 11. B. Allen president, x s, R. Van - stone ; 1st vir8 preident, 11frs. W. H. Green ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, Geo. Seaton ; 3111 vise -president, 141is. J. Wilson ; corresponding see- retar), Mrs. .l. B. Phelan c' reenr Rn secretary, i47iss. E. Estelle Grilfing treasurer, Mrs. (Rey. 0. 11, Jenkins. Convenors of c'onlmittee-Floral, Mrs. C. G. Vanstone ; visiting, Mrs. A. Ross ; membership, Mrs. (Dr.) Red- mond; supply, Miss Ella Cornyn ; sewing, Mrs. M. Dinsley ; inventory, Miss Oornyn and the President. Rev. H. P. Westgate went to prose- cute his studies at the Westera Uni- versity, London. He returns to At- wood every Friday or Saturday for the Sunday services in hos charge there. The ease of Weir vs. Canadian Flax Co., St, Marys which was before Mid- dlesex Fall Assizes, London, was de- cided in favor of the plaintiff, who claimed 51,500 for goods shipped to the flax company. Mayo you Stomach Trouble! 11, ben you wake 811) wills hetlrla8'lle and bad taste in the mouth, Sosss(" thing to settle the stomach le needed. That oI till, heavy feeling must be iift•ed, and appetite most be created, (let 11 tumbler of water, .some sugar, and then pour in a stiff dose of Norvilino. 'You'll feel Up top lo a few minutes. Ne]t'ilitie Invigorates, braces, tones, gluts vire and snap into yna' move. 1100(1(0. You'll be fitted for rt hard clay's work by taking .Nc'x'vilinx. nn - thug better. Large bottle, 25e. everywhere. ile let 4;.k cif,:: 'tat th Heart Strength, Or nenrt weakness, moans Nerve strength, or Nerve wra4ntoss-nothln more. ltively, 001011e weak heart in a bnmisred is, In it. self, acna4l • dia used. 11 Isalmost always a hidden tiny little nem, deli really is all at fault. This obscure. nerve --the Cardin,, ar heart Nerve -Moldy needs, and must have, more power, more etafilhty, more controlBnr., mora governing alstreagth. 1ithest mach alicart 8181,54lso have ai', and the stomach thud kidneys also have those sumo controlling nerves. This clearly expiable why, as a Medicine, Pr, Shoop's Restorative has in the past done 301110510 for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop flrstsought the cause of all this painful, palpitaileg, suffocat- ing heart dirtress, Dr. Shoon's liestnrativo-this Popular r',cr,eelpt1011-16 alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve'80nto.rs. It builds; it -strengthens; it nfl,rs Yea•;, genuine heart help, If you would have strong Iloarte, strong d1. gestion, strengthen these ;nerves re-estublleh them as needed, with hoop's storative "ALL DEALERS" Single Harness We make a specialty of Sin- gle Harness and offer you great values. Our 'Team Harness al- ways stands the wear and is known for its great durability. Fine Beaver Cloth Fur -lined Overcoats is a new line we have put in this Fall and our prices on them will please you. Also our Wool and Plush Lap Bugs are proving great sellers, our prices being so low. In the Shoe Department you will find comfortable and durable Shoes of all kinds for all sizes of people even for the little tots. 'Two sets Second -band Single Harness -one set just iu use two months -one set $4 75 ; the other $9.00. Bargains in Trunks and Satchels. 1. C. RICHARDS �►1'he� $; n e is a Leader This Range has six holes, a 13 -gallon Reservoir, UU and Nickle Base. It sells at.........- High Warming Clbset $6.00 extra. . A cast iron Range "Corona," six holes, Reservoir, with High Warming Oloset— $36.®0 A four holed Range with High Shelf and Reservoir for only $28.00 The best Bargains on the Market to -day DON'T MISS THEM t-. Gerr alker NATIONAL, oil r Flour Kills "FL KING en" is now in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses rry our New BREAKFAST FOOD - orE' 1 Made from White Wheat, IXealthful and Invigorating,, Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour. is still taking the lead for 13read Tours. r'Alt kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand. W • c' :• A. PliYINT BRuSsEL$