HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-10-8, Page 8New Post Card. P"RE Views of Brussels 0�'��� OIL Just what you have hem wafting fop. We have been fortunate iu securing some eighteen uew views of Brussels on Post Cards. These are all new scenes and of a different finish to any we have had before. These should be very ac- ceptable for Fall Fair week. We are also constantly receiving what is the latest and most catchy its the Novelty Post Card line. Come in and see them, Yon are very welcome if only to look over, When yott want Olive Oil for taking it pays to get the best. We find an increasing demand for Our Pure French Olive Oil, The price le 450. per pint. This is a Pure Oil free from any foreign matter or disagreeable taste. DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. rout ttetus gums SOMETHING like Indian Summer. School. Board will meet Friday even ing of this week. FALL Nair reports hold the fort thi week in THE Posr. Tneauction sale season is here again. Arrangements for sales glade at THE POST. DON'T forget the Scottish Concert Thursday evening of this week in Brus- sels Town Hall. FLIES have been improving the closing of the season by a very busy parade dur- ing the past week. W. H. McCRACXEN is attending Dun- gannon Fall Fair this week. This will conclude Mac's program for 1908. EVIDENTLY the person who remarked that history repeats itself had inside in- formation. Earrings are in style again. THE. ladies of the W. C. T. U. served meals to some 200 people on Friday of the Fall Fair in their rooms in the Smale block. TUESDAY of this week the Strachan brothers and sisters, of Grey, were photographed in a family group by H. R. Brewer ROBERT THOMSON and McDonald & Baeker sent their race horses to Dun- gannon to compete in Fall Fair races on Thursday of this week. THE threejuniordepartments of Brus- sels Public school were taken for a ram- ble in the woods Tuesday afternoou, ac- companied by the teachers. It was greatly enjoyed. MFssas. EwAN & Co. made a tidy ex- hibit of buggies and cutters at Ford- wich Fair on Saturday and brought home a number of awards beside doing business in prospective sales. RETURNING OFFICER Morton, of Wing - ham, was in town Monday putting up the Proclamations for the coming Dom- inion Election, on Oct. 26th. Nomina- tion will be held in the Town Hall, Brus- sels, on Monday teeth inst. 30 TONS of salt were shipped from Brussels Salt Works to London this week and a car of the same excellent article was loaded for Atwood Last week. A car of coal was received last week, Foreman Mooney has about !,Soo bar- rels of salt on hand at the present time. A SARNIA man found a gold watch the other day, and failing to take steps to ascertain the loser, was arrested for stealing. It is not generally known that the law recognizes as theft the keeping of found articles. Ir is as imperative for the person who finds to seek the loser, as it is for the loser to seek the article lost. The safest way is to watch Trim POs'r "lost" and "found" columns. ST, JOHN'S Masonic Lodge was repre- sented last Monday afternoon at the funeral of the late George Hanna, of Winghatn, by I. C. Richards, S. Wilton, M. Black, Geo. Brown, W, L, Leather - dale, L. S. Dunford, A. H. Monteith, S. H. Jacitson, W. E. Duncan, George Cunningham and Harry Duncan. It was a militarylas well as a Society burial. Deceased's wife is i11 In the hospital and his father died on Monday. Surely in this instance troubles did not come singly. No HARM To WORSHIP IT. -The Fall millinery has arrived. It becomes the women, as it is fearfully and wonder- fully made, It is different from the Merry Widow hat. It has just as large an area, perhaps larger, but it is distrib. uted differently, The Merry Widow spread out like a landscape. The new bats rise up before titie like a depart- fnental store in a fog. One seen on the street this afternoon looks like a cross between a Charlotte Russe and a bank of green. The others seem to simply beggar description. PASSED AWAY. -The Hamilton Times says of a cousin of Mrs, N. McLeechlin, Brussels: -The death is anonuneed in another column of Miss Alice P. Chis• holm, sister of James Chisholm, bands. tet, Har death was not unexpected, She having endured au illness lasting over twelve years with great fortitude • and Christian resignation. She will be mttt:h missed by numerous friends, to whom her great patience under severe afflictions was a daily admonition for many years. The influence exerted by 1 her quiet, patient endurance will long remain a memory with those who had the privilege of her acquaintance. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 3 3o P. tn. BRUSSELS GUN CLUB REORGANIZED,-- son, the genial nialtrearose tativeiday last tof The Rt emington Aims Co. and the U. M. C. Co., paid a visit to Brussels and gave a splendid ex. ltibition at clay bird shooting showing {' what may be done in score making, He i used the Retetugton Automatic and U. M. 0, nitro shells making 96 out of a possible too. Several of our local sports also took part 'but for obvious reasons their scores are withheld. Lookingto- , wattle the reorganization of the Clb a live and clay bird shoot will be held in • 13russels early in November at 'which Mr. Thompson, D, M Scott and sense of the ! best Canadian experts have protniead to take part, Any parties having live birds to dispose of�will kindlyCOMM rni- nate with W, M, Sinclair, of Brussels, the (Griner President of the Club. s READ the advertisements and save money. Ir is said Brussels supplied the bride for a wedding this week, the groom coming from Pertb Co, INDICATIONS point to the election of Archie Hislop in East Huron on Oct. 26th. The Liberals are in great heart. AT Fordwich Fall Fair Jno. Galbraith took the Society's prize on his roadster and also won a special award. He's quite a horseman. CoUNc1L meeting was adjourned from last Montlay evening to next Monday evening owing to absence of two Councillors and the Clerk. A C. P. R. representative was in town last week with a view of arranging for the transfer of Brussels passengers and baggage to and from Walton. WE are sorry to state that the little grand -child of Wm. Pryne. of Brussels, who was recently reported ill, died at the parental home. Newbury. MATINEE. -The last Matinee of the season will take place on the race track nest Tuesday afternoon. A large field of horses is expected to take part. ARM BROKEN. -Lass Saturday Mrs. T, Maunders had the misfortune to fall from achair in her home and broke her left arm neat the shoulder. We trust she will make a speedy recovery. HUSTLE INYOUR. APPLES. -John Cun- ningham proprietor of Brussels Evapora- tor. urges all who have apples to sell to get them in as soon as possible as he may shut down on• Saturday 17th, if applesdo not come in larger quantities, Lose at Joseph Rayaard's auction sale, Grey, on Sept. 28th a pocket book containing two Bank books for Bank of Hamilton and the Metropolitan Brus- sels, also $4.Oo in cash. The owner will be greatly obliged to have the same re• turned to him, THOS. W. JAcxLIN. --o— GmNaaAL SaavANT wanted. Apply to MRs. W. 51. SINCLAIR, SruaselS. LADY's short brown jacket lost last Sunday. The finder will greatly oblige b returning it to Tt12 Pose, or by sending wordy where it may be had. PURSE lost containing 50 cents and three lold rings. The finder will greatly oblige the oser if puree and its contents is left at Pas POST. CLAW Scanner lost at stock yards at the G. T. R, Brussels or to that looality. The owner will be greatly obliged if it is left at Tam POST. LOST on Saturday night two 91,00 bills and a pair of short black silk gloves. The Ander will confer a great favor on the loser by leav- ing articles at TRE Posr. BLAok overcoat and a horse blanket, blue and black, lost in Brussels last Friday evening between the American Hotel and E. 0. Dun - ford's residence. Pinder will greatly oblige by leaving articles at This Poem,. PIANO TUNING. -About the 12th of October I will again visit Breese/a. All those desiring their piano properly tuned and regulated kind- ly leave word with H. L. Jackson jeweller. You will be pleased with my work. t have had 25 years' experience and have the beat of tes- timonials. R. H. STEWART. --0_— TIIERE's a new time table on the G. T, R. The only chauge at Brussels is that the night train is altered from 8,st to 8.59 or in other words is 9 miouteslater, It won't make much difference asp it is hardly ever ou time. THE Grand Trunk authorities after promising on different occasions to put down a cement sidewalk from Turn- bury street to the depot is once more doing the hedge act and declining• to fulfil their pledge. It's a trifle "sheeny" for a corporation like that to play the part they hare. Iaipaovgaizs•1•s.-David Jamieson has raised his dwelling, put a cement foun- dation under it and will make other im- provements. -A metallic )roof has been placed on the home of Mrs, Neil Mc - La veil I n,-The c- Laveillin,-The painter's brush made quite an improvement on the dwelling of George Colvin, Brussels, South, -A cement sidewalk, has been put down at the residence of Chas. Howlett, Queen street. Bees. -Conrad A. Jones, Who has been assisting 0, A. Deadman with this bees during the past season, has purchased from him a half interest in Itis apiary outfits and 200 colonies of bees. It is their intention next season to work them together, Mr. Jones' home is in Bristol, England, but £roan appearances if he re- turns it will only be for a visit. The past reason has not been a favorable one for honey in this locality, At one time it promised well but the latter part of the season has been almost a failure, Decent of MRs Gov1ER,-The an. nouncement of the death of Mrs. Rich- ard A, Govier, of the Base line, Hullett township, which occurred on Monday of last week, was received with sincere regret. Deceased had been in delicate health for some time, though she had only been confined to her room for about three weeks, her ailment being heart trouble, She was the second daughter of the late lohn Sprung, and was a woman beloved by all and a consistent member of the Ontario Street Metho. dist church, Clinton. She leaves two daughters, Ethel, aged 17, and Katie, t1 years of age, and het husband, all of whom have the sincere sympathy of the community in their irreparable bereave. ment, Mrs. lolln Cunningham, of Brus- sels, and Mrs, S. Cox, of Htittett, are sister's, and PitsAllap Sprung, of Dar• liugiord, Man„ a brother. Tile funeral, on Wednesday to Ball's cemetery, was largely attended, service being conduct• 1' Your Bank Account Your Best Friend SYSTEMATIC SAVING, even if it be only $1,00 a week deposited in a strong chartered bank, where it will bear interest at highest entreat rates, is the first and surest Way to independence. Begin now to save. $ 1 .00 Opens an Account in the $ .00 Savings Department of The Metropoiitan Bank Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund and Undivided 81,000,000.00 Profits. 81.241,532.26 interest allowed on Savings Accounts from date of deposit, and compounded FOUR times a year. No delay in withdrawal 774 BRUSSELS BRANCH, F, H. GILROY, Manager '1 ed by Rev. W. E. Kerr. Pall bearers were Ralph and John Tiplady, George Wray, Seth Fisher, E. Butt and L. Tyn- dall. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham at- tended the funeral from here. Mrs, Govier was 45 years of age. People We Talk About . Hugh R. and Mrs. Elliott, of Brussels South, have returned from a visit of s weeks with relatives and friends at Port Elgin, Southampton and Owen Sound. -D. M. and airs. Scott. of Hamilton, wore visiting io town for a few days. - Will. Stewart, of Wiarton, a son of the late Donald Stewart was renewing' old friendships in Brussels during the past week. -Normae McGuire, of Milverton, Is home for a holiday, He is on the Milverton Suu staff. -Mrs. G. A, Dead- man was visiting at Listowel. -Rev. D. L. McCrae, of London, has been en- joying a short vacatiou with relatives and friends in Brussels and locality. - Miss McCamus spent a few days ander the parental roof at St. Mery's -Miss McLeod, of London, was a visitor with the Misses Thonesou last week. -Mrs. R. ,McAlpine left last week for her new ,tome at Strathroy where Mr. McAlpine has a position. -Mrs. Stevenson, a form- er resident, was a visitor at W, H. Me- Cracken's.-Herbert and Mrs. Cunning- ham, of Palmerston, were visitors here during the Fair. -Miss Pearl Sharpe ar- rived home lest Saturday from London and Miss Julia Sharpe left for Ingersoll this week, -Miss Edith Inman was visit- ing her sister. Mr's. D. McDonald at Jamestown. -Mrs, John Wynn, a well known resident who has been spending some time with her daughter, is renew- ing old friendships in Brussels and local- ity and is a welcome visitor. -Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Kerr, of Clinton. was in town for a fete days this week. She was a delegate to the W. C. T. U. Conven- tion. -Howard, son of Rev. W. T. Cluff, of Stratford, and nephew of Bar- rister Sinclair, of Brussels, has gone to Trinity College, Toronto. He intends taking up Law, His old time friends here wish him success.-Jno, F. McCrae of Toronto, took a rue to Brussels for a few days. -James Sharpe, of Detroit, was here for a few holidays. -W, and Mrs. Lowry and daughter, of London, are enjoyig a short holiday with rela- tives and friends here. -Division Court Clerk Brewer took a short a vacation to Detroit, Ann Arbor and other points. - Miss Chisholm, of Hamilton, a cousin of Mrs, Neil Mcisnuchlin, Brussels, died last week. She had been au invalid for years. -Mrs. Thos. Ennis was on the sick list but is better again we are pleased to hear. -Miss Ardell, sister to Mrs. Oliver Querin, has been ill but we hope she wilt soon be convalescent. - Mrs, Edward Speiran, of Godericb, is a welcome visitor with relatives and old friends in this locality.-Mindred Mer- cer, who is living at Wingham, was in town for the Fair. -J. D. and Mrs, Ron- ald have returned to Stratford atter an extended visit at Chicago. -Mrs. Manson be back from an extend- ed visit in Egmondville, She is a sister of Mrs, McLean, Princess street. - Mrs. Ross, of McKillop. was visiting with her sister, Mrs, Jno. Sinclair, Princess street. -Peter Stewart has gone West on business. -T, and Mrs, McMichael, .of Hullett, were visiting at P. Watson's and taking in the Fair. McMichael Bros. had a car of horses at Loudon Fair and captured a• number of prizes. -Mrs. Day, of Gorrie, accompanied by Miss Julia Toombs, of Toronto, have been visiting relatives in Brussels and Grey. -W. J, Fawcett has gone to Harrowsmith, where he will relieve the manager of the Metropolitan Bank for three weeks. -Dr. and Mrs. Graham arrived home trona an extended visit to Toronto and other points ou Wednesday of this week, -Miss Anna E. Hunter, who has been nursing typhoid patients near Henfryn for several weeks. is back to town again, MILVERTON Pose' OFFICE ROBBED. - Between one and two o'clock Sunday morning the pest office at Milverton was entered by burglars, who after plowing np the safe, gotaway with over $200 in stamps and $2o in cash. They also broke into the stable of the Queen's Hotel, stole a team of black horses and a buggy belonging to Mr. Pauli, and driving to Stratford boarded the 4.30 train for Toronto. Neighbors living near the post office beard an explosion Blankets Plush and Wool Rugs are now in demand and we are prepared with a large stock at low prices. Our Single Harness Will no doubt interest you. The values are very special in Rubber or Goldean Mountings. in Shoe Department We have received a large stock of Fall and Winter designs and can fit your foot or your purse in comfortable and dur- able Shoes, Mr. Peter Ritchie is with us to attend to all Repairs in Shoes. I. RICH,! \DS _ _ The,`, - Economy Range is a Leader This Range has six holes, a 11 -gallon Reservoir, and Nickle Base. It sells at 1100 - High Warming Closet 86.00 extra. A. cast iron Range "Corolla," six holes, Reservoir, with High Warming Closet - 3 6 The best Bargains on A four holed Range with High Shelf and Reservoir for only $28.00 the Market today DON'T MISS THEM • Gerry & Wake II STAND S Eatabluhed 1873 OF CANADA 51 Bra°cltos x For Your Children's Education Start a special Savings Account at once with the Standard Bank, and keep adding small amounts to it regularly. You will never miss the honey. Then, when the child is old enough your deposits, with the Compound Interest which we add quarterly, will provide a fond large enough to give a thorough education. It's a good plats. 'Think it over. BRUSSELS BRANCH 3. F. Rowland, Manager Bras;,,cla able at Walton. rte. e1 about 5.30, but thinking the noise was made by a party of returnitsg coon bunt- ers, no attention was paid to it, Im- mediately after the robbery the burglars drove to Stratford, and after tying the team to a tree on William street walked •heross the long bridge through town to the station. Shortly before train No. 4 arrived from the Westa comparatively young man, dust stained, approached the ticket office, calling for two tickets for Toronto, He was followed by an- other with the same request, indicating that there were four members in the party. The ticket agent cannot give a descriptioq of the two who pnrchased tickets. Church Chimes Minutes of Maitland Presbytery may be read on page 6, A load of Epworth Leaguers drove to Wingham Thursday to attend. the Dis- trict Convention. Rev. E. G. Powell was at Wingltanl on Wednesday and 'Thursday attouding the Fall District meeting and the Con. vention. Saturday arternoon the "Little Stars" Mission Band will hold their Annual Thank -Offering service in Melville church at 3 o'clock. Rev. Mr Wishart will be at Winthrop next Sabbath preaching anniversary ser- mons and Rev. Mr. Carswell will occupy the pulpit of Melville church, Last Sabbath morning Rev. A. E. Jones, of Auburn, preached a profitable discourse in the Methodist church here. His text was "A man shall be as a hid- ing place, &c," Auction Sales AUOTION SALE OP FARM STOOK, I54- LititmNyS, FURNITURE, 50.-F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer, has received Instructions from the undersigned Proprietor to anti by public auction at S. Half Lot 26. Con. 4, Morris. on Friday, October 1015, at 1 o'oloek, the follow- ing valuable property via :-1 horse 12 years old good to work or drive, 1 Mare 8 years old sired by Testall supposed to be in foal to Scotland's Hope, l mare 6 years old aired by Testall supposed to be to foal to Scotland's Hope, 2 Spring Vice by Scotland's Hope. 4 sows supposed to be in calf, 1 steer 2 years old 5 heifers 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old, il heifers 1 year old, 2 Spring calves, 2 Summer calves, 1 'Yorkshire sow with pedigree cup. posed to be in pig, 1. imported Yorkshire sow supposed to be in pig, 8 young sows from im- ported sow 5 months old, 60 barred rocks, a number of brown leghorns, 1 truck wagon, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 top buggy. 1 cutter nearly new, 1 Maeeey-Harris Binder, 1 Noxon Mower, 1 Mnseey-Harris steel rake nearly new, 1 Mae- eey-Hitrrie cultivator nearly new, 1 Noxon steel seed drill nearly new, 1 set iron har- rows, 1 walking plotv,1 kangaroo plow, 1 muf- fler, 1 root ppulper, 1 fanning still, 1 get of scales 2005 lbs. stock rack and all complete. 2 grindstones, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 stoneboet, 1 hay rack,1 pig rack, 1 pig crate, 1 gravel box 1 spring seat, a number of cow chains. 1 sell of double harness, 1 set of Bingle harness, 1 set of chain kermess, 46 cedar poste, 2 sets of whif- flatrees, 2 neck yokes,.1 wagon jack, a number of bags, >34 acre of mangele, 13§ twee of tur- nips, 20 tons of hay if not mold before sale, 1 parlor etove, 1 cupboard, 1 wood cook stove 1kitchen table, 1 ,ender churn, a number of milk pans, a number of creamery mins, a steel crowbar and spoon, 1 pruning knife, 1 Model grime seed Bower, a number of forks and shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything in flret•clesa shape. Sale without reserve as the Proprietor has Gold his farm. TERMS. -All sums of 15 and under cash• over that amount -12 months' credit. will be given on furnishing Approved Joint Notes. 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Hay and roots to be cash. JAS, SHURRIE, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OP. HORSES, PURR BR8D saOaw HONK AND GRADE CATTLE, &O, S. Scott, auctioneer, has heen instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 10, Con. 16, Grey, on Thursday, Ont. 22nd, at one o'clock, the following valuable property :-1 aged heavy draught brood mare supposed in foal to Bursar, 2 agricultural brood mares in foal to Bursar,1 agricultural filly 2 years old, 1 roadster filly years old, 1 heavy draught geld- ing 1 year old,1 heavy draught foal, 1 Durham buil "Huron Star" 2 years olds 1 Durham bull 1 year old bought from Jas. Cowan, Senfortk, 2 Durham bull °elven under 1 year, 8 Durham cows due to calve in January, 2 Durham heifers with bull calves at foot; 2 Durham heifer calved, 1 grade cow due to calve in January, 2 g, ode ooWo supposed in calf, 4 grade steers 2 yea's old, 2 grade heifers 2 years old, 6 grade holler's 1 year old, 6 grade steers 1 year old, 2 grade calves, 1 Yorkshire brood sow with Bitter, 1 Yorlcshire brood sow in pig, 1 thoro' bred Berk shire sow from imported air's. Sale- unraserved as proprietors mud have room for other stock. Terms -All suing of 910 and und- er °ash, over that emoent 12 months' credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 0 per cent. oft for cash on oredit amounts. TURNBULL 5 MODONALD, Proprietors, = YTENBIV'1 AUktIOTION SALE OF FARSTOOK, IMPLEMENT% 50.-P. S. Scott, anc- tioneer, hos been instructed by the undersign- ed to sell by public auction at S Lot 28 Om , 0, Holppsok on Wednesday, Oot, 28, at 1 oleloolc, the following valuable property, via.: -1 span Wares 0 years old euppoped irr foal, 1 mare 11 years old supposed in foal, 1 driving horse, 1 driving inane 7 years old Supposed In foul to Neteby ,ting 1 mare 8 yea's old supposed in 1051 to NetebyKing, 0 fillies 1 year old, 1 geld- . ing 1 year old 0 Spring colts, 0 fat COWS, 1 now due to salve in February, y .owe Altpposed calf, .8 steers 2 years old, 0 h2heifers 2 yours old, 2 yearlingsteers, 10 ar eeal I hogs a . menthe of d 1 steel laud i• [ter 1 e o Manor° spreader hay nearly nearly now, i Paris 1Bies&b ise os a nearly new, 1 wig 1 mower, 1 Bissell .Discseed har- row , 1 Prot &, 1 12 -hoe !arta nearly w, abed drill, 1 Frost Wood rake senarri 1 Mns- vatorBey-Harris No. 0 binder 1 Massey-Harrisw,higi- vater, 1 twin plow nearly new, 1 Ohathnm 10q57�0� wagon 1 low wagon. 1 Set bob•elelgh0, 2 eenAi- era, 0 single plows, 1 dray rack, 2liey racks,1 set iron harrows, 2grnsa800d SOWID'1)tgi5 sleigh, 1 °utter, 1 top buggy, 1 set off tactile% 1 Clinton fanning mill, , bag ag truck, 1 extension ladder, 1 turnip sower, 1 turnip pulper,1apray. pump on barrel, 1Oxford bream erperatbr, 2 auger kettles, 1 emery tackle grinder, 1 cutting box 1 grain crusher, 10 ft, blower piping, 1 work bench and iron vise, 1 01000 bar, 2 gots of double harness nearly new, I set Siegle llamas. 2 robes, horse blankets, 0 milk tela, 1 large strainer, 1 milk eoOler, 1 Daisy churn No. 8, 1 cool[ stove, 1 White sewhlg nmchlno, a number of yotatg kens, n quantity of hey, about 800 bus. mangle, about! ease of tnrnlps, about 1,000 bag. of ellbine gran f lttable for seed, scythes, forks, rakes, hose, Shovels, chains, whi6nfrees, Mole, 55. 9810 without reserve as proprietor las sold his farlrl. Tetnne-All eumaf ffi6 and 'under, cash, over thet amount 12 menthe' oredit given on furnishing approved joint notes; 0 0r' cent. Mirror bashn oredit amounts, Grain MOIL to be W, 11, BISL�DEN, Proprietor. Melville W. F. 94, S. Auxiliary hold their minuet 'Thank -offering Thursday afternoon of this week. - - Friday afternoon of this week Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., will preach at the Preparatory servyee to the communion io the Listowel Presbyteris n church. Childrens' Day was observed in Mel- ville church last Sabbath morning. The printed program wits followed, Rev, Ivlr. McLaren, of Shakespeare, taking the place of the pastor. Iu the evening the Annual Bible Society meeting was held, the Methodist congregation uniting with Melville for that service, a large audience being present. Rev. Mr. Mc Laren gave an outline of the work being done and set out two chief seasons why everybody should aid this great hand - .maiden of Missions, (t) Because what the Bible has done for us. (2) What we owe to others. 'rhe address was a prao• tical one and should stimulate t0 fresh action. A quartette ,"!'here's', stranger at the door," was nicely rendered by Misses Kate McKinley and Elsie Strachan and W. Eckmier axitC. roues. The offering was $9.96. Business meet- ing of the Branch will be held shortly to 'elect officers, arrange for other meetings and appoint collectors. This Branch contributed $173. oo last year. Frank Haight was killed on the rail- way at Tilisouburg, - A gas well flowing a million feet a day was struck at Moulton. Three men were killed and two injured in a head-on collision at Mount Vernon. E. W. Nesbitt of Woodstock was nom- inated by the Liberals of North Oxford The Union Stock: 'Verdi Company or West Toronto decided to sell to an Ane erican firm. Dr, A, K. Ferguson was run over by a sheet car Toronto, and died s few minutes afterwards. • Hamilton Street Railway directors have decided not to accept the by-law voted by the citizens a short time ago. At Parry Sound Assizes Frank Sprano was sentenced to twelve years in peni- tentiary for shooting at a constable with intent, A tornado did much damage in Winni- peg district. In one case a house was lifted from over the heads of a family and carried away, er Qoods • The importance of rnality in anything pertaining to Rubber Goods goes without saying. Wo are just in receipt of a new ship. ]Dent of Hot Water Bottles Fountain Syringes Atomizers, &c. both in tharod and slate colors, all of which we guarantee. s DRUG STORE Pfeffer Bros., of the Milverton flour mills, have acquired the mills of the Meyers Milling Co., at Listowel, and are operating them. The Pfeffer Bros have a high reputation as millers, and they may be relied upon to make a suc- cess of their undertaking. MARRIED SOOTT-Sanma,-At Danville, Illinois• U. S., on Sept.28r•d, by ,Bev. A. Scott, hither of the groom, assisted by Rev. M. Ainsworth, Th'. P. A. Scott to Mins Sydney Smith, ail of Danville. DIED CuIslOLtt.-0n 2ri'd Inst„ at the residence of her brother, Mountain Brow, township of Barton, Alice Paterson Cltishobn, daughter of the late William Chisholm, and sister of Janes Ohisbolm, barrister. HoweoN.-In Winghatn, on Oct. Ird, Fred. Howard Howson, aged 22 yea m. Wnl'PB.-In Howiek, on Oct, Std, John White, aged. 44 years, AUCTION SALES Wsncxenav, 000. 140a. -Farm stock, ins pleutents, on Lot 18, Oon. 0, Grey. Sale unre- served at 1 o'clock, Alvin Barr, Proprietor, P. S. Scott, Auctioneer. Tnnnen,Y, OCT. 10th.-Prrm, form stoolc, implements, furniture, &o„ at LOte 24 bt25, Con. 1, Grey. Sole at 11>. in. John McTavish, prop, ; P. S. Scott, nuo. FRIDAY, 00'e. 10t1. -Farm etoek, implements, 50., at SI Let 28, 001,. 4, Morris. Salo, um•e. served, at I p. In. Jas. Sherrie, prop. ; F. S. Scott, euc. TUESDAY, OOT. 20th. -Faso stock, imple- ments, tie , et Lot 81, Con.11, Grey. Bale, un- reserved at 1 o'clock. Chas. E. Cleaver, prop.; P. S. Scott, act. TapneDAY, OoT. 22nd. -Farm stocic,int Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m, Turnbull 5 McDonald, Prone.; P. S. Scott, ane. • Wheat Oats Peas Barley Potatoes Butter Eggs Hay Hogs Apples BRUSSELS MARKET 00 85 811 4"u 6c l7 7 00 400 70 $0 85 85 50 10 7 o0 ri 10 1 00 Brussels Daylight Store 4 G. N. MIEN first Showlog of New Fall Goods During the past few weeks we have been busy receiving our shipments of New Fall Godds and are now in a better position to show the people of Brus- sels and vicinity a most complete range in any of the following lines New Coats A. great variety of Styles in Pitting, Semi -fitting and. Loose, in colors black, brown, navy and green. The best value we ever Offered. New Furs A most elegant range of :Cur tuffs, Cellars and Muffs to choose from. Our rices • are the Low-. p L tv eat. New Boots & Shoes A coMplete range of i3oote and Shoes for Ladies and Girls, Tor Men and Boys, One prices are the Lowest. New Dress Goods Our oxteusive range of Deese Goods in all th0 leaching shades will make the choosing of your 33'all Suit or .Duress an easy prob- lem. Inspection invited. Turnbull's Underwear Now is the time 10 buy your Fall Underwear while stooks are at their best. All sizes in all lines, Melt's & Boys' Clothing g The La1'gest Stock and Best 'Values we have. eves' ShoWn. Comparison invited, Highest Pricos for Pregace 11 Goods Bight lip your Money Book