The Brussels Post, 1908-10-8, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS.
T V r Issuer of Marriage Lim:toes. 02.
Cao at Grayery,Turniturry street, 100003010.
Teacher of Piano or Oman
Itlee !n. oro Pest 1111100, Enrol. 80.4
Jimmie ,Tent of the Mu00abees, No, 24
hold their regular meetings in the Lodge
BOOS], Booker Block, °n the let and srd
Tuesday 006006gs 0t !moil month.
A, S0h;ERS, Corn. A, A, M00IJInE, R. R.
Agent Lowick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
oilloo and Resldence—
• nen, will sell for better prices, to
better mea Io lees time and less ebargos
than any otter Auctioneer lu Nast Huron or
be won't obarca anything. Dates and orders
can always he arranged at t
ate Hale or
pexgoual applf Dation.
BLUR VAL7; — 0N4),
Auctioneer for IIuron County.
Terme raneouobla. Halos -arranged for
et the o1Iloo of Ton. Foss!, Bruesals. 2811
Honor l30a4uit o of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domostloaled animals 1a a 1o0pet-
eut manner• Pesticidal: attention paid to
Veterinary iloutletry mud 10.[(211 Novae Calls
promptly attended to, 011ioo andlntlrmary
--Pour doors North 01 bridge, Turnberry et..
13rnssele. Phone 47.k
a Harriette., Solloltor,,0onvoyaneer,
Notary Public, &o, 01110o—Stewart's Block
t door Nor oh of Central Hotel.
Solicitor fOr the Dtotropoll tau B auk.
pli0UDlTOo't, BAYS a@ BLAIB--
W. Pa002)7000, 10.0• 1t. 0, BAYS
G. P. 13Olra.
0111006—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Olunotvn,b Holt,
GODoRIon, 0004610.
Graduateof the lloyal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario nod Eiret•olese Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uuivoreity. Ofnoe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, •
Synopsis o f -Canadian Northwest
NY even nm baro 1 e ti n 1
u dao 0 Dominion
Lauee o Manitoba, Saskatchewan.notrase and
Albem03' o,neetea 9 and 20, not o who! to
the be h of IL ted by for person who it
sears beadne of m Minh ext or any mall. over
38e !lora of 200, to the re ort of ono -quarter
station of toe tome more or lase,
Pvotry may be made personally at the
local laud- 000:0 for the district in whieb
the land is situate.
The homostendee is required to perform
the °auditions 00naeoted therewith under
000 of the following plans 1
(I) At
leaet mouths'
nye upon
(01dotivation of the laud in °soh r
three years, year for
(2) If the father for mother, it tam father
ie doeoasod) of the homesteader resides
npoom farm lu the vioGdty of the laud
entered for the regtllremonts as to reel -
donee may bo satisfied by !noel person re.
sidles with the father or mother.
(;1) If Ibo Littler has his permanent reel -
donee upon farming land owned by him
in the vl6(uity of his homestead, the r •e-
quir°meute to to residence may be setts-
0d by residence upon the said Matt.
Slxmouthe'Dotloo is writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of inteutl00 to apply for
Denney of lb e Ululates of Interior,
N. H. Ubaath°rlsed publication of this ad-
vertisement will sot he paid for.
If you want a really good artialo the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Mhos Oarriage
'.Builder on IVIarltet Square, 33rea-
eels, whore yotl wi)) Ind a first-
'Cla28 0200rtinent,
Beat of head made Mem Wag-
onswith reitwidths
wet different of tires
and different heights of wheels,
Extra large hand made Wheel.
Re -rimming Light II
d say
g mi y
Wheel lee a'rieg te• ain0 in
s x 1 t
p 6, p g
and e-trinrtuia n n
It attended to 0
8hortont notice,
Buelnees Cards
RA, rlll,lstn S0 Se toto Notary, s rc sa '
Macdonald, 01!0 over Standard lank,
-.. ... _.'_.
OR HAMA -TON......... . _.
Dental SUrgr021. office opposite theloetol)teu,
Will visit Gerrie the first sod Wntv1
Aluuday of elicit month, 110-41(1
Bachelor or Aiodletno, university of 'Toronto ;
Licentiate and (4001(00 0 of the College of Lit •
aluhlna nod Surgeons, Ont. ' Post•grattaate
Ohmage Nye, Nor, Nose and Throat Noslntnl,
Ohlun�bI,36,12) six-llouso 3urgeOtt to St. Malt.
eel's Hospital, 'Porno t0.
Mice ov01' V...11. smith's Drug )Storo. Tole -
;Mons connection with Uri nbrook at all hones,
Iza m.ra TRUNK RU/4 Ii2*a *
Gould Seinen 001N0 NO1t'3'n
Mall......... 7:20 a 211 Iixpre80 ...... 10:28 a in
lixpross 11 ell o of Moil 1 :44 11 m
lax rbcs m Lx roes 8: 1 1 in
p 0:02p I p D 1
vzantam �rldd(`Cts°
To Toronto To Goderiolt
Jixprass 8:41 a 1(1 lixpross 22:89 a 01
!express ...,,... 11:11 p m Mxpros's 7:47 p
ji5tt`ICt tletos
Ed. James received a severe
sllltkieg up by 11illiug i'ronl a manhole
in his silo to the ground below, a dis-
tance of about 15 ft.
Sneezing is a dear tried(.. It cost one
of our young fellows $3 to sneeze the
other (1(ly as he bunted his head
through t foe of
The contract for biting in the abttt-
mentsof the Gorrie bridge was let.
J. Mathews, of 1 oldu ich, was the
lowest bidder, his being •*1.18.
_....-Blyth ._
SVm. hell %vent to ICitecton to judge
the light horses at the Fail'.
At 1Vinglut31 Fair ,Tag, llefrron got
2»d prize in the green race with his
A. Steinhoff, while digging potatoes
came Item.$ them) that weighed to-
gether 63 lbs.
Ilse. 1,. Southeott, of London, is
visiting at the home of her lleice, Mrs.
D. D. Crittenden.
Daniel \Palper left on Tuesday of
last week for Pincher. Creek, Alta.,
where he has considerable property,
The Division Court before Judge
1-1olt was 1 ery light. All cases were
adjourned till next court. Barrister
Blair was the only lawyer present.
A. W. Sloan, on behalf Of the Trus-
tee Board, presented a financial stlate-
tlleet 1n the Methodist church a1lld Ie -
quested from the congregation tgat'
n a
thank -offering of $200 to be placed
the plates on Sunday, Oct. llth when
anniversarye("Vi ee will l [li be C011Llllrtell
by Rev. Dr. Dougall, of Gode1.'ich.
Dr. Hamilton's Cure for Pimples.
All skin diseases such as pimples
originate though failure of the 11111.
21('"S (11(11 li\'(.'t'. Alltaaints that block
the avenues of health trust be re-
moved. Dr. Hamilton's Pills do this
quickly. They elea11001 the system,
make the skin smooth, restore Poses
to the.eheeks and give clear, dainty
complexion. For good looks, good
health and good spirits there is with.
ing so sure as. Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
25e. boxes at all dealers.
The Collegiate Field Day, Sports
w ill Lake place on Ort. 16141.
Do. Fowler and family left for Tor-
onto where the doctor take's up his
work es lecturer in the Veterinary
The Shredded Wheat Co., Toronto,
will give, a banquet thron(;h the Ladies
Aid of Wesley church In the Town
Ball on Oct. o' I
.l el.
Blyth Fain Geo. '
P Ge,(. L. Walkergot
y V 1,
first prize for his carriage tearuof
blacks ; he also got first at Seaforth,
Goderich and Brussels,
Clarence Johnston left fop Toronto
whore he p(lrpeses taking a theological
course in Trinity College. We wish
hiul success in hes chosen profession.
During the sitting of the Anglican
Synod at Ottawa, a delegation was
appointed to attend the funeral of the
trate Bishop Carmichael, John Rens-
ford beteg One of the numbee. -
The friends of Richatdl Rumford
will learn with regret: that he has
beau confined. 1;0 his room for the last
foiv weeks, his illness being quite. ser-
ious, He and Ai124, Re111sfor'e1 have
been spending the Summer at Gode-
rich and As soon as able, they will re-
turn to Clinton.
To quickly cheek a cold, clrnggists
are dispensing everywhere a clever
Candy Cold Tablet called Proventios.
Prcveul••ies eve/deo flue for feverish
children. Take Preveuties at the
sneeze stage to peace off all colds.
Box of 43-25c All dews,
The Young People's Society of the
North St. Methodist church lits order-
ed a telephone hist/tiled in the par-
sonage for the use Of their pastor, Dr,
The tennis lawn addition (two lots
West) is now levelled and has a good
surface, so that When 8eedecl down it
will make four excellent tamale courts,
or five rinks for Ian bowling.
The foutelatinn is being put in for a
story -and -a -half.` brick veneer resi-
dence which G. M. Elliott is erecting
on Cambria road back of the house on
East street in wllicil he re8i(1e8,
The Electric: Road is now asstuuing
forth ('fund Port Albert and North
and South 4 1 of that 9thir-
c Some
teams are tut work parting the
(reek and things are lively along the
line. The Company now boards its
workingotatf, and hag formed a large
camp near the Port. The b01011(ng of
9o many
men xi
ts ting
s look inter-
ter-(stit at tine point,a the Lake Shore
read, and it look as 11 things will be
kept.1110vi1g along the electric solid
till New Yen 1 y Dtty,
J. Ir Worsen has roceiVed word of
ase1'i0ns (incident to his son, .loom,
clear Falrlight, Sask-. The accident
occlweecl as John was helping in draw-
ing grain from a threshing field to the
elevator. The team lvorn leaving a
reed on the 11(.11 when something
started the 1(1) IilU (24 anti they started
(ifl', lir, \ti 0x0(.11 caught the teem
11223 was' dragged by then! 011 to the
ggang)1l(Nv fled the hereof Went 0Yel
Irlul, lits
injuries Meluded a broken
Jaw, broken and tlisloaatod arae, live
teeth knocked out and sundry serateb.
es and bruises. 2t will be some little
while before Mt', Worsen recovers
Troia the aceid('nt.
3lunes ))ou(tidsnn, Jr'., attended rho
bnlin0 10(1;x. He was out, of the
.fudges for cattle,
Owing to t1n+ death of 1'Lrut. Cleland,
Who - Was a member of the council,
nonrivatiors will be received in the
near future, to fill the vacancy.
Hislop Dickson who has been in the
West during the Summer as a rnis-
sicmary returned to his 110111e on Wed-
nesday of lost week. }Estop will re-
turn to the university in Ten onto.
he 132111 L Annual Van. was held on
Tuesday and Wednesday of last week
and although the weather Watt cold
and sOlncwhat wet, a largo number
turned out. • The live stock entries
were strong and tip to the ioar)cwhile
the exhibits in the Hall far exceeded
forever yeat73.
The wholesome, harmless green
leave:y and tender sterns of a lung
healing, (mountainous shrub give to
Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy its cara-
rive properties. tickling or dry
bronchial eonglls quickly and safely
yield to this highly effective Gough
medicine. Dr', Shoop assures mothers
that they can with safety give it to
even very young babes. No opium,
no cliloreforur--absolutely n0121(0g
harsh or harmful. It eahns the dis-
tressing slag cough, and heals the sensitive
membranes. Accept no other. De-
mand. Dr. Snoop's. Sold by all deal -
W. P. Dobson, who has been teach-
ing in Sask., has returned home,
where he will spend a few days before
t e0unling his studies in the School of
Practical Science.
Walter McMichael left for Qlt'-
Appolle, Sask., ou Tuesday of last
week. He expects to be absent two
months in the i n6erest5 of his farm and
1Rhllell thele.
Thos. McLaughlin has returned
from Deliver, Colorado, where he
wee tabout seven months ago for the
benefit of his health. It W1.10 thought
one ne time that his health t 1 ea th was umnh
improved, but we are sorry to say he
is no better.
Il, J. Sanderson has been going the
rounds of the local Pall Fairs with his
flock of Leicester sheep. In Palmers-
ton he secured 8 red tickets ; in Listo-
wel 7 reds and 4 blue ones anti in
Wingilatn 7 red and 2 blue ones and
the Society's medal for the best pen of
Leicester sheep.
Word was received of the death of
George Walker, fourth son of Thos.
Mid Mr;s.'',Valker, 00.11 con., Howick,
in i orkton hospital on Sept. 21st,
pleurisy and fever being the cause of
death. Interment took place in
Yolk ton cemetery. The deceased
went West /11)0116 twenty-one years
ago and was home fourteen years sago
ou a visit,
• Wingha►n
Jos. Hall, of town, plucked large
ripe strawberries in his garden last
John A, Ourrie, who has taken a
position as fireman on the G. T. R.,
has this week moved his family to
Palmerston. •
Miss Viola Davidson left for Toronto
whore site will take a University
course in preparation for the Work of
the teaching profession.
Mathew W. Algie, formerly of Godo -
rich, who for 2,01130 time conducted
the Bing Edwat'cl at Wiugham, has
purchased the McKellar house at Glen-
1111 Win hamGun l was T g 0 ub 6 a. organ-
dzeda6L a nu'etieg recently, officers were
1'leote(1 as follows :—President, D. T.
Hepburn ; vice -President, A. M. Crew-
ford;tee.-treas., 0. G. Vanstone, The
club starts o11 with a good ;member-
ship and weekly practice: will be held
on the flats at the fait' grounds.
The "Banner" of Russell, Manitoba,
has the following item referring to S.
H. Mitchell, son of J. T. Mitchell, of
Winghanl :—"Tiny" Mitchell, teller in
the Union Bank, has been transferred
to Scott, Alberta, to take a position as
a100011t4ant in thebranoh at that place.
"riny" was one of the best all retied
sports in the village,. end his departure
will be a loss to the football, ]lacrosse
and hockey teams. Adance 'Wad gi\ •,I
in his honor in lh(' 3Jaecabec 1,:tll 'al
Tuesday T est r when t l r 1 ((reset)) with
to 310;:2(' 01' gol(1 by 12 23.1,1 of 1115 f)'ie'ncls,
Ma', Mite/mil left on 33'('dnesatty for
Smoot. ltv:2"oar -Tele following le
the report of S. 5. No. 0, (4ley, for the
month of September, . Those marked
with * missed one examination.—Sr,
IV, total 150• ---Pearl Harrison, 1111,
,Jr, IV, total 501—*Bessie Ma1Quareie,
391 ; Laura .Spitball, 310; 001a11.
Flood, 2114; ]Iarold Livlugetonc, 212;
**Lily Harrison, 170; **Emily Smith,
101 ; *0130th McNaught, 129; Sr,
111, total 500---101ay Livingstone, 41I,
*Lottie McKay, 335 ; *Noble Snhnoek,
2:13. Jr. III, total 600—.Tohnny Mc-
Kay, 405 ; *Stuart MaOQnar'2'ie, 358 ;
*Cranstou Bray, 318 ; *Jas. Machan,
2(39 ; **Marshal Smith, 268; *633)114,11,
McKay, 205 ; **Melvin Cummings,
170 ; rgaurie Hislop, 40. Sr. 0I,
total 500—Harriette MacQuarrie, 180 ;
;Mary Brown, 367 ; *Pearl Pride, 843;
*Wilfred MoNanght, 214 ; **Agnes
Tarr, 2(3ti ; **Wilfred Smith, 40. Jr.
II, Total 600—Flossie Machan, 338;
Willie Neable, 386 ; *Mable Hodge,
2135. Pt. II, total 460 --Viola Sohnocic,
815 ; Ella Tarr, 260 ; *Pearl Cum-
mings, 206 ; Sam. Snelling, 2(113 ;
*Mary Smith, 252 ; Seth Pride, 248 ;
Arnold McKay, 220 ; Hazel Mc-
Naught, 225 ; **Howard Machan,
201. Sr. I—Ora McKay, Willie Meeh-
an, Harvey Snelling. - Jr. I A—Har-
old Neable. Jr. 1 B—•Gracie Munn,
.'Eddie Meehan, Alfred Neable, Bart
Machan, I3eatrice Saunders, Alfred
Torr, Charlie Snelling, Lizzie Pride,
Allan Smith, John Snelling. Elijah
Mantle, Bettie Mantle.
Jsrnsln RANDS, Teacher.
This Perfection ec en of Womanhood.
'Who does not envy and admire a
lovely. woman 3 The secret of her
loveliness, of her perfection, is health.
She sleeps well, eats well, digests well
—intricate functions are vigorous and
regular. Of all w0rnan's remedies,
Ferrozone is the best ; it vitalizes
the functions upon which health de-
ponds—nlalces tike purest, richest
blood, gives perfect complexion and
lots of vigor. Every girl and woman
who seeks health, vitality, looks—let
her get Ferrozone to -clay. Fifty cent
boxes at all dealers.
While Jas. Hnggarth was walking
oe the salt block one clay this week,
he accidentally fell and fractured ono
of his legs.
McCombe Bros., Irish Evangelists,
who held successful revival meetings
in the Methodist church dere for two
weeks, left for Mitchell, where they
commenced a series of meetings to be
iu that town.
The many friends of W. 0. Reid will
regret to learn that he suffered an-
other stroke, and has since been con-
fined to bed. His condition is some-
what serious, but we sincerely hope
he will again so0u be able to be
hollowing have gone from town to
the diff'er'ent institutes of learning in
Toronto : Misses Cowan, Norma Dick-
son and Ulla Robb, and Wm. McIn-
tosh, T. E. Somerville, E. J. Whit-
taker, R. Hardee, Chas. Sills and 13.
About six o'clock on Monday even-
ing of last week a fire alarm was rung
in and on investigation it was found
to be a fraise one. The cause of the
alarm was supposed to have resulted
by two wiles coming in contact caused
by the high wind which was blowing
at that time.
The Bell engine works closed down
en Wednesday of last week and will
likely be closed for a month or so.
Owing to the recent depression in the
West the company have sufficient
manufactured stock on hand for a
time. In the meantime they will (2,100
stock and lay in a supply of raw
The baro owned by T. Corbett and
leased by D. Shannahan was complete-
ly destroyed by' fire on Wednesday of
last week. The fire \vas discovered
about' eleven o'clock and only for 1110
pp20mptrespouse of our efficient fire
brigade, which soon had the flames
under control, the result might have
been serious as the building 60268
situated at the rear of W. Pickard &
Son's stone.
A special meeting of the Town
Council was held on TVednesday even=
ing of last week to consider is com-
munication received from J'. ';V.
Hewitson, of Toronto, regarding the
taking over of the Willis shoe factory.
The clerk was authorized to corn-
- .10,21
Let Ens show you
rlw'w easy it is to shake the
The "Hecla" has four
grate bars. Each one
can be shaken separ-
ately. This means
that you can shake
down just the part of
the fire where the
ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals.
With ((Hecla"Triangular• Grate .Bars, you can
get rid of all the ashes—save coal—keep the
fire bright and clean --and do away with sifting
ashes, because no fresh coal or half -burnt
clinkers come down in the ashpan.
We e nue w d be pleased to talk over the furnace question with you
and show you, pati by part, just wiry the ' heck" Furnace is
the best for you to btty. Come in Idly trine.
Made ray the muRcr0 of "Ocerteas 1'411h011111er" Ranges. is
' 0
P ine Care
Fine Hair
It's fine care that makes fine
hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
new improved formula, sys-
tematically, conscientiously,
and you will get results, We
know it stops falling hair, cures
dandruff, gad is a most elegant
dressing. Entirely new. New
bottle. New contents.
Doe, not change the color of the hair.
h= ybrmnla with each bottle
errp Shove 3t 10
thk deoasbutmlo
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our
new improved formula, is the latest, most
scientific, and in every way the very best
hair preparation ever placed upon the
market. For falling hair and dandruff it
is the one great medicine.
—Slade 4y the J. 0. AYsr Co., Low91 .21/0a.-3
0(01niea l e with Mr. Hewitson regard-
ing the proposition and it is to be hop-
ed that satisfactory arrangements ralI
be made whereby the factory will he
in operation in 0. short time.
Joseph Dick, brother of Jaynes Diek,
of Seaforth, and formerly associated
with ]lien in the hotel business here,
dropped dead on Wednesday after-
noon of last week. Ml', Dick had been
in poor health for some time, and of
late hall been making his home with
his father, Thomas Dick, of Haytown-
ship, near Kipper. On Wednesday
afternoon he was assisting at leis-
ing at R. 13. McLean's, on the London
road, Stanley, just North of Kippee.
With others he was raising one of the
bents, when he fell over dead. The
deceased had been troubled with his
heart for some time, and it is sup.
posed that the strain of lifting affect-
ed that organ. Mr. Dick WAS un-
married. He was well known in this
Tenders are asked for the construc-
tion of the proposed drainage work in
Mrs. McLean who Inas been suffer-
ing from nerve trouble left for Guelph
Rev. 8, Toll addressed a temperance
meeting at Lneknow on Tuesday night
of last week.
Leo Charlesworth, who has sold his
livery business in Petrolea, has moved
his furniture to Hensall and will re-
side Imre.
The fact that Hensell is nee of the
leading grain markets of Ontario is
proved by the shipments for the past
month. Up to Saturday Sept. 2 tel
55 car loads had been shipped.
Five Year s• Hay Fever Cured.
Don't leave hone—don't experiment
—just use Oatarrhozoue ; it cures
every case as quickly as it did Ties.
Eaton, of Westwond, Ont., who says :
"Five years I suffered from Hay
Fever and had to Leave this part of
theeiountry a month 'previous to the
time of attack. Since using Catarrh -
ozone I have not been bothered. My
cure is complete." For Summer
Catarrh, Asthrna and Hay Fever
datarrhozone is guaranteed. Get it
for $100 from any dealer.
Anniversary services in connection
with Duff's Church, McKillop, will be
held on Sunday, October 11111, when
the palpit will be occupied by Rev.
A. C. Wishart, B. A., of Brussels,
morningand evening. Monday
n1g atea will be served, folio6et by a
good musical m1(1 literary program.
The annual thank offering meeting
of Duffs AexiIliary of the Women's
Foreign Missionary Society, McKil-
lop, 10168 he1c1 in the church on Mon-
day afternoon of last week. Despite
the unfavorable condition of the
weather, as good attendance greeted
Airs. 3aul1, w110 -gave a most earnest,
interesting and instructive address one
the work in Formosa. Vocal solos
were r )11101rd by Miss Henderson and
Mrs. Carswell, which added much to
the enjoyment of those present. The
offering was liberal. •
I:keter has been entering upon a
Local Option campaign, the vote to be
taken at the new year.
Maurice and Clarence Bobier have
returned home from the presto Mrs.
Babies, stayed off fora few days with
her daughter at Battle Creek, Mich.
The lrivitt Memorial clnn'clh Sun-
day school service in future will be
held in the afternoon, conrineuciug
at three o'clock, instead of in the
morning as heretofore.
Tames T eckell, London Roars North,
sustained a severely sprained ankle.
He was ploughing up potatoes when
the team undertook to run away
and dragged him and the plow across
a 40 rod field, during whirl) time he
was in the greatest danger of being
killed by the tossing plow. He finally
got deem. stopped but not before his
ankle bad been injured by stepping on
the uneven ground.
Our ... atiorlat Danger
111110 80 Cali a Hatt Defer° COmpfote
Wrack Results,
Mere ' ar c a thousands both and
women, who do not bake
men at c
h n e e tithe to eat
properly, They rush thh:•ongh life, and
as a 10011111 we have an age of indiges-
tion, nervousness, irritabiirty, sleepless
;rights (ma morose disposition, Om'
clanger er ps stt'enilans life..
1111-11-0a, nn
strengthen walls
r ni]le al 1
of thestomach a ti '
s and iuvr 17(x14 yecl'etfror
of 1110 digestive pnloes. They make
the stomach comfortable andcure in-
Nick headaches, palpitation, yellow
slide and coated tongue are a few of
the many (.distressing results of indi-
gestion that illi-o'na. never fails to
Jae. Fox ,,ells 36.0.0(4 in fen Cent
Loxes, fall guarantees to refund the
1 1 1. '
I I1 1
1 11 does '
i 1 1 (n
not give complete
j Listowel
it N. Purcell has arrived home from
Edmonton and will remain for the
The old house in Bismark ward lately
vacated by the Atwood family was hurtl-
ed on Tuesday morning of last week,
It was nnoecupied, and the fire Looks
like incendiary.
Rev. J.H. It. Dickson, B. D, P., P11.
1)., D. ., Minister of the Central
Church, Galt, and Moderator of the
Synod of Toronto and Kingston, will
take Knox Church anniversary services
on Sunday, October 18th.
Roy Paul, who has been employed
with the C. P. R, as time keeper at
at i1ort William for the
Summer months, has returned to his
home here, where he win remain for a
snort time before returniug to college at
A. H. Hawkins, 0. 1.. S,, has arrived
home after spending two seasons, alio
last Winter, surveying in the Canadian
West. He was commissioned to make
a survey of the lath and 13611 base lines,
finishing at the et meridian, about 230
miles West of Edmonton in the foot-
hills, near the Yellow Head Pass, where
the G. T. P. will pass the Rockies. Ow-
ing to unfavorable conditions of soil and
climate, the work has taken longer than
was expected. There is practically no
land fit for agriculture in that district,
It .01 Teal 61 I- ie)• muslteg and
rockybluffs, ti('(1,1(211.1 by 1n
Free postal delivery is being inan tie.
011!'1 in St. Thomas,
John Curran fell into the canal at
1,9outreal and was drowned. •
!'ant. MOAvoy, an old lake navigator,
tuul lately proprietor of the Queen's
Hotel, St. Catharines, is dead.
Hamilton Conservative nominated
Mayor Stewart for he West and Semite!
Barker for the Bast riling.
'1'be General Synod of the English
clrnrell decided to 0ppnlut a committee
to adopt :he book of common prayer for
ase in Canada.
William Young, a prnnriuont Orange-
man. of Hastings comity, had bis nock
broken by the fall off a s.cllffo)d at 130011.
er. He was painting tele Presbyterian
Brewster Cameron, aged 63 years, a
merchant of El Peso,'l'ex., was drowned
At Niagara Falls, on 010, 3rd. With 7,
A. Fulford, of Relate, M(1 , and C. D.
Pidball, of Beffalo, he was sitting on the
hank of the river about half a mi10
above the Falls and where the. bank
was very steep. When the party at-
tempted to arise Cameron. who was
somewhat stiff from sitting in the cue
position, lurched forward and fell into
the river. His companions made every
effort to rescue him, and a park police-
man also malt an -attempt as Cameron
neared the Falls, but in vain, Cameron
retained 001200106191185510 the end, wag-
ing his hand to those on shore jest 11
moment before be passed over the Falls
Heady -to -wears and Trimmed Mats
We announce to the Ladies of Brussels and vic-
inity that we are ready to display our Fall
Millinery. We have a complete line in
Having spent several weeks in the City we feel
convinced that we are able to suit the most
fastidious tastes.
Thanking the Ladies for past patronage we ask
a continuance of the same.
yyp '�.�.Y 4r'
�iR;I��A�(,^1.'QA?p"Qi46'a�QFv1.�WeAirail.Lo1��r'hite��F�A�iS:iYu. ser'
E have taken the agency for Sovereign Shoos for
Men and have a complete stock in the different
Styles for Fall. "Sovereign" Shoes will stand not only
inspection but dissection, and consequently hard wear.
Goodyear Welts, Oak Tanned Sole and Stiffeners, heavy
linings, silk and linen stitching, and careful, honest
Workmanship in every little detail enable Sovereigns
to keep their shapeliness and give lasting comfort and
service. Sovereign on the sole means First Quality
Prices Sig $4,110 and am
We also have in stock 0.50 and WOO Shoes by
another maker that are exceptionally good value. It
will be a pleasure to show you through our new lien
o want buy bly 01' not.
Clothiers and furnishers
Graham Black Brussels