HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-10-8, Page 1a bt VOL. 37 NO. 14 New AdvertisementS Pune lost -Tim POPP, Jackal, loat-Tino Poaw, Robber goode-afts. Pox. Overoont lost-TituPopr, Anotion sale -Jos. Sherrie, Auction sale -W. IL Belden, Piano tuning -ft, Stenwt, Blankets and rnes-1, 0, Tileherds. Economy maws -Garry & Walker, Allot fon ante-Ohiraboll & McDonald, Petition' meetings -Reform Association, oistritt getus Bluevale The rain was a great blessing to this A numberfrom here took in Brus- sels Fair last Friday and say ib was a good one. People in We locality took as share of the prizes. Politics are warming op. Tuesday evening next A. Hislop, Liberal canda date will hold a political meeting in the Foresters' Hall. Other speakers will also be present Myth Next Monday evening a political meeting will be held here in the in- terests of A.. Hislop, the Liberal can- didate for East Huvon. The public invited. Chair taken at 8 o'clock. J. Helfron took a prize on his road- ster at Brussels Fair and R. R, Sloan secured a number of red ticketfor his apple display. efe. Sloan was the Judge of Roots and Vegetables. The Prize List of Myth Fall Fair may be read on page 0 of this issne of THE POST. In the awards for heavy daft horses W. Marquis should be credited with 2nd prize for brood mare instead of W. Magure, Wroxeter Miss Victoria Simmons is the guest of relatives in Forest. Miss Laura Henning, of Turnberry, has returned from Toronto. Geo, and Mrs. Spotton, of Wing - ham, were in the village on Saturday. Geo. Howe has recovered from a week's illuess and is able to be out again. Mrs. R. McLaughlin, of Hosviek, has manned from an extended trip in the West. A moving picture entertainment will be given in the Town Hall on Fri- day evening. Miss Nellie 131ack, of Harriston, spent Sunday with bee parents, Robt, and Mrs. Black, A number from here attended the anniversary tea -meeting held in Salem, On Monday evening. Miss Bessie ,Lovell has returned from Northfield, Mass., where she has spent several months. Jno. Brawn came from Toronto in his auto on Saturday and is spending a few days with his parents, Dr, and Mrs. Beaten. A. load ofmembers of the A. P. & A. M. lodge iittendeci the faneml of the late George Hanna in Wingham Oil Monday afternoon. 0. F. Edwards has disposed of his furniture and undertaking business to a Mr. Mothers, of Peterborough, wire took possession the first of the mouth, It was learned avith much regret here last Saturday of the death at, his home in Wingham of Fred. Howson. The deceased, who was connected with the Bank of Hamilton in Giulia, was well and favorably known here. The fiftieth multiform -ter of the or- ganization of the Wroxeter Peesby- terian church will be observed on Sun- day and Monday, Oct. lith and lteth. The services on Sunday will be con- ducted by Rev. D. Tait, B. A., of Tees - water. Ou Monday evening a social remnion will be held. Tea will. be served from 6 to 8 o'clock attn. which o Varied and profitable program will be given in the auditorium of the church. Ethel DAAwAt.-Ir,Felld, dentist, will visit Ethel on Monday, Oot. lath, and everyl two weeks atter that dabs. A former resident of this locality in thepeeson of Feed: isMason, of Toron- to, here this week. He is now en- gaged es traveller for groceries, Ethel L. 0. L. intend holding a con- cert in the Hall here on the eveningof Nov. Oth, This will bo Thanksgiving Day and also the King's Birthday. Dick Davies left last Wednesday for Toronto University where he intends taking a medical course. We wish hint success, and believe he will do web. Theesdayevening of nextweek, 15th inst., Archie Hislop, and others will address a, political meeting in the Re- form cause. Mr. Hislop should poll it large vote in this division. D. Milne was &Way' last week judg- ing stock at Fall Fairs. He should make a good one. Mr. Milne's herd of Duehams made nearly a clean sweep at Mussels Fain last Friday, Rev. L. Stewed has arrived from Client% Caine. on a year's furlough. Mr. Stewart spent few days with his sister, Mrs. 11. 0. Hodgman and other relatives in Essex Coonty and then left, for a month's visit in 'Vancouver. He has been for six years in charge of a college in Month. The Thank Offerieg meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society will be held in the Presbyterian. church here Tuesday evening, Oct. 18th commencing at 8 o'clock. Rev. 11 McIterroll, of Lubknow, an able speaker, will give an address. Special music will be given, An interesting meeting is expeetea. A cordial invi- tation is extended to all, Eseenttaaneetteree.-- Next, . Monday evening a igusleal and Literary lin tartans/lent will be given 10 the Methodisb church commencing at, 8 o'clock, The program will be slip - plied by Miss Matti:teem*, sopeane of Owen Sound, medallist of Alma. ego SL Thomas and Mies Cole, of Etlieb Who has also been trained in Moeution in the same eollege, Keep the date elean A DESORVED Pistosurv.-tioderich Star of Mae week sap a -Some time ago a men named Edward Wood, liv- ing in Gm township, was arrested charged with an offence under the Ohaelton Act against his step -dotage - ter, and when he WAS brought before judge Doyle he pleaded guilty. He was remanded Inc ten days that en- quiries !night be made as to his char - /toter, cimunistances and other details which seemed tosurround the case, and last Monday he was brought up for sentence, In a careful review of the Mats Judge Doyle gave reasons why he would not give a sentence of imprisonment, the man's farm of 200 acres, a large quantity of stock, a sick wife and a number of very young children all requiring his presence and care ; bot he imposed a fine of $500 and $100 costs, to be paid before the defendant would be liberated from jail, where he has been for a couple of weeks, or in default of payment a term of five years imprisoinenb. The father and other relatives of the accus- ed promised to raise the money in 0 few daps. • Gran brook Miss Myrtle Sperling is spending her holidays under the parental roof. Jacob Long is having the hotel painted this week. Fred. Innes is the intuit, Miss Jennie Armstsong, teacher, was off duty part of this week owing to a bad cold and a minor operation od one of her eyes. John Knight has taken great pains in growing some new potatoes from the seed, Out of one hill he got.lbs and from 4e potatoes. Tins is the third year for planting. • Morris The 100 acre farm, formerly owned by Peter Jackson, 8th line, has been. purchased by 3, R. Bell, who has been a resident ot this locality Err thei past 0 years. Price was over $5000. Pos- session will be given the 1st of next March. We wish Mr, Bell success in his new home. An auction sale has been announc- ed by Jas. Shurrie, 4th line, for Fri- day afternoon of next week. His stock is in goocl shape and among thein are several good brood mares and prize winning young horses at the Fall Fairs 01 :1007 and 1908, thorce bred swine, &c. The sale will be unreserv- ed as Mr, Shurrie his sold iris farm. Smoot. Rneom-Following is the report of S. S. No. 8, Morris, based on examinations and class work, names in order of merit :-Sr. IV. -L. Wat- son, M. Speir, E. Clark. Se. 11L -M. Wheeler, J. Aleock, K. Shurrie. Connote H. Kerneyesal. Speir, 3. Passamore, J. Little, H. Nichol. Sr. IL -E. Michie, E. Cannon, G. Mc- Neil, W. Clark, S. Alma ,ik A. Nichol. .Jr. IL -I. McArter, R. Bradshaw, N. Speir, V. McCracken, J. McNeil. Pb. IL -B. Bradshaw, A. Little, R. Oloak- ay, R. Marks. Sr, Pt. I -F. Kerney, A. Alooek, M. Clark. J. Pt I-0, Marks, H. Watson. E. M. Wu/rota Teacher. Jamestown Miss Edith Inman was the guest of her sister, Mts. Duncan McDonald. James Strachan left last week to re- Snine his studies ot the Dental College, Toronto. We wish him success. This week John Straohan returned to the University, Tolman to pursue his course. He Is a good student. Saturday evening of next week a poliiical meeting.will be held in Vie - Mein Hall in the interests of A. His- lop, the Liberal standard bearer in the Dominion election contest,. John McTavish will offer his 100 acre farm, Ne lots 24 and 25, con: 1, Grey, farm stock and implements for salS on Thursday afternoon of next week by public auction. The farm is eli ibly located. °ROOT, EEPolim-Following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. I Grey, for the month of September :- Clews IV -Arthur Johnston, Roy Mc- Donald, Thomas Gootifellosv, Ben. King, Roland Huffman, Emma Lake, John McDonald, Eliza Burke. Class HT, Se.-fildna Lattimore, Sophia Mc- Lennan, Edgar Lattimore, Laura Bryans, George Johnston, Gordon Holt, 'Aldine Holt, Samuel Burke. Class 111, Ir. -Mary Smith, Laura Smith, Louie Frain, Edith King, Pearl Payn, Lily Ring, Elsie Johns. ton. Pt. II-Earia :Huffman, Gordan McBlven, Murven Hannah, Adeline Johnston, May Burke'abia Stevens, Harold Jacklin. Pbt 1, Sr. -Alex. King. Pb. 1, In. -Stanley McDonald, Beetle Lake, Bettie Stevens, Sanwa Thompson, Edna Hamilton. F. O. OnAsER, Teacher. Grey Brussels Pair is the daddy of them all. Politics is stirring up quite an inter- est and Grey will speak with no unceta fain sound on the 26th. Hurrah for Satioten telnors-jonathati Wright, lot 21, con, 10 has quite a supply of ripe easpbernes, 'second crop, on his farm. A. sample of the fruit was sent to Tem POST. Auction sale of hut), farm stock, implements, &c. at Alvin Baer's, illth eon., Wednesday afternoon of next week. The farm is an excefient one. Mr, Barr's reason for saline is he in-. tends retnovieg to the West. Tuesday, 206h inet., is the dote set for an auction sale by Chas. B. Cleav- ers lot 81, con. 11, its he has sold the farm all hie atonic implements, esc; will be disposed of, le, s, Seat, Brussel will be the auctioneer. We ave pleased to hear thab Robert, son of W, and Mrs, Work, 8th mina Who undetivent an operation for ap- pendicitis at Sit. Michael's hospitita Torortto, is improving and we hope be will seon be able to:get abont. He hes been fillingit position as druggist in the ue00 exty, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, rgo8 W. H, RERR, PrOrielor Political Meetings Public Meetings for the discussion of the questions of the day will be hcld by Mr. AROHIE H1SLOP, the Liberal candidate foe Bast limn, ns follows : BLYTH Monday, Oct. 12 BLUJIVALE Tuesdy, Oct. 13 GORRIE .Wecinesdity, Oct, 14 ETHEL . Thursday, Oct. 15 'FORDWICH .Fniday, Oct. 10 JAMESTOWN Saturday, Oct. 17 BRUSH ITILS-Nominatiou . Oct. 19 BELGRAVB Oct 20 WING HAM Wednesday, Oct. 21 LAKELET . .. . .... Thursday, Oct. 22 WROXETEB. Friday, Oet. 23 ORANBROOIC.. --Saturday, Oct. 24 Meeting/I open at 8 o'clock shank. Ladies Invited. Dr. Chisholm, the Conservative nom- inee, or his representative is invit- ed to take part. GodaSave the King. Miss Anna Duel Ives a visitor with Miss Jennie ands for a few days. The trustees of S. S. No. 1 have re- engaged Ralph Langdon for another year at $500. He has beexi in the school for 21 years and has done most satisfactory work. Mr. Langdon wrote off part of the 1st class teachers' exam, this Summer. A Jonir Semi -Oliver Turnbull, 15th con., and Robert McDonald, 9th con., will hold a joint auction sale of pure bred and grade horses and cattle, on the farm of the former, lot 10, con. 15, on Thursday, October 22nd, at 1 o'clock. The reason for the side is that the aforementioned gentlemen, who inc now interested in sheep, pur- pose increasing their flocks aad mak- mg a specialty of pure bred Leicesters unci will devote their time to this de- partment. In the sale will be found Durham thoro'breds from the herds of Messrs, Elcoat and Dickson, of Tuck - eremites, with young cattle sired or grand sired by the imported bull Broadhook's Golden Fame. This onimel was sold 2 years ago at Mr. Jacob's sal, Blyth, for $800.00 as a 5 year olci. Cattle are well bred and in good condition. Walton • Innor.M.-Dr. Peild will visit Walton on Monday, Oct 12th, and every two weeks after that date. Ife only be consulted in Mrs, Mo. Ron's Rotel. Jonathau Moore, of Gnelph, has been visiting friends in Walton and vicinity for the past week. Ilay Bros., Listowel, have started the erection of their elevator at- the 0. P. R. station here. Ib is stated that they are moving their Lteeknow elevator; here. Mise Ten, McDonald, who has been holidaying at home for the past two Months, returned to Ottawa Saturday where she has been engaged in the Post Office Department for some years. J. W. and Mrs. Morrison left Wed- nesday for a two months' trip West. They will go through to Vancouver, and -will also visit friends at Winni- peg, Manske, Wapella and other points. 'We wish them a pleasant journey. Lewis Williamsciii having disposed of his interest in tbe Seaforth livery business to his partner, Me. Clark, has purchased the Walton livery, tak- ing possession Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson will live 10 the house lately vacated by Robb. Hoy. We are glee they have decided to return to our midst and wish the proprietor success ie his new venture. Political Pointers Brockville Liberals nominated Hon. Geo, P. Graham at a large and en- thusiastio cnn vent ion. Hon. W, S. Fielding wound up his first week's tour of Ontario with e large meeting in Hamilton Saturday night of last week, In flee years the output of Canadian factories, employing five bands or more has beer) increesed from font bemired end eightymne to seven hundred and one half million dollars, In' five years the amount mild in salaries and wages in these same factories bas been increas- ed from 8111249.000 to 8165,155,000. Under the aggreeeive and progressive policy of the pressen Administration trade has been expanded Iti every dir- ection nod new life has been infused into .the arteries of Commerce. Our exports of farm produce alone for the nine months ending with March. NO, were 1141,000,000, greater than for the whole year of 1896, The total. export of Cam adian products increased by $141000. 000 in the last twelve years, as (mower. ed with an increase of 860,50,5,0cm in the twenty.eight years previous. To eleven years 6,000 miles have been added to the length of railways in Can. • MA and 111396,000sio to the capital in- vested in same, le five years the me0. bar of flame 111 the three prairie Praia Inca; bxi hen increased from ` 54,625 to • 150439. In five years nearly 130.000 immigrants have been settled on hums in the West. Skilled farmers brought hate the Cenatilan West from the United Stats are engaged in the work of melt- ing 5,000,000 Acres, formerly fallow, cola to the wealth °nee Dominion, Lionel V. Percival. Clerk of Bolide in the Proviecial Treasurer's Depertment, Toronfo, is deed, Mex. W. Falconer died at St Michaels Hoepital, 'entente, of Manias en received' throtigh falling off a street car, th EST MON Mill A MUM SOCCER Large Crowd ; Fine Exhibits ; Best show of Fruit and Work on Record. Good Gate Receipts despite Thursclay,s Rain. Thursday afternoon and evening stuart showers of ram fell and the directorate felt a trifle blue over the financial prospects of the Fails es- pecially in view of the large list of awards to be paid, but Friday morn- ing the weather improved and al- though it was a trifle cool, the day turned out fleet rate. Thousands of people came to town and the attend- ance was well up toward the figures of last yeast, The outdoor exhibits were excellent. Some say a, better show of horses was made in Brussels than at London. Owing to 11, doyley selling out and Donald. Robertson dropping out of thorough breels the display of thorn' bred cattle was lamely in the hands of D. Milne who nearly swept the list. The hog breeders were oniciatsiscor.ble by their: absence in some Thursday's rain put the half mile track in poor shape and severatehoese- men declined to put their equines on the coulee. The only speeding event outside of the competitions for bug- gie horses of whom these' were IA, was a tines minute speeding event, mile heats, 2 in 8. Result was as follows : A. Currie, Brussels 1 1 3'. Johnston, 13Inevale . 2 2 T. Heitron, 13lyth, 3 3 G. Keys, Brussels, 4 4 Currie was too speedy for the others but it was a well contested race for 2nel and 8rd money. In the Stencilled Bank special for farrnere; buggy horses, Joe Miller had an easy victory for lst money, second •going.. to Nes- bitt Hamilton, of Atwood. Thee were nine entries auci some exte:, good animals. The Judges completed their work about 4.80 and by 6 p. nr. the bulk of the crowd was away and the very successful Fair a thin of the past. In thole? bred eattlejudging by boys under 16 years there were 7 entries. The work was done under the direction of the cattle judges and was very creditable to the lads, Many sentences of a commendatory charac- ter referring to the Fair might be written but space forbids and we re- fer our readers to the men list on page 4. Twit cotecnaa. Only want of room forbade a larger audience at the annual Concert on Friday evening in bhe Town Hall, every reserved seat being taken, the bleachers packed, scores standing and others turned away. President -Leck- ie was the chairman. The program compared very favorably with ottani years and was as follows :-Bagpipe selection by Piper MacDonald; solo, "Buy My Roses," Ms. Flora McIvor Craig, of Toronto •, violin concerto, Miss Maud Buschlen, of Asti= comic song ."How Dare You?" J. Doughty, Toronto; Highland Fling, Miss Flora MacDonald, of Wingham ; solo, "Success to Bonnie Scotland," Mrs. Craig ; violin, Scottish feu- tasia, Miss Brischlen ; comic soug "School Boy Days." In the second part Flora MacDonald danced the Sailor's Hornpipe ; solo, 'Bobolink," Mrs. Graig ; violin selections, Miss 13uschlen ; comic song, "Nobody's Darling," Mr. Doughty; solo, Mrs. Craig ; sword dame, Flora Mae - Donald ; violin, "Flowers of the For- est," unaccompanied, Miss Buschlen ; comic song "The Toy Peddler," Mr, Doughty; National Anthem. Mrs. Craig made her first appearance be- fore a Brussels audience and won first place. She has a good voice, with a comely face and sings with expression and clear enunciation. Encores were cheerfully responded to. Miss Busch - len had been here before but she handles the violin with such grace end ability she is always welcome and the audience is always ready to de- mand recalls. Mr. Doughty was royally received and its his various numbers sustained himself splendidly. His songs were all new and free from anything rude; his costumes gor- geous and singing well done. The Scotch lassie, Flora MacDonald made her bow the first time here but she did her part so web elle will always be heartily received. Miss Jean Mc- Lauchlm made a very competent ac- compartist and Piper MacDonald blows the pipes 111 Mue Scottish style. If any faull, could be found with the program it was its length as with the many encores several hours slipped away, The noisy chattering of some of the more youthful members of the audience was a poor testimonial of what they know about good be- haviour at a public gathering. LITTLE storames Prize list, on page 4. Gate receipts were about $000.00, Three cheers Inc East Karen Fair, Good satisfation was given by the Judges. Hundreds of people went home Well supplied with grapes. East Huron Fall Fait holds firsb place for pvize list, attendance and attractions. Winghani Btind supplied a good nrueical prOgritto en lendey which was enjoyed by the Fair visitors. Reeve Leekle makes an active tied very agreeable President ably seconded 1st Vico President Alex, &Wart. 1), lilwan & 06's, array of buggies and cutters attracted no small 08t011 - Bon, Numerous stiles were made. 1009 Fair Will beat all its *predeces- sors and will be a dandy. The date will he the first Thursday and Friday in October. Bait Huron Agricultural Society Metes money every 700,r owing to 11.1 - MINA 10010 lis lslie Town Hall for, COLICOSt, S Ladies' The line Ageicultuval Hall came in for many compliments, R. Corley's and Donald Hebert:sores herds of thoro' bred cattle were mitres that year. D. Milne, the well Repeal stockman of Ethel, bed e good ex - hi bi t. J. Loekie Wilson, Superintendent of the Provincial Agricultural depart- ment, was invited 10 open the Fain but was tillable to attend owing to pressure of work. The Singer Sewing machine was to the front under the local directicin of S. Carter, of 13eussels, who distributed fans and showed the various features of this well known machine. Many a Scotty drew up to the elevated platform, adjacent to the .grand stand, to see Flora MacDoneld, the Highland lassie, trip a number of Scottish dance e during the afternoon. Among the newspaper Inez) at the Fair were W. D. McLean, of Seaforth, H, B. Elliott, of Winghaes, and J. L. Kern, of Blyth. F. G. Neelin, of Sea - forth, an old time scribe was also here, Where were all the swine breeders e W. Thuell and. 3, S. Cowan had this department all to themselves. The well known Yorkshires were not represented although prizes were offered totalling.$20.001 F. S. Scott and Thos. Miller handled the pasteboards in admitting the thousands of visitors to the Park and Geo. Robb stood guard at the entran- ce gate. They are a trio of old hands at the business. Thursday evening there was a fairly good attendance considering the rain. A couple of quartettes were well sung by Jack Leckie, Harry Moore, Charlie Mellfillan and Jno. Lynn, following a ISIA0Ltenscvhlitght choice piano selection by Miss Jessie germd individuals Were on hand and took inore than their owe. An example made of ono of these people would teach a benefic- ad lesson, and the Directors will likely set a watch another year that will trap the culprits. Among the exhibitors of Ladies' Work and Fine Arts from a distance were :-Mas. Stevenson, of Toronto; Miss Fisher, of New market ; Miss Tolton, of Guelph; Mrs. Zoellner, of Mount Forest ; Mrs. Hansen, of Wingham, and Miss Livingston, of Blyth. Datuseaoss Mnnareresa-A meeting of the Directors of the Fair will be held Saturday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clock to receive the Treasurer's report,check over the prize list and deal with any other matters of busi- ness. All members of the Board are asked to attend, Very tasty exhibits were made by Messrs. Ferguson & Ross, met elian is; Druggist Fox, Messrs. Wilton & Gil- lespie and Gerry & Walker, hardware merchants, Messrs. Walker & Black furniture dealersancl Messrs. Wilson & Hunter'of the Marble Works, all of town, Others should follow suit. Misses Lizzie Downing and Josie Buchanan had no sinecure in placing -the huudreds of exhibits In the Ladies' department in their eight places to be ready for the Judges on Thursday. Directors Geo. Robb and Thos, Archibald rendered the ladies genuine assistance and were so nice obout it the work went along splendidly. A few impish boys did damage to the balcony at the West wing of the Agl. Hall Thursday night by pulling, wooden ball trimmings off the rails Mg. If the right parties San be found they will be made sweat for their meanness. It was by no means clever and did nob say much for the per- petrators. lingithy is being made in the hope of securing the necessary evidence so as to teach the smart Alexs. a lesson they wont soon forget. The only accident of any kind at the Fair befell Jas. Dickson, titin con. Grey. He was showing a horse for the sweepstakes in the Agricultural class when he received. a kick in the face by a colt owned by Chas. Wilkin- son, of Morris. A deep gash was made on the young man's nose which bled profusely. Ile was hurried to a &rotor who ewed up the wooed and the youth is getting along nicely we are glad to slate. It was a close eall. Exhibits for 1908 were as follows 1008 1907 Horses • ,, 198 120 Clat,ble 93 76 Sheep •44 80 Swine •15 25 Poultry 88 90 Dairy Products 20 14 • Grain and Seeds 45 86 Roots 103 St Orchard and Garden.. a , 850 240 Implements and Mufg . 131 128 Ladies' Work •242 2133 Pine Arts 70 79 Flowers, , , ...... , , . 215 57 Ohildrens' Competition— 13 25 — ..-- 1447 1249. The foot moms for boys and girls were not lacking in competitors and the winners were as follows :--Boys' meet tattler 14, 100 rads, Muir Thom- son, Russel Om'rie, William Smith, Fred. Wood ; boys' men under 10, 50 yar ds, Willie Granger, Edgar Lowry, Willie Haeris, Alex, McLeod ; girls' eace, under 15, 100 yards, Stella, Gerry Florence Lowry, Jean Smith, Ola Arinstroeg ; rase, tinder 10, 80 semis, Net vie liollieger, Irene Toole, rbdi111 Vole, Rhoda 111 esvitt ; obstacle race, ender 16, Frank Gory, Muir Thomsorn Harr, /gooney, Victor Sparling ; girls' obstaele race Stella, Gem% Florence Lowey, Lilts 'Wilkie.- Boyce's moving picture show, the Putiend shooting gallery and several other tents and booths were on the Park. The day was a trifle cool for e hustling trade in refeesbenente, PAL= PATIN0,-The Treasurer will pay the Fall Fair prize money on lera day, letli lest, ab Tale FOWL' Publish- ing Houile,frorn 9 a.m, to Span. Any amounts not called fax by the close of. the month will be remitted to the in- terested parties, at their expense. T. R. Bennett, of Wroxeter, the presentatave of the Grimm Mantas, uring Co., of Mo»Meal, had an e hibit of three finishing pans, bei mut of a Champion Evaporator maple syrup, also gathering pal okets, spouts, syphons. scan skinners, strainers, thermornete sacerhometer and delivering can The Grimm Man nfacturieg Co. a the largest manufacturers of the goods no the American continent as nothing but the very best of materi is used in the construction of the Canada supplies over three-sevent of the world's output of maple syru The Canadian census of 1901 gives t following figures regarding the i dustry :-Annual output, 17,804, pounds syrup, value $1,780,482.0 The amount from each Province is : Quebec, 13,5e4,819 I be„. (Setae' 3,102,040 lbs. ; Neev Brunswic 207,450 lbs. ; Nora Scotia, 112,4 lbs. ; and other Provinces 7,620 ib Some people believe the maple tree are almost a thing of the past, bu such is not the CASA. Ts- ct- the W, C. I, ILm . and Doinion Alliance x- and thought Local Option twos perhaps ng the hest way of dealing with the liquor or traffic at the present time Dr. Denali Is, is a ready, pleasing speaker and by apt ps, illustration and undoubted evidence r, made out a good ease. Rev, A. C. s. Wisbart. B. A, Presbyterian minister, re was called upon and expressed hiS se hearty sympathy with the work of tee id Union and his willingness to co-operate al with them at any time The Presbyter - 111. Ian church stood pledged to Proeibl- hs tion, Local Option and government con - p. trot in the order named, The session be th closed withe Doxology and Benedie- n- tion by Rev. Mr, Powell, 825 Wednesday morning Convention re - U. sumed, devotional exercises being ton- -- ducted by Rev. Mr, Greeee. After o, minutes were read a discussion ensiled k, over the benefit of wearing the badge. 00 Mrs, Brown, of Goderich, reported on s, Women Franchise question. There was O unanimity of opinion as to the necessity t and advisability of the fair sex having their rights in this matter. Councils should be interviewed, fathers urged to to see that daughters bad voting powers • and the press interested. For the Press Committee Mrs. Eckmier, of Clinton, made a report and experiences were ex- changed as ,to modes and methods, of their cause being helped by the news, - papers, the majority of the editors being willing to place space at their disposal. Mrs. Davidson reported as to the Flower and Delicacy department showing the personal work done in the carrying ot baguets, papers, fruit, milk, wood, cloth- ing, ec, to the hospitals, sick at home, &c. Promptness, kindness and the spirit of the Master were necessary fea- tures of Ibis work. Good results have accrued and are sure to follow. Systematic giving elicited a cheery report from Mrs. Leatherdale, of Brus- sels, and the temporal and spiritual bene- sfihtsowofotaking God into partnership were Election of officers was proceeded with with the following results :--Presi- dent, Miss Murray, Hensall ; Vice Presi- dent, Mrs, Hooper, Exeter ; Cor. Sec- retary, 7,lrs. Stoneman, Hensel' : Re- cording Secretary, Mrs, Acheson, Gode- rich ; Treasurer, Mrs. Paulin, Goderich. .A vote of tbanks was passed to Mrs. Holland retiring Treasurer. Resolutions were adopted expressing thanks to the Trusteeslarici pastor for use of church to ladies of Brussels for their hospitality; to Rev. Dr. Dougall for bis address, Disapproval of government control of the liquor traffic was expressed. The Minister of Militia is to be urged to see that the canteen is abolished in military camps, The government will be press- ed to pass prohibitory legislation in the manufacture of narcotics, such as opium, cigarettes, &e. Muoicipall- ties are asked to favor Local Option and electors yelled upon to see that pub- lic opinion is educated on the eubjeet. Sympathy with and approval of the management of "Tidings" was express- ed. Moved, seconded and carried that as members of this Huron Co. W, C. T. U. we desire to express, and place on re- • cord, our very high awl most sincere ap- preciation of the efficient and self-deny- ing services which our clear sister Pau- lin has rendered during the past 5 years as President. Her genial and kindly disposition, together with the superior ability in dealing with every detail con- nected with the work in hand have en- deared her to us and on her retirement from the office we assure her of our continued and loving sympathy. tars. Pau lin mule a brief, suitable reply, The place of bolding the next Con- vet:Olen was left with the Executive. Convention closed with singing "God pberowitrh you till we meet again" and yo Prohibition in the Malted to mind, 1 of the people now living in the "dry" districts, The growth of temperance sentiment in tee Dominion was shown and the various forms of . prohibitory legislation called up with emphasis 05000 upon the dirty of the State to enact and onloro laws for the best asset of the newel v,z , the people. It is not an infringemeut of personal liberty, Dr, Dougall 'proved, to curtail or cat off the lioensed 1 raffle. • He urged personal aetivity ; eulogized the work of WI C. T. County Convention • Interesting Sessions. The nth auntie] W, C. T, U. Conven- tion for tbe Couuty of Huron was held in the Methodist church, Brussels, an Tues lay and Wecloesday of this week, the first session opening Tuesday after - 1100n at 1.30 o'clock, After appropriate remarks by Mrs. E, P, Paulin, of Goderich, Co. Presi- dent, devotional exercises were engaged in, Rev. rosins Greene, of Clinton, offer• Ing prayer. The 27th Psalm was read and a hymn sung followed by encourag- ing testimonies from members of the Union. Co. Superintendent called the roll of officers 8 being preseot Committees were appointed as fol- lows s --Resolutions. Mrs. Acheson, Miss Murray, Mrs. McGeire, Mrs. Slater and Rev. Mr, Greene. Courtesy, Mrs, Harland, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Youngblut, Mrs. Wilford and Mrs. Doig. PhiancO, Mrs, Kerr, Mrs, Holland and Mrs. Walker. The report of the Evangelistic De- partment was given by Mrs. Dark, ot Brussels. Subjects for prayer, the Pro- vincial Convention, Opposition to Gov- ernment Control of liquor traffic, for 'ridings and Cigarette campaign. Re- marks were made by Miss Murray and Mrs, Dark on the benefit of observing the devotional half hour. Mrs, Holland, Goderich, presented the report of Prisons in which she stated Goderich jail had been visited in which there were 5 erizoners at present. Papers and magazines had been dis trihnted. Report of Law enforcement was out- lined by Rev. Mr. Greene. Had written 6 Unions but only received two replies, Clintoti Council was petitioned for Local Option but no action taken. A few cases were reported by mothers of their sons getting liquor and improve- ment noticed since, Two hotel keepers fined it; Goderich and a Local Option Campaign probable, He suggested a Superintendent in each UEli012. A profitable discussion ensued. A very interesting report of the work- ing of Local Option in Hensall was given by Miss Murray, At this stage of the meeting Rev. Dr. Dougall, of Goderich, WAS introduced and made a few seasonable remarks, Miss Jr:4e Buchanan, 13russels, read the Corresponding Secretary's report. Treasurer Holland's report showed balance on hand front reel of 84.26 ; collection at Clinton Convention, 810.72, these sums with contrlbution$ from Unions totalled $81,35. Expenditure, 877.85 leaving e small balance 'on baud. The Convention discussed ways end meano and among the suggestions were securing life members ; serving meals on pnblic days, canvassing by different Unions, Honorary members, and the representatives were urged to make asi effort to increase the tinances. Tbe afternoon session was then con- cluded. The evening session opened with the hymn `"Phe Temperatme Bells are ring- ing" and prayer by A, M, McKay, the President in the chair, A solo and chorus was rendered by the choir, Miss Hingston taking the solo. A Lite Membership Pia was present- ed to Mr. Greene by Mrs, Paella as a gift by the delegates in recognition of the valued and stainable work he has done Inc the Cause of Temperance, The reverend geutlettan, although taken by surprise, acknowledged the highly priz• ed gift in a few appropriate congratu- latory words. He then read Psalm 146 as the Scripture lesson, "A Better Day is Coming was heartily sung and Mrs. Rands reported on the Laimberrnen's Missioe work, $48,00 WAS COOtriblItAd for this important department of the work. of the' Uniott, Literatere, com- fort begs, &c,, were sent to various camps in Northern Ontario. Rev, E G. Powell, of Brussels, ad- dressed brief words of welcome and good cheer to the W. 0, T. ti, of Huron Co, and wished them Godspeed. A solo was rendered by Miss Rate Ole Kinlay, A well delivered and practical address was given by Rev. Dr. Dougall, of Gocietich. He referred to the troprov- ing conelitione • In the old. Land intact the new tai curtailing 32,000 lignew licenses with promise of better manhood and wereanheod. Canetilan advantages Were instanced and the growth •of rOsT ScRIPS. Dinners and tea were served the dele- gates in the W, C. T. U. rooms.' -A, cariole met the delegates from the South at Belgrave Tuesday noon and took '",k them back there Wednesday afternoon, -Mrs. Paulin makes a good presiding officer. --The ladies displayed no small share of executive ability and many Convention of the sterner sex could get serviceable pointers on procedure. - Tim POST backs tip the extension of the fraucbise to the women where the pro- perqualification is possessed. -Brussels Union Appears to compare favorably with the' best in the Country for practical work. Several buildings at Newberg were destroyed by fire, R. L, Borden spoke at Niagara Palls on Saturday evening of last week. Rev, Dr, .Alfred Gandler annnounoed his acceptance of the principalship of Knox College. The last rivet in Montreal's new $5,- 00emo harbor sheds was driven by Hon. L. P. Brodeur. The C, P. le, strike has been finally settled, and the men will return to work as fast as places can be foiled for them. SeaTbe Supreme Court gave a menber of decisions, including one confirmiug the legality of assessment of civil servatits' n cornea A serious accident befell Jno, and Mrs. !Mehl, ot Lisbon, on Saturday at Waterloo, They were driving along Willow street and as they were about to turn the other the horse, which Was spirited animal, took fright et ah atttomobile standing near by, runniug away and throwing the accept:its out, Mrs. Riebi sustained three broken ribs and WAS otherwise injured, while Mr. Webl reeeived scalp wounds, which res gnired soveral stitelim •