HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-10-1, Page 6r
'tr1•4”leielTterfe*fr,I,,kielet,.l;.ieletei, dell,
Fashi,1,n. a
Dr. Williams''Pink Restore, Pills
24. i nese Despondent Sufferer to Realth.
More gored skirts are seen.
Bats still increase in size.
All lengths of coats are in fash-
The mousquetaire sleeve is prom-
The petticoat of the day is de-
cidedly limp.
Long beck ruffs hold their popu-
Ostrich tips are to bo used in
Both high and low collars will be
worn this fall.
Every hour the vogue for long
sleeves becomes stronger.
• The mushroom effect in millin-
ery increases in popularity.
Coats will have many buttons,
large, medium and small in size.
Braid is likely to be as popular
as last winter for trimming.
October probably will see a de-
cided movement in toques of fur.
Silk will be prominet in the new
autumn and winter gowns.
One piece jumpers and fancy
waists remain in excellent style.
Parasols and hats are now made
to go with the cretonne jacket.
The empire Waist line with fancy
girdle is becoming to many figures.
• The; front closing is one of the
most popular features of the new
Some of the many gored and
gored circular skirts have the ha-
bit back.
The most popular shirt waist of
the moment is made of white wash
- etc.
s ,
oats of ,
Dressy c
will have silk and lace for elabora-
The craze for aigrettes and many
plumes is making millinery tremen-
dously costly.
Empire style coats are in high
favor, both for evening and for
dressy wear in the day.
So pretty is the costume effect
that there is little probability that
its popularity will wane.
It is evident that small neat
stripes and checks will rule the day,
large checks being little worn.
Fashionable' new tones include
charming shade of navy blue,
smoke, leather, bronze, and very
dark old rose.
There is a note of simplicity in
children's costumes and the over-
dressed child is now the exception.
That the fashionable skirt of the
day may be smooth fitting, all extra
material .must be eliminated from
underwear. •
Among the new materials are
found attractive designs in wor-
steds, but the serges and the pana-
mas will probably predominate.
The first need -of the autumn is
a tailored suit to replace the
weight voile or pongee has
served the summer through.
Character may be added to neck-
wear by means of the new long,
narrow velvet and braid tied with
tasseled or pendent bead ends.
Black is anxart with a touch of
gold to relieve it, while black sa-
tin is much used to trim street
gowns of navy blue.
The body -and -sleeves -in -one idea
prevails in all classes of under and
outer garments, and often is seen
et its best in waists.
Some of the new large hats are
decided in their down curving lines,
others are flattened out, and all
carry low clowns.
Real Irish crochet collar and cuff
sets come in heavy effects as well
as in the Baby Irish, and they are
as desirable as they are durable.
In the latest millinery wide .brim-
med Gainsborough and Rembrandt
effects are seen, and fancy feathers
will be popular trimming.
An innovation shirt waist sleeve
is a leg -o' -mutton with a couple of
groups of tucks that run from
shoulder to cuff along the outside,
On some of the new French hats
aigrettes are used in profusion,
sometimes as much as $$100 worth
of aigrettes appearing on one hat.
In some of the new shirt waists
heels yokes are introduced, and no
doubt will increase in usage ne the
$east n'5 Styles become more firmly
et,tablished. -
I;xtreino French fashion plates
shoal the ultra stylish woman with
no hips, with her coat long and
straight, and ler skirt hanging
Ebreight from the waist,
)'rills are much used far trim-
ming gnimpes and sleeves. the lat-
ter having frills at the, elbow, the
lower part of the slot •e being flat
yr e my slightly gathered, .
Valencia lace stocks in the Gill-
ian style are finished about the hot -
me w'.tli plaitirigs of two or three
ia•ches in width, arranged to spread
Mit about the base of the collar
Early autumn offerings include
manly bordered effects in beautiful
designs and colorings in wool and
eaten voile; foulard, crepe weaves,
pongee, India silk, lawn, mull, be-
tiete, not, ate.
The Heiress—"Ent why -Should I
• marry MI 1 1 don't 104
HOt Suitoi Ott, that's all right,
I sh,a'n't• be home very Muth, you
know 1"'
"Although it is now some years
since I found it necessary to take
medicine of. any kind, I attribute
my present good health entirely to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Thus
writes Mr. Wnl, Ferguson, St.
John West, N. B. Mr, Ferguson
continues :—"For years I was a suf-
ferer from chronic bronchitis and
general debility, I had always been
delicate, but as 1 grew older I
seemed to grow weaker, and at the
approach of autumn I commenced
to cough and had to remain in tho
house all winter. With the gaming
of summer I always got a little bet-
ter, only to be laid low again when
the fine weather was over. During
my last and most severe attack my
cough became more distressing and
1 raised considerable phlegm, while
at night I would be bathed in a
cold, clammy sweat. The doctor's
medicine relieved my cough a little
during the day time, but there was
no other improvement as I had no
appetite, the night sweats continu-
ed and.I was growing weaker. I
changed doctors three different impression conveyed is that of s
times, but with no improvement. Best dignity. The royal gallery
Then'T began to take cod liver oil, faces the altar ;nd t Rheic daree s ghee
but my stomach had grown so weak organ gallery, a
that it refused to retain it. It was leries for peers and peeresses, mem-
at this time when I was trying to hers of Parliment and
reconcile myself to niy fate that a OTHER PRIVILEGED PERSONS.
ll t elating cures wrought On the floor of the chapel there
St. James's', and their daughter,
the Princess Royal, was wedded ,
there to the Crown Prince of Prus-
sia, afterward the Emperor Fred-
erick, The present Prizrce and'
Princess of Wales were also mar
ried within the small preeincts. In 1
former reigns Prince George of _
(afterward Queen), Frederick
Denmark and the Princess Anne the master of the children or mas-
Prince of 'Wales and the daughter ter of the sung, an oiIlce that can
of the Duke of Coburg and George be traced back as far as the reign
IV. and Queen Caroline were unit- of Edward IV,
ed there, Their musical training is given
0f recent years several infants of t 3 them by the organist of the
aristocratic lineage have been hap- Chapel Royal. Nothing more beau-
tized in the Chapel Royal, and tiful in sound can be imagined than
among the mast recent were the the pure and lovely voices of this
twin sons of Lord and Lady Dud- unique choir, mingled with the mel-
lty, the brother and sister-in-law low tones of the gentlemen and the
o the bridegroom t to -day, to harmony of the extremely fine or -
wham the King and the Prince of gang. It can host be likened to the
Wales stood sponsor. ford;indeed,Magdalen naCollebe, Ox -
It is commonly reported in de
it is uninteresting in appearance,
scriptions of the Chapel Royal that the Chapel Royal and a college is
small and devoid of beauty, save Among the names of past children
`f<.r the Holbein ceiling, with its ex- are those of Orlando Gibbon:, Hen-.
quisitely colored panelling, among ry Purcell, Sir John Goss, Samuel
which a short inscription and the Sebastian 'Wesley and Sir Arthur
crate 1.5.40, with the name of Retry1 Sullivan. When their voices break
VIII„ are discernible. Small it is the children are awarded as an
-it measures only sixty-two feet knowledgment of their good behav-
lc.ng and seats only about 200 per- inx the sum of 230 from the Lord
sons—but so well proportioned, de- Chamberlain and a Bible and pray -
suite its galleries, that the ultimate er hook from the Bishop of Lon-
don, as clean of the Royal Chapel.
The chfappearing
pr earake part in state con -
the handsome
ceras, app g
in Olcl World costumes already de-
By Herr Absorption Method,
LADIES 11`,1. your acute, 11.
addroee M,d you velli x•
cpivo a trop sample
harmless vegetable
Medieror aweless rr
and all dioceses twining theefo. woman,
drugtate Roll at 250,or postpaid ter
front llxTJ. A. Slocum, twtto(l, apdina
dvenuo Toronto,
Storekeeper on. Ocean Liner Falls
Passengers by the P. and 0•
Company's Indian until steamer
Arabia, which called at Plymouth,
England, recently, havo been the
unwilling witnesses of a terrible
tragedy, a very popular member of
the crew, William Newbury, being
eaten by a shark,
Newbury, who was 20 years of
age and married, was storekeeper.
Tor some days a large shark had
been observed following the vessel.
When the liner was in the vicinity
of Cape Finistorre there was a
shout of "Man overboard 1" Next
moment every one's heart leaped
as the thought of the shark occur-
Quickly the ship was swung
round, and a boat was manned.
The man, who proved to bo New-
bury, was observed in the water,
evidently swimming, From the deck
ho was soon to be keeping himself
well afloat, while the boat raced in
his direction. Nothing was seen of
the dreaded fish, which had previ-
ously roused the passenger's inter-
est, but was now looked for with
Suddenly, according to the story
of one of the passengers, as the
man breasted tho waves pluckily,
he gave vent to an agonized shriek.
At the same instant there was a
commotion in the waters, and his
head disappeared. A few moments
later the boat was on the scene—
too late. The waves were tinged
with blood. The ferocious fish and
its victim were already in the
depths, out of reach, and
the dli3e-
boat had to give up
e -
ROW Newbury fell into the sea
remains a mystery. No one appears
to have known he was overboard
until a shout was raised from the
n the
continent of America to compare
with the "Highlands of Ontario"
ito deer and moose hunting. This
part of Canada still forms a portion
of. that small remnant of the world'
pristine wilderness—nob yet the
abode of man and his mighty civil-
Northern Ontario with its rich re-
sources is regarded as the richest
deer and moose country
in e
Moose season in the Moose coun-
try opens October 16th for 31 days.
Deer season in the Deer country
opens November 1st for 15 days.
These sections of Ontario are the
places to hunt and valuable infor-
mation as to how and when to get
there and all particulars can be had
free by addressing J. D. McDonald,
System, Union Station, Grand ilToronto. ay
pampre r
by ir. Williams' Pink Pills was are 01d -fashioned pews, and the
left at my door, Although my quaintest are those reserved as
friends thought me in a decline, seats of honor at the sides• of the
and although I was feeling hope- altar. Even for morning service
less myself, I decided to try the the chapel very rrequently has to
Pills. After using several boxes, be lighted throughout, and when
though I still continued to cough, 1from each 1 candle gleams
felt better in other respects, and
niy appetite was gradually return-
ing. I was not only surprised, but
pleased to find this improvement,
and I gladly continued their use.
By the time I had' taken ten boxes
the night sweats and the cough hacl
entirely disappeared, and I was
feeling quite vigorous. I took two
more boxes, and felt that there was
no necessity to continue the treat-
ment as I was in better health than
I had ever been before. When I
completed the twelfth box I weigh-
ed myself and found that I had
gained 32 pounds. As I said be-
fore it is some years since my cure
was effected, and I have not had
a cough in any season since, and
have always enjoyed the best of
health. I believe, therefore, thatit
is entirely duo to the agency of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills that I am alive
and well to -day, and I trust
others will benefit by my personal
Yon can get these pills from your
medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
If you suffer from bleed-
ing, itching, blind or protruding
sconce, a Piles, send me your to cure address, andthe effect is very beautiful. More I will tell you howtto absorption
so is it when to theliousdles profusion.. 1 self at treatment ;ome and w will also send some
ddocl in g p of this home treatment free for
Toraroyal g
removed and low seats take their
place. This was done for the mar-
riage of the Prins Queen Victoria Princess
Wales. When Q
married so elaborse were the pre-
parations necessary that the sum of
4.10,000 was spent upon then,
Bishop Burnet 'lodged a com-
plaint" in his day to the Princess
Anne (afterward Queen) against
the "ogling and sighing which was
ever being indulged in at the Chap-
el Royal," begging that the pews
)night be raised higher and made
into closets, as in fact they after-
ward were.
It was Queen .Anne who in the
first year of her reign ordered 'the
Yeoman of her Majesty's removing
wardrobe' to provide three umbrel-
las for the Chapel Royal anti two
for the Ante -Chapel.
Curious royal warrants and or-
ders in connection with the conduct
of services
in the
Chapel Royal areextant.1622
il, was decreed by James I. that:
"Noe man whatsoever presume
to wayte upon us to the Chappel
in bootes and spurs."
Charles II. ordered for the chapel
through Lord Sandwich, "Master
of our Great Waldrohe.,a
connected doubtless with the uphol-
story and heating arrangements of
the sacred edifice, as well as with
the services:
"Item—two bare hydes of oxe
"Item—three thousand of tent-
hookes, three hamers, one fire
sbovle, one pare of tongs, three
black jacks, three gispens, two
brushes, one perfuming pan of iron,
six houro glasses, and a pairs of
strong iron andirons; and that you
content and pay for making the
In explanation of these curious
appliances it may he added that
black jacks were large mugs made
of leather, used in those clays for
the serving of small beer, and that
a gispen was a small pot or cup,
also made of leather. The perfum-
ing pan of iron would be used for
the incense burnt upon special oc-
casions in tho Chapel Royal, and
the hour glasses probably to regu-
late the length of the sermons,
In the days of long sermons
George III., who was a regular at-
tendant at the services, used to be
left alone at the conclusion of them,
according to an old story, with his
equerry and the parson r'to freeze
it out together," the Queen and the
royal family having dropped out
one by one from the chapel. It is
narrated of the same monarch that
he used to heat time with his music
roll while the anthem was being
sung, and incidentally bang the
powdered polls of Inc pages when
they were inattentive.
There is a record of Ilse continu-
ance of very long and emphatic
sermons in later years in a repar-
tee uttered by Queen Victoria dur-
ing the first year of her reign, who
upon being asked by Lord Norman -
by whether she had not found the
chapel very hot, answered, "Yes,
and the sermon was very hot too."
adds to the pictorial attributes of
the edifice, as well as to the exqui-
site beauty of the services there
performed. It is composed of the
"gentlemen" and "children," and
the children, or boys, are clad in
old-fashioned re,
the old-fas 1 )'al uniform of
gold and scarlet, with white ruffs
and bands, knee breeches and
They ars boarded, clothed anc1
educated tinder rho supervision of
A Mark of Great Honor to Receive
Permission to be Wedded
The Chapel Royal, St. James's
Palace, is little known to the vast
majority of Londoners.
Visitors to the metropolis who
make a point of seeing all the his-
toric buildings to which they can
obtain access, says the London
Daily Mail, well know the unosten-
tatious position of the chapel, which
is entered from what is called the
Color Court of the palace. But to
Inc many ordinary Londoners who
wend their way through the courts
of the palace, past the sentries who
keep watch and ward beneath the
Henry VIII. gateway, as a near
cut from Pall Mall to Belgravia,
does the large window to the right
t•f the portal mean more than a
mere window
Yet inside the edifice lighted by
it Icings and Princes have been
married and have worshipped for
hundreds of years and many babies
of high degree have been baptized/.
It was in that chapel that King
Charles T. attended service before
wall=ing through the park to the
headsman's ),lock in Whitehall.
It is a mark of great honor to re-
ceive permission from the King to
be wedded in the Chapel Royal,
which is ono of the 'peculiar" and
'orztraparoehial" places of worship
in the realm, and not often is the -
little edifice used fur the celebra-
tion of
wueen ere married n tha e Chapel RoyaPrince l
trial, with references from your
own locality if requested. Immedi-
ate relief and permanent but tes-
sured. Send no money,
Dihece_ of this offer.. Write today
t•, Mrs. M. hummers, Box 103
'Windsor, Ont.
The trouble with the man who
succeeds in drowning his sorrows
in the slowing bowl is that he con-
tinues to celebrate the event.
In Fields Far Off.—Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil is known in Austra-
ba, South and Central America as
well as in Canada and the United
States, and its consumption in-
creases each year. It has made its
own way, and all that needs to be
done is to keep its name before the
public. Everyone knows that it is
to be had at any store, for all mer-
chants keep it. •
"How did you learn that Blink-
ers has stepped into a fortune?"
"Well, he used to be called cracked
but now be is spoken of as eccen-
Overworked Persons, either mentally or.
Ovcrw „ • Bho world
rmrowue, onever strength and health
�tiaY.ly re, —
Jspa har h word to Manton his wifs he
er spoke"but was
�•Zres," remarked a lady,
that 'doe
I should like to known
Have you tried Holloway's Corn
Cure? It has no equal for remov-
ing these troublesome exeresences
as many have testified svho have
tried it.
Qn p Tag on ar�Pllug of
Packfiwin Tpbacco
� �� e
glands, kr 4gallty.
Pb,..i.-y, shnnld aryl 1 trrolo and they win
40 Evidence of Positive Supremacy
S There are forty-six manufacturers of sewing
machines in America.
g How many can you name P How many did
you ever hear of
g One name comes to the mind of every
woman immediately -- the Singer — and
there's a very good reason.
1 The Singer makes and sells as many ma.,
chines in a year as all the other forty-five,
manufacturers combined.
g The Singer Sewing Machine is known as
the best sewing machine in every country)
on the globe. There is a Singer store in
every city of the world. Why?
g Because, when you buy a Singer you do
not buy simply so much wood and steel—
you buy the latest result of the longest
and best experience.
Sold only I,y
Singer Sewing Machine Company
312 Manning Chamnor0 833 board of Trade 6:dg 304 Main Street
Captain—"What's all this about?
1 thought you were a Christian
Seaside passenger—"So I am.
I've just been giving my dinner ab-
sent treatment•"
Rose-colored spots on the bodies children
are bo roes mistakenfordisease measles.Thetrouble
promptly cured with Weaver's aerte. the akiul
"What do you think of my exe-
cution on the piano?" "No better
place for your execution could be
chosen. I have always been in fa-
vor of punishing criminals on the
scene of the crime.
"I wish you'd turn to milk," she
"And save me all this clutter,'
And Mooley winked the other eye,
And turned instead to butt her.
Through indiscretion in eating
green fruit in summer many chil-
dren become subject to cholera
morbus caused by irritating acids
that act violently on the linng of
the intestines, Pains and clanger -
our purgings ensue and the delicate
system of the child suffers under
the drain. In such cases the saf-
est and surest medicine is Dr. J.
D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, it
will °heck the inflammation and
Save the child's life.
If a man is a good guesser an
possesses the faculty of keeping his
mouth shut he may bo able to pose
as a statesman.
It is better not to want a thing
than it is to get it and wish you
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
ho:eezle—Lyman area & 00,, Toronto and Montrone ; Lyman, Knox a Clarhaon,
Toronto • National Drug Co., London.
A. J. PA Y l ION & CO.,
33, 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO.
The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices
pay from 7 per cent. to 35 per cent. per annum and are in
our opinion a good speculative investment: Crown
City of Cobalt, popular
a socks and is should increase in
and Tretheway are poP
FARM FOR SALE land"0,1 gap n11 , The Mild Climate of Virginia
lanrabury ; frame baro and outbuitdings, 8 room- '
eel frame house on stone cellar, well watered and
nicely situated. For particulars apoly Box 18,
)Tolland Landing.
100 nem,
1 fromo
town and station,ation
r sale
with crops, ,took machined etc. one-thirdane,b.
Apply W. seamier, Ouden;
British Columbia.
Use the safe, pleasant and effec-
tual worm killer, Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator ; equals it. Procure a botnothing
bottle and take
it home.
Angler—"Is it against the law to
fish in this stream, can you tell
me?" Native — "Nos, but it's
again' common sense. Ther' ain't
no fish in itt"
It will be noticed in the Singer
Sewing Machine Company's adver-
tisement thttt there are three ad-
dresses at the bottom of the an-
nouncement, Any one writing will
please, address them at the nearest
ere of the three places to his post
Dyeing 1 Clea,nIng I
For the rer7 heel rood your work to eh.
"15191171513 AME015121 61ME101O 60:'
Lock ter agora lo your town, 0,.eod dame,
efiestroml,Tcronto, Ottawa, Qnrbmes
Local Agent well introduced at
Grocers and Butchers. GApply o boxd side
line, high commission,
87 P. O. Waterloo, Ont.
offers splendid opportunities for stook raising,
fruit growled, dairying and general farming.
Winters are short. Climate healthful. Land
good and selling below Its value, but increasing
Ss value each year. Arany Canadians aro living
to Virginia. Write for information to
W. 15O2N 107.5,
Ootuwissicnor of Agriculture,, Vs,
Ladies to do plain and light sew-
ing at home, whole or spare time;
good pay, work sent any distance,
charges paid' Send stamp for full
particulars, National Manufacture
ing Co., Montreal.
It's enough to discourage temper-
ance reformers when money is
"Well," moralized Mr. Never -
go, "we are here to -clay and gone
to -morrow." glanc-
said Miss Hotshot, g
ing at the clock; "I've noticed that
about you :"
Tested by Time.—In his justly -
celebrated Pills Dr. Parmelee has
given to the world one of the most
unique medicines offered to the
public in late years, Prepared to
meet the want for a pill which
could be taken without nausea and
that would purge without pain, it
has met all requirements in that
direction, and ib is in general use
not only because of these two qua-
lities, but because it is known to
possess alterative and curative
powers which place it in the front
rank of medicines.
It is a Liver Pill—Many of the
ailments that man has to contend
with havo their origin in a disord-
ered liver, which is a delicate or-
gan, peculiarly susceptible to the
disturbances that come from irre-
gular habits or lack 0± carsat neat -
in eat-
ing, and drinking.
fox the great many liver regulators
naw pressed on the attention of
sufferers, Of these, there is none
superior to Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills, Their operation though
gentle is effective, and the most de-
licate can use them,
'pears to bo bwelc a powerfullrusband
strong -
re ledod man,'
M03. IIaYy rix -•--"110 shore alt. I've
i how'd him t' read a patent medi-
eine almanac from cover t' "cover
without foelin' that he had enny uv
th' symptorf s."
Bell Organs aro
also word famed
Send for
75 to Catalog
Ino Boli Plaoo anC Organ Co„ ltd,, Guelph, Ont
More people would enjoy seeing
their relations if et them through tadlong-d stancold ce
For a few weeks after marriage
n woman is unable to understand
why her husband wears such a
small -sized hat.
118ll nndlodnfo over 812.0150 0 O
.," .A
q A new Cobalt propositionwhloh Involves the
development of 43 acres of mining preperty Ideally
located In the recognized miners zona only two
blocks removed from the Creat Nlplsting, Right
of Way and La Rose, Oat In at the bottom. This
is wharo the money is made,
QD We are offering a limited amount of Ulrlca at
20 cants per share, 51,00 spar, no personal liability,
on an instalment plan of 2 cents par share per
111 Only a few weeks ago
orlrlylaVisi Cro our
clients Into Temfskeming, hva
RolorVO from 20 to 50 cents per share. T,
at 56, and OroWeagerly
R sev bought FiguraSOWS
h t
el Wo aro Investing our own mom In Ulrlca, Comi
and go along, Sand for map an ask for regular
Market letter,
IS Adelaide St. E. TORONTO
Mcntbrrs Standard Stack•and 51181nd rrmahanpo
Publicity makes a prods et noted,
ryuality brings Laine, "Salads" Tea
is both noted and famous.
how mtrcl, money ho could save by using a,
Pairbanks4idrso, aok•0f•all•Tr"doe f1aouiloo 11,1,
ging to saw wood,map mater, grind food, ,sa,
We would tot bo able 'to wooly tho (lowland,
Cot this ad, out and sand to to to -day, and wa,
Pin Bond you our floc catalogue.
Addrose_-.- --
ho Canadian Fnlrbanke 0o.,Limited, Torosto, flat,
Dlorilrbal, V51talprg, vanoouvor, 1 ;i