HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-10-1, Page 5.R,„'^^.1'r:?.s.v.:si.,s4u'se IiR't: A i:IC,I�, ceswatsseosi ""Ti'kese .. ..,ass.... 7hkH7 -..11'.a.-.....Awes:e'er"v'.-sr BUSINESS CARDS. St4iness dvu.rd$ A. H. MONTEITH Il, 1 nO L A.O1i]N— urrl2lel', C,ollalinr, llotnr)•, &u., rnea(•asor to a lusuor 4,t Aturrlagq 7alyuuooe. 4t ,1S.D1auduuald, Ulnauurur Huludord 0)41 n e, Moo au (,revery, Turuberey street, Brume -1S. Brussels, MISS LAURA SPENCE 0R, HAMILTON Bache�lr )sal Aur eon, t)llloa0ppohlto the ,ostotfloo, Teacher of piling or Organ rwltiv(sthliurrio1hu aretnnd(111rd Monday of encu month. fin -din ETi^IEL, ONT. WM. SPENCE 1aebelor of Sfeeleine, University of Toronto . •....._._.. DA T. T. M' RAE idoethlt•e mut 0)0(101154( of the Uullugoot' Yhv• CON VL+'YANGL+ It AND l�NUER slalnnv n„d rsllrl, l o t t+ r t i '4(010, 0 DA.•1;1'0( 4,µ'e Ohlua o lO e, Eur. Nose and !'brant 11os leu) of AIAliIt1:AGI1 LICl1l,1VSnS � kf Uhtu1�t,�u 1 i, 41.?'use to Siu•gcun fit. ielo- ant's tlo..pitnl,'rarun10, 11100 ('1 the fool. 0lllee, Ethel. 80.9 olllauover F. It. Smith's Omni Store, Tele- _....._..... _.... _. . _...... - phone uollneati(0) with Urunbruuk et ell hours. K. O. T, M. ]truiwels ;Pa1L of the Mu,mabeos, No. 24 hold their regular meetings In the Lodge I)1 o1), Beaker Slunk, on the 1st .and aid i10oaday evoniage of 0µo41 month, Visitors always welcome. A, SOMEItS, Own, A. 1uo0U1ttle, JAMES HARRIS, Agent ]'Iowieli Mutual Fire Insurance Colnpany OMloa and itesfdaueo- WALTON. ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN Li 1NSUBANOa, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- . sea, win Hull for better prions, to better men, In lose time and less (Merges 5,,011 any rAuctioneer eertn.Bast Huron or 4,u won't ohur;e anything, Dates 1 a uud orders ",' oriel ap li erruugell at this ntHoe 1)k by n'�,•epnal ,Lpnitont'on, ROST. H. GARNISS ._ BLUILVAL1a — ON'0. Auctioneer for Moron County. Terme reusouablo, Hales arranged for at the office of 101111 l'ol'l', Brussels, Mt VETERINARY. A, CUNNINGHAM— UI . Honor (4radua(e of the Untari Vet. erinery College, t prepared to trait 111 die. 00,000 01 ad UImtle 10 n 00111200- 00)4 manner. Partf1)ular attention paid to Veterinary Doutrlatry and 2111 Never. Calls promptly attended to, OHlooand Infirmary —Four 110e1•e North of bridge, Toruberry et„ Brussels. 'Phone 47 it LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Y • 81N,OLA1E— ]larrteter, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Votaryl'ub11e, etc, Ualue-Htawart'e Moak I door North of Genteel Rotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, Jy)1OUD1'oo'r, 1TAYN & BLAIR— BA tlt3aTellt8, 8(T11.11'0nlj8, NUT.110BBH JUB1.10, ETU, W. Pnoonyour, K. C. 10, O. HAxe G. I`, Br,AIn, 0111uoo—Tbnse formerly 000upiod by Masers Cameron te dolt, (1 0 0 0 01 011, 00.141110. DENTISTRY 0?. R. P. PEILO. DENTisle 0)adnate of 111) lloyal :nonage of Dental Hu :aeons of Uallui0 uud 8'h'st•otase Honor graduate of Toronto University, Ottloa next to trewer'e Photograph 1aller9, N110H14'''1r.8. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: ANY even numbered section et Dominion Lauds In r4lauitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta exuepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by ally person who is the sole beat eta fanny, or any male over 327ears of moo, to tiro xtout of ono -quarter seetiou of 180 tleros more or (000, Mabry may 110 10030 personally at the (00µi land oflL,o for Elle dlotrtot i4, whiob the laud 10 eittu(to. The homesteader le required to perform the oonditia,s emannited therewith under one o1 the following plans : and nitievoblou six laud 1n 010)1euco up011 three years,year tor. (2) 1f the tether (or mother, If .the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon it term In the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to reel. deuce may be satisfied by such person re. siding with the father or mother. (8) If the settler has hie permanent resi- donee upon farming land uwuod by hien In the vioiuity of his homestead, the re. quir0moute as to resideu0e may be, sidle. Med by resteon80 upon the Bald land, 1ixlnouttts'uniloo in writing o11ou(d be given to the Oommissloeer of Dominion Lauda at Ottawa of Intention to apply for 74010110. W.W,00IEY. 'Deputy of (he Minister of interior, 10,11, Uuanthe'Izod pnblient)ou of this ad. vertisement will not bo pale for. BUCCIES VACONS If you .want a really good article in the Buggy or Wagon line go to the old reliable Cobol 0arriage Builder o4, Market Square, Brus- sels, where yott will fled a firsts class assortment. Best of hand made Farm wag- ons with different widths of tires and different heights of wheels, Extra large hand made Wheel- barrows, rte-,Jtnlning Light and heavy Wheels, Repairing, rte -painting and 114( -trimming attendbd to on shortest 11ot)0e. JOHN COBER &+rxdaif.w,fd 1'l 191w jt1CT,{'i (5';1X1 BRUSSELS Go1No 80113,1 (0o1N011roe'r)r Mull05 n n1 EXpr1 ......10100 a 0t Express. 11:0511 111 14(0(1., .......... 1:44 p 111 Express - 0:02 p 41 Ir$ Express 8:01 p.111 0110, 1101(.1 fee/ afFia WALTON To Toronto To 14nderloh Express 8:41 1111 I Mxprasu , 11 :0011111 EXpr,tes_-„,,,, 8: tl. p n, Saurus: 7:47 p nn fiStl":l.Gt ,ctus Goderich The jury sittings of the high court for the °aunty of Huron concluded Wednesday afternoon of last week. Only two cases, between the same parties, went to trial, and they were tried ILS one case. The plaintiff was Bytom Rowchlte a farmer Y iesichug in the township 4,t 1Jsbuurc r 1 and the defendant, i 011111 2.10110 Sawyer, \ 1'l (L farmer tesid Ing in the township of Blausliard, Perth County. Tlhe plaintiff was em- ployed by the defendant and had the nee of a house owned by the defend- ant. Mr. Sawyer seems to have sur- lnisccl that. ]tuwelitfe was pilfering from hien and entered Rowcliffe s hone and claimed to have seen some or his goods there. The actions were for damages through 141r. Sawyer's entering the plaintiff's house, fol.' slander i4, calling 11101 a thief and a l ogue, for a balance of wages (211(1 for malicious prosecution for the theft of two bags of wheals\ of which Rowcliffe Was acquitted. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff of $350.70. Universally Proscribed for 'Hay Fever. Scarcely a doctor but 1'eC0(3101L'nds his patients to use Catarrhozone for Hay Fever. It contains no opiates, 1s antiseptic, pleasant, sure, stops run- ning.of the eyes and. nose, prevents choking sensations, 1a11gotu' and fever. No remedy is a more positive, cer- tain and permanent cure for Astlltnit, Suun1or 00. alrr)1 and Hay Fever. Be sure you gut (Jatarrhozone, Price $200 ah all dealers. Listowel Harvest, Thanksgiving Services will be hotel ou Sunday, Oct, 4th, in Oht•ist Church. Mr. Sargent, egg dealer, left a couple of eggs in the Standard office which are different front the usual oblong shape, being - as 1'o1513(1 as 1L t10I1(2 ball. 1\rbx. OLELIND DIES SUDDII:NLY.— 'Pile residents of towel anis neighbor. Hood were shocked to learn that Win. 010131nd had cried at his home in Elma at an early hoar Thursday Morning of last week, The news appeared al- 1110Rt incredible, as ho had been in town up to Wednesday evening at- tendings to his l duties gt 4(5 as 0t director of the pall ea 1 11.D1!E I3 y of his acquaint- ances saw and conversed with hilt on both days of the Show, and al- though he did nut appear to be in (lie best of health, no thought occurred to them that his active business life was to bo cut short with such terrible sud- (10ness, His death is attributed to heart failure, he having been troubled for some time with a weals heart, The deceased was in his 620111 year, and was a prominent resident of Elmo township. Hewes a member of the Council for the past two or three years, was a director of the Listowel Agricultural Society, and took a deep interest and peohnin- Ont part in allbra(ches of agriculture, including dairying, he being salesman for the Cleland cheese factory. He will be greatly mussed in the town- ship. He leaves a wife and family, for whom, as welt as his aged. :l'at'her, Robert Cleland, sr., and brothers awl sisters, the community's sympathy goes out in their' creep and sudden el'eaveulent. The funeral tool:lace on Saturday afternoon at 1.30 froml the )ate residence, lot 20, concession 4, to 1(1n1µ Centre cemetery, Go to the blood if you are to drive out Rheumatism. A. Wisconsin physician, Dr. Shoop, clues this with his Rheumatic Remedy—and with seeming success. Rub-on's, says the doctor, never did cure IRlleumatism, It is more than skin deep—it is con- stitutional, always. Because of this principal, Dr. Snoop's Rheumatic Remedyis perhaps the most popular le existence. It goes by word of mouth from. oue to another every- where. Grateful patients gladly spread results. It is 1.011 act Of human- ity to tell the sick of 4(L way to health. Tell Route sick 0(1e. Sold by all deal- ers. Seaforth A large slumber from town attended the Laurier demonstration held in Clinton. Miss Clara Pickard left last, ween for Toronto where she will resume her musical studies. A1'bhnl' )3roatlfoot•, of Elkins, W, V., is at present quite ill at the home of his mother, labs, Broadfoot, Church street. I -I. Carnahan, proprietor of the Grip Hotel, has had the necessary repairs done to the house caused by the re- cent t life, Owingto the building now occupied by the alvation Army being incon- venient for their purposes they de- sire to sell the monody and buy a smaller place, More ennverllen);•, The D IRS1U 1 nB uardofh Methodist nd' ls4 church meets s this year in Vancouver o11 the first Monday of October, Tho representatives of the London Couferelleo: are Rev. 1), llogele, of l'k't)forth, 1111'1 .1, 11, (_'11(111uwn1, ,It Lon- ' McL,',ul. of 'I'nehet.1)11h. mei will) )lune 11 mrriuu. m...1,(el11. 0(113)1' driving lheo11g11 bglmontlt'ille, 11 is horse heekoue l'lilgaoteurd told (11-11 ttwa ' and be was thrown old 4,e the hard ground and was hurt 1414150 bad- ly. Ills many friends hope to see 11111 ahaut again aeon as well as ever. A IMO: 101.1111111g Inuit )lace ea ('4ept, 221111, lvhen .lalmea 11'111114, sem of Mehl, end :Mss. \\•illis, was ulal'ried l0 411~, Mary HIlr(th0lh A77u'l(ay, dlingh- ter id' Oouo, illur 10113 'lie's, A, 1), Slue- 1(ay, ('hal( tit., by the Rev, N. Slmlw, of lsgmmo111vi1(P. Immediately slier the 1cremioly Dll'. and 11x1. 11111Js loft for Detroit, ( (11)3' will occupy theft. house 4,u Centre street on them tetall'll. Which Liniment is Bost 7 Foe muscular pains and achr's a 111X11 oily IWO 11.01011 can't ltcmal.rette N 11 —that's why ervilene beats them n. -it sinks right i4,. "1 wouldn't lir without NerViline in my louse, writes J. 13. (1(1110123, of Ahtslow11, N H .111' you hare rheumatism or 001.1 floss in the 511.118des 4,l' in tart, tin need of an honest lfuirneatt, Ner1'ilin fills the hill. 1 can recommend i highly because T have 111•00o1l that it one application of 1'(1Isn11's Metvilill there 10111)1)1' Vh'111 011111 111 ab 11'1101 bottle of ordinary liniment.” Try on of the lau'ge 25e. bottles, A. 11I11v131'884')' 8Gt'Viee0 in 11'101'(001 Methodist. ehnrc•1t 1114 S(ut'la, +(-1 4101)'111 (let, and 12111. A. pent d Ip''rel t I ,...spe,.10,1,1 to see duet the umula t ',•rel,-,'',, 1)11 31011 day LAvimm % a lea merlin(; will b(' !held. Limiloa bail' Prize li'inners in this vicinity were :- Ileree8-.lgrieultul'131 elites, gelding ur filly, 8 years, 1st J, W. D11'Lo o, Heavy I)ruught, geld- ing 4,r filly, 2 yews', let 1. 14'. 1)h'It- 101e1. 11(1114011111 -131%0111 1)1111'). with fwd. 1s1. 11',u, iloltnan, Nee ry. Foal 4,i' 1008, 1st, Win. llulutan. Carriage d3roud mare, lird. 1'1)111, Iloltuao. Single Carriage delver, 3rd WI)), Hol- man. High stepper's, :aid W, Holman. Butter leaking competition. -1,,) 77'. 19ar11n11, 1(cl'woncl ' 21111 111.8. A. Simpson, Atwood 31,1 Miss A. 1V. (]peer], loyal. l 110001' ._liobt. Thomp- son, of the 17hna rector')', received 3 fit0(0 and one. vee0nd. Newey factory 1 seemul. Contains No Oauytfo Acids. (' it's healing and drawing —that's ” wily Putuum's Corn Exh'ac1or is better than cheap (odd substitute's. insist on Putnam's Only, O Gorrie t (l, 1.. Andrew 00111133s driver to J, 1 Mw,li'tz, of \V1)1gllam, forlL handsome (' son, e Little Jean Mintage w11.0 0(1141)1113)3' t: ill i'o1• 11 couple of day's last Week but is able to be 11101)1111 again. L. 11. latins0n had the luinfortnne to give his hand a severe cut which laid e him 1121(1e fox' a few days. 1 John King, who has been clerking d in Toeswater for the past year and a half, has engaged with C. L. Andrew. Division Comb 04010 held )1 c O 1 ill town hall an Tuesday last 1h t n 1 t1 el' rope Ilan Ilona) .bldg) Holt. TWO Cases were the Patent al the docket but they were lengthy Dues, The first one was between 11. F. White and Hitt. Ashton, the latter suing fox' $80 for the abuse of a horse from his livery. This ease VMS 1170(1 before 14 jury which gave a verdict for the complainant of $18. Lawyer Morton, of 1Vingha m, acted for the complain- ant. aucl 1.1. 73. Moiphy, of Listowel, for the defendant. The ot1111' ease, Geo, Cook was suing 11. 1•. White for $22 for articles left on the hotel premises when he left, Dir. White had a contra account for which the had allowed $0 leaving judgment for lir. Cook for $18. One other case was settled out of court and two were: postpones( 10111211 the next c0111•1), Fordwich Arthur Cnwan bought a brunet mar from E. A. Sotiheru last Winter whirl has now a filly not five months al for which he bas been offered $100, :fames McLeod has 1 u'chasc. '(1 th fitacre farm onthe '2nd 100.0 f FIow ick from David C1lthers and will ns( it fol grazing purposes, Jas. Ballan- tyne has had the farm tented for the past two seasons. A meeting, of the Directors of the Fordvicll Branch Bible Society was held in the Record (Mice to make (t' rangemeut8 for the annual sleeting, Rev. ,A. 73. Dobson presiding. The resignation of the president, W1), Castell, was received and was accepted with r'egr'et. It Was decided to re- commend the following officers for the ensuing year :—President, 8. Strome ; Vice Pre)1,, Resident Ministers ; Sec. Tre(Ls., Thos. Goggin ; Directors, .A., U. Ilutchtison, J. 1t. Rogers, J. H. Johnston from the Presbyterian 01111Ch ; S. Strome, ,I. Ilowe, W. A. 3dwar.'ds from the Methodist church ; 11'. Wallace, W. F. Wade and W. Watters from. the Episcopal church. The. annual meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, Oct. 11th, when addresses are expected from. the resident minis-. tors, Rev. J. 731111 being chosen to give the principal address. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of (L hung healing, mountainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Uong14 Remedy its cura- tive properties. tickling or dry bronchial:coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough ute(lic'ine. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even very young babes. No opium, no chloroform—absolutely nothing harsh or hart:fni, It calms the dis- tressing sough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Accept; no other, De- mand Dr. Shoop's, Sold by aft deal- ers. Atwood Mrs. \Vatter Intel:well is suffering from typhoid fever. Rev, J. 0. Reid, 13. A. preached anniversary1)e 111 's 7 (l 1] Galt / Sun- d1day. on llR t3' Mrs, Scott Hamilton, 81111 con left for 11 12(100e weeks' visit with hocsister in Chicago. Contractor Cole, of Ethel, has a gang of men working on the new shed at the English Church. Thos. Thompson, of Brussels, ship- ped a car of apples from this station last week. Prices for apples are 76c to $1.00 per barrel. John Murray, of the Ott con., who iiLs been in Stratford for the past two weeks and underwent a successful operation for cataract of the eye, has returned to lois home. Anniversary services of the Atwood Methodist church will be held on Son - day and Monday, Oot. 4t11 & 6th. Sunday services mo171)111(4 at Id. evening at the usual hours and on Monday evening a 0(1111114 concert will be given in the church. Newton Large, of Owen Sound, and others will 'furnish the mash:. Miss Rhetta. Hack, of Drayton, gold medalist in elocution will give several neonate:vs. Stomach trouble would lucre quick- ly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, roller than the effect, would. come into practice. A tiny, 111si(e, hidden nerve, says Dr, Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also guess to the 111)1111) and one t0 the kidneys. 11'J1en these "in- side ucry e:s" t'a'il, then the organs must falter. De. Sheep's Restorative is directed Specifically to these failing nerves. Wi thin .13 hours 11(1)0) start- ing the Restorative i treatment patients say they realize t1 gain. Sold by 1211 dealers. Blyth Over 100 tiel:ets were sold at Blyth station for the Laurier demonstration at Clinton, O. L. Galloway and bride, of Kee- watin, visited at the .Manse for a few day's. 4.1)x'. 30111owlll', Who (44 a 11ep11ew of Rev. Mr. Small, is despatcher on the: 0. P. 11. at Keuora. The friends of 101.17. 0. Wilford will he glad to learn he has arrived ,safely at Edinburgh, S Scotland, all l :117(1 • ]9 mak- ing 11 a. lug arrangements—or h'opost-graduate work in the college thele. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday, the 11th of October. Rev. Dr, Dougall. pastor of North st. Methodist church, Goderich, has been secured for the oc- casion. On Tuesday eveuing, Oct. -0th the first debate under the literary depart- ment of the Epworth League will be held in the Methodist church. The sobjeet is "Resolved that ability is a greater factor in the production of great )'len that" circamstanets." The captains are 1). D. Orittelulon and G. Wambold. What might have: been a serious ac- cident happ(:neda4 the G. T. R. station on a recent evening whe11 the store- keeper at Shoppardton, out nine miles from Goderioh, j111014 ed ell' the moving train at Blyth and tell on his shoulder anti head. He Was cut hutnot serious- ly. He intended changing at Olin ton but was asleep whtln he got there, and the conductor cid not notice hila till Means Perfect Healing without Geis, Dust or Simoke. The "IIecla" Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused Joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years' use they will not work loose or leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel -Ribbed Fire Pot used on the "Hecla" Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style of fire pot. it will save fuel for you and give you more heat, It extracts from the fire, heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. Let its show you the red " Reels" 01111 explain oil the latest improvements in detail. Made 11 the tankers " - ,• Y b rusk r of peerless rierlilasular $ihtlfles, 412 WILTON & GILLESPIE, ` rBRC1SS�ILTSSrLLS X14 r '('11(18 "ivollnl n ouys i hat Lydia 11, I'inkhnnl's \ (,e(ll(,le Compound mired per after everything eine 11+'d. folded. Llrs, ll', 1101 u'tt, 6111 tie )tit, 14lalll(el, 11')•1 1 s to '• Lrnl 3'4(71)1, I 1( t' •l _1 .,4..,.,•,. from ieuullo vseal-nr, 5 ,i,•ep(te 1(0('74}' remedy !hell in.µ I 1 tlt1lyd fop tl'�is 11'0111)110. I ,)rely Wor..01 111111004 of better. 1 etas fast failing in health, and I was completely discouraged. " 01.1e day '1111.11,1 advised me to try Lydia D. Pinit m's Vegetable (:om- ponlld, I did !in, an)l am thankful 1.0 01.13, that it nn..../1 the (1(111'. b' Wraknc'sh, making 11(1' stivrir and well. " l'',vel T ,)(111110 who suffers from f4(. male trouble: r •l,:nldtry Lydia la. Pink- hl.n's Vegeteta. (;uropoen t." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty Pal. LydiaI- 31 1 14. l 111 [ hale 5 tiU 4,(a14( u1 ound, made fcuu 1 roots µn(1 Lt l l ,, has been 1110 standard relmely fur 44(111010 ills, and has gu ild,:ly eLa'ad 13100,311011310± ivo311e31 who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fl(11,1111 tumor:., Irregularities, peril)die (8(11118, bas ka,.•lte, that, bear- ing -dim)). feeling, flatulency, ,il3cliges- tiou,dizzine:;sor nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? 'qrs. Pinkharn Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has g'uide(l thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. the train was in motion at Blyth when 11e awoke hint, the meechs.ut half dlzed grabbed his grip and jump- ed orf the train. Au application was made to the Master i11 Chatnhei's to acrd the Satur- day Night Co, (.s co-defendants in the suit of Bradwin against Gagnier, for alleged wrongful dismissal. 1'lte Mas- ter reserved judgement. The above items appeared in the Bail & Empire and refers to the suit of A. E, Brad - win, formerly of The Standard, (again- st 371r, Galgnier, of the 'lbroutn satin- da1' N)77h1 (�51, l he 2011(100 A.dreruser reports the prize (2'inncl'o 1t1 cattle of the Scotch Shorthorns at Landon falx' : John Bat'!', Blyth, wins first on aged bull and sweepstakes. This anima. weighs some 2,400 pounds. lir. Barr also wins first 01.1 2 year-old steel'. He also secured Rest on steer calf, lot on grade cow, 1st 011 grade 2 yeas' -old heirs1, 2n31 on yearling heifer and slvcepsttlkes for grade female. The 111111naal harvest thanksgiving services for the p,01)811 of Blyth, 13e1 - grave and Auburn were held on Sun- day,201.11 alt., and -were the most in- spiring and gratifying in years. The w0(Lthel was fine, the ohut•ciles were lals11full 1 c ecnraLPcl the congregations y ' lar t the services mhearty c sµmc h 1 e o'- bt # fe,ztuir,smost libetaLl 7.'11( ecctor,It(,y, W. 11. Hartley, 11,108 ably 11001010(1 its carrying ant the services of the day by Rev. \1)111. Henderson, rector of \Viarton. Mr. Henderson coudueted the services in the morning at 13e1 - grave 1Lncd preached at, Aabar11 i11 the afternoon, mai conducted the service in the evening at 1;13'111, Mr. Hartley conducted the s(t v lees in the morning at Blyth mull assisted at Auburn in the a±10111oo11 and con,lncsed the services ill the evening at Belgrave. The offer- ings for the day was as follows .-- Blyth, $227; to be applied 011 the chinch debt ; T3e lgravc, $07,13, to be applied toward missions, and Auburn, $61.70 also for missions. Rev. Won. Henderson was the 1.(ctorofthis parish over 23 years ago, and his visit here was enjoyed by many old friends. A pain prescription is printed upon each 23c. box of Ur. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablet:'. Ask y0t11' doctor or druggist if this 401)301 a is not complete. Head pains, wonhaly pains, pains .anywhere get instant relics' from a Pink Pain Tablet, Au dealer's, Sinking Sensations Do They AfFect You ? These nuph'nsant feelings of weak- ness and collapse indicate that the sympathetic nervous system is ant of older, The cause is impairment of nerve tone, arising from failure or the 81011 µch 110 n01±00111 its wont. Acute indigestion follows mid the natural result is mental depression, and a feeling of collapse 015(1 extreme Weakness The best, because the quickest and surest core, e, is Felrozone. 1t acts at once 'upon the digestive 1511(1 assiulilnlfv0 organs—it fortifies the sLumn(it'--huakes the bleed noel, - (siting, gives s a x'1(11 red color), the hest c vulenc 0 of health, "1fo1'ten years i suffered acutely from stomach tremble," writes Max- well 'Thompson, of Toledo, '(.1. always hada headache and drill feeling after meals. My appetite (vas poor, and 1 didn't relish food, It: was all due, to a weak, defective stomach. 1 read about 1 , 1 eozon0 and Ordered six boxes from 1111' druggist. It was 100 !time at all bci'ore I felt *much better, and 1v(m 11 all the ler reeo11e was us - e(1 1 rosily took a new lease of life, I am stronger, brighter, and feel more like work than before trying Fels 1211-0111', tt is aL splendid tonic, the best less lover uat-(1." Forrest -me is tmeivall031 f1) spring stomach ailments, try it and be con- vinced, Sold by all druggists (11 500, boxes. l [h' 12'1114)1(1 1.alnier`,. conal)' 0)101 .n 1l 1 ,3(2 11 • 1 .a (l'ioutreal. f r s n8'haets funeral took 11: , , "I ,(1„0115-.t1 and was 1,kg1ly 1u- (.1 1. ,1 1) '..115014( lei the reei't',an 1';03(1 01 the Bank o : 1 ' c Jt. Iipiuihatthe ha': 1'14(11)0 through. The c?, P, R. ('eulldhnuse :u \','hb wood was horned With two el: Iurendiaristn is,eu1per'tecl, 1.1ts1111ib 01c:10/0.01013 111 (.4110111: -.: 811,1 1114( feta-. 117r, ,110 110 0/miter 18 111003er Irl 11 (perlt . 'i„ 1 +hi+ 1.1p rhe l: a cold dro(:,g lata ?(1 f: tie, peti. .,11173 ('t' 1') i 13 ben. 10 eleve' t'alids' AS1131 'Pattie.) called 1'r(:'rrtltien, 1'reventics :frit eleo line 1'03 1'evet'luh 1hd(h•du. Tetkr Nrevenlu nil the uveae 0111g(' le head all' 5111 )01(10, 124,8111' •lit-1Mr,e. All ih'a1vt,, DIVIDEND NOTICE The Metropolitan Bank Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of Two per cent, for the current quarter (being at the rate of Eight per cent. per annum) on the capital stock of this Bank, has been de- clared, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office and Branches of the Bank, on and after Oct. 1st, 1908. 13y order of the Board, W. D, ROSS, General Manager. Toronto. Au1=c1'111 27th, 11111~. GGIE 24 0) Businn Yt uoiels .1 full gChe :uperl,a yual- i 3', worknl.e8s(mi,.111 ..(npaud 121(1)1,1rout(0 11of1 the tt44(74 ,'7 �Ul that Kwan & Co. tura out. <.>nr business l4, 11::n:)ut; every year and 1)111 Huggies have improvements this }enc that they never had before. Our steel tires are all)ust (lenble the thickness of any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best aril Make 11take with extra deep rims. Have you seen our clash support braces ? They can't be surpassed, so (bete will be no more brake!) dashes. 'rids is (1 preventative, Our !'ops are of the 131..5'1' and we have a patent for the back stapes to prevent them from getting 71,1,00 4,r flapping. 'Trimmings are the very best of No, 1 leather with eight different designs in workmanship. We use the lead and color paint µu(1 the best standard Varnish 011 the market. Both Light and Heavy Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Y.uggies of 'nil kfuds. A peep into our two large show 1001110 will convince any skeptic that what we say 10 true. Also a number et Form Wagons always on baud made from the very best of seas0ued timber. Oak gears, oak wheels and spokes and heavy maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you swish, ids0cany height of wheels. Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new at small cost. Our famous Artist, WM. C. SMITH, is here in attend- ance to repaint your old buggy and mak" it look the same as new. It would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in Ewan's paint shops aucl show rooms and see what we have and what we 10111 out, You Will be convincell to buy both buggies and 11(013000 and get your buggy repainted at (:van & Co's up. to -date Carriage Shop. Cell and )'et our terms and Vises and buy ir0m a )('111)17,' tit nl and support home industry. SPECIAL RIGS MADE TO ORDER. E WA N & CO., BRUSSELS PRICESEDUCED ON AL1, r .tl .^g3' s r a 1, to clear broken sizes in Chocolate, !White and Tan Oxfords. Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, Ladies' Chocolate Oxford, Misses' Chocolate Oxfords, Aliases' White Oxfords, regular pit 50, re(lneell to $2.10 "2.00, " 1.00 ,( 1.50, " 1.25 "( 1.00, " 80 All must go to make room for Fail Goods now arriving. Harness Department Single Harness 'Seduced for 80 clays— Best Bubber Mountings, regular &80,00, reduced to $25 00 Nickle or Imitation Rubber, 15 00, 12.00 ( Balance of Dusters reduced to cost to clear.. Fly Nets, Rubber Bugs, Trunks and Satchels Lowest prices. tBri or sale, comfortable Dwelling Hoene, nicely sheeted, nice grounds, fruits, &c, L C. F UC HA IRDS NAS ZONAL oiler r OUR rsE., "FLAKING LL° in now in full operation. It will save you looney to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding hones 'Try our New BREAKFAST FOOD .. 74orneoita Made from White Wheat, I:Iealthflll and Invigorating, Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour is still tusking the load for Bread Flours. r- 1111 kinds of feed kept constantly on hand. .df.,. R N E RU$ Si L.s