HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1908-10-1, Page 4TI11J1t$UAY, ()CT itgR t, won Si WORM II URR RR �� l.� III�11 AT CUNTMN A Great Demonstration Well Managed Wednesday of last week was a red letter Clay in the history of Clinton and Liberalism—it being the occasion of th visit of Premier Laurier and lion. George P, Graham, Minister of Rail- ways and Canals. The crowd was a big one, variously estimated, but probably the correct figures would be at least 6,000, No pnina hod been spared fa the very elaborate decorations with flags, ban- ners, butting, &e., and the town ear - thinly looked gay. There was no shortage of music and in addition to Highland Piper McDon- ald, from Seaforth, and MacDonald, of 1Vingbana, there were brass bands from Stratford, Mitchell, Zurich, Wiuglianl and Clinton who supplied an A 1 pro- gram The procession formed at the G. 'P. R. depot and after a march arrived in due course at the Park where a large plat - forth Was erected and seated in front of the grand stand. At the postofflce corner and at the Park a chorus of well trained children, carrying small flags, sang "The Maple Leaf" and "Men of the North." - Sir Wilfrid Laurier was presented with an address from the town Council and another by the Liberal Associations of Huron, Bruce and Perth, Two beautiful briquets were also handed the Premier by little Misses Madeline, daughter of Dr. J. W. Shaw, and Doris, daughter of F , 11. Hodgens. The pretty lassies received a kiss each from Sir Wilfrid as recognition of his thanks. Ivtany prominent Liberals were pres- ent and occupied seats on the platform. Dr, Shaw made a model chairman and the program, carried out in its entirety, reflected credit on the well laid plans of the Committee. Short, well tithed ad- dresses here delivered by the Liberal candidates of the three Hurons, M. Y, McLean. of Seaforth ; R. Holmes, of Clinton ; and A, Hislop, of East lem- ma. The Premier was introduced by a well prepared addresss by M. G. Cameron, ex. al P. P., of Goderieb. Sir Wil- frid spoke for nearly an hour blending humor, facts, historical references and optimistic features of Liberal rule and was cheered again and again. Hon. Geo. P. Graham, the well known Minister of Railways and Canals, gave the closing address, being intro- duced by W. H. Kerr. of Brussels. Mr. Graham is a clear thinker and a fine speaker who held the attention of his large audience to the close although many were standing for hours, The great gathering was brought to a close with chrers for the Ring, Sir Wil- fricl, Hon. Mr. Graham and the candi- dates for Huron, Bruce and Perth. Rain threatened during the afternoon but resulted in nothing more than the falling of a few drops. Ample provision was made in catering to the wants of the inner -man. the churches supplementing the dining rooms of the hotels. A double male quartette was given in good style at the close of Sir Wilfrid's address. The Lineral nominees of Huron and the adjacent ridings should profit on Oct. 26th by the Clinton Demonstration. REPORT OF C. E. CONVENTION, A Good Meeting—Encouraging Reports. The annual convention of the Mait- land Presbyterial C. E. Union was held in Bluevale Sept. 15111. President Rev. 1. J. Hastie, of Bel - grave, occupied the chair. The afternoon session opened w.th devotional exercises led by the Pres- ident, after which an interesting and instructive program was presented and called forth considerable practical dis- cussion. The following contributed the pro- gram :—A paper on "The Duty of the Present" by Miss Agnes Aitken, Bei - more; au adch',s< on "The Yoke of Youth" by Rev. G. P. D000all, White- church ; a paper on Y. P. Societies and Missions by Alex. D, Grant, Brus- sels ; an address ou "Keeping the Fire Burning" by Rev. J. Burnett, }3, A., Molesworth ; a paper on "Young Men and the Church" by R. S. Meburuey, Winghsm. 'L'hese papers and addresses were all excellent and were given clos- est attention, and they could not but be profitable to those who bea•drthem. Iu the evening Rev. 'Thos. H, Mit- chell, of London, gave a very instruc- tive and inspiring address on "Two Bigconfronting Problems s n em, o fronting the Can- adian Church and our part in their solu- tion." 'rhe first great problem is Horne Missions The greatness of our country and the fast increasing population de- rnnnd that in order to save it we must act quickly. The second great problem is Foreign Missions, We learn the neede of the heathen world from re- turned ltliSSloilal•iee, and by studying the Histories of those countries that have of ayet c u sreceived the lightoE the gospel. 'There are three ways in which we can help the cause, viz s -1st, By preparing more students who are good it Live workers ; and, By stirring' up the people to give to the support of lmissionaries—we have not half enough missionaries and we need money to send more ; 3rd, By prayer. Our Master de- pends on us to send the gospel. Some may go,some may the e a stirto pec 1 all YYi P aatl pray. During the evening' the choir of the Blaevale Presbyterian church very kind- ly contributed a number of selections of music which added greatly to the smcoess of the convection. Between the two sessions the business inet'liilg of the Bxecntiee was held, There were present r Rev. T. J. llitstie, Pres. ; Rev.G P. Duncan, Rev, A. C, Wishart, Rev. W. 3, •West and IC. Mae - Donald. The following i'eeonlnloltdations Were ,x..,,.. ,1, a,,,::; x... .vraLi Axrext.'!t44,404,4Y- ..'Mit ,..)..., Pt,-,A.=n,.0-u.MNt .,roe.., .n.. . t.w�� F '...'F:.:. l'�'7,h�r'. GS^..S-s"r.. .,.'b�iF=rS;"f�'k:...-r,Mea, I. passed by the Plieoutive and at the , rg ' 7". enlieuner Le Aillie wee burned on Clje X tsse. "dost1 moved and seg where they wet duly j j "` �tv g monad and seconded, were nuat.ined, Rev. CJlkiccr:. er B u8 els ; igt4 `re3 eq'S�1 IQ Rev, A. C. 1Vi+hart, Brussels ; 1 ire• 7Sp �Dw st til Ei Pres„ Rev. G. P. Dtincab, Whttp• you know from daft capes church ; Rec. $eiey, Miss Kate Mnv- . Y p Donnie, Teeewater; Cor,•Sec'y., Rae, rience,athome orinthe barber W, A. Bremner, Ripley ; 'frees., Rt'm shop, that the queation Is — " Why doesn't•a razor hold Rev,C. M, Rutherford, Iaungannun its edge uniformly from heel to head without honing and Rev H. 111, Smith, Khlloss , R, S. Me. Burney, 14'ingl cute : itis' Alive Day- safety, with the certainhether itaxt sof i� heti, Ethel , .l1 is, ()live Stoat, B lev.t end—Contributions—That the Pres- ope blades, or the ordinary fi v I, byteiial Union cuutiuue responsible Pen -bladed razor does not for alter the question. You want f tat' $souish C fir Hume Dif ,siunary the comfort and satisfaction of w , in British Columbia, and $25o Fur a clean, smooth shave every support of five native pl•eacheta iu the % I tureigu Held. morning with the confidant 3rd—That seat ex lenses incurred bythe knowledge that your razor I will be ready for instant ase Union be paid by the treasurer. the next•timne needed. At the evening sleeting Rev. W, J. The Carbo Magnetic razor le West presented the Treasurer's report the only razor unconditIon- which was very encouraging. Lite lit- any guaranteed to do this. anew being in a very healthy condition' Thirty years of study on the Rev. Mr. Duncan moved a hearty razor situation has perfected vote of thanks to all who had taken ' part to the program, the readers of thea- new secret process of different papers, the choir, the friends EIEOTRIQ TEMPERING that of the chinch for their hospitality and positively merges every par - to Rev. T. H. Hite:sell for his excellent ' ticle of carbon (the life of steel) address, and the meeting was closed into the metal—giving a dia- with the beuedictiuu. mond-like hardness.uniformlyt I throughout the blade—some- thing absolutely impossible As Others Think , with fire tempered steel—used 1 in making all other razors. 1 But test this razor in your Everyone In Brussels has a right to I own home—or if you. prefer, his own opinion have your barber use it on you, Give us your name— While everyone has a right to his or call and see the "Carbo own opinion, yet it is wise to always Magnetic" razor, and we will. consider what others think and profit. state our proposition for test-' b _ it. i Ing these razors without IN tithing makes life so miserable, or obligation on your part to interferes so widely with the useful- purchase, together with our Hens of the average per'sou, its indiges- free booklet " HInts on Shay. t.iun. and it is well for tis to give )'air l Mg." This book illustrates consideration to what others think the correct razor position for about this remarkable affliction, ;shaving every part of the face. James Fox is positive that hi ' } q It Dai-o-nastotnach tablets they Have an local Agents, Wilton et absolute cure for indigestion and the t, annoy disagreeable symptoms that follow this disease, such as distress after eating, coated tongue, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, flatulence and nervousness. They sell Mi-o-na with satisfaction guaranteed er money back They be- lieve iu it and so may you. Political Pointers The drop letter rate was reduced from two cents to one cent. The inland letter rate was reduced from three cents to two cents. The Dominion Government has reduced the rates of postage and extend• ed the service. 'The Ietter rete from Canaria to the UnitedStates was reduced from three cents to rwo cents, The Newfoundland Legislature was dissolved, and Monday. Nucenlber 2nd, was named es the date of the general electi ins, The letter tate front Canada to Great Britain, and to every portion of the Brit- ish Empire, has been reduced from bre cents to two cents. Premier Roblin is what one might call a gusty orator. He resembles one of his own Western blizzards—a whole lot of wind raging over a whole lot of space. William Lyon Mackenzie smashed the family. compact and it looks as though his grandson will give a similar jolt to the Seagram family ascenclauey in Waterloo, The rate on Canadian newspapers and periodicals sent from publishers in Can. ada to subscribers in Great Britain and other parts of the British Empire has been reduced from eight cents per pound to one quarter of one cent per pound. Lie rate ou newspapers and periodi- cals sent by the general public in Can. ada to Great Britain and parts of the 131111511 Empire has been reduced from eight cents per pound to four cents per pound, or 5o per cent. In connection with the last-luentioned reform the Hon, Rodolphe Lemieux ob tained from the British Pustuhaster-Gen- eral a reduction of the rate of postage on British :magazines and newspapers coring into Canada from etght cents per pound to two cents per pound. There will be a minister of Labor in the Lamar cabinet after the general election. Itis the first Federal admnhs- tration to recognize the special interests of the workingmen. The preceeding Government paid no attention to the great industrial problem, Sir Wilfrid at Strathroy : "I swore that I would give to the task the whole of my life, my soul, my body, and that I have done. My days Cali 001 be very long now, but whether long or short I shall ever 11eeaure as the most holy thingmy in life the couhdeuce which has been placed in me by men who were not of my kith and kin," Iu addition to all this, the Govern- mentllas converted a deficit of $1731,352 tinder Conservative management into surplus of $1'1ot,827, It has thus paved the way for rural nail delivery, and for other reforms, an enterprise which was impossible with a clefieit of three.quarters of a million is possible where there is a surplus of a million dollars, It is easier to write the words "Rural Mail Delivery" in a political pro- gram than to administer a department in such a manner as to render rural mail delivery practicable, The Dominion Government has caused a summary cf the new law re- lating to elections to be published. Some of heprincipal roves ons are t t provisions t the following, That it is made a criminal offence, punishable by a heavy fine, to take down, mutilate or deface any pro clammier', notice, ,voters' list or other document required to be posted up under the provisions of the net, No person can make a contribution on be. half of any candidate except through the agent of such candidate, The bribery provisions uy 111 e r y the act re made ouch P a t more severe. Canvassing by persons residing outside of Canada is made an indictable offence. Printing offices are required to give the address of the printer and publisher on every tress of printed material inyued in connection with an election. The making of a false statement with regard to the ersonal character of a candidate renders the person making it liable to a fine of not lass than on. Contributions for politi- cal purposes by any company or associa- tion are made an indictable offence, The C. N. It has0rderedfifLeen thous- and tons of steel rails at the Soo mills. Political crime will soon become un• papular in Nova Scotia. Barre, a Con• servative worker. is 11010 awaiting trial in Colchester for debnuchiug the electors with liquor introduced into the riding as "choice tomatoes," Now the Con- servatives have retaliated and secured the conviction of Daniel McLaughlin, chairman of the Board of Revisers, for his failure to return the name of eight properly qualified Conservative voters, He has been fined $400 anal Sass costs, or in default he must go to gaol for three months. The Vermilion Alberta, Signal, says t "As a contrast to his magic lantern views purporting todiscluse the infamies of the department of the interior iu con- nection with the disposal of timber limits it plight be suggested to Mr. Antes that he procure a few pictures of the crowds lined up before the different lend offices in the eaur,try on the morning of Sept. T. awaiting their turn to secure home - stench; anti pre-etnptlons out of the 30,000,000 acres which became available under the terms of Hon. Frank Oliver's land bill, and throw then on the screen over the title of "The land for the Settler." A snowfall is reported at Calgary. Sir James Wbituey soiled for Canada Monday on the Compania. The Brockville electric tight station was damaged by lite and the town will be in darkness for a few clays, Charest, the Montreal road foreman, was sentenced to three rears in the peni- tentiary for defrauding the city. It is reported. that W. G. Elliott'. who died in Brantford, left $5,000 to es- tablish a ward in the John H. Stratford Hospi tat. North Waterloo Liberals floulinlated Mackenzie Ring for the COM 01011S, and North Wellington Liberals nominat- ed Alex. Martin. London Conservatives chose Major Beattie. While asking the C. P. R. ticket agent at the Central depot. Ottawa, for a wage check he was expecting, W. 14, Cassidy, was taken suddenly 111 with hemorrhage and died before he could be moved to the Hospital. If everything else in the house did its share of the work as well as `Black fight' stove Polish very few women would complain of the housework. "Black Knight" does away aY evwitherlasting the v verlast` in g rubbing and polishing. It shines quickly and the hottest fire can't dull its bright, fresh polish. g Always ready for use for Stoves, Grates and other Ironwork. It's the best polish and the biggest can for the money, send dealer's name and 101 for full sine can If you can't get "Mack ititight" in your town. The P.1. mum co. LIMITED. HAMILTON, Ont, i4 Cuero 13i1i1. The 11 ie escaped with '!1t11-u1ty. Me the von ,1dto \agust a luloll 11010010 13111 udlr,tge receipts limn the street reilwny aggregated' $3' 2", 300, The Termite Yoe tie I,ibertnls Associa• tier) decided 111.11 p... .131 over folia' years of 33313' 111031 1 !ht. be eligible tar olein bend], 11. George 11a,,bnnld wits sentenced to 1103'3311 Year,' ill•pii•'ttlnn•nt 1ui' In, 'r sa3.0 1 it; I.y 131 1833 C01111 011 01 St, Cath- arines. The arson charge wasdisinissed, Women's Period of' Pain. Regularity of the system cctu only be secured. by maintaining strong healthy circulation. If feeble, rue - down, nervous, be sure that circula- tion is pout The uaturalresultie con- gestion that exacts so severe a penal- ty. 'Besides being a food former and nerve tonic, Nerrozone adds addition- al vigor to the heart and ensures strong blood circulation. This is the only means of preventing congestions that cause pilin, headache and nerve tveakness. The 1011010 system is re- newed and fortified, with strength, vigor and endurance. For girls and women nothing equals 1'erl'ozoue, 50e. at all dealers. Sit Wilfrid Laurier addressed ten thousand people 0 Berlin, Ont, on Thursday, and auuouuced Isis intention to appoint a separate Minister of Labor. Mackenzie Ring, the candidate, was well received. Emergency Danger When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens on the Breathing Organs a Life is Threatened There tune tinges when allyomei out- fit is worth a life trail haying it at hand will save a lif e, no safer preeau- tkcm can be suggested than calling at Jas. Fox's drug store and getting a supply for use in following cases. When the ohilcl shows best sign of croup a breath of Hyalite' through the inhaler will check tate trouble pet'nna- uently. Whets through catching cold you seem to be choking up, difficulty to breathe, pain or soreness over the hugs and other sympton1s of pncu- 100131 t, the instant relief from .Hyome( air is marvelous. It penetrates quickly to the inner recesses of the bronchial tubes aucl Iungs where no liquid or moist medi- cine can reach. When all asthmatic condition pre- sents unusual wheezing and oppressed breathdng. Hyotiei will bring rest, complete outfit $1.00. Exeter Will. Knight returned last week to continue lits studies in the Londou College of Medicine. Frank ,f. Knight ]las returned house from Yorkton where he spent six weeks with his brother Fred. The trip evidently did Mr. Knight con- siderable good as he looks touch better than before he event away. The little sixteen year olcl son of Mr. and Mrs. Robbins of the Lake road, fell into the creek and becoming en- tangled 10 the weeds and long grass, WESS Clrowneel before help emu ved. The body was found a few initiates after the accident. The home of Dr. and Mr's. Wallace Mason, Toronto, 1Va5 the scone Wed- nesday of last 10e0.11 of a very pretty wedding oaten their claughter, Pansy J.Mason, h B. ..r>~ vv as united in mar- riage t0 Lorne Dune Fear, son of Bev. and 111.. Feta, of Exeter,. The (sere- lucuy was pelforwed at 2 o'clock by Chancellor Burwash, of Victoria Uni- versity, assisted by the groorn'sfathor. Mr. and MIrs. Fear will make their home in Atnhesstburg, where Mr. Fear has a prominent position with 0. large dredging firm. The two young lads who played a, violin and mandolin on the streets several evenings were being looked for by their father a Mr. Perllh, of Detroit The father had. brought the boys over to Loudon to play during the Fair and one day they skipped away and got as far as Exeter. An item to the London paper stated that the father wits looking for the boys, and he was communicated with and sante up here for his runaway children. .Reeve A. Q. Dobler received .the slid news of the death of his another, Mrs. Jane Bobier, at Detroit, where curring the past ten years she has tirade her home with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph F. Welts. The deceased was 76 years of age, and four weeks prior to her death visited her son here and was in apparently good health, Thursday morning site was t'he victims of tt which par - al tia stroke h caused 1 de y ti r to to ah. eeeseeseesesmismesimates PPL TED 11 Stomach trouble fa but n symptom M. al it not el itself a true di. -ma.•, We think of 1)ys1 epsla, Ileartbur'17, and hldhfes111111 as read discos 5, yr; they tare symptoms only of a curtain s +edtiu l'rro ail•IiI nothing site, 1t wits In, lei teat W t loreetly led no. Sbaoy 1' the (leat,. iittt 1111W ('.1)'popular Stomach L,•medy- l+ ! twui1'. Going direct to the gemarli nri len, else, 1 n0ng111 that sueacss sad 111)01'lu lar. Shoopami his Restorative, 1Y111,- out that oriental anthighly vital principle, no Ouch lasting accomplishments were over to be had. Por stomach distress, bloating, blifousness, bad breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoop's Rostorativo—Tablets or Liquid—and see for your. soli what it can and will do, Wo sell and cheer. hilly recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" Mrs. Bottler wars born in Canada and most of her life was spent near Chttt- hitnl. Iter husband, the late Arthur Bobiel', died about 16 years ago. The immoral took place from the residence ofher daughter, service being held at the house and the 10111aine taken by train to Dresden for interment. Are You Drowsy after Meals 2 Is there a fulness in your stomach -- a drowsy, lazy desire to sleep—this isn't natural in healthy folks and only occurs when the liver is torpid. You need a stimulating tonic—need Dr, Hamilton's Pills to stir your liV er and put life into sleepy organs You'll feel brisk and lively—you'll eat, digest and sleep well after regulating with Dr. Hanhiltcna's Pills. No medicine sal universally used, so mild, so ante to benefit as Dr, Ilatlailton's Pills. Sold by all dealers in 25e. boxes. LEADING FALL FAIRS Brttssele..... .....,, Oct. I--2 Kirk ton Oct. I-2 Lueknow Oct. 1-2 Fo•dwich Oct. 3 Tiverton Oct. 6 Teeswater Oct 6-7 Dungannon Oct.S Underwood Oct, 13 The People's Column VAIOANTEDt—A person with some nl011e3, to VW john in an extremely profitable business, in whroh large profits can be made without risk. References given. Investigate. L Box 24, Brussels, Ont. COMFORTABLE COTTAGE, stable and 34 acre of hind for stile, Turnberry street, North, Brussels. Good well, fruit trees, &m. Possession could be given at come. For further particulars as as price, terns &c., apply on the premises. ALEX. 31 oLAUOBLIN. 7.12 STRAYZD from the premises of the under- signed, Lot 28, Co,,. 11, Grey, 011 0r about August 1st, 0 good Leicester owes and b lambs. The lambs have long tails. Any information lending to their recovery wilt be thankfully received. LUNE C. SPBTRAN, 111-4 OIone iefy P, 0: DESIRABLE PROPERTY for sale in the Village of Ethel, consisting of j acre of land upon which Is n comfortable brick house, with brick kitchen and frame woodshed ; also stable. A quantity of small £rote. Possession at alma if required, For further particulars apply to T. 1CP5TlFER, Lot 10, Oon.7, Grey. Ott 02.01t SALE 0E10 RENT.—The undersigned., offers his well located property in Brussels for Salo or to rent. Thele are 04 acres of land With comfortable house, with cellar, stable, 01,111ard, well, &o. Possession of Aug. 15th. For prim), terms, and other information apply to JAS. DUNFORD Clinton or T13E POST Brussels. TEI08. 1)11E1r0110, Langdon, North Dakota. 44 ACRES OP 01101053 LAND for sale an IdoK1liop boundary, adjoining Walton village, There is a frame house, ermilord, well, windmill, &o., on the premises. I t is all seed- ed down and is a desirable property. Poor health the reason for selling. Icor farther par- ticulars as to )rice, terms &c., apply o1 the premises to DLINCAN Mo0IIAI(.4. 52.11 1, l�-,`�r;•.:7'•=mat=�j...�-- i,"'E�'a6�iv=d6���. Attends the Best ! rI GEpITihAL STRATPORD. ONT.,✓ is recognized as the Largest, Best f and Most Successful practiced j9 ess>,as wane eeseese Y y gyrase,* fa— training school illd. l \Vestorn Ontario, q', Three demi rim en ituatiu"' •yCommercial, ShorthandIT Telegraphic133 Our ra yes met r 19g dnat s i e good. positionsaid foro to the front. write Po• o u' t free catalogue, may you will find 11 intmrest• d3' f'j g fog. You may enter at any time. r� Elliott & McLachlan, td Principals. Ti The best Canadian wheat, the cleanest and. most modern mills, the most skilled. flour -makers and the most thorough purifying process known to milling, all combine to give tit F`� Lia tl% Royal i �. X �i Hour those baking qualities which make -it the choice of disct'iltitilzti!tl. liuu3e— wives everywhere. Cheaper Flours cost you more in the end. - Give Royal Household a fair trial and you will never go bade to other brands. If your -grocer hasn't it, he will get it for you if you -insist. Ogilvie Flour Mils Co., Lid. 1V1ONTREAL. Notice! N011015 is hereby given that n Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of tate County of Huron on Thursday, the 8t11 day of October, A. D. 1008, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111,, at the Town Hall, Brussel., to hoar and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' hist of the Municipality of Norris for 1008. All persons Saving business at the Court are required to attend at the said thno and piece. Dated this 10th day of Sept., A, D.1008, WM. OL ARK, Clerk of Morris. Bodmin l� WORKS is • 11ead-quarters l'or fresh, Fare, No. 1 Lime. Highest reeomuxeuds given as to the quality of it, having proven itself No. 1 on Government buildings. 25oer p Bushel, Delivered Write or Telephone to A. NICHOLSON & SONS, Belgrave 8 �1!IlBllfl rvssels Evporator Ou and after Friday,, September 11111 200. PER E3A :.:' will be paid for all good paring Apes de- livered at the Factory. No small or soft apples war3ted and if brought will have to be culled out or taken glome as there's no market for them. LINO. CUNNINGHAM, PROPRIETOR with leadblg hnsinosa houses se await only gr•at1111lt1B. s LOOSE-LEAF LEO GER 4 and all modern eines methods p� ;� which ensure rapid advance- Sy 4 GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in ` °merle, who attended the Antal. .,� or's School, vkd Three Optimum—Stenography, Com• q morolal, Telegraphy. ' Enteranyday. Write for particulars. 6 Fall term opens Sept let t'Sl 0 WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 11 Geo, Bottom Principal. gam, usto ,y4y.tY,her. ZU,,8,WAkUAW., XX'.d4 meat, itThis School bases its claim E for Support upon Merit alone IELLIOT7,' i � OC TORONTO. ONT. Has high grade courses, superior 311 facIIitIcs and unsurpassed teaching talent, Hundreds of Btu- t dents Ko 011 annunlly'fro t iritis eiollego 1)Q�� til 330631 ppo1lti005. 1,3100 a 1113106 yeti byy for profitable onpinynlout. Wo wail do It right. Catalogue free, linter 31 any time. �q W..1. ELLIOTT, dD 00r. Torino &Alexander sts„ Termite, rt Royal Line M - TURBINE STEAMERS ---- o -- MONTREAL To LIVERPOOL. Virginian sails " Sept. 25 Oct. 22' Oct, 2 Oct. O Tonfsieln snits80,Viutorinn salty Oct. t 13ov, fs Corsican snits Oct. 10 Nov. I& MONTREAL TO GLASGOW 12'eepmdnn soils )opt, 20 081.21 lbninn sa11s. Oa 11 Deb. 111 Grampian soils ... . Oct. 10 Nov. 7 Pretorinn sails Oct. 17 Nov, 14 MONTREAL TO HAVRE d< LONDON Parisian rail) Sept.. l0 — Siciliml Oot. 10 -Nuv, 18 For sailings, lists and full information apply W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels. SHIER SCHOOL Jane, July and August leads into our Fall 'Perm without any break. Enter any time. Now Catal0gne free• Write for it to -day. CENTRAL =NEU COLLEGE The Largest, most Reliable of Its kind, W. 11. SHAW Principal •.Longe & Gerrard stn„ Toronto INGER. ,SEWING MACHINES /i/ GS ARE THE seer' Machines may be seen at 14toil<A.Y & SHAW'S Hardware Store', 13russels. .Easy payment system inay be arranged for. I also handle a to tale Nordhei - m or Piano.. S. CARTER, AGENT Air Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works Dan got any kind of Salt they require, Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels • y\ •