The Brussels Post, 1908-9-24, Page 6y,1,.1,.1„1-14,+ •+'t' -t+1-1-1,.1..1-1,1' * F='clshioin ii>lYts. 5° 4 tretet'•t•'3nta ineentat.iet ke:•draafei-t FADS AND FANCIES. Prevailing bat styles are driving uut puffs. Empire aprons are effective fur small girls. Cuff ruffles are as throat frills. Muffs for the approaching season are immense. An air of severity marks the handsomest of the gowns, Many fashion prophets predict a 'green” winter. Pure olive oil may be used to clean a black chip hat, Jumpers still hold their owe, especially for girls. Silk stockings aro much more commonly worn than a year ago. Green is the artistic color for home decorations this year. Sealskin promises to be the fav- orite fur for the coming fall. Stripes have asserted themselves tremendously in Madras waists. A great many colored and black coats are seen wish white skirts. Scarlet and blue macaw wings grace a good many of the simple hats. Short skirted costumes hang as straight and as limp as the long ones, Next season's styles almost sure- ly promise long and tight fitting .sleeves. For either house or street wear, frock and shoes match in correct ccstumes. Handsome pompadour silk para- sols are lined with green to give ad- ded protection to the eyes. • Buttons are used on the latest gowns and costumes to an extent unheard of in fernier seasons. Among furs, squirrel, dyed a bril- liant brown, will make some of the handsomest winter garments. It is probable that peau de silk, a favorite eight or ten years ago, will be popular again this fall. Among the materials for smart tailored waists, ponge and madras are both enjoying a wonderful vogue. The latest vagary of the scarf is one of mercerized material, such as cotton voile, printed wash net, or half silk gauze. Foreign letters tell of extreme simplicity in the costumes of the most fashionable women at the big spas and seaside resorts. Cream white madras is often used for bedroom curtains where econo- my is desired. It comes out of the wash with flying colors. Favorite neck ruches for street wear are composed of wide, soft black ribbon, with wide white frills at top and bottom, Buttons with mirror centres, Pimmed with gold, are popular in aris, and promise to make their way to this country soon. A white hat may be cleaned by scrubbing with a nail brush dipped in warm, soapy water and then cov- ered with white of an egg, beaten to a froth. The style of hats to match the gown is a thing of the past. A con- trasting color to harmonize is the latest thing from Paris. A new buttoned oxford has come in rather late, to be worn with the lingerie dresses, and colored stock- ings are fashionable with it. A favorite color just now is a de- licious shade of apricot, which blends admirably with the fashion- able black hat of immense dimen- sions. The high girdle of fancy Parisian silks and velvets is much worn, but it is becoming only to those with long and slender figures. There is a peculiar charm about the white hats of soft, pliable straw simply trimmed with bows of white or delicately colored ribbon. The kid waistcoat, made of limp leather and elaborate with braid, Promises to have a great vogue when the cool days come. Some of these waistcoats are hand painted. No longer is plain stitching the principal decoration of the tailor made coat. Whether it be of cloth, linen, or silk it is trimmed either with braid or with straps or bands of different materials. SATISFIED, popular as "Please, sir," piped the tiny cus- tomer, whose head scarcely reach- ed the counter, "father wants some oak varnish." "How much does your father want, my little roan 7" asked the shopman. "Father said yon was to fill this," said the little fellow, handing over a half -gallon can. It was duly filled, and handed over. "Father will pay you on Satur- day," said the recipient casually. And then the face of the shop - man grew dark. "We don't give credit here," he said• "Gimme back the can I" Meekly the little lad handed back the can, which was emptied, and • handed back to •him with a scowl. "Thank you, sir," he said, "Fa- ther said you'd be sure to leave enough round the sides for him to finish the job he wants to do. And I think you have, sir.». A Pt1YSICAL WRECK WAITING FOR A FOIt7'UNE. --- fir. Blinkey Not Worrying Over It, but All Ready for It, Like many another man, Mr. Blinkey is always hoping that some- thing will turn up. Saes an inted,- gent man and he knows perfectly well that there isn't one chance in iseven hundred and eighteen thou- , sand million billion that he'll ever get a dollar that he doesn't work for and earn; and still he's always hoping and thinking that something might happen. And so when he gets to the office in the morning ho looks in the let- ter box there, not really with the expectation of finding a fortune, but nevertheless thinking that there might be something; not disap- pointed if there isn't, but wishing that he might find there a check for Ia million dollars from somebody or !somewhere, or notice of some for - i tune that had been left to him that 1 he was now to come and claim. It's just the same when he goes home at night. He's been away all day, time enough for forty things to happen, for forty for•tuiles to come iu, and he knows there hasn't any come, and still it is not an ab- schttely impossible thing, and 'so A flesideot of Ottawa he's always kind hoping that he'll hear some good news when he Plods Relief is Pe-fill-lla, goes home. He never does, he finds everything ingoing along there placidly; there R. RENS ST. JOAN, 210 St. hasn't been any fortune sent in or Patrick street, Ottawa, Ont., brought in, and he knows they'd Can., writes: speak of it if there had been ; but "I believed a year ago that I could stand anything. I worked sometimes he says to Mrs. Blinkey okin 1 bard, kept irregular hours, and did 1 "Anybody leave us two million not mind the loss of a few meals, dollars to -day?" but in six weeks I had changed to a physical wreck. "No," says Mrs. Blinkey smiling - `Eight bottles of Peruna brought ly"One million l" back my strength." "One Mr. A. O. Harding, 603 W. 146 "Half a million, maybe," says St., New York City, formerly one ' r y of the leading druggists of Prescott, lir. Blinkey. Ont., has been presented with a No, nor half a million, says I1Irs. B. twenty-five year Medal of Honor in "Perhaps it was a hundred thou - Odd Fellowship. He writes as f ol- sand dollars. We could do with lows : that." "Ever since I have been handling "No, nor 8 hundred thousand." Peruna, I have had a fine trade. Once a family buys a bottle, I am key."Not a dollar?" says Mr. Blin- sure of selling them more, and it hro, not even a dollar," says never fails to bring additional cos- Mrs. Blinkey. tomers. "Well, then," says Mr. Blinkey, I have nothing better for ea- "I guess Pll smoke my pipe," and ta.rrh in all of its various forms. As he does this right cheerfully. But a household remedy it is without compare, splendid for mothers and he's always hoping. excellent for children." TOO RISKY. Although the tramp had seen a great deal of life, he was no judge . f character, otherwise he would never have said what he did to Miss Cornelia Hawkins. When she said that she would give him a good din- ner if he would saw and split wood enough to pay for it, he attempted to appeal to her sympathy. "Madam," he replied sadly, "I'd be glad to saw and split the wood, I'd be glad to do anything, but I'm not physically strong. I have a weak heart, madam, and I have to look out for it. You see, I carry my life in my hands, as it were," he said, with what was meant for a wan, pathetic smile. "Indeed !" and Miss Hawkins gave an incredulous sniff as she glanced at the palms outstretched for aid; "I suppose that's the rea- son you don't wash 'em—for fear of getting drowned 7" Passer-by—"Here, boy, your dog has bitten me on the ankle." Dog —owner—"Well, that's as high as he could reach. You wouldn't ex- pect a little pup like him to bite your neck, would yerl" When a man brags about himself it's a sign that others merely toler- ate him. Its Power Grows With Age. — How many medicines loudly blazon- ed as panaceas for all human ills have come and gone since Dr. Tho- mas' Eolectric Oil was first put up- on the market 1 'Yet it remains, doing more good to humanity than many a preparation more highly vaunted and extending its virtues wider and wider and in a larger circle every year. It is the medi- cine of the masses. THE DIFFERENCE. John—What is ability 1 Will—Ability is that to which a man owes his own success. "And what is luck?" "Luck is that to which all others owe their success." Some men will not admit failure if they can compromise for 10 cents cn the dollar, ° ISSUE NO. 38--08. SAVE THE CHILDREN. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their lit- tle ones are reasonably safe during the hot weather months. Stomach troubles, cholera infantum and diar- rhoea carry off thousands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets euro these troubles, or if given occasion- ally to the well child will prevent the trouble coming on. And the mother has the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that the Tablets contain no opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. Geo. Mineault, Jr.,- Mont Louis,uo., says :—"Before giving Baby's Own Tablets to my little one she suffered greatly from colic and stomach troubles, and cried a great deal. The Tablets soon cured her and she is now a plump, healthy child who does not look as though she ever had an hour's illness." You can get the Tablets from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. — —...p GENERAL INFORDIATION. Tit -Bits of Knowledge About 'Most Everything. Robert Womack, who discovered Cripple Creek, the world's great- est gold camp, and sold his claim for $625, is reported to be living on charity at Colorado Springs, and a subscription for his relief has been started. The camp has yield- ed $297,600,000 in gold since 1891. The Chicago Pullman Car Com- pany recognizes the value of po- liteness as a business asset, The company has just distributed the sum of $815,000 amongst its con- ductors and porters who have been The finest tea grown in the world is the standard of quality used in preparing "Salads" Tea, Sold only in sealed lead packets, reported upon as showing proper courtesy to the company's custom- ers during the past year. A sum equivalent to a month's pay has been sent to each man. So large is the profit resulting from the sale of margarine as but- ter that, it was stated at a meet- ing of the Middlesex County Coun- oii, some shopkeepers are willing to run the risk of being fined, The Council were informed that in some eases shopkeepora were making from £18 to £17 a weekrofit and the fraud was most prevalent in the poorer districts. Bntehers' boys in white overalls and aprons formed a guard of hon- or at the wedding of Miss Barker and Mr, Bashford, at Reigate, England, When the ceremony was over they strewed their aprons on FALLING SICKNESS Rats, Epilepsy, St, Vitus' Dance, Norms Troubles, Etc.,positively cured by LIERiG'S FIT CURE. rrea trial bottle sent free on appilcatlon. Write the LIEBIG CO., Phoebe 8t., Toronto. LAND 410 and 040 soros for male in eamkatoliewau; great bargains; send for fall description, F. JUNIta, Comber, Ont CLEANING W'oaiJ, LADIES' 6R&� DIES' .. a OUTING 5 sulTal Can be dons perfectly by our french frown. Try le DIIITI5a AMERICAN prime 00, fel01crer.Ar,, TO800010, o•rsowA a QVEaS0 i WILSON'S Ono packet 009 tactually klllod a hushed oi' flies. -- `OLD aV — MONISTS, 0860515 Aws DERMAL STORES 10n. nor pachot, or 9 p ackete for 250, q will last a whole aoreson. $00,000 PER POUND.. Market Priec of Snake -Venous Works Out at About Thie Price. Snake -venom has proved so use- ful to medical science that the col- lceting of it is fast developing into is recognized business, Sold by weight, it fetches a higher price than any of the precious metals, the market price Working out at shout $30,000 per pound ---troy, Ancl when one considers how dangerous and difficult it is to obtain the ven- om, these prices are easily under- stood. Tho snakes must be captured alive, To do so, many hunters catch the reptiles with their hands, hold- ing their slippery prey firmly till tno poison is deposited in 0 bag :sr box. Sometimes the entire pcison-sae is cut out. The operator lays open the snake's head; and, having de - Welled the sac, seals it up until re- quired. Other operators irritate the reptile, pausing it to bite through indiarubber bands, and de- posit the poison on 0 glass plate below. A venomous snake has two pcison-fangs in the upper jaw, and when goaded, it pierces the beetle - rubber, and pours its streams of poison upon the glass plate. The poison is afterwards scraped to- gether and placed in hermetically - sealed bhials The operator's work, as may be imagined, is often more __. dangerous than that of the collet- the path forthe newly married con- tot. plc to walk over. A stalwart but- A full-grown snalce seldom ejects cher drove the carriage and two; more than one grain—troy weight— others, with shin bones dangling from their sides, acted as footmen. An amusing instance of the use of trade labels is reported from a Crown Colony in West Africa. A Commissioner asked a dusky chief to produce his copy of a trading agreement, and was amused to find that the "honest" trader who had secured the trading concession from the chief had detached a label from a beer bottle of a well-known firm ancl affixed it to the agreemen`. 05 a Government .stamp. A singular revival is taking )~l: ee in Paris for wearing the tooth of a wolf or badger set in gold as a mascot. An old superstition con- nected the wearing of such orna- this treatment is what you long ments as provocated of good for- I have sought. I will reply promptly tune. The custom of wearing a!'to all who write, Address, thumb ring is also being resuscitat- ed, and at this present time a charming young actress on the Eng- lish stage is demonstrating the vogue, partly, no doubt, because it of poison at a bite ; so, while the market -price is high, it takes some earning. - Ladies i11 Poor Health Everywhere, especially those dis- couraged by failure of previous treatment are invited to write for a free trial of my home treatment, with interesting booklet, all post- paid in plait wrappers, with the most reliable references and proofs which will encourage the most dis- heartened. You can thus quickly satisfy yourself. without cost that MRS. M. SURIIMERS, Windsor, Out. 3. TOO DANGEROUS. Shopman — "Rolling -pin 1 Yes is in keeping with the period in sir; here's one made of glass; the which she is living in the play, and latest thing out." partly in recognition of the fashion Henpeck — "But Great Scott, Paris is patronizing. Writers on arboculture have from time to time called attention to the gradual disappearance of cedar trees in this country, and .t seems that there is a dearth of ce- dar wood generally. This has set the chemist to work, and a Berlin firm is now making an excellent substitute for the cedar easings of blacklead pencils from potatoes. It is said that the potato case sub- mits itself to the penknife as easily as does the cedar wood, and, what is more important, the cost is very much less. tls A Pill For Generous Eaters. — Thero aro many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who, after a hearty meal, are subject to much suffering. The food of which they have partaken lies like lead =n their stomachs. Headache, depres- sion, a smothering feeling follow. One so afflicted is unfit for business or work of any kind. In this con- dition Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will bring relief. They will assist the assimilation of the ailment, and used according to direction will re- store healthy digestion.. Tho Best Friend—"I hear her old husband shows her a dog -like devo- tion." The Casual Gossip — "Yes; they say he is always growling at her 1" Spots and blotches on the face and neck are .sten merely signs of foul blood, Apppfly Weaver's Weaver's Syrup tato to o rid the blood oflpolhltion. take Getting in touch with mon of af- fairs may lead to success—but the dift]eult part is to get them to stand for the touch. Nothing looks moe0 ugly than to sec a person whose hands are cover- er.' over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc,, can be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. DEAR BOUGHT. The Husband (during the quarrel) "You're always making bargains. Was there ever a time when you didn't1" The Wife—"Yes, sir; on my wed- ding day." A new lack sensation. tagy_it 1_ A real tycy awn pleasure. The big black plug. Chewing Tobacco 2270 man, that thing would probably bo oak and cut my head all to piec- es!" Good Digestion Should Wait on Appetite.—To have the stomach well is to have the nervous system well. Very delicate are the diges- tive organs. In some so sensitive are they that atmospheric changes affect them. When they be/•ome dis- arranged no better regulator is procurable than Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They will assist the di- gestion so that • the hearty eater will suffer no inconvenience and will derive all the benefits of his food. Beauty is only skin deep, but a man's cheek is often estimated at more than its face value. It will be noticed in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's adver- tisement that there are three ad- dresses at the bottom of the an- nouncement. Any one writing will please address them at the nearest cne of the three places to his post offree. Smart—"Sad about the church organ being burned down, wasn't it1" Girls—"Why couldn't they put it out?" Smart—"Because none of the firemen could play on it." If your children moan and are restless during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a loss of appetite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator effectually removes those posts, at once relieving the little sufferers. The largest mass of ice in the world is probably the one which fills up nearly the whole of the in- terior of Greenland, where it has accumulated since before the dawn cf history. It is believed to form a block 600,000 square miles in area, and to average a mile and a half in thickness. According to these statistics, the lump of ice is larger in volume than the whole body of water in the Mediterran- ean ; and there is enough of it to cover the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with a layer about seven miles thiel:. A school ler dogs has been es- tablished in Paris, The object is to teach them politeness. The ani- mals are trained to welcome visi- tore by jumping up, wagging the tail, and giving a low bark. When the visitor leaves, the dog accom- nanies him to the door, constant - la waging his tail, and bows his farewell by bending his head to the floor. He is trained, likewise, to pick up a handkerchief, .glove, or fan that has been dropped, and re- turn it to the owner. .111411.17t1PRMIXE.M.1120KEIMESILIMIMMEIRML041111=121,111 3. The Extravagance of Cheapness in a Sewing Machine tJ Every woman knows the foolish extrava. gance of buying anything for her house just because it is "cheap." J Every woman also knows that what seems "dear" at first is often "cheapest in the end." J Yet the woman who will urge her husband. to buy a thoroughly good overcoat because he gets several season's wear out of it, often buys some unknown sewing machine for herself because of its "bargain" price. J Now the Singer Sewing Machine costs very, little more than thrown -together, catch.' penny machines. Yet one Singer will out® last several of the ordinary kind. The Singer has earned the reputation of running as smoothly at the end of its twentieth or thirtieth year as the day it was bought. Considering this, the Singer is its the end the cheapest machine to own. Sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Company, iTORONTO MONTREAL Wf,NNIPEQ 512 Manning Ohombors 533 Board of Trade 0103 554 Main Street c :tea a r- . sa - A. J. P T IS A \ &CO., 33, 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay from 7 per cent. to 35 per cent. per annum and are in our opinion a good speculative investment : Crown Reserve, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Temiscaming and Tretlieway are popular stocks and should increase in price. CORRESPONDENCE SOLIITED, 00 For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 50 CENTS, ALL DRUGGISTS, OR THE FANGO COMPANY, - TORONTO. Wholesale—Lyman Oros. & Oe., Toronto and Montreal ; Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, Toronto ; aatIOnai frref 0o., London. He—"When did she begin to fear that ho had married her for mon- ey?" She—"Well, I believe her suspicions were first aroused when she had to pay the minister," Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is compounded specially to combat dysentery, cholera morbus and all inflammatory disorders that change of food or water may set up in the stomach and intestines. These complaints are more common in summer than in winter, but they are not confined to the warm months, as undue laxness of the bowels may seize a man at any time. Such a sufferer willlfind speedy re- lief in this Cordial, By relying on his own judgment a man may succeed in not accumu- lating a lot of money. Chemists Hoye Trouble In getting Iron into Mb a state that the system will absorb. and mutt by 1t, In "Forrnvim," the best tontb perfection lists been 'achieved, It builds anJ strengthens. BREAKING IT GENTLY. Foreman (at the door)—"Did .yen husband hey a new suit av olo'es an this mor-rnin', Mrs. O'Malley 1" Mrs. O'Malley—"lie did," Foreman—"They're rooined en- tirely." Mrs. O'Malley—"Ilow did ut hap- pen 1" Foreman—"He was blowed up be a charge av dinnymite." The Mild Climate of Virginia. offers splendid npp nrLnnntiea for stock raising, front n; aro e, dalrylnR and general farming. Winton; aro short. CIIr,uto onithfnt Land good and selling below its Cattle Intl increasing la value each veer. Many CaboCanadiansare living . RY la Virginiarfto for information too EL W. 110100 n, Commissioner of Agriculture, Vs.. Cobalt Has 'Made Good Send for our market letter. It will be mailed you regularly with- out cost. Ask us about " U ' " A new Cobalt property in splen- did location, with fine prospects, the stock of which $1.00 par, no per- sonal liability, may be bought for 20 cents a share, in instalments of cents a month. We handle all Cobalt Stocks. Write us. STEWART & LOCKWOOD BROKERS. 18 Adelaide St. 1+1., 'Toronto. Members of the Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. 8OUTOFIO persons suffer at some- time or other from Piles r So says a great medical authority. There is no disease causes more pain and wretchedness than piles ; and by giving almost immediate ease Zam-Duk has won the praise of thousands of Sufferers. If you arc sintering let Zsm=Bok cure you- Mr, Neil Devon, Webbwood, Ont. suffered with piles eight years. A few boxes of Zem- Buk cured him. He since say5:•-"I have had no return of the trouble so that know the euro is permanent" Mr, C. B. Frost, Lennoxville, .p.Q., writes: "I have proved Zam-Bork a great cure for piles from which I suffered acutely for along time." Zam.11uk also cures cuts, ulcers, burns, Abscesses, poisoned wounds, boils, eczema, and all akin troubles. sot. a box, all drug• gists and stores or from Zam-Buk Co,,. :Toronto. 3 boxes. for $1,23. I8 CANADA'S BEST AND 13 USED THE WORLD OVER Hell Organs are also world famed Send tar Fuee Catalog _ __ No, 75 to ine Bell Pleb Arid OrgaO Co., lltl., Goo, 001 If Every Farmer Knew hap much money be. could save by using a E trbnnks•Mnrse Jaok•of-a1I-Tradon Gasoline ao, gine to saw wood, nun rvntor, tin• g p grind road, aye., we would not be able is supply. Ilio demand. ati Out 5 011 ad.0,1 out and Bond og e. today, mid we will send you our troy oatatogaa -,,Name Address _.... .. ,� The Ounfdlaa Fairbanks 00.. t,Imliod, Toronto,, en$' Montreal, Wiuvlpeg, vanoeuvot., t.t