The Brussels Post, 1908-9-24, Page 5'o
BUSINESS CARDS, Busineas Cards
„ V Ii. McC1:iAUI(1 N—
YY e
J.eener ai ptarrhtgo eet '0 es,. OL
fico nt er(((rs, TuruheYry street, Brn 9eels.
Tonober of Piano or Organ
OW MA111UAG.b; L10ENS +'S
!nee In Ilse Rost (Ifaee, Ethel. 80.4
K. 0, T. M.
Brussels ,Tout of the Maooabees, No. 24
hold their regular tneetluge In the LOder,
Room, Rainier Bloolt, uo the 1st anti 8rd
Tuesday evenings of each mouth,
Visitors always welcome.
A, 60 V EERS, Oow. A. tlaGUtltl6, It, H.
Agent Howick Mutnal
,lire Insurance Company
Olhoe and ftualdeuee—
0PI N•
• O
awn, will sen for better s char to
bleu, ex loos time one lose ,honor
than any other Auctioneer n tweet Huron or
he won't charge anything. 71111,0 and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
p "reouul epplloatiou,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Halos arranged for
at the office of Trim Pon, Brussels. 2211
• Honor urn ore of t
no die the treat°uteri°al Oat -
eases y College,dotnes01 in prepared a to trent all pOt-
0(22 roomier. 0f EPartin ani ante to 0. paid to
Vetnanytistri null 110 ntionO'ove paid to
yoteriueryJpeutlstry+ted M+bi Waver. Valls
promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Toruberry et.,
Brussels. 'Phone 42 k
VAV% Al, SieIterU,Ll1lttor—
Nr (r, 8lodioe-8tloowoanrvfeyaBrooeoork
1 door North
Of (Jeutral otel,
Bollcltor for the Metropolitan Bank,
' it/0A '00'r, HAYS & BLAIR—
PUB1.,I0, ETU.
W. Pao0D8o0T, 11.0. 11. 0, Irmms
(1. P. tir,lrn,
Ualoes—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Uamor0u h Bolt.
Goasnr0a, 08•v6nr0.
DR. R. P. FEiLD,
l3 raduele of ibe Itoyal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Biret•olaae Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uutvereltyy, Oboe
oast to !trowel•', Photograph Gallen
x 1 y,
k�r',tr ,y til.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even uumbornd'eeotion of dominion
Laude in Manitoba, Basks tcilowau null
Alberta, exeepnng 8 and 26, not reserved,
rimy be homesteaded or nuy person wile is
the sole bead of a family, or any male over
18 years of ase, to the ,stout of one-quarter
section Of 166 mores more or loss.
Entry may be made personally at tbe
local land olllee for the dietriot iu whioh
the laud is situate.
The honoeteader Is required to perform
the oouditious commuted therewith under
one of thetoiletriesplane :
(1) At least six months' residence upon
and oultivatlou of the laud iu each year for
three years
(2) 1f the father (or mother, if ;the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm in the vicinity of tbe laud
entered for the regniremouts as to reel.
deuce may be satisfied by Buell person re-
siding with the father or mother,
donee upon farming, land owuseeUeby blue
,n the vloioity of his homestead, the re-
quirements as to rceidanma may be oatis
Red by residence upon the said laud.
Six mouths' 010110, in writing aboutel be
Lands n6 Ottawa the of hetoution to array Dominion for
Deputy of lb.e Minister of Interior,
N.13, Unauthorised pnb1ieatlon of this ad.
vertisOmout will not be pale for,
If you want a really good arbiele
in the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable °ober Carriage
Builder On Market Square, Bras -
sale, where you will find a that-
01089 assortment,
Best of band made Farm Wag-
ons with different widths of tires
and different heights of wheels.
barrows. hand made 1,oe1-
1flxtra largo
lte'rimming Light and 1•leavy
Wheels, Repairing, Rs -painting
and Ito -trimming attended to on
shortest notice,
13arrlatnr, H011o14nr, Nuttu'y, &m, kcem')nor fo
A. 13, ➢laerloneid, 011bee')Ver Sloudird Bunk,
1?0nlal Sorgeon, Ofllao otppneito ilea pos of Ise,
1-'+- W111 rlslt Bucci( the first Ond. 11111(
Monday of 000.11 month, 5U•om
Baebolor Or (odlohle, Unlverally or Toronto ;
fJnnntioto and Graduate of tIto Uullegeof Shy-
slrisua nod Hnrgl'nn6, Ont. kind -graduate
Chicago (lye Ear, Nose 0244 glossa Hospital,
Chicago 111 1.0x-flonee Surgeon to Ht. mem
sera Hospital, ,alruu to.
Olaoo wait' V. 1E. smith's Drug Shiro Tele-
phone connection with Uruubrook at 011 hours,
aeladVlai `Z VBS%'.il" Vii'«).(',/. iY°r^'I3'
(401x0 Source 001801 N0u'ru
Mnl1 7:05 a m I Express ... 10:55 it an
Express ,,....,11 :25 a un Nail I :41 p ut
Express 5:01 p of Express 8:51 p
C igiva aux Fa caw
To Toronto To Godorioh
Express ,. 8:4) n 111 I Express ....,,...1 L : W 0 in
mExpress ., 5:11 p Express 7:47 p in
isfri Daus
Atwood •
The Newry ,Imes, factory shipped
1.10 boxes of cheese. Swift (lo., of
Chicago were the buyers,
The Anniversary Services s 1 etas of the
Methodist st Chui
b will behold onSun-
and Monday,0(tohel Lth and 51,11
Stank R. 1108. 1 1n
Stanley ; L , as ) Owen
Sound on Wednesday of last week art•
tending the funeral of his uncle, J. W.-
Owing to the bad roof a couple of
men ,were There this week at the sttt-
tiou fikiug it temporarily. As At-
wood is on pietist for rt new station
improvement will not be made on the
old build ing.
The Silver Corners factory shipped
210 boxes of cheese, price 12 3-10 coots.
Maitland and .Donegal factory shipped
over 100 boxes price 12 1-10 cents.
Ballantyne and Son, of Stratford,
w e) e the buyers.
The Ontario department of Agricul-
ture has furnished ns with the names
of the prize winners iu the Elia Agri-
cultural Society who entered the
standing field crop competition, to-
gether with the score made by each.
They are :—Alex. Struthers, score 79,
1st prize; Andrew Robb, score, 75,
2nd ; Wjlliann Robb, score, 74, 3r0 ; 3.
13. Riaeh, score, 091, :itl, ; Alex. Simp-
son, score, 09, 6111.
Dr. Hamilton follows Nature's Plan.
No physician was more successful in
treating stomach and liver troubles
than Dr. Hamilton. He avoided
harsh medicines and produced a won-
derful .pill of vegetable composition
that. always cures. Dr. Hamilton's
Pills are noted for promptly miring
biliousness, sick headaches, constipa-
tion and stomach trouble disorder.
They manic like a charm—very mild.—
yet searching and health -giving. No
where can a better tonic laxative bo
found than in DO. Hamilton's Pills.
Try them and be convinced. 25c at all
The fire brigade was called out to a
file at the G. T. R. bridge at the river.
bank. The Lire did not amount to
much and was extinguished in short
The following ofliners were re elected
for the ensuing year in the 1V. C. T.
U. : President, AIrs, J. P. Brown ;
vice-president, Mrs. J. Robertson ; re-
cording secretary, Mrs. Jas. Bogie ;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. Geo.
Acheson ; treasurer, Mrs. E. P. Paul-
harry Videaun was 611e victim of at
serious accident at the elevator. He
was caught by the rope which pulls
the cars and before he could be releas-
eclhe had sustained ab broken wrist, a
severe laceration of the flesh of the
arm and a alight injury to the hip.
But for the timely assistance of the
foreman, Ternes Shaw, his injuries
would undoubtedly have been Much
more serious.
The directors of the Goderich 13olti-
cultnral Society met and decided to
make a distribution of bulbs, etc., for
Fall planting to member's of the Soci-
ety. Messrs. Wells,Reed, Bingham
and Coats were-appointecla committee
to reporter) the purchase of bulbs at a
general meeting to be held on the 25th
Inst. at 8 o'clock. Arraugememts are
being made -to exhibit from from this
county at the Provincial Ilorticultnratl
Exhibition at Toronto in November
next, and, il' possible, to compete in
the Provincial classes as well Be with-
in the county.
Do Vou lack Self Oohtrol 7
If you are constantly keyed up, ner-
vous, perhaps depressed—look to your
ower -worked nerves for the cause.
They are starving for the nourislunient
that Forvozono so quickly supplies.
Besides its tonic action on the nervous
system, FOre0Z0110 has marvelous
blood -forming properties.' It thus
supplies strengthening materials is to
every nook and corner of the body and
brings the system to a condition of
perfect health. To bo strong, to eat
well; and work long without fatigue,
use 1O errozoue ; it is the best nerve
system tonic known. At all dealers
in 50c boxes.
Samuel and. -Mrs. Johnston were the
guests of their son at the manse in
Shallow Lake Iasi; week.
Miss Gertle Robson left Thursday to
fatke a 00nlse 111 Domestic Science )0n
McDoueld Institute Guelph.
Rev. S. Salton, of Trowbridge, will
preach anniversary sermons at Mayne
on Sunday, Sept. y27i>h, morning (21(1
even' lig. J
Mrs, J. McKee and Miss Maggie 3.
Meli;ce left oo Tuesday morning of
last week fox their annual trip to the
West, Mrs. SlelCoo going to French,
Sask., and Miss Maggie to Neopawa,
3. J. and Mrs. Gregg' and family left
on Monday morning of last 021.,11 for
Vancouver, B. C., where they will in
( b 1111, el`BtanC A'..1'
future reside,
Gregg will engage in the r0011 estate
bnsincss iu company with 11, 11. liar,
ria, a1. former Ilnwh•6 boy.
I'1. Hui heron Jr. had the uait,foel tine
to fracture two small hones just above
the ant:lu the. (the1 day. He was
1:noclu•d over 1,c a but'., anti the r'e'tiull
will be 0 rowed holiday of a few weeks
The Ladies' Aid (f the Pre-,byte14 (0
(lhurrh will give 11(0)0• usual ten iU the
basement of 111e ('Mo'i'l) on 1"11),' night,
lh'l. 13111, The Forester( Will hold
I 1114 1101(1(1 ,nlel'lltiuonm1, the (MITI('
orchestra gidog the entire progea n.
Coo, 11, and Mrs. Bullion of Bram-
don, men., inhumed to the West, after
speeding the Summer with his pan' -
v1118, Alp', and AIr8, R0120111 of Imltedet
vicinity,and relatives r 11111.08 rlrul friends in
this district. They will visit. in Arden,
Man„ for a week, before taking up
reeidenee in Bi'andcn, whine 51r. Rut -
tam has a, position on the stall' of
Brandon College.
Sure Curo for Hay Favor,
I1.Lorotrlrl.NDE T) BY D161'u rl' Cor 510)"!'-
olt ow INLAND Ris i717u16 .n1' 5.111;11.1.
After years of8nffeilug W. 11.. Welts
has cored been c' et
r r by Uautltrrbozoue, and
he says " 1 experienced grateful re-
lief in a few hours,. Ualarl'hozonc
worked marvels immediately mid
cured 1110 of.lety Fowls I healthy tily re-
c•ommend It as the most effective rem-
edy in the market. 11 will mire any
case of Hay !.,'ever ever know')."
A. guarantee goes with eveey $1.00
pai d:age of (latalv'huzone toeru(an-
eutly cure Hay Fever and Summer
Asthma. Sold by all dealers.
( I t Friday, «lay Sept. 25th,
atilt a (11. .
Hiss Muriel Chollew left to attend
the Normal school at Loudon.
The tax rate is 18 mills on the dollar.
Collector Westlake will gather in the
the shekels.
At London Pair Frank Metcalf
captured two prizes out of four entries
for his plums.
The annual "Children's Day" ser-
vice hn connection with St. Andrew's
Sabbath School will be held on Sept.
27611 at 11 a. in.
Richard Sellars, our well known
poet and drayman, showed the editor
of the Standard 4 large tomatoes
which lie polled in his garden. The
four of thein were weighed and lacked
2 ounces of foul' pounds.
Miss Lizzie Oartea'received feonn her
brother in Toronto a kitten four
months old and one of the prize. Win-
ners this year atthe Toronto Exhibi-
tion. The kitten was sick when it
arrived and died, 11 was valued at
John White, of Bruce Minos, who
was 0, former citizen bene 28 years
ago, was calling on friends in town
for at fele days. It i5 over 18 years
since ills. White had been here
and he sees a great, many improve-
ments. The old citizens will remem-
ber when he lived here and llaal his
titns110p in the building which is now
the fire hall.
On Tuesday horning of last week
the infant, son of 1). AV. an111 'Nes.
S001e1 s, passed away quite suddenly
111 the hospital at 7 oont0. Ml's.
Somers had taken the baby to Toron-
to to have it undergo an operation.
The nurse had just finished feeding; ib
a few minutes before it clied. The
body Wats brought home Tuesday
evening and the funeral took place on
Wednesday morning to Union emo-
tes y.
Plank 3, Lee, who has b .en work-
e w<11.
ing iu his father's photograh studio
for some time, lett town for Guelph,
Where mats taken a position with Mr.
Kennedy, photographer of that city.
There is considerable sickness in the
neighboring townships at present, a
mild form of fever being prevalent.
John Wenzel and five of his family
are clown, but we understand all are
progressing favorably.
Ed. Gabel has returned to town.
after a business trip to the Canadian
Nest. He was four (lays coming flout
Winnipeg,and reports this: bush fires
West of Frt lVillia m as being some-
thing terrific.
Our townsman, P. R. Blewett, left,
Wednesday morning of last week for
Denver, Colo., where he goes to at-
tend the meeting of the Sovereign
Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. P. AIr, 131ewett,
who i0 Past Grand Master, is one of
the two delegates chosen by the
Grand Lodge of Canada to represent
it at, the Sovereign Grand conclave.,'
Ho purposes tatting a trip to Pueblo
before returning.
lIrotswo1TiI--0ltii,LN.-- t1, the
(leave (1f the brill,', Hatt Iii lla•11•,'l,
reel , i,i',I 024'!, X0(1 "''pt. 1il1,,
11(v, 11, 1), Tiuutilh,n. ,diel .lingtleletut•
only'((0nghler of 8, and Airs. Grillo, to
11e111'V 11c'mstvort(1, of WS'allact', 511.
and Mr.,. 11 (rnN;tt',lrth left on l hr' 1(4(('17,.
log bruin for TOI'mltn, whet', they
took. b hu boat for it trip 01,03401 1114 sG
Lawrelleo to Q11,bt'o',
13.54IS 130111m7, 1). 1., H„ )0a8 rel or nod
hoe' from the llun,diau 1S'est, hnv-
nig ('ol(111I'Iul 111s work of surveying
,Irmo townships in central Alberta,
south of Hhlil(0', lie ((polis the
('001(0 ars 111411g err)' K11011 1/PI WP1.11
1111It ht and Calgary, 11t1 see( ion nay.
.ng had an alamtl tnc0 of rain in the
early part o1' l:hc 80110011, '('11„ tnwn-
slu p' surveyed Were mostly prairie,
tout 0201(1 the 10,06 of the uu0ntvtyeet
lands in Central Alberta, 1111, 1301ton
was away s)0le0 about the first of May,.
A. meeting was 110111 in the Queen's
hotel to make ttrrangemcuis for the
I''atli series of the (mien football league.
A High School team 11110 her entered
with 51r. Ramsay captain, also a town
team, with L. Pule captain. 1":'o,t.
Vandrick, secretary of the
league and ‚(('111 receive the application
atm*, other 1,11141 in town. J'lure
games will be played, the winners of
two of which will be champions and
the holder's of the Boohun=r Cap,
The games Will be played 011 8a1ur-
day afternoons at '4.80 o'clock, the
fist game tools !place Saturday, 79th
Ono in Seven Called by Consumption.
A dreadful plague indeed when 701)
0011131(let' that 111 incipient stages it can.
Ili 1 eke nae of the little cold
before op a it, becomes a big one. Wh,m
the throat Is sore and it hurts to ex-
pand your (-hest, rule in Ne.rvtllot and
immediately apply one of Poison's
Nerviline Porous Plasters. Pain and
tightness are at once relieved. Ar-
flaunnattion and soreness gradually
disappear and fatal illness is thus
avoided. Nersilille Plasters net as 11
Coni tea:' irrl taut over Lhe 80121, of pain,
and as an exterior application ill cur-
ing colds in the muscles, i11 pleurisy
and headaches they Have no equa.
!Keep these remedies right in your
7.011, forest fifes in Ontario are dying
deJ. M. Rogers, K. 0., of Perth is
:Inward S. Forger, of Kingston, has
been appointed a United States Vice -
Tile Canadian MauufacturcarAssocitl-
t•ion discussed tariff matters at the
atllnual wee ti lig til A1.Olt treat.
Parliament has been dissolver!. The
gemmed elections will tache place on
Monday, Out, 2litlr, nominations on
the 191h.
William Lowe, of Oshawa, was
sentenced to eighteen months in jail
for fraud, He sold a lot of bricks on
which a bank had a lien.
Auguste Olatrest, former road fore-
man at Montreal, pleaded guilty to de-
frauding the city of $1,400 by stuffing
!pay rolls. His daughter is implicated
511 the eal'SM'.
Cite Denliniou Stool Company has
secured from the Privy Council at per-
emptory ruler to the Coal Company
to file it caso within two weeks and
the bankers at .11ont'real are more in
favor of the proceedings being fought
Hon. Thomas Greouwayforuler Pre-
mier of Manitoba ; D'Arey Scott, son
of the retiring Secretary of State and
Prof, S. J. licheall, of Toronto Uni-
versity, have received appointments
to the Dominion Railway
to increase the motnberslnp of that
board from three to six.
Hon. Dr. Pyne Minister uf. Educa-
tion who has returned from his trip to
Europe, pointed out that more people
were beginning to go into the teach-
ing profession in this Province. He
added that thele were about 1,300 ap-
plications for admission to the 0 Nor-
mal Schools which opened last week.
This, he said, was more than double
the customary number of applications.
The doctor forgets to consider the 65
county model schools w'her'e teachers
were trained. These 56 model schools
had an attendance (141,800. The three
normal schools had an attendance of
488. So according to this 111010 are
500 less teachers training this year
than last.
The Minister of 111111)10 has made 1111
important 11un0uneement regarding
the Gove'nnment's policy to regard to
militia training in the pubho schools of
the Dominion, He stated that an order-
iu-council had been ,sassed authorizing
tine militia tleparUulent to enter Into an
'lane etsasseassemeasso
Three Great Features of the
ei4'. l
Fused Joints make the "Heck" permanently
airtight and sanitary. T11e heated air is fresh
and pure, because no gas, dust or 1riloke can get
into the airchaml)er,
Steel -Ribbed Flrepot
has steel instead of
east iron flanges. 97
of these steel flanges
are fused to the out-
side of the firepot giving it
three times as much radiating
surface as any other style.
In a three years' test the steel
ribbed pot showed a saving of
fuel of over I x%.
'Triangular Bar Grate
enables you to clear any part
of the fire of ashes. There
are four grates. Bach Can
be shaken separately. It gets
all the ashes out—saves coal—
.and means a clean ire.
Marie by Tho metrrrs of Iunrnas
"Peel IreS Peuinsider" liuukes,
5127 lu cu , Pet r8 s110w 5.012 n11 the
02M,V 4(,01's a.f the (9022 -Hecht." 'a5
A Ore In \':en'ol(ve1' (-angel ' ro,o,,o
tz' An tl 1'1202.11 !arty. who '20,02 ptcl.e,i
I,0 "c 1119 9100eea., in a starving conditiun,
Med ;
t the lit
0e ndtHospital, Tooron
Ur. 3rcL. 1icrdsn, '1'rnto,
who vas bitten Ui a mad. goon
the Pasteur Insttute, New Yr: t, t •r
: treatment,
Nature and a woman's t II'k Coin'
blued MVO ln'0(luce(1 111- ,;•ruufle81
remedy for wonlfln's 111.1 that the
WOL'1(11:1, ever known. .
In the good old-fashioned clays of
our grandmothers they relied upon
the roots (101'1 herbs of the field to
cure disease and mitigate suffering.
The Indians on our Western
i'lains to (1 i; eau produce roots and
herbs for cvret:y ailment, and cure
diseases that baffle the most skilled
nh sieians who have spent years s i
the study of drugs.
From the roots and herbs of the
field Lydia E. Pinkham more than
thirty years ago gave to the women
of the world a remedy for their pe-
t'ttli,tr ills, more potent and effica-
cious than any combination of drugs.
Lydia It Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is now recognized as the
standard remedy for woman's ills.
Mrs. 13. M. Tweedale, 12 Napanee
Street Toronto, Canada, writes to
Mrs. I3inklia,m:
"I was a great sufferer from female
troubles, had those dreadful bearing
down pains, and during my monthly
periods I suffered so I had to go to bed.
I doctored for a long time but the doc-
tor's treatment failed to help me, My
husband saw Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vege-
table Compound advertised and got a
bottle for me. I commenced its use and
soon felt better. I kept on taking it
until I Was well and au entirely ditfer-
ent woman. I also found that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made
childbirth much easier for me. I would
recommend your Vegetable Compound
to every woman who is afflicted with
female troubles."
What Lydia E. Plnkli arc's Vegeta-
ble Compound did for .l'f t:s.Tweedale,
it will do for other suffering women.
agreement with the Province of Nova
130Otiat, iU which the 0uvert1211eut is
prepared to furnish to the schools, free
of all charge, competent instructors and
ammunition. In return for this tine
educational department of the province
will be compelled to have their teachers
qualify as physical culture and drill in.
structors. Sir Frederick also said that
the order -in -council permitted the de-
pertnlentto enter into the sauce agree-
ment (('its the other provinces.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke at S rath
, po t
roV Snhn•dav,
A. H, U. Colgnhoun declined the
position of Chief Librarian at Toronto's
Public Library,
An appeal for assistance for the C. P,
R. strikers is being issued by the Inter-
national Machinists' Association,
McFarland, alias Bellamy the alleged
book swindler. is reported to be willing
to forego extradition proceedings and
go back to Chicago.
A flfteeun•ea1-old boy named Ross
Go(•siine, of Westport. is expected to die
from a wound received I'roni a revolver
sccideotally discharge,!.
A settlement was reached in Eckardt
v, the Grand Trent: Railway, a ease ma-
terially affecting expropriation of lands
for the new. Union Station.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the Canadine
Manufacturers' banquet in Montreal
gave his view of Ute tariff question as
affecting the woollen business.
How Are
Your Nerves?
The daily grind of life burns tip a
man's vitality :'aster than he le0ews
Ile gets shaky, starts latrines, tosses
in his sleep, is really to fly off the
handle at any. minute.
Tho nervous luau is nervous bemuse
his blood is so thin lis nervt'i( are
stat Feel to death.
He needs I, d rrozone 1
hLs action 1s upon digestion,
it stimulates st e u tion ni gastric
juice, ensures perfect digestion, pre-
pares the food so .t eat be at once as-
Hence the blood is nourished, is for -
tilled, made redden richer, stronger,
'Po the whole organism is imparted
a Vim, endurance and reserve of vigor
that, the nervous roan never knew be-
The restorative power of Ferrozone
is marvelous. Al a month it will
make you feel like neve, just as it slid
Karl E. Newsome, of Rothesay, Who
writes : f 0We a debt of grati-
tude to 'F171'1'oznnc which saved wy
1111 after a severe siege of nervous
prostration.About a year ago my
health gave out. I was in such a
weak, irritable condition I couldn't
work, and found t.hat.tbt'ec doctors did
nothing for 1110. My druggist recom-
mended lrerrozone (18 the best prepara-
tion for nervous troubles, so 1 ('011,'
11Ienee(1 with one tablet at meals.
Every box of Ferrol( e 1 gook did me
more good than the previous one, and
it wasn't very long before I tvalsstrong
enough to move around again. In
three months 1 was completely clued.
1 errozcnt braced tip my nerves, gave
int. at strong, healthy constitution, and
15 certainly a marvelous restorer and
try. errozono--8411( everywhere by
druggists in 611c boxes,
.1 N l ioh 1,,rli,121 cp in 'evitle, tva6
141 i'.7U ,rs the :dandled a 'r of the
Detlelin l.ibei,l::. and I), 1' 1). Mc
Lem by the Liberal, of 0,1(11.. 1."00k
A resolatcm en dorsi (3- trchniet1
edc"a tion and voting $5,09n t()wauls tido
opine utnent of a 12011111nss)nh tear passe,(
hl' the es earl ian Man ufact urer«' A3x•ucia-
tion at Montreal
The Metropolitan Bank
Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of
Two per cent. for the current quarter (being
at the rate of Eight per cent. perannum) on
the capital stock of this Bank, has been de -
Oared, and that the same will be payable at
the Head Office and Branches of the Bank,
on and after Oct, 1st, 1908.
By order of the Board,
General Manager.
Toronto, August 2,11.1,, 1(4011).
24 years o(17H, uwaoirkm'; aunsYrinp1 12a0n0d itbhee super i„r greiogla-
that Ewan & Co, turn out. Our business is ,nrreasing
every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they
never !rad before, Out'. steel tires are almost doable the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand-
ard make with extra deep rims. Have you seen our dash support
braces 7 They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken
dashes. This is a preventative. Our 'fops are of the BEST and we
have et patent for 01e back staves to prevent thele from getting loose
or flapping. 'Trimmings are the very best of No. 1 leather with eight
different designs iu workmanship, We use the lead and color paint
and the best . s
tandard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of
all kinds. A peep into our two large shote rooms will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true.
Also a number of Farm Wagons always on hand made from the very
best of seasoned timber. Oak gears, oak wheel, and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak ]nibs. Any width of tire: you wish,
adso(any height of wheels.
Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made as good as new
at small cost. Our famous Artist, WM, C. SMIT11, is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. 1t
would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in
Ewan's paint shops and show rooms and see what we have and what
we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wagons
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up-to-date. Carriage
Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and boy trom a reliable fern,
and support home industry.
Summer Sh
to clear broken sizes in Chocolate,
White and 'J'an Oxfords.
Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords,
Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords,
Misses' Chocolate Oxfords,
Misses' White Oxfords,
regular $2 50, reduced to $2.10
2.00, ra 1.60
1.50, rr .1.25
ca 1.00, rr 80
All must go to make room for Fall Goods now arriving.
Harness Department
Single Harness Reduced for 80 days --
Best Rubber Mountings, regular $00.00, reduced to $25 00
Nickle or Imitation Rubber, ” 15.00, " 12.00
Balance of Dusters reduced to coat to clear.
Fly Nets, Rubber Etigs, 'Trunks and Satchels lowest prices.
11s?'For hale, comfortable Dwelling Donne, nicely sheeted, nice grounds, fruits, &c.
til F1 ur ills
is now in full operation. It will sieve you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
Try our New
Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating,
Don't forgetthat our /'White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lead for Bread Flours.
► `611 kinds of Feed lcept constantly on hand.
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