The Brussels Post, 1908-9-24, Page 1li - VOL, 37 NO. 1 2 4 BRUSSELS,. ON'TAR'IO, THURSDAY, SEPT fs,1'1f3,?R i 4. Igoll W, H. I ERR, 1'rnpi•ielor. New Advertiserilents Perm Meanie -AIM -it liner. Peopr'>'fy for ante -Mrs. Necklets. Now lenit foods -C4, N. Motmren, Mummery opwAng-Mrs. kieNtlay. Nye -sight tlpeelalist-Miss .l. J. Allan. Servant wanted -Mrs. W. 1,1, Sinolnit'. f17.sfl rt ,;�1•.e(�rs 4J Wroxeter - No'ros.---AlissHeaLi'ies Howe has gone to Uxbridge where she will f(aclr iu the Junior' de ratt>nent of the suboul Ulru.--i\71s. A'1`clntloo ' left for her honer iu Michigan on Monday having liven the guest of her daughter, 13 ('8 W. 11. B. female, for arm weeks. • Dr, Menzies, a returned Missionary feonaChina, will give an address in the Presbyteeian church on Wednes- day evening -.\Miss \1a1:•;ha11, who has t'isited her reknit, Miss. .Jean Davidson for a week. vett-weed to her home fn Ayr on Mui>d ty,-111's. Simpson, sr., has >noved to h. Reranessen's resi- dence on Male sums I.--131:8. Booth and 800 1141ve arrived 1(•001 Leedom I:ughted, and in future will reside here with the furriers son, Jno. Booth, -Jos. Barnard returned front London o0 Monday. -Mr, Jacques, tt College ) stlidu>l, Intel (Marge of the service le the Episcopal 1101011 on Sunday afternoon. -,1 no, (ioI'ton and daughter, Airs. A. Miller, have Manned remit Toronto where they spent Iwo weeks.- -Robert llat•ris has been appointed organizer for the 0, 0. P. ---'he annual meeting or the Bible Societywill be hell in the Methodist church next Sunday even- ing. \r. Beatty will ll give tiro ad. dress. -(Mus. Jas. Ore, of London, is renewing acquaintances with her many old friends in the village. -Alva. E. W. Lewis will hold her millinery openings on Wednesday and Thurs- day at this week. -Dr. W. 131. 73. ;;mule has returned from Blenheim. -- Robert and A'lrs. Black spout Sunday with las. ]']dgtn, of la.owick.-Miss Sheriff visited at her house in Wing - ham over Sunday. ---Misses Mar Mil- ler and Tena Ciy audle spent. p L several al drays of lust weak in London.-Hyvoo Ahalaw 46.46,444..44. alkod&sett.4-4161.461•• 416.4‘..416.411.411.416.41.46.111. �mrr 4 ilhine Wm"' W111 ART NOW SHOWING Trimmed AND Tailored its for fall Our Style and Price Interest ovary buyer wile appreciates Up-to-date ideas. A cordial fuvitation to all. fret your orders in early. We solicit your patronage. MSS HA3KIRK sar'aP ®'Ss'7tir`P' T Pee YT T-V'TIFTr TP $overeign Shoes WE have taken the agency for Sovereign Shoes for Men and have a complete stock in the different Styles for Fall. "Sovereign" Shoes will stand not only inspection but dissection, and consequently hard (year. Goodyear Welts, Oak Tanned Sole and Stiffeners heavy y linings, silk and linen stitching, and careful, honest Workmanship in every little detail enable Sovereigns to keep their shapeliness and give tasting comfort fott and service. Sovereign on the sole means First Quality 'ITh eotigh out. Prices $3.50, $4,00 and $5.00 We also have in stock $2.50 and $2.00 Shoes by another maker that are exceptionally good value. It will bo tt pleasure' to show you through our now line whether you want to buy or not, . C. OUNFORD & SON Clothiers and furnishers Graham Block, Brussels a Flhum0us, son of Ohes, Shnh)ons, of DIM place, ncenpie,1the pulpit in the 31 etbadist (Imre)) on Sunday evening, ._.Thus, SAtuulevs and family and Byron Simmons and family, of Fre- est, are guests 01' Chas. Simmons.--. 119TH. 13. Jenkins, of Wingbaul, was rt visitor atthe ht mr of Jas Paulin. The lrest } erh al congregation �•. till celebrate their fiftieth >1nnivel8>rry rs> Sttndayand c ut, Oct. 1 1 and 1201, Jubilee services will be held on Sunday and a tea arr11entertainment on thefollowing'Monday evening. Jamestown Alex. liryans was nI CloderIeli Ihi8 Week 011 1:110 The fine Mill last Friday evening was very welcome. Alias (trace 111.0oyer, of Grey, was visiting Misses Moses last week. Sabbath evening lust 1.1. D. Aiol>ty, teacher tit (h'anbrook, tools the service at Victoria Hall and did well. Jamestown locality will 1>e well re- presented vitt Br>tsscls Fall Fair Friday of 0ext. week. We have a few who could qualify for the fal, .woman's1.1.100. James and Miss Rae iMfoses Left Iast week for an extended visit wills rc11t- tivts in Iowa. They called on Chica- go friends en route. We wish them an enjoyable l s a 1 stay and a safe return. WEDDING 13$ Ls A gnret wedding took place on Wednesday morning,, September 10, at the home of Council- lor onril- for John Wilson, South Colchester, Tessex County, when his third daugh- ter, Miss Mary, wits mrtteeth Marriage to Hardy Brant Cohoe, son of A. W. (Jolioe, of South Wondslec, Ont. The Marriage ceremony was conducted by Rev, T. Allan Patterson, Presbyterian minister of Harrow, Ont. After the weddingthe 1 v - i c1 1 nuar.rtecl co le n went tDetroit to to end part of their honeymoon, mr n afbu e'hich they leave Y by boat for Duluth thence by rail to their future 1101110 in Coleraine, Minn, The old friends oi'the bride ill fhis lo- cality wish her and her husband many happy years of married life. Blyth Next Tuesday and Wednesday are the elates of Blyth Fair. J. HelYron was successful in the roadster class at Seafor'th Fall Fair last Friday. Blyth and locality was well repre- sented at the Latimer demonstrations at 011010)) on Wednesday. There was a royal base ball battle on the pall: here on Monday last when Goderich and Blyth met 071 the dia- mond. After a close and exciting game the local boys won by a score of 3 to 2. .At the anniversary services in the English ehurcll Irene last Sunday over $200 10014.1 put i01)0>1 the plates to meet the annual payment on the church debt. The congregation is -deserving of credit for their liberality. Last Friday night Thx'essa ]LMe- Oanghey diet in Lucl now, after an illness of 13> months, aged 2 years. The funeral took place from the home of D. Kelly, Blyth, the little girl's grand- father, on Saturday, at 10 a. m., to Olin ton cemetery. Tho bereaved rel- atives have the. sympathy of the cone nnnrit\ in their so 10 in the loss Of their littleg ' •l. n Ethel l.n.rmtn, Dr. L'eild, dentist, will visit lrthe> on: Monday, Oat. 8th, and every' two weeks after that date. Grey ' 00000il ill tv mac( on Monday 28th inst. 1Ve'11 see you at Brussels Fair Fri- day of. next week. ' Voters' Inst Court llnre on Ttuay of this week. for Grey township, be- fore Judge Doyle. We are sorry to state that a person of this community was committed to Goderich last week to stand his trial for iunriorality, His step -daughter was the victim, Mei Inlay, fireman and engineer at the Bennett planing factory, Wing - ham, formerly of this place, is having enforced holidays for the last few weeks, being under the doctor's care with a sore leg but we hope he will soon be o. k. iltAte aIMONxAL,-The marriage took place ab the Methodist church, Dray- ton, on Wednesday of last week, of llev. R. Pearson, assistant pastor of the Central Methodist Church, Cal- gary, to Miss Beulah Coiling, daughter of Rev. Thomas Coiling, President of the Harnillon OoOferrrr'(, The �s,•,�rncnnsnnu1 t0a8 John Pearson, of Ethel, and the bridelenuids Miss Viola Coiling and 1111>8 Belle Whalen). The ushers were Howard Ingrain, of Lon- don, and James Pearson. Me. aa1(1 Mrs, Pearson left fir a trip down the SL Lawrence and will take up their residence in C'algar'y minty in Oetobee. Goderich The Goderich Collegiate institute Literary Society has re -organized for the Pall term with the following Ot'- 11001.0 ; Jinn. president, 1)r. Strang ; president, Donald M. (,lark ; hest vire- president, f'r'ank Poster ; second vice- n'esldent, Fergus McNaught ; sefri,- tary, Melville Anderson treasurer, Orville Merlin • editors, ;ranO1 wal- ker >ma Jobe Elliott ; pianist, Retta Clark, eoaueilioes, -Grace \Varnoek, Gladys McNevin and Orton Durnin, The season's series of meetings opened last 11'iday evening with a promenade concert, ivhiCh was much enjoyed. The present year Is the served dur- ing whit)) the commission system of handling the water and light systems of the town has been on trial in tlnde- rich, but opinion on the question of having these systems managed by the commission or by the council seems somewhat divided. At a recent meet- ing of the town council the commission was subjectedected t0 R. sealr hal in - coney RS to what nas ling done eith the n101)0y the commission was hn nd- 1ing. The 0001111 ssiou has found is necessary or advisable to make very heavy expenditures this year in the way of a sedimentation basin for the improvement of the water and in tine introduction of a new electric light machine, and this follows up other are expenditures 1 1 e end tut as fit � improve- ment the n rove- $' 1 p ]lien of the s tr systems, so ilia i is n 3 L t my natural that the H ((1 n(.'I l s r feel h0 ikl ft 1 that 1>38 being asked to finance a good Ileal without any voile in what is done with the Money. 'I'llen there are other considerations of minor impor- tance, which work with certain in- dividuals in the direction of producing dissatisfaction with the commission, anti now, at the meeting of the 00nn- cil Friday night of last week a petition with over fifty signatures was pre- sented to the council requesting the submission of a by-law to repeal the creation of a commission to manage the water and light. The matter was referred to a c•rnnurittee. .._ . Grey Township Council next Monday, 23tir inst, Brussels Fair will be the attraction next week. Jas. Hogg, of Milverton, was visit- ing here last week. A inert :silo has been built at James Armstrong's, 103.11 con. The next meeting of Grey Council will be held on the 28th inst. (Trey will have It good many new ex- 7hi.bit0rs at Brussels Fall Fair this 001'. Misses Bessie and Maggie Mann, of 1\fmtcrieff, are Visiting at J. Iutlay's, \'Pingghart, Voters' List Court for Grey town- ship will beheld before judg t Doyle at the Township hall Ethel, rntI gain Y Sept. 20th at 10 r4 rel Auction ncL a xi sale of farm, farm stock, implements, &c at. Joseph Raynard's, one Monday, 28th inst. Sale will be held at Lot 15, Can. 3 andwill be with- out t reserve: e Next Sabbath afternoon, A. M. Mc- Kay, KaY, .of Brossei s will address the Sabbath Seh0ol at Moneriefi', the oc- casion beingCu ldren sD Day. The new brick residence of J. K. Baker', 9111 eon., will soon be ready for occupation. ft leas a metallic roof, and will be supplied with furnace, bath 1'00m and other modern 00nven- ienees. Wilber Baker, sou of the first mentioned, of Clanton, is putting in 1'nt'nace, &C, Last Sunday the 7 year old son of 1yir. Bawtiuheimer, of llenfryu, had his right band injured in a cutting box. Miss Julia Sharpe, nurse, who happened, to be in the locality, vender - al efficient aid in dressing the dam- aged member. We ]lope the lad will soonbe better. An auction sale of far'rn stock, h» - elements, &e., is annonncecl by Alvin Bair, to bo held on Wednesday, Oct, 14th at 1 p. 111„ at his farm, Lot 18, Con. 0. P. S. Scott will be the nuc. tioneor. Mr. Barr intends removing ,..A.AAAdA .A. 4 AAeala 4. &.AA.A ► w a t ✓s Milirnery Openin a d MRS. M c iK I ISI L A S' will hold her Fall Millinery Opening on frida�y, & Saturday Sept. 25 & 26 When the Large, Fashionable and Well Assorted Stock bo on display. The Ladies of Brussels and locality cordially attend. in,-V MISS WELLS, of Quebec, who hes had a wide O1 ty Millinery has boon engaged for the Season. The undersigned is grateful for hast patronage and its continuanee. Prises always moderate and satisfaction assllrod. Ml is. it PKI- NLAY invited to experience Solicits to the West having deckled hie Mete Hoe in a 1011> 1Jiis Summer,. C;oteena'rt+aaTioNsi._,_Tina Vu,er ,'r tc mb:lu'arty eungratulatiuns to Ay, 1) i„ Livingstone, merchant, of Delete, Asst(., "('et, leis Inerr7Age. o11 August 19th, l0 :Mies henna Davidson, who was a memo] trewhe'r' in that vielnity. The groom it; well ]mown here and has 1)1.4,11 so well trained in sc'('ret Sor.imties that he kept 11180111 friends in this lo- cality i0 I he dark about the impor- ter)) eteml. We wish. Mr. and Afro. 1,3 virigetone many happy yeas. - Oran b roe it Miss 'retest Switzer Sll ]+Hayed >it home, 3110th Emma Hunter has 11(110n a situate») i1> Brussels. J, IJuutea' 18 putting a fresh coat of paint on 1118 house this week, Miss Lizzlefaddate has been 01410n - ed to the item» in Loudon. Me. and Al1•t.11ul6ltinsonand child - Pen spit»! 0 few days at the home of A. Tyerno>n. Miss Mina and Sylvester Fox were visiting 1'violets and taking in 1 he Pair in Loudon last week, A letter from .Itllol. Mt(,)narrie•, from Howard, $ask.. 10]1(1 recently moved there from Govan, says ;-1 left Govan about two weeks ago. The crops were partly cut and it was ea- 1nP d e t catP r g I t a efrnm 10 to 13i)u,hfle per tare. My brother here hurl 00 acres that averaged 14 bushels per arra. We are having fine weather for tlu•eshius,, and if it continues a. month may finish it, Wheat around here is being graded No. 3 Northern. There iln8 been no tr'vublar in securing help for' threshing but their, wits 110 over -supply like, what Regina and the large cities had. Leadbur. Y PIONEER PASSES AWAY. -Another of the pioneers of MeKillop passed away on Thursday, 37t1r inst., in. the person of Mie. James Fulton, >m. De- ceased had been in poor health for some time and death was not unex- pected. Site WAS 72 years of age and WAS married to Jaynes Fulton, of Blanshard township, Perth County, fifty-five years ago. Her maiden name was Margaret Crouse. After a few years' residence fn Blanshard and Usborne they moved to McKillop, near Leadbur'y, Over forty years ago where she continued to reside until her death. Mts. Fulton was )veld in the highest esteem by all who knew her. She leaves a husband and the following family to mourn. her loss :- John, Detroit ; Samuel, 7mle.y City ; Hugh, in Washington State ; James, McKillop ; Mrs. Barlow, Toronto ; Mrs. Scott, Dnlnth ; Mrs. Wheeler, Duluth ; Mrs. Armstrong, Wood - 'midge and Mrs. 13elfone, McKillop. The funeral on Saturday to the Brus- sels cemetery was largely attended.. Rev. Mr. Tyler, of Walton, conducted the services at the: ]rouse and grave. The pall -bearer;& were William Uudie, Huger Fulton, John Fulton, David Crawford, Peter - Barrows and C. Milian. Much sympathy is extended. to tihe bereaved family. Morris Corn tis a good crop in Morris. 23c. in &(10011 e, will secure Tm POST to any Canadian address until ,Tan. 1st. 1900. Mrs. Dodds has been visiting the familyo f James Davis, r 5th Ric. She h is adauS•t lter. Morris may melte a dive for that double team hlirhing race at Brussels Pall Fairs a. well as Grey. Next Sabbath anniversary serm0ne will be preached at Browntown by Rev. E. C, Powell, nt Brussels. Voters' List Court for Morris town- ship will be held at the Town Hall, Bnssels, nn Oct 8th at 10 rt. m. Voters' List Corot for Morris will be held. in Brussels on Thursday, Oct• 8th at 10 a. m. There etre over 40 are peals entered. Connolly & Co. was awarded the contract of completing the Kelly Drain at ;$6339.00, worn( to bo finished by Nov. 1st, 1008. bliss Lily Mooney, 5th line, is home from a health giving visit at Khmer - dine greatly improved. We visit 1101' e eompleto restoration to her old time 0Jgnt'. The rate of taxation for Morris township hes been street( for the 0111? - rent yeae, Por township purposes it will be 3 3/10 mills on the dollar and for County purposes 2/10. Report says that Toe Miller, a in 1 wellknown hors>rnai '. horseman, of: this town- ship (1w)-srr 1 as a driving horse that noes not hatrtottal.nanybody's dust.Ile H xe- fused $300.00 for it the other day Mr. and Mrs. Small, of Sparta, who have been visiting atthe ]tome of D and Mr's. Baclgley fora a couple of weeks, have returned home, Mrs. Small and Mr, Badgley axe brother and sister. A box aocial rnlder the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society, Will be held at Thos Bielhy's, Sth con., on Friday evening of this week. A good time is expected and everyone is invited to attend. Miss Gertie Biolby has rctlnned from Toronto where she has spent the last two wales. She was accompan- ied by her sister, Mrs. 3, W. Calder, who will spend a short 1isne at home, Last Sabbath armsversnry sermons were pee -ached at Jahnaton`'s church, 1st trite, by Rev, IT, W, McTavish, of Clon'ie,Instead of a tea meeting a free will offering was taken. The clay Was one of pond(.. 14eYtraoctn of Morris Comet]. will be held on I31nnrlay, Ori 19th, Comet of Revision on the Johnston mad Mc- Donald Drains will be held nn the afternoon of the sante day at 2 and 13 o'rlert: respr e lively. We are. pleased 1(1 1101 ell that Chris. Miehic, a former Morrisite, was awarded 4111 prize, in a competition of 60 mitten for the best all round vege- table garden at Ilespelcr, The prizes were awarded by the local Hnrtieul' lural Society, Mr. Michie has seine picture post ('4)rts of 1118 tasty spot. Walton pes'rar..-1)r, 781111 will visit Walton on Monday, $1f1). ,8th, and every 1'1.0 >,'eelis after that date. Helm)). Lo ooaaulte0 in Mrs. Me- Kines Hotel. 113">' are waiting for Brussels halt Vain A telephone 1118 teen placed ill the C. 1:'. ll:. station. Russell l'oi'ter 1H home front tt r'isi3. with Windsor friends, Mrs, De. Nrlcr.htel, of Wi>u>iprg, i+s visiting 1'rieu1.8 1>> Ibis1ovelily. Andrew Maleohu, of 1Jauphfo. Man., 18 a \'isilr at Andiarw John - Quite a number olut- Quiteanumber from here took in the Laurier Demonstration at Clinton on Wednesday, 1\'lissionary sermons will beprearlie(1 in the Methodist !heretics on Walton circuit next Sabbath. A new eenlent platform Lias been put down in front of the hotel which 10111te8 (31111.0 /111 ilnp)•neer0ent, Frank McKim left on Friday of had week for Fort William where he take,: a position 10 an elevator. :ataliou agent Thomas was called to his home at Waterloo this week ow - in to the serious ss n broth- er. n - g i s tune f his r th ti Childrens' Day will be observed in Dans church next Sabbath lnortring The regularly prepared program will he followed. Jas. Carter has moved to Louis Wil- liamson's farm in Grey and T1ms. Ryan has taken up residence in the house vacated by 31r, Carter. Sunday afternoon Rev. 0. Saunder'e, of Lncknow, will conduct the annual Thanksgiving services nes rel 5t George's rhurcir 1n this lame 1 usual t l l at the esu t hour. P Rev. A.MacNabh t as sunflowers growing at the manse that will punk the most expert to out do. The heads of several of them measure over 13 inches. The annual meeting of the Walton branch of the Bible. Society will be held in the Methodist church on Tues- day evening, Oct, 0th. :Rev. P. J. McLaren, of Shakespeare, will give the address: Morris Council The Council met according to ad- journment iu the Council room on Sept. ret)). Members all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Air. Shaw that this Council let the con- tract of completing the Kelly drain to Wm. Connelly & Co. For the sum of $631), to be completed by Nov. 1st rgo8. Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. McCutcbeoo that a rate of 2 1.10 mills be struck for County purposes and 3 8 10 mills for Township purposes for the current year. Carried. Mov:d by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Campbell that the Court of Revision on the Johnston and McDonald drains he held on Monday,_ Oct. loth. at tate hours of 2 and 3 o'clock respectively. Carried. Account!: were ordered to be paid as s follows •- ihuCau bev, repairing cul- vert, $1.00 Mhos. Bielby, repairing col vert, $1.75 Jno. McCaughey, grading and gravelling. $r7,15 ; D. Laidlaw, tile drain, $5,50 ; D. Stalker, putting in culvert \'Vest boundary, $7.00 ; C. Johns- to n. drawing gravel West boundary, , 85c. Jas.Rtssr1I farm bridge on Cole drain, $15,00; Jno. Barr, gravel, $2.45 P. Fowler, gravel. $3.41 ; A. Pollock, gravel, $3.50 • Sommerville,e1ville gravel, $2.70: Jno, McFAdzean, gravel, $1,89 ; 1. H. Sellars gravel, $4.56 ; Jno. Brown, repairing culvert, $2,50 ; Alex, McEwen, gravel, $6.45 ; Elliott Bros., tile, $1t.44; 1). Lewis, work on Blue -- vale still, $17.04; 11. Lewis, wort: on North bomtclary, $4.00 ; D. Ramsay, tile and work, $4 75 ; A. Cochrane, put- ting in culvert. ($2.75 ; H. ]lone, repair- ing culvert, $4.00 ; Robb and 'Thornton. filling in wash out, $13,00 ; D. Sommer- ville. taking down old bridges, tepair- ing Marlys bridge add making road through river, $28:75 ; Wnt, Abram, re- pairing Hughes" bridge, $2 004 Vint & Love, cement arch on 6th line, $r50.00 ; Trees Grey, Morris share of cement arch on hast boundary, $88.0o ; Treas. Grey, assessment on L'wnn drain, $37,00 ; jas, heruaghen. drain on Sth line, 10,25 ; W, 13. Kerr, printing Johnston drain By-laws, $15.00 , W. H. Kerr, arintiug McDonald drain 13y151vs, $35.00. - Bv-laws numbers 11 & r2, authorizing the Collection of Township, County and School rates for the current year, v ere duly read and passed Council then adjourned to meet again on the 19111 day of Oct. next, W. Clam, 01.1Mx Asa Bancroft, of Vankleek Hill, died soddenly, Bishop Carmichael was stricken with heart failure in the vestry at Montreal, and is in a critical condition. The August hn111) statement shows an increase of $5,673,178 in deposits in Canada. In August last year they de. cliued $3,286,606, Hon A, 13, Ayleswortll ]las returned from Vienna with his hearing greatly improved, and will immediately lance part in the campaign in Ontario. Mr. Borden's meetiogat Montreal was a most disorderly one. and a ,quad of police had to be called in before the Conservative lender could get a hearing. Alex. S. C. Thomas, while returnlug home from 1obcaygeon recently with a horse and buggy was surprised to find three bears in the roada f about 1th ell a colla South of his home, They were an old bear and two cubs. Owing t0 the good berry crop, prob'lhly, all were rolling fat rind as tem as three teddy ]:ears, The horse offered no objection 'to their presence, nn(1 they had to be "shooed" to one side of the toad, where they sat on their haunches looking disgustedly. at the vehicle that had troubled them to move out of the way. W h o Will it Cie ? To the hatter of Tor: Plsm: DEAR $1 It - Fortlu 1`• past year or o s we have heard from both sides titi > litics that we t should have more l.rrn:ers 25 represen. >. :itis••l)o r . • > i t 1 l4 1 r! Parliament, 3111 It was the cry that had to do with touting you out of the running and with the gerl'ytnaud. ('11 rum now being tl>e (11101 1)1.ref Center Huron for tee A, enibty, Now if it air plied to that riding it must certainly ap- ply to l;a,t 11 nen at the approaching eleetiuus for the commons as it consists of five large townshipS. one towna and, three villages and has lornearly a mentor of a century been represented yby a Dr. >t anc ' intlteperson.c of Mel m tandC,his!)n1m• The firs' for the lust few ycnrs-brew the sum ta ei5nuayear 'R0 sesiaoual- uity and the latter drew each year the sun) of $2, see or in all $>0,000 for him- •- self. The first got a good post Office for his town anal the latter g„t nothing for Mr her the 1i di ng; er any >upporterand 1S not likely ' should he be again elected for be wil• be i0 OW105113017 unless ho ,1(res as he has in thr past gels on the other side of thelenee. It seeurs to 'be a rule of all Governments tugive more lavishly to their friends so we should have a sup- corter of the Government as there 1s no hance at theresent time of getting a change, The Couservahve party has to get rid of the Fosters, Fowlers and such of that ills before the coon try and busi- mess men will risk a chauge and place their faith in them as they cannot forget that "nest of traitors" lid by Geo. E, Foster and the financial times before 1896. One of Dr, Chisholm's cries at the last campaign was that Dr. McDon- ald got and kept everything in sight yet every one knows, let hint be Liberal or Conservative that Dr. Cbrsholm has gone one better than McDonald even hile drawing Sas., eac li year. He has Said he should step aside for a younger man and during the last campaign told both publicly and privately; that he was only running for one term, 1 see from posters that there is to be a Convention called to put a mu into -the-6eld for the riding for the Commons in the Conser- vative interests and yet we know that Dr. Chisholm when not at Oltawaor in the West looking after his financial in- terests there has been daily canvassing for votes, 1> 11 canvassing hut begging for them on the ground that he is a poor man having lost his practice by being our member. He did not think of that when opposing Dr. McDonald or that he has in fouryears drawn $ to,000.00 of our money. The Convention is surely not going to be a farce in the face of this or is it the intention of the party to do jus- tice to Jas. Bowman who was knifed in the Local by the machine in Wingham that gerrymandered the County and a- bused the said Bowman on every oppor- tunity in a way that wits never clone by any Liberal. Such a machine is said by one very near to Bowman to be run in the interests of Dr. Chisholm) and otberaspir- ing Conservatives in town of Wingham. It may be a case of the party wanting to do justice even at this late hour and it is sincerely trusted such is the case and to give effect to the cry let us have a farmer for our representative which we (cer- tainly will have If such is done as thea o c i 1 both and dales will be farmersd an either of themwill a t ll nr,ke n better tepee - Ken naive than Chisholm. We will. have to wait until after next Monday to know . whether the party is still run by the few or by the party at large `which is willing and anxious to do justice to Mr. Bowman and run lar.In n mer. the event of the Convention showing that it is stilt in the hands of the clique • the nmod ludo.Te tConservatives ) will still have it in their power to shake themselves clear oft the machine by breaking it voting Fora representative farmer in the person of Archie Hislop, Yours, A \'ol•ra, North Middlesex Conservatives nom- inated J Doyle for the Commons. President Falconer, of the 'University of Toronto, spoke betore the Orillia Canadian club on the "Essence of the National Spirit." Mistaking arsenic powder for common salts, Miss Rose Doyle, aged 38 years, daughter of the late John Doyle, Chat- ham, met tragic death during Sunday night. She sank into unconsciousness and died au hour after physicians ar- rived, Christian Miller, aged r5 years, who was engaged with his Either North of Estevan, stook threshing, was watering horses Monday nt noun, when the whistle of the threshing engine blew and seared the horses. They ran away, dragging the boy some distance, lie Was picked upbel 1 V Cal mangled 1811 and(' P 1 - ]ted forty lite minutes later, John Paxton carpenter , a of Blocky vide died on Sunday In the hospital from lockjaw, which developed on Friday after stepping on tI rusty nail. Foetal) was 63 years of age and was horn near London, Out., and afterwards lived in Montreal and Hamilton,, where he worked at his trade, Be (vent to Brookville six years ago and has been employed as carpenter for several con. tractors. He was a steady and Indus- trious man and much respected. The acljoul nett meeting of .the bust- uess men of Milvortou wa» held - Friday night 10 hear the report. o1 the commit • - tee preview:le appointed to comthunioate with the secretaries of different boards of trade for the purpose of gathering.,in- formation relative to the olgauizatiou 01 such en association with a view to forming aboard of trade. The report was favorably received, nuc1 organization tools place, with the following elected officers for the ensuing year : President, I3 M, Schaefer , vice president, lout 2 , 1, laanuey secretary, A J Centiick, tleastu'er, 1.1 L, l:ngleland. Board of directors Louis Pfeffer 1'. Pavlcer, 133, 0 J. 0, Grosch W. F, 7Ini 1)00151', George Gunther, Te, Lederman, D. 1), • S;, A constitution and by -leis are be. ing prepared, and when ootnploted' regular nleetlugs will be held for the - peip0se of discussing matters pertain• ing to the Welfare of the town.